How to practice the Ho'oponopono method - proper execution of techniques and meditations

To get rid of problems, you need to work on yourself. The practice of ho'oponopono helps to clear the subconscious and find harmony. With its help, you can clear your mind of negativity and see new paths of development that were previously hidden behind destructive emotions.

To communicate with the deity that lives in the soul of every person, you do not need special skills.

What is the Ho'oponopono Method?

Native Hawaiians believed that it was impossible to change other people or the world without starting with one's own consciousness. To do this, they used the ho'oponopono technique, which helped to renounce negative thoughts. According to local residents, all life’s problems began with them.

Also, the technique of working on oneself made it possible to connect consciousness with departed ancestors. They, in turn, transmitted knowledge with the help of which a person could change his attitude towards problems.

For example, if you do not accept your own appearance or your family members, the Hawaiian technique will show a new path for consciousness. First, you will stop experiencing destructive emotions towards the situation, and later you will find a way out of it.

Philosophy of Ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono deals with all problems that lie both within and beyond the boundaries of consciousness:

A pessimistic view of the world - after practice, reality does not look like a faded series of negative events. Feelings of guilt - practice teaches you to let go and forgive yourself and the people around you. Conflicts in the family - ho'oponopono is an excellent prevention of quarrels and insults. Anxiety – the method instills confidence and helps to cope with constant tension, suspicion, and inferiority complex. Stress – after regular practice, the reaction to life’s difficulties becomes positive, and the number of negative accidents sharply decreases. Despair - Ho'oponopono provides guidance, opens a new path of opportunity, and brings a person into a state of harmony . Regret – the method teaches you to painlessly let go of the past. Diseases of the body - a healthy mind heals a sick body.

Kahuna and healer Morra called her method "12 steps of Ho'oponopono"

How do proponents of the practice achieve this result? The secret is to cleanse human memory of garbage. Hindus would call this process the purification of karma. Ho'oponopono begins with a few simple truths.

History of appearance

The Hawaiian technique of harmonization appeared approximately 5,000 years ago. At that time, Polynesians lived on the islands. Their culture was based on the laws of nature, which were considered sacred. To break them, you didn’t have to do something bad: even bad thoughts influenced the balance. Therefore, for any negative motives, the Polynesians asked the gods for forgiveness.

The Ho'oponopono technique originated from the teachings of Hong. People who carried knowledge about him were called kahunas . They not only kept the wisdom of their ancestors, but also had to pass it on to others.

Haitians believed that inaction equated to ignorance. A person who mastered the technique of getting rid of destructive things could not be called a kahuna if he did not teach others to understand their inner world.

The residents of the Hawaiian Islands resorted to a special technique in case of any difficulties. It was believed that the cause of life's problems was the lack of harmony in the soul. According to the Polynesians, illness, quarrels or hunger are just physical symptoms of bad thoughts. At the same time, the culprit of the difficulties was not always the one in whose life they occurred. The islanders believed that a destructive consciousness could bring disaster even to relatives or friends. Therefore, the Haitians resorted to the ho'oponopono technique to save loved ones from their destructive nature.

How to free your “I” from negativity?

The first thing you must do is understand and accept the 5 rules of Ho'oponopono, which contain all the wisdom of the technique:

The material world is a reflection of thought . What is happening in reality is born in your head. Negative thoughts give rise to negative consequences in the material world. By accusing others of imperfection, condemning, accumulating anger and resentment, you provoke negative consequences . The more negativity inside you, the more there is around. Perfect thoughts give birth to love. A harmonious world rests on creation. His main strength is love for everything that exists . Man is responsible for the material world that he created. Everything that exists in the Universe is one. Man is part of the whole, and the whole is part of man.

Nothing in the world happens without your participation.

Events are controlled by a set of subconscious programs that unfold regardless of the desire of the host. Sometimes attitudes are passed down through generations, and sometimes they come into a person’s life along with other people’s mistakes.

To improve your reality in the material world, get rid of the malware and junk of the past. And the magical Ho’oponopono technique (or, as some people call it briefly, the Hono Pono technique) – affirmations – will help with this.

Representatives of the direction

In Europe, they learned about the Hawaiian self-improvement technique relatively recently. It became popular thanks to the works of Joe Vitale and Hugh Lee. Each of them contributed to the spread of Hawaiian teachings throughout the world. Most Europeans who practice the harmonization method today learned about it thanks to the works of these people.

Joe Vitale

In 2007, an American entrepreneur published the book “Life Without Limits,” thanks to which the Hawaiian technique of getting rid of destructive thoughts became popular not only in America, but also in Europe. In his work, he described the technique in such a way that even uninitiated people could apply it.

Joe Vitale's path to Hawaiian wisdom began with an email. There was a lot of negativity in it. After reading the text, the entrepreneur was ready to react by answering the offender in the same vein, however, after thinking a little, he realized that such a decision would not benefit anyone. At that moment, Joe Vitale remembered the ho'oponopono technique that he had read about earlier.

He began to repeat to himself 4 phrases, without which no search for harmony is complete. Gradually, the entrepreneur forgot about the unpleasant incident, and later received an apology from the author of the offensive letter.

After seeing how effectively the Hawaiian way of getting rid of unnecessary attitudes works, Joe Vitale decided to convey this wisdom to others. He wrote a book in which he talked about ways to stop being a source of negativity. In his work, the entrepreneur also mentioned his own experience so that all readers understand what the practice of ho'oponopono can bring to their lives.

Dr. Hugh Lee

The psychotherapist became famous thanks to his unusual technique of working with mentally ill people. Dr. Hugh Lee had to try a new approach after he was assigned to a place where violent patients were being held. It was almost impossible to carry out traditional therapy with them. Even the medical staff had contact with these people only to carry out the necessary procedures and give medications.

The position of the head physician was empty for a long time, because... specialists could not cope with the workload. Then Hugh Lee was appointed to this position. In just 2 months of work, he showed amazing results. The patients were getting better, but the doctor had almost no interaction with them. The reason for these changes was the ho'oponopono technique. Hugh Lee practiced it daily, trying to guide the souls of the sick on the right path. Today, the doctor is one of the most popular people who teach others the secrets of getting rid of negative thoughts.

Ho'oponopono cleansing method for beginners: how to practice correctly?

In addition to repeating 4 phrases to yourself, the Ho'oponopono method offers several effective practices for eliminating a specific problem.

  • Erase the problem from the face of the earth. Write down your experiences on a blank piece of paper. Start tapping the eraser on the written text. As a result, erase the inscription, and with it, get rid of troubles.
  • Dive into the cloud. Take a horizontal position. Get rid of tension in your body. Imagine that there is a cloud above you that envelops you with soft touches. Direct the movement of the cloud along your body and completely immerse yourself in its embrace. This meditation brings a lot of positive emotions.

A lot of positive emotions

  • Careful attitude towards money. Lay out the contents of your wallet in front of you. Express your gratitude to money, voice how important the role banknotes play in your life. When you pay a large sum of money, thank them for giving you new opportunities.
  • Breathing technique. While standing, take deep breaths. Exhalation must be combined with retraction of the abdomen, inhalation with relaxation. At the initial stage, it is enough to do it several times; in the future, the number of inhalations and exhalations must be increased. Exercise helps fill yourself with oxygen and improve the functioning of the whole body.


  • Healing water. Fill a transparent container with liquid and place it in front of you. Express words of love and gratitude to simple water. Support the vessel in your hands, then drink the water. Positive fluid charging will have a positive effect on your health.

A simple practice of Ho'oponopono (repetition of 4 phrases) will set your body up for full-fledged work and teach you to find the right approach to various situations. Your beliefs must remain within you. You shouldn’t teach life to your surroundings.

If you want to help your loved ones, start by cleansing your internal energy. By changing the world around you, you bring about a positive change in the world of your loved ones.

Ho'oponopono - what is the essence of the method and what problems does it solve?

The Hawaiian method allows you to change the world through your own attitude towards it. “H'oponopono” literally translates to “doing it right.” Negative thoughts do not bring happiness. If the consciousness is tuned to destructiveness, it begins to attract problems.

Hawaiian technique allows you to tune in to the positive and find a way out of a difficult situation. In order to make progress in life, you need to constantly communicate with the deity within yourself.

Regular cleansing of consciousness from “dead” attitudes allows you to change internally and get rid of:

  • anger;
  • sadness;
  • grievances;
  • irritation;
  • envy;
  • condemnation.

The essence of the ho'oponopono technique is to direct energy in the right direction. Bad thoughts and negative emotions are like stones that gradually turn into a dam. It interferes with the harmonious flow of life and leads to destruction. By practicing the Hawaiian technique, you can get rid of this dam, returning your consciousness to the right path. To do this, you need to renounce your usual attitudes and see new opportunities for personal growth. Judging by the reviews, the method helps all people without exception!

The ho'oponopono technique should be used when:

  1. Chronic stress. By reconsidering your views, you can change a negative attitude to a positive one. Then, instead of constantly expecting bad events, hope for positive changes will appear in your soul.
  2. Desperation. It appears due to the lack of a reference point. Thanks to the practice of the Polynesians, you will see new horizons and understand how to achieve your goals.
  3. Diseases. Most health problems are related to emotions. By getting rid of the destructive, you will cleanse your soul and bring healing closer.
  4. Quarrels in the family. Conflict is fueled by negative emotions. You can stop quarrels by changing your attitude towards their causes. Ho'oponopono helps you reconsider your position regarding the situation and stop being destructive to it.
  5. Feelings of guilt and regret. According to the rules of Hawaiian practice, you cannot reproach yourself for mistakes. It doesn't help fix them. In most cases, negativity only makes the situation worse. Therefore, the Hawaiian method of working on oneself allows you to see opportunities instead of losses.
  6. Sadness. Such emotions are an unnecessary burden. You can get rid of it by realizing that you can’t influence everything in this world. Then it will become easier to accept unpleasant events.

Quick results on Ho'oponopono for beginners

Man does not know reality and does not control it

How is this possible? Here you are, a living person, now sitting at the computer, reading new articles about the Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono, and reality passes by. People you don’t notice are walking outside the window, neighbors are whispering behind the wall. Sounds, smells, visual images pass by you. The mind can only process one millionth of the incoming information. The rest of the volume settles in your subconscious memory. 2/3 of it is garbage and pathological anchors. Imagine how much unnecessary information the brain stores? But the worst thing is that he uses the programs he received. Unconsciously, you implement negative attitudes in your life.

The reality of each person is unique, but he creates it unconsciously. It is a mistake to think that something happens in the world according to the plan of human consciousness. It’s all up to chance and the Universe. So is there any point in being upset if something goes wrong? The Universe may have other plans, but this does not mean that it does not listen to other people's desires.

Heal yourself, heal your neighbor

Nothing just happens . Other people's problems are your problems. If you attracted trouble, then there was a reason for it. But you can solve this problem and let it go. The Universe does not send a person unsolvable tasks. The more often you resort to the ritual of healing your neighbor, the purer you yourself become.

The Hooponopono Method teaches you to help your neighbor

What happened is not your fault, but you bear full responsibility for every incident in your life

99% of your life you create unconsciously. Unconscious actions are not your fault. But responsibility for what happened lies with the creator. The problems of others are your projected problems. There is no one to blame for what happened, and there is one responsible person - you.

Divine inspiration is stronger than the desires of the Self

Plans for the future are an assertion of the arrogant ego. But the “I” is unable to resist the divine desire. The Universe has its own laws and aspirations. When a person's plans contradict the intentions of a higher power, dissonance arises, which negatively affects people's lives. Inspiration is a push from the Universe, the key to closed doors and new opportunities. This is the same insight, accompanied by a surge of energy and the awakening of creativity.

In Hooponopono, the leading role is given to the will of the higher mind, the law of harmony, the world's life-giving force. The wisest religions of the Ancient World were built on this idea. The Hindus revered the single creative energy, the Taoists spoke about it, and the Buddhists built an idea on it. Higher energy fills the entire material world. It consists of the sun, sky, trees, people. This is not God in the Christian concept. The power of the Universe is the law of harmony and order. When a person breaks the law, he suffers . The essence of such teachings is to teach a person to live in harmony with the world and himself, without breaking unspoken rules.

In Hooponopono, the leading role is given to the will of the higher mind, the law of harmony, the world's life-giving force

Why is Ho'oponopono better than other techniques? The exercises and tasks of the ancient Hawaiian method of Ho'oponopono are simple, understandable and accessible to everyone. To understand the laws of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism, you will have to read more than a dozen books and go through a long path of improvement and purification. Hawaiians are all practical. Their philosophy fits into a couple of dozen phrases. And the method itself is revealed in four affirmations.

Rules and techniques

Ho'oponopono should be practiced in a secluded place where no one will distract you.

Prepare yourself emotionally for the practice. Focus on your own thoughts and feelings. Be honest in your communications to the Universe. Excuses or self-pity will prevent you from finding harmony.

4 phrases

The main way to communicate with the forces of nature is affirmations. They need to be repeated to move the mind away from negativity.

There are 4 phrases that you need to say to yourself at moments when harmony is disrupted by destructiveness:

  1. "I love you". It can be addressed both to another person and to your consciousness. This affirmation will allow you to open your heart and accept the changes that may occur.
  2. "Thank you". No matter how you try to influence events, the Universe determines your fate. Therefore, you need to be grateful for everything you have. “Thank you” must also be said to yourself when you manage to avoid negativity.
  3. “I repent.” This phrase symbolizes taking responsibility for your decisions. Affirmation makes it possible to recognize mistakes, but is not a manifestation of self-pity.
  4. "Sorry". If you created a situation that caused someone to get hurt, apologize. Ask for forgiveness from yourself and other people. Never blame anyone.


To turn to nature, sometimes you need everyday objects. Take an unsharpened pencil with an eraser. It consists of a writing and erasing part. This item symbolizes cleansing negative thoughts and then creating a positive attitude.

To get rid of the destructive:

  1. Close your eyes.
  2. Think about what makes you feel bad.
  3. Tap the head with an eraser. This needs to be done gently, because the goal is not to knock out the negative from the mind, but to erase it.
  4. Repeat step 3 until your thoughts are cleared of negativity.
  5. When you get rid of the ballast, think about the positivity that the current situation can bring. This could be a new opportunity or an event that has already happened. For example, if you broke up with your loved one, remember the pleasant moments that would not have happened without him.
  6. Focus on the positive until you feel harmony.

Glass of water

Haitians have always had a strong connection to the sea. They believed that water could absorb negativity and dissolve it.

Take a glass. It is advisable that no one uses it except you. New dishes will also do. Pour clean water into a glass and place it in the bedroom. Write down your experiences on paper. Don't limit yourself to 1 sentence. Tell us in detail what caused your negative thoughts. Then place the note under the glass. Change the water several times a day until you feel that you have gotten rid of destructive feelings.

solar water

To find harmony, you will need blue dishes. It symbolizes the sea, which was an integral part of the Polynesian culture. Pour clean water inside. Place the dishes in the sun. Choose a place where no one will find it.

Concentrate on the water. Mentally ask the forces of nature to imbue this liquid with positive emotions. Leave the dishes in the same place for 1 hour. After this, wash your face with water every day until you get rid of the “dead” attitudes.


Haitians associated every manifestation of nature, including insects, with something spiritual. The butterfly was a symbol of immortality and rebirth. The Polynesians believed that negativity is like a cocoon that separates the caterpillar from the outside world. Only by throwing away this barrier could the insect be transformed.

To get rid of the destructive, draw a butterfly on paper. Use all the colors of the rainbow in your creation. As you do so, imagine the possibilities that may open up for you. Hang the finished drawing in your room or carry it with you as a talisman.

Orange juice

You will need citrus nectar if you want to get rid of financial problems. Take a bill and pour orange juice into a glass. Dip money into it and imagine how the juice of the sunny fruit washes away all the negativity from it. This ritual can be done without improvised means, relying only on the imagination. However, this is more difficult to do, because you must feel all the objects as if they were in your hands.


A flower that is always turned towards the sun is a symbol of openness to positivity. A ritual with this plant will allow you to get rid of internal blockages that prevent you from improving the financial sphere of your life. This method of harmonization will be most effective if you take a flower. However, it is acceptable to use a design or any object in the shape of a sunflower, such as decoration.

Place the plant or its image in a visible place. Look at it every time you think about problems related to money. Yellow petals will fill your mind with positivity, and seeds will help you understand the Universe.

Ho'oponopono results

I’ll tell you a real example from the life of the aforementioned Joe Vitale:

One day he received a negative email.

At first he wanted to be indignant, upset, think about why exactly he received such a message, in general, do everything as before.

But he stopped and remembered Ho'oponopono in time. Then he simply began to repeat those same four phrases and do nothing else!

After some time, a second letter of apology arrived...

Sometimes it can be difficult to ask for forgiveness or forgive a loved one. But if you use the right techniques, the result will be decent. See how to do it>>>>

The following story highlighting the results of Ho'oponopono was told on his blog by Andrey Vorsov:

I have already talked on my blog about how I spend the summer season in Anapa on the shore inviting people for diving and fishing. This difficult work gives me incredible opportunities for spiritual growth and progress in terms of my ability to communicate with people. This year I had an unexpected problem: they stopped calling on business cards that you hand out on the beach. Last year, when I came home, every evening I received, on average, 2-3 calls from people who thought about it and decided to sign up for an excursion. In this case, there were no calls using business cards at all.

I decided that this was a great opportunity to try out the ho'oponopono method in action, since Dr. Hugh Lee explained that the method can be applied to any situation that happens in your life. I was already on the minibus home, it was still a long way to go, and after sitting comfortably, I closed my eyes and began to repeat carefully, turning to God

I love you, forgive me for the fact that with my unconscious thoughts and actions I have brought life into such a situation that people do not call me.

I was in despair, this was really important to me, the season was terrible, there were few clients and there was really not enough money. This is probably why the power of prayer and concentration was higher than when you just want something sweet for tea.

When the phone rang I couldn't believe my ears.

Not even five minutes have passed since the beginning of the prayer-meditation, call it what you want. There was an unfamiliar number on the screen. Naturally, it was a business card call. Two people signed up for diving. I was shocked!

Is it really true what they say about the miracles of the ho'oponopono method!

But everything was just beginning. While I was riding in the minibus, I received another call, according to which three more people signed up for diving, and upon arriving home, in the evening, there was another call. I have no idea how it works, but it worked! This simply could not have been an accident; before this, on average there was one call on a business card every two or three days, but here in one evening there were three!

Maria Ivkina's results:

I am 28 years old. I have been practicing the Ho'oponopono method for over a year now. I started from the moment I broke up with my man (we had lived together for 3 years at that time) because of cheating.

This was my biggest fear, I couldn’t even imagine how this could be survived. But in the end, I am grateful for this turning point in my life.

I would like to briefly talk about my changes. Today, this same man and I are getting married in a month and I am 4 months pregnant (my first pregnancy, I already thought it was infertility).

There are some problems, but I am sure in the end everything will be resolved in the best possible way for everyone. I thank God for everything that happens in my life almost every day, and I wish the same for others.

You can have different attitudes towards this unusual system; whether you believe it or not is everyone’s business.

And if you are now in a situation of breaking up with a loved one, if you wholeheartedly want to restore your relationship, come to Elizaveta Volkova’s free master class, and we will solve this problem together. Register here >>>>

Start using the Ho'oponopono method and you will see how your relationships with people improve, conflicts are resolved, and your subconscious is cleansed.

Morrna's Prayers

Nalamaku Simeona became a kahuna at age 3. The Haitians called her “the holder of the secret” and a healer. She taught people to communicate with their inner world. To do this, Morrna used prayers.

The most popular is the appeal to the Almighty:

If I, (my name), my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation until this day, we humbly ask you all for forgiveness for all our fears , mistakes, grievances, guilt, insults, blocks and bindings that we have created, accumulated and accepted from the beginning of our creation to this day.

The course “The Power of Your Family” lasts 14 days.

You can see the beginning of the course in the schedule.

Cost 4000 UAH. (12,000 rubles or 160 dollars or 140 euros)

Course “The Power of Your Family”

14 days, from March 1 to March 14. The course is for your happy relationships with loved ones. When Rod becomes a warm, native force that protects and gives support in all important events of your daily life. About your place in the Family and your abilities. In some ways, you are already continuing the talents and abilities developed by your ancestors. And in some ways, you bring your breath, your vision into these gifts. Conscious, accepted, acquired - this energy in us is capable of giving our life a lift to a bright, new and desired level. Rod is a huge, powerful Force. Ancestral programs created by many generations are embedded in each of us. And they largely dictate how... Tag “Next”

Literature about the Ho'oponopono method

One of the most popular books about harmonization techniques is “Life Without Limits,” which was jointly written by American entrepreneur Joe Vitale and Hawaiian doctor Hugh Lee. In their work, they talk about how to get health, wealth and any other benefit through the practice of ho'oponopono. After reading the book, you can understand why negative thoughts lead to problems and how to find harmony. The book is written in simple language, so even uninitiated people will be able to understand the methods of communicating with their own subconscious.

To familiarize yourself with the Hawaiian technique for getting rid of negativity, you can read “Hooponopono: 4 phrases that will solve any of your problems.” This book was co-written by Luc Bodin and Maria Elisa Hurdato-Gracier. The authors took many materials from the work “Life without Limits”, adding their own experience to it. They not only described the methods of harmonization, but also substantiated them using quantum physics.

Ho'oponopono cleansing method for beginners: how to meditate correctly?

Meditation at home should take place in a secluded environment. With the Ho'oponopono technique you can greet a new day or sum up your busy everyday life.

To effectively penetrate the Hawaiian method of cleansing, we adhere to a sequential algorithm:

  1. Choose a place and time for quiet solitude. Avoid gadget playback or outside interference.
  2. Choose calm background music that will help relieve internal stress. Natural sounds or mantras will do. Sound vibrations help cleanse space.
  3. Position your body in such a way that it is comfortable to remain motionless for the next half hour.
  4. With your eyes closed, inhale and exhale deeply for several minutes. Deep breathing will relax your body.
  5. Get rid of heavy thoughts in your head, focus on the sensations. Feel the inner freedom.
  6. Repeat key Ho'oponopono instruments - "I'm sorry", "Forgive me", "Thank you", "I love you". Address the message to a specific person or to God. Concentrate on objects towards which you feel negative emotions. If you are overwhelmed with fears and worries, direct the energy to yourself.
  7. Repeat the energy messages for a quarter of an hour. Your feelings may result in crying or a cry from the heart. At the physical level, the body is exposed to various physical sensations.
  8. At the final stage, switch to deep breathing and gradually return to your normal life.

Correct Practice
If you are meditating for the first time, you will need several practice sessions to achieve deep relaxation. Ho'oponopono meditation can be used in any conflict situation. Say key phrases to yourself, regardless of the environment, and it will be easier for you to calm down.

Reviews about the ho'oponopono method

Marina, 23 years old, Stavropol: “I learned about the Hawaiian method thanks to the book “Life without limits,” which I borrowed from a friend. I was sure that this technique did not work, because... I don't believe in mysticism. I decided to test it for myself and realized that it’s difficult to say affirmations even not out loud. After practicing ho’oponopono several times, I saw how the world around me was changing.”

Angelina, 45 years old, Lukhovitsy: “I still can’t determine my attitude towards Hawaiian teaching. However, such a practice certainly cannot bring harm. By performing rituals and purifying your own consciousness, you will be able to stop concentrating on the negative. And this is enough to make room in your head for solving problems, rather than worrying about them.”

Ekaterina, 27 years old, Irkutsk: “I was attracted to ho’oponopono by an interesting approach to working on oneself. After a difficult divorce, I couldn’t concentrate on anything, so I looked for any way to distract myself. By practicing the Hawaiian technique, I was able to get rid of anger and gradually realized that with the departure of my husband, there was time for a career. Now I’m taking courses to get my dream job.”

Do you practice Ho'oponopono and have something to share? Leave your feedback in the comments!

Origins and essence of Ho'oponopono

The healing practice of Hoʻoponopono came to us from Hawaii. Nowadays, hardly anyone will undertake to name the exact date of its origin. However, given that the origin of Hawaiian cultural traditions dates back to approximately the 3rd-4th century AD, when the Hawaiian Islands were inhabited by Polynesians, it can be assumed that Ho'oponopono has existed since then.

The essence of Ho'oponopono is healing through forgiveness and reconciliation. Something similar is offered by other practices, including among the peoples of Polynesia, but in Ho'oponopono forgiveness and reconciliation are the cornerstones of existence. This is reflected in the name of the practice in Hawaiian.

Thus, the particle hoʻo is used in language to create an actualizing verb from the noun that follows it. The noun pono has no direct analogue in other languages ​​and can be conditionally translated as a symbiosis of the concepts of “kindness”, “honesty”, “morality”, “morality”, “order”, “balance”, “harmony”. It is repeated twice to reinforce the meaning and emphasize the importance of these concepts in everyday life.

“The world begins with me” is the main postulate for everyone who decides to touch the Hawaiian healing practice of Ho'oponopono. In other words, the world rests on harmony, therefore, by violating the harmony within oneself, a person violates relations with the outside world, and by violating harmony with the outside world, he also violates the harmony within himself. This is what leads to illness and disease. By restoring harmony, you can get rid of many diseases that plague a person in life and solve many other problems.

Ho'oponopono and Orthodoxy

Among the people who regularly use techniques for cleansing negativity, there are many believers of different religions. Pronouncing affirmations and self-hypnosis cannot become an obstacle to faith. Experts say that the method is beyond understanding and in no way interferes with going to church and saying prayers. Many practitioners claim that ho'oponopono and Christianity have much in common; during meditation, they often see saints next to them, who are helpers of all believers.

Ho'oponopono - prayer for everyone

The Hawaiian method offers not only meditation, but also a prayer text that is used in different situations. It is recommended to read it after you already have an understanding of what ho'oponopono is and how to use it correctly. The sacred text was proposed by the Hawaiian shaman Morrna. The incoming ho'oponopono prayer can be said during the day, but if this is not possible, then read it at least in the morning and before bed.

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