How to get rid of erysipelas with the help of a conspiracy

» Conspiracies » Conspiracies and rituals for the treatment of erysipelas



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Streptococcal infection develops so quickly in a weak body that soon after infection the first signs of a dangerous disease appear in a person. Inflammation, which is known as erysipelas, occurs after contact with infected people. The routes of transmission of infection are not limited to body contact; streptococcus is transmitted through the air. This disease is often treated not by doctors, but by healers, and a ritual spell for erysipelas helps them with this.

Conspiracies from the face

Magic treatment for erysipelas

You can become infected with the causative agent of the disease through household means, so it is difficult to avoid infection. Modern traditional and folk medicine offers many methods of getting rid of serious illness, but not all of them are safe for humans. Magic, no matter how a person perceives it, surrounds him and offers help at the right moment. A conspiracy against erysipelas on the leg or a general conspiracy against erysipelas on the body is easy to perform at home and without serious consequences for the body.

This unpleasant disease spreads quickly, so there is no point in delaying treatment. A person with a weak immune system or previous diseases is unable to withstand new dangers, and drug therapy only worsens his well-being. A spell for mug on the face is a safe alternative that is available to every patient and patient. Conspiracy from the face, when to read and who to perform the secret ritual?

Is spell treatment effective?

A magic spell for erysipelas can eliminate the inflammatory process, muscle pain, migraine, and manifestations of the disease on the limbs and face. Magic eliminates the cause of erysipelas, activates the internal forces of the body, and returns the body to a healthy state.

Magical methods of treatment complement a visit to the doctor and taking medications. Folk conspiracies with a ritual part must be carried out for 2-3 days in a row, the exact timing is specified for each specific ritual. A single whisper will not be enough; a complex effect is needed.

Healing conspiracies against erysipelas are white magic, spontaneous. Such spells work even for beginners.

Religion allows for light rituals. The main thing is faith in your own strength. It’s pointless to recite magic texts for show.

You can read conspiracies for your husband, child, friend, relatives. In a weakened state, treating another with magical methods is ineffective; the result will be weak.

How to choose a place for a ritual

All conspiracies, including a strong conspiracy against erysipelas, are carried out in a strictly defined order using the necessary attributes and homemade tinctures or products. Actions “by eye” will only harm a beginner performing magical rituals. Conspiracies and prayers from the face help all believers in their healing power. Magic cannot be disrespected or neglected, so it should be taken seriously or not at all.

An effective spell for treating erysipelas, who should pronounce it? There are many different rituals that are suitable for each case and will help with any degree of neglect of the disease. Old recipes, used by any wise grandmother, have stood the test of time, and can rid an adult or child of a protracted problem. How should you prepare for the ritual?

What is erysipelas?

The inflammatory process caused by streptococcal infection enters the human body through the mucous membrane damaged by primary diseases (otitis media, runny nose and colds). How to recognize the signs of erysipelas? A disease that manifests itself on the leg or other parts of the body is characterized by:

  1. The infection penetrates through any, even microscopic, damage to the skin. Through diaper rash, wounds and small rashes, pathogenic microorganisms enter the body of an adult or child, which do not appear for a long time (latent stage of the disease), and are detected only in the later stages.
  2. The appearance of erysipelas is preceded by an increased stress state of a person, hypothermia and systematic stress on his body.
  3. The disease progresses in an atypical manner, and while in some patients inflammation occurs a couple of weeks after infection, in others it takes months before the first signs appear.
  4. A symptom of inflammation is severe swelling, which is difficult to miss. Associated problems: necrosis, abscesses and ulcers also plague people with erysipelas.
  5. The consequences of the disease can be the most unpredictable: disruption of the lymph nodes and blockage of the vascular system are the most dangerous.

Thickening of the skin leads to the development of elephantiasis.

Reading conspiracies or seeking help from a doctor is a purely personal matter for the person who suffers from erysipelas. But it is necessary to get rid of such a dangerous disease by any available means and methods. Treatment of infection will not take much time and effort if the disease is detected in the early stages of development. Prayers, conspiracies and homemade remedies will improve the patient’s condition and help get rid of severe inflammation. A disease that goes untreated for a long time leads to irreversible consequences and poses a real threat to the life of an adult or child. How to properly deal with the inflammatory process caused by streptococcus?

What is erysipelas and how does it manifest?

Erysipelas is an infectious disease that occurs locally on the body - often in mucous areas of the body, as well as in those where there is abundant hair. In this case, the patient’s erysipelas manifests itself as follows:

  • Body temperature rises to 40 degrees;
  • There is a general weakness of the body;
  • Muscles and headaches hurt;
  • Itching and burning occur in the inflamed areas;
  • Red spots appear a day after the first symptoms.

If erysipelas occurs on the face, swelling is often observed. Moreover, if the infection has formed on the extremities, heat from the affected areas is locally felt. Animals in villages often suffer from this disease. Erysipelas mainly occurs in piglets and pigs.

Erysipelas is an infectious disease caused by streptococcal bacteria. This infection can cover large areas of skin, which are accompanied by large spots.

Those people who work closely with infected livestock have a 95% chance of contracting the disease. The primary reason why erysipelas appears on the legs, arms and face is streptococcus, which enters the body through mechanical damage to the body. In magic, there are a large number of rituals for damage or the evil eye, as a result of which the object also develops such an ailment. If there are no injuries on the body, we can say with confidence that this is a magical effect.

In what cases is it worth reading the plot?

Prayer for erysipelas on the leg

Even if it is not yet known what exactly could have caused such inflammation (spoilage, the evil eye or an inflammatory process in the body), in addition to traditional treatment, one must begin to cleanse the patient of negative energy with the help of prayers to the Lord or Saints. Also, one of the best remedies for this disease is considered to be the most powerful prayer for erysipelas on a red rag. To do this you need:

  • Take red linen or cotton fabric (do not take silk);
  • Next, we read the following prayer on the cloth three times (as if casting a spell on it):

“I beg, I drive out from the Servant of God (name) the earthy, watery, natural, invented, ridiculous, judgmental, painful, seething, creeping, flowing, alien face. Face you, with a low bow, a humble word: no, you (name) should not stand, should not break bones, should not dry the blood, and should not bow his head. I will send Your face across the blue sea. On that blue sea there lies a blue stone, on that stone the throne stands. On that throne there are three full boxes, behind that throne the Lord himself stands, holding a prayer book, reading that book from his servant (name), begging his face. Amen!"

  • When you finish with the prayer, you need to wrap the affected area of ​​​​the leg with a red rag;
  • It is recommended to wear this product throughout the week.

Orthodox prayers for erysipelas.

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer

In addition to the Almighty, many people, when suffering from erysipelas, turn to Saint Panteleimon. Appeal to this Holy Martyr is one of the most powerful and effective in advanced forms of the disease. To do this, you need to light a candle over the patient’s body and repeat the following strong prayer for erysipelas on the leg three times:

“O great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me: yes, healthy in soul and body, I can spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen".

God bless you!

Conspiracy from the face on the leg

Rules for spells and prayers for erysipelas

Before performing the ritual, it is important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations and rules of conspiracies and prayers for erysipelas.

  1. Believe in the result. If a person is a great skeptic, higher powers will not hear his request and will ignore his prayer.
  2. The phase of the Moon in which the spell words are pronounced must necessarily be waning. During this period, according to magical traditions, there is a farewell to everything unnecessary in life.
  3. The conspiracy against mug on the hands, face, and legs must be carried out strictly according to the instructions offered by professionals in their field.
  4. Use the material specified in the ritual part once. Salt and water absorb negative energy, so the substance is used only once, after which it is destroyed.
  5. To get rid of erysipelas, red cloth is used in many rituals. It must be made of natural material.

The majority of conspiracies authored by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova are characterized by quick results. She collected and independently developed rituals for all occasions in life. In order for the effect to be visible, you should follow the general recommendations and advice of the author offering the ritual part.

Erysipelas on the hand.

How to make a face speak

Wait for an odd day in the week. It is advisable that men perform the ritual on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), and girls on women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Starting from an odd day, you need nine evenings in a row to use spell words against a painful erysipelas.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless. My mug is painful, my mug is prickly, Come out, my mug, from my body, so that it doesn’t burn and itch. Rozha, I come to you with a word, and God comes to you with action. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


How to read a conspiracy from the face.

To carry out the second option, you need to go to a building materials store, buy the simplest knife and a small amount of tow. Don't take change, so it's better to pay in small change. After that, when you come home, you need to take the tow in your left hand, set it on fire with a match or an open fire (suitable for rural areas), and move the knife over the affected area of ​​​​the skin. Read the plot:

“At once, at the best hour, let us all pray to the Lord God, and worship the Holy Mother of God.

You dawn the lightning, God's bright helpers, come and help me speak from illness at this hour. The Mother of God walked across a high mountain and carried 3 bunches of rye.

The first withered, the second withered, and the third disappeared completely. And you, my face, disappear and don’t wander around this face or body.

So that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t hurt and doesn’t come back. It is not I who speak, it is our Lord God who speaks. Amen".

After the ritual, spit over your left shoulder. Repeat for three days in a row, three times a day. If the ritual is carried out correctly, after the allotted time, the person will get rid of erysipelas.

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What causes erysipelas on the skin?

Foci of replenishment are blue or red and can appear anywhere, but most often they are found on the legs. The replenishment looks like it is the site of a minor burn. Most often, the lesion can be found on the leg, under or near the knee. The disease does not go unnoticed and is accompanied by:

  • severe headache;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • foci of the disease appear on the face, back, leg, and stomach;
  • the temperature may rise.

You need to know that this is an infectious disease. Many consider the face to be a consequence of the evil eye or a slight curse that came from your ill-wishers. This often makes treatment with traditional means difficult.

A ritual of cleansing and treatment should be performed on the patient, and a conspiracy should be read. It will cleanse the patient’s body of negative energy and allow it to heal. Conspiracies and prayers are practiced to combat erysipelas. For those who have powerful energy, the plot works literally in one go - the next day there are no signs of illness. This result rarely occurs, but the more your powers for healing are revealed, the more likely a speedy recovery is.

Slavic conspiracy for the treatment of blue erysipelas

This plot works well if the mug is blue. It won't work on red. You will need:

  • natural blue fabric;
  • church candle;
  • Holy water.

Give the patient some holy water to drink. Read the spell over the fabric and cross it three times. Text:

“Mug, face, madness, madness, an eagle flew in, sat on the madness, waved its wings, tore it with its paws. You shouldn’t be here, don’t break yellow bones, don’t drink red blood, don’t dry out your white body, don’t torment your zealous heart, don’t break your wild head. Have mercy and save, Lord, the servant of God (name), pray to God for us (list the saints)"

When ready, wrap a cloth around the inflamed area and leave overnight. You can repeat on the second and fourth days.

This treatment works amazingly quickly. Your will must be strong, you don’t just mindlessly read the words of the conspiracy - this will not help. Feel your healing energy, it is within you. Direct it in a sparkling stream onto the fabric, try to imagine the cleansing power passing from your hands and words - the stronger the visualization, the more accurately the spell will work. Good results are obtained if the lesion is on the leg.

Help of Orthodox prayers

A conspiracy that is read over a sick person at midnight

This plot will help against blue and red faces anywhere. It is read over the patient at midnight, on the waning moon.

  • Take a thick wax church candle.
  • Light it and pray to Panteleimon the Healer. If you have an icon of this Saint at home, pray in front of it.
  • Move the candle over the patient’s body and read the plot:

“I pronounce and beg from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) a watery, earthy, invented, natural, condemned, funny, seething, painful, green, creeping, green face. I ask you, face with a humble word, a low bow - you are no longer with the servant of God (the name of the sick person), do not stand in his blood, do not break bones, do not dry the blood and do not bow his head. I am sending you, face, to the distant blue sea. There is a blue stone on the blue sea, and on that stone there is a throne, and on the throne there are 3 full boxes. The Lord God himself sits behind the throne, holds on to a prayer book, reads, and begs the disease from the servant of God (name of the patient). Amen".

  • If the source of inflammation is on the leg, hold the candle over the place where the erysipelas is visible.
  • Say prayers to the Saint for three more days.

This method is effective. You are calling for the positive soft power of healing to respond to your sincere call and help you cope with this unpleasant and difficult disease.

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Spell for salt from erysipelas

Salt has cleansing properties. It is used for rituals when treatment with classical methods did not suit the patient or did not work. This means that the nature of the disease is a dark energy influence that must be stopped immediately.

Redness on the leg.

In its advanced form, erysipelas is very dangerous - the inflammation does not go away on its own, and the symptoms only get worse. If your child is sick, immediately begin treatment using classical methods, but combine it with a spell. Orthodox prayers to the Saints will help you maintain the strength of your spirit and cleanse your body of the harmful influence of ill-wishers.

  • Take three church candles on Thursday.
  • Place a clean cotton cloth on the site(s) of inflammation.
  • You will need a kilogram of fine salt.
  • Light candles and pray for help in treatment.
  • Read the plot over salt:

“Our Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, I ask you - help. Itchy erysipelas, prickly erysipelas, go away, come out from the servant of God (the name of the sick person) from the relics, from the bones, go to the swamp, there you will burn, there you will get pain and redness. I’m telling you: “Go away. And here, with the servant of God (the name of the sick person), never burn or give in to pain. Amen".

  • Collect pieces of matter and put them in salt overnight.
  • In the morning, carefully remove the material without spilling the salt.
  • Burn the matter and throw the salt out the window into the wind.

How to choose a place for a ritual

All conspiracies, including a strong conspiracy against erysipelas, are carried out in a strictly defined order using the necessary attributes and homemade tinctures or products. Actions “by eye” will only harm a beginner performing magical rituals.

Conspiracies and prayers from the face help all believers in their healing power. Magic cannot be disrespected or neglected, so it should be taken seriously or not at all.

An effective spell for treating erysipelas, who should pronounce it? There are many different rituals that are suitable for each case and will help with any degree of neglect of the disease. Old recipes, used by any wise grandmother, have stood the test of time, and can rid an adult or child of a protracted problem. How should you prepare for the ritual?

Treatment of erysipelas.

What is erysipelas?

The inflammatory process caused by streptococcal infection enters the human body through the mucous membrane damaged by primary diseases (otitis media, runny nose and colds). How to recognize the signs of erysipelas? A disease that manifests itself on the leg or other parts of the body is characterized by:

  1. The infection penetrates through any, even microscopic, damage to the skin. Through diaper rash, wounds and small rashes, pathogenic microorganisms enter the body of an adult or child, which do not appear for a long time (latent stage of the disease), and are detected only in the later stages.
  2. The appearance of erysipelas is preceded by an increased stress state of a person, hypothermia and systematic stress on his body.
  3. The disease progresses in an atypical manner, and while in some patients inflammation occurs a couple of weeks after infection, in others it takes months before the first signs appear.
  4. A symptom of inflammation is severe swelling, which is difficult to miss. Associated problems: necrosis, abscesses and ulcers also plague people with erysipelas.
  5. The consequences of the disease can be the most unpredictable: disruption of the lymph nodes and blockage of the vascular system are the most dangerous.

Thickening of the skin leads to the development of elephantiasis.

Reading conspiracies or seeking help from a doctor is a purely personal matter for the person who suffers from erysipelas. But it is necessary to get rid of such a dangerous disease by any available means and methods. Treatment of infection will not take much time and effort if the disease is detected in the early stages of development. Prayers, conspiracies and homemade remedies will improve the patient’s condition and help get rid of severe inflammation. A disease that goes untreated for a long time leads to irreversible consequences and poses a real threat to the life of an adult or child. How to properly deal with the inflammatory process caused by streptococcus?

How does the erysipelas conspiracy work?

Conspiracies for illness

How can conspiracies and prayers cure a mug? The conspiracy to cure erysipelas is not new to healers and magicians. They resorted to magical manipulations that could relieve a dangerous illness a hundred and two hundred years ago. Modern medicine helps a person, but it does not provide any guarantees of success, and certainly does not ensure the safety of the patient.

Folk remedies, rituals and conspiracies for erysipelas are the most effective and harmless, especially those carried out under the supervision of a qualified magician.

The power endowed with the words of a conspiracy or an appeal to higher powers has always been respected by folk healers. Every uttered sound, every thought could change everything: harm or help. Inflammation is treated only after the cause of negative changes in the body is discovered. Like medical diagnostics, magic finds the “evil” that lurks in the body of an adult or child. When a person speaks to a patient, he directs the force in a certain direction with a certain message.

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It is important that the ritual is performed by a professional or someone who cares about the infected person. A disease that does not go away on its own remains a threat, a cause of constant worry and anxiety. Prayers relieve internal pressure, and the spell for treating erysipelas reduces unpleasant symptoms from the first days. You will have to read the conspiracy to get rid of and treat erysipelas more than once, and if there is such a need, the secret ritual should be repeated for several days in a row. Strong prayers work the first time, only with magicians who possess true power and skill.

How to perform a ritual

You should read the conspiracy to treat erysipelas on the leg or face, adhering to the rules and recommendations of specialists. Preparation for the ceremony consists of:

  • a person wakes up and speaks early in the morning (before sunrise);
  • You should fast the night before and go outside in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • you need to find green grass or tree (bush);
  • collect morning dew (if the patient is unable to move independently, an assistant collects the first dew for him);
  • after that the person turns to the rising light, worships it and reads the “Our Father” prayer three times;
  • Preparation for the ritual is considered completed.

The room where the words of the conspiracy will be read must be suitable. A room is chosen on the east side of the building if the ritual is performed in the morning and to the west for evening rituals. The room is put in order in advance (cleaning is done) and thoroughly ventilated. It is allowed to pronounce incantations and prayers in any tone and volume, the main thing is that the person reading them is filled with sincere faith.

Conspiracy from a face on the leg.

Conspiracies for illness

How can conspiracies and prayers cure a mug? The conspiracy to cure erysipelas is not new to healers and magicians. They resorted to magical manipulations that could relieve a dangerous illness a hundred and two hundred years ago. Modern medicine helps a person, but it does not provide any guarantees of success, and certainly does not ensure the safety of the patient. Folk remedies, rituals and conspiracies for erysipelas are the most effective and harmless, especially those carried out under the supervision of a qualified magician. Natalia Stepanova is one of the most competent specialists in her field. A woman who has published more than one book-collection of spells and prayers helps dozens of patients around the world. Reading healing spells for erysipelas from one publication is absolutely safe and easy.

The power endowed with the words of a conspiracy or an appeal to higher powers has always been respected by folk healers. Every uttered sound, every thought could change everything: harm or help. Inflammation is treated only after the cause of negative changes in the body is discovered. Like medical diagnostics, magic finds the “evil” that lurks in the body of an adult or child. When a person speaks to a patient, he directs the force in a certain direction with a certain message.

It is important that the ritual is performed by a professional or someone who cares about the infected person. A disease that does not go away on its own remains a threat, a cause of constant worry and anxiety. Prayers relieve internal pressure, and the spell for treating erysipelas reduces unpleasant symptoms from the first days. You will have to read the conspiracy to get rid of and treat erysipelas more than once, and if there is such a need, the secret ritual should be repeated for several days in a row. Strong prayers work the first time, only with magicians who possess true power and skill.

Rules for the conspiracy to work

There are certain recommendations that need to be followed in order for the conspiracy to work. They are as follows:

  1. You must believe in the healing power of the ritual. If there is doubt or skepticism, the plot will be useless.
  2. The ceremony must be performed strictly on the waning moon. During this period of time, the energy of the heavenly body takes away everything bad: illness, failure, negative emotions.
  3. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations. Home spells are not able to heal the patient completely, but they can significantly speed up the results of official treatment.

It wouldn’t hurt to go to church and light a candle for the health of a sick person.

How to perform a ritual

You should read the conspiracy to treat erysipelas on the leg or face, adhering to the rules and recommendations of specialists. Preparation for the ceremony consists of:

  • a person wakes up and speaks early in the morning (before sunrise);
  • You should fast the night before and go outside in the morning on an empty stomach;
  • you need to find green grass or tree (bush);
  • collect morning dew (if the patient is unable to move independently, an assistant collects the first dew for him);
  • after that the person turns to the rising light, worships it and reads the “Our Father” prayer three times;
  • Preparation for the ritual is considered completed.

Treatment of the inflammatory process, a consequence of streptococcal infection, will pass without complications if the people helping the patient show patience and a systematic approach to the problem that has arisen. Without preparation, you shouldn’t even start the ritual, because it won’t be of any use. Means alone will not help the cause; the moral situation in the home of an infected person is also important. The disease threatens the appearance of an adult or child and must be eliminated as soon as possible. It is allowed to simultaneously treat the disease using traditional and traditional medicine.

The room where the words of the conspiracy will be read must be suitable. A room is chosen on the east side of the building if the ritual is performed in the morning and to the west for evening rituals. The room is put in order in advance (cleaning is done) and thoroughly ventilated. It is allowed to pronounce incantations and prayers in any tone and volume, the main thing is that the person reading them is filled with sincere faith.

Prayer to Archangel Raphael

In the traditions of Russian witchcraft, we will begin our review of conspiracies with Orthodox prayer.
It is dedicated to the Archangel Raphael. O great saint, You stand before the throne of God! You healed righteous Tobit from blindness and saved his son Tobias from an evil spirit by the grace of the Almighty Physician of our souls and bodies! I earnestly beg you, be my guide in my life! Save me from all visible and invisible enemies, heal my mental and physical illnesses, direct my life towards repentance of sins and doing good deeds.

Oh, holy great archangel Raphael! Hear me, a sinner, praying to you! Grant me the privilege both in this and in the future life to thank and glorify our common Creator! Amen!

In addition, you can read the “Our Father” prayer. Keep in mind, however, that reciting prayers is only suitable for those who truly believe in church teaching. If you hold different views, then pray to your gods. If you don't believe in any gods, just skip this part. Do the same with conspiracies that mention certain saints.

How to cure disease on the face and body?

Curing erysipelas with a conspiracy and traditional methods of treatment is a feasible task and a way out of a difficult situation. Traditional medicine and erysipelas conspiracies continue to be popular in the world of modern technology. Why do people resort to magic? The disease caused by streptococcal infection can cause serious consequences for both adults and children. Strong folk remedies only increase the patient’s chances of a quick recovery without complications. The patient is charmed by his best friend, devoted mother or experienced magician. Everyone can help in a magical ritual. You can cure inflammation on the face or leg using the following effective rituals and spells:

First healing ritual

For the ritual you will need holy water, a secluded room and a clean towel.

The prepared water in the glass must be spoken in the following words:

“I beg and pronounce from the servant of God (name) earthen, watery, natural, invented, funny, sentenced, painful, seething, creeping, flowing, green face, white face. I ask you, face, with a low bow, a humble word: you are not with the servant of God (name), do not stand in the blood, do not break bones. Do not dry the blood and do not bow your head. I'm sending you, my face, to the blue sea. There is a blue stone lying on the blue sea, on that stone there is a throne, on that throne there are three full boxes. Behind that throne, the Lord Himself sits, holding a prayer book, reading the book and begging for a face from the servant of God (name). Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Then the patient should wash himself with the charmed water and wipe his face or feet.

Second healing rite

For the second ritual, you should prepare a red rag that has not been used for household purposes. It is necessary to read the prayer early in the morning, before the city streets are filled with the noise of residents passing by. Red cloth is often used to remove negative energy from a person. You need to read the plot in the following order:

“Lord, Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, I ask you - help. Prickly mug, itchy mug, come out from the servant of God (name), from the bones, from the relics, go to the swamp, there you prick, there you burn, and give redness and aching. I persuade you: “Get out!” And here the servant of God (name) does not prick, do not burn, do not give pain. Amen".

This ritual helps with the inflammatory process on the leg and with the most advanced form of the disease. The ritual can be supported by traditional medicine to eliminate skin ailments and dermatitis. Treatment of erysipelas on the arm, leg or face is carried out in several stages, every morning for a new affected area of ​​skin. After the ceremony, the red cloth should be buried under a tree or in the garden.

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer

In addition to the Almighty, many people, when suffering from erysipelas, turn to Saint Panteleimon. Appeal to this Holy Martyr is one of the most powerful and effective in advanced forms of the disease.

To do this, you need to light a candle over the patient’s body and repeat the following strong prayer for erysipelas on the leg three times:

“O great servant of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the Heavenly, Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me: yes, healthy in soul and body, I can spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen".

God bless you!

The best article for you, go to: A girl’s prayer for marriage

Watch also the video prayer to Panteleimon the Healer:

A powerful three-day ritual for treating erysipelas

The three-day conspiracy is read in the morning, before sunrise. Magic words against a dangerous disease are pronounced three times (after the spell, you should spit over your left shoulder). A person speaks using the following plot:

“Rozha, mug, Christmas mug, I will freeze you, mug, I will burn you, mug, with fire, I will pour wine on you, mug, I will cover you with chalk, I will wipe you with cloth.”

As in the previous ritual, the patient will need a red scarf. You should rub the cloth over the infected areas of the skin, and then get rid of the scarf. You can perform this ritual on your own.

It is necessary to make a face on your face only after a complete examination of the body, when an accurate diagnosis has been established. Self-diagnosis can play a cruel joke on a person. Strong conspiracies for erysipelas, read at night, act instantly, but only against an infection, and not an allergic reaction.

Folk recipes used by sorcerers and healers will strengthen the results achieved and help you quickly recover from an illness. The conspiracy to treat erysipelas should be read by heart, without hesitation or independent edits. Simple rules will help you get rid of the problem much faster than harmful medications. Conspiracies are an auxiliary tool, which in skillful hands becomes a real weapon.

Ritual for erysipelas using salt

Salt is credited with both magical and healing properties; this explains its use in many rituals that are associated with the treatment and healing of seriously ill people. Whether this ritual is used separately or together with traditional treatment, it will not negatively affect the result. The effect of the ritual will be stronger when the cause of the manifestation of the disease is a negative witchcraft effect on a person.

When you start treating with spells, but they don’t help, and the symptoms of erysipelas manifest themselves more strongly, start traditional treatment, do not rely on the help of prayers alone. Combine both of these treatment methods .

To carry out a cleansing ritual that will restore health, you will need:

  • 3 wax church candles;
  • 1 kg. salt;
  • a small piece of material.

small piece of material wax church candles 1 kg. salt

The ceremony takes place on Thursday. Place a piece of cloth on the affected area and light 3 candles in turn. Open the bag of salt next to the sick person and read the words of the prayer:

After the ritual, remove the cloth from the person and carefully place it in salt. Do not touch the product with your hands. Therefore, use chopsticks to push the matter deeper.

The next day, go outside, use chopsticks to remove the cloth from the bag of salt (so it doesn’t spill) and burn it. Then go out into the field and scatter all the salt. At this point the ritual is considered completed, and the result depends on the strength of faith with which the ritual was performed.

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