Why do the Orthodox especially venerate the Mother of God?


You are the crown of virginity, You are the Virgin Mother! And which of the people is able to adequately praise the all-sung Mary? Oh miracle! She is both Mother and Maiden! Closing speech at the Third Ecumenical Council (113, 252)


From the prince of this age the virginity of Mary, Her birth, and also the death of the Lord were hidden, three loud sacraments that took place in the silence of God. Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer (113, 253)


The power of God, which came upon the Virgin, overshadowed her and made the Virgin bear fruit. Martyr Justin the Philosopher (113, 253)


One and the same Mother and Virgin: neither virginity prevented Her from giving birth, nor did birth violate virginity. Saint Gregory of Nyssa (113, 253)


She said the words: “Behold the Servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38) both after the Virgin conceived in her womb, and after she gave birth, the Virgin, for the prophet announced not only that the Virgin would conceive, but also that the Virgin would give birth (Isa. 7, 14) Saint Ambrose of Milan (113, 253)

Ever-Virgin Mary is the Mother of God. The Most Holy Virgin Mary gave birth to One who, being the true God, at the very moment of conception in Her womb took on human nature into the unity of His Hypostasis. So, even in the incarnation from Her, He was, and after the incarnation, He invariably remains the one Divine Person, as He existed from eternity before the incarnation. She gave birth to the Lord Jesus Christ - not according to His Divinity, but according to humanity, which, however, from the very moment of His incarnation, became inseparably and hypostatically united in Him with His Divinity. From the very moment of His incarnation it was deified by Him and became His own to His Divine Face. So both the conception, and the stay in the womb of the Virgin during a certain period of pregnancy, and the birth from Her actually belonged to His Divine Person. She gave birth not to an ordinary man, but to the true God, and not just to God, but to God in the flesh, who did not bring a body from heaven and pass through Her as through a channel, but who received from Her flesh, consubstantial with us, which received hypostasis in Himself. Venerable John of Damascus (113, 253)


The Holy Spirit shone in a pure mirror, in the immaculate body of the Virgin, forming a perfect Man not according to the law of nature, not in time, not from human seed, but with one appearance, spiritual and holy power, he moved the Virgin to birth, inexplicably searching for the Embryo in Her, as if what kind of fabric to save people. Saint John Chrysostom (42, 913)


The Lord borrowed most pure flesh from His Immaculate Mother, and gave Her Divinity instead of the flesh that She had given Him. Oh, a wonderful and wonderful exchange. Venerable Simeon the New Theologian (60, 398)

The Virgin-Mother is, as it were, the only boundary between the created and uncreated Divine nature. And all who see God will recognize Her as the place of the Inconceivable. And all who praise God will sing Her after God. She is the cause of the blessings and gifts that preceded Her to the human race, and the Giver of the present, and the Intercessor of the eternal. She is the foundation of the prophets, the beginning of the apostles, the foundation of the martyrs, the foundation of the teachers. She is the glory of those on earth, the joy of those in heaven, the adornment of all creation. She is the beginning, source and root of the hope prepared for us in heaven, which may we all be worthy to receive through Her prayers for us, to the glory of Jesus Christ, our Lord, who was born before the ages and who was recently incarnate from Her. Saint Gregory Palamas (65, 144)

Speaking about the Uncorrupted and the Unartificial, it is impossible to use the word “conception” in the proper sense, because the words “virginity” and “carnal conception” are incompatible in One and the Same. Source.

But just as the Son was given to us without an (earthly) father, so the Child is born without carnal conception. Just as the Virgin did not know how a body acceptable to God was formed in Her body, she did not feel birth. According to the testimony of the prophecy, She had a birth without illness: “before her pains came, she was resolved with a son” (Is. 66:7). Saint Gregory of Nyssa (19, 336)


...The Virgin (Eve) expelled us from paradise, through the Virgin (Mary) we found eternal life - by which we were condemned, we were crowned. Saint John Chrysostom (39, 196)


The Virgin Mary became heaven for us, God’s throne, because the highest Divinity descended and dwelt in Her in order to magnify us... In Her the Divinity was clothed in a robe for us, so that through it we might receive salvation. Venerable Ephraim the Syrian (29, 226)

When you see the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, turn your heart to Her, the Queen of Heaven, and thank Her for the fact that She appeared so ready to submit to the will of God, that she gave birth to, nursed and raised the Savior of the world, and that in our invisible battle She never fails intercession to help us. Venerable Nicodemus the Holy Mountain (64, 95)


She was of average height, or, as others say, somewhat more than average. Her hair was golden, her eyes were lively, her eyebrows were arched and dark, her nose was straight and elongated, her lips were blooming, her face was not round or pointed, but somewhat elongated, her arms and fingers were long. Nikephoros Callistus (113, 255)


She was a Virgin not only in body, but also in soul: humble in heart, circumspect in words, prudent, reticent, a lover of reading... hardworking, chaste in speech, considering not man, but God as the Judge of Her thoughts. Her rules were not to offend anyone, to be kind to everyone, to honor elders, not to envy equals, to avoid boasting, to be sensible, to love virtue. Has She ever offended her parents, even with the expression of her face, or been in disagreement with her relatives, been proud of herself in front of a modest person, laughed at the weak, or shirked the poor? She had nothing stern in her gaze, nothing imprudent in her words, nothing indecent in her actions: modest body movements, quiet gait, even voice; so Her appearance was a reflection of the soul, the personification of purity. Saint Ambrose of Milan (113, 256)


During the conversation, She maintained modest dignity, did not laugh, was not indignant, and was not especially angry. Completely artless, simple, She did not think at all about Herself, and far from being effeminate, she was distinguished by complete humility. She was content with the natural color of her clothes, as Her sacred head covering now proves. In short, there was a special grace in all Her actions. Nikephoros Callistus (113, 256)


We all know that the Ever-Virgin Mother of God is filled with grace and all the virtues. They say that She was always cheerful in persecution and troubles, was not upset in need and poverty, was not angry with those who insulted Her, but even did good to them. She was meek in prosperity, merciful to the poor and helped them as much as she could, she was a teacher in piety and in every good deed. She especially loved the humble, because She herself was filled with humility. Those who have seen Her give Her much praise. People worthy of trust told about Her that, due to Her holiness, in Her appearance Her angelic and human natures were united. Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer (113, 256)


When I was brought before the face of the godlike, most luminous Virgin, a great and immeasurable Divine light enveloped me from the outside and inside, and such a wondrous fragrance spread around me that neither my weak body nor my very spirit was able to endure such abundant and great signs and firstfruits eternal bliss and glory. My heart fainted, my spirit fainted from Her glory and Divine grace! The human mind cannot imagine any glory and honor (even in the state of people glorified by God) higher than the bliss that I tasted then, unworthy, but honored by mercy and blessed beyond all imagination. Saint Dionysius the Areopagite (113, 256)


Annunciation and establishment of the sacrament of Body and Blood. What a combination! We partake of the true Body and true Blood of Christ - those same ones that, in the Incarnation, were received from the immaculate blood of the Most Pure Virgin Theotokos. Thus, in the Incarnation, which took place at the hour of the Annunciation, the foundation was laid for the sacrament of the Body and Blood. And now this is brought to the memory of all Christians, so that, remembering this, they honor the Most Holy Theotokos as their true Mother, not only as a prayer book and intercessor, but also as a nourisher of all. Children feed on their mother’s milk, and we feed on the Body and Blood, which come from the Most Holy Virgin Mary. Saint Theophan the Recluse (107, 96–97)


Who would not be surprised that during the entire time from Adam’s crime to the incarnation of the Word of God, who came to earth to save the human race in half six thousand years, not a single virgin was found on earth who was pure not only in body, but also in spirit ? She alone turned out to be the first and last such Virgin who, by her physical and spiritual purity, became worthy of being the church and temple of the Holy Spirit. And just as then, thanks to her virgin purity, she ascended and approached God the Holy Spirit and united into one spirit with God, as the Scripture says: “he who is united with the Lord is one spirit with the Lord” (1 Cor. 6:17), so in her most honorable Assumption she ascended by the same step to him, to heaven and above heaven. She ascended to God the Son by the level of humility, for through humility she became worthy to be His Mother. By the same step She ascended to heaven and surpassed in honor and dignity all the faces of the saints... By the same high level of deepest humility She achieved the highest honor of the Birth of God, incorruptible motherhood, for during Her humble words: “Behold, the Handmaid of the Lord” (Luke 1 , 38) in Her most pure virgin womb “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (John 1:14). Humility is the foundation of everything, and all other virtues serve as a kind of superstructure on this foundation. And in her life, the Most Pure Virgin approached God most of all with humility, Who says: “On whom will I look: the humble and contrite in spirit” (Is. 66:2). With the same humility and in her Assumption, She ascended to heaven and was elevated with glory to the throne of the Heavenly Kingdom, for humility reigns over the Most Pure Virgin where pride has been cast down.

She ascended to the third highest person of the Holy Trinity - God the Father - by the third highest step - love, for according to the Apostle “the greatest of these is love” (1 Cor. 13:13). Through her She became the Daughter of the Heavenly Father. How the Most Pure Virgin loved God, no language can explain this, no mind can comprehend, for love is one of the unknown secrets of the heart, known only to God and the searching heart. Source.

...People have different types of love: they love their parents in a special way, or a friend, or a son. The love of the Most Pure Virgin had no differences, for the One Whom She loved was for Her both the Father, and the only Son, and the incorruptible Bridegroom. All of Her all-encompassing love was directed towards the one God, and for her sake She was called the bride of the Holy Spirit, and the Mother of God the Son, and the Daughter, not by such communion as all become faithful children of God, according to the words of Scripture: “To those who believe in His name He gave authority to be children of God" (John 1:12), and in another place: "And I will receive you. And I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty” (2 Cor. 6:17-18). The Most Pure Virgin became the daughter of God the Father by another, incomparably higher, most honest and closest assimilation. Source.

Let us imagine that a certain man took in two young orphaned girls, raised them as daughters, and called them both his daughters, and then made one of them the bride of his half-blooded son. This young woman, who was married to his son, becomes, according to the law of nature, his closest daughter, related to him to a greater degree than that young woman who was not married to his son. For this one is only his named daughter, the first one, and according to the law of nature, becomes his daughter, since she becomes one flesh with his son, according to the law of nature - the daughter of the same father. The same can be said about the Most Pure Mother of God. So by these three steps (I do not mention countless others) the Mother of God now ascends to what is above: to God the Holy Spirit with virginal purity, to God with the Son through humility, and to God the Father with love. I will say more: by all these steps She ascended to the one God in the Trinity. For by what she pleased God the Holy Spirit, she pleased both God the Son and God the Father; by what she pleased God the Son, she pleased both God the Father and God the Holy Spirit; by what she pleased God the Father, she pleased God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Saint Demetrius of Rostov (103, 681–686)


The divine body of the God-man was conceived Divinely and born Divinely. Virgo. performed the birth, being at the time of birth filled with the most holy spiritual joy. No illnesses accompanied this birth, just as illnesses did not accompany the taking of Eve from Adam. (111, 403)

The Mother of God was the only verbal vessel into which God indwelt with His very being (111, 404)

With all the greatness of the Mother of God, Her conception and birth took place according to the general law of humanity, therefore, the general confession of the human race about conception in iniquities and birth in sin also belongs to the Mother of God. The Mother of God confesses before all humanity in the Gospel... that the God born by Her is also Her Savior. If God is Her Savior, then She was conceived and born in sin according to the general law of fallen humanity (111.405–406)


The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Ever-Virgin took place twice. For the first time, the Holy Spirit descended on Her after the gospel spoken by the Archangel Gabriel, cleansed Her, pure according to human understanding, made her pure with grace, capable of receiving God’s Word into herself and becoming His Mother... The second time, the Holy Spirit descended on the Virgin on the day of Pentecost... Then The Holy Spirit destroyed the dominion of eternal death and original sin in Her, elevated Her to a high level of Christian perfection, and made Her a new person in the image of the Lord Jesus Christ (111, 407–408)

The Mother of God did not know the struggle with carnal desires: before lust could act in Her, the Holy Spirit descended on Her, imprinted Her purity, gave Her spiritual pleasure, to which Her heart clung (111, 413).
The Ever-Virgin is above all the saints, both for the reason that she became the Mother of the God-Man, and for the reason that She was the most constant, the most attentive listener and executor of the teachings proclaimed by the God-Man (111, 423)

Just as the Lord replaced Adam with Himself, so He replaced Eve with the Mother of God. Eve, being created as a virgin, transgressed the commandment of God and could not retain in herself the holy feeling of virginity... The Mother of God, being conceived and born in the sin of her forefathers, prepared Herself with a chaste and God-pleasing life into a vessel of God (111, 425)

On the third day after Her blessed Dormition, the Mother of God resurrected and now lives in heaven in body and soul. She not only lives in heaven, She reigns in heaven... The Holy Church, turning with petitions to all the greatest saints of God, to all the Angels and Archangels, says to them: “Pray to God for us,” she asks the Mother of God alone: ​​“Save us.” Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) (111, 428)


In the summer of 1395, Tamerlane invaded the Russian borders. He boasted that grass does not grow where his horse steps. Tamerlane had already taken the city of Yelets, beat up many people and was moving towards Moscow. Grand Duke Vasily Dimitrievich hastily gathered an army and was waiting for a formidable guest at Kolomna. It was ordered to transfer the famous Vladimir Icon from Vladimir to Moscow. There was crying in Moscow churches, countless candles glowed in front of the icons... Residents of Moscow with the grand-ducal family and all the clergy went out to Kuchkovo Field to meet the icon, and a miracle happened. At the hour of the meeting of the icon in Moscow, Tamerlane was sleeping in his tent. In a dream he saw a high mountain. Saints with golden rods descended from the mountain towards him, above them in the air in indescribable grandeur, in the radiance of bright rays, stood the radiant Virgin. Darkness of Angels surrounded the Virgin and held fiery swords in their hands... Tamerlane woke up in horror and called the wise men. “This Virgin,” they said, “is the Intercessor of the Russians, the Mother of the Christian God... Her power is irresistible.” Tamerlane ordered his hordes to turn back. “Tamerlane fled, says the chronicler, driven by the power of the Blessed Virgin.” Moscow Patericon (94, 6–7)


One day, late at night, the Monk Sergius performed the cell rule and sang the Akathist before the icon of the Mother of God, which he did every day... When he finished the prayer, his soul felt the approach of a heavenly phenomenon and he said to his cell attendant, the Monk Micah: “Watch, child: we will now have wonderful visit." And immediately a voice was heard: “Behold, the Most Pure One is coming!”... The elder stood up, went out into the vestibule, and here a light brighter than the sun shone upon him. He saw the Most Blessed Virgin, accompanied by the apostles Peter and John the Theologian... Unable to bear this wonderful radiance and indescribable glory of the Mother of Light, St. Sergius fell on his face. But the Good Mother touched him and said: “Do not be afraid, My chosen one. Your prayer for your disciples has been heard. Do not mourn anymore for your abode. From now on, she will have abundance in everything - not only during your life, but also after you go to God. I will not leave this place and will always keep it”... Trinity Patericon (90, 2 50, 253)


History of the Virgin Mary

The important events from the early and late life of the Virgin Mary are narrated by the Apostle Luke, who was closely acquainted with her and even painted her icon, which became the original for all subsequent images.

It is known that Mary was the daughter of Joachim and his wife Anna, who were pious people, but did not have children until old age. They were known throughout the city of Nazareth, where they lived for their meekness and humility. Joachim came from the family of King David and knew that, according to prophecies, the Messiah should be born in his family. Therefore, they tirelessly prayed for the child and made a vow to give him to the service of the Lord.

Blessed Virgin Mary

The Lord heard them and sent them a daughter, Mary. At the age of three, the girl, while taking care of her parents' dinner, was sent to serve in the temple and lived there with the rest of the pious virgins, learning the Law of God.

When she was 14 years old, the priest betrothed her to the carpenter Joseph, who was also from the line of David. Maria's parents had died by that time. Some time after the betrothal, the Archangel Gabriel brought joyful news to Mary - she would become the Mother of God.

Mary, remaining a Virgin, conceived a Son. At the same time, her sister Elizabeth was pregnant with a child, the future John the Baptist. And she, as soon as Mary visited her, realized that she had received the honor of becoming the Mother of the Messiah.

Anyone can read the story of the birth of Christ and the flight to Egypt in the Gospels. Mary and Joseph experienced a lot in the first days of the life of Jesus Christ, but with humility they accepted the role of earthly parents of the Savior himself.

The very first miracle of Christ, during the wedding in Cana of Galilee, shows the compassion and caringness of Mary, because it was she who asked Christ to help. Thanks to her request, the Messiah performed the first miracle there. Reading the Gospels, you can see Mary coming to the place where Christ taught. She was on Golgotha, at the foot of the cross, where her Son was crucified. After the death of Jesus, John the Theologian became her son.

The whole life of the Virgin Mary is humility. She was given to the service of the Lord by her parents and fulfilled the obligation with dignity. The Lord saw her meekness and humility and despised her, giving her an important role - to be the Mother of the Messiah himself. To bear and give birth to a Savior to this sinful world.

Dormition of the Virgin Mary

The legends of the elders, in addition to the miracles of the Mother of God described, report that after the death of Jesus Christ, she lived for about 20 years. The Apostle John the Theologian took her into his home, as Christ commanded him, and took care of her as if he were his mother.

There is a legend according to which, before her death, the Mother of God prayed on the Mount of Olives and saw an angel who said that she had no more than 3 days to live. The angel had a date branch in his hands. It so happened that at this time all the apostles, except Thomas, were in Jerusalem, where the woman lived. They came to her on the day of her death and saw a wonderful picture: the room was filled with bright light, Christ appeared with a host of angels and accepted the soul of his Mother.

The icon “Assumption of the Virgin Mary” was painted on this topic, where you can see all the participants in that action.

About other Mother of God icons:

  • "Sovereign"
  • "The Tsaritsa"
  • "Zhirovitskaya"

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The apostles buried the body of the Ever-Virgin in the Garden of Gethsemane, where Christ prayed on his last free night, in the tomb of her parents and Joseph, her husband. During her burial, numerous miracles occurred: the blind received their sight and the lame began to walk upright.

Important! During her lifetime, the Lady of Heaven was a symbol of meekness before the Lord and strictly followed His words and accepted them. Therefore, after death, she was awarded the honor of helping believers and hearing their prayers, as well as interceding with the Lord for believers and those asking.

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