Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ in Church Slavonic

Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ in Church Slavonic

Voice 6th

Song 1.

Irmos: As Israel walked on dry land, with footsteps in the abyss, seeing the persecutor of Pharaoh drowned, we sing a song of victory to God, crying out.

Chorus : Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Now I, a sinner and burdened, have come to You, my Master and God; I don’t dare look at the sky, I just pray with the verb: give me, Lord, my mind, so that I may weep bitterly for my deeds.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Oh, woe to me, a sinner! I am more damned than all men; there is no repentance in me; Give me, Lord, tears, let me cry bitterly for my deeds.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . Foolishly, wretched man, you waste time in laziness; think about your life, and turn to the Lord God, and weep bitterly for your deeds.

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Most Pure Mother of God, look at me, a sinner, and deliver me from the snare of the devil, and guide me on the path of repentance, so that I may weep bitterly for my deeds.

Song 3.

Irmos: There is nothing holy like You, O Lord my God, Who has lifted up the horn of Your faithful, O Good One, and established us on the rock of Your confession.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Sometimes thrones will be set for a more terrible judgment, then the deeds of all men will be exposed; woe will be the sinner who is sent to torment; And then you know, my soul, repent from your evil deeds.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

The righteous will rejoice, and the sinners will cry, then no one will be able to help us, but our deeds will condemn us, and before the end, repent of your evil deeds.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . Woe to me, a great sinner, who have been defiled by deeds and thoughts, and have not a drop of tears from hard-heartedness; now arise from the earth, my soul, and repent from your evil deeds.

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Behold, O Lady, Your Son calls, and teaches us to do good, but the sinner always flees from good; but You, O Merciful One, have mercy on me, so that I may repent of my evil deeds.

Sedalen, voice 6th.

I think about the terrible day and weep for my evil deeds: how will I answer the Immortal King, or with what boldness will I look at the Judge, you prodigal one? Gracious Father, Only Begotten Son and Holy Soul, have mercy on me.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now, and ever, and unto ages of ages, amen .


Bound now by many captives of sins and held by fierce passions and troubles, I resort to You, my salvation, and cry out: help me, O Virgin, Mother of God.

Song 4.

Irmos: Christ is my strength, God and Lord, the honest Church sings divinely, crying out from a pure meaning, celebrating the Lord.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

The path here is wide and pleasing to create sweets, but it will be bitter on the last day, when the soul will be separated from the body: beware of this, O man, of the Kingdom for the sake of God.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Why did you offend the poor, withhold bribes from a mercenary, dislike your brother, persecute fornication and pride? Forsake this, my soul, and repent for the sake of the Kingdom of God.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . O foolish man, how long will you scrabble like a bee, collecting your wealth? Soon he will perish like dust and ashes: but seek more the Kingdom of God.

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Lady Theotokos, have mercy on me, a sinner, and strengthen me in virtue, and keep me, so that insolent death does not snatch me away, unprepared, and bring me, O Virgin, to the Kingdom of God.

Song 5.

Irmos: With Your divine light, O Blessed One, illumine the souls of You in the morning with love, I pray, Lead You, the Word of God, the true God, crying out from the darkness of sin.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Remember, O accursed man, how you were enslaved by lies, slander, robbery, infirmity, by a fierce beast, for the sake of sins; My sinful soul, is this what you desired?

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

They tremble, for I have brought guilt to all: with eyes behold, ears heard, with an evil tongue spoken, betraying all to hell; My sinful soul, is this what you desire?

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . Thou hast received the fornicator and the repentant thief, O Saviour, but I am the only one burdened with sinful laziness and enslaved to evil deeds, my sinful soul, is this what you desire?

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Wonderful and quick helper to all people, Mother of God, help me, unworthy, for my sinful soul desires it.

Song 6.

Irmos: The sea of ​​life, raised in vain by the misfortunes of the storm, has flowed into Your quiet refuge, I cry to You: lift up my life from aphids, O Many-Merciful One.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Having lived on earth fornication and given my soul into darkness, now I pray to Thee, Merciful Master: free me from the work of sowing hostility, and let my mind do the will Yours.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Who creates things like I do? Just as a pig lies in a dung, so I serve sin. But You, Lord, pluck me from this vileness and give my heart to do Your commandments.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . Arise, damned man, to God, remembering your sins, falling to the Creator, crying and groaning; The same, like a merciful one, will give you the mind to know His will.

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Mother of God Virgin, save me from visible and invisible evil, Most Pure One, and accept my prayers, and convey them to Your Son, that He may give me the mind to do His will.


My soul, why are you rich in sins, why do you do the will of the devil, why do you place hope in? Stop from these things and turn to God weeping, calling: Merciful Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.


Thoughts, my soul, the bitter hour of death and the terrible judgment of your Creator and God: For the angels of menace will understand you, my soul, and will lead you into eternal fire: for before you die, repent, cry cabbage soup: Lord, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Song 7.

Irmos: The dew-bearing furnace was made by the Angel like a venerable youth, and the Chaldeans, the scorching command of God, exhorted the tormentor to cry out: Blessed are you, God our father.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Do not trust, my soul, in corruptible wealth and in unrighteous gatherings, for you will not leave all this to anyone, but cry: have mercy on me, O Christ God, who is unworthy.

Do not trust, my soul, in bodily health and fleeting beauty, for you see how the strong and the young die; but cry: have mercy on me, O Christ God, who is unworthy.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . Remember, my soul, eternal life, the Kingdom of Heaven, prepared for the saints, and the pitch darkness and the wrath of God, and cry: have mercy on me, O Christ God, unworthy.

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Come, my soul, to the Mother of God and pray to her, for she is a quick helper to those who repent, she will pray to the Son of Christ God, and she will have mercy on me, the unworthy.

Song 8.

Irmos: From the flames of the saints you poured out the dew and you burned the righteous sacrifice with water: do everything, O Christ, only as you will. We exalt you to all ages.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Why should I not cry when I always think about death, when I see my brother lying in the grave, inglorious and ugly? What am I drinking and what am I hoping for? Just grant me, Lord, before the end, repentance. (Twice)

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . I believe that you will come to judge the living and the dead, and all will stand in their rank, old and young, rulers and princes, virgins and priests; where will I find myself? For this reason I cry: grant me, Lord, before the end, repentance.

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Most Pure Mother of God, accept my unworthy prayer and save me from impudent death, and grant me repentance before the end.

Song 9.

Irmos: It is impossible for man to see God; the officials of the Angels do not dare to look at Worthiness; By You, O All-Pure One, the Word Incarnate, Who magnifies Him as a man, we please You with the heavenly howls.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Now I come running to you, Angels, Archangels and all the heavenly powers standing at the Throne of God, pray to your Creator that He may deliver my soul from eternal torment.

Have mercy on me, God, have mercy on me.

Now I cry to you, holy patriarchs, kings and prophets, apostles and saints and all the chosen ones of Christ: help me in judgment, that He may save my soul from the power of the enemy.

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . Now I will lift up my hand to you, holy martyrs, desert women, virgins, righteous women and all the saints who pray to the Lord for the whole world, that He may have mercy on me at the hour of my death.

And now , and forever, and forever and ever, amen . Mother of God, help me, who trusts most strongly in You, beg Your Son to place me, unworthy, at His right hand, when the judge of the living and the dead sits, amen.


Master Christ God, who healed my passions with His passions and healed my ulcers with His wounds, grant me, who have sinned much against You, tears of compunction; dissolve my body from the smell of Your Life-giving Body, and delight my soul with Your Honest Blood from sorrow, from which the enemy gave me a drink; lift up my mind to You, which has fallen to the ground, and lift me up from the abyss of destruction: for I am not the imam of repentance, I am not the imam of compunction, I am not the imam of consoling tears that lead children to their inheritance. My mind has been darkened by worldly passions, I cannot look to You in illness, I cannot warm myself with tears, even love for You. But, Lord Jesus Christ, treasury of good things, grant me complete repentance and a laborious heart to seek Yours, grant me Your grace and renew the eyes of Yours in me image. Leave you, don’t leave me; come to seek me, lead me to Thy pasture and number me among the sheep of Thy chosen flock, educate me with them from the grain of Thy Divine Sacraments, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother Tere and all Your saints. Amen.

In the canons, the chorus as a prayer appeal is pronounced before the first and second (and third, when there is one) troparion of each song, but is not read before the troparion beginning with “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” and “And now and ever and unto ages of ages.” . Amen".

PRAYER BOARDS in Church Slavonic


to our ї}su xrtY.

Voice 7. Song no.

Їрм0съ: Ћкw on the dry land, having walked along the abyss in our footsteps, we drove the bodies of the Pharanna into view of the flooding, we sing the victorious song, say.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

Nhne come1x ez sinner and3 њburdened to you in Ltse and 3 bGu myYY: I don’t dare look at nb7o, t0kmw I pray 1сz, verb0lz: let me2, gdi, ќm, let me cry for my deeds.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Q woe to me, a sinner! More than all people, we are touched by є4cm: as long as there is in me: rain for me, tears, let me cry for my 1x sadness.

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

O foolish man, in the laziness of time we destroy: spare your life, and 3 return to God and 3 cry for your deeds.

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

M™i b9iz prechctaz, look2 at the sinner ms, and3 t the snares of the devil and3deliver ms, and3 instruct ms on the path, let me weep for my deeds.

Song G.

Їрм0с: Carry with™, ћkoko you2, gDi b9e m0y, exalted the p0g of your faithful1x, greater, and3 established us on the stone and3confession of yours2.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Sometimes the cases will be brought to justice, then all people's affairs will be exposed: woe there will be sinful, they will be sent to torment: and 3 then2 presenters, shower mos, repent of all your affairs.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

The good ones will rejoice, and the sinners will mourn: then no one will be able to help us, but our deeds will end us. Even better, before the end, repent of your deeds.

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

Hail to me, a great sinner! and 4 the same deeds and 3 mhslmi defile 1 everything, not a drop of tears and 3 I have cruel hearts, do not arise t earth2, soul E moS, and 3 repent t slhh deeds 1 of yours.

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

CE calls, gpszhe, son7 tv0y, and3 teaches us about good, because the sinful good always runs: but you2, merciful, have mercy mS, may I repent of my deeds.

Sedalen, voice 7:

I thought about the terrible day and3 cried out to my 1x evil ones: what do I tell the immortal king2; and3or2 with boldness I will look2 upon the judgment2, O prodigal God; big-hearted џ§е, сн7е є3дінор0дный и3 дш7е с™хй, merciful mS.

Glory to nts7Y, and3 sn7u, and3 s™0mu d¦u, and3 nhne and3 pr1snw, and3 forever and ever. Ґ6м1н.


Bound by many captive sins, and 3 held by fierce passions, 2 and 3 troubles, I come to you with my prayer and 3 cry: help 1 mi, dv7o, m™i b9iz.

Song d7.

Їрм0съ: Хрт0съ моС сi1ла, bGъ и3 ГДь, the honorable church sings gloriously, those who cry out t see the light of purity, њ where they celebrate.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

The path is wide here and it is a great day to create, but there will be bitterness on the last day, when the soul and body will be separated: dishes, people, for the sake of b9iz.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Almost 2 ўb0gago њbi1dishi; You keep the bribe of the mercenary; you don’t love your brother2; fornication and 3 pride of a g0nisha; Put ќбw сі‰, shower moS, и3 покайсз зртвіз for the sake of b9іz.

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

Q crazy man, how long have you been, like a bee, collecting your wealth; soon the ashes and ashes will perish: but more than that, we will demand2 tsrtviz b9iz.

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

Gpszhe btsde, have mercy on the sinner, and3 in virtue ўkrepi2, and3 observe1 mz, lest death snatch away the unprepared ms, and3 bring1 mz, dv7o, tsrtviz b9iz.

Song 7.

Їрм0с: By the light of yours, dearer, thy2 souls are awakened by the love of the sun, I pray: tS lead these, the word of the true God, t the darkness of sin is calling.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Remember2, untouched man, how we lie, slander, robbery, weakness, cruelty, sin for the sake of enslavement; the soul is a sinner, then it wanted є3сi2;

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

We are trembling, we have all done the same: we look, we hear, we hear the words, we only betray ourselves: our soul is a sinner, why did we want it;

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

The fornicator and 3 robbers repent for є3сi2, sp7se: ѓз ѓзъ є3д1нъ laziness єєзгів1хсzz, и3 ѕлѕлімь мъднмъ WORK0Хсzz: зъз моС зніззз, зін єзлій є3сі2;

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

Di1vnaz and3 sk0raz helper to all people, m™i b9iz, help2 me, unworthy, my soul is a sinner.

Song 7.

Їрм0с: The worldly sea, raised by the storm of misfortunes, flowed to your quiet refuge, crying out: raise2 tli2 living, many-merciful.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Life on earth2 is a prodigal life, and3 a soul in darkness: I pray1 tz, merciful VLko: freedom1 mz t work for all enemies, and3 give me2 reason, do your will2.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Who2 does it like this; As the skin of pigs lies in the feces, so also 3 Our sins serve: but you2, gDi, and 3st0rgni mS t gnysa now2, and3 give my2 heart, create a new order for yours.

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

Recall2, a sacred person, to God, remembering your sins, falling to the creator, tears and 3 walls, also ћkw mlrd, let you know your will2.

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

Btsde dv7o, t vi1dimagw and3 invisiblemagw SlA save1 mz, prechtcaz, and3 receive2 mltvy mo‰, and3 report2 | to yours, may he allow us to do our will2.


Soul, why are you rich in sins? I believe you did the devil's will; You honestly believe in hope; stop si1x and3 њbrother to bgu with crying, calling: mlrd where, have mercy on the sinner.


Come, my soul, the bitter hour of death, and3 the terrible judgment of your creator: u5before death, repent, cry out: gD and, have mercy on the sinner.

Song 3.

Їрм0с: The rosative furnace made ѓгГл a useful line, khaldє1and the burning command of the b9іe, the tormented bodies of things scream: blessed є3с2, b9е nts7 our.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Do not rely, soul, on perishable wealth, and3 on an unrighteous meeting, all the same, do not weigh anyone, but cry out: have mercy on the unworthy.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Do not rely, soul, on physical health, and3 on fleeting beauty: you see how the strong and3 the young are dying, but cry out: have mercy on the unworthy.

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

Remember2, soul, eternal life, the precious thing: prepared with™y6m, and3 the outer darkness, and3 the wrath of the great one, and the3 cry: have mercy on the one who is unworthy.

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

Come2, soulE moS, to b9іey m™ri, and3 pray1sz t0y, є4 is a quick helper to those who repent, ўm0lit сн7а хртА bGа, and3 will have mercy on mS unworthy.

Song }.

Їрм0съ: And #з8 flame of prpdbnym р0su and3stoch1l є3сi2, and 3 prvdnagw the victim with water fell1l є3сi2: all‰ bo created, хртE, єкмw є4whatever you want. tS exalted to all ages.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Like not even 4 mothers made posters, when I thought about death; you see my brother2 lying in the grave, inglorious and 3 ugly: what the fuck is tea; and3 what2 I hopez; t0kmw rain mi2, gdi, before the end. [Twice.]

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

I believe that you will come to judge the living and 3 dead, and 3 all2 will become in their rank, old and 3 young, lords and 3 princes, two and 3 consorts: where is it; now2 for the sake of cry2: wait for me2, gdi, before the end.

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

Precstaz bcde, accept2 my unworthy prayer2. and3 save1 mz t the impudence of death: and3 grant mi2 before the end.

Song f7.

Їрм0с: It’s impossible for people to see these, they don’t dare to look at them: the same, everything, kvi1sz people are embodied: є3g0zhe majestic, with nbcnye vhi, tS Sorry.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

I come running to you, ugGli, ґрхагgli, and3 all‰ nbcnyz strengths, ў prt0la b9iz worth, pray to your creator, and 3save my soul2 t my eternal torment.

Have mercy on mS, b9e, have mercy on mS.

Nhne weep for you, s™ji patriarsi, tsars and 3 prbr0tsy, ґpsli, and 3 s™i1li, and 3 all2 and 3 chosen people: help me at the trial, and spare my soul2 t the strength of the enemy .

Glory to nts7Y, i3 sn7u, i3 s™0mu d¦u.

Let us come to you, s™j rytse, s™ji m§nts, hermits, virgins, prvdnits and 3 all s™js, pray to you for the whole world, may the world have mercy at the hour of my death.

And# now1ne and prsnw, and3 forever and ever. Hmi1n.

M™i b9iz, help1 mi, on ts stronger hope, ўpray2 from your own2, and put ms unworthy to yourself, є3 when the judgment of the living and 3 dead, ґмі1н comes down.

Mltva on kanNne.

By the way, and with your passions you are mo‰ and 3 healthy, and 3 with your words you are a physician, grant me, who have sinned so much to you, tears of mercy, dissolve2 in my body, t O bonsniz life-giving body of yours2 and3 delight2 my soul2 with your precious blood, t0sorrow, є4south mS resistance to drink2: ascend my 0m to you, so far lowered, and3 erect2 t the precipice of destruction, ћkw not and4mam pokasnіz, not and4mam ўmilenіz, not and4mam tears2 ўconsolingz , building towards your inheritance. I was so dark in everyday passions, I couldn’t look at you in illness, I couldn’t warm myself with tears, but I couldn’t love you. But VKO GDI ї} Cherte, Sokr0 Blgi1x, go to the whole, and 3 Sedza is good for your search: Say yours 2, and 3, you can do your eyes. Nstavikh tS, do not leave me: and 3 leave me to seek mine: raise1 to your pasture, and3 associate with the new and chosen ones of your flock: bring up MS with none t of the sweetness of your divine sacraments, mlt You are most welcome to yours and all yours. Amen.

Channel shown to our ї}su xrty.

Troparion to all 1lostivagw sp7sa, voice }:

With the blessings of all, please forgive us our blasphemous sins, with all kindness, through the prayers of God, grant our souls great mercy.

Kann, voice 7. Song no.

Їрм0съ: Ћкw on the dry land, having walked along the abyss in our footsteps, we drove the bodies of the Pharanna into view of the flooding, we sing the victorious song, say.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

Nhne come1x ez sinner and3 њburdened to you in Ltse and 3 bGu myYY: I don’t dare look at nb7o, t0kmw I pray 1сz, verb0lz: let me 2 gDi ќm, let me cry for my deeds.

Q woe to me, a sinner! More than all people, we are touched by є4cm: while there is nothing in me: give me tears, let me cry for my 1x sadness.

Slava: Unbelievable man, in laziness we destroy time: help your life, and 3 return to God, and 3 cry for your deeds.

And# nhne: M™i b9iz prechctaz, look2 at the sinner, and3 t the network of the devil and3deliver ms, and3 instruct ms on the path, let me weep for my deeds.

Song G.

Їрм0с: Carry with™, ћkoko you2, gDi b9e m0y, exalted the p0g of your faithful1x, greater, and3 established us on the stone and3confession of yours2.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

Sometimes the cases will be brought to justice, then all people's affairs will be exposed: woe there will be sinful, they will be sent to torment: and 3 then2 presenters, shower mos, repent of all your affairs.

The good ones will rejoice, and the sinners will mourn: then no one will be able to help us, but our deeds will end us. Moreover, before the end, repent of your deeds.

Slava: Alas for me, a great sinner! and 4 the same deeds and 3 mhslmi defile 1 everything, not a drop of tears and 3 I have cruel hearts: do not arise t earth2, soul E moS, and 3 repent t slhh deeds 1 of yours.

And# nhne: SE calls, gpszhe, sn7tv0y, and3 teaches us about good, because the sinner is good, I always run: but you2, merciful, have mercy mS, may I repent of my deeds.

Gdi, have mercy. [Three times.]

Sedalen, voice 7:

I thought about a terrible day, and3 I cried with my 1x evil ones: what do I tell the immortal king2; and3or2 with boldness I will look2 upon the judgment2, O prodigal God; big-hearted џ§е, сн7е є3дінор0дный, и3 дш7е с™хй, помілуй mS.

Glory, and3 nhne, proud: Captured by many nhne captives of sins, and3 held1 by fierce passions2 and3 troubles, I come running to you with my sweetheart, and3 cry2: help1 mi, dv7o, m™i b9iz .

Song d7.

Їрм0съ: Хрт0съ моС сi1ла, bGъ и3 ГДь, the honorable church sings gloriously, those who cry out t see the light of purity, њ where they celebrate.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

The path is wide here and it is a great day to create, but there will be bitterness on the last day, when the soul and body will be separated: dishes, people, for the sake of b9iz.

Almost 2 ўb0gago њbi1dishi; You keep the bribe of the mercenary; you don’t love your brother2; fornication and 3 pride of a g0nisha; Put ќбw сі‰, shower moS, и3 покайсз зртвіз for the sake of b9іz.

Glory: Q crazy man, until you are a bee, collecting your wealth; soon the ashes and ashes will perish: but more than that, we will demand2 tsrtviz b9iz.

And # nhne: GpzhE btsde, have mercy on the sinner, and3 in virtue ukrepi2, and3 observe1 mz, lest death in sight snatch away the unprepared ms, and3 bring1 mz, dv7o, tsrtviz b9iz.

Song 7.

Їрм0с: By the light of yours, dearer, thy2 souls are awakened by the love of the sun, I pray: tS lead these, the word of the true God, t the darkness of sin is calling.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

Remember2, untouched man, how we lie, slander, robbery, weakness, cruelty, sin for the sake of enslavement; the soul is a sinner, then it wanted є3сi2;

We are trembling, we have all done the same: we look, we hear, we hear the words, we only betray ourselves: our soul is a sinner, why did we want it;

Glory: Fornicator and 3 robbers repentant for є3с2, з7се: ѓз ѓзъ є3д1нъ laziness sinful њтзгч1хсzz, and 3 ѕлы6м мълнм WORK0Хсzz: the soul is a sinner, now it wants to є 3si2;

And# nhne: Di1vnaz and3 sk0raz helper to all people, m™i b9iz, help2 me unworthy, the soul is more sinful than it pleases.

Song 7.

Їрм0с: The worldly sea, raised by the storm of misfortunes, flowed to your quiet refuge, crying out: raise2 tli2 living, many-merciful.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

Life on earth2 is a prodigal life, and3 a soul in darkness: I pray1 tz, merciful VLko: freedom1 mz t work of all enemies, and3 let my2 mind do your will22.

Who2 does it like this; As the skin of pigs lies in the feces, so also 3 Our sins serve: but you2 gDi, and3st0rgni mS t gnysa segw2, and3 let my2 heart create yours.

Glory: Recall2, a famous person, to God, remembering your sins, falling to the creator, tears and 3 walls, even ћkw billion, will let you know your will2.

And# nhne: Btsde dv7o, t vi1dimagw and3 invisible1magw slA save1 mz, prechtcaz, and3 receive2 mltvy mo‰, and3 report2 | to yours, may he allow us to do our will2.

Gdi, have mercy. [Three times.] Glory, and 3 nhne:

Kontakion, voice 7:

Soul, why are you rich in sins? I believe you did the devil's will; You honestly believe in hope; stop si1h, and3 њbrother to bgu with crying, calling: mlrd where, have mercy on the sinner.

Yokos: Come, my soul, the bitter hour of death, and3 the terrible judgment of your creator; Yu1schi: God, have mercy on the sinner.

Song 37.

Їрм0с: The rosative furnace made ѓгГл a useful line, khaldє1and the burning command of the great tormented bodies screams: blessed є3с2, bl9е ntє1ts of ours.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

Do not rely, soul, on perishable wealth, and3 on an unrighteous meeting, all the same, do not weigh anyone, but cry out: have mercy on the unworthy.

Do not rely, soul, on physical health, and3 on fleeting beauty: you see how the strong and3 the young are dying, but cry out: have mercy on the unworthy.

Glory: Remember2, soul of the soul, eternal life, the treasure of the earth, prepared from the world, and 3 pitch darkness, and 3 the wrath of the holy god, and the 3 cry: have mercy on the one who is unworthy.

And # nhne: Come down, soul2, to your mother, and3 pray1sz t0y, there is a quick helper for those who repent, he prays for the unworthy.

Song }.

Їрм0съ: And #з8 flame of prpdbnym р0су и3ш1л є3сi2, и3 рвднгw the victim was hit with water є3сi2: all‰ bo created хртE, t0кмw є4 the same way you want. TS is exalted to all ages.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

Like not even 4 mothers made posters, when I thought about death; you see my brother2 lying in the grave, inglorious and 3 ugly: what the fuck is tea; and3 what2 I hopez; t0kmw rain mi2 gDi before the end. [Twice.]

Glory: I believe that you will judge the living and 3 the dead, and 3 all will become in their rank, old and 3 young, lords and 3 princes, two of you and 3 consorts: where will you go; now2 for the sake of cry2: wait for me2 and before the end, the end.

And # nhne: Prechctaz bcde, accept2 my unworthy prayer2, and3 save1 mz from the insolence of death, and3 grant me2 before the end.

Song f7.

Їрм0с: It’s impossible for people to see these, they don’t dare to look at them: the same everything, kvi1sz people are embodied: є3g0zhe majestic, with nbcnye vhi tS ўb We're sorry.

Chorus: Have mercy mS, b9e, have mercy mS.

I come running to you, ugGli, ґрхагgli, and3 all‰ nbcnyz strengths, ў prt0la b9iz worth, pray to your creator, and 3save my soul2 t my eternal torment.

NHNE PLACHUSZ to ™ Ji Patriyarcy, Tsariy and 3 prbr0sy, ґPCHI and 3 with ™ I1, and 3 NIS2 and3ZBRANNIYA: Help the MI2 for the Suda, yes SP7 It is my2 T SI1LA VRORAZHIZ.

Glory: Let us greet you, the monks, the hermits, the virgins, the virgins, and all the s™jis, praying for the whole world, may the world have mercy at the hour of my death.

And# nhne: M™i b9іz, help1 mi, on ts stronger hope, ўpray2 from your2, and place mS unworthy to yourself2, є3when the judges of the living and3 the dead are born. Hmi1n.

Prayer for our ї}su xrty:

By the way, and through your passions, you are powerful, and through your prayers, you are a doctor, grant me, who have sinned so much to you, tears of compassion, dissolve2 in my body t њbonsніz life-giving of your body2, and3 delight2 my soul2 with your precious blood, t grieve, є4south mS resistance to drink2: ascend my ќm to you, to the 0lowest, and 3 build2 t the precipice of destruction, ћкw not and 4 moms pokasnіz, not and 4 moms ўmilenіz, not 4 mom tears 2 ўt Yeshitelnyz, building up to your heritage. I was dark in everyday passions, I could not look at you in illness, I could not warm myself with tears - the same love for you. But VKO GDI ї} Cherte, Sokr0 Blgi1x, go to the whole, and 3 Sedza is good for your search: Say yours 2, and 3, you can do your eyes. Put TS, do not leave me 2: and 3 go to the collection of mine: raise 2 to your pasture, and 3 associate 1 with the people and 3 chosen ones of your 2 flock: raise s with none t of the sweetness of your divine sacraments ъ, dearest to you, your world, and all yours. Hmi1n.

Following to Holy Communion

For in Thy Fearful One I stand before the Judgment, O Christ God, without respect of persons, and raise condemnation, and speak out against the evil things I have done; This day, before the day of my condemnation even comes, at Your holy Altar I stand before You and before Your terrible and holy Angels, bowed by my conscience, I offer my evil one and without lawful deed, reveal this and convict. See, Lord, my humility, and forgive all my sins; see how the head of my iniquity has multiplied more than the hair of my head. Who hasn’t done evil? What sin have you not committed? What evil have you not imagined in my soul? For I have already committed deeds: fornication, adultery, pride, arrogance, reproach, blasphemy, idle talk, inappropriate laughter, drunkenness, guttural rage, gluttony, hatred, envy, love of money, covetousness , covetousness, pride, love of glory, theft, untruth, ill-gain, jealousy , slander, lawlessness; I have made every feeling and every sense of mine desecrated, corrupted, and useless, having become a workman of the devil in every way. And we know, Lord, that my iniquities have exceeded my head; but the multitude of Your bounties is immeasurable, and the mercy of Your kindness is ineffable, and there is no sin, conquering Your love for mankind. Moreover, most wonderful King, kindly Lord, surprise me, a sinner, with Your mercy, show Your goodness the power and show the strength of Your gracious mercy, and when you turn, accept I am a sinner. Receive me as you received the prodigal, the robber, the harlot. Accept me, who have sinned against You immeasurably in word, in deed, in placeless lust, and in wordless thought. And just as at the tenth hour you have come to accept those who have done nothing worthy, so also accept me, a sinner: for we have sinned many and have become defiled, and are saddened by Your Holy Spirit, and are bitter Your humane womb in deed, word, and thought, in the night and in the days, both manifestly and unmanifestly, willingly and unwillingly. And we know that you have presented my sins before me as such as I have committed, and have expropriated the word with me about those who have sinned unforgivenly. But Lord, Lord, do not reprove me with Thy righteous judgment, nor with Thy wrath, nor punish me with Thy wrath; Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am not only weak, but also Your creation. You, Lord, have established Your fear in me, and I have created evil in Your sight. You alone have sinned, but I pray to You, do not enter into judgment with Your servant. If you see lawlessness, Lord, Lord, who will stand? For I am the abyss of sin, and I am not worthy, below I am content to look and see the heights of heaven, from the multitude of my sins, of which there is no number: every kind of atrocity and deceit, and the wiles of Satan, and corruption , resentment, advice to sin and other countless passions are not destitute of me. Surely sins have not been corrupted? The kiimi were not kept evil? Every sin I have committed, every uncleanness I have put into my soul, is not needed by You, my God, or by man. Who will raise me up, in the face of evil and a fraction of fallen sin? Lord my God, I have trusted in You; If I have hope of salvation, if Your love for mankind overcomes the multitude of my iniquities, be my Savior, and according to Your generosity and Your mercy, weaken, forsake, forgive me all, Elika Ti. sins, for my soul is filled with many evils, and there is no salvation in me hope. Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and do not reward me according to my deeds, and do not judge me according to my deeds, but convert me, intercede, deliver my soul from the evils and cruel perceptions that grow with it. . Save me for the sake of Thy mercy, that where sin abounds, Thy grace abounds; and I will praise and glorify You always, all the days of my life. For You are the God of those who repent and the Savior of those who sin; and we send glory to You with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Great Canon to the Guardian Angel

Canon, tone 8.

General beginning and end of all canons → Reading order according to the charter

Troparion, tone 6

We shine with the angelic vision and illuminate with divine glory. Cover me with the blood of your wing, and with the weapon of your divine service, drive away all my enemies, visible and invisible. For you, imams, are a strong weapon, and a prayer book for our souls. (Twice).

Glory, even now. Theotokos. Who called Himself blessed Mother, came to His passion by His will, shining on the Cross, and sought even Adam. Verb by the Angel: rejoice, for the bent drachma has been found. Who have arranged all things wisely, O Lord, glory to Thee.

Song 1. Irmos

Having walked through water as if on dry land, having escaped from the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out to our Savior God.

Chorus: Holy Angel of Christ, save me, your sinful servant (bow).

The indefatigable guardian of my soul, and the representative of my life, and the mentor given by God to me, I sing to the Angels of God, God Almighty.

Solo. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Although all mankind may be saved, the holy angels, mentors and enlighteners, have given the Word to man, enlightening us into Thy fear.

Song to the Angel. Darkened by my nights, and covered by the darkness of passions, illuminate me with the light of repentance, my mentor and intercessor and guardian.

Glory. The vile thoughts wear away in me, the flood is muddy and muddy, and my mind is separated from God, as if it were dry, oh, my intercessor.

And now. Theotokos. Silence is the Lady and a refuge for those worried in the abyss of sin, so I flow to the refuge, agitated by the foam of various passions.

Katavasia: Deliver your servants from troubles, my holy Guardian Angel of Christ, as we all resort to you in God, for you pray for us to Christ our God (bow). Lord have mercy (three times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

To the heavenly circle, Supreme Creator, Lord, and to the Creator of the Church, Thou strengthen me in Thy love, with the desire of this land, the faithful affirmation of the One Lover of Mankind.

Solo. Having possessed the earth and the earth and the mixture of the earth, the earth was added to them. But oh, my intercessor, and mentor, and deliverer, turn my desire to the heavenly.

Solo. Night and day I grieve my evil deeds, and I insult and irritate you. And not wanting you to stand far from me, my champion, I create you.

Solo. I experience sorrow and despondency because I remain unrepentant and uncorrected. But let me repent purely and joyfully make you my guardian.

Glory. In vain is the invisible face of God, sitting in Heaven, and looking at the earth intelligently, and making it shake, pray to save me, holy Angel.

And now. Theotokos. I have received the mind and the meaning and the word, the gift of God, as if having known the Giver, I have done good deeds. I have dishonored the gift of passions, I have vexed the Savior, save me, O Lady. Confusion.

Sedalen, voice 2. From the love of my soul I cry out to you, guardian of my soul, my all-holy Angel, cover me and protect me from evil deception always, and guide me to heavenly life, admonishing and enlightening, and strengthening me.

Glory, even now. Theotokos. To the Blessed Most Pure Mother of God, who without seed gave birth to all the Lord, pray to Him and my Guardian Angel to get rid of all bewilderment, and to give tenderness and light to my soul, and purification through sin, which alone will soon come.

Song 4. Irmos

You are my Lord Christ, You are my strength, You are my God, You are my joy. Do not forsake the bosom of the Father, but by visiting our poverty with mercy, I call with the prophet Habakkuk: Glory to Your power, Lover of mankind.

Solo. I don’t think about the Terrible Judgment of Spasov, but I want to appear in it tremblingly, and give my word about every deed and word, not even death, which is unknown, I accept no less in my mind, and I am uncorrected. My mentor, do not leave me.

Solo. I committed all the wickedness of my youth, and never ceased to be my intercessor, insulting you with inappropriate deeds, and always giving me cold. But don’t get angry, but wait a little longer, admonishing and enlightening and confirming me.

Solo. The words of God are likened to longsuffering, having come to call all sinners to repentance, and expecting self-willed correction, and not forcing, and you, my mentor, have endured on me.

Glory. Far from God I will cast away my sin, and drive out the tree of animals. But my Lord Jesus received me graciously and gave me his home. I reject His goodness to a great extent, and I also insult you God’s Angels.

And now. Theotokos. For truly the Lord has reigned, a kingdom that does not fall away, and has clothed itself psalmically, from the Mother of God, in red splendor, holy flesh, with which it has accepted death, and destroy its kingdom. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

I will cast myself away from the face of Your Light, and the cursed foreign darkness has covered me. But turn me, and direct my path to pray towards the light of Your commandments.

Solo. Having acquired thee, the guardian is eternal and pleasant, the holy Angel, observing, and traveling, abiding, and saved by constantly offering, which forgiveness I accept foolishly.

Solo. With many boldness we stand before the Throne of the Almighty, and, rejoicing at the King of creation, grant forgiveness to many evil ones, pray to my protector.

Solo. Foreseeing all the torment and torment awaiting me, and my blindness and distance, and the darkening of passions, having mercy on the walls, and sorrow and decrepitness, my deliverer is filled with sadness.

Glory. Not a single hour, not a single feature, and those of me who left you, my benefactor and guardian, to rejoice and rejoice and jump for me, will always be mixed with sins.

And now. Theotokos. Having appeared in You as a new Youth, unsearchable and unfathomable, You set the abyss, and set the mountains as a standard for the Lady. Count the faces of the stars, and measure the drops of rain, and measure the breath of the wind. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

I will pour out my prayer to the Lord, and to Him I will proclaim my sorrow, for my soul is filled with evil, and my belly is drawing near to hell. But I pray like Jonah, my God, lift me up from aphids.

Solo. Save the hostages around me, and the battles against the crafty demons. And those bestial attacks that always attack me. Do not leave my guardian, for the Imam protects you with warmth.

Solo. Most pure and fragrant myrrh, do not disdain my stench, nor retreat from me to the end. But be the guardian of dreams persistent. And the sun is no longer defiled by the passing of the stinking place.

Solo. Drops of tears, covering the waters of the Word, exceeding His, begged my intercessor to give me grace, as if by these my heart would be cleansed and it would see God.

Solo. Bodiless, as pure and immaterial, standing before the Pure and Immaterial, and having acquired great boldness and appropriation towards Him. Pray for this diligently, my soul will be saved by the gift of me.

Glory. Let shame and cold, vile and stinking, and dark cover the face of the enemy, when my wretched soul is separated from the body. May you cover the same, my mentor, your Eminences.

And now. The most holy Angels, Cherubim and Seraphim have risen above, having exalted my earthly mind, showing me earthly and material desires, having lifted them up from earth to heavenly love. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 4. Oh, representative of my ignorant and passionate souls, and my guardian, and my mentor, deliver me from troubles, do not despise the all-holy Angel.

Ikos. For my soul, think about the hour of death, and pray to your guardian Angel with tears, and pray to the Lord for you: at the terrible and future Judgment, until death befalls, and bitter death, and a fierce answer, always crying out: do not despise me, all-holy Angel.

Song 7. Irmos

Even the youths who came from Judea to Babylon of old, affirmed by faith, asked the flames of the cave, saying: Blessed art thou our father, God.

Solo. In the darkness around those invisible robbers attacking me, seeking to tear out my soul and snatch it away, driving away with a fiery spear, do not abandon my helper.

Solo. When the Judge and my God want to judge me, and to condemn me, condemned by the inner judgment, before that Judgment. Do not forget your servant, my preserver.

Solo. The earth is the imam of the mother, and the dung of the father, the forefather is dust, and these affinities of the earth are in vain. But let me, my intercessor, look upon heavenly kindness.

Solo. Like you are red with kindness, like you are sweet and cheerful, and have a sun-like mind, with a bright appearance, a grinning face, and a cheerful outlook, when I want to take off from the earth, my mentor.

Glory. For the sake of mercy, love for mankind is abundant, my guardian covered your wings with blood, cover me from the body, not to see the vile face of the demon.

And now. The heavenly gate, and the saved door, the mental ladder, along which God descended, and man ascended into the Heavenly Kingdom, grant him the honor to improve me. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

The seventh week of the furnace, the tormentor of the Chaldeans, kindled the fierceness of the pious. Having seen the better power of the saved, he cried out to the Creator and Savior: bless the children, sing in sacred praise, people exalt Him forever.

Solo. According to God, you received from God an intercessor, and a guardian, and a helper, and a chosen one, the Most Holy Angel. Therefore, do not stop praying, nurturing and punishing, and teaching such wisely, and enlightening my mind, until you present me to Christ and save me.

Solo. When the thrones are set, and the books are opened, and the Ancient of Days sits, and men are judged, and the angels appear, and the earth trembles, and everyone is shaken, your love for mankind will appear on me then, deliver me from hell, having begged Christ.

Solo. Now, like bees of a honeycomb, invisibly devouring me, the abominations of demons and murderers, like ravening wolves, and like cunning foxes, surround me in a terrifying manner. But cover me, my guardian, as an eagle covers its chicks.

Solo. From before my eyes, tears flow incessantly, give me endless currents, washing me all over from top to toe. As if I had clothed a robe whiter than snow with repentance, I entered into the palace of God, honoring you as my intercessor.

Solo. The temple of Christ is my former heart, I have lived my life through passions and foolish pigs. But strengthen me, helper of my soul, cleanse this. Sprinkle and incense with odors and peace, prayer and purity. May the temple of Christ again be fragrant.

Glory. My mentor and guardian, my intercessor and savior, guardian of my souls that I never began, when trumpets and terrible voices want to raise me to Judgment, then become quiet and joyful near me, taking away my fear with the hope of salvation.

And now. Theotokos. With much goodness, have mercy on me, having given birth to a source of mercy: for mercy is not worthy for thee to bring, for you do not demand my good things, as the benefactor and Savior of the world, indescribably overjoyed. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

Fearing every hearing, the indescribable descent of God, as by the will of the Most High he came down to the flesh, from a girl’s womb he became Man. In the same way we magnify the Most Pure Mother of God of Faith.

Chorus with a bow. Seeing you at the right hand of my passionate soul, bright and quiet, an intercessor and guardian, when my spirit disappears from me in need, and seeking to embrace me, driving away bitter demons.

Solo. As a holy servant of God, and doing His divine desires, we were greatly enriched towards Him by the boldness of the holy Angel. Pray for me all the more warmly, as if I were saved by you, I sing of intercession and protection.

Solo. My whole belly is in a lot of vanity, and is approaching the end, and I pray to you, my guardian, be my protector, and the wicked one, when I go through ordeals, the cruel ruler of the world.

Chorus: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner (bow).

Overcome my evil, the Only Begotten Jesus with mercy, and the countless multitude of Your disembodied servant, with divine prayers, and give him from childhood, as a Lover of Mankind, a guardian.

Glory. According to the God of salvation, I place all my hope in you, my guardian and ruler and intercessor: create a common prayer for me to Christ, with prayer services receiving angelic faces, and with intercessors.

And now. Theotokos. Raise the horn of the faithful, and cast down the barbaric vacillation of the Mother of God Mary, invincibly saving this Thy city, in which Thy great name is magnified, and the pure Lady is truly glorified by all. Confusion.

Prayer to your Guardian Angel

Holy Angel of Christ, save me, your sinful servant (bow).

Holy Angels standing before my poor soul and my cursed belly, do not leave me, a sinner, nor depart from me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the evil demon, so that he can overcome my weakness, this mortal body. Strengthen my poor and thin hand, and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my mountain soul and body, forgive me everything that I have offended you all the days of my life. And if I have sinned in this day, cover me in this present night, and keep me from every opposite temptation, so that I will not anger God in any sin. And pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His passion, and show me worthy as a servant of His goodness, amen. (Bow to the ground).

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy most pure Mother, and through the intercession of my holy Guardian Angel, and for the sake of all the saints, have mercy and save me, a sinner, for I am Good and Lover of Mankind. Amen.

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