How to identify the person who has damaged you

Some believe that evil is necessary to maintain the energy balance in the universe. This may be true, but one thing is clear - it never sleeps. You may be skeptical about magic, laugh at the possibility of causing damage, but, as they say in the famous comedy, if the gopher is not visible, this does not mean that it does not exist. Are you haunted by a strange feeling that everything has gone wrong? Are you tormented by bad thoughts? It is likely that you are “done”! How to find out if this is really so and who dared to do such a dirty trick?

Damage or not - guess three times!

There are many ways to determine spoilage. The three most popular of them require the use of cats and St. John's wort, and also encourage you to search your own apartment.

The healing herb is used in many ways, including in identifying bad intentions directed at you. To do this, a sprig of St. John's wort is left in the bedroom overnight, and if the “spoiled” one rests there, the plant will certainly wither. This belief “worked” in the old days - a modest flower was attached to clothing to protect itself from the evil eye.

To implement the second method, you need to take a closer look at your own living space - if you see an object that was not there before, then it is possible that it is enchanted.

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The third method is quite ancient - black cats were often used for this purpose. If you don’t have your own purr, you can borrow it from your friends for a while. Fluffy beauties clearly sense evil, so they will not purr calmly in the arms of someone who has suffered from the evil eye. The cat will begin to struggle and scratch, trying to leave the person it does not like.

But it is not enough to simply establish the fact of the damage - you must find out who sent it and get rid of the evil eye as soon as possible.

Ways to identify the enemy

In magic, there are many ways in which you can independently determine at home who is jealous of you. Through some of them, it is quite possible to “catch” the one who sent the damage and “send” it to the one who casts the spell. Here are the main directions of these methods:

  1. There are special rituals with which you can see the person who caused damage in a dream.
  2. Some rituals to determine who cast the curse involve turning to black magic and higher powers.
  3. You can recognize who caused the damage using the energy left by him during the casting of the curse.
  4. You can “catch the hand” of an ill-wisher who has harmed you with the help of special magical attributes and spells.

Find and neutralize

And not in order to punish - life itself will punish the ill-wisher, it’s just that the person who decides to do this will most likely continue to harm you. And then, if you know the culprit, it is much easier to remove the damage. A person who wishes evil can also put the evil eye on your loved ones in order to annoy the victim even more. Therefore, you should definitely find out who caused the trouble - this way you will know who to watch out for.

Having found a dirty trickster, you should not threaten him, damage him in response, or physically influence the offender - this will not bring the desired result, except for moral satisfaction. First of all, protect yourself and your family from a dangerous person.

You can find out who decided to take such an impartial step either on your own or by contacting a bioenergetics specialist. In order to save money, the first method is resorted to much more often.

Removing magical effects

We very carefully recommend that you use magical spells and perform rituals based on materials found on many sites on the World Wide Web. Remember, even if you find a real conspiracy online (which is not easy, because they are kept in the strictest confidence), you can simply read it incorrectly and thereby make it even worse for yourself.

Articles of Faith

Let us repeat, if you are a believer, go to church without hesitation, talk about what is happening (believe me, they have seen a lot), listen to what they tell you and do it. Most likely, they will recommend inviting a priest to consecrate the house. This is excellent protection that will last for more than one year.

If you don’t have strong faith, you don’t have to go to church, but you still have to turn to church attributes. The easiest way is to use holy salt and water. Pour the salt into saucers and place it around the house (three places is enough, but more is possible), but so that it is not noticeable.

Let it sit there for a day, then remove it and evaluate the result. If the salt remains white, there is nothing to be afraid of, everything is fine in the house, and the troubles that occur are simply life circumstances. If it turns yellow, comes in lumps, or worse, turns gray or black, there is a strong evil eye or even damage. The salt should be flushed down the toilet, and the house should be cleaned using the methods described above.

You cannot drink holy water with one hand and lift a glass of vodka with the other - an invention of Satan...

We call upon prophetic dreams

This is the simplest method, requiring mental attitude and concentration. Before going to bed, throw away everything unnecessary, calm down, but do not try to guess who is harming you - his image will appear in a dream or some symbols will hint at this. Relax, read the Lord's Prayer and ask heaven for help. Be sure to place a notebook and pen by your bed - after waking up, you should immediately write down your dream. And do not put your hand to your head as soon as you wake up - this way the dream will leave your consciousness faster.

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Cemetery nails and candle wax: tension increases

The person who caused the damage can be identified in more extreme ways. Let's start with the least scary one. Take filtered water, a small container and a candle. The wax is heated in a water bath and, saying: “I pour wax, I pour out the enemy,” slowly pour the substance into a bowl. You need to look at the resulting figure carefully: if it is a rhombus, a square, a condor or the outline of a bear, then the damage was caused by a male sorcerer. A wax flower, a lady's silhouette or a lunar face is a sign of a female witch. If the outlines of the numbers are visible, then this means exactly when the harmful ritual was performed. In addition, wax silhouettes may indicate the occupation of the offender. The clearer the figures, the stronger the damage.

Before resorting to the next method, you need to think several times. If you decide, then gather your will and go to the cemetery. There you will find a nail that was lost when the coffin lid was hammered in. But under no circumstances take the object with your bare hands - only with gloves or wrapping it in black cloth. Take the nail home and drive it firmly into the threshold, while uttering the chilling words: “Let my enemy come in three days. And if not, he will soon die. Coffin, graveyard and nail - come the long-awaited guest! After this, the house will definitely be visited by the one who jinxed you. Moreover, he will appear in a deplorable physical and moral state, since the spell in tandem with a rusty cemetery nail will bring considerable damage to the sorcerer. By the way, if you suspect who did this, you can include the name of the alleged offender in the text. Perhaps he will soon appear at your doorstep with repentance. But even after imaginary repentance, there is no need to forgive or feel sorry for the sorcerer - just say: “The Lord will have mercy.” Otherwise, you will incur even more severe damage.

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How to find out that someone has done damage

Damage can come completely unexpectedly. Sometimes even close relatives send an evil curse, from whom you would not expect such a thing. In order to recognize the presence of damage in time, you need to know its signs. For example:

  • Continuous illnesses, poor health.
  • Weakness in the body, apathy.
  • An unfounded depressive state.
  • Hallucinations (auditory and visual).
  • Voices in my head.
  • Fear of religious institutions.

How to find out based on the circumstances whether damage has been done:

  • The occurrence of strange, inexplicable situations (missing objects in the house, the arrival of unexpected guests, the appearance of inappropriate neighbors, breakdown of metal objects).
  • Insomnia, nightmares, dreams about dead loved ones.
  • Constant quarrels and disagreements with family and friends.

If you were able to notice two or three symptoms, you may have been damaged. In this case, you will need the protection of the energy shell. However, witchcraft is often confused with ordinary diseases.

Damage is carried out on many areas of human life. In each case, there are different signs of a spell being cast.

Types of damage:

  1. Barren. In this case, the spell is aimed at infertility or miscarriage in a woman. An envious woman who can’t get pregnant, or a former lover who couldn’t forgive you for leaving, can wish you evil. With this kind of damage, a woman is doomed to suffer for the rest of her life.
  2. Love spell. A love spell is a witchcraft ritual, as a result of which his loved one becomes attached to a person. Very strong magic is used here, suppressing the will and true desires of the individual. Damage has an even more negative impact on already married people. The consequences of such a spell are eternal suffering and failure, since the person becomes highly dependent on the person who performed the love spell. It is extremely difficult to get rid of this kind of influence on your own, so the best option would be the help of specialists in this field.
  3. Painful . Such a spell can be sent out of envy, resentment, etc. Finding out whether a painful spell has been cast on a person is quite simple. As a rule, the victim begins to be overcome by all sorts of ailments, as well as moral torment. Apathy, weakness, fainting, weakness in the legs, rash, spots on the face, and lack of appetite appear. Diseases caused by damage are often not amenable to medicine. You can recognize witchcraft precisely by this point: ailments come one after another, while not a single medicine works and the intervention of doctors does not help.
  4. Damage to poverty. This type of spell is done out of envy towards wealthier people. You can recognize damage by the following signs: you develop weakness, reluctance to do work, depression, breakdowns, and illness may begin. Also, with a spell on poverty, a person can suddenly and for unknown reasons lose business and money.
  5. Eye-catching. In the case of this damage, the victim feels a deterioration in physical and mental health (nausea, headaches, weakness, abdominal pain, as well as depression and breakdowns). There are problems in relationships and at work. You can remove the spell yourself. This is done using holy water or pouring on liquid wax.
  6. Damage to misfortune. The abuser's goal is to make you unhappy. This can manifest itself in health, career, relationships and other important areas of your life. How to find out if damage has been done: there is a deterioration in health, illness, difficult relationships with family and friends, sudden dismissal from work, loss of money, death of loved ones.
  7. Damage to beauty. Basically, women cast the spell on their rivals, as well as out of envy of those who are more beautiful and successful. What consequences can be expected: hair loss and severe thinning, skin diseases (rashes, spots, dermatitis, a large number of pimples). These are also pathologies leading to problems with appearance and disability. Often doctors cannot cope with the disease.
  8. Damage to a baby. A spell on children is made out of a desire to ruin the life of the mother herself. Sometimes damage is sent unintentionally, but if the child accepts it, serious consequences will be observed. These are illnesses, sleep disturbances in the baby, crying for no reason, poor appetite, developmental delays, etc. Often such a child becomes closed, withdrawn, and does not want to communicate and contact people.
  9. Damage to madness. This type of effect is most common because it is quite simple. How to find out whether damage has been done: the victim of the crime experiences various hallucinations, memory problems, mental disorders that cannot be treated, fainting, etc. At the same time, the person himself denies in every possible way changes in well-being. Outbursts of anger and aggression may occur. If there is such damage, it is better to contact a specialist.

Christian voodoo and fortune telling on black tourmaline

There is another way using candles, this time church candles. One of them should be lit and the other broken. The pieces are melted over the flame of a whole candle and, pouring wax onto water, the resulting outline is observed. When it hardens, three needles are stuck into the silhouette, saying something like this: “Needle - into the water and under the canopy. Whoever wishes me harm, let him appear on the doorstep!” The container is placed at the entrance and covered with a clean, snow-white cloth. By morning, anyone who dares to put the evil eye on you will appear at the door or call you on the phone.

The latter method requires certain skills, in particular, you should practice meditation and complete relaxation, as well as determining your own energetic environment. Having achieved success, a person is able to independently identify a gap in his biofield. A mystical stone attached to a silver chain – black tourmaline – will help you clarify information about the enemy who caused damage. Keeping it suspended, ask clear questions, the answers to which are limited to a positive “yes” or a negative “no.” It is especially useful at this moment to concentrate on the previously detected energy damage - then information about the sorcerer will be especially detailed. How to “explain” the rules of answers to a stone? This is not difficult: after saying “yes”, shake the tourmaline left and right, and the negative “nod” can be a back and forth movement.

If you use one of these methods, the vile enemy will be identified and neutralized. Perhaps you have your own proven methods? Feel free to share them.

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How to find out who did the damage without magic

Before using magical rituals, try to identify the enemy yourself, analytically. Surely there will be people in your environment who cause rejection, hostility, or even fear. There are individuals who irritate everyone around them with their behavior, attitude and manners. But, as a rule, they are not involved in the damage, so you need to look deeper.

If you understand that a spell has been cast on you and your family, first think for yourself who may be to blame. Try to remember at what point troubles began to appear in your life. It may take a long time, but soon you will definitely be able to find this starting point.

Articles recommended for reading:

  • How to learn fire magic
  • Magic amulets and their meaning
  • How to make a voodoo doll

Now we need to find out who did the damage. As a rule, these are people from your environment with whom you were in close contact. Start remembering everyone you had to communicate with or cross paths with before the failures began. Perhaps someone gave you a gift or simply came to visit, perhaps you yourself visited someone. Absolutely everyone should be taken into account, regardless of your attitude towards these people. Your loved ones can help you reconstruct events.

Everyone you remember should be added to the list. Next, look through the resulting list and try to intuitively identify the offender. This should be done in the following way: call each person by name and imagine them mentally. If you have only positive emotions for a person, feel free to cross him off the list. If you feel even the slightest hostility, leave it. After this you should have no more than 10 people.

Once you have identified potential enemies, you will need to meet each one in person.

How to recognize the person who did the damage:

  1. Watch his face carefully when you meet. The one who committed the damage will have fear and anger. At the same time, you yourself will feel increasing hostility.
  2. Make sure that the first phrases of the conversation come from a potential enemy. Most likely, he will ask how you are doing, and specifically in the area that has suffered from damage (health, work, family, etc.). Having learned the answer, he will try to leave you as soon as possible.
  3. The one who committed the damage will avoid looking you in the eye. Pay attention to his movements: most likely, the person will clench his fists, cross his arms, and lick his lips.

You can also do the following. Buy a small gift and try to give it to the potential offender. He will refuse in every possible way and will eventually try to leave quickly without taking the gift.

Salt ritual

How to recognize damage and find out who caused it? The ritual with salt will help determine whether there is negativity on a person, as well as recognize your enemy. Wait for the stars to appear in the sky and place the frying pan on the table. When it's hot, throw in three handfuls of regular salt.

You need to heat the salt in a frying pan for at least 20 minutes. Stir the salt with a wooden stick or wooden spoon and read the words:

If the salt darkens and begins to crackle, it means there is negativity. In this case, you need to go outside and count 21 stars to your right, and say:

Return home, pour salt from the frying pan into a bag and scatter it at the intersection. You need to leave the intersection silently, not turn around and not utter a word. Within three days the henchman will make himself known.

Call the culprit to the needles

Regular sewing needles are a magical tool if used correctly. With the help of a needle you can cast a spell on the future, send damage back and find out who caused the magical effect.

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The ritual will require 7 needles purchased specifically for this action. You need to buy needles without change, you can give money for payment - the main thing is not to take change from the seller.

When you get home, heat up a regular frying pan and throw 7 needles on it. Hold the pan by the handle over the heat and make a clockwise rotation, as if stirring fried onions while cooking. At the same time say:

You need to speak as many times as your heart tells you. Often, already during the ceremony, enemies are identified - they begin to call and be interested in something, or even come if they are familiar personalities.

When you complete the ritual, you need to get rid of the needles. You can throw them in an outdoor trash can (not your indoor bin) or bury them in the ground. It is strictly prohibited to use needles in the house!

When is the best time to perform the ceremony? The best time is when no one will disturb or distract you. Practitioners advise carrying out the ritual from 12 to 3 am.


The presence of damage is determined by a number of different signs, based primarily on intuition. These signs include:

  • A sharp increase in the number of failures in all areas of life.
  • Incredible drowsiness, reluctance to get out of bed, desire to lie down and not get up all day.
  • Lethargy, apathy and fatigue, physical and mental stress.
  • Irritability and irascibility, previously uncharacteristic. Outbursts of anger for any reason or without.
  • Loss of interest in life, in work, in any business. Everything that used to motivate me now seems like an empty phrase; even natural desires like going to eat or drinking tea don’t arise.
  • Sharply weakened health, despite good tests and a healthy lifestyle, constant colds, runny nose and cough.
  • Conflicts with others out of the blue.
  • Feeling of running out of air.
  • Mice, rats, cockroaches, spiders, and other evil spirits have filled the house.
  • Fear, panic, phobias, visions.
  • Nausea, dizziness, fear when entering church.

The above has one common symptom, and it practically eliminates any doubt as to whether it is damage or a disease. All signs appear suddenly and without any reason. If you still have doubts, you can determine the presence of damage with a simple ritual. It is extremely important to conduct it if at least three signs are confirmed at once.

The ritual for determining damage is simple. For it you will need:

  • A glass of water, cut and necessarily glass, then it can no longer be used for its intended purpose;
  • Church candle;
  • Icon of the Mother of God.

The ritual takes place early in the morning. They light a candle in front of the icon and read “Our Father” or “Theotokos, Virgin” . Then they cast a spell into a glass of water and break the egg, very carefully so as not to damage the yolk:

My head is spinning every day, every night, for no reason, sadly. I am looking for an answer in prayers. Tell me, Lord, is there any damage on me, has someone sent an evil and envious slander on me, show me, little egg, what’s wrong with me. I go to bed, I turn around in my sleep, and when I get up the next morning, I’ll understand everything from my testicles.

The appearance of the egg determines whether there is spoilage. If the egg does not seem normal - there are spots, inclusions, white threads extending in different directions, darkening and a film on the yolk - this is definitely spoilage. When the presence of damage is established, it is time to remove it or find out who the “authorship” belongs to.

Seeing a henchman in a dream

How can you find out on your own who caused the damage through a dream? This ritual should be performed on one of the twelve church holidays. When going to bed, say the following words:

After casting the spell, you need to immediately go to bed. You cannot talk to anyone or go to the kitchen to drink water. At night you will have a prophetic vision in which the image of a villain will appear.

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