How to correctly say a prayer or spell to get your period

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Published: 10/19/2020

Reading time: 10 min



  • Menstruation as a physiological process
  • When you need magic help
  • Rules and recommendations How to pray for periods
  • When are rituals used to induce menstruation?
      Rules for conducting rituals
  • How to induce menstruation with a spell
      For morning urine
  • On the tumbleweed
  • Ancient conspiracy
  • Prayer from Vanga
  • If your periods are too heavy
  • Prayer for delayed menstruation
  • Spells for heavy periods
  • On the arrival of light periods
  • If the menstrual cycle is accompanied by pain Option 1
  • Option 2
  • For the arrival of painless periods
  • To delay the onset of menstruation
  • Potion for menstrual pain
  • Love spell during menstruation
  • Results of conspiracies
      Recognizing a love spell on menstruation
  • Getting rid of a love spell
  • Traditional Religions and Menstruation
  • Recommendations
  • Prayer for menstruation. conclusions
  • Conclusion
  • Menstruation as a physiological process

    Menstruation is a woman's monthly period during which a layer of the uterine cavity and an unfertilized egg are shed. It is eliminated from the body through bleeding from the vagina.

    A few days before the start of the procedure, a woman experiences a feeling of complete discomfort in her lower abdomen. A sharp change in mood is the first sign of the onset of critical days.

    Menstruation begins in girls whose bodies are almost ready for reproduction, that is, for bearing a child. They begin at the age of 12-13 years. The regularity of menstruation is fully established by the age of 18. If before this time the process occurs with long interruptions or disturbances, then this is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

    Rules and recommendations

    In order for rituals and ceremonies to bring the desired effect, they must be carried out following certain recommendations of experts in the field of esotericism and occultism:

    1. Perform all actions strictly following the instructions in the instructions. Do not change, remove or add anything yourself.
    2. During the performance of rituals, it is necessary that no one and nothing interfere or distract. This includes family members, pets and noise from household appliances.
    3. Unless another time is indicated in the instructions, rituals to induce menstruation are performed during the waxing moon. And rituals in order to get rid of diseases are carried out during the waning moon.
    4. Never tell anyone that you resorted to magic, regardless of whether the rituals worked or not. Higher powers do not like publicity and boasting, and can punish you for this.
    5. To eliminate negative consequences, be sure to seek the help of traditional medicine, undergo the necessary examinations and, if necessary, treatment.
    6. Believe in the positive result of the actions performed, clearly visualize the end result.

    How to pray for periods

    There is a ban on going to church if you have monthly bleeding. But it is not entirely clear what to do for women who suffer from amenorrhea. The priests claim that it is enough to pray at home, using any words, since it is not sentences that are important, but pure thoughts and faith in God.

    Experienced parishioners of churches are confident that in order for menstruation to begin, the following prayer will help:

    “Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God, order (your name) to give blood on time, so that you don’t know sadness and pain. From this day forward and forever. Amen".

    This prayer must be read three times to induce menstruation.

    If a woman has been inducing menstruation for a long time, but there is no result, it is necessary to take tests and undergo an ultrasound. This is the only way to diagnose the root cause in time, due to which the bleeding is delayed.

    Find out in the article at the link what the first day of menstruation predicts and how to tell fortunes by the day your period starts.

    To avoid getting pregnant

    To ensure that your period comes on time, confidently read a powerful magic spell. Dear women, perhaps you suffer from ovarian dysfunction. Urgently see a gynecologist!

    Self-medication is a monstrous risk, like an irrepressible desire to quickly cope with a problem.

    Unstable onset of menstruation can be caused by a number of female diseases.

    After you see a doctor, in your free time, read the strongest magic spells.

    They will be an ideal aid to the main treatment.

    I declare that you will not have to go to the Temple.

    Church candles will not be needed.

    Seclude yourself in a locked room.

    Diligently mumble specially selected occult lines.

    The blood is bad - the head hurts. I appeal to my menstruators so that they come on time, do not delay, and do not mock me. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Just as women suffer from pain, their periods come on time. I’m treating the disease, I’m whispering words. So that illnesses do not torment you and your health does not suffer. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    In silence I repeat a conspiracy, I cast a spell on menstruation. Let them come, shed blood, but not return in terrible pain. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

    Read each magic spell 13 times in a row.

    After about a week, repeat all occult activities.

    Be healthy!

    Menstrual blood is also used to prevent pregnancy. To do this, you need to bury a rag (or pad) after your period under the roots of a dried fruit-bearing tree.

    This ritual is valid for exactly three years. Afterwards you can fake it (re-do the ritual with a new rag).

    When are rituals used to induce menstruation?

    Conspiracies to make you bleed are intended primarily for teenage girls who are already 14-16 years old and still don’t have their periods. This is a signal about a violation of hormonal development, about inhibition of puberty, so the first thing you need to do is contact a gynecologist, and then start casting spells and prayers.

    Sometimes a delay in menstruation in a young girl is not associated with pathology, but is simply a feature of the development of the body, and in this case, conspiracies help to calm down, set oneself up for future changes, and stimulate the body to hormonal changes.

    Not only girls, but also mature women who have a delay, resort to conspiracies to make menstrual flow flow. This situation can be associated with hormonal pathologies, stress, the consequences of drug treatment or an unplanned pregnancy.

    The latter circumstance especially frightens women; conspiracies are most often resorted to in order to exclude precisely the prospect of unwanted motherhood. With the help of a conspiracy, they try to induce menstruation, which will confirm that everything is in order with the body, that no changes have occurred.

    From a religious point of view, the appearance of the menstrual cycle is evidence that the girl has become mature, that her body is ready to conceive, bear and give birth to a child.

    According to church beliefs, menstruation is unclean discharge, indicating that a woman has not yet taken advantage of the opportunity to conceive a child with her legal spouse, to become a mother. Therefore, on menstrual days, parishioners are prohibited from visiting the temple, and prayers for delayed periods must be read only at home.

    There are a large number of conspiracies and prayers that help induce menstrual flow, as well as make it less abundant and painful.

    Rules for conducting rituals

    Before you begin conspiracies to induce menstruation, you should make sure that there is no pregnancy, since in the early stages of embryo development, spotting, signaling pathological changes, can be confused with menstruation.

    You need to understand that conspiracies are not a means of recovery and the disappearance of unwanted pregnancy. The absence of menstruation is often a symptom of serious illnesses that occur slowly or hidden, so you cannot do without visiting a medical specialist, and conspiracies are only a means of self-soothing and improving your emotional state.

    For successful rituals, the following recommendations of esotericists should be taken into account:

    1. Magical actions should be performed strictly according to the instructions. It is unacceptable to make changes to the ritual itself and to the words of the conspiracy.
    2. To tune into a positive mood, calm down, and relax, it is important to perform the ritual in peace and quiet. Children, animals, and strangers should not be present in the room; loud household and electrical appliances should be removed.
    3. If the instructions do not indicate the exact time of the ritual, then it is advisable to read the spell for the arrival of menstruation when the moon is in the waxing phase. If magical actions are aimed at reducing the pain and profuseness of the expected menstruation, at getting rid of pathology, then the reading should begin in the waning phase of the night luminary.
    4. You cannot tell even close people about the ritual performed. Moreover, it is important to keep the secret, even if the conspiracy did not help get rid of the problem. Menstrual fluid is an intimate substance that can have a strong sacral effect; you should work with it carefully and secretly. And a woman who tells others about her magical actions can be punished by higher powers.
    5. If a gynecological or hormonal problem has been identified that has caused a delay in menstruation, then you first need to start treatment, and then begin to return the bleeding using spells.
    6. The success of magical actions depends on faith in them. A woman must sincerely believe that conspiracies will help her normalize her menstrual cycle.

    Will magic help you induce menstruation if you are late?

    If your period is late, you can turn to magical spells.
    Magic for late periods has always been in demand. It will help in cases where it is not possible to solve the problem on your own.

    Conspiracies are most often used to enhance the effect of medications, eliminate unwanted pregnancy, or normalize the reproductive system.

    However, these methods cannot be used frequently - no more than 2 times a year.

    How to induce menstruation with a spell

    It is much better when the internal organs, in particular the reproductive system, work without failures. This situation is possible only in the case of regular monthly allocations.

    If there are malfunctions, an additional plot is read so that the girl’s period comes.

    What does the female sex do when irregularities in the menstrual cycle are detected? Panicking. Most women act wisely - visit a gynecologist to find out the cause.

    The rest is reread by herbalists, prayer words, and turning to magic. Use a strong water ritual to induce menstruation.

    When you first become acquainted with magical rituals, you may not immediately understand where the spell or prayer words are. How do they affect the body to cause bleeding? Usually, in rituals, masters combine both incantations and prayers.

    For morning urine

    In order for menstruation to begin if there is a delay, the following ritual is performed. Early in the morning, when the sun has not yet risen in the sky, you need to collect a small amount of fresh urine in a container. Say words to her to start her period:

    “Urine-urica, pure spring. Zoryushka-zornitsa, red maiden. Let the blood flow, your health flare up. And you, month, my assistant, my friend and protector, hurry home, don’t bother me. Let the bleeding begin and my soul rejoice. Let it be as it has been said.”

    Rub the charmed urine into the lower abdomen. Wait until the urine is completely absorbed into the skin. Usually, menstruation after such a ritual begins on the same day or the next.

    On the tumbleweed

    The seeds of the plant must be placed in your underwear.
    A spell to get your period to come can be carried out using tumbleweed seeds. Take a handful of tumbleweed seeds and tie them in a new handkerchief. Put it in your underwear, go to the first intersection. In the middle of the intersection, stand facing north, burn the tied scarf along with the seeds. When the bundle is burning, say the words of the hex three times:

    “What I brought with me in the hem, I will burn at a time at the crossroads. Let menstruation begin, and what happens every month will begin. Not to the detriment of my health, but for the benefit of future motherhood. Let it be as it is said.”

    You need to stand so that the smoke does not get on you. Go home without looking back and without talking to anyone. It is best to perform such a ritual to induce menstruation after sunset.

    Ancient conspiracy

    This method of plotting to make menstruation come has existed for many centuries and is considered effective and proven. The ritual requires the following medicinal and edible herbs:

    • sorrel;
    • Melissa;
    • hoof;
    • blackberry leaves;
    • bloodroot.

    A decoction is prepared from the collected herbs, and the following is said over it:

    It is recommended to take the charmed decoction if the delay in menstruation is short and is associated with minor hormonal imbalance. However, before using the medicinal drink, you should consult a medical specialist.

    Prayer from Vanga

    The Bulgarian clairvoyant told people several traditional methods for solving problems with women's health. The conspiracy from Vanga to get your period contains the following information :

    1. It is necessary to break off a small twig from any tree and bring it into the house.
    2. Say the necessary words over the branch.
    3. Put a stick under your bed.
    4. After complete drying, the branch should be broken into very small pieces and thrown away.

    “Let this branch go out and go out, so let all the diseases (woman’s name) go away. So that there will never be any pain with menstruation. From now on and forever. Amen".

    The text of a kind of prayer is adapted to eliminate the delay. It can also be used for other female diseases.

    Vanga said that in order to induce menstruation, you need to drink a decoction. To prepare it, take 3 liters. water and peels from two kilograms of onions. All ingredients are simmered over low heat until the liquid turns red-brown. After preparation, the decoction is filtered, and you need to take it in the morning and evening, 50 ml.

    If your periods are too heavy

    If your periods are very intense and there is a lot of blood, you can also use rituals. Get up with the first rays of the sun, open the window. Take a spool of red thread in your hands. Read the following plot:

    “I, servant of God (name), will rise at dawn, and I will turn to clean water. You, water, flow out of the ground and dry up in the bright sun. So in me (name) the frisky blood has subsided, my illness has dried up. Just as the red thread in my hand breaks, so let the blood stop. Amen!"

    Repeat this text three times, then tear off a small thread and throw it out the open window.

    Prayer for delayed menstruation

    Since it is impossible to attend church either during menstruation or with pathologies that have caused amenorrhea - a long-term absence of bleeding, churchmen advise women to pray at home. Home prayers are no less effective than those said in church, because in this case the sincerity of the appeal to God and the saints is much more important.

    One, two, five - we begin to conjure

    1. Tumbleweed plot.

    In order for the necessary secretions to begin, you will need to collect tumbleweed seeds.

    This grass is like that. Grows in the southern steppe regions. After the growing season, the course dries out and the wind carries it over considerable distances. So, you should take a pinch of seeds and tie it in a clean scarf. Put the bundle in your panties and go to any intersection.

    They came, pulled out, and burned the bag of seeds. It is important to ensure that smoke from the fire does not flow towards you.

    While the fire is burning, you should read the magic words 3 times:

    “What she brought with her, she burned at the crossroads. Amen".

    Turn around, go home and don’t say hello to anyone. The plot must be carried out after dark.

    2. Morning urine ritual.

    For menstrual flow to occur, you need to collect fresh urine. Attention! The volume of urine is 1 glass.

    We pronounce the spell:

    “Urine-urica, pure water. Zorka-Zaranitsa, red maiden. Let the blood spread. Get excited, send me some health. The month, my dear friend, You gilded horn, Hurry home quickly. Stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of the grass. Chur! Chur! Chur!

    We received the charmed potion. It should be applied to the lower abdomen. In this case, the words of the conspiracy are not spoken. The resulting magical infusion should not be washed off; the urine should be absorbed into the skin.

    Love spell during menstruation

    To perform a ritual for love during menstruation, you will need:

    • rope;
    • chrysalis;
    • candle;
    • magnet;
    • Red ribbon.

    In order not to lose your beloved man, you should try a ritual that is performed during the menstrual cycle. We take a pre-prepared doll and tie it with a rope around the waist, saying the words:

    After that, take the magnet, tie it with a red ribbon, and drip wax from the candle on top (3 drops three times) and seal it to the doll, saying the words:

    The family amulet made from the doll can be left in the house, or placed on a tree branch in the garden. With the help of the amulet, the family will become stronger and the quarrels occurring between spouses will stop.

    There is another powerful ritual to win back your husband's affection. You should take a handkerchief and rub a drop of blood into it during menstruation.

    Potion for menstrual pain

    The tincture is made during menstruation on the waning moon. For the ritual you will need:

    • lock of hair;
    • index fingernail;
    • 0.5 l of ethyl alcohol.

    We combine all the ingredients and read the words of the ritual 3 times:

    The mixture should be infused for a month. It is used to rub into the lower abdomen, and you should also rub it on your forehead and temples to relieve pain syndromes.

    Results of conspiracies

    The consequences of conspiracies aimed at inducing menstruation can only be positive. If a woman has been suffering from pain for a long time and is trying to cure diseases of the reproductive system, then prayer and treatment will give good results.

    Magical rituals involving blood, aimed at binding another person to oneself, can negatively affect both the victim and you. The person performing the ritual may experience:

    • weakness, dizziness;
    • pale facial skin;
    • severe weight loss;
    • causeless chills;
    • hair loss, brittle nails;
    • peeling of the skin;
    • ulcers, warts on the hands.

    Recognizing a love spell on menstruation

    To recognize that a person has been bewitched, you need to pay attention to his appearance and behavior. Such a person has:

    • dilated pupils;
    • dry skin;
    • drowsiness and constant loss of strength;
    • confused thoughts;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • suicidal tendencies.

    Behavioral manifestations are immediately visible. A man begins to get hung up on love feelings alone, which turn into paranoia, and subsequently lead to madness or suicide. Aggression for any reason and sudden changes in mood appear. Bewitched people lose their mood, they stop smiling and having fun.

    Getting rid of a love spell

    To save a person from a love spell on menstruation, you should find out who caused the damage and what rituals they did for this. To improve your well-being, you need to read prayers at night for the salvation of soul and body for a week, and early in the morning wash your face with holy water and read the “Our Father.”

    Ritual at dawn

    If your period is late, and you are afraid of the consequences in the form of an unwanted pregnancy, do the following ritual.
    To ensure that your period comes quickly, you rub the charmed urine on your stomach. You can do this in the bathroom. There is no need to read the plot while rubbing the stomach.

    Let the urine be completely absorbed into the skin; do not wash it off.

    Blood is used to bring about healing from illness. In order to cure a seriously ill person, you need to take a rag soaked in blood after the first wedding night of the married couple.

    Three people wash a sick person: a child, an old man and a widow. After this, wipe it with a rag containing blood. The ritual is carried out at three dawns: morning, before sunset and after sunset. It must be the time of the full moon, and the weather must be calm.

    At the same time (after the third reading) the rag with blood is buried under a tree so as not to cause trouble or other bad consequences.

    When menstruation is late, a spell based on morning urine is a very effective remedy. For this ritual, you need to get up before sunrise on the day of the full moon and collect the urethra.

    The charmed urethra is used as a potion, which is applied to the lower abdomen, a few drops for several days, until the moon is full. The potion is used 2 times a day, morning and evening, without rinsing, to allow the skin to soak.

    There is another effective ritual for a delayed menstrual cycle.

    The invocation of the long-awaited menstruation should be done with the rising sun, having previously prepared the following attributes:

    • a glass of morning urethra;
    • red ribbon;
    • matches.

    After reading the ritual words, pour out the contents of the glass and leave the ribbon in the sun. When the tape is dry, burn it and blow it in the wind.

    The intended result of magical actions determines their form. If any troubles arise in the relationship between the spouses, it is enough to cast certain spells from time to time. Modern magicians and healers, for example, Natalya Stepanova, offer thousands of verbal formulas based on prayer and ancient village conspiracies for all occasions.

    A spell on menstruation is most often part of a dry spell, binding or love spell.

    1. Prisushka (prisukha) helps to attract the attention of a man, gives the opportunity to evoke a deep feeling based on a fleeting hobby. You can dry it using photos, personal items, but the most reliable way is during menstruation. The ritual is performed 1-2 times, does not have a long-term effect and does not have serious side effects.
    2. Pegging is a ritual that is aimed at increasing physical attraction. The results last for 3-6 months, after which the magical actions must be repeated.
    3. A love spell carries the greatest energy. Sorcerers compare it to damage, since the will of the chosen one is completely suppressed. A person loses the ability to influence his life and strives only for what is determined by magical influence.

    However, not all magicians and healers are guided by this classification of rituals. Most people suggest using a love spell with a spell on menstrual blood.

    Traditional Religions and Menstruation

    People often place increased obligations on God. Prayer is, in essence, a request to higher powers. There are various prayer requests for the health of the female reproductive system.

    Requests for monthly allocations are few and far between. This is most likely due to the fact that a woman during menstruation is considered unclean. She is not allowed to appear in church; there is even an opinion that she cannot pray and confess at this time.

    So, one of the requests to the Lord:

    “Dear Lord Almighty, hear me and my simple requests. The days of female identification are not coming, and I don’t want to show myself badly in front of all the people close to me. Hear my prayer, speed up my periods, even if it is even more painful than usual. I am ready to endure anything, just not to lose my dignity in this life. Amen".

    If your periods are painful

    If you have painful periods, the consequences may not be desirable.

    On the first day in the evening, pour clean spring water into a glass.

    You need to read a spell on water so that the pain goes away.

    Drink some water.


    Before reading prayers and folk texts, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy. Because when carrying a child, it is possible that it is not menstruation that comes, but bleeding that signals problems.

    Conspiracies and any prayers for menstruation to come if there is a delay do not guarantee a quick and complete recovery. They cannot completely eliminate sexual dysfunctions, which most often proceed hidden for months, manifested by the absence of menstrual flow.

    To a greater extent, prayers are aimed at calming the soul and normalizing the emotional state. Therefore, for any problems in women’s health, it is necessary to go to the hospital. The doctor will help determine the cause of the delay and recommend proven medications to normalize the menstrual cycle.

    When you need magic help

    As you know, at a certain age girls begin menstruation. Girls can feel a discomforting sensation at the age of 12-15 years, and some even later. The latter will certainly need a spell so that menstruation begins and the disorder in the body is eliminated. These discharges are a sign of a person’s maturation and maturation.

    Traditionally, magical help is resorted to only when one cannot cope with the problem on one’s own.

    First, the girl should visit a gynecologist to find out the cause. Serious pathologies must be excluded. Then a prayer is read to induce menstruation in case of delay in a female.

    Magic rituals are used in cases where it is necessary to intensify drug therapy, to prevent unwanted events or change fate. A long delay signals diseases related to a woman’s reproductive function. Only medicine and Vanga’s conspiracy to get your period will help you get your period.

    Only medicine and Vanga’s conspiracy will help you get your period

    If the menstrual cycle is considered from the point of view of religion, then female discharge symbolizes that an adult has matured and is ready to bear a fetus, giving birth to her own kind. According to church canons, a woman is forbidden to visit an Orthodox church on critical days, so as not to desecrate this sacred place.

    Today in esotericism there are many ritual actions, conspiracies and other things related to monthly female discharge. Some conspiracies relieve painful syndrome, others carry out a kind of treatment and stop bleeding or induce menstruation. Strong rituals are used to induce bleeding. Separate prayers help a woman get pregnant as quickly as possible in order to feel female happiness - to become a mother. There is also a special prayer to induce menstruation if girls are late.

    Prayer for menstruation. conclusions

    • Conspiracy is good. But having decided to try to induce monthly bleeding in this way, think about where to find tumbleweed seeds? Then - carrying seeds in your underwear - well, somehow unhygienic!
    • Or collect urine and rub yourself with it. Morning, the wife is in the bathroom, the husband looks in for some reason! Seeing the picture, I don’t want to talk about the smell at all.
    • Whether it’s a conspiracy or a prayer, the probability of inducing menstruation is 50%. Either it will work or not.

    Contact your doctor and find out the reason for the delay. Only the right treatment will help evoke the desired response from the body.

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    Some of their varieties can cause periods to become scanty or disappear altogether. If this happens, you should also periodically make your contribution to the treasury of pregnancy test manufacturers, since a small risk still remains, and the most striking (excuse the pun) indicator that conception has not occurred has disappeared.

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