Development of a lesson on spiritual and moral education for children of senior preschool age on the topic “Creation of the World” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

World creation.

You know how everything goes dark at night when all the lights are off. The whole world was once in such darkness. Then there was no grass, no trees, no beautiful flowers, no birds, not even sky and earth, but the whole universe was darkness and chaos. However, God did not want things to remain this way, and He created this wonderful world. We know that nothing is created by itself. The world around us, filled with harmony and beauty, testifies to its great and wise Creator. The Holy Book of the Bible describes the creation of the world according to the Word of God: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness was over the deep: and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. And God said: Let there be light. And there was light. And God saw the light that it was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day and the darkness night. And there was evening and there was morning: one day. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate water from water. And God created the firmament; and he separated the water that was under the firmament from the water that was above the firmament. And so it became. And God called the firmament heaven. And it was evening. and it was Morning: the second day. And God said: Let the water that is under the sky be gathered into one place, and let the dry land appear. And so it became. And God called the dry land earth, and the collection of waters he called seas. And God saw that it was good. And God said, “Let the earth produce green grass, grass yielding seed, and a fruitful tree bearing fruit according to its kind, in which is its seed on the earth.” And so it became. And the earth brought forth grass, grass yielding seed according to its kind, and trees. bearing fruit, in which is its seed according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And it was evening. and it was morning: the third day.”

“And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heaven to separate the day from the night, and for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and for years; And let them be lamps in the firmament of heaven to shine on the earth. And so it became. And God created two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars; And God placed them in the firmament of heaven to give light to the earth. And rule the day and the night, and separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And it was evening. and it was Morning: the fourth day. And God said: Let the water bring forth living things; and let the birds fly over the earth, across the firmament of heaven. And God created the great fish and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth. And there was evening and there was morning: the fifth day. And God said, Let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds, cattle and creeping things and wild beasts of the earth after their kinds. And so it became. And God created the beasts of the earth according to their kinds, and the cattle according to their kinds, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.” The whole earth. created by the Word of the almighty Creator, illuminated by the radiance of the gentle sun, breathed peace and wondrous beauty. But this was not the end of creation. God decided to create people so that they would live in this beautiful world and have communication with their Creator.

Lesson Aids: Days of Creation

Finally, I finished all the games that I had planned for the days of creation. And I’m happy to share with you, knowing how much you are looking forward to them! I describe in detail how I made them, and at the end you can download all the games together. Let me remind you that specifically about each day of creation and lesson plans can be downloaded at the end of the description of each lesson. So let's begin...

Puzzles "Days of Creation"

Print, stick on cardboard, let dry in the pages of a thick book. It is better to laminate the pages and then cut them into separate cards using a ruler using a stationery knife. The size of one card is 20 * 9 cm.

Days of Creation Cubes

The cubes, box and sample pictures are in one PDF document. Instructions for assembling similar cubes in pictures are in another document. The edge of one cube is 5.5 cm.

It is better to print the cubes and box details on thick paper (photo or drawing paper). Cut and glue using instructions. Can be covered with clear tape or coated with acrylic varnish for durability. I decided to try laminating with an iron and strips of laminating film - it worked!

I took the drawings here

Leaflet book Days of Creation

The leaf-leaf book Days of Creation with poems about each day and with numbers on the side is made according to the principle of a telephone directory, A-5 format. The document is designed in such a way that the pages must be printed on both sides of the sheet. A total of four sheets are needed. You can print even-numbered sheets first, then odd-numbered sheets. Cut white stripes on the side until blue with numbers. Fold all sheets in half and fasten with paper clips.

Frames and inserts “Days of Creation”

Ideally, this game would be good to make on plywood, but this is for those who know how to cut with a jigsaw. And cover with acrylic varnish. I did everything on cardboard. I printed out two sheets. I pasted it onto simple corrugated cardboard (from boxes - it’s bulky, but not heavy). I let everything dry thoroughly under the load of books. I only laminated the front side. I carefully cut out each shape using a stationery knife. I glued pins to the middle of each picture. And I glued another sheet of cardboard to the cut-out frame from below and dried it again under a weight so that the cardboard would not move. In the middle of each frame I glued the number of the day of creation. The overall size of the game is A-3 format.

I took the pictures from here

Circle for clothespins “Days of Creation”

The circle was printed in color on photo paper. Pasted it on cardboard. I put it under weight and let it dry for 12 hours. Then I laminated it and trimmed off the excess film. On wooden clothespins you can write with a felt-tip pen, burn or simply stick on numbers from 1 to 6. The diameter of the circle is 20 cm.

You can download all games here. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

Flannelograph "Creation"

My flannelgraph size is 40 * 60 cm - the sizes of the drawings are in accordance with this. Drawings must be printed on thick paper. It is better on photo paper, the colors of the drawings will be brighter (it is sold in computer stores in packs of A-4 sheets).

On the back side of the figures you need to glue a covering that will hold the figures - for me this role is played by velvet paper. In my opinion, this is the most optimal. It looks aesthetically pleasing, the figures do not adhere to each other during storage, and adhere firmly to the surface of the flannelgraph. In addition, velvet paper makes the picture denser. The resulting figures need to be laminated for durability. After all, not only you, but also the children will play with them.

Some of my backgrounds are purchased, but you can also just use multi-colored pieces of flannel or fleece: blue, green, purple, blue.

Drawings for flannelgraph can be downloaded here. FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.

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Creation of the first people.

“And God said: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness;
and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the livestock, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that moves on the earth. And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them: Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is on all the earth, and every tree that has fruit yielding seed: it shall be for you to eat; And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that creeps on the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food. And so it became. And God saw everything that He had created, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning: the sixth day. Thus are the heavens and the earth and all their hosts perfect. And God finished on the seventh day His work that He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work that He had done.” The man's name was Adam and the woman's name was Eve. The Lord created them beautiful and happy. They loved their Creator very much, and God loved them. The Lord gave them all created creation. for them to take care of her. Having blessed Adam and Eve, “the Lord planted a paradise in Eden, in the east; and he placed there the man whom he had created.” The Lord instructed them to cultivate and maintain this garden. Adam and Eve were in constant communication with their Creator. In the picture you see that their eyes are turned to God - that's why they are happy. When our eyes and hearts are directed towards the Lord, we also become happy. —— *Why did God say: “Let us create?” Because God is one in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Therefore, in the First Book of Moses, at the creation of man, God says in the plural: “Let us create.” - Page 1 -

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Old Testament stories for children. Six days

A few words about the Covenant

My dear friend, in this collection you will find wonderful stories from the books of the Old Testament. These stories will tell you about God and man, about friendship and love, about good and evil. They can teach you a lot and can even help you become kind and happy yourself. Because God created man so that man would be happy living with Him. How to live with God? How to learn to listen to God and obey Him? This is precisely what the stories of the Old and New Testaments tell about.

But perhaps you will ask me, what is a “covenant”? Let's think together.

Most of all, this word is similar to the words “cherished desire” or “testament”, right?!

A cherished desire is our deepest dream; we hardly tell anyone about it, except to our mother or a very close friend. We keep our dream as a secret.

What about the will? This is the paper we write when we give something valuable to our loved ones, right? So that they always remember us.

So a covenant is something very important and sacred that is passed on to us from generation to generation. A covenant is a testament of wisdom, it is a promise of peace, it is a command for future children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

The book of the Old and New Testaments describes the covenants that the Lord Himself gave to people, the secrets that He revealed to them in order to make their lives happier, to give them strength, hope, to teach them faith and love.

The Old Testament is a covenant given by God to people before He sent His Son to earth, that is, before the coming of Christ, which is why it is called the old, that is, the old testament.

And the New Testament has already been given since the birth of Christ. Having come to earth, Christ transformed many things, which is why He gave people a new covenant.

By reading the books of the Old and New Testaments, we can learn these mysteries of God.

world creation

When we want to make something, we take a sheet of paper, glue, scissors, colored pencils, plasticine and anything else that may be useful for our craft. Right?

And God made the world out of nothing. With one desire and Word He created Heaven and earth.

God populated heaven with angels. Angels do not have a body or weight, and therefore they felt very good in Heaven. And the land turned out to be completely empty and faceless.

And God said: let there be light! And the light shone. And God really liked the light. He separated him from the darkness. And he called the light day and the darkness night. This is how the first day and night, evening and morning appeared.

And this was the very first day of our world.

Second day

On the second day, the sky appeared above the earth, but not the Heaven where angels live, but another, with clouds and clouds! You and I can still see this sky above our heads! God looked at the sky and was very pleased!

Thus passed the second day of our world.

The third day

On the third day, God separated the water and dry land. And lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and small streams appeared on earth. As well as mountains, plains, hills and fields. It became very beautiful on earth. But something was missing.

And God said: Let the earth produce greenery, grass and trees. And so it happened.

Since then, grass began to grow on the ground. Every autumn the grass casts a seed into the ground, and in the spring it grows again from the seed. And on the trees fruits ripen, which also contain a seed from which trees grow again and again!

And you and I, if we plant a seed and water it, we will be surprised how quickly it will sprout!

If you have ever experienced this joy of planting and nurturing seeds, you will understand how God felt when he saw the whole earth suddenly turn green. It was the third day of our world.

Fourth day

And on the fourth day God said: let there be lights! And the Sun, Moon and stars appeared in our sky. And they began to separate day from night.

During the day, the Sun rises into the sky, bringing with it light and joy. And at night the sun sets, it becomes dark and the moon and stars appear in the sky. The moon helps people count days, months and years. And the stars show the traveler the way in the night.

How wisely God arranged everything!

These were the creations of the fourth day of our world.

Fifth day

On the fifth day, God began to populate the earth. He created fish, large and small, as well as reptiles - that is, all those creatures that crawl on the earth and on the bottom of the sea. Maybe you remember any of them? Yes, these are snakes, crayfish, insects, lizards. And God blessed them, and he said to the fish: fill the waters of the seas! He also looked at the sky and created feathered birds. Crows and jackdaws, seagulls, eagles and all, all other birds: big and small, beautiful and not so beautiful.

Both the sky and the sea were filled with living creatures. And it was good, God decided.

So the fifth day passed.

Day six

On the sixth day God said: Let the earth produce living souls. And the earth, according to the Word of God, produced animals. That is, God created animals not from nothing, but from the earth! Almost like we sculpt toys from plasticine or clay. But our toys remain toys, no matter what we do with them, but with God His creations come to life and become animals.

Do you know why animals are called that? Because they can give birth to a living soul. For example, a cow immediately gives birth to a calf. The calf is already alive, it stands on its own legs and even butts a little. And birds, as you remember, first lay eggs. That’s why animals are called animals, from the word “belly” or “life.”

And God saw, on the sixth day of our world, how good it became on earth! How joyful it became.

And then He said: Let us make man in Our image, after Our likeness!

He said “let us create” because God is a Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And therefore God says: Let us create man who is like Us in everything.

Imagine, this means that you and I can become like God, if only we really want it and try to become like that.

And God also said: And let man be master over all the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over all the creeping things that creep on the earth.

And God created man: man and woman. And he blessed them. And he said that they are now the masters of the earth. It was the happiest day of creation - the sixth day of our world.

Seventh day

And God finished by the seventh day His work which He had done. And He blessed the seventh day as a day of rest.

Likewise, when we do something good, we want to stop a little, relax and look at what we have done. Doesn't this sound like our week? For six days we work, study, create, and the seventh day - Sunday - we dedicate to God. Because God Himself sanctified this day.

(To be continued…)

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