3 proven methods to get rid of the evil eye or damage

In this article we will figure out what damage is, what types there are and its signs, as well as how to remove damage and how to protect yourself from it in the future. At its core, damage is a powerful charge of black energy, which manifests itself in different ways. It all depends on the direction of the curse and on the person’s inner strength. You can remove energy damage in various ways - the choice is yours. For example, if you are an Orthodox person, then you definitely need to find out what prayers remove damage.

Every day the victim's condition will worsen if no measures are taken. This is due to the gradual destruction of thin layers of our energy field. And the stability of this factor is very important for our well-being. There is only one conclusion: we need to get rid of the evil eye and the curse.

What is damage and what is the evil eye?

The ancient eastern sages said:

“Until you know the enemy thoroughly, you will not defeat him.”

The saying is perfect for those who are going to fight the induced curse.

There is one important difference between damage and the evil eye - this is intentionality. Damage always has a specific direction, but the evil eye can occur without a person’s desire - just one outburst of unkind emotions is enough. But the signs of these manifestations of black magic are very similar.

If you begin to suspect that you have been damaged or the evil eye has been cast, find out whether this is actually so. Here are some main signs:

  • You constantly feel a headache. It changes, moves from one part of the head to another. And so on in a circle. Even at night, during sleep, you are unable to fully rest due to the incessant migraine.
  • There was a complete apathy towards life. If in the past you were interested in something, now you look at everything without interest.
  • You don't care about events or people. Friends notice a drastic change in your behavior.
  • The family faded into the background, or even into the background.
  • You are unable to regain your strength and suffer from chronic fatigue. Because of this, you have outbursts of irritability and aggression.


Make an appointment with me for diagnostics >>>

Have you experienced at least three of the above symptoms? Then it won’t hurt you to find out how to remove the damage yourself (yourself). It needs to be dealt with immediately.

When you need to do waxing - the worst way to ruin your life

So, pouring spoilage on wax is good. But we turn to a specialist only when things get really bad and difficult. When life is bursting at the seams and problems come one after another. Only when we are bogged down in problems and cannot cope with them, the thought comes to our minds:

“Should I go see grandma? Maybe I have an evil eye or damage?

Do you recognize yourself? )))

It would, of course, be more correct to constantly monitor the quality work of your energy centers and chakras and not bring them to a deplorable state. This is how we brush our teeth every day to keep them healthy. In the same way, our energy sector needs cleaning.

Most often we do not hear the first bells. We don't pay attention to the first signs of trouble. We shrug it off until the last moment and think, “Somehow I’ll get to this….and that…” Meanwhile, the tangle of problems is only growing.

So what to do if you have already reached a deplorable state, to the very end? Act and don’t delay! There are many options. You can pour out damage with wax, you can roll it out with an egg, you can perform energy cleansing, clean the cocoon, restore chakras and much more. Now, specifically in this article, we are only talking about how to do wax pouring.

What benefits does casting with wax give?

Casting wax removes damage. People say “remove damage.” This means restoring a person’s healthy energy in order to get rid of problems. Damage can be removed in various ways. One of the most effective is wax casting.

How do you know if you have damage?

As I said earlier, damage is not something abstract, incomprehensible or secret. Damage is when you have problems in life. If you have: health problems, quarrels or disagreements in the family, difficulties at work, lack of understanding with children and loved ones, a series of failures and misfortunes haunts you.

Most likely this is caused by damage or the evil eye. Simply put, if you have difficulties, difficulties, then it’s not just like that, there are reasons for it - problems in the energy sector, damage or the evil eye. These problems in energy are visible on the subtle plane in the form of dark energies, breakdowns, and deformation of the cocoon. And wax helps to remove, remove, get rid of the root cause of all these difficulties.

In addition, you can check whether you definitely have damage in one of the following ways:

How do they cause damage?

There are several ways to damage a person:

  • Using a church candle . When we light a candle on the church altar, we think that its flame brings all our prayers to the Lord. But this can be prevented by an enemy. Wait until the flame goes out completely and only then leave the temple.
  • According to the photo . The image of a person is not an ordinary picture; it is initially charged with energy and can serve as an information transmitter. This is why it is not recommended to show photographs of babies to strangers.
  • Enemy damage . The ritual uses a photo of the victim. They wrap him in a red rag and beat him with a whip for a long time. The procedure is repeated for two weeks.
  • The evil eye is on the trail . The sorcerer cuts out the remains of the trace from the ground or snow and burns it at the stake with a special spell.

Using water

The ideal time to perform this ritual would be Sunday during the waning moon. You will need 3 matches and holy or spring water. You need to pour the liquid into a transparent container and read the spell: “Water fell from the sky, flowed along the ground, it will take away the damage from me, wash away all the failures. Amen!"

Then light the candles one by one, crossing the water with each of them, and break off the burnt wood into a container. The one who has been damaged must wash himself with this water three times. And pour out the remaining water after washing in a deserted place. This ritual must be repeated until the signs of the harmful effects of damage disappear.

All types of damage to a person

There are countless types of damage that affect people in different ways.

If you notice the first signs of the evil eye, do not panic. Your task is to find out how to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself. Remember that anyone can face this situation. This is not fatal, but quite dangerous, so you need to take action immediately.

To death

The purpose of such a program is the early death of the victim of witchcraft. Damage to death attracts accidents or terrible diseases.

It happens that a person resists damage on his own. This speaks of his inner strength.

For lack of money

No one is immune from bankruptcy. But magicians have long noticed that money damage does not stick to those people who are generous.

If you do not suffer from a painful attachment to money, you are not afraid of the spells of evil sorcerers.

For loneliness

This type is more often applied to the female sex, because it is women who perceive loneliness as a personal defeat.

Constant failures in relationships or the crown of celibacy are the consequences of an induced curse. To get rid of evil spells, you need to use a special spell or prayer against damage to loneliness.

For family and relationships

Because of a witchcraft ritual, even the strongest family can fall apart. Moreover, such an evil eye is cast on one of the spouses, after which he becomes aggressive and angry. It is possible that the victim will be tempted to cheat.

The object of the evil eye cannot explain the changes in behavior on its own; it is as if someone from the outside is directing it.

I recommend reading:

How to remove damage to a house or apartment

How to perform a protective ritual?

Diagnosis of wax damage can be performed on any day, except Sundays and church holidays.

For women, wax casting is recommended to be done on women's days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For men, the ritual is recommended on Tuesday and Thursday.

Before you start removing damage with beeswax, you need to prepare a container with clean well water, about 200 grams of beeswax, a metal mug and a small basin. For the ritual to be effective, it is necessary to stop using tap water.

Water for the ritual is always collected just before dawn. If water is taken from a well, then it is drawn in the direction from west to east. If river water is used for the ritual, it is drawn upstream. When collecting living water, you need to read the plot:

Upon returning home, a person may have a strong desire to turn around and look back. This desire must be fought, otherwise the ritual will be ineffective. On the way home, you should not engage in conversation with passers-by.

The casting ceremony should be performed after sunset. First, you need to pour the collected water into a wide basin and place a silver object in the container, which will help disinfect the water.

Meanwhile, the metal mug is placed on low heat and the prepared wax is immediately placed in it. When the material heats up, you can see that it has formed a shape. This figure will help determine the presence of damage to a person. To decipher the figure, you need to use your imagination.

The following figures indicate the presence of damage to a person:

  • acute-angled figures;
  • columns;
  • loops;
  • bumps.

It is believed that the presence of such figures indicates that the damage passed to the person from blood relatives. Damage can be done to health, personal life, finances and luck. The method of using wax described above allows you to find out whether a person has damage or not. If a negative effect is present, it is necessary to remove the damage with wax.

How to remove damage:

  1. To carry out the ritual of removing damage, you need to take a cup, a ladle, an oven mitt, a towel and a metal mug. If the ritual will be organized without the presence of a person who needs to be cleansed of damage, then you need to prepare a photo of any format showing the person. You will also need church candles and Orthodox icons.
  2. The casting container is filled with water, and before that it is placed on a photograph of the person if he is absent from the ceremony. Meanwhile, the wax is melted in a metal mug over low heat. Meanwhile, a ladle of water is placed above the person’s head. The melted wax is then slowly poured into the water while reading this spell.
  3. After this action, you need to carefully examine the resulting wax figurine and decipher it.


  • if the wax bubbles, this indicates that the person is suffering from nervous shock;
  • if the column points downward, then the person has severe damage;
  • if the columns are “overgrown” with branches, then we are talking about damage done in the cemetery;
  • bumps on wax indicate that a person has been negatively affected by the hatred of others;
  • if waves with bulges have formed on the wax, this indicates that the person has suffered from fright;
  • if on the wax you can see a loop in the shape of an embryo, then the person was damaged even before he was born;
  • a ring on wax indicates that damage has been done to work and material wealth;
  • a figure resembling a male genital organ indicates that a love spell was cast on the person;
  • the image of female genital organs on wax means damage to health.

A figurine resembling a coffin and a cross testifies to damage to death. The appearance of a rose on wax indicates that someone is envious of a person’s happy personal life and dreams of destroying it.

Esotericists who practice wax casting recommend performing the ritual several times. During the first casting, you can cleanse your brain and thoughts from damage. The second casting is called cardiac, and the third helps to cleanse the genital area of ​​negative influences.

After performing the ritual to remove wax damage, you need to get rid of the water. To do this, you need to take a container with liquid, find a deserted place and pour out the water after reading such a conspiracy

After completing the ritual, the wax figure is burned and the cinders are buried in the ground, while reading the Orthodox prayer “Our Father.”

  • We remove spoilage with salt;
  • List of the best spells to remove damage;
  • Orthodox prayers against damage and the evil eye - https://magjournal.info/porcha-i-sglaz/pravoslavnye-molitvy-ot-proklyatij/.

How to remove damage yourself (at home)

Let's figure out how to remove the damage yourself. Any curse is a rite of black magic - it can not only harm, but even attract death. A person begins to suffer from illness, fatigue, apathy and depression. And every day the condition is getting worse and worse.

Seek help from a professional magician. Experts will tell you how to remove the evil eye and damage from a person at home. The decision should be made immediately - after all, every minute is valuable!

Using an egg

Let's see how to remove damage from eggs. For the ritual you need to prepare seven fresh eggs, church candles, an icon from the church and a photograph of the victim.

Article on the topic:

Effective egg spells

Carry out the sacred act completely alone and preferably in complete silence. Sit at the table and place an icon, photo and candles in front of you (they should be lit). Start rolling the egg over the photo with the words:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. From the Prayer of the Mother of God, from the Cross of Jesus, from the Seal of Christ, from the Saints of Help, from my word, get away, unclean demon, cursed spirit, to dry trees, to mosses and swamps, and there is your place of life, stay and will, and there you scream, and Do not act arbitrarily as a servant of God (name). The Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, all the heavenly power: Michael the Archangel, the Avoid Angel and all the Holy Wonderworkers: Iathon and Maroth, Dmitry of Rostov, Elijah the Prophet, Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. George the Victorious and King David, John the Baptist and Vasily Istopher and Nikita Great Martyr and my word is terrible and the conspiracy is strong! I forbid you, cursed demon, unclean spirit, do not live anywhere, do not be a servant of God (name), go out now and this minute with all the damage and enchantments and get away from the servant of God (name) and go to your place where you were , and where the Lord God, Jesus Christ sent you and where he ordered you to live, into the abyss of the underworld, into an empty land, unmade, go there, live there, and leave this servant (name) forever, from now on and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Repeat the ritual for a week.

With salt

For a magical ritual, prepare a pack of table salt, a frying pan (not necessarily a new one), a plate, a photograph of the sufferer and candles.

Article on the topic:

Protective amulets made of salt

When night falls, light candles on the kitchen table. Heat a handful of salt on the stove. And start saying the spell:

“Sacred salt, consecrated salt, take all the nasty things from the servant of God (name). Everything that has been spoiled, everything that has been fixed, everything that has been repaired, everything that has been smoothed out, drunk with drink, eaten with food, taken with a lining, with an evil word, given by an evil eye, even to a young woman, even to a young woman, even to a young woman, even to an old woman, even to a man, even to an old man, even to a child. a little one, even a cold dead person, even a sister, even a brother, even a single father, even a dear mother, even a married husband or wife. Take it and carry it along the flowing water to the ocean sea, to Buyan Island. As I said, as I wished, so it will be. Amen"

Sprinkle the magic salt on top of the photo and leave it overnight. The ritual is performed seven times.

Using holy water

Go to the temple: get holy water and buy candles. When you return home, wait until noon and begin the ritual.

Pour some water into a regular glass jar and read over it:

“Pure water, pure blood, save and preserve the servant of God (name of the corrupted one) from the evil eye, from the bad hour, from the hated and bad. Amen!"

Cross the charmed liquid and throw three lit matches into it. You can wash your face and even drink with water.

With the help of runes

There are several runes used to remove damage:

  • Nautiz - Soulu - Nautiz . This is a very strong method, so it is recommended to use it only in the most extreme cases. Runes draw out of a person not only harmful energy, but also internal forces. It will take a couple of days of complete rest to recover.
  • Yer – Soulu – Hagalaz – Soulu – Yer . This is a softer option. It removes the threat and gives a person vigor.
  • Eyvaz – Soulu – Hagalaz – Soulu – Yer . In the formula, attention should be paid to each rune. When applying runes, say the name of each symbol. When you read the hex, also ask for help from each rune. Otherwise, the symbols may cause harm.

Before you understand how to remove the evil eye and damage yourself with the help of runes, you will delve into all the details of these ancient symbols. Without knowledge, you can harm yourself.

Ways to cleanse yourself

With the help of a candle from the temple, you can cleanse yourself, loved ones and your home from damage and the evil eye. After all, under the influence of negativity everything will be destroyed.

Cleaning the house

There are several ways to clean your home from damage.

Method one

Place the candle purchased in the temple in a candlestick and light it. Then walk around all the rooms clockwise with it in your hands. All windows must be opened during the ritual in order for negativity to leave the house. Also, be careful not to let the wax drip onto your hands. To do this, you can make a paper skirt around the candle. As you walk around your home, read these words:

In those places where the candle will crackle and smoke, you need to linger longer until the fire becomes even.

When cleaning, special attention should be paid to the corners, because this is where all the negativity accumulates.

Method two

For the ritual you will need the following things:

  • black church candle;
  • bowl;
  • soot

Draw three crosses in one row on a plate with soot. Place a candle in the middle of the second cross and light it. After this, stomp on the floor three times with your left foot, and then with your right foot. Next, read the words of the conspiracy:

The spell must be repeated seven times, and each time stomp your feet in the correct sequence.

Method one

In order to cleanse the human aura of negativity, you need to do the following. Place the victim of magic on a chair and light a candle. A person should look at the flame for several minutes, then read the words of the conspiracy:

You need to repeat the spell until the flame burns evenly and cleanly.

Method two

Light a candle in front of the person who needs healing. Stand behind his back and begin to move it along the person’s body from the tailbone to the top of the head. You also need to capture the distance above the person’s head, about fifteen centimeters. The candle needs to be rotated counterclockwise. There is no need to rush, because this way you can miss the place where bad energy has accumulated. The ritual should be repeated three times.

Consequences of damaging a candle in a cemetery

Using magic to harm another person always carries consequences. But the most terrible consequences come after cemetery damage. After such damage, a person may die or go crazy. The person who caused this type of damage may become fatally ill or remain infertile. His sin will also be passed on to his children and grandchildren. So you need to think very carefully before doing anything.

Now you know how to remove damage from yourself at home with a candle, and you can protect yourself from the evil of your enemies.

How to remove damage using a church candle

Prayers to remove damage and the evil eye

In the most difficult situations, we are accustomed to turning to saints for help. A conversation with the Creator helps restore peace of mind and remove negativity. Do you want to know how to remove damage with prayers?

There is a very strong prayer to remove damage, addressed to Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel Michael of God and other ethereal heavenly powers, the holy prophet John the Baptist, the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina , St. Nicholas, Archbishop Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, Abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Wonderworker, holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, saints and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and all Your saints, help to us, unworthy, the servant of God (name). Deliver him from all slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crafty people, so that they cannot cause him any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save him for the morning, for the day , for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

It is read over water. Within a couple of days, the symptoms of damage will begin to leave you, and in a week complete healing will come.

Pour the damage onto the wax

To remove damage using wax, you need to buy two or three large candles from the church and take holy water. You will also need your own photograph or a photograph of the person from whom you want to remove the exposure, and a glass bowl.

In the evening, stay alone so that no one disturbs you. Melt the wax in a saucepan while reciting the Lord's Prayer. First, pour holy water into a glass bowl and place it on the photo.

When the wax has melted, remove the wicks. Pour liquid wax slowly into the water and read the spell 3 times:

When the wax hardens, remove it with a knife and place it on the newspaper. That same evening you need to take the casting outside and bury it in the ground or throw it into the river. Holy water should be poured under the roots of a dry tree.

If the patient's condition does not improve, perform the ritual two more times. The removal of damage can also be observed in the casting - it should be smooth. If the bottom of the casting is lumpy, continue casting.

Keep in mind that after the castings you may feel unwell - either have a headache, or feel nauseous, or feel a loss of strength. This is fine. The condition will improve soon.

Conspiracies against damage and the evil eye

Damage can be different: one can prevent you from carrying out your plans, while another attracts death. In any case, it is aimed at causing harm to the victim. Today everyone should know what conspiracies remove damage in order to help themselves at the right time.

Special words get rid of the black charge of energy and help restore former luck. If you know for sure about the curse, immediately take decisive action. Otherwise, the negativity will spread further and further.

Information on the topic:

  • Powerful conspiracies to return damage
  • Effective spells against damage and the evil eye
  • How to cleanse your house and apartment of negativity

Damage is very similar to a fatal disease: it increases every day, like a malignant tumor. If you do not take up its treatment, the person will gradually die.

The strongest spells will help remove the damage done to you and block future magical interventions. I recommend casting spells for the waning moon.

Here are examples of powerful conspiracies:

  • From envious people:

“God bless me too. Take some water, Holy Mary, wash away the lessons, the touches, the envious eyes, the hateful looks: male, female, fluffy, girlish, thought, promised, told fortunes, faked, whispered, stuck on. Take from me, water, all envy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

It is pronounced over water, which is then used for food and washing.

  • From your own evil eye

Sometimes we ourselves, without meaning to, bring damage upon ourselves. To prevent this from happening, before each bath, say over the water:

“I gaped at myself, I cawed at myself, I’ll help myself.”

  • From loneliness

Often ill-wishers wish a person loneliness. Without friends, without love and without loved ones, life becomes a burden. This spell will help:

“God’s water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana. My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned. I wash away the centuries, I put on the wedding crown. God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana. Let the grooms look and want to marry themselves. Key. Lock. Language. Amen"

It is advisable to read it in a bathhouse, but an ordinary bathroom will do.

A candle and salt will take away the negativity forever

This ritual can save people who truly believe in higher powers from the negative influence and evil eye. After sunset, fill a wide container with warm water and lower your feet. The liquid should only cover the ankles. Place a handful of regular coarse salt in your right hand and throw it into the water. Close your eyes, completely relax, don’t think about bad things. All thoughts should be filled with positivity. Imagine how salt takes away all witchcraft and negativity. After fifteen minutes have passed, take the sacred, lit candle in your left hand. It should burn to the ground on its own. While the whole candle burns, the water may cool down, thereby causing your feet to freeze. Therefore, you can use half the candle. The ritual will not only remove the evil eye, but also clear the negative field that has formed next to you.

A candle and salt will take away the negativity forever

Amulets from damage and the evil eye

Each of us, without exception, can become a victim of a witchcraft attack. The evil eye can be caused by both a professional magician and an ordinary person who has a strong energy field. Essentially, the evil eye is a huge wave of negative energy that attracts misfortune.

There are a number of special amulets that help weaken magical effects. They are designed to build a powerful defense against the evil intentions of other people.

In addition, their influence extends to other areas of life: the owner of such a talisman notices positive changes in his personal life, in financial matters, and in internal feelings.

Most amulets can be made yourself.

Here are the main protective amulets against the evil eye:

  • Red thread

Probably the most common talisman in recent times. Almost every second person puts a red thread on their wrist, but is not aware of the need to activate it. Without the appropriate procedure, the thread simply will not work.

Firstly, it should be noted that the amulet is worn on the left hand (it is this side that is responsible for the correct movement of human energy). Secondly, they tie it with seven knots. And thirdly, the ritual is performed with faith in the soul.

  • Pin

This is the best option for a small child whose aura is not yet fully formed and can easily be damaged. It is worth speaking to the pin or at least reading a prayer over it. Then make three signs of the cross and attach them to the baby’s clothes so that no one notices.

  • Mirror

Sometimes the mirror is credited with having bad properties, but in fact, it can turn into an excellent bodyguard. Experts advise pregnant women not to leave home without a small mirror in their bag. All negativity will be reflected from its surface and directed back to ill-wishers.

  • Magic mineral

Many of us know about the special properties of natural stones. To choose your personal gem, you should contact a specialist. He will pay attention to your zodiac sign, character traits, appearance and help with your choice.

It has long been known that stones have powerful protective properties. They are connected to natural elements, so sometimes they need to be recharged.

  • Salt

It turns out that ordinary salt is a magical tool. If you charge it correctly, you can get rid of the surrounding evil forever. Heat some salt in a frying pan. Take a small pinch into your fist and say into it: “Go back to where you came from.” Pour everything into the bag and never part with it. This amulet is valid for exactly six months - after which replace it with a new one.

  • Coin

This talisman was extremely popular among the Slavic people. It was believed that curses and damage would not harm the owner of such a talisman. And, if the evil eye has already been applied, you need to throw the coin over your left shoulder, then pick it up and heat it on fire. Hang it around your neck: now you are reliably protected from evil spells.

  • Cross

You will need a couple of needles. Tie them in the form of a cross and hide them near the door of your house. No demonic force will be able to get inside your home.

  • Tattoo

Drawing symbolic designs on the body is a long-standing tradition. Even in ancient times, tribal leaders or great warriors warded off trouble from themselves in this way. And today tattoos play the role of protectors. Before making a design on the body, find out its meaning. Otherwise, you may attract trouble to yourself.

  • Bracelet

Many people are interested in the question: is it possible to remove damage from yourself? To do this you will need only three threads of different colors: green, blue and red. Each shade is responsible for different areas of life. Green - will bring you monetary success. Blue - will help cope with diseases. And red symbolizes good luck and good mood. Tie the threads together and secure with a knot.

  • Icon or candle

We are talking about an item purchased from God's temple. Such things are saturated with holy energy. But their strength can be increased. To do this, place a candle or icon in a bowl of salt for one night.

I recommend reading:

How to protect yourself from black magic and witchcraft attacks

Neutralization of damage

If casting the damage with wax shows that magic is present, you can remove it at home yourself. There are several ways to do this, one of the most famous is casting in the photo.

To do this you will need the following equipment:

  • metal container;
  • large bowl;
  • water;
  • photo of the victim;
  • icons and candles.

For this ritual you will need approximately 150 g of wax. It is melted in a steam bath so that it does not boil. Icons must be placed on the table for the ceremony. It is advisable to use an image of the Virgin Mary, Jesus or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. They light a candle in front of the faces of the saints and begin to pour wax into the water with repeated movements.

During this you need to read the prayer:

Pouring the wax is repeated three times, so the result will be better. Each time the wax is melted, the prayer is repeated and it is allowed to harden. After each repetition, the figure should become more even, without inclusions.

Water casting

This is a simpler ritual, but it also has benefits. His technique is little different. To perform this you need to take candles and water. It is collected from a well near the church; it is advisable to do this during a major Orthodox holiday.

In the morning, after waking up, you need to light a candle and hold it over the person’s head. Then they put a little wax in a tablespoon, melt it over this candle and repeat the words:

Then you need to pay attention to the figure. It should become smoother

The ritual is repeated until the clot becomes clean.


This procedure belongs to white magic and has no negative consequences. But no one should be in the room where wax casting is being done. Many people are also interested in where to put their inventory. The attribute can be used until it disintegrates, but only for one person. When the material crumbles, it must be burned or buried in a deserted area.

The water that remains after the wax casting ceremony yourself at home should be poured away from residential buildings. During this you need to read the prayer:

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