Professor L. Klykov on the connection between religion and world government

Klykov Lev Vyacheslavovich: biography

Lev Klykov, a man who became a candidate of technical sciences and a doctor of psychological sciences, a professor and academician, was born in the Soviet city of Samara in 1934. How his childhood passed is not known for certain. According to available information, in 1958, after completing his studies at the Moscow Energy Institute, he worked in various research institutes, working in optics, electronics, the theory and practice of information recognition, working with information retrieval systems and classifying the information obtained.

In atheistic Soviet times, only a few citizens dared to turn to faith. Among them was Klykov Lev. The biography of Klykov the believer began after he reached the age of thirty.

A parishioner of the Orthodox Church, he was interested not only in Christianity.

The biography of Lev Klykov is not only about studying and working in Soviet institutions. While studying Islam, Buddhism, yoga, Judaism and other religious systems, he strove for more and in 1998 became interested in issues of the integrity of human consciousness, religion, metaphilosophy and other existential sciences.

The years devoted to scientific research were not in vain, and Klykov began to think about divine ways of controlling life.

Manifesto – Lev Klykov.

Reality Encoding

Let me remind my dear ones that words are tools of creation and evolution of consciousness, and also directly influence reality and DNA.

Reality is a consensus of opinions of the consciousnesses inhabiting it. These opinions imply, among other things, what we think, what we believe, how we see our future, and what language we encode. By giving ourselves instructions (“everything will be fine,” “I am healthy,” etc.), visualizing a future result, praying or meditating, we can direct our reality in one direction or another, especially if we do it together.

The more participants believe in a particular branch of reality, the more it is filled with their attention and pumped up with potential. At the same time, the power of each participant is not simply summed up with all the others, but multiplied, creating a powerful channel - a ray of universal intention.

I propose to conduct group work and form a clear collective intention to change our reality towards a more creative path of development.

Do you want changes, transitions, expansion of consciousness? Start with yourself. Be that change!

It is better to speak the text out loud loudly enough, boldly and confidently, so that every word vibrates in the depths of your heart, and is thereby written in the information fields and crystals.

You MUST first read and understand the text, and not just mindlessly repeat it (you can add your own ideas if you wish).


If you don't believe it, it's better to postpone it. If you are in a bad mood, it is better to listen/watch/read something funny that lifts your tone.

Ideally, your intention should permeate every cell, organ, chakra and crystal of your body, further spreading to every crystal of the Earth, starting with the key point (place of power) of the central (geo-)crystal closest to you.

The address is made in the form of “WE”, because you speak not only for yourself, but also for the entire civilization of living beings living in your own body (cells, organs, systems, crystals), as well as for the entire civilization of earthlings, of which you yourself are a cell you are. (If you don't feel comfortable saying "WE", you can say I, but this violates the main ideology and purity of the experiment in which you have decided to take part)

This experiment is not an open challenge to the system, but a peaceful solution to the existing problems of society and civilization as a whole through reformatting the fields of consciousness, and not through a struggle, the energy of which has long been used against ourselves.

It is in your interests to maintain yourself in as pure a state as possible and be prepared to accelerate the processing that we all will have to go through sooner or later (for example, fear and its derivatives). Freeing yourself from systemic connections is comparable to stopping drug use, and its subsequent effects are comparable to withdrawal. The extent to which this breakdown will affect each of us depends only on him personally, because each case is individual.

Manifesto. -We are spirits, one with the Creator, children of Mother Earth, the stellar Cosmos and the entire Universe. We ask the Father/Creator, our higher aspects, guardians, guides and teachers to place complete protection over us and activate a secure channel of communication between us all for the highest good, in the most favorable manner.

-We recognize ourselves as part of a single whole, pure, free, unlimited consciousness and act exclusively for the highest evolutionary good of all living beings and individual cells of Creation, developing as a single, multidimensional and multifaceted organism, the radiant Mind of the Universe.

-We ask you to cleanse our crystals of malware, activate and synchronize them with the true crystalline grid of Mother Earth and write in each of them the following manifesto, the implementation of the points of which begins from the moment here and now, spreads across all spaces, times, variants and races , to the extent possible and necessary, based on the readiness and luminosity of the participants, as well as with the blessing of their Higher Aspects, mentors and teachers, and following exclusively the universal rule of “do no harm”:

1. We, souls located in the fields of consciousness of this planet, solar system, galaxy and universe, turn to our ancestors, Creators, forerunners, native aspects, crystals and stellar civilizations, which have exclusively creative motives and pure thoughts, with the goal of creating a common evolutionary process and creative intent. We ask you to accept this message and distribute it throughout all information fields of this and other universes, and also write this program on every possible crystal and in every cell of consciousness capable of receiving this signal for help and the declaration of our independence, and transmit them further along the cosmic neural networks. This appeal applies to all civilizations known to us, including the Pleiades, Sirius, Aldebaran, Andromeda, Rigel, Orion, dragons, angels, archangels, mentors, teachers and guardians of the clans, as well as to all of us hitherto unknown in the current incarnation.

2. We are aware of the influence of negative, technogenic, magical, technomagical and other parasitic and destructive systems, and we prohibit them from further exerting their influence on us. We declare our independence, free choice and the inviolability of our will within the laws of this and other universes. We emphasize our free will and ask for freedom of action in our realities - to build a new timeline based on peaceful and creative interaction. We demand that we be given a choice of the reality with which our free consciousness and internal state resonates according to the principle “Like to like”!

3. We demand and allow us to remove all guards and restrictions that apply to ancestral and cosmic memory, which can now be eliminated without harm to mental and physical health, as well as to activate the true innate abilities of our bodies and reference DNA. We ask you to remove from us the influence of all parasitic systems that suppress our consciousness, be it gray, reptilian, dragon, insectoid, earthly and unearthly intelligence services, the media, as well as secret, Masonic, magical and demonic orders and all other conglomerates working for enslavement of humanity in general and its individual cells in particular.

We ask that these systems be made aware of our expressed will and stop any further influence on their part, as well as break all contracts binding us, if any, and were obtained through deception, violence, delusion or in a state of emotional instability. Any influence without our knowledge or through deception/misconception is further prohibited. Any contracts, oaths and promises signed or made by us in a state of emotional excitement, delusion, or obtained through deception are canceled here and now and burned in the universal furnace.

We also turn to the higher fractals of these civilizations and ask them to direct awakening rays of attention to them in order to remind them all of their divine essence and purpose, to bring them out of their earthly sleep and, as far as possible, return them to their home worlds, where their evolution will become more fruitful. We refuse to fight these systems and express our intention to resolve the situation peacefully.

4. We take our energy from all parasitic systems, all egregors of the earthly matrix, all teacher systems that distort and enslave free thought. We take our energy from the egregors of war, hunger, poverty, misery, fear, depression, suicide, apathy, oil, and financial slavery. We ask for peaceful and creative alternatives to these egregors, the transition to which can be made smoothly and without sacrifice, except in those cases where the sacrifice is a necessary lesson for the embodied aspect within the framework of its evolutionary program and by joint decision with its own Higher Aspects.

5. We ask that direct communication and protection be established over all our close and unknown brothers and sisters related to this manifesto and awaiting its activation, so that their experiences and lessons are sufficiently learned in the current reality.

6. We ask for maximum energy-informational support in order to quickly cleanse the true crystalline grid of the Earth and every crystal in it, as well as all individual particles of the Unified Consciousness, whether embodied or not, the Earth itself and all its multidimensional bodies from any energetic and mental garbage, gray fog, fear virus, mental and psycho-emotional viruses, technogenic and techno-magic equipment and other types of connections that suppress our pure cosmic consciousness and memory. We demand that any future influence on us be carried out exclusively within the framework of our free will - with our informed consent and permission in this reality. Not in dreams, not in other realities, but precisely where we can make an informed and informed choice. We also demand to immediately stop broadcasting catastrophic scenarios through “prophetic dreams and predictions” broadcast through your agents and pseudo prophets to the masses of gullible readers in order to pump up branches of reality that are beneficial to you with human attention and potential. We withdraw our attention from these threads of reality and demand that potential be restored to all those who have been misled by you through such prophecies.

7. We ask for strength, wisdom, energy, abundance, independence, prosperity, attraction of the people and events we need that influence our common creative process. We ask you to connect our hearts and consciousnesses with those of our associates who are working in similar directions, in order to maintain a continuous and ever-increasing connection with them through the channels of our open hearts.

8. We ask that you provide us with all those opportunities, Knowledge, Power, methods of development and communication, be it between each other on Earth or with other worlds, to which we have access in other incarnations, and which are most suitable for each of us at this stage of development, and can also be supported by our current host bodies to ensure optimal expansion of consciousness cells.

9. We are the Creators of our world! We accept full responsibility for our subsequent actions, express our readiness to carry them out for the highest good of all living beings, and also ask for the activation of the memory of our true purpose, capabilities and potential. We express our readiness to accept information in the form of insights, dreams and thought packets that contribute to our development and are located in the depths of our hearts.

10. We forgive ourselves and let go of guilt in all incarnations, times and spaces. We forgive all those who could have offended us in all incarnations, times and spaces. We offer our apologies to those whom we may have offended, in all incarnations of time and space. We withdraw our attention from all the worlds, entities and toys created but forgotten by us in order to free up energy for further development and allow the overall evolutionary process to continue further. We ask all parts of our multidimensional soul to reunite with us here and now.

We ask our civilizations and higher aspects to join forces in this work and to conduct a stream of pure consciousness through our bodies in order to clear our systems of mental debris, activate the true protective crystalline grid of the Earth and synchronize our manifested intentions with Her central Crystal and its portal points on surface of the planet, as well as fill the ether with information about the Manifesto, so that it is accepted and transmitted further by all living beings. We request the activation of the awakening wave, working for the highest good of ourselves and our sleepy brothers and sisters, to the true crystalline grid of the Earth and to carry this wave through our bodies to cleanse ourselves, as well as our loved ones (whether embodied or not), elementals, guardians of places of power, spirits of nature, animals, plants, stones, air and water on this planet.

With the permission of all civilizations and cells of consciousness that are here legally and honestly fulfilling their contracts, we ask our higher aspects, monads, civilizations and the Creator to conduct their cleansing and awakening energies through us in order to fill our reality with them and change the current system from the inside for the highest good , the most beneficial way for all living beings.

We are aware of enslaved crystals, spirits and levels of consciousness of the Earth, which are used by forces that do not have permission to such influence and are here illegally. This information can be read and we ask that it be transmitted via cosmic neural networks. We ask our highest ascetics, civilizations and the Creator to release with their rays of attention these crystals, spirits and levels of consciousness of the planet, as far as possible and necessary - to dissolve into primary matter any garbage, dirt, technogenic and technomagical installations, and also to deport from the planet all those who are here illegally, parasitizing itself and its inhabitants. We ask that you begin the process here and now, but do it with balance.

We say goodbye to these parasitic civilizations, leave ourselves with the experience of interacting with them, and wish them a good journey. We ask Mother Earth to wake up and connect her heart with the descending cosmic flow of pure consciousness, acting on the awakening of the planet and all her children. The time has come. We declare our readiness and ask you to accept our call.

We ask for information on further actions within the framework of the awakening of humanity, as well as confirmation of the acceptance of this information from our higher aspects.
We ask for the establishment and strengthening of feedback from our higher aspects and guardians. We copy this manifesto onto our crystals, distribute it throughout all the crystals of our cells, all organs, chakras and DNA molecules of our bodies, transmit it across all crystalline networks of all spaces and variants of our universe, and register it in Eternity. Let it be so! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

What Lev Klykov is calling humanity to do

“The new abode of humanity has long been ready,” say people whose teacher is Lev Vyacheslavovich Klykov, “the biography of earthlings will be rewritten anew: the doors of the new house are wide open and the guests only have to move into it.
Why don't they come? Because they don't know the right way. That path, which is impossible to embark on without performing certain actions called spiritual work.” To help modern earthlings understand what the Universe wants from them, they give clear examples from everyday life. For example, they suggest imagining yourself on a ship sailing to a new life. Who will sail as part of the crew and who will occupy the passenger cabins depends on each individual. It is also possible that some representatives of today's earthlings will find themselves in the role of mourners, as they will prefer to remain in their old life.

However, to find yourself in new conditions, it is not enough to simply make the transition. The new world needs builders, and only people who know how to build will be able to make the transition. The idle and lazy will be thrown overboard, and God himself will be the contractor of this construction.

And finally, the most important thing. Neither material accumulations nor useful connections will help idle people take comfortable places.

Lev Klykov. Encoding of Reality.

Reality coding.

Let me remind my dear ones that words are tools of creation and evolution of consciousness, and also directly influence reality and DNA.

Reality is a consensus of opinions of the consciousnesses inhabiting it. These opinions imply, among other things, what we think, what we believe, how we see our future, and what language we encode.

By giving ourselves instructions (“everything will be fine,” “I am healthy,” etc.), visualizing a future result, praying or meditating, we can direct our reality in one direction or another, especially if we do it together.

The more participants believe in a particular branch of reality, the more it is filled with their attention and pumped up with potential. At the same time, the power of each participant is not simply summed up with all the others, but multiplied, creating a powerful channel - a ray of universal intention.

I propose to conduct group work and form a clear collective intention to change our reality towards a more creative path of development.

Do you want changes, transitions, expansion of consciousness? Start with yourself. Be that change!

It is better to speak the text out loud loudly enough, boldly and confidently, so that every word vibrates in the depths of your heart, and is thereby written in the information fields and crystals.

You MUST first read and understand the text, and not just mindlessly repeat it (you can add your own ideas if you wish).


If you don't believe it, it's better to postpone it. If you are in a bad mood, it is better to listen/watch/read something funny that lifts your tone.

Ideally, your intention should permeate every cell, organ, chakra and crystal of your body, further spreading to every crystal of the Earth, starting with the key point (place of power) of the central (geo-)crystal closest to you.

The address is made in the form of “WE”, because you speak not only for yourself, but also for the entire civilization of living beings living in your own body (cells, organs, systems, crystals), as well as for the entire civilization of earthlings, of which you yourself are a cell you are. (If you don't feel comfortable saying "WE", you can say I, but this violates the main ideology and purity of the experiment in which you have decided to take part)

This experiment is not an open challenge to the system, but a peaceful solution to the existing problems of society and civilization as a whole through reformatting the fields of consciousness, and not through a struggle, the energy of which has long been used against ourselves.

It is in your interests to maintain yourself in as pure a state as possible and be prepared to accelerate the processing that we all will have to go through sooner or later (for example, fear and its derivatives). Freeing yourself from systemic connections is comparable to stopping drug use, and its subsequent effects are comparable to withdrawal. The extent to which this breakdown will affect each of us depends only on him personally, because each case is individual.


-We are spirits, one with the Creator, children of Mother Earth, the stellar Cosmos and the entire Universe. We ask the Father/Creator, our higher aspects, guardians, guides and teachers to place complete protection over us and activate a secure channel of communication between us all for the highest good, in the most favorable manner.

-We recognize ourselves as part of a single whole, pure, free, unlimited consciousness and act exclusively for the highest evolutionary good of all living beings and individual cells of Creation, developing as a single, multidimensional and multifaceted organism, the radiant Mind of the Universe.

-We ask you to cleanse our crystals of malware, activate and synchronize them with the true crystalline grid of Mother Earth and write in each of them the following manifesto, the implementation of the points of which begins from the moment here and now, spreads across all spaces, times, variants and races , to the extent possible and necessary, based on the readiness and luminosity of the participants, as well as with the blessing of their Higher Aspects, mentors and teachers, and following exclusively the universal rule of “do no harm”:

1. We, souls located in the fields of consciousness of this planet, solar system, galaxy and universe, turn to our ancestors, Creators, forerunners, native aspects, crystals and stellar civilizations, which have exclusively creative motives and pure thoughts, with the goal of creating a common evolutionary process and creative intent. We ask you to accept this message and distribute it throughout all information fields of this and other universes, and also write this program on every possible crystal and in every cell of consciousness capable of receiving this signal for help and the declaration of our independence, and transmit them further along the cosmic neural networks. This appeal applies to all civilizations known to us, including the Pleiades, Sirius, Aldebaran, Andromeda, Rigel, Orion, dragons, angels, archangels, mentors, teachers and guardians of the clans, as well as to all of us hitherto unknown in the current incarnation.

2. We are aware of the influence of negative, technogenic, magical, technomagical and other parasitic and destructive systems, and we prohibit them from further exerting their influence on us. We declare our independence, free choice and the inviolability of our will within the laws of this and other universes. We emphasize our free will and ask for freedom of action in our realities - to build a new timeline based on peaceful and creative interaction. We demand that we be given a choice of the reality with which our free consciousness and internal state resonates according to the principle “Like to like”!

3. We demand and allow us to remove all guards and restrictions that apply to ancestral and cosmic memory, which can now be eliminated without harm to mental and physical health, as well as to activate the true innate abilities of our bodies and reference DNA. We ask you to remove from us the influence of all parasitic systems that suppress our consciousness, be it gray, reptilian, dragon, insectoid, earthly and unearthly intelligence services, the media, as well as secret, Masonic, magical and demonic orders and all other conglomerates working for enslavement of humanity in general and its individual cells in particular.

We ask that these systems be made aware of our expressed will and stop any further influence on their part, as well as break all contracts binding us, if any, and were obtained through deception, violence, delusion or in a state of emotional instability. Any influence without our knowledge or through deception/misconception is further prohibited. Any contracts, oaths and promises signed or made by us in a state of emotional excitement, delusion, or obtained through deception are canceled here and now and burned in the universal furnace.

We also turn to the higher fractals of these civilizations and ask them to direct awakening rays of attention to them in order to remind them all of their divine essence and purpose, to bring them out of their earthly sleep and, as far as possible, return them to their home worlds, where their evolution will become more fruitful. We refuse to fight these systems and express our intention to resolve the situation peacefully.

4. We take our energy from all parasitic systems, all egregors of the earthly matrix, all teacher systems that distort and enslave free thought. We take our energy from the egregors of war, hunger, poverty, misery, fear, depression, suicide, apathy, oil, and financial slavery. We ask for peaceful and creative alternatives to these egregors, the transition to which can be made smoothly and without sacrifice, except in those cases where the sacrifice is a necessary lesson for the embodied aspect within the framework of its evolutionary program and by joint decision with its own Higher Aspects.

5. We ask that direct communication and protection be established over all our close and unknown brothers and sisters related to this manifesto and awaiting its activation, so that their experiences and lessons are sufficiently learned in the current reality.

6. We ask for maximum energy-informational support in order to quickly cleanse the true crystalline grid of the Earth and every crystal in it, as well as all individual particles of the Unified Consciousness, whether embodied or not, the Earth itself and all its multidimensional bodies from any energetic and mental garbage, gray fog, fear virus, mental and psycho-emotional viruses, technogenic and techno-magic equipment and other types of connections that suppress our pure cosmic consciousness and memory.

We demand that any future influence on us be carried out exclusively within the framework of our free will - with our informed consent and permission in this reality. Not in dreams, not in other realities, but precisely where we can make an informed and informed choice.

We also demand to immediately stop broadcasting catastrophic scenarios through “prophetic dreams and predictions” broadcast through your agents and pseudo prophets to the masses of gullible readers in order to pump up branches of reality that are beneficial to you with human attention and potential. We withdraw our attention from these threads of reality and demand that potential be restored to all those who have been misled by you through such prophecies.

7. We ask for strength, wisdom, energy, abundance, independence, prosperity, attraction of the people and events we need that influence our common creative process. We ask you to connect our hearts and consciousnesses with those of our associates who are working in similar directions, in order to maintain a continuous and ever-increasing connection with them through the channels of our open hearts.

8. We ask that you provide us with all those opportunities, Knowledge, Power, methods of development and communication, be it between each other on Earth or with other worlds, to which we have access in other incarnations, and which are most suitable for each of us at this stage of development, and can also be supported by our current host bodies to ensure optimal expansion of consciousness cells.

9. We are the Creators of our world! We accept full responsibility for our subsequent actions, express our readiness to carry them out for the highest good of all living beings, and also ask for the activation of the memory of our true purpose, capabilities and potential. We express our readiness to accept information in the form of insights, dreams and thought packets that contribute to our development and are located in the depths of our hearts.

10. We forgive ourselves and let go of guilt in all incarnations, times and spaces. We forgive all those who could have offended us in all incarnations, times and spaces. We offer our apologies to those whom we may have offended, in all incarnations of time and space. We withdraw our attention from all the worlds, entities and toys created but forgotten by us in order to free up energy for further development and allow the overall evolutionary process to continue further. We ask all parts of our multidimensional soul to reunite with us here and now.

We ask our civilizations and higher aspects to join forces in this work and to conduct a stream of pure consciousness through our bodies in order to clear our systems of mental debris, activate the true protective crystalline grid of the Earth and synchronize our manifested intentions with Her central Crystal and its portal points on surface of the planet, as well as fill the ether with information about the Manifesto, so that it is accepted and transmitted further by all living beings. We request the activation of the awakening wave, working for the highest good of ourselves and our sleepy brothers and sisters, to the true crystalline grid of the Earth and to carry this wave through our bodies to cleanse ourselves, as well as our loved ones (whether embodied or not), elementals, guardians of places of power, spirits of nature, animals, plants, stones, air and water on this planet.

With the permission of all civilizations and cells of consciousness that are here legally and honestly fulfilling their contracts, we ask our higher aspects, monads, civilizations and the Creator to conduct their cleansing and awakening energies through us in order to fill our reality with them and change the current system from the inside for the highest good , the most beneficial way for all living beings.

We are aware of enslaved crystals, spirits and levels of consciousness of the Earth, which are used by forces that do not have permission to such influence and are here illegally. This information can be read and we ask that it be transmitted via cosmic neural networks. We ask our highest ascetics, civilizations and the Creator to release with their rays of attention these crystals, spirits and levels of consciousness of the planet, as far as possible and necessary - to dissolve into primary matter any garbage, dirt, technogenic and technomagical installations, and also to deport from the planet all those who are here illegally, parasitizing itself and its inhabitants. We ask that you begin the process here and now, but do it with balance.

We say goodbye to these parasitic civilizations, leave ourselves with the experience of interacting with them, and wish them a good journey.

We ask Mother Earth to wake up and connect her heart with the descending cosmic flow of pure consciousness, acting on the awakening of the planet and all her children. The time has come. We declare our readiness and ask you to accept our call.

We ask for information on further actions within the framework of the awakening of humanity, as well as confirmation of the acceptance of this information from our higher aspects. We ask for the establishment and strengthening of feedback from our higher aspects and guardians.

We copy this manifesto onto our crystals, distribute it throughout all the crystals of our cells, all organs, chakras and DNA molecules of our bodies, transmit it across all crystalline networks of all spaces and variants of our universe, and register it in Eternity. Let it be so!

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

What Lev Klykov warns about

“When we consider two parts of consciousness: intellectual and sensory, we can talk about a person’s worldview (faith) and his worldview,” says Klykov Lev (biography of the scientist is at the beginning of the article). — Attitude or faith determines everything that happens to a person. Wrong faith is very difficult to live with.

What is correct faith? First, you need to understand that man is inseparable from God. This means that even karma (a set of previous mistakes that determine one’s future destiny) is not given by the Creator to a person right away. If karma is given to him immediately, as soon as he is born, he will live a maximum of six years. But he needs to live, gain some experience, pleasure about life... Without receiving pleasure, he will turn into a destroyer. The Creator gives him karma in stages, and this “distribution” is done individually.”

Lev Klykov is convinced that healing people and adjusting their destinies, that is, taking on the responsibilities of the Creator, is a pointless activity, since the healing process can only be started if the healer is in contact with higher powers.

Life after death. Lev Klykov

Is the transmigration of souls possible and how does it happen?

Lev Klykov - professor, candidate of technical sciences - discusses whether eternal life exists?
What is the difference between earthly and unearthly existence? Why do people fear death from childhood? Who is the guardian of eternal life? How does the transition to new conditions of existence occur? What is the meaning of the 9-day and 40-day rituals after death? What types of knowledge accumulation exist? Where is knowledge stored and how is it transferred to new incarnations? What does Rod give us? Why does a person come to Earth? Why does humanity have such a low level of awareness of its mission? Lev Klykov: The problem of life and death is, so to speak, the problem of earthly and unearthly existence.
That is, we must understand that there is eternal life. If we are talking about eternal life, then we must understand how it is preserved, that is, where it is located, what it contains. It turns out that there are two, again, just like the male and female principles exist, there are two ways to preserve eternal life. The first keeper of eternal life is the spirit of man, that is, this is what his father gave him. What is spirit? This topic can be developed very fully, saying that there are divine monads. The Divine monad contains, so to speak, a copy of the creator, and when the creator creates such a copy, it’s like, fly, live. And what does he give to a person so that he can live forever? He gives him all his eternal experience that he has, but he gives it to him in potential, that is, a person has it all, but he must realize it, that is, he must live it. That is, the first guardian of eternal life is the spirit. The spirit incarnates, that is, it comes to earth from time to time, that is, a person lived for some time on earth, then he leaves the earth. That is, what is leaving? When it goes away, the spirit goes away first. And the spirit takes with it all the life experience that has accumulated during life on earth, and this piggy bank, it is eternal, after each life something is added to this piggy bank. And those people who collected experience are, as it were, our past hypostases, each of them contributed something, and what everyone contributed lives in us constantly when we are embodied. We don’t understand this, but there are such manifestations, there are people who can literally change their image, and there can be dozens of such images, that is, there are people in whom eternal experience manifests itself in the form of recreating these images of past lives, if I may say so. On the other hand, we can imagine such a model when we live all our lives at the same time. That is, everything that we have in this experience, it all manifests itself in us sedimentarily, we can say that we live all our lives at the same time. That is, there are many different models of representing human life, and each of them carries a certain informational meaning. This means that the first repository of eternal life is the spirit. The second repository of life is the clan, and among the Slavs, they had a god Rod. What does it mean? This means that in a clan or clan there is also an accumulation of experience, an accumulation of knowledge. And the question is, what knowledge is stored in experience, kind? It turns out that emotional knowledge. That is, there are 2 types of knowledge, there is knowledge in the form of thoughts, forms, and there is knowledge in the form of intellectual meanings, and there is knowledge in the form of emotional states that were manifested during embodied life. And what does gender give us? The genus gives us genetics, that is, how our body will be built, what capabilities it will have, and, most importantly, it gives us a soul. The soul is also given in a form that corresponds, so to speak, to a person’s past incarnation, that is, he must receive a soul that was no worse than the one he had last time.

It must be said that with each incarnation a person is chosen a country, a social stratum is chosen, a language is chosen, that is, everything that he needs for his best realization is chosen, and for acquiring, perhaps, new experience that he did not have before. Thus, we can say that each of us, having lived hundreds of lives, visited many places in the world, been in various roles, has a wealth of experience. But, as we know, as old knowledge, ancient knowledge tells us, there are varnas, there are castes. That is, there are spirits, there are souls that have brighter achievements in a certain area. Let's say, someone in the field of management, someone in the field of acquiring knowledge, someone in the field of craft knowledge, and all this knowledge is improved, and it turns out that this predisposition of a person to a certain type of activity is inherited on the paternal line, this called birth.

This is how life works, that is, when the spirit is directed to the earth, it attaches itself to that, let’s say, already existing life that originated in the mother’s body, that is, in that soul, the spirit comes to this soul. Vedic knowledge also says that every spirit must find its soul, love it and build a wonderful life with it. That is, we must, and these two principles that exist in man, which, in fact, constitute life, when these two principles are united, we must live this life in such a way that we have the same spirit and soul, if one might say, the same aspirations, the same desires, the same goal vectors. And indeed, every person who comes here on earth, roughly speaking, signs a paper about what he will do, then comes here and with the first cry forgets everything. And people very often come to me and say, Lev Vyacheslavovich, please tell me what my purpose is. I say, I should ask you, not you, because you should remember this. They talk, but I don’t remember. I say, okay, you don't remember, but take it, do it again. That is, understand what your purpose is, why you were born, what your abilities are, what your heart is most drawn to, what you would like to do. Roughly speaking, every person has, if possible, as sigurists say, a mandatory program, that is, we must reproduce, what must we do? We must continue the life of the family. This means that already in childhood a person begins to think about how his life will end. And every child sooner or later tells himself that he will not die. That is, people begin to be afraid of death from childhood; my granddaughter, for example, has already lined everyone up by age, in what order everyone should leave. And this picture, it actually exists in every person’s head, but if we look at life as an eternal phenomenon, then it turns out that when we leave this space, from physical space, we find ourselves in a completely different space, and there this life continues. In fact, death is a change in the dimension of space. From this point of view, leaving life is actually saying goodbye only to those realities that surrounded us in this physical life of ours. But then we come to another world, and the life we ​​lived is no longer very interesting.

For example, I had to talk to people who had already passed away. The first such person was my aunt, my godmother. I asked her, are you happy with your life? She said no. I say why? Because I didn't do anything that I should have done. He was a wonderful person, but she did not think about the goal of life that she set for herself when she came here. Then I also had a conversation with one person, this is a representative of the diplomatic corps of the Soviet Union, a very strong man, I classified him as an incarnate angel, I also had such a conversation with him, he died of cancer. I say, are you happy with your life? He says no. I say - why didn’t you do anything? No, I didn’t do what I wanted, that is, this is a completely different approach, that is, a person has a goal in life, and he lives consciously. That is, there is a conscious life, and there is an unconscious life, this is a very important indicator. When a person is not aware of himself, as a rule, he does not see the purpose of his life. And if he does not see the purpose of his life, then how can he live his life well? He doesn’t understand what the result should be and how to choose the means to do better. But there are so-called post-death rituals, these are 3 days, 9 days, 40 days. What it is? In fact, this is the time of existence, let’s say, in a certain reality, which is similar to pregnancy, that is, a person is preparing to go out to live in another world that is not like ours. This can be said this way: between the physical incarnation, he also has a certain existence. People who communicate with those who are there can communicate with those who live there, they can talk about it, what life is like there. Life there is comfortable, not like here. But even here you can be happy if you correctly understand your purpose in life and achieve what you want. Therefore, to think that life ends with the last breath is simply an ignorant idea about the divine structure of man, about his divine essence, about the fact that he is eternally alive, and what is very important is that many events of today’s life are determined by in fact, by what he did in past lives. Roughly speaking, he didn’t do this, his predecessors did it, but he is embodied at the moment, and only he can change something. That is, this world was created precisely in order to remove old sins, that is, to remove one’s karma, because in this world it exists, in the world of people it, one might say, does not exist, but here it exists. Moreover, this is not our karma, it is imposed on us. It was done very simply, they placed us in a world of violence and hostility and forced us to live in this world, forced us to kill and fight. But we are meant for something completely different, we are meant for creativity, we are, in principle, magicians, but this opportunity was taken away from us gradually, lowering our consciousness to a very low level of self-consciousness. Therefore, every person should imagine both eternal life and this life, and understand that there are different paths and different achievements in this very eternal life and in the life in which we live today. Therefore, there is no death as such, but simply changes in the conditions of existence.

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You can purchase the book “Man in the World of Love” by Lev Vyacheslavovich Klykov in the Conceptual store :

How karma works

Lev Klykov explains the effect of karma using the following example: a patient comes to a person with psychic abilities, and the doctor manages to restore the patient’s health for some time. Time passes and the disease returns. Why? Because a person is constantly broadcast a program for the implementation of his karma. To stop this process, you need to ask the Creator to do this. And he will do it right away. For what? After all, he gives people karma so that they realize that something is wrong, they did something wrong.

“Everyone must heal on their own, learning to control their consciousness,” explains Klykov Lev, whose biography is an indisputable confirmation of his teachings.

To achieve such a state, you must have the appropriate faith. You need to believe that there is a God, and that apart from boundless love for man, God has nothing. But what is most important is that every person is his own God and king, and therefore other people who meet on his life’s path did not meet by chance. He himself invited them into his life. The mechanism is simple: it is the resonance of emotions.

2012 - Criteria for selecting people to the New World. (Lev Klykov)

In the Gospel it is written on this matter that of the two plowing in the field, one will be taken and the other will be left. Modern society is most similar to the theater of the absurd, while for many this world seems natural and the only possible. For them, the selection conditions may be unacceptable. According to various sources, from 4 to 30 percent of earthlings will survive. This is not the end of the world, but the end of a violent parasitic society. What determines the conditions for selection into the New World? We have the opportunity to quantitatively assess a person’s spiritual qualities (see articles 1, 2, 3).

Therefore, we can give clear descriptions of the criteria by which people are selected for the New World, and the ways in which those who need it can spiritually achieve the standards necessary for successful selection.
Managing your consciousness
The selection criteria are the qualities of a person’s consciousness, which have been cultivated for thousands of years, and it is very difficult to remake or complete your consciousness in months. If a person has identified with society and is its product, he will not have time to change. And if a person is constantly engaged in spiritual work, receiving new information will speed up the process of self-improvement. But, perhaps, many more will pass into the New World of those who simply know how to Love and live, Loving. Christ said about them: “Blessed are those who love the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.”

There are problems such as uncorrected mistakes or a worldview accepted by a person as the rules of the game, but not inherent to him initially. Here, with desire and spiritual work, one can achieve standards that ensure a favorable selection outcome. A few months is a tight deadline, but the author knows people who managed to rebuild in a short time. They knew what to do and did it.

Now everyone needs this knowledge, and we are glad that we can give it to everyone. Making a decision and working to achieve a goal is everyone’s business. We have already shown in the previous article what the qualities of a person are by which one can judge his spiritual development. We also introduced you to how these qualities can be measured. Knowing the quantitative values ​​of each person’s spiritual characteristics, one can judge his ability to move to the New World.

The conditions for a person’s transition to the New World are as follows:

Dignity – at least zero Trinity Numbers (NT), Responsibility – at least 50 NT, Value system – at least 30 NT.

All three conditions must be met simultaneously. If we evaluate people with such qualities roughly by the level of harmony of consciousness, these are people with a consciousness of no less than 12–15 levels of harmony. The first two conditions characterize morality, and the value system characterizes the level of worldview.

Responsibility is 96% determined by the properties of the soul, its creative ability. Dignity is the quality of the multi-life experience of one’s own spirit and genetically derived experience, stored in the subconscious. This experience is divided almost equally between intellectual and sensory decisions. A value system is a picture of the world that exists in the human mind and a definition of one’s place in it. The declared threshold indicators of consciousness allow a person to continue life in the existing physical body.

The first two conditions for a successful Transition require establishing proper order in the subconscious, and the third - in the conscious (intellectual) part of consciousness - the mind. We found out earlier that today a person performs almost all his actions subconsciously. Consequently, a person’s life is determined by the life experience of many lives, both past and present, which is stored in the subconscious. However, a person perceives and understands his positive and negative experiences differently. Positive experience raised a person to the level of Responsibility that he has today. A person tries to take a place in society that corresponds to his best ideas about himself, i.e. Responsibility. Responsibility, more than 90%, depends on the education received in this life. This is the best that we were able to perceive from our parents, clan, and other educators. Therefore, even without knowing anything about reincarnation and the life of an eternal person, a person perceives his Responsibility adequately. He develops it in every possible way, and his average spirituality grows. He believes that he will get to the new world automatically. But he has a wrong and irresponsible opinion about the reasons for his irresponsible actions, which are better not to remember. He puts the blame for them on anyone, but he doesn’t take it upon himself. And they correspond to his Dignity, and therefore are not accidental. It is precisely because of the deplorable state of Dignity that many highly spiritual people will not get into the new world, because information about their Dignity was hidden until recently by the managers of society. Efforts must be made to obtain information and correct the situation. And there is little time for this. The centuries-old negative experience of man has led to a low level of his Dignity. It turns out that Dignity is 90% determined by the state of a person’s individual karma. Understanding the root of one’s shortcomings is difficult, because a person does not know about his past lives and negative experiences in them. He does not understand that his health, fate and even the events of the current day are often determined by his Dignity, i.e. the worst qualities of his morality. This means that if you want to manage your life yourself, you need to believe in eternal life and receive information about your uncorrected negative experience. Your past can and should be corrected so that it does not interfere with your present and future life. What prevents a person from working on himself today? The first thing that slows down work with the subconscious is disbelief in the eternal life of a person, cutting off all the karma of previous lives from consciousness. Agree that you cannot work on something that does not exist and that you do not believe in. The second is ignorance of what a person receives reward for. You need to know the exact list of what, for what mistakes a particular person is responsible. Third, ignorance of what responsibility a person bears for each specific mistake. On the first point, the world's largest religions keep their adherents in complete ignorance. On the last two points, practically no one gives knowledge. Only those who are connected to their impeccable mentor through a reliable, noise-resistant channel for receiving information can receive the necessary knowledge. Various religious systems of knowledge have their own myths to substantiate the moral norms of human behavior in society. They are full of fairy-tale plots, and atheists are right when they do not believe in this nonsense. Nobody was going to tell the person the truth, because... this may interfere with its management. He was deliberately kept in ignorance, and then he could be fooled and robbed. For example, in the Christian Catholic Church there was the practice of legalized bribery. Moreover, the main bribe-taker turned out to be neither more nor less than the Apostle Peter himself (the gatekeeper of heaven), and the bribe was pompously called an indulgence. Naturally, no one saw Peter, and the money “for him” was collected by his attorney, the Pope. He also gave a receipt for receiving the money. An indulgence “provided a place in heaven,” just like in a cemetery. In other words, the sinner could pay off with money and “buy a ticket to heaven.” Very respectable and intelligent people went through this, as they now say, scam. We have already shown that hell or heaven are areas of the spiritual world, in one of which the spirit and soul of a person, both living and awaiting incarnation, are constantly located. A person can move in the spiritual world only during his life, and the reason for movement is the spiritual content of the states of his soul, actions and plans. Creative life lifts him up, like a float in water, and destructive life lowers him, like a sinker, down. The spirit and soul are followed by the physical body. We know how to measure the coordinates of the location in the spiritual world not only of the states of spirit, soul and body, but also the coordinates of the location of the spiritual world to which each of the errors is attributed. Errors (sins), from the point of view of creativity, represent destructive states of the soul, human actions and his plans, leading to the destruction of a person. A person himself builds his own world and, even wishing something bad for another, realizes it, starting with himself. Retribution is a process that leads to illness and death. A mistake and retribution for it represent a process of self-destruction. People have learned to spoil others, and, at the same time, avoid retribution. Now retribution will affect everyone equally. And since information about everyone’s mistakes is stored forever, now the retribution will work at once, and death awaits the opportunistic fraudsters. They are all warned about this, but few take these warnings seriously. Long-term impunity breeds carelessness and complacency. Implementation of the law of self-destruction of evil. One of the important aspects of the manifestation of life as a Divine process is the self-destruction of evil. Talking about non-resistance to evil through violence is not a very successful formulation of advice not to stick your head into this meat grinder of self-destruction. The ethical space of human society up to and including the ninth level of harmony is a zone of constant decay, in biblical terms - hell. Man (and society as a whole) as a system can exist sustainably and independently on planet Earth, starting from the eleventh level of harmony. Today . people on Earth - with consciousness up to the 7th level of harmony, and they control society, predominantly. Man as the image of God, i.e. the creator is responsible for any destruction by the destruction of his world. The society that exists today is forced to use various forms of violence to maintain the integrity of existing economic and political associations. And it is impossible to ensure its apparent stability by any other means. The highest achievement of violent control is ideological control, i.e. control of human consciousness. Next we will get acquainted with the knowledge systems on the basis of which this control is possible. Man exists (lives) simultaneously in the spiritual world. Its destructive actions lead to the descent (fall) of the spirit, soul and body in the spiritual world. The mechanism of spiritual movement of the spirit and soul, and the body after them, has the ability to move upward when the error is recognized and corrected in the consciousness of the owner of the body. This is how the purification of spirit and body occurs. It is important that if the properties of the soul or spirit are not changed by the owner for the better, everything returns to normal. Without working on your own soul, Divine cleansing is temporary. The subtle plane is cleansed quickly, but the physical body can be cleansed for years. Changes in Dignity, Responsibility and Value System can occur quickly, because These are the parameters of human consciousness. You can be completely healthy on the subtle plane, but physically be sick. It is interesting that a person who believes in the devil cannot be healthy on the subtle plane, because... He himself holds the cause of all diseases in his consciousness. Even with the highest aspirations of Christianity or Islam, their value system will not rise above minus 13 TH. Therefore, renouncing belief in the devil is a prerequisite for a successful Transition. We present a list of ethical mistakes when teaching the ability to live - the first task of a consciousness freed from instincts. This is not an analogue of the criminal code, but an explanation of the operation of the mechanism of responsibility that connects the spirit and body. This is an illustration of the law of cause-and-effect relationships realized in living conditions. Another name for it is the law of karma. In reality, this is the law of self-destruction of evil, self-purification of the universe from destroyers who do not know how to use destructive tools and have an evil will. In the process of the evolution of consciousness, a person learns to survive by correcting the mistakes he has made, and then to live without making mistakes. We will not describe the mistakes themselves, but take a list of them and note the depth of the descent of the spirit and soul in the spiritual world - the length of the segment of descent as a result of committing each mistake, as the creation of a corresponding thought form (action). The length of the segment is measured in Trinity Numbers. In Fig. 2 provides a list of a person’s ethical mistakes and the reward for each of them as the length of the segment in the Numbers of the Trinity to which a single act in the spiritual world throws a person. List of mistakes or sins of a person and the amount of retribution for them (in negative numbers of the trinity) No. Errors CT No. Errors CT 1 Murder 100 39 Dejection 45 2 Murder in war 100 40 Idolism of fate, principles 43 3 Suicide 100 41 Idolism of the intellect 43 4 Actions that led to disaster 84 42 Idolism of abilities 43 5 Violence 82 43 Idolism of relationships between people (love, friendship...) 43 6 Wish for death 81 44 Contempt 43 7 Hatred of people 80 45 Meanness 42 8 Idolism* 80 46 Jealousy 42 9 Coercion against the will 80 47 Irritability 41 10 Rape 80 48 Actions that harm others 40 28 11 The desire to die quickly 76 49 Obtaining benefits for oneself at the expense of others 40 12 Thoughts of suicide 76 50 Selfishness 40 13 Vanity 76 51 Idolism of the body, sex 40 14 Selfishness 75 52 Idolism of food, drink 37 15 Failure to fulfill obligations 74 53 Touchiness 37 16 Considering oneself a victim 74 54 Lack of love for God, life, people 36 17 Anger 74 55 Seduction, seduction 36 18 Betrayal 73 56 Cowardice 36 19 Envy 71 57 Slander 34 20 Refusal of God 70 58 Refusal to help 32 21 Vengeance 70 59 Ingratitude to God 28 22 Pride 70 60 Seeing an enemy in a person 27 23 Theft 70 61 Cruelty 25 24 Despair 69 62 Persistent unforgiveness others, oneself 25 25 Oath-breaking before God 68 63 Oath-breaking before oneself 25 26 Deprivation of freedom 68 64 Unbelief 23 27 Self-abasement 68 65 Ignorance of God 22 28 Unpeacefulness 64 66 Failure to accept the word of God 21 29 Cruelty towards people 61 67 Neglect of prayer 21 30 Condemnation 61 68 Idolatry 18 31 Actions leading to death 60 69 Condemnation of God 15 32 Abortion 59 70 Blasphemy of God 15 33 Overestimation of oneself, non-acceptance of criticism 59 71 Unmercifulness towards people 14 34 Malice towards people 58 72 Denial of God 13 35 Oath-breaking before people 58 73 Predicting the future 7 36 Excessive pride, ambition 57 74 Mentioning God in vain 6 37 Deception 55 75 Condemning the present 4 38 Failure to fulfill a Duty 52 76 Regret about the past 3 Fig. 2 29 Now you can quantify the harm caused by ethical mistakes. Half of them have such power that any pair of actions leads a person to the bottom of hell, even if he now satisfies the conditions of the Transition. It is not difficult to understand that the lower the decline in spirit, the more spiritual work is needed to correct mistakes. An increase in the number of such sins increases the number of anchors that prevent one from breaking away from the bottom of hell. Christians and Muslims are promised life in paradise after death, but they will end up where they were in the spiritual world during life. We showed the ways of human self-destruction through our mistakes as separate steps. We will not touch on how civilized society, represented by the authorities, religious denominations, employers and other “riders”, mocks its citizens. We draw your attention to the fact that people are taught to destroy (kill themselves) and pass off what they teach as virtues. These are violence, greed, actions to the detriment of others, seeking benefits for oneself at the expense of others, self-abasement, abortion, murder in war, seeing a person as an enemy, and much, much more. And people play these scary games because they don't know anything else. Now the situation is changing, a bright future is near. It will come only with the death of the old world. These worlds are incompatible. Everyone born into the New World will have to sever the umbilical cord connecting him to the present world. We remind you that hell begins from zero and ends with the ninth level of harmony in the spiritual world. In other words, all hell turns out to be not so big (100 WH) for those who constantly make mistakes. Considering the destructive power of mistakes, you can not leave the bottom of hell for a long time - the zone from -100 BH to -90 BH (zero level of harmony), where immunity does not work as a human defense system. It is then possible to maintain the protection of the physical body only by introducing immunomodulators from the outside, which is practiced very widely. As you can see, medicine interferes with the implementation of the law of self-destruction of evil. This benefits a person’s physical body, and if he realizes the lessons learned, then also his spirit. All the actions listed in the list do not allow the soul and spirit of the sinner to escape from hell during his lifetime, although outwardly the person may not show that he is feeling bad. If he has learned to use the energy of other people, he is really doing well. Modern society provided ample opportunities for such practice, and even the earthly God contributed to this. Now this raspberry is over. Violent society is being dismantled. Rapists will either learn to live differently or leave the Earth along with their society. The system of responsibility presented to you (the law of karma) works for every person embodied on Earth, regardless of gender, age, nationality, for atheists as well as people of any religious affiliation. It will not stop working even after the Transition, because... This is an obligatory part of the system of teaching a person to live without mistakes. Concepts of building the world with your consciousness. In the field of ideology, there are two incompatible concepts for building your world. 1. The divine concept affirms the unity of everything that exists, its close interconnection at all levels of life without exception. The main mechanism of life is harmony. The final phase of the development and life of the universe is the appearance of humanity in it. The life of our universe depends on the fate of earthly humanity, the only one in it. The life of the universe is possible only if the Divine concept is realized. This concept today includes the human creator as an obligatory element participating in the creation and maintenance of life in the universe and bearing responsibility for everything that happens in it. The degree of participation is determined by the state of a person’s consciousness. The driving force of life and the development of life is the Love of God for people, and of people for God and for each other. 2. Another concept, opposing the first, speaks of constant hostility and uncompromising struggle between two world principles: good and evil. It tries to pass off the struggle as the main mechanism for maintaining life and has many supporters and functionaries on both sides who have devoted themselves to this crazy game of marked cards. Marked because only death plays for you. Everyone else loses in this game. Because there is a law of self-destruction of evil, the tools and practice of which you have just become acquainted with. Evil in a person manifests itself through destructive emotions and plans, even with the best intentions. And they kill him with them. Knights of both camps with these instruments in their hands lay their heads on the altar of hostility and mutual destruction. Jews and Christians, Christians and Muslims, capitalists and communists, black and white, rich and poor - this is already a systemic implementation of a warring world. The Universe does not need a self-destructive warring world built on Earth, and it removes it from its path. People who are its products are also not needed. The Universe is getting rid of them, as from incurable carriers of the “viruses” of hostility and acquisitiveness that have settled in their consciousness. The mind of every person accepts one of two concepts and builds its world in accordance with it. The content of a person’s consciousness determines his destiny today. Of those in power today, only 0.1% of their number have a chance to survive the Transition. Of all the people who accepted the concept of enmity, only 4% have a chance to survive the Transition. These are those who, in fact, are ready to change the concept of enmity to the concept of Love. Another idol of the dying world is the golden calf. 82% of the Earth's population is drawn into the race for wealth and material values. But not all of them see anything other than wealth. Therefore, in this risk group the chances are higher - 22% have the opportunity to survive. The criteria for a successful Transition are the parameters of human consciousness, the degree of its development or reflection of the truth. The accepted concept of building one’s own world determines a person’s worldview and value system. The boundary between the value systems of the two concepts in the spiritual world passes at the level of 15 CT. Systems of human knowledge as a level of knowledge of truth, probably, does not require evidence that the worldview and world-pose of a person is determined by the level of his knowledge: intellectual and sensual. Therefore, if we are going to study the world around us, we, first of all, should pay attention to the knowledge that is based on it-the paradigm. It turns out that how and what a person thinks about, depends on what he feels. The worldview and attitude as a world -forming categories, due to the laws of the development of consciousness, always act in the form of a system of knowledge that have logical and emotional connections. 31 We can say that each person has his own knowledge system. The adoption by a person of any system of knowledge is not a random, but a natural act and process. A person often simply cannot accept a system of knowledge that is higher than his level of knowledge of truth, and will certainly reject the system of knowledge of the lower level. This position allows you to accurately evaluate for each person the position of his knowledge system in the spiritual world in the form of a point on a scale of harmony levels or numbers of the Trinity. Each of the systems of public knowledge that exist today is many systems of knowledge of its supporters, adherents, adherents. Further, we will call them all adherents. The whole set of their consciousnesses is the egregor of this system of knowledge, for example, religion-OST. Social systems of knowledge are a very informative characteristic of the social consciousness of individual parts of mankind: nations, religious groups, scientists' communities, etc. The knowledge system gives an idea of ​​a collective or social sensual and intellectual experience (knowledge) used in the life of the corresponding group of people. It is necessary to discuss social systems of knowledge that currently exist on Earth, because Indicators of morality and systems of people's values, as a rule, are based on a particular social system of knowledge. Any social system of knowledge, in turn, is characterized by the characteristic indicators of morality and value system. We said in one of the articles that a person uses, mainly (95%) during decision -making, sensual knowledge. From this it follows that individual and social systems of knowledge that exist today, almost all are sensual. In another way, it can be said that these are the system of attitude or faith. And one of the main indicators of the system will be a moral indicator. A person has two characteristics of the morality indicator: responsibility and dignity. The advantage of characterizing the subconscious line of human morality, for an inharmonic person, is the worst line. And responsibility characterizes the peak of conscious sensory experience. It is by responsibility that a person positions himself in society. Today, the level of a person’s knowledge system or the highest degree of knowledge of the truth is determined by its indicator of responsibility. Any system of knowledge is characterized by a characteristic system of values ​​as a spiritual characteristic of the mind: individual or social. Systems of knowledge, one way or another, are associated with the systems of learning, human education. We will have to consider the Divine Learning System, perceived by a person, as the evolution of consciousness, and the public knowledge systems that give a person an idea of ​​the universe at different levels of faith. They also prescribe to a person the image and norms of life. In the process of developing society, some systems can replace others, or all of them exist simultaneously, serving different groups of people. Social systems of knowledge and their future we begin to get acquainted with public knowledge systems. Using the same social system of knowledge, people form community with one faith or worldview. In the formation of a public knowledge system, the responsibility of each of its adherents is a system-forming factor. The advantage of each is a purely individual indicator of the worst part of individual karma. 32 This is an indicator of the presence of individual ethical errors that affects the state of public morality. The liability of individual adherents of the social system of knowledge form a certain many points on the measurement axis. The number of points in it is equal to the number of adherents of the knowledge system. 33 A straight line connecting the extreme points of this set, is a generalized characteristic of an indicator of the responsibility of arrivals. In order for the characteristic to be quite representative, the extreme points of the segment are chosen so that 95% falls into the interval covered in the segment, and 2.5% of all adherents remain on each of its sides - on the one hand the weakest, and on the other, the most advanced . We do not take them into account, for they, for various reasons, came off the bulk of the adherents. The percentage measure was chosen due to the fact that we are not interested in the popularity of different systems, but only their relative regulation in the spiritual world. In addition, on the segment of the adherents, we note a point that divides the number of adherents in half, which gives a first idea of ​​the distribution of adherents inside the segment. So, on a shorter part, the density of adherents is greater than on a long one. Different systems are characterized in the spiritual world by their characteristic segments of the responsibility of adherents, giving an idea of ​​the moral level of reflection of truth by public consciousness. Imagine that a person grows spiritually, and this happens quickly during one life. What relationship will he have with knowledge systems? Being and developing within the main mass of adherents of his knowledge system, he will not particularly feel his separation from society. A gap will arise when not his responsibility, but his dignity becomes above the responsibility of the bulk of the adherents-his environment, society. It is this fact that will make him look for another system of knowledge or create his own. There are people who position themselves as adherents of any one system of knowledge, for example, Orthodox Christianity, but in reality are adherents of another knowledge system, which in the adopted example is correctly called patristic Orthodoxy. They may not know that Orthodoxy as a system of knowledge existed a long before the appearance of Christianity, and the patristic Orthodoxy is a system of knowledge that has preserved Orthodox knowledge under the oppression of the militant Judeo-Christianity that enslaved Rus' and struck with Orthodoxy. These are two opposing knowledge systems, two opposite lifestyles. And to blame them in one pile, as it happened historically, in no case can not be. In the spirit of the Orthodox Judeo-Christianity, with N. Lazarev, he re-copied to be immediately both a businessman and a monk, but it is known that it is impossible to serve two such different gentlemen as God and Mamon, immediately. Those who are trying to do this are developing a two-faced, beautifully called a double standard. We illustrate in Fig. 3 The situation of social knowledge systems in the Du-Olive World. To do this, we will depict the spiritual world on the plane of the pattern in the co-hordic grid formed by lines and columns. At the base of the pattern (two lower lines) we will place a horizontal ethical axis with a measuring scale on it. The scale has divisions expressed both in Thure (from -80 to +1320) and in harmony levels (from 2 to 142). The vertical lines of the coordinate grid form columns corresponding to the divisions of the scale of harmony levels. The horizontal lines-strings correspond to the durable characteristics of the 44th knowledge systems that are common in the post-Soviet space. Each of the systems has a name (it is given in the left wide column Fig. 3), reflecting the content: religious, scientific or “domestic”. 34 In order to accurately perceive the material, we remind you that we are considering data on how the systems look “from above”. We depict moral indicators of knowledge systems in the form of segments showing the regulation in the spiritual world of the main mass of adherents of each system by their responsibility. From below, but on the same line, the square adjoins the segment at the level of harmony, where the number of adherents is divided in half. Above the segment, but in the same line there is a black circle, showing the level of a value system (in the numbers of the trinity) of each of the knowledge systems. We get a table where lines 1 ... 44 are presented generalized Du-one “portraits” of knowledge systems of interest to us. The order of their location meets the degree of reflection of the truth from each system. Ahead are the most advanced of them. For the first circle, noting the position of the value system, it is not placed in the figure, because It is located at the level of harmony, the number of which is depicted by a unit with 98 zeros, we specially prepared the material on the spiritual assessment of the submitting majority of religious and other vision systems that are common in the post-Soviet space. Comparing the data for the issued knowledge systems, we can judge their moral and price-free levels, to understand what they teach us, which of them are in the risk zone not to go through the transition. In Fig. 3, two groups of knowledge systems are clearly visible, reflecting the two concepts of building their world: love and enmity. They are divided by grades in terms of value of a value system of 15 reads. Love systems are located according to the “Values ​​system” (circle) to the right of this border, the enmity system is on the left. Enjoyment systems can be called systems of slave and capacity. Most of them are a system of knowledge of oppressed. There is a system for the slave -owning elite - Kabbalah, Freemasonry. It is distinguished by the combination of high morality, mandatory for the strong-willed management of life, with unprincipled, determined by a low system of values. Today, from the knowledge systems proposed by a person, both religious and scientific, almost all are not suitable for life in the New World. Consider what transition conditions each of them satisfies. We remind the transition conditions: 1) by responsibility - at least 50 read, 2) and the positive numbers of the Trinity, 3) according to the value system - at least 30 reads. In Figure 3, the conditions are indicated by vertical barn and stroke dashed lines, as thresholds of the transition to the new world .. The first condition is satisfied with the first condition: most of the representatives of the unified knowledge, the teachings of Christ, the best half of the adherents of the Holy Orthodoxy, Vedas and Inglisism, as well as other best Adherent in systems of the first nine lines of the list. All other 35 systems of knowledge due to morality do not leave any chances of salvation during the transition in the vast majority of their adherents. If we consider the chances of people according to the third (the system of values) and the first conditions together, in the newly allocated group, people will remain, except for adherents of the first three knowledge systems, still lamacists and adherents of the teachings of Anastasia and Calagia. The circle of potential lucky ones is coming to the best representatives of all of the six listed systems among the 44s considered. Their number is estimated at 4% of the world's population, i.e. No more than 280 million people. 35 If we consider this sample for the implementation of the second conjunction, the number of lucky ones will double. This is due to the fact that people inadequately assess their dignity and do not think about its increase. Even if they know about their shortcomings, getting rid of them does not seem to them standing spiritual work. Any material life is created by consciousness. The quality of life is opposed to the level of development of the creating consciousness, i.e. worldview and attitude. In fact, in the mind of, for example, a person exists a certain picture of the world. The world created by this person accepts the same type and content. If a person is a convinced atheist and material list, he lives in a world that constantly confirms him the existence of just such a world. The consciousness of another person can have a completely different content: have an idea of ​​the subtle worlds, intangible phenomena, and all this will exist in his world. However, the first person can fall into the world created by the second, and experience something incomprehensible, alien to himself. His consciousness, as a rule, will reject someone else's experience, finding any explanation suitable for this event that his faith (attitude) will allow. Faith is a censor that regulates changes in the knowledge system. The considered knowledge systems are systems of faith that are not suitable for a new life. The selection is already going on. Therefore, in order to survive, it is necessary, first of all, to believe in what few people think about today. And you need to start with compulsory and intense spiritual work on yourself in order to survive spiritually and physically. There is a hope that some events that stimulate Liu-Dodes to fast and effective spiritual work and perestroika will occur. Then the number of those who survive will increase. In the meantime, people are still sleeping, in extreme cases, raising about the 2012 year, as about something distant. And the 2012 year came two years ahead of schedule. For awake, the methods of spiritual work on themselves are already ready.

There are no coincidences in earthly life

What else does Klykov Lev warn about? A person’s biography is a set of previously programmed events: “Here’s another example from life: I’m standing in line at some kiosk. A woman with a child walks past. She started looking at some prices, and the child stood in front of me in line. I say, are you in a hurry? He looked at me very carefully. The woman does not know why she came to the queue. She looked at the prices and left. And I called the boy. I was emotionally dissatisfied and so was he. We talked to him and we both got sick. I felt my throat immediately begin to hurt. I immediately healed both myself and the boy.”

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