The power of the Family and how to restore it. 8 ways to connect with your ancestors.

Each of us needs the magic of our kind . Our connection with our ancestors is a powerful energetic force. In ancient times, family was always given its due and was put first. Among the Slavs, blood kinship was considered a holy gift. Our distant relatives can give us instructions and behavioral guidelines through the veil of centuries. And this usually manifests itself in actions, emotions and family traditions. Our ancestors are the keepers of ancestral traditions, and our task is to support them and gradually develop them.

Ancestral magic: what does the genus influence?

Every person feels the influence of the magic of the family - if not consciously, then subconsciously. But here it is necessary to make a small clarification: the generic influence responds only in the human personality, but not in its soul.

You've probably noticed that some families have a number of characteristics. For example, common statements or unusual habits. This is a manifestation of ancestral magic.

So, what does the magic and energy of the family really influence:

  • The first thing worth mentioning is character traits. If they are similar for all family members, this is the main sign.
  • Abilities in one area (family of musicians or actors).
  • Level of financial situation (note that some people skillfully handle finances, and some only waste them left and right, no matter how much they are given).
  • The ability to find a common language with other people.
  • General health (by the way, this can also include genetic diseases).
  • Behavior and attitude towards the outside world.

And now - the most important point: ancestral magic performs a protective function. It protects a person from dangers, helps to find a way out of a difficult situation, and gives strength to fight.

I recommend reading:

  • Practical white magic: conspiracies for all occasions

Opening technology

I declare with full responsibility that any family can be wealthy and live in abundance. In my consulting practice, I often see how people with a lot of talents barely make ends meet. And the reason is the same everywhere - closed channels of prosperity. For skeptics and atheists, I will explain that these channels are not something abstract and far-fetched, they are quite tangible things. For example, in a family with an open birth canal, people practically do not get sick and lead a healthy lifestyle, eating right and maintaining a balanced regime of work and rest. This happens because these people think correctly and, as a result, behave correctly in relation to this channel of well-being. People whose health channel is closed think with a “minus” sign, practically being on the verge of stress and depression, and as a result, they fill their lives with illnesses, accidents, old age and death. That is, the ancestral channels of abundance are energy-informational channels through which various ideas descend into our minds, supporting thoughts, enthusiasm for their implementation, etc. When closed, the channels are clogged with information husk, and a person’s thoughts become corresponding, to put it simply, he becomes dumb. The result is poverty, illness and a broken destiny. That is, these channels exist in every family, but some families keep them clean, and some do not even know about their existence. So, the 4 birth canals are specific channels of health and financial wealth, a channel of harmonious relationships and a channel of individual purpose. As stated above, there are only four essential qualities required to open the above-mentioned supply channels for any family. As we already know, these are two female and two male. Here, for an attentive eye, the identity of qualities and birth canals is observed, that is, each channel opens with one specific quality. Try to remember them. The 1st channel of the kind is the channel of destination. He gives meaning to everything that is done in the family, each family member understands his place and accepts it without conflict. As a result, people become resilient even in the most difficult times. This channel opens with a masculine quality - caring for others. 2nd is the health channel. Here, I think, everything is clear. This “gateway” is also masculine and it is launched through the ability to control one’s feelings and willpower. As a result, the energy of the body and mind is not spent on empty movements of the body and psyche of the people living in this family. The result is a healthy family. 3rd - relationship channel. It is launched by the feminine energy of loyalty to one's family. Such a family is protected by the women of the clan. In such families, there are practically no quarrels as such. And what’s interesting is that it has been noticed that with an open channel of relationships, men of such families are very successful and quickly build a career in their social activities. 4th - finance channel. It is also triggered by feminine energy. It is activated by the quality of satisfaction, which means the absence of greed and envy. With an open channel of money, the family never, even under the most unfavorable conditions, experiences a shortage of funds. In such families, as a rule, money comes easily and, what is important, it is earned honestly. As you can see, simply following the ethics of life fills people’s lives with completeness, the ability to rejoice and give this joy to people around them. Do you think such people will need anything?

Signs of fading power of the family

How do you understand that the race has begun to gradually fade away? Magicians advise paying attention to the following list of signs:

  • the mood of all your relatives is constantly depressed, there is no joy;
  • young children often suffer from colds and more serious illnesses;
  • family scandals arise out of the blue;
  • some diseases are inherited;
  • there were cases of death in childhood or adolescence;
  • inability to build healthy relationships and, as a result, celibacy;
  • women cannot get pregnant for a long time;
  • aggressive perception of any situation;
  • addiction to alcohol or even drugs;
  • poverty, financial problems;
  • often children do not communicate with their parents, they are disrespectful towards their elders and do not hesitate to say that they would gladly change their family;
  • in turn, children’s achievements do not evoke any emotions in parents;
  • disputes or even litigation regarding inheritance;
  • mutual criticism of relatives;
  • meanness and non-acceptance of people related by blood;
  • Such families never gather at a common holiday table - it is easier for them not to meet or see each other at all.

Considering the traditions of the peoples of the world, a noticeable trend can be traced: the clan has always been treated with respect. A good example is our ancestors – the Slavs. But for some reasons (damage, evil eye, curse) the situation can change dramatically.

If you find similarities with your situation, you need to make an instant decision to save the family nest.

Main principles

Any qualities that we are endowed with are either innate or acquired. They can be compared to a garden in which weeds can grow along with flowers. And our task is to become the gardeners of our own destiny, cultivating cultivated plants of positive qualities and weeding out the weeds of negative manifestations of our nature. This is achieved by observing certain principles in our lives. The first and main principle that must be learned in every family is respect for older family members. This is an absolute law that is holy. This is respect for the father, respect for the mother, respect for the relatives of the husband and wife, respect for the teachers and mentors of both. The first teacher is the mother, she is number one. The second teacher is the father. This is respect that must be carried throughout life. Never allow yourself to speak badly about the older members of your husband or wife's family! This immediately closes the main birth canal of abundance. And the longer this principle is violated, the more tightly the flow of life-giving energy of prosperity into your family is blocked. Any degradation and any suffering begins with this. We are all, for the most part, descendants of people who at one time refused to obey the older generation, the consequences of which we see today. The second principle is the protection of women and children. A woman's protection is ensured by the peace of her mind. A calm mind, in turn, leads to the fact that she will be able to make the right choice at the right moment. The right choice leads to the appearance of godly children in society. That is, a man’s primary task is to ensure that the woman in the family is always calm. And then the husband and wife gain access to inexhaustible power and will be able to open the channels of ancestral abundance. To activate the second principle and protect his wife and his offspring, a man must learn two of the most important skills. The first is the ability to control his feelings, and the second is the ability to care for others. Since men are very selfish by nature, the ability to be caring brings harmony to their character. He must respect the feelings of others, see and take into account the needs of others. On the one hand, he must be able to control his feelings, on the other hand, he should learn to step over his egoism. Note! Any principles of goodness work only in balance, that is, in harmony. Any imbalance leads to suffering and the seeds of future problems. And the purpose of the principles described here is to level out the distortions in our characters. As soon as this happens, the channels of prosperity open automatically! A woman also needs to master two skills: practice fidelity and satisfaction with what she has. In essence, fidelity and the ability to be content in any circumstances come down to one skill - chastity. A woman should never look for satisfaction on the side. If a woman is faithful to her husband and her children, she gains the ability to be content with what is available at a given time in the family. Because female egoism manifests itself in greed and envy. She wants everything that others have. And this desire, as a rule, has no boundaries. Remember “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Little Fish”... If these principles are instilled in a man and a woman, then ultimately they make the individual powerful and give very great strength. A man becomes strong if he is able to control his feelings, if he does not waste his energy in vain, if he can take care of others. A woman becomes infinitely powerful if she is chaste. The third principle is the principle of donation. The principle is simple: you give away part of your income, thereby sending a signal to the Universe that you live in abundance and prosperity. Then the life of the family becomes very simple and at the same time very sublime. Calm comes into the lives of such people, and after it happiness knocks on their door. And a reasonable woman should be satisfied with what her husband brings her. She must understand that with her satisfaction she activates the third principle and, according to the Law of Attraction, she brings prosperity to the family using her qualities.

How to receive the power of the family and establish a connection

There is a very powerful practice that helps solve birth problems.

Your state should be calm: drive all thoughts away and focus on meditation. Take a comfortable position and close your eyes. There is no need to cross your legs - just bend them at the knees. It is through the feet that the necessary family energy penetrates. Imagine that your head is connected by an invisible thread to the Cosmos.

Take a few deep breaths and exhale – don’t rush. Now paint this picture in your mind. You are in the very center of your kind. On your left hand is your mother, and on your right is your father. Take a look at mom first. Study all her facial features, try to guess the emotions that overwhelm her from the inside. Address her with the words:

Mom, I love you very, very much! Mom, I accept you for who you are - with all your advantages and disadvantages! And I say “thank you” for everything you have given me in this life! Thanks to you, I live and enjoy every day! If I have offended you in any way, forgive me for all my actions! I love you with all my heart!

Turn your head - dad is standing in front of you. Contact him:

“I am grateful to you for the great gift of life. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me."

Notice that after such kind words, the expressions on your parents’ faces change - they become clear and bright. Strong streams of love energy come from their hearts.

Look again at your relatives: behind the father and mother are their parents, and behind those are theirs, and so on in order.

The entire strong family is behind your shoulders. Say the following words:

“I love all my relatives and hug each of them”.

Imagine everyone behind you saying the same phrase.

Now visualize that a red ball appears in the area of ​​your heart - it gets bigger and bigger. This is a symbol of your great love. A wonderful feeling spreads around you and is felt by both parents and grandparents. They all reciprocate your feelings. And at this moment say:

"I feel all your love and accept it".

Wings appear behind your back - strong and strong. You are under powerful generic protection. You can end the meditation slowly: open your eyes and gradually return to the real world.


In any family, everything is interconnected. A woman depends on masculine qualities, a man on feminine ones. And each has its own unique role, so they cannot be compared. And this means that the question “who is in charge?” disappears by itself. Being happy in a family is a certain art and one needs to learn it. At the very beginning, when people are just starting their family life, their relationships are very unstable, since they are based on hormones, when the hormonal background weakens, the vision of their companion changes, and the married couple enters a zone of high turbulence and, as statistics show, only 30% Russian couples come out of these tests normally. Finally, I would like to quote from a Russian classic. Dostoevsky expressed a good thought: “The more I love humanity in general, the more I hate each person individually.” We sometimes really love humanity in general, we sometimes want to save the world. But when it comes to specific people, especially those close to us, we begin to hate them to the extent that we want to save humanity in general. Now we all need to become normal people who can express normal human feelings, who can love, who can find joy in it, and who can unite in the name of achieving a common goal - to become happy ourselves and try to make everyone else happy. Try to remember this, then everything will be fine. Georgy Shrimov , Simferopol

If you want to quickly and without errors open channels of prosperity in your family, just contact me, and together we will bring prosperity and happiness into your life! For more detailed information about the methods and services that you can get in my coaching studio, see my website Shrimov.rf. The coaching studio of Georgy Shrimov invites you to professionally solve your problems of any level in the author’s program “Sacred Love”. Details on the website shrimov.rf. Tel. +7-978-03-20-389

What is gender substitution in magic?

Sometimes it happens that failures occur one after another - sometimes there is a mess at work, sometimes a loved one betrays you, sometimes things aren’t going well with your health.

What is the reason for such a black stripe? Total bad luck may be a consequence of gender substitution. The curse haunts entire generations, and children are responsible for the sins of their parents.

How to solve a problem? In this situation, a magical technique will help, which will destroy all negativity and give goodness and love.

But here we need to make a small clarification. Magicians perform such rituals only in cases where misfortunes occur to a person from birth. It is precisely these people that the ritual will really help - it will save them from misfortunes.

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