How to identify damage to money and regain your well-being

» Damage and the evil eye » How can you remove the damage to poverty and destitution



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It is not at all difficult to determine damage to money, as well as to induce it, especially since there is enough such information on the Internet and anyone who wants to annoy you can do dirty tricks. How to remove the curse of poverty and misery and get out of the debt hole that ill-wishers are digging? – This is the question often asked by people who find themselves in a difficult situation in just a matter of months, despite the fact that they were previously quite wealthy.

How to remove the spell of poverty and misery

Symptoms of financial negativity

Before removing the curse on poverty and misery, it is necessary to make sure that the impact has actually been made. Everything will depend on how the victim’s life was before the damage was caused, so the manifestations will not be the same for everyone, but there are several symptoms that can accurately diagnose financial damage:

  • the main symptom is a significant decrease in income, mostly associated with the loss of its source;
  • difficulty finding work for a long time;
  • a person finds himself in a hole of debt, and cannot get out of it. reborrowing money each time;
  • a person often loses large sums of money, wallets, forgets change in stores;
  • everything that the victim undertakes ends in a loud fiasco and does not bring any income at all.

How to detect damage?

All people react differently to damage. There are several signs that indicate a ritual was performed on you:

  1. Chronic lack of funds. Even regular part-time jobs do not solve the problem;
  2. Do you often lose your wallet or have it stolen?
  3. Constantly plagued by failures at work;
  4. An irresistible desire to acquire unnecessary things. This didn't happen before;
  5. Debts increase, it becomes more and more difficult to pay them off;
  6. Long fruitless job searches;
  7. If you manage to earn good money, then all the funds immediately go to unforeseen expenses. Household appliances break down, health fails, and treatment is expensive.

After damage, a person may lose the desire to work. The state of apathy is so strong that it can cause dismissal from work and the loss of the only income. All these signs will indicate the presence of negativity and will help determine damage to lack of money. If you notice them in yourself, you need to carry out a ritual to remove it, otherwise problems in the monetary sphere will not end never.

Ritual for determination

Having noticed a couple of symptoms from the list in yourself or a loved one, you can confidently speak about the presence of damage. So, how to remove the curse on poverty? There is a ritual with which you can accurately determine whether there is a magical influence. Before carrying out the ritual, it is necessary to purchase a torch in the temple in advance. They begin the action exactly at midnight, left completely alone.

It is necessary to place a burning candle on a flat surface and sit at a distance of a meter from it. Between you and the light you should put a notepad or any other item with which you go to work every day. Then read the Lord's Prayer three times. You need to move the torch over the thing and look at what signs it will give you:

  • an even, calm light says that a streak of bad luck has simply begun in your life, and it will soon end, but there is no impact on you;
  • bright sparkles indicate that good changes will happen in your life in the near future;
  • if the light has gone out or is very small, you have been cursed by poverty;
  • when the fire is high, but at the same time it makes a crackling noise and smokes, it means that the damage has not yet begun to take effect, and what is happening in your life now is just the beginning, it will get worse in the future;
  • when the flame subsides, then flares up sharply, a very strong damage has been caused to you, which will manifest itself globally, most likely it was caused by a professional;
  • abundant smoke, soot is evidence of work damage that needs to be removed urgently.

How to understand that you are cursed by poverty

An evil word and heavy intent can penetrate the aura of even a strong person, let alone specially spoken curses and messages of damage. Such actions injure a person’s energy shell and block the normal movement of universal energy through the chakras. This limits his connection with the Higher World, he does not receive the necessary information that helps in the implementation of material ideas, and such attacks accumulate in the body throughout life, forming mental garbage.

Before you begin to neutralize attacks and remove damage, you should learn to recognize such influence. Simply lack of money can be a sign of: incorrect attitudes from childhood, early failures, constant debt obligations, squandering and simply laziness. So, not all states of poverty will necessarily be associated with damage or the evil eye.

Signs of hexing poverty:

  1.  A sharp change in financial status, inexplicable failures at work, dismissals without reason, disagreements with partners for a reason that no one voices.
  2.  For a long time you can’t find a job, not even your dream job, but just any job that will bring you money to support yourself and your family.
  3.  Debt hole. Permanent debts that you regularly go into with the thought that this is the last time, and you need this loan to pay off the previous loan. But the debts are not decreasing and the loans are still growing.
  4.  Poverty is not only about you but also haunts your family.

If according to the signs above, everything agrees with you, you can safely begin to remove the damage. Only after neutralizing the energy attack will it be possible to read the plot against poverty. After all, if you have a program that works at the highest level at a loss, you will not be able to bring positive material changes in your life. In order to remove the damage caused, you should prepare and buy a church candle. You should try and stay alone in the apartment at night. Wait until midnight. Light a candle and place next to it the item that you most associate with material wealth. Read the Lord's Prayer three times. As you read, observe the behavior of the flame. If it begins to crack, go out, or emit black smoke, this is a clear indication that there has been damage. At the end of the prayer, the fire should become even and this will mean that the negative attacks have been successfully removed. It will be a dangerous sign if the candle goes out on its own. This behavior of fire will indicate damage caused by a strong magician. To remove this, it is worth performing this ritual several nights in a row. And you can even enlist the help of a white magician.

What to do after diagnosis?

You can remove the curse of poverty, even the most severe one, on your own. Before performing any ritual, a person must be sure that he is ready to repel the dark forces and free himself from the spell of the offender. If you have found the strength to fight evil spirits, you can begin. To carry out the simplest ritual, you will need black threads and a banknote of any denomination.

The banknote folded several times must be grabbed from four sides, saying the following conspiracy:

“Failures and poverty, I don’t wait for you at the doorstep, don’t come to my house. I’ll sew up all the difficulties and lack of money, I want to bring back my luck.”

As soon as the whole operation is done, you need to take the bill and take it to the forest, bury it under a dry tree or throw it into a fast-flowing river and go home without looking back.

How to remove damage?

Experiencing constant difficulties with money, a person begins to guess that all this is no coincidence. But he doesn’t know how to remove damage due to lack of money . You can use simple but effective methods.

At midnight, break off a branch from the tree. The next morning, set it on fire, fumigate all corners of the apartment with smoke, saying the spell:

“The word spoken out of malice, I drive you out of my house. There is no place for a curse in a corner, or in the floor, or in a crack. So it will be. Amen".

Holy water is a helper in any problem

Water will help remove any negativity. To eliminate the magical effect in the evening, place several banknotes of various denominations on the windowsill, place a vessel with holy water on top and say the words in a half-whisper:

“Lord, the Most High, I trust in your power and compassion, do not let your servant (name) perish. Help remove and ward off slander and curses. Your word is powerful and righteous. Let the offender take back his anger, envy, cursed back, and I will be under your protection. Bless this water, I will wash it. She will wash away all my sorrows and hardships.”

Wash yourself with water from the vessel and leave it on the bills all night. In the morning you need to pour the water out the window. The ritual is performed three times. After three days, you will be able to completely eliminate the negative impact and return your life to its previous course. After removing the damage, you need to take care of your protection in the future. To do this, go to the temple and find out what prayers you can read to fill the gap in your aura.

Ritual against corruption with the icon of the Guardian Angel

You can escape poverty and regain financial stability with the help of the Saints. And best of all, the Guardian Angel will handle this task. One of the effective rituals against damage is carried out with an icon and seven candles. It is carried out only on the waxing moon.

What is needed to carry out a ritual against corruption with the Guardian Angel icon?

The main feature of the ritual is the need to go to the Temple. The ritual itself is carried out using the following magical accessories:

  • Guardian Angel icon;
  • seven candles;
  • wallet with large bills.

How is the anti-damage ritual performed with the Guardian Angel icon?

On the night of the waxing moon, all magical accessories should be laid out on the table. Next, the ritual is performed:

  1. Candles are lit.
  2. An icon is placed in front of the candles and a wallet is placed.
  3. The “Our Father” is read 3 times.
  4. One hand is placed on the wallet, and the palm of the second hand is placed on the face of the Saint.
  5. The conspiracy is pronounced:

“The dark night has come. I'm with you, your daughter. My wallet is your field. I won't be lazy with her. I’ll take a shovel and go to the field. I will dig up the lush soil and throw grain into it. Pure water. Whoever spoils my money is now bypassing my field. The candles are burning and they are looking at the icon. How much grain there is in the field without counting, so much goes into my wallet for my work. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced 7 times. After reading, you should go to bed. In the morning, taking your wallet from the table, you need to go shopping for gifts for your loved ones. The main thing is that the wallet remains empty. Everything is spent, down to the last penny.

A powerful ritual to cleanse karma of negativity

The ancient ritual with a green ribbon will completely help to remove the damage to poverty and misery. To carry out the action, in addition to the green ribbon, you will need:

  • cinnamon;
  • Matchbox;
  • green wax light;
  • a piece of rye bread.

Before carrying out the action, you need to take a bread crust and rub it with garlic and salt. You must remain completely alone in the apartment, close the windows and doors tightly. Lay out an infinity symbol from a ribbon on the floor, and place a light on top. Then all the attributes must be generously sprinkled with cinnamon. Holding bread in your palms, read the plot:

“Holy, God, my money attracted enemies, they swooped in like kites, brought damage to poverty, and decided to take away happiness and good luck. Let them grind the garlic and salt, burn away both the evil eye and the damage. All the rubbish will sink, go into the ground, and never come up again. Amen".

How to get rid of failures and lack of money

The cause of poverty and financial collapse should not always be sought in the magical effect or damage caused to poverty.
However, this problem is quite possible. And all witchcraft, as you know, is removed if it is determined in time. Do you think there is damage to you?

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But how to get rid of failures and lack of money if failures are not associated with magic, but arise due to a person’s personal characteristics? It can be:

  1. Drunkenness,
  2. Diffidence,
  3. Idleness,
  4. Laziness.

These aspects can also be influenced by magical rituals. There are independent conspiracies to:

  • make a slacker work;
  • free an alcoholic from addiction;
  • strengthen character.

Eliminating negativity with coins

For this ritual you will need twelve coins of different denominations, possibly even different currencies. All of them are placed in a vessel with holy water and the conspiracy is read in the evening:

“Coin to coin, luck in your pocket. I won’t let go of my luck, I won’t give it to anyone. Anyone who wants to steal will be left with nothing. Water washes away everything, damage and curses, and every slander, it will take everything with it.”

The coins should be left in the water overnight. Early in the morning, pour the water under a tree, and scatter the coins throughout the city throughout the day. To protect yourself from the attacks of enemies, wear a cross or a charmed pin.

Option with threads

Let's move on to the description of the rituals. But first, let’s say that it is quite possible to get rid of the poverty program on your own with the usual sedum rituals. These are standard methods used by village soothsayers. Be curious. Maybe your option is described there. And here we present non-standard rituals aimed at removing traffic jams from the money channel.

To remove the spell of complete lack of funds yourself, rummage through your wallet. Surprised? But everything is in order:

  1. On Thursday morning, during the waning moon, buy new white needles and threads.
  2. Find the newest banknote of any denomination in your wallet.
  3. Leave everything until evening.
  4. When the moon comes out, use a black pen to cross out all the numbers on the prepared bill.
  5. Sew it with the threads and needle purchased that day inside the pocket of clothes that you often wear.
  6. While you are making stitches, read the formula (shown below).
  7. Clothing with a banknote should be worn while pronouncing conspiracy phrases. Wear when the moon is waning.

Conspiracy against lack of money:

“I drive out the devil with a black cross, I return my luck to myself. Just as money is sewn to my pocket, so my good will stick to me and will never come off. Amen!".

Cleaning the house

In addition to your karma, you need to cleanse the karma of your home in order to bring money and good luck home. The ideal option is to perform the ritual on Maundy Thursday. Such a ritual will help get rid of poverty forever.

You need to collect holy water in a small container and find a secluded corner in the house. With their little fingers crossed on their hands, they read the following words:

“Water element, you amaze with your power. You sharpen the stone, you wash away the dirt. Today I ask for your forgiveness. You are omnipresent, you are in the seas, oceans, in people's homes, in ourselves. As much of you as there is, let me have so much money.”

The charmed water should be added to a bucket and every corner of the house should be washed with it. For greater effectiveness, you can add salt, regular table salt or sea salt, to the water. After such a ritual, your home will be protected from the influence of envious people for a whole year. On Clean Thursday, you can establish strong protection against damage and the evil eye, not only for your home, but also for all family members.

To protect your family from negative influences from the outside, you must first speak the holy water. Early in the morning, wash each family member with this water, and the used liquid must be collected and poured outside under the largest tree, saying the words:

“Mighty tree, I will give you water to drink, I will ask you to protect your family. Just as your branches are strong, so is their health, just as your pillar cannot be broken, so the enemies cannot break my family.”

Hello Valentina Mikhailovna!!! I read all the comments, and how many problems people have, it’s terrible. I also want to ask you for help. My husband and I have only been living together for five years, and we have had problems with finances from the very beginning of our married life. We also moved from one dorm to another (my husband is in the military), so for four years now we’ve been living in this room, it’s just a mess, the money is not kept in it or in our hands for more than three days. Here money appears, a salary arrives, you think, well, it seems like you can live normally, but no, whatever happens and happens within a few days. This year, we generally swear often and our car has already been damaged twice and repaired. Either the equipment is flying, or it gets seriously ill. I’ve never had any problems with my stomach, three weeks ago I started to feel really sick and was diagnosed with pancreatitis. At the same time, the tests are all good. And about the husband in general, either he himself attracts debts and losses, or someone caused damage. So he lent his relative money for a month, and not only did he pay it back at the wrong time, but my husband also put his money on his credit card; the relative did not give the full amount. So, again, about a year has passed since my husband bought a car (I can’t believe that he was simply given a car under hypnosis, which had been wanted for a year), and so he again spent his money and again lent this car to the same relative, and now he hasn’t returned the car or the money for five months, although he knew which car it was and again they agreed that in two months he would give the money back. Again we are in debt because of this. The car has already been sorted out, the owner has been found, she doesn’t need this car, and she has lost the documents. Okay, maybe he’ll figure it out, but the appliances at home also fell apart, so I had to take out a loan to buy a new refrigerator. Problems also started with my son, he began to sleep poorly, cries often, of course, maybe this is a period of three years for us. So you can’t tell, he gets offended and starts crying, I also wouldn’t like to somehow calm him down, I’m always on my nerves and I’ll also scold my son, then I don’t hate myself for it. I started to notice that I wasn’t beautiful, I just stopped taking care of myself, I’m still lazy, I have no money, I honestly admit that I’m a little jealous of my friends who go to the salo, buy clothes often, everything is fine with them. I just don’t understand why we have all the negativity in our family, since everyone is surrounded by us, but we work the same way, and even my friends are not the only ones who don’t work. But husbands are all the same, so my husband has not been able to transfer for two years, while his colleagues and ranks are being transferred and transferred. Please excuse me for such a long letter, but I’m just boiling, I’m giving up, everyone is owed, a lot of loans, debts! Help me please!!! The problem is that I only go to church on Easter. I don’t confess, I don’t do my hair, and to be honest, I don’t even know how to do it. Please help me, please, what should I do?

Valentina Reply: July 21st, 2016 at 06:55

Good evening. Ksenia, first of all, buy a prayer book, not just a small brochure, but a more substantial book, which contains prayers for all occasions. You need to start with prayers, go to services, pray at home. Your life is just beginning, and if you live the way you live, that is, without God, without your prayers to Him, then there will be no improvement in your life. If you use the options from the site, are treated for damage, and do not try to change your life in any way towards faith, rely only on yourself, your own, very weak strength, then the benefit will be temporary, and maybe not at all. If you begin treatment for damage, then you need to completely turn your thoughts towards God, pray to Him and believe in Him, that He will help and will not abandon you. Start by preparing “From Witchcraft” water for the whole family. Drink 9 cans each, and let the baby drink 3 three-liter cans. Start your treatment with this water. It will make you all feel better. Then burn yourself, your husband, your son with candles “Treating damage done to a candle.” And necessarily “Treatment of damage done to the gravesite and in the church.” These options help in health, it comes back. And the options that need to be applied in order to return luck, money, so that it stays with you, is delayed, then you can apply everything that is on the site. Each option does not take much time to be treated with it, but the benefits from them are enormous. Look for them, browse the site, study it, apply the options, they are all for the benefit of your life. There are options that need to be used to ensure that the money remains in the family and does not slip away like sand through your fingers. There are 2 of them on the site, apply both. Everyone for themselves, you for yourself, husband for yourself. You cannot do all the options for yourself and for your husband. Use each one for yourself. If you do everything correctly, with faith, then failures will leave you, everything that was taken from you by witchcraft will return to you. Treat your son also for fear and the evil eye. Order more often from a church or monastery about health for the whole family. Read on the website “How to cleanse your home of negativity yourself.” If you can do it yourself, then do it, if not, then invite the priest, let him dedicate your home. Pray to John the Warrior, he helps those who have problems with someone whose debts are not repaid or something was stolen. Try everything and may the Lord help you. If you do everything, then the equipment in the house will stop breaking down. If you have any questions, ask.

What is the negative effect of lack of money?

Before you begin the ritual of removing damage, you should think about how you could have annoyed the person so much so that they would give you such a “gift.” If it is not your fault, then it will be very easy to remove the negative. If the damage is done in order to take revenge on you for something that really deserves punishment, for example, misappropriation of property, deception, then it will be very difficult to cope with such negativity.

The initial signs of damage due to lack of money can be seen only a week after the ritual. If the victim runs a business, then her relationships with business partners will be upset. In addition, the tax office will suddenly come with various inspections and will carefully dig under you. Most often, damage is caused using certain attributes, in this case it will most likely be money.

Any conspiracy will come into force only when the victim touches the lining. The first thing you need to remember if you suspect the negative influence of dark forces on yourself is whether someone has given you any thing in recent days. Often victims remember that an event actually took place when they persistently tried to give them a certain thing or put money in their hand.

Against lack of money in business

Often the lack of influx is due to the fact that enemies have bewitched the company or place of work. You can also deal with such damage yourself. But courage is required. The ceremony takes place at the funeral. You should approach the grave before they begin to bury it. As a rule, everyone present throws a handful of earth into the hole onto the coffin. Do that too. But in your hand, hold money from your own wallet (bill or coin). Throw her into the grave. Whisper quietly these words after:

“Take away, deceased, my damage. Tell the devils to hell, but don’t let him back into this world! Amen!".

From the churchyard, be sure to go to the church. Light a candle there for the repose of the soul of the buried person. Pray to the Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, ask for support. Under no circumstances should you postpone your visit to the temple. Otherwise the dark spell will return. Remember!

You know, people around are constantly faced with financial difficulties, but they have no idea how easy it is to remove a dark program from their field. Share this information with your friends (social media icons below). Let a ray of hope shine in their lives, turning into the sun of confidence. Good luck!

Signs of a black attack

Before blaming poverty on magic, you need to thoroughly understand the characteristics of a negative program. Not every time a loss or lack of sufficient income is associated with an attack. Sometimes such a state is assigned to a person by fate (this happens rarely). However, we accept the gifts of the universe, whatever they may be, calmly or with satisfaction. It happens completely differently if a person is jinxed or cursed.

It is quite simple to understand that a sorcerer created poverty. Signs of the curse of hopeless poverty are as follows:

  1. No ordinary income. Inability to earn money. The delay in payments is not the fault of the recipient.
  2. A sudden, sometimes strange, loss of employment.
  3. Breakdowns or situations requiring unplanned expenses.
  4. The appearance of debtors who take cash and disappear.
  5. Loss of funds or theft.
  6. Deterioration of health: physical (for example, exacerbation of chronic illnesses) and mental (depression).
  7. Strange, unpleasant dreams. These can be nightmares that make you fear another night. In other situations, dreams become viscous, dark, not allowing you to rest and gain strength.
  8. Mood swings from hysterical laughter to tears.
  9. Loss of control over actions. Memory lapses and other similar deviations.

Material characteristics

There are a number of quite tangible symptoms that make it possible to unambiguously determine the activity of a black witch. These are the consequences of the ritual. The black program is introduced into the aura through ritual. And most often a magical attribute is used to convey it.

Money damage is diagnosed by such strange things:

  1. Needles stuck in places not intended for this purpose (door frame, for example).
  2. Slides of earth or dark water near the threshold.
  3. Rusty sharp pieces of iron in the house (often nails).
  4. Coins, banknotes with suspicious signs.
  5. Rolls made of black fabric, wool, glass and other sharp objects in the house.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye on money

By following simple rules for handling money, you can protect yourself from the evil eye on money. Many of them are probably familiar to the performer. However, they sound like this:

  1. Do not lend or borrow after sunset.
  2. Do not pick up money lying at the doorstep of the apartment (this could be a lining, damage to money).
  3. Do not pick up money in public places, do not take it from a window sill or table; it is especially prohibited to take money at crossroads, on the threshold of a church or cemetery.
  4. Do not “give” money to the deceased, that is, do not put it in the coffin.
  5. Do not accept other people’s things as gifts if you have doubts about the sincerity and good intentions of the donor, or “pay” for a suspicious gift with a small bill (farm-out).

Removing spoilage with salt

Salt often serves as a magical tool for rituals. Getting rid of damage is also carried out with its help.

The ritual is carried out during the waning moon in the dark. Pour coins from your wallet or piggy bank into a small fabric bag. Sprinkle the coins with salt and sprinkle with blessed water. Tie the bag with twine and go outside. Dig a hole under the first tree you come across, leave a bag of coins and salt in it, saying:

After this, for another six days after sunset, you must come to the tree under which the bag is buried and water the ground with water (half a glass is enough). Each time, read the words of the previous spell. During this time, the salt will completely dissolve. On the morning of the eighth day, take the bag out of the ground and put the coins in your wallet. Burn the bag itself. The negative program will lose its power, the evil eye or damage will no longer harm you.

Third way

The following method will help you find out that damage has been caused. Take a clean, uncut glass glass with smooth edges. Fill with water and place on the table. Begin the ritual by reciting the Lord's Prayer. Take a new matchbox and light a match over a glass of water. Read the words:

The match should burn completely, one half has burned out - carefully grasp the burnt part. Throw a match into a glass

Repeat these steps two more times and look at the matches in the glass. They all drowned - there is damage. Remained on the surface - your biofield is clear. One or two sank, the rest are on the surface - there is a negative, but weak. This method of finding out if there is damage works flawlessly.

Negativity is directed not only at the person, but also at the home. A church candle or incense will help you find out if there is damage in the house. Holding the incense with a teaspoon, light the candles. Walk around the whole house with lit incense

Pay special attention to the corners. Walk slowly, watching the incense

Where it smokes and crackles a lot, there is damage. How to know that there is an impact can be intuitive - places evoke negative emotions.

Negativity is left by the previous owners - if you buy a new house. Or specially induced damage - throwing charmed objects. Damage sucks energy, a person becomes uncomfortable living in his own home. There is a desire to change housing. Remember that a person who has never been in the house has no power to harm. You can check whether there is damage regularly - for systematic cleaning.

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