Strong and effective health spells and their implementation

Conspiracies and prayers so that the child grows well. Many people are familiar with the situation when a child grows poorly from birth. Or suddenly suddenly stops growing. Doctors conduct examinations, trying to find the cause, prescribe drugs for growth, and give recommendations. But there is no result. and prayers can help with this. Not all children always develop smoothly and equally successfully. It happens that the smallest student in the class suddenly grew up and became almost taller than everyone else. And yet, so that the mother does not worry about the child, you can read prayers and make a conspiracy yourself in this situation.

Rules for conducting rituals

For a conspiracy to have an effect on your health, you must read it in compliance with certain rules:

For best results, you need to follow a number of rules

  1. You must definitely believe that the conspiracy to recover will work and the person will really feel better, he will be cured. Only with the help of sincere and strong faith in the miraculous help of prayers and conspiracies can you achieve the fastest possible results. A skeptical attitude will not help a person recover.
  2. It is important to read a conspiracy for the health of a child or adult in the present tense. For example, not “I want to be cured,” but “I am cured, I am healthy.” It is important to believe that a spell for health and longevity will help, and has already helped to recover from an illness.
  3. A spell for the health of a child or adult must be pronounced clearly, in a confident voice, with even intonation. The text must be pronounced without hesitation, the sequence of words must not be broken.
  4. It is important to remember that when using the services of white magic, you should not use a spell for a quick recovery as a panacea. At the same time, you should definitely contact a specialist and undergo the prescribed course of drug therapy.
  5. On the day when healing rituals are planned, you need to fast. It is also recommended to control yourself, not to conflict with anyone, not to quarrel and not to do bad things.
  6. It is very important to read such conspiracies at home during the new moon or waning moon. This is a must. Using an effective spell for a child’s health, a spell for women’s health, one should thank higher powers for their help, regardless of whether it brought results or not.

Prayer for human growth at any age

It happens that adults - a boy or a girl - want to become taller. Then you need to do it exactly at midnight (24 or 00 hours) so that no one is around. Turn on the dim lights, put a sheet of magic words in front of you and read

Just as all living things reach out to the sun, so I can grow up - I’ll be there in a week. As the devil summons souls to destruction, So let my body grow. I’ll take the height from the longest one, I’ll leave a little for Him - I’ll add centimeters for myself. There are seven days in a week. Let the story be like this! Amen! (3 times)

Read 13 days in a row without skipping. They say that you can grow bigger in the first week.

Effective rituals and prayers

Universal ritual for health

A young tree will help cure the disease

There is a very powerful way to combat illnesses. This ritual is suitable for a person who has the opportunity to visit a forest, grove or park where many trees grow. You need to go out at night and find a young tree. Then place both palms on its trunk and close your eyes. Read the conspiracy for the health of a child or adult:

“The disease is painful, the prickly disease reaches to the tree, it is transmitted from my body to the roots. It is not the servant of God (the name of the patient) who will harass and torment, but the tree that will wear away and dry up. I give the illness of the sick servant of God (name of the sick person) to the tree, strength will come to him, he is healthy now. Let it be so!"

This spell for good health usually works very quickly. You can also check its effectiveness. To do this, after a few weeks you need to approach the enchanted tree. If its leaves turn yellow or wither, this means that the tree has taken over your illness. Such a magical effect on healing and recovery from many ailments is an excellent help in addition to drug therapy. Such magical actions should only be performed by a person who sincerely wishes recovery to another person.

Getting rid of severe pain

There are strong full moon spells for health that will help even if you feel bad and the illness does not go away for a long time. This full moon ritual is performed directly over a sick person. Lay the person on the bed, stand over him and begin to say the magic words:

Lay the patient on the bed to carry out the conspiracy

“(Name of the part of the body that hurts) no longer suffers from pain, the patient, the servant of God (name of the patient) begins to feel better. The body is filled with health, the illness goes away and will never return. As the moon wanes, so does the disease disappear forever. Let it be so".

This is a strong conspiracy for a quick recovery. It can be done easily at home.

Rite of recovery

This is a universal ritual. It can be used to get rid of any disease. To carry it out, you need to go outside and find a young tree. Place your palms on it and whisper:

“The illness is painful, the illness is powerful, it reaches out to the tree, it flows from me into the tree. It is not the servant of God (name) who is now tormenting and gnawing, but the young tree is being crushed. I’ll give away my illness, I’ll take my strength.”

If the disease was serious, after a certain time the tree may dry out.

Child's health

If a child is sick, it is better to consult a doctor as soon as possible. But in parallel with drug treatment, a magical ritual can be used to help the child recover, after which the condition improves.

Looking at the candle flame, imagine how the child is getting better

In order for the child to recover, a ritual is performed on Friday. Place a candle on the table and light it. Looking at the flame of a candle, imagine how the baby is recovering. Next, place a glass of holy water in front of the candle. Speak water with these words:

“Mother Voditsa, you help everyone, you heal illnesses. Help my child (name), protect him from diseases, quench his pain. So that (name) always has good health and a strong body. Yes, guardian angels always stood behind him. Let it be as I said.”

After the water spell for health has been read, give it to the child to drink. This option is also suitable for newborns, for a newly born baby (if he has serious pathologies). In parallel, drug treatment is mandatory. White magic helps to ensure that children are healthy from birth.

Other spell options

There is an effective spell for water for health. This magical ritual is more suitable for combating female diseases. Also, spoken water can be used when carrying a child, so that the child is born healthy. To read a spell on water on a full moon, you need to find a source with clean water. It is better if it is a natural spring, lake, mountain river. If it is not possible to carry out a spell for good health near a natural body of water, you can use holy water.

To carry out a conspiracy, it is best to use a spring of clean water.

To carry out a full moon spell, you need to pour water into a container (it is better if it is a silver bowl). On a new moon, stand over a bowl of water and say the following words:

“Oh healing water, you give people strength, you cleanse them from illnesses and negativity. Help the servant of God (the name of the patient) to cleanse herself from the disease, come to her senses and become healthy. Heal her body, save her from torment. May she be healthy and joyful again. Let it be so".

You need to read this text on the full moon for healing three times. Next, to improve the condition, the charmed water is consumed internally and the body is washed.

What conspiracies are read on the new moon? The following plot is suitable to get rid of ailments that are caused by any negative magical influence. As a result, all unpleasant symptoms will go away. It is important that a sick person goes to a temple or church and prays. Collect holy water. During the period of the new moon or waning moon, take a glass of holy water, hold it over the head of the sick person, read the following words:

“Just as the Holy Mother of God, the mother of the servant of God (name of the patient), gave birth to the world, how she protected him from adversity and illness, how she saved him from evil glances, so now the power of holy water will deliver from illness, remove the evil eye/damage. There is no longer an evil slander, a dangerous slander, on the servant of God (name of the patient). All the bad things will drain from him, and his health will return. Let it be so"

After this, the patient must be given the enchanted holy water to drink, and the remaining liquid must be poured into the ground. He will gradually improve. This water spell for health is one of the most powerful. After the procedure, a person’s health usually improves.

The remains of the charmed water must be poured onto the ground.

To get rid of pain, you need to move the index finger of your right hand clockwise over the sore spot and say the words:

“Oh, (name of the diseased organ or part of the body) my (my), no pain, you, don’t itch, don’t torment the servant of God (name). As the moon wanes in the starry sky, so let my pain subside. Let it be so".

If after reading the pain does not subside, after a while you need to perform magical actions again. This ritual helps well with any pain, especially with problems with teeth, which often happen to people.

This powerful and universal conspiracy must be read on the night of the waning moon over a glass of spring or well water. The most suitable day for the ritual is Tuesday, the most unlucky is Saturday. Before the ritual begins, a church candle must be placed and lit on the table, next to the glass. Now we read the plot:

“Just as my mother (name) gave birth to me, and helped me through all my illnesses and adversities, so you, Voditsa, dear sister, help me, protect me from illness, remove the evil eye. Help me make my body healthy and clean. Get rid of all the lessons and prizes, evil slander and conversations, make sure that everything is as bad as glass from a stream, get rid of knots and ailments. Help me servant of God (name). Amen".

Now you need to take a sip of the charmed water, wash your face with it and sprinkle the rest on your body (especially on those places that hurt). Leave the candle to burn out and bury the cinder in the ground. This is a powerful ritual that will help even from a distance. It can also be used for a mother who is giving birth. Only in this case add: “Help me untie the knot, so that it can be easily untied, resolved, and joy will come to me.”

To eliminate negative consequences and achieve a good effect, a health conspiracy must be carried out strictly according to the rules. In all spells, you need to mentally imagine that the person is feeling better, that his health is returning.

How to “catch up” with growth?

It is known that one of the characteristics of the physical development of children and adolescents is height. “Is it possible to somehow influence growth?” - caring parents often ask. Elena LOBYKINA , Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Dietician of the Novokuznetsk Center for Medical Prevention answers this and other questions

— To answer this question, let me remind you a little about how growth occurs. Over the course of a child's life, until final growth is achieved, there are alternating periods of accelerated and decelerated growth. Bone formation ends on average by age 25. By this age, the formation of the so-called “peak bone mass” occurs, when linear growth accelerates, an intensive increase in bone mass and an increase in bone size occur. There are three periods of greatest growth spurt: the first year of life (height increases by 50% of body length at birth); 5-6 years and 13-15 years (pubertal growth spurt). Almost all hormones are involved in growth processes, especially the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and gonads (especially during puberty). In this regard, in case of growth retardation, it is necessary to exclude diseases of these endocrine organs.

— What factors contribute to slowing down a child’s growth?

— Height is influenced by heredity, constitutional characteristics and the presence of diseases. Growth hormone deficiency is rare; constitutional growth abnormalities are more common (especially in boys). Children of short parents with so-called “familial delayed maturation” grow poorly. Growth retardation and puberty can be observed both with a sharp lack of body weight as a result of insufficient calories or an unbalanced diet (anorexia nervosa, an attempt to lose weight on low-calorie diets), and with obesity in adolescents. The main reference point that you need to pay attention to when excluding the hormonal problem of growth retardation (growth hormone deficiency) is the lack of dynamics in the child’s growth throughout the year.

— Can nutrition affect a child’s growth?

- Yes maybe. To maintain the concentration and rhythm of growth hormone secretion, a complete and balanced diet (sufficient quantity and correct balance of not only proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but also vitamins and minerals) is extremely necessary. This is a fairly common cause of growth retardation in children.

In the first years of life, growth retardation may occur due to malnutrition and impaired intestinal absorption. If a child has been lagging behind his peers in growth since early childhood, and the reason for the lag is unclear, it is necessary to exclude the latent course of celiac disease in the child - a disease accompanied by intolerance to gluten (gluten) - a protein found in wheat and some other grains. Intestinal dysfunction leads to the development of absorption of essential nutrients.

— How to naturally increase the secretion of growth hormone with the help of nutrition?

— It has been proven that protein-energy malnutrition, nutritional deficiency of vitamins (A, D) and minerals (calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, etc.) lead to growth impairment. Protein is necessary for the proper formation of bone and cartilage tissue, as well as for the formation of hormones that regulate growth, including growth hormone itself. Accordingly, a lack of protein in food can directly affect growth retardation. In addition, a deficiency of complete protein disrupts the absorption of vitamins and minerals from food. Protein deficiency can manifest itself in children as a decrease in muscle mass (including body weight) and muscle pain, linear deformation of bones, changes in the skin (discoloration, dry flaky skin, long-term non-healing ulcers and wounds).

— How does vitamin D affect growth?

— Vitamin D, by regulating phosphorus and calcium and increasing calcium absorption in the intestine, regulates bone metabolism, preventing the development of rickets and osteoporosis. Food sources are animal liver, egg yolk, milk, butter, sour cream, caviar. Prevention of vitamin D deficiency can be achieved by increasing sun exposure, eating foods rich in vitamin D, and taking vitamin D daily. We actively prescribe vitamin D to children under 1-2 years of age to prevent rickets, then vitamin D is “forgotten” , especially in adolescence. Meanwhile, in our country, among all groups of the population, there is a deficiency of vitamin D of varying degrees, which requires, in eliminating the deficiency, the addition of therapeutic doses, and not in a course mode, but in a longer period of time.

— Is it possible to overdose on vitamin D?

— You can get an overdose if, for example, you prescribe high adult therapeutic doses of vitamin D to a small child without a blood test. In real practice, it is difficult to get an overdose in children and adolescents unless you take a bottle of vitamin drops a week for a month. These are extremes. Vitamin D is too deficient in the diet of all Russians, including children and adolescents. Therefore, the above dosages are the minimum prophylactic doses. On the contrary, the question should arise more often: “Is this dose sufficient for my child?”

— What else will help “catch up” with growth?

— For the formation of growth hormone, zinc is necessary, which stimulates the formation and mineralization of bone tissue and participates in the formation of enzymes that regulate growth and protein metabolism. About 30% of all zinc contained in the body is found in the bones. The main source of zinc is meat products. In addition, foods rich in zinc include pumpkin, zucchini seeds, crab meat, and peanuts.

Unfortunately, Western Siberia is a region not only deficient in iodine, but also in iron. It is noted that latent (hidden) iron deficiency can occur in 50 - 60% of adolescents. It is logical to believe that the nutrition and respiration of any cell, especially one growing like a bone, will need good iron supplements. In addition, hypoxia, which develops with iron deficiency, will also affect the synthesis of growth hormone.

They control linear growth (especially in the first years of a child’s life) and thyroid hormones, the formation of which requires iodine and animal protein. Let me remind you that the ideal combination of this is sea fish and seaweed. Much less iodine is contained in our traditional (“fish-free”) diet. Do not forget about any opportunity to include iodine-fortified foods (for example, salt and bread) in your diet. Everything in the body is very interconnected.

Thus, only varied, not the same type of nutrition from day to day, including all food groups, can improve the growth performance of a child and adolescent.

— What other factors, besides nutrition, can influence growth?

— For the normal growth of a child, the quality and duration of sleep are also important. Increasing sleep duration increases the release of growth hormone. It is advisable for teenagers to sleep 8-10 hours during this period. In addition to sleep, regular physical aerobic activity: swimming, gymnastics (horizontal bar), and athletics. Anaerobic exercise (marathons, weightlifting) can result in delayed pacing and ultimately little final height.

Based on materials (

Prayer for any illness

Conspiracies can be read both at home and in temple

Prayers and conspiracies against illnesses can be read at home in front of icons, or in church.

“Oh, great saints of Christ and miracle workers Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian. Hear us praying to you (names). You know our sorrows and illnesses, you hear the sighs of the many who come to you. For this reason, we call you as our quick helper and warm prayer book: do not leave us with your intercession with God. We constantly err from the path of salvation, guide us, merciful teachers. We are weak in faith, strengthen us, teacher of orthodoxy. We have done a great deal of good deeds, enrich us, treasures of goodness. We are constantly denounced by enemies, visible and invisible, and embittered; help us, helpless intercessors. Turn away the righteous anger moving towards us for our iniquities by your intercession from the Throne of the Judge of God. You will stand before him in heaven, the holy righteous woman. Hear, we pray, you, the great saints of Christ, calling you with faith, and with your prayers ask the Heavenly Father for all of us forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are helpers, intercessors and prayer books, and for you we send glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Conspiracy from a rival on the waning moon

This conspiracy is very strong. He will help you get rid of your rival. It is necessary to read the magical text on the flawed Moon.

Conspiracy from a rival

“Go away, damned rival, let your love be crucified. Oh, Moon, return to me what is mine, and send what is not mine into Genesis. I won’t give my other half to the devil or my worst enemies! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy for the elderly

There is a special spell for older people, who get sick more often than younger people and lose strength faster. To feel healthy again, recite the following spell over food or drinks:

“Lord, King of Heaven, Lord of life! You created me in Your image and likeness. Just as the bones of saints don’t groan, don’t ache, just as their hearts don’t prick or ache, so I wouldn’t have any pain, pricking or itching anywhere: not when it’s new, not when it’s decreasing, not when the moon is full, not when it’s red dawn Be strong, my bodies; be strong, all my loins. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Trading conspiracies on the waning moon: ritual

If a product bought with the last money lies dead on the shelves, then a conspiracy will help the merchant to establish trade and not get into debt.

  • The text of the plot is read on the flawed Moon. Before the ceremony, you must buy a padlock in the morning before the start of the working day.
  • When the workday is over, take a new, clean rag, wipe down the counters and window sills, and mop the floor with the rag.
  • Close the lock and wrap the key in a rag, saying the words:

“Lack of trade, poverty and wretchedness, bypass me (NAME) . You should swim on the water and not return to me (NAME). I will trade well and earn a lot of money. I close my strong word with a key that I set on water. Amen"

Trade conspiracy

  • After the ritual, the rag should be thrown into a pond, and the castle should be buried where no one walks or appears.

Before reading the plot, wipe the floors with a new rag.
Another text is read after the same preliminary steps:

“Dashingly beggar, dashingly non-trading, dashingly loss-making, don’t touch me, servant of God (name), be quiet, swim away on the water, don’t call me with you. Lie under the snag, keep the clawed crayfish, the white-faced fool. So that I don’t wear rags and don’t be poor forever, so that I don’t sell all my goods and don’t hoard rags. The wave carries you away, I am rich and free. I send poverty away, I close the words. The lock is in the company, and the key is in the water. Amen".

What prayer is read before surgery?

Before starting the operation, read the following prayer:

“Angel of God, my guardian! The goodness of the Most High has entrusted me to your care. You have protected me since my infancy and never abandoned me in my unworthy behavior. Accept my tearful prayer, holy Guardian Angel, my faithful protector! I confess my soul to you. Without being ashamed or disingenuous, I sincerely say: fear has penetrated my bones, my mind, fear is eating away at my soul. My will was crushed by the fear of death from the doctor’s knife. My guardian angel, ask the Merciful God for mercy for me: deliverance from unexpected and imminent death. And extend the years of my life with your prayers for me. I am glad that I have you. You are a shield, and salvation, and deliverance in danger. My guardian angel, be with me forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy from enemies of the waning moon

You can also perform the ritual of untethering from an evil person on the flawed Moon.

  • You need to light 3 candles, arranged in the following order: two low candles - at the edges, and a high one - between them.
  • Clasping your hands in front of you, try to look at the flame of a tall candle without blinking and read the plot three times:

Just as the devil can’t stand God’s gaze, fire can’t stand water, a body can’t stand arrows, like the blind can’t see, the deaf can’t hear, the dead can’t breathe, so that I, the servant of God (name), (name) doesn’t see or hear, close to She didn’t suit me, she didn’t plot against me. She didn’t crush, didn’t curse, didn’t scold, didn’t bother, didn’t talk about me, didn’t write, didn’t mention me to the authorities. Like our blood dead and ancestors lie in the ground, don’t hear church singing, don’t see the clear sun, don’t cross themselves, don’t pray, don’t come home, don’t go to church for Matins, don’t fast during Lent, don’t gorge on eggs on Easter, don’t dress up they change, they don’t remember themselves, so the servant of God (name) wouldn’t remember me, wouldn’t remember me, wouldn’t see me, and wouldn’t know me. May my conspiracy be strong at all times and in all future. Age forever. Amen.

  • After this, you need to leave the candles lit so that they burn out completely.
  • After performing such a ritual, an evil person will stop bothering you because of the problems he has or will disappear altogether.

Conspiracy from enemies

Spell for separation on the waning moon

To separate a husband and wife who love each other, a very active magical ritual using blood is needed, which can break their union.

Even experienced magicians do not advise or undertake to perform such a ritual, because the one who performs it will experience the consequences of the ritual.

Pursuing a good goal and without evil intent in your soul, you can perform a magical action. However, before performing the ritual, it is necessary to create a powerful defense.

Conspiracy for separation

You can count on a positive result of the ritual only if coldness or some indifference has already appeared in the loving relationship.

How to conduct a powerful ritual for separation?

Read the plot during the flawed Moon by opening the window:

“Through an old swamp, a black forest, over damp grass, over sharp ants, an old gray wolf walked , and behind her was an angry dog, and behind her a sick cat. They all stopped at once in one place, and they curled up into a ball. The fur flew off them, and I watched that fight. So that you, the servant of God (name of the man), and you, the servant of God (name of the woman), curl up like a ball, tear each other’s fur, and also fight. So that you love each other as a dog loves a wolf, and a cat loves a dog. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Advice from practitioners will help you spark a quarrel. This magic has consequences that you need to be aware of.

Ritual with a pet

If you have a dog living in your house, you can perform this ritual. They take a piece of bread and rub it on their lower back, saying the words:

“Mother of God, help me remove the ailment from my back. My words are clingy to food sculpted. Let the disease peel off from me and stick to the food. I ask you to remove the disease from me and give it to the dog. My word is flint, the lock on it is like a belt. Amen".

You need to feed your pet with bread.

The second variation of this ritual involves rolling out the crumb. To do this, they take whole bread and cut off the crust from it, remove the entire crumb and make a ball out of it, which they use to roll out the causative area, while reading the plot at the same time. The spell should be repeated three times. After the ceremony, you need to give the crumb to the dog and make sure he eats it.

We attract money

Prepare a “ransom” in advance - 13 small coins of any denomination, which you will receive as change at the market or in a store. Keep this money in a secluded, dark place until you decide to read the plot to attract money during the waxing Moon. Wait until nightfall before performing this ritual. The weather should be clear, because while reading the plot you should see the night star.

Hold the “ransom” in your left palm, look at the Moon and read the following text (you will need to memorize it):

How do you, Moon, walk across the sky, causing tides,

So that my wealth increases day by day and hour by hour.

Accept, Luna, my humble gift,

And do not leave me with your mercy!

My word is strong, it cannot be interrupted. As he said, so be it! Amen.

Then you need to throw the money in front of you, as a symbolic gift to the night luminary. It is advisable to perform this ritual outside, but if you can see the Moon from your window, you can perform it at home. But just first make sure that no one is standing under the window - you don’t need to attract unnecessary attention to yourself.

Here is another very simple way to improve your financial situation. In the evening, read the following money plot by the window for the waxing Moon:

How many stars are in the sky, so much money will be in my wallet!

The spell should be read three times while looking at the Moon. It may not bring a lot of money right away, but it will certainly improve the difficult financial situation of all those who really need it.

Bath spell

It is important to remember that if you have an intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis, visiting steam rooms is strictly prohibited. In such cases, you need to go only for qualified help, and not play with conspiracies. If lower back pain is associated with fatigue, then another effective method to get rid of back pain will help: read the plot in the bathhouse. In the bathhouse, while steaming, read the text of the conspiracy with a birch broom:

“The wind fans the fire, the steam from the bathhouse hits the lower back. All sorrows, illnesses and sorrows will dissolve and disappear into the air as steam, taking illnesses with them.”

Coming out of the steam room, pour a tub of cold water over yourself and read the second part of the plot:

“Red maiden, pure water. You wash away all the dirt, break the boulders. So wash my body and cleanse me from sorrow and illness. Bury all misfortunes and illnesses at the bottom of the ocean, so that they cannot rise from there again.”

Before leaving the bathhouse, you must say a thank you speech:

“Antipka and Anfiska are the bathhouse master and hostess. I bow low, and thank you for the honest couple. Amen".

Read conspiracies for rejuvenation on the waning moon

  • Read the plot on the first day of the flawed Moon. You need to wait until sunset, take the largest saucepan you have in the house, and fill it with water.
  • Next, add up all the spoons and add a pack of coarse salt. Place the pan on the fire until it boils.
  • Raising your hands over the boiling pan (at a safe distance), the plot is quickly read:

“Fire warms - the fat boils away, salt corrodes - the fat disappears, water renews - it helps me.”

After this, you need to turn over your left shoulder and move away from the stove, which you then do not approach until all the water has boiled away.

Conspiracy for rejuvenation

Then the spoons are washed with the words:

“Away with evil. Let it be so"

Repeat three days in a row.

Conspiracy for wrinkles and acne

Read on water on the waning moon three times. After this, wash with the spoken water 7 times and do not wipe your face until the water dries.

“Water, water, take away all the wrinkles (acne, pimples) from my face. Amen"

Spell for a beautiful and slender figure

  • The ceremony is carried out during the waning moon, after it gets dark, without prying eyes. Take a glass of spring water and a pork bone.
  • The glass is placed on the floor in the center of the room, the bone is placed near the glass. The plot is read 8 times, standing over a glass, facing the door:

“The servant of God (name) should not get fat, but become slimmer, not become fat, but become flexible. is fattening in the stable, and not the servant of God (name) in the house. Amen"

  • After this, you need to pick up the glass from the floor and pour the water over yourself, dripping the last drop onto the bone, which you should then immediately throw out the window.

Lunar spells for beauty

The old secret of “witchcraft attractiveness”

was known to witches. It was rumored that they went into the forest to prepare a certain ointment, the effect of which was similar to the Azazello cream from the legendary novel “The Master and Margarita”. It was enough to rub the skin with this ointment to look younger, acquire dazzling beauty and even the ability to fly!

Unfortunately, we cannot introduce readers to the recipe for the “witch’s cream”, because we do not know it. But we managed to find an ancient charm for beauty, which is supposed to be read during the waxing Moon. First, prepare honey water - pour some water into a bowl, add a glass of milk and two tablespoons of honey. Then say the following spell:

As you, month by hour, grow hour by hour, so my beauty will grow.

Just as you, honey, are sweet and loving to people, so I will be sweet and loved.

I lock my word with seven locks, I will hide seven keys under the Alatyr stone. Amen.

Wash your face three times with honey water, but do not dry yourself with a towel. By the way, even without magic, milk and honey have a refreshing effect on the skin!

Assistive devices and additional activities

Simple additional remedies that can be used at home will help increase the patient’s comfort during recovery after a broken leg:

  • Orthopedic insoles. They help not to overload the injured limb, relieve stress from bones and joints.
  • Belt. Special straps are attached to the bed, so the patient receives additional support when sitting down or standing up. Patients with a hip fracture especially need such a device.
  • Crutches or cane. Depending on the severity of the injury, in the early recovery period the patient may require assistance while walking. Auxiliary supports will relieve excessive stress from the limbs and give the patient confidence during movements.

Rehabilitation measures provide for a uniform increase in the load on the body. Initially, the doctor prescribes simple breathing exercises to the patient, which help saturate the body with oxygen and develop the respiratory system. Afterwards, exercise is added, which is aimed at developing general body mobility. After about a month, physical exercises are expanded and divided into two groups:

  • general – aimed at improving the health of the whole body;
  • special ones - restore the damaged area.

Properly selected gymnastics and a course of physical therapy restore blood circulation, strengthen muscles, resume motor activity and prevent complications.

Spells for financial luck (for big wins)

This way to get rich is suitable for players, as well as those who buy lottery tickets. A strong spell for money on the growing moon is performed using a wallet. Buy a wallet, preferably red, and place it on the windowsill. Let it lie and be illuminated by the moon's rays all night. It doesn’t matter whether the weather is clear or the sky is overcast – the magic of the Moon will work all the same. The next morning, take your wallet from the windowsill, open it and say:

I'm changing loss to profit! Expenses for you, income for me. Amen.

Carry the new enchanted wallet with you in your purse, but keep the banknotes in the old one. When buying a lottery ticket again, touch your new wallet and imagine a big win. Luck will not be slow to turn its face to you!

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