Effective spells and prayers for gaining self-confidence


Magic can get rid of self-doubt. Conspiracies and prayers for self-confidence act on a psychological level, they impart courage and fearlessness, so the attitude is important when performing rituals. Prayers are based on faith in God and his ability to help man.

Magic will help you overcome self-doubt

Preparing for the conspiracy

Magic rituals are characterized by simplicity of execution. Difficulties arise when preparing for them. It is important to go through all the stages. Some tips will help increase the effectiveness of the ritual.

  • Avoid eating for a day. It is allowed to drink a glass of water in the morning before performing a magical ritual. Eating food and any other drinks is prohibited. Otherwise, the power of the conspiracy will be weakened.
  • Say protective prayers in the morning before the ritual. The rite of faith in one’s own strength is a white magical action, so they pray in front of the icons.
  • Prepare payment for the ceremony. Several coins are wrapped in white cloth on the day of the conspiracy. Carry with you when performing it. This is a kind of payoff for the help of higher powers. After completing the magical actions, immediately or at dawn, coins are thrown into river water. Mentally thank the higher powers.

The desire to carry out a conspiracy for self-confidence is not discussed. Be sure to carry out the entire ritual independently, in solitude. After achieving results, they don’t talk about them or brag about them.

Any day is chosen for the conspiracy except Sunday and church holidays. It is strictly forbidden to use magic on Christmas, Ascension, Easter. The moon phase should be waxing. The developing night luminary contributes to the emergence of something new in life: a new attitude towards oneself, one’s goals and capabilities.

When preparing for a confidence plot, do not forget about the psychological state. The person performing the ritual is in energetic contact with higher powers. The outcome of the magical action will depend on his mood. Higher powers react faster and more willingly to positive energy.

A positive psychological attitude is important:

  • a person’s thoughts and emotions must be kind and pure;
  • grievances, debts are released, forgiven;
  • they try not to quarrel with their relatives;
  • Relationships that were previously damaged are mended.

Visualization is important. Before rituals, it is useful to imagine in detail what goals will be achieved after the ritual begins. It is forbidden to drink alcohol before the confidence spell. Consciousness is kept sober. Smoking and swearing are also prohibited. Before the ceremony you need to get a good night's sleep.

To pay off the higher powers, you should prepare a few coins

An ancient rite to gain faith in one's own strength

For this ritual you will need a bird feather, a church candle and a key. In the evening, on the waxing moon, perform the following ritual. Light a candle. Place a feather on the table to your right and a key to your left. Choose a key that fits well in your pocket. You can buy a decorative key made of silver or gold and hang it on a string or chain.

For the ritual you will need a small key

Take a comfortable position and, looking at the candle fire, try to relax. There should be no extraneous thoughts in your head, much less worries or heavy thoughts.

When you feel absolutely calm, say the words of the spell

Open the window and let the feather fly in the wind. It doesn't matter where it goes. The wind will still push him in the right direction. Hang the key around your neck if it is jewelry, or put it in a secluded place. This will be your talisman. Always take it with you if you have important negotiations, an important meeting, or some event that causes you excessive anxiety or fear.

Potent hexes

The rituals are performed with all the necessary preparation. They are often carried out several times or in stages. Magic rituals do not begin to work immediately, unlike quick methods. They have a long lasting effect and can dramatically enhance a person’s internal energy.

Prayer to Saint Luke

The patron saint of physicians helps to find psychological balance. He is responsible for internal harmony and self-confidence.

The prayer is read in the evening. They turn around their axis 3 times, crossing themselves 4 times in 4 different directions.

Pronounce the text:

Appeal to the Sun and Moon

The ritual is performed during the new moon and the rising sun on Wednesday. First, buy a candle from the church. At dawn they go out into the street, turn to the east, and recite a spell to increase self-confidence:

After pronunciation, light a candle. Hold it with both hands at the level of the solar plexus. Read the Lord's Prayer 6 times. After pronouncing, extinguish the flame with a wave of the left hand. They say these words:

The remainder of the candle is thrown away at the intersection. Choose the road closest to the house.

The plot is read at sunrise

Conspiracy of confidence in a new place

The ceremony is carried out during the transition in the first days to a new place of work, residence, or study. They carry out their plans in the morning at dawn. Take a red woolen thread. They bring it to their lips, saying in a whisper:

A red thread is tied around a leg or arm, covered with clothing. They don’t show it to anyone or tell anyone about it.

They go to work. At the end of the working day, the thread is removed. The next day, in the morning, they perform the same ritual, again removing the thread at home after work. Repeat the required number of times until you gain confidence in the new place.

Self-esteem ritual with water and mirror

Ritual to increase self-esteem with water and a mirror:

  • The magical actions of the ritual are not tied to a specific time of day. You will need a large mirror and a container of water.
  • Position yourself so that your full reflection is in the mirror. The bowl of water should be in front of you. Start pronouncing the words.

“The Firebird is harmonious in its appearance, beautiful and bright, dazzles with its brilliance and rejoices in life. Every person looks at her and admires her. The Firebird cannot look at its charms enough, it imagines before the beholders. I should be like a bird with golden plumage, not doubt my beauty, admire my reflection. Let my beauty multiply and enchant everyone around. Just as a bird shines with its intelligence, so I cannot doubt my deeds and thoughts. Never shed bitter tears, never worry about anything, love and respect yourself with dignity.”

  • Seven drops of enchanted water are added to food products. As soon as a person has lunch, the conspiracy to increase self-esteem will begin to take effect.
  • The ritual is repeated for several days until you feel internal changes.
  • The mirror participating in the ritual must be wiped with salted water and covered with a cloth.

Fast-acting rituals

Such rituals begin to take effect during the day. They will help once in a specific case when it is necessary to control the situation.

Spells and prayers restore vital energy. Direct maximum efforts to resolve the situation. Ritual times:

  • in the evening, on the eve of the decisive event;
  • in the morning, before an important event;
  • during a difficult situation.

To gain strength

The prayer is read when troubles or stressful situations arise. You should calm down, retire, sit down, drink water. The following words are spoken:

Conspiracy to gain strength

Before you start

They turn to God to gain strength before starting a new business. Suitable for giving self-confidence to a person of any profession. It will help businessmen and doctors get rid of doubts. It helps concentrate energy in one desired direction. A person gains faith in himself, sets goals and achieves them. It is forbidden to read a prayer with the aim of preventing another person from carrying out his plans.

Before leaving the house at the door, but without crossing the threshold, they pronounce the words:

After solving a problem situation, you need to thank a higher power for your help. They thank the Guardian Angel, the Lord God, Saint Luke, without adhering to a clear text. You can describe gratitude in your own words.


There are situations when a confident, strong person ceases to control the situation. They try to calm down as much as possible. They take a deep breath, whispering the words:

After a short text, immediately exhale, hold your breath, adding:

They recommend stretching a little, straightening your shoulder blades, tightening your muscles, and taking a deep breath. Afterwards, you can continue interrupted activities with renewed vigor.

Hex on water

The ceremony can be performed at any time. When concentration is urgently needed, go to a secluded place with a glass of water. Whisper the words of the spell 3 times:

After pronouncing, wash with water or spray it on yourself. You need to dry yourself with the wrong side of your clothes.

Magic on clothes

The ritual is carried out in the morning before an important event where a person will need confidence in his abilities. After waking up they go outside. They take with them the clothes that a person has prepared for an important event, a light bird feather. It must be blown into the wind. Say the words of the spell 7 times, bending over the clothes:

They approach the eastern side of the house and draw a circle on the wall with their left hand. A lit church candle is taken in the right hand. You need to move it in a circle.

The feather should be blown into the wind

The most powerful ritual to increase self-esteem: practice

  • Raising self-esteem in one day is quite difficult. Confidence must accumulate over a certain period, as a result of the work done on oneself.
  • The strongest ritual for increasing self-esteem consists of a 30-day practice.

For a month
you will need to read the magic words daily:

  • Remaining yourself is safe and wonderful. I assert myself and accept myself. I put aside my shortcomings in favor of my strengths and feel proud of my achievements.
  • I accept the characteristics of the people around me. I, like everyone else, appeared with God’s blessing; each of us has our own mission in this world. My life path is not the same as everyone else’s, but it is no less valuable and important. My life is of great value.
  • I calmly accept my mistakes and approve of any work done. From my failures I gain valuable experience. I strive for excellence.
  • I am worthy of love. I live, which means I deserve mutual love. I really perceive my weaknesses and strengths.
  • I don't try to live up to anyone's expectations. I'm not perfect, but I'm proud of my strengths.
  • I allow myself to dream, want and love. Striving for my goals will help improve my self-esteem.
  • I don't worry about possible obstacles and failures. I will make every effort to achieve victories.
  • I am perfect, I love this world and deserve God's protection.

Love yourself
In a month you will feel like a different person, with new desires and possibilities!

Conspiracy on the power of thought

The sacred text protects against any attack on your mind - it strengthens your thoughts and makes them stronger. After casting this spell, you will not react to various provocations. You will follow the call of your heart, not paying attention to the gossip of envious people.

So the spell goes like this:

Pronounce the words clearly and without confusion - this is the only way they will be filled with magic. And never raise your voice at a magical moment.

A spell to get rid of fear

Fear is constantly present in our lives to one degree or another. We are afraid for our elderly parents, for small or adult children. We are constantly afraid of losing our job or not repaying the loan we took out. We are afraid of getting sick or flying on an airplane. But these fears are already familiar. This is almost the natural state of modern man.

Magic words will help you get rid of fear

What to do if you really find yourself in a difficult situation when it is difficult to remain confident. To gain courage, say this very strong and powerful prayer׃

Only a sincere believer can read it. Faith will strengthen your spirit, give you courage and determination.

Saint Luke will help

To get rid of fear and uncertainty, you can read a very strong conspiracy. It should only be done on a new moon. Buy an icon with the image of St. Luke. Place it on the table, and light church candles on either side of it. First, ask the Saint for help in your own words. Then read the words of the conspiracy

“I look at Luka - I can do everything, I can do everything. Help, Luke, to find inner strength and become a self-confident person. I will endure everything, I will endure everything, I can do everything, I can do everything - with your supervision, with your help. Give me, Luke, so much power that there is enough for everything - both intelligence and strength. Give me confidence so that no one and nothing can shake it. My strength and confidence are growing and strengthening every day. Saint Luke gives it to me. Be with me, don’t leave, don’t abandon me, give me strength. Amen".

Hang the icon over the place where you sleep, and read the magical text every night before going to bed. After a month, the icon must be removed and hung with other icons.

Conspiracy for female power

What is feminine power? In love, in protecting children, in prosperity, in home comfort. But there is one more point that touches the soul of absolutely every woman: preserving beauty and youth.

How can you remain charming and attractive for many years? How to attract the delightful gaze of men? It turns out that there are special conspiracies that awaken the feminine principle - and their results are noticeable instantly.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have used this magic from time immemorial - and they managed to preserve their beauty into old age. And you must admit that in those days no one complained of fatigue - everyone was cheerful and healthy.

Here is one of the most effective quick conspiracies :

It is pronounced in the morning over water, which then needs to be washed. Do not wipe the drops with a towel - let the water absorb into your skin.

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