How to protect a child: the most powerful prayers and rituals for children from the evil eye and damage

02/27/2022 3,250 Oplot

Author: Anastasia

Prayer against the evil eye of a child is a mother’s powerful weapon to protect the baby’s energy from negative influences. Correct appeal to saints, carrying out certain rituals and ceremonies makes children invulnerable morally and physically.


What is the power of Orthodox prayers?

Orthodox prayers have enormous power for a number of reasons:

  1. Praying means sending goodness and positivity into the Universe. According to Christian teachings, a person receives what he gives. This is why prayers can radically change lives and help in difficult situations.
  2. This is the only way to talk to God, to express your humility and gratitude. The Lord does not leave a kind and grateful person in trouble and will protect him in every possible way from evil forces.
  3. Prayer is the art of improvement, the ability to strengthen your spirit and resist temptation. Regular reading of magic words makes a person resistant to sins.
  4. It gives you the opportunity to turn inside yourself, understand your aspirations and desires, and think about your mistakes. A repentant person becomes morally stable and will be able to endure adversity with dignity.
  5. Praying for your loved ones means showing concern and expressing your sincere love. In Christianity, there is no feeling more valuable than love, which is why prayers have such a powerful influence on a person.

Sleep and its standards

Sleep is a very important physiological process. After all, it is in their sleep that children grow. This can be explained by the fact that during sleep the body produces growth hormone - somatotropin. Its production peaks from about midnight to 3-4 am. Therefore, it is important for proper development and growth to adhere to a daily routine, which will benefit not only the child, but also rest for the parents. However, the older he gets, the less time he needs to sleep. A child aged 2 to 4 years needs 16 hours of sleep, a child aged 5 years needs 13 hours, a child aged 6-7 years needs about 12 hours, and teenagers need 9 hours of sleep.

There are a huge number of ways to quickly put your child to sleep. An important role in choosing a method suitable for your baby is played by his age.

There are a huge number of ways to quickly put your child to sleep.

First, let's look at several effective ways to put a baby to sleep.

Protecting a child from the evil eye with Muslim prayers

Muslims read prayers daily. In Islam, it is customary to turn to God constantly, even in everyday small things, for example: buying new clothes, when dressing/undressing, before cleaning, etc. You need to recite sacred texts when turning to the prophet, during meditation.

How to read prayers correctly

Like any religion, Islam has its own laws and characteristics. They must be observed unconditionally.

Features of reading Muslim prayers:

  • it is preferable to pray in the dark;
  • the best day for prayer is Friday;
  • open your soul and don’t think about bad things;
  • sincere faith will help get rid of the evil eye;
  • Only a Muslim can read sacred words;
  • It is advisable to read in Arabic;
  • you need to know the prayers by heart.

You cannot read during these hours:

  • at sunrise;
  • On the Sunset;
  • between midnight and one o'clock in the morning.

Best Prayers to Protect Children in Islam

They come in several types:

  • dua - a prayer (it is read when asking for help in something);
  • sua is a chapter of the Koran.

Dua against the evil eye and damage for children

The prayer that no one jinxes or spoils the child reads like this: “I seek the protection of Allah for both of you in beautiful worlds, from every evil, from every poisonous snake and every evil eye.”

Surahs to protect a child from negativity

To protect your baby from negativity, you should regularly read the following prayer:

Allah is one and eternal. He would not have given birth, and he would not have been born. There is no one equal to him."

I ask the Lord for dawn, namely, salvation from the forces of evil emanating from those created by Him, as well as from the evil that has descended from the darkness. I ask for protection from sorcerers and evil envious people, at a time when envy is ripening in him.

Psalm 90

This prayer, also called “Live in Help,” is one of the most powerful and negative. It was written by King David and was popular in the old days. They took it with them and read it when they went to war.

The one who lives under the roof of the Most High, who rests in the shadow of the Almighty, says to the Lord: “My refuge and my protection, my God, in whom I trust!” He will free you from the snare of the hunter, from the deadly plague, he will overshadow you with his feathers, and under his wings you will be safe; the shield and the fence are his truth. You will not be afraid of the terrors in the night, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that comes in the dark, the infection that destroys at noon. A thousand will fall on your side, and ten thousand on your right; but he will not come near you: only you look with your own eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. Because you said: The Lord is my hope; You have chosen the Almighty as your refuge; no harm will happen to you, and the plague will not come near your home; for he will command his angels to protect you in all your ways: they will bear you in their arms, lest you dash your foot against a stone; you will step on the asp and the basilisk; you will trample the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved me, I will deliver him; I will protect him because he knew my name. He will call me, and I will answer him; it hurts me with him; I will deliver and glorify him, satisfy him with long days and show him my salvation.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from a child at home?

A popular and effective method of ridding a baby of negativity has come down to us from our ancestors:

  1. You need to lick the baby's forehead and nose crosswise.
  2. At the same time, you should say several times: “Get away from the evil eye, get away from your forehead.”

In addition to this ritual, there are several more powerful rituals with which you can cleanse yourself of the evil eye:

  • ritual with an egg;
  • ritual with water;
  • conspiracy on the red thread;
  • ritual with candles.

Ritual with an egg

To treat a child with this ritual:

  1. Take an egg, it is better if it is not from the store.
  2. Roll all over your body from head to toes.
  3. Imagine how all the negativity leaves the child for the egg.
  4. Throughout the ceremony, read the prayer “Our Father” to yourself.
  5. Break an egg into a glass of water and examine it. If it is black, gray and has a bad smell, then repeat the ritual after seven days.

Ritual with water

The water should be either blessed or enchanted, since its pure and bright energy will help to carry out the two most effective rituals.

The ritual with holy water is suitable for baptized children and is carried out as follows:

  1. Stand at the threshold of the bathroom.
  2. Wipe the child’s face with water, saying: “Like water from a duck, so the child is all ill and thin.” You need to wash with your palm, clockwise.
  3. Dry your baby's face with your hem.

If the infant did not have time to be baptized, then ordinary water will help cure him from the evil eye.

The ritual with enchanted water is carried out in this way:

  1. Pour water into a glass.
  2. Bow your head and whisper over him: “An old man walked from distant lands, carrying full brims in a knapsack of health. To whom he gave a little, and (name) gave a whole cartload.”
  3. Wash the child’s hands and heels with the liquid. Wash your face. The cause of anxiety will be eliminated forever.

Red thread conspiracy

A red thread, which is considered a very powerful attribute in magic, and not just a cute accessory, will help protect against the evil eye.

The amulet should be tied around the child’s hands and whispered: “I cut off trouble, I protect it from the eyes with red color. Adversity and storms will pass by. May the child have peace in his soul.”

You can learn more about the red thread and its power from the video. Filmed by the channel “Rituals Money Love”.

Ritual with candles

To remove the evil eye from a child you will need:

  • several pairs of candles;
  • metal bowl;
  • Holy water.

Having prepared all the ingredients, proceed to the ritual itself:

  1. Remove the filter from the candle.
  2. Melt the wax in a water bath.
  3. Pour water into a bowl and hold it above the child's head.
  4. Pour the wax into the water and say: “The wax melts, sorrow and misfortune are washed away with water. The flame is red, the candles are white - the evil eye and unbelief will go away.”
  5. Pour the wax three times and look at the outline. If they are torn, with holes, the evil eye has not gone away.
  6. Repeat the procedure until the wax has smooth edges. This is a sign of a pure biofield.

How to understand that a child has been jinxed

This baby's sleep is disturbed, he shudders or twitches, looks tired or overly excited. Older children may experience frequent headaches, vomiting, nausea, apathy, lack of appetite, and their childhood joys become uninteresting.

Only loving parents can build reliable protection around their baby, thanks to which there will be a barrier between those around them and the little person that will prevent negative influences from affecting your child.

A caring and attentive mother can find out for herself that the child has been jinxed. To do this, you need to run the tip of your tongue between the baby's eyebrows. If you feel salt on the skin in this place, then your child has been damaged.

You can alleviate the baby’s suffering yourself. To do this, they use centuries-tested Orthodox prayers, with the help of which you can remove the evil eye from a child. Before you begin the cleansing ritual, follow a number of general rules:

Sunday is the ideal day for the ceremony

  • both mother and child must be baptized;
  • illuminated crosses should be worn by the child and parents both during prayer and for a week after;
  • The ritual is best performed on the waning moon, but if the effects of damage are very strong, then Sunday is suitable for the ritual.

If the mother is not nearby, the child’s prayer against the evil eye can be read by the father. An option would be for both parents to do all the rituals together, morning and evening, until the child begins to feel well. Subsequently, in order to protect the baby from dark forces, the evil eye or damage, the prayer must be read every day, preferably in the morning, before all family members wake up.


The video talks about several more ways to protect yourself from the evil eye. Photographed by Lucien Chamballani.

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Where did the belief about the evil eye come from?

The belief about the evil eye is widespread in many countries, regardless of religion. This superstition means accidental harm caused by the “evil eye” or a verbal wish, for example, “Don’t drop it!”, “You’re about to fall, be careful!” It is believed that newlyweds, pregnant women, women in labor and children are especially susceptible to the evil eye, so they try to protect them in every possible way. For example, at a wedding, the newlyweds are covered with a fishing net, the bride is hidden behind a veil, etc.

As for the origin of this belief, it is worth highlighting the logical and mythological. Thus, an experiment was conducted at Queens University in Canada. A group of people had to determine if someone was looking at them. The result was surprising - 95% of participants felt the gaze as something pressing on the back of the head. Alternatively, people believe that if you can feel pressure from simple staring contests, then it is something material, i.e. which can have a physical effect - that same evil eye.

Followers of Baron Karl von Reichenbach, a 19th-century Austrian chemist who studied the effects of the human gaze, argue that the eyes emit some of the bioradiation produced by the brain.

The mythological version suggests that if a person has extrasensory abilities, entities from another world, in particular demons, can look through his eyes. It is clear that such creatures cannot bring anything good.

It is believed that immediately after birth the baby is most vulnerable to evil glances, and the danger is especially high before baptism. In fact, up to a year, the evil eye may not manifest itself too strongly, since a very powerful connection with the mother gives the baby protection. But from one to seven years old, a child can suffer greatly from evil glances. Only after 7 years of age does a child usually form his protective energy shell and can suffer no more from the evil eye than any adult.

According to legend, children are especially vulnerable to the evil eye before the age of 7.

The source of the evil eye can be anyone, including one’s own mother. And it doesn’t matter whether the person looked or said it with anger, envy or admiration. It depends rather on the abilities (sometimes subconscious) for such an influence and the strong emotions experienced at the moment of the evil eye. Most often, people with strong energy stare.

It is believed that anyone with strong energy, even one’s own family, can cast the evil eye.

Spells for tummy pain in a baby

Magic conspiracy No. 1

The ritual is performed any time the baby is bothered by abdominal pain. The person speaking crosses the baby’s tummy 3 times, then puts his palm on it and says the following words:

After the conspiracy, you again need to cross your tummy 3 times.

A spell that your mother or grandmother reads will definitely help

Magic plot No. 2

This plot, like the previous one, is done when a baby has a tummy ache. The speaker must take the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, cross the child with it 3 times, then pronounce the spell words, applying the icon to the sore stomach:

Magic plot No. 3

The person speaking the spell needs to cross the child’s sore tummy 3 times, then bend over to him and say the spell words directly into the stomach and at the same time bite him with his lips. After the words have been spoken, you need to step back and cross yourself 3 times again:

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