Sinful desires easily take possession of a person. They fill the body and pollute the mind and soul. To avoid temptation, you must have a strong will and lead an ascetic lifestyle. But not all people have such qualities. In order to overcome a harmful desire in oneself, Orthodoxy has prayers against fornication. One must pray not only against sinful human passions, but also against the demons who bring these desires to him and try in every possible way to seduce him. We must pray earnestly, daily, especially when sinfulness comes too close. The stronger the temptation, the stronger you need to pray.
Prayer to St. Moses Ugrin from lustful thoughts
Sin approaches a person through his thoughts. Demons, seeing his desires, use all his thoughts to push him onto the road to sin. And a person must understand that obsession comes to him from the devil, and he must not allow lustful thoughts. But man himself is unable to control the power of the devil and therefore must call on the Heavenly Forces for help, because the fight is being waged for his soul. Through the power of prayer, a person’s thoughts are cleansed of harmful obsessions. You must monitor your thoughts throughout the day and if sinful images or impulses arise, you must immediately turn to prayer for help from the Heavenly Patrons. The Monk Moses Ugrin became famous for his steadfastness against carnal temptations, became a great martyr and subsequently a Heavenly Mentor to those who are overwhelmed by devilish temptations. You should turn to him in prayer for help.
Reverend Father Moses! Look upon us mercifully and lead those who are devoted to the earth to the heights of heaven. You are a mountain in heaven, we are on earth below, removed from you, not only by place, but by our sins and iniquities, but we run to you and cry: teach us to walk in your way, teach us and guide us. Your entire holy life has been a mirror of every virtue. Do not stop, servant of God, crying to the Lord for us. By your intercession, ask from our All-Merciful God the peace of His Church, under the sign of the militant cross, agreement in faith and unity of wisdom, destruction of vanity and schism, confirmation in good deeds, healing for the sick, consolation for the sad, intercession for the offended, help for the needy. Do not disgrace us, who come to you with faith. All Orthodox Christians, having performed your miracles and beneficent mercies, confess you to be their patron and intercessor. Reveal your ancient mercies, and to whom you helped the Father, do not reject us, their children, who are marching towards you in their footsteps. Standing before your most honorable icon, as I live for you, we fall down and pray: accept our prayers and offer them up on the altar of God’s mercy, so that we may receive your grace and timely help in our needs. Strengthen our cowardice and confirm us in faith, so that we undoubtedly hope to receive all the good things from the mercy of the Master through your prayers.
Oh, great servant of God! Help all of us who flow to you with faith through your intercession to the Lord, and guide us all in peace and repentance, end our lives and move with hope into the blessed bosom of Abraham, where you now rest joyfully in your labors and struggles, glorifying God with all the saints , in the Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Prayer 1*
Oh, great saint of Christ, Reverend Mary! In Heaven you stand before the Throne of God, but on earth you are with us in the spirit of love, having boldness in the Lord, pray to save His servants, who flow to you with love. Ask us from the Most Merciful Master and Lord of faith for immaculate observance of our cities and villages, for deliverance from famine and destruction, for those who mourn - consolation, for those who are sick - healing, for those who have fallen - rise knowledge, strengthening for those who go astray, prosperity and blessing for good deeds, orphans and widows - intercession and eternal rest for those who have departed from this life, but on the day of the terrible Judgment, at the right hand of the land, we will all hear the blessed voice of the Judge of the world: come, blessed of My Father, us follow the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, and you will abide there forever. Amen.
We advise you to study Congratulations on the Epiphany in verses
Translation: Oh, great saint of Christ, Saint Mary! Standing before the Throne of God in Heaven, being with us on earth in the spirit of love, having boldness in the Lord, pray to save His servants who come running to you with love. Ask us from the Great Grace of the Master and Lord of faith for the immaculate observance of our cities and villages, for the establishment of our cities and villages, for deliverance from hunger and pestilence, for the mourning - consolation, for the sick - healing, for the fallen - uprising, for the lost - strengthening, in good deeds success and blessing, for orphans and widows - protection and eternal rest for those who have departed from this life, but on the day of the Last Judgment we all become fellow members of those standing on the right side and hear the blessed voice of the Judge of the world: “Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world,” and stay there forever. Amen.
Prayer against fornication and adultery to Euthymius of Novgorod
The sin of adultery destroys the destinies and souls of people. As a result of fornication, families break up. Unsettled personal life leads to drunkenness, alcoholism and other harmful habits. Saint Euthymius of Novgorod possessed the spiritual power to defeat the demons of seduction. People turning to him received gracious help. To this day, in prayer to him for protection from fornication and adultery, people receive spiritual grace and support.
Father Saint Euthymius! From your youth you have loved Christ, and through His grace we are strengthened, you have put to death all carnal wisdom, by your pure life and meek disposition you have pleased the Lord, and by His grace, laboring on the throne of the holiness, you have appeared to the flock of Christ of Great Novograd, a good shepherd, your soul take care of your flock. Likewise, even after your death, the Chief Shepherd Christ glorified you with the donations of miracles flowing from you, showing us the image of a virtuous life in you. In the same way, I, sinful and sad, falling to the side of your relics, I earnestly pray to you: give me a helping hand, raise me with your prayers from the depths of sin: for I am overwhelmed by the waves of carnal passions and other countless everyday worries. Be that I, a sinner, warm to Christ, a representative and prayer book, and even if I am delivered from the drowning of sin, I will reach the refuge of an immaculate life by the grace of Christ, and with a pure life I will glorify my Savior, who redeemed me with His blood: and having finished this life, I will receive eternal life in the Kingdom Heaven, where the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit is glorified, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.
Spiritual and physical levels of sin
Adultery is not just physical sexual contact. Intimacy outside the marital bed, like violation of the rest of the Lord’s Commandments, deprives a person of God’s grace, which leads to the collapse of normal life.
Today, “civil marriages” are very common, when people live with each other for some time before entering into a marital union, engaging in sexual relations. The Church calls this behavior fornication, and cites statistics where couples who do not cohabit before marriage are less likely to divorce. The logic here is as follows: the mind, unclouded by physical desire, better sees all facets of a person’s personality, which allows you to soberly evaluate your partner.
Often, the betrayal of one spouse gives rise to the revenge of the second. Women, as a rule, forgive betrayal faster, but they cannot completely forget it.
Children suffer no less from the sin of their parents. The mother, mired in worries, pays little attention to them, and the father may even leave the family. At the same time, the latter often takes the child with him, which further destroys the woman from the inside.
The sin of adultery can cause divorce
Prayer to Macarius of Optina from passion
All human life is surrounded by carnal temptations that inflame passions. In order not to fall into sinfulness, one must adhere to Orthodox customs, observe fasts, lead a moderate lifestyle, avoiding excesses in food and drinks. But this is not enough. We must fight our passions, directing our energy to creative aspirations. But still, a person is weak to defeat the devil’s temptation alone and he needs to turn to the help and support of Heavenly Helpers.
O Mother of the Lord, my Creator, You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. O Mother of God! Help me, the one who is weak with carnal passion and painful, for one thing is Yours and I have intercession through You, Your Son and God. Amen.
Prayer to the martyrs Galaktion and Epistimia
The story of the birth of the future martyr is interesting. His parents were pagans and served the goddess Artemis. The mother could not get pregnant, which is why she had to endure ridicule, bullying and beatings from her own husband.
On one of these days, after the mother of the future martyr was beaten, a wanderer knocked on her house. This wanderer was not a simple one, but a monk—a Christian. At first the woman did not want to let him in, but the monk did not leave, continuing to stand at the gate and waiting for alms. Then the future mother of Galaktion let the monk in and generously gave him gifts. But the sigh that escaped from the woman’s chest did not escape the beggar’s attention. The Stranger asked what this so sorrowful sigh was connected with.
The woman shared her grief with the monk. And then he told her that this was all because she worshiped a pagan goddess, and not the true God. Leucippia, that was the woman’s name, wanted to be baptized just to “carry in the womb.” The elder monk baptized her, and soon Leucippia conceived.
Klitofon, her husband, having learned about the miracle, also decided to be baptized. The couple lived in piety. The born son was named Galaktion. When Galakion grew up, a bride was chosen for him. Epistimia was beautiful and noble. But far from Christianity. Or rather, the girl was a pagan. Because of her love for Galaktion, she was baptized.
The young people decided to maintain their virginity and lived like brother and sister, despite the fact that they got married. They accepted martyrdom for Christ. When Galaktion was taken away, Epistimia could not remain without him and hide her faith. She joined her husband-brother, sharing his suffering.
Prayer against fornication to the martyrs Galaktion and Epistimia:
Prayer against the fornication of her husband to Thomaida of Egypt
Some wives whose husbands cheat on them sometimes tolerate it, and even justify it, explaining that their husbands return to them and still love them. But they do not always have time to notice in time what changes are taking place in their souls, and when they notice, it is already too late. The family is a sacred institution and we must fight for it. And the best means of struggle may be Orthodox prayer against the fornication of a husband. But you need to pray with all the strength of your soul, and not only so that the husband turns away from the woman who seduced him, but also sobers his mind and finds new meaning and values of life in peace and love with his wife and God in his soul.
Oh, all praise to the martyr Thomaido! For the purity of marriage, even having labored to the point of blood, and having laid down your soul for the sake of chastity, you have found yourself worthy before the Lord, even more honorable than you in the person of the holy virgins. Hear us praying to you, and just as Borimia of old had you as a healer from the flesh, according to the grace given to you from God, grant to those who now resort to your intercession joy and freedom from carnal warfare, and a chaste life and abiding in marriage and virginity with your God-pleasing prayers. Make every effort to intercede, for our bodies will be a temple of the Holy Spirit living in us. Oh, most chosen among wives and faithful servant of Christ! Help us, so that we do not perish with our passions and lusts, but let us be guided by our minds and strengthened in our hearts in all piety and purity, glorifying your help and intercession, the grace and mercy of the Triune God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. . Amen.
Why is fornication sinful?
If we talk about strong prayer against fornication, then there is none.
Wait to be disappointed, close the article and stop searching. Such prayer lives within us. The more we pray, the faster we receive deliverance from the passion of fornication. Why is this passion sinful? After all, a person does not kill anyone, does not steal, does not do anything bad, in fact.
Fornication is sexual promiscuity. Could she be right? The comparison of a harlot woman to a public glass is appropriate here. Imagine being forced to drink from one. And it is not clear who touched its edge with their lips before. What if it was a homeless person or a sick person? Which hands touched the glass: clean or dirty? This is unknown to us. It's disgusting, isn't it?
Fornication is much more disgusting. This is an abomination to God. After all, the Lord gave man a couple and commanded him to be fruitful and multiply. Do not enter into relationships with multiple people of the opposite sex. But only with one or with one.
Prayer from prodigal thoughts to St. Ambrose of Optina
When thoughts of sin and debauchery besiege you, you must fight them, calling on the Lord for help. A person cannot fight his sinfulness alone and must seek support from the Holy Mentors. Saint Ambrose taught how to fight against the attack of demons and seduction, praying against lustful thoughts.
Pray like this: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner...” Emphasize the word “sinner”... Remember the sins with which you offended the Lord and humble yourself. If you cannot humble yourself, and “virtues” come to mind, say this: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner. Oh, indecent slave! Behold your fornication and your former fornication! And now again: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”
Features of prayers for allegiance
A prayer against the betrayal of your beloved husband will definitely help you maintain happiness and love in your family.
Orthodox Christians are encouraged to turn to God for help with any problem, including infidelity and other family troubles. Prayers asking for fidelity are powerful, but only if they are said correctly.
The main condition is sincere faith that the appeal will reach the Lord and the saints - there should not be a drop of doubt about the possibility of help from the forces of heaven.
The message of prayers must be positive - you cannot wish harm on anyone (neither your husband nor his mistress), or ask God for revenge. Your thoughts and emotions should be aimed at a favorable outcome, at bringing goodness and peace to others.
You need to understand that prayer is not a ritual of magic. Therefore, you should not count on instant results. It is important to turn to the Almighty every day with humility in your heart.
Prayer to Jesus Christ against lust
Often the desires of the body are stronger than the mood of the mind and get out of control. A person is overcome by lust and it is difficult to do anything about it. Dietary restrictions and fasting could help here, but few people agree to this. And simply following a diet does not help much. Not everyone understands that fasting is not only a dietary restriction, but rather an intensification of prayerful appeals to God, when the mind and soul can soar above the body and its desires. This is the main principle of prayer against lust. The body, as a result of prayerful aspiration, is distracted from carnal desires and gradually learns to support spiritual work. And a necessary condition is the gradual and regular training of the body and mind to prayerful aspiration.
Almighty God, who created all creation with wisdom, raise me up with Your hand, having fallen through many sins: grant me Your help, and grant me freedom from worldly temptations, from the devil’s snares, and from carnal lusts. Have mercy and forgive me all who have sinned all the days of my life; anoint my soul with the oil of grace and generosity of Your only begotten Son, the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, with Him all glory befits You and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.
Strong prayer for my husband to Nicholas the Wonderworker
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There are many of us like-minded people and we are growing quickly, we post prayers, sayings of saints, prayer requests, and timely post useful information about holidays and Orthodox events. Subscribe. Guardian Angel to you!
When starting a family, many people (especially young couples) hope for permanent family happiness, stability and comfort. Still, everyone has their own idea of a happy family. A man often tries to earn more for his family, and a woman protects the family hearth. But when conflicts break into the family, the whole idyll will collapse.
There can be many reasons. Maybe a man is not fulfilling his main responsibility - to provide for his family? Maybe things are going badly for him? In this case, a strong prayer for your husband to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can help you out. If your request is sincere, the saint will definitely hear you and help solve your spouse’s problems.
Prayer to John the Long-Suffering
John the Long-Suffering became famous for his exploits in curbing the bodily flesh. He experienced all the ordeals of lust and fought without sparing himself. In order not to fall under the influence of demons, he abstained from food for a long time, put chains on himself, buried himself up to his shoulders in the ground, and even remained there for an entire fast. As a result of a long struggle, John gained spiritual strength in the fight against demons and human weaknesses, and after his death he began to help those who turn to him in prayer for help and support.
O sacred head, reverend father, most blessed Abbot John, do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in holy and auspicious prayers to God: remember your flock, which you yourself shepherded, and do not forget to visit your children, pray for us, father sacred, for your spiritual children, as you have boldness towards the Heavenly King: do not keep silent to the Lord for us, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love: remember us unworthy at the Throne of the Almighty, and do not stop praying for us to Christ God, for You have been given the grace to pray for us. We do not imagine that you are dead: even though you have passed away from us in body, but remain alive even after death, do not depart from us in spirit, keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the demonic and the machinations of the devil, to our good shepherd even more than the relics your cancer is always visible before our eyes, but your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the heavenly powers, standing at the throne of the Almighty, worthily rejoices, knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we fall down to you and we pray to you: pray about us to the Almighty God, about the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance, so that we may pass from earth to heaven without restraint, and from bitter ordeals, demons of air princes and from eternal torment, may we be delivered from eternal torment, and may we be heirs of the Heavenly Kingdom with all the righteous, from all eternity have pleased our Lord Jesus Christ: to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Father without beginning, and with His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
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Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected joy”
Oh, Most Holy Virgin, the All-Blessed Son of the All-Blessed Mother of this city and holy temple, the Patroness of all who are in sins, sorrows, troubles and illnesses, faithful to the Representative and Intercessor! Accept this prayer song from us, Thy unworthy servants, offered up to You, and like the sinner of old, every day many times before Thy honest icon who prayed, You did not despise, but granted it This gave him the unexpected joy of repentance and you bowed your Son to the many and zealous towards Him intercession for the forgiveness of this sinner and the lost, so even now do not despise the prayers of us, Thy unworthy servants, and beg Thy Son and our God, and all of us, with faith and tenderness, worshiping the goal in Your bountiful image, bestows unexpected joy for every need: a sinner mired in the depths of evil and passions - all-effective admonition, repentance and salvation; to those in sorrow and sorrow - consolation; to those who find themselves in troubles and embitterment - complete abundance of these; for the cowardly and unreliable - hope and patience; To those who live in joy and abundance - unceasing thanksgiving to God the Benefactor; to those in need - mercy; for those who are sick and long-term and abandoned by doctors - unexpected healing and strengthening; for those who were waiting for the mind from an illness - the return and renewal of the mind; departing into eternal and endless life - memory of death, tenderness and contrition for sins, a cheerful spirit and firm hope in the mercy of the Judge. Oh, Most Holy Lady! Have mercy on all who honor Your all-honorable name and show to everyone Your all-powerful protection and intercession: observe them in piety, purity and honest living until the end in goodness; create evil blessings; guide those who have gone astray to the right path; Make progress in every good work and that which is pleasing to Your Son; Destroy every evil and ungodly deed; in bewilderment and difficult and dangerous circumstances, to those who find invisible help and admonition sent down from Heaven, from temptations, temptations and death, save from all evil people and from enemies visible and invisible protect and preserve; float to those who swim, travel to those who travel; Be the Nourisher for those who are in need and hunger; for those who do not have shelter and shelter, provide cover and refuge; Give clothing to the naked, intercession to the offended and unjustly persecuted; invisibly justify those who suffer slander, slander and blasphemy; expose the slanderers and blasphemers before everyone; Grant unforeseen reconciliation to those who are bitterly at enmity, and to all of us - love, peace, and piety, and health with long life. Keep your marriage in love and like-mindedness; spouses, in the enmity and division of existence, die, unite me to each other and establish an indestructible union of love for them; Give quick permission to mothers giving birth, raise babies, be chaste to young ones, open their minds to the perception of every useful teaching, teach the fear of God, abstinence and hard work; protect from domestic strife and enmity of the same blood with peace and love; Be the Mother of motherless orphans, turn them away from all vice and filthiness, and teach them all that is good and pleasing to God, but those who have been seduced into sin and impurity have fallen, having revealed the filthiness of sin, from the abyss death is coming; Be the Comforter and Helper of widows, be a rod of old age; Deliver us all from sudden death without repentance and grant us all a Christian death of our lives, painless, shameless, peaceful and a kind answer at the Last Judgment of Christ: having passed away in the world repentance and repentance from this life created with the Angels and all the saints; those who died of sudden death, beseech the mercy of Thy Son, and for all those who have died who have no relatives, begging for the repose of Thy Son, Be the unceasing and warm Prayer Book and Ho data: may everyone in Heaven and on earth lead You as a firm and unashamed Representative of the race Christian, and, knowingly, glorify Thee and Thy Son, with His Beginningless Father and His Consubstantial Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
We advise you to study Prayers to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous
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