Angel Elena's Day - congratulations, cards, pictures with name day

Congratulations to all Elen and Len on the holiday, happy name day! Angel Helen's Day is celebrated several times a year - in winter, summer and autumn. We have collected the best congratulations, gentle SMS in verse, beautiful cards so that everyone can congratulate their acquaintances, relatives, and friends who bear this wonderful name.

The name Helen comes from the ancient Greek Ἑλένη (Helene) and means “sunny”, “sunlight”.

We celebrate Angel Helen's Day on the following dates:

  • 28 January,
  • June 3,
  • June 8,
  • July 24,
  • November 12.

Each of these dates is associated with Christian saints and martyrs. Thus, June 3 is the Orthodox holiday of memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and his mother Elena, June 8 is traditionally the memory of the holy martyrs Averky and Elena, and July 24 is the day of memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, who took the name Elena in baptism.

When should we congratulate Lenochka on her name day and when should she celebrate it herself? The answer is simple: usually they choose the date closest to their birthday.

But we have no doubt: those who have friends named Elena will not miss the opportunity to congratulate them on Angel Day at least 10 times a year!

Congratulations on Angel Elena's Day in verse

May the angel protect our Lena, and may the Lord guide us with his wisdom. Let her thoughts be pure, And all her dreams come true.


Lena! Happy angel day! Let your dreams come true, I wish you, May there be a good fate and love, A happy smile both in the evening and early in the morning!


Happy Angel Day, Lenochka, congratulations! May he protect and protect you. Also, of course, dear, I wish you great happiness, joy, warmth.


Beautiful and sweet Elena, Congratulations on Angel’s Day, We wish you love, good luck, happiness, All the best and real luck!


The angel will open his wings, protect him from the burden of thoughts, from sadness and resentment.

He will cover and heal with snow feathers. And in a quiet, gentle voice he will encourage you.

Happy Angel Day, Elena! Let the good rays shine in your eyes, like the light of a candle.


Helen, happy Angel Day to you! We wish you a lot of happiness and love. So that all the bad weather passing by does not hurt your affectionate soul.


Happy Angel Day, Lena! Let him help, protect and save from troubles and adversity! He will prevent all troubles and keep a vigilant eye on your health!

Help him - always smile and shine with happiness like a star in the sky! Don’t part with hope and faith And don’t doubt that he is nearby!


Today is an unusual holiday: We celebrate Angel Helen's Day. And we hasten to congratulate you, Because we have no soul in you.

I wish you health, success, luck, peace, goodness and strong love. Still have a wonderful mood, Take all the best from life.


Happy Angel Day, Elena, Be happy yourself, May the forces of the entire Universe Help you with something:

They will give you inspiration, they will bring you health, may success await you every moment!


Today is Lenochka’s name day, Angel’s Day, or so they say. Be kind, fair, sweet, And the angel, watching, will be happy. He is able to notice important things and inadvertently suggest answers. And it gives me pleasure from my heart and soul to congratulate you on Angel’s Day today.


Happy Angel Day, I congratulate you, Elena, May your life be happy, extraordinary.

Let the angel protect you from troubles, Let him fly after you through life.

With its wings it will cover you from thunderstorms and bad weather, let fate be generous for your happiness.

Saints Constantine and Helen

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes.

June 3 is the day of remembrance of the saints Tsar Constantine and his mother Queen Helena. In the Orthodox Church, the great mother and son are glorified as equal to the apostles - their feat of preaching the Gospel and converting peoples to the faith is so significant. Constantine was born in the Serbian city of Nis, in 272. Elena - in Drepan (Asia Minor), later renamed Elenopolis in honor of her. The year of birth of Elena herself is not precisely established...

Ambrose of Milan wrote that Helen was the daughter of an innkeeper and met the future emperor Constantius Chlorus, Constantine's father, when he, still a young officer, was riding horses, and she served him wine.

When Constantine was 21, his father divorced Helena in order to marry the daughter of Emperor Maximian and strengthen his position at court. He became Caesar of the province of Gallia Belgica. In 306, after his death, Constantine was proclaimed emperor of this province.

In 312, Constantine entered into a power struggle with the usurper Maxentius. On the eve of the decisive battle, he had a dream: he needed to draw an image of the Christian cross on the banners, and then he would win (“and thus win”). And so it happened. Constantine became emperor of the western part of the Roman Empire. He succeeded in completely unifying the lands in 321.

In 313 in Milan, at the wedding of his sister, Constantine, who believed in Christ, announced an edict that legalized Christianity on the territory of the Roman Empire. Emperor Diocletian, an ardent persecutor of Christians, was also invited to the feast as an honorary guest. However, he did not come.

Elena, while in Trier, gave part of her house to the Christian community of the city so that a church could be built there. It became one of the oldest official churches, along with the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Constantine gave his mother the title of empress. The first coins found with her image date back to 318.

Saint Helena became a Christian at the age of 60. In 326, she made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where she undertook archaeological research, discovering the Cross of the Lord, nails and a tablet with the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” At the time of this trip she was about 80 years old.

In 325, Constantine convened the First Ecumenical Council, where the Creed of Christians was formulated. At this council, the emperor personally greeted the confessors of the faith who suffered during the years of persecution, kissing their wounds. In 320, he moved the capital of the Roman Empire to a new city - Constantinople, which later became the center of the Eastern Empire - Byzantium.

Constantine dreamed all his life of being baptized in the Jordan, but was baptized shortly before his death at his residence near Constantinople. He died in 337. The exact date of Elena's death is unknown

We thank Timofey Katnis for his help in preparing the material. Drawings by Elena Popovskaya

Angel Elena's Day - cards and pictures

The best cards and pictures for Elena on Angel's Day:

Equal to the Apostles Constantine the Great, Helen of Constantinople

Life and works of the apostles – St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Constantine

The Life and Works of the Apostles – St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helena

Lives of Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine and Queen Helena

The Holy Emperor Constantine (306–337), who received the title “Equal of the Apostles” from the Church, and was called the Great in world history, was the son of Caesar Constantius Chlorus (305–306), who ruled the countries of Gaul and Britain. The huge Roman Empire was at that time divided into Western and Eastern, headed by two independent emperors who had co-rulers, one of whom in the Western half was the father of Emperor Constantine. Holy Queen Helen, mother of Emperor Constantine, was a Christian. The future ruler of the entire Roman Empire, Constantine, was raised to respect the Christian religion. His father did not persecute Christians in the countries he ruled, while throughout the rest of the Roman Empire Christians were subjected to severe persecution by the emperors Diocletian (284–305), his co-ruler Maximian Galerius (305–311) in the East and the emperor Maximian Herculus (284–305) – in the West. After the death of Constantius Chlorus, his son Constantine in 306 was proclaimed emperor of Gaul and Britain by the troops. The first task of the new emperor was to proclaim freedom of professing the Christian faith in the countries under his control. The pagan fanatic Maximian Galerius in the East and the cruel tyrant Maxentius in the West hated Emperor Constantine and plotted to depose and kill him, but Constantine warned them and, with the help of God, defeated all his opponents in a series of wars. He prayed to God to give him a sign that would inspire his army to fight bravely, and the Lord showed him in the sky the shining sign of the Cross with the inscription “By this way conquer.” Having become the sovereign ruler of the Western part of the Roman Empire, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan on religious tolerance in 313, and in 323, when he reigned as the sole emperor over the entire Roman Empire, he extended the Edict of Milan to the entire eastern part of the empire. After three hundred years of persecution, Christians for the first time had the opportunity to openly confess their faith in Christ.

Having abandoned paganism, the emperor did not leave ancient Rome, which was the center of the pagan state, as the capital of the empire, but moved his capital to the east, to the city of Byzantium, which was renamed Constantinople. Constantine was deeply convinced that only the Christian religion could unite the huge, heterogeneous Roman Empire. He supported the Church in every possible way, brought back Christian confessors from exile, built churches, and took care of the clergy. Deeply revering the cross of the Lord, the emperor wanted to find the very life-giving cross on which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. For this purpose, he sent his mother, the holy queen Helen, to Jerusalem, giving her great powers and material resources. Together with Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem, Saint Helena began a search, and by the Providence of God the Life-Giving Cross was miraculously found in 326. While in Palestine, the holy queen did a lot for the benefit of the Church. She ordered to free all places associated with the earthly life of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother from all traces of paganism, and ordered the erection of Christian churches in these memorable places. Above the Cave of the Holy Sepulcher, Emperor Constantine himself ordered the construction of a magnificent temple in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. Saint Helena gave the Life-Giving Cross for safekeeping to the Patriarch, and took part of the Cross with her to present to the Emperor. Having distributed generous alms in Jerusalem and arranged meals for the poor, during which she herself served, Holy Queen Helena returned to Constantinople, where she soon died in 327.

For her great services to the Church and her labors in obtaining the Life-Giving Cross, Queen Helena is called Equal-to-the-Apostles.

The peaceful existence of the Christian Church was disrupted by the unrest and discord that arose within the Church due to the emergence of heresies. Even at the beginning of the activity of Emperor Constantine, the heresy of the Donatists and Novatians arose in the West, demanding the repetition of baptism over Christians who had fallen away during persecution. This heresy, rejected by two local councils, was finally condemned by the Council of Milan in 316. But especially destructive for the Church was the heresy of Arius, which arose in the East, which dared to reject the Divine essence of the Son of God and teach about the creatureliness of Jesus Christ. By order of the emperor, the First Ecumenical Council was convened in 325 in the city of Nicaea. 318 bishops gathered for this Council, its participants were bishops-confessors during the period of persecution and many other luminaries of the Church, among whom was St. Nicholas of Myra. The Emperor attended the meetings of the Council. The heresy of Arius was condemned and the Creed was drawn up, in which the term “Consubstantial with the Father” was introduced, forever cementing in the minds of Orthodox Christians the truth about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, who assumed human nature for the redemption of the entire human race.

One can be amazed at the deep church consciousness and feeling of Saint Constantine, who singled out the definition of “Consubstantial”, which he heard in the debates of the Council, and proposed to include this definition in the Creed.

After the Council of Nicea, Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine continued his active work in favor of the Church. At the end of his life, he accepted Holy Baptism, having prepared for it with his whole life. Saint Constantine died on the day of Pentecost in 337 and was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles in a tomb he had prepared in advance.

See also: “ The Life of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine and His Holy Mother Helen” as presented by St. Demetrius of Rostov.

Queen Helen's Finding of the Cross

In her declining years, Elena set out to make a pilgrimage to Palestine, to the place of Christ’s life. Even in old age, possessing a sharp mind and the speed of a young body, Elena headed east. In Palestine she had to accomplish a great deed - to find the Cross on which Christ was crucified.

The legend about Helen's acquisition of the Holy Cross has reached us in two versions. The first of them says that the Cross was found under the temple of Aphrodite. When it was destroyed, under its rubble they found three different crosses, a sign taken down of the Cross of the Savior and nails. How to determine which of the three crosses is genuine was invented by Macarius, Bishop of Jerusalem. He decided to apply each cross to a sick woman. God revealed the true Cross when a woman regained health by touching it. Those who were present at this event gave praise to the Lord, and Bishop Macarius raised the Cross, showing it to everyone.

According to the second version, Elena turned to the Jerusalem Jews for help. The old Jew, whose name was Judas, pointed to the sanctuary of Venus. Elena ordered the destruction of the temple. During excavations, three crosses were discovered. The Holy Cross was found through a miracle: a dead man was carried nearby, and when the Holy Cross was brought to his flesh, the dead man came to life. Judas converted to Christianity and became a bishop.

During the journey, Elena never ceased to show the best qualities of her nature. Driving past the cities, the empress showered gifts on the local population. Elena did not refuse anyone who turned to her for help. Elena also did not forget about the churches, which she decorated with rich jewelry.

She visited temples even in the smallest cities. Elena appeared in modest clothes, mingling with the crowd. In addition, she is credited with the construction of a large number of churches on the holy land. Elena also built many hospitals.

Returning from a pilgrimage, Elena made a stop in Cyprus. Seeing how the local population suffered from snakes, she ordered cats to be brought to Cyprus.

Elena founded the Stavrovoun monastery here.

Saint Helena Equal to the Apostles, what helps

After her death, Elena became a revered Christian saint, patroness and helper in earthly affairs. Anyone who wants to achieve material prosperity can turn to Saint Helena Equal to the Apostles for assistance.

Saint Helena also helps those who decide to start an important business, achieve career growth or success in the political field. In addition, the cult of Saint Helena is of great importance to the peasants.

It is no coincidence that Helen's Day falls on June 3 - the time when the planting of grain ends. Prayers are offered to Saint Helena for the protection of crops and increased yields.

Description of the holy image

Lifetime images of the queen have survived to this day, this is her sculpture, as well as a profile image on coins. Of course, in these images Elena is somewhat idealized, but in general her external features are most likely conveyed accurately. The veneration of the saint began immediately after her death and several centuries later, the first icon of St. Helena appeared. Over time, a certain tradition developed on how to depict the saint on icons.

  1. It is not so often among ancient icons that the image of Helen alone is found; as a rule, she is together with her son, who stands on the left side of her, and between them is the Cross of the Lord. This is a classic image of a queen.

    Icon of Saints Equal to the Apostles Constantine and Helen

  2. An icon with hagiographical marks, small miniatures, where there are sketches of the main events in the life of the saint: the vision, the journey to Jerusalem, the finding of the Cross of the Lord.
  3. The icon of Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen, where she is alone without her son, often represents the queen with a dish on which lie four nails that she found during excavations.

It is characteristic that in all iconographic images, St. Elena appears as a young, pretty woman. Despite the fact that she had already come to faith at an old age and died when she was already over 80 years old. And this is not accidental, because through this the icon painters tried to emphasize the spiritual youth of St. Elena.

Elena: name meaning and compatibility


the name has “light”. It also means “chosen one.”

Lena is a good name for girls who were born under the zodiac constellation Cancer

: It will have a positive impact on them.

You can safely give it

something with chalcedony or products made of ash: these are the totem stone and tree of the name.

Elena has good relationships with the bearers of the name: Abraham, Artemy, Andrey, Afanasy, Bogdan, Vyacheslav, Vikenty, Gabriel, Gordey, Gerasim, Dmitry and David, Emelyan, Innokenty and Igor, Joseph, Isaac, Clement, Kirill, Kondrat, Kuzma , Lukyan, Matvey, Makar, Mikhail, Plato, Pamphilus, Roman, Sevastian, Savely, Tikhon, Timofey, Trofim, Fedot, Yaroslav

There may be difficulties in relations with the owners of the name: Anatoly and Alexander, Anton, Vasily and Vadim, German, Grigory, Efrem, Evgeniy, Ivan, Mark, Nikolay, Peter, Stepan, Rafail, Taras.

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