Prayers “Seven Crosses” and “Uninterruptible Amulet” for the home and the whole family

The essence of the prayer “Seven Crosses”

The prayer contains two lists of 7 items each. In the first, the believer turns to heavenly and natural protectors, lists them and puts a cross on each one. The second part also contains a numerical list of the seven main troubles and misfortunes from which an Orthodox Christian and his family should be protected.

The prayer text-amulet “Seven Crosses” is built in the form of a conspiracy for protection from evil forces. It is very ancient, containing elements of ancient pagan texts, since they are its basis.

When reading the prayer seven times, the protective forces draw out all the negativity from the family and home, removes black thoughts, temptations, the evil eye and damage sent by the devil and his servants. The soul and aura around the Christian, his family members, is cleansed. The negativity sent to the house goes away. You can also read prayers against damage.

The prayer to the seven crosses was not chosen by chance. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that 7 brings good luck and can protect against evil forces. Therefore, the reading of the sacred words is carried out at 7 crosses, in front of 7 burning candles, and a prayer text is read listing the seven main troubles from which it is necessary to protect. To confirm this, you should pay attention to the icon of the Mother of God “Seven Arrows”; that is how many arrows she holds, connecting their ends.

While reading the prayer, the believer is protected from the 7 deadly sins that Jesus took upon himself and suffered for all humanity.

Strong protective prayers for the whole family

You can protect your family from envious soot with the help of protective prayers. Under the protection of the Lord and His holy saints, you will not be afraid of the evil tongues of your opponents. This means peace, happiness and prosperity will return to the house.

Envious people, filled with anger and sin, have always existed. For a long time they have not given life to righteous, bright and kind people. Every time trying to seize an opportune moment and disarm with your negative intervention. Either they will send damage, or a conspiracy to death, or they will tie a black stripe. Whether you like it or not, you will still find yourself at the mercy of human envy and evil spells. Only Orthodox prayer directed to the Lord will protect you and your family from the anger and soot sent by ill-wishers.

Preparing to pray against envy

If you feel something is wrong, or better yet, before any trouble arises, visit the Temple. Pray for the health of each family member, near the icons of Jesus Christ, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Blessed Virgin Mary. Light candles for the health and happiness of those close to you. Stock up on candles for your home too; they will come in handy as soon as you begin to provide powerful protection for the well-being of your family.

In privacy, light 12 candles. Next to them, place the icons you have in your home and a small container with blessed water. With a pure heart, thank the Almighty for the luck provided and beg forgiveness for each family member. Now you are ready to move on to the most important thing - reading protective prayers that will protect you from the evil eye and envious people.

Prayers-amulets for the whole family

Protective prayers will help you maintain peace and harmony in your family, protecting everyone living in the house. Sacred words of this kind have a connotation of conspiracy, but unlike slander they have enormous power. You have the right to choose any of the presented prayers for yourself. The most important thing is to approach prayer with all sincerity, love and hope.

First prayer. Be sure to read it in the morning; it is in the morning hour that the Lord heeds all requests. Prayer will protect your family from troubles, misfortunes and illnesses. Sacred text:

“With the first cross from the Holy Spirit, I cover the souls (names) from all kinds of misfortune and trouble. Second from the Lord, we close poverty and misery. The third cross of the Son of God Jesus Christ will save us from sadness, sorrow and despondency. We are baptized with the fourth cross, we receive the help of the Guardian Angel for the servants of God (names). The fifth descends from the Most Pure Virgin, protecting from empty waste. The sixth cross from south to north will hide from illness and disease. And the seventh from our house to the Kingdom of Heaven closes all others. Our monastery now and always lies under seven crosses. Grief and misfortune are not scary for her forever. Amen."

Second prayer. Will protect the family from scandals, breakups, betrayals and evil. You can read it as you wish. It is advisable for each family member to say the prayer to himself:

“Lord Jesus Christ, protect our family from all the machinations of the devil. Strengthen the faith of everyone who is faithful to you, the Christian religion and the Orthodox foundations. Sanctify our lives with your Divine light, burning away the sinful soot in our hearts. Help us get rid of illnesses, scandals, misfortunes and evil. Do not allow discord in our family, betrayal and false pretenses. In the name of the Lord God and His Son Jesus Christ. Amen."

The third prayer will envelop your home in a veil of supreme and indestructible intercession. With the help of protective words, you will maintain peace in the family, and also protect your home from other people’s interference. This prayer should be read three times:

“Lord God and Jesus Christ, listen to our prayers and hear the words of Your unworthy servants, whose heads are bowed near the icons. Protect our house from human envy and from the attacks of blacks. Save our souls from the abyss of sin, do not test our loyalty with severe trials. Let our house be spared by ruin, fire, filth, envy and anger. Everything is yours. Amen."

After you read the chosen prayer, you should drink holy water charged with prayer and, if possible, give it to each family member to drink. As soon as trouble comes knocking on your home again, immediately resort to the help of protective prayers. Better yet, make it a rule to carry out a cleansing ritual with prayerful words every month.

Do not strive to give justice to your offenders. Everything is God’s will, rest assured: their own measure of retribution is already predetermined from above. Live in harmony with the Lord, may your faith strengthen and grow every day, and may protective prayers help you change your destiny for the better, freeing your life from other people’s interference. We wish you a great mood. take care of yourself

How to read the protective prayer “Seven Crosses”

To read the prayer of protection, you should prepare in advance, buy seven church candles, and have an icon of the Lord Almighty in your house. You can read the text every day. But it is enough to turn to holy words in difficult days for the Orthodox himself and his family.

When reading, the following rules should be observed:

  • read at dawn when the sun rises;
  • light seven candles in front of the images;
  • recite the text seven times.

When the text is pronounced, the person praying must cross himself after each phrase “I lay down ... the cross” and after completing each prayer make a bow from the waist. In total, during the reading of the entire cycle, he places 49 crosses on himself and makes seven bows.

Text of the prayer “Seven Crosses”

How to protect a child

All parents think about how to protect their child from evil people. Mom and dad can protect their children from obvious threats from the outside world, but they are not able to protect them from negative energy influences. It’s good to make an amulet for your baby that he will always carry with him. But besides this, it is very useful to read special charms that will protect your child from many troubles and dangers that await him at every step.

Note! There are many special magical spells to protect a daughter or son. They can be said at different times of the day.

For example, a very good amulet that is read over a child in the morning, while he is still in bed:

In the evening, when the baby is already in bed, say over his bed:

A very powerful spell that must be pronounced before every important event awaiting the child. These words will help him overcome all trials, give him courage, and save him from troubles:

Prayer “Uninterruptible amulet”

The prayer “Uninterruptible amulet” is read to protect a person for all occasions. It protects a person from the machinations of enemies, evil people encountered along the way, misfortunes, temptation and flattery. The amulet is very strong, and it is impossible to open it to a stranger. If an ill-wisher tries to remove the conspiracy, to penetrate under the protective cover, then he himself will suffer greatly from a retaliatory action, a backlash.

When read, the prayer cleanses a person of the negative energy that is on him, she absorbs it into herself. Only baptized Orthodox Christians can read the prayer text “Uninterrupted Amulet”. It will become strong and truly protective only if you have unlimited faith in it.

A protective prayer is read in the morning or early afternoon. You should retire and turn off everything that could interrupt the prayer. Ask your family members to be quiet for a few minutes and not distract you. Ideally, before praying, an Orthodox Christian would wear everything clean, if possible white. Will stand in the rays of the rising sun. You may also find morning prayers helpful.

In front of the icon of the Lord Pantocrator, light 3 church candles from one match. You can use a lighter, a torch, or another source of fire. The main thing is that it is a continuous flame from the first to the last candle. When everything is ready, you need to take one sip of holy water and read the text of the amulet three times.

Text of the prayer “Uninterrupted Amulet”

Amulets against evil spirits and the evil eye

One appeal from the bottom of your heart is enough to protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye and attract the protection of Higher powers. But in order to consolidate the effect of the amulet, it is recommended to read any of the following prayers every day for forty days.

Saint John's Prayer

Allows you to protect your home and all family members from evil eyes and damage. They take a wax candle brought from the temple. They walk around the house three times clockwise. A prayer-amulet is read at each corner:

“Saint John, fearless warrior, holy saint of God! Call your warriors to guard my home, my estate, and all the walls, windows and doors. May the heavenly shield protect everyone living under this roof. Amen".

A powerful amulet against damage

The following amulet prayer acts as a strong protection against the negativity of sorcerers or envious people. To make it even more effective, it is recommended to supplement it with a special ritual. To do this, pour holy water into a small mug and make the sign of the cross three times. The words are pronounced on the water:

“Lord, I call on Your strength and protection. This water was baptized and sanctified by Your righteous people. Let her help me in my work and protect me from any biased and cruel views. Let Your intercession tell me about all my sins and transgressions known to You. Do not let decay, corruption and evil live in my soul. Amen".

The charmed water is drunk immediately.

A strong prayer for the preservation of family, love and marriage

Prayer amulet for birthday

Another strong protective text is the prayer “Angel of my birth”, which has a different name - a forty-strong amulet. It differs from other prayers in that it is read once a year - on a birthday and does not lose its power, protecting a person every day.

A birthday is the birth of a person, the beginning of his earthly journey, the date from which all his life cycles and actions are counted. On this day, human energy and its biological cycle are renewed.

The prayer of protection should be read early in the morning, before communicating with other family members and people. To do this, just turn to the east, turn to the rising sun and, closing your eyelids, imagine your angel, who takes care of you and shows your care every day, and mentally turning to him, slowly say the words three times. After each reading, you should cross yourself.

Protective prayers are read on Angel Day not only for yourself. They are recommended to be pronounced over children on their birthday. At this time, the baby can still sleep; words should be whispered over him and crossed over. It is advisable to take the waking child in your arms and stand in front of the icons.

To strengthen the effect of the request and protect the house from evil forces for the whole year, a prayer to the Guardian Angel is read along with the text “Angel of my birth.” He is constantly nearby from the moment of a person’s baptism and after death he takes his soul to heaven, asking for it that the Almighty forgive his sins.

Charms to protect property

Texts to protect your home or car should be read in a calm state. It is not recommended to give in to anxiety or imagine terrible incidents during prayer, as this will reduce its effect. Before starting to read the amulet, it is useful to read several Orthodox prayers - “Our Father”, “Creed”, “May God rise again”.

Amulet for the home with an Easter candle

This amulet prayer for home protection is performed as follows:

  1. On Easter they go to church and buy a candle.
  2. Without leaving the church, it is lit and placed in any part of the church.
  3. After a while they extinguish it with their own breath.
  4. At home with her, they walk around the entire home 12 times clockwise.
  5. Each of the corners is baptized and the words of the amulet prayer are said (see below).

Text of the prayer:

“Father of hosts, our Helper and Patron! Have mercy on us, Your accursed servants, and cleanse us from all filth. Do not allow our souls to be darkened by sinful passions. Place Your Cross from heaven to earth. Preserve and protect this dwelling with Your strong right hand. The House of Christ is the Lord's protection. Most Pure Mother of God and holy Angels, cover and preserve this dwelling from all ill-wishers. Amen".

Prayer from fire

The following prayer allows you to protect your home from fire. Read before the icon of the Mother of God “The Burning Bush”:

“O All-Blessed Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, accept grateful praise from Your unworthy servants. Hear us, who zealously fall down and worship You before Your holy icon, with it you perform miracles, heal the sick, shelter our homes from lightning thunder. Have mercy on Your people, who fervently pray with tears of Your intercession. Make us worthy of Your merciful welfare, the Glory of the heavenly and the Hope of the earthly. Show us Your merciful intercession at the hour of the terrible visit of the Lord. If we are frightened by lightning thunder, show us Your help: let us glorify the Great God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, amen.”

Prayer to help you meet your soulmate and find family happiness

To protect the car and driver

The following prayer is used to protect both the car and the driver. The words should be spoken once a month:

“Lord, help and protect. Cover me, Your humble servant, from injury, from wounds, from brokenness, from deformity, from terrible wounds and dashing death. Keep my body, save and preserve. May I glorify Your holy name. Amen".

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