To whom do we turn in the prayer “May God rise again”

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The prayer to the Life-giving Cross of the Lord is incredibly powerful and provides the Lord with powerful protection even in the most hopeless cases. For many centuries, Orthodox people around the world have resorted to it to protect themselves and their loved ones from all kinds of misfortunes, and most importantly, to communicate with God, to see His light, purity and righteousness, in order to receive spiritual harmony and eternal grace.

Prayer to the Honest Cross “May God rise again”

(Text in Russian with accents).

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. Like smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish on behalf of those who love God and sign the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, driving away and the demons have the power upon you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled underfoot the power the devil, and who gave us Your Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. Oh, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

A few words about veneration of the Cross

The prayer “May God rise again” has another name - “Prayer to the Honest Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.” For Christians, the Cross on which the Savior was crucified is a symbol of the victory of sacrificial love over death. The Blood of Christ sanctified it and made it a banner of the Resurrection.

Icon “Exaltation of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord”

The Cross began to be venerated back in apostolic times. Thus, in the letters of the Apostle Paul his mention is present in the text many times. Celebrations were established and prayers were composed in honor of the Cross. After all, worshiping the Cross means worshiping the Lord’s Voluntary Sacrifice. The reason for such veneration of this shrine was wonderfully outlined by St. John of Damascus in his work “An Exact Exposition of the Orthodox Faith”:

“No other than that, as soon as by the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ death was abolished, ancestral sin was resolved, hell was deprived of its spoils, resurrection was granted, a return to original bliss was arranged, the gates of heaven were opened, our nature was seated at the right hand of God, and we became children of God and heirs . All this was accomplished by the Cross.”

The Russian Church has revered this shrine from time immemorial. Several days in the church calendar are dedicated to honoring the Life-Giving Cross. This is the Week of the Cross (3rd week of Lent), the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross and some other days. Every Wednesday and Friday during services, prayers dedicated to the Cross are said. In liturgical texts, the themes of the Cross, the Passion of the Lord, the Crucifixion and the Holy Resurrection of Christ are closely related to each other.

Interesting fact

  • In the Orthodox tradition there are several types of crosses. The simplest and oldest is the four-pointed one, known since the times of early Christianity. The eight-pointed cross, which has two additional crossbars, has also become widespread: the upper one, which is a sign with the inscription “Jesus Christ - King of the Jews” and the lower one, which is a footrest for the Savior.
  • Crosses installed on the domes of churches sometimes have a crescent moon at the base, which has nothing to do with Islam. The crescent is an ancient Byzantine symbol denoting royal dignity, and it was in this capacity that it came to Rus'.
  • In Rus', before the church reforms carried out in the 17th century. Patriarch Nikon, on the reverse side of the pectoral crosses were engraved the words: “May God rise again and let His enemies be scattered!” And the Russian people, in all difficult circumstances, making the sign of the cross, said this prayer to the Honorable Cross.

How does prayer help?

The Prayer to the Honest Cross is not just a symbol or a tribute to faith, it also helps people in various situations:

  • protects against diseases;
  • heals;
  • protects from evil and unkind people;
  • calms down in difficult moments;
  • removes damage and the evil eye;
  • protects from dangers.

His miraculous power more than once saved and protected believers, granting deliverance from sorrows and misfortunes, and in return bringing peace and happiness.

Interpretation of the prayer

The first lines of the prayer almost completely coincide with the first verses of the 67th Psalm of King David. Saint Athanasius the Great said that with the words of this psalm “the prophet depicts the coming of the Lord, the overthrow of His enemies and the end of spiritual captivity. Expresses God’s urging to carry out judgment on unclean demons, because by the coming of the Savior, demons are deprived of the power to torment people.”

According to the teachings of the holy ascetics of piety, turning to the Cross of the Lord, which protects Christians from enemy misfortunes, it is very important to understand whom the Church considers the enemies of God. For example, Blessed Theodoret instructs:

“This prayer is not against people, but against demons who enmity people.”.

And Archpriest Igor (Prekup), rector of the church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Paldiski (Estonia), gives a more detailed explanation:

“It is very important to understand the Christian attitude towards enemies. Without in any way downplaying the role of vicious people in anyone’s sorrows and soberly assessing the possibilities of their free will, without releasing them from moral and legal responsibility for their choice and without denying the right of the individual and society to defend themselves from them, we are commanded to look at them soberly as , albeit voluntary, but still nothing more than conductors of evil, the source of which is evil spirits.

That is why the Apostle Paul exhorts us to remember that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12).

Attaching too much importance to what comes from people is a dangerous delusion. We must be aware that a person who follows the lead of demons is their first victim, and it is not a person who should be considered as the source of evil, but demons, who can harm us even without him, in particular, by instilling in us thoughts about our neighbor, causing us, albeit justified, but still sinful condemnation, hostility and cowardice.”

Saying the prayer “May God rise again,” believers trust in the power of the Life-giving Cross. The grace emanating from the Cross, according to the teaching of the righteous elders, is not autonomous - it comes from the Savior crucified on it. With this former instrument of execution, the Lord destroyed hell and undermined the power of Satan over people, so a person can disperse the machinations of evil spirits by the power of the sign of the cross.

A person who uses this remedy with faith invariably receives support from the Lord. Only in this case should a person’s life comply with God’s Commandments and should he walk in the paths bequeathed by the Holy Scriptures.

Priest of the Presentation Church Fr. Vladimir says the following about this: “The cross is a protective force. He is a protection. He is invincible. But only if a person resorts to it who likens his life to the life of Jesus Christ, and does not use the sign of the cross as a symbol unsanctified by a person’s life in the likeness of Christ’s Spirit. For those who follow the path that the Son of God walked, the Cross of Christ becomes priceless. Becomes a shrine. Becomes an invincible force that protects from enemies.”

Akathist to the Life-Giving Cross

Kontakion 1

To the chosen King of Glory, and to the tree sanctified by the death of the cross as the Redeemer of the world, the tree that has miraculous powers, let us give faithful praise and joyfully cry out: Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption has been accomplished.

Ikos 1

The angelic powers, as servants of God, invisibly approaching the Cross of the Lord, were horrified, and sang the death of Jesus, which was reviled on earth, in heaven; Because we, unworthy, were sanctified by the sign of the Honest Cross of the Lord, we joyfully cry:

Rejoice, honorable Tree, consecrated by the blood of the God-Man;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, glorified by the obedience of Christ.

Rejoice, honorable Tree, who freed us from hell;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, overthrow of the devil. Rejoice, honorable Tree, proclamation of the power of Jesus;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 2

Seeing You, hanging on the Cross, all the Powers of Heaven, covering their faces, praising and singing Your greatness, Life-Giving Christ; For we, standing on earth with fear and trembling before Your Holy Cross, joyfully sing the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The unreasonable mind, marvelously enlightened by the sign of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, worships the holy Tree with fear and love and unceasingly sings to the sitsa:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, resurrecting from the dead;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, manifesting the truth.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, for on it Jesus was crucified by will and nailed with nails;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, on it the Holy Sacrifice was offered.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, Omnipotent Tree; Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 3

By the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, demons are cast down, our unclean life is cleansed, sinful thoughts are driven away, our heart is illuminated with purity; For this reason, making the sign of the cross with faith and looking with reverence at the image of the suffering of Christ, we sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having always before our eyes the Holy Cross, overshadowing and sanctifying the holy churches of Christianity, protecting the shrine of the Lord, we sing with tears of gratitude:

Rejoice, honest Tree, source of eternal blessings;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, consecrated by the flesh and blood of the God-Man.

Rejoice, honest Tree, miraculous Tree;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, blessed Tree. Rejoice, honorable Tree, Tree of Life and Salvation;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 4

The Holy and All-Honorable Cross of Christ is able to extinguish the storm of fierce passions, for this is a spiritual sword, a shield of the faithful, an omnipotent weapon and an all-conquering sign, for this reason we, unworthy, cry out to God in joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the teaching of Christ, we believe in the mystery of saving redemption, we worship with the passion of Christ, we kiss the Almighty Cross and joyfully cry out to our face: Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who extinguished the furious flame;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who defeated the apostates.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who defeated the hordes of the enemy;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who cut off the head of the serpent.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, triumph of the faith and hope of Christians;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 5

The Miraculous Cross will be a rich source of healing for us, for on it Christ, by the will of our suffering for the sake of salvation, and having spread His Divine hands, has embraced the entire universe with the love of the Father from Golgotha, for this sake we cry out to Him, our God, the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Rejoice, honorable Tree, who admonishes us with its power for good;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, by your power healing us from illnesses.

Rejoice, honorable Tree, who with its glory puts to flight all enemy forces;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, glorifying crowned kings with its glory.

Rejoice, honorable Tree, elevating their kingdom with your greatness;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 6

The venerable Tree appeared as a preacher of the God-bearing, from which the Cross of Christ was built, a four-pointed, three-component Cross, from which the earth miraculously grew incorruptible and fragrant. The cross is the cover of the helpless, for Christ was willingly slain on it. To Him, the Savior of the world, we offer a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You have shone like the sun of righteousness, the All-Honorable Cross of Christ, hidden in the depths of the earth, preserved for several centuries by soulless stones like a treasure and found for the joy of the whole world, for He is commanded to cry out:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, found through the prayers and diligence of the pious Queen Helena;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, raised to a height by Patriarch Macarius for solemn veneration by all the pagans.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who has put to shame idolatry and unbelief;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, who called the blasphemers to repentance.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, for you are a miraculous and Christ-bearing Tree;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 7

Although the Savior of the world showed His mercy to the human race, he willingly accepted reproach, was condemned to a shameful death, was nailed to the Cross and trampled upon death by death on the cross, so we also sing to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

A wondrous sight appears in the world: the God-man is crucified, His hand and nose are nailed, His ribs are pierced, the wounds of sinful humanity are cleansed by His suffering and humiliation. The Cross of Christ is a solemnly victorious sign of the Glory of God; For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, honest Tree, image of humility;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, praise to the apostles.

Rejoice, honorable Tree, affirmation of the venerables;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, martyrs of the fortress.

Rejoice, honest Tree, fence of the desert dwellers;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the sacrament of universal redemption was accomplished.

Kontakion 8

Strange miracle! The shameful cross has turned into the Tree of Life and Salvation, which instructs, sanctifies and heals with faith and love those who continually cry out to God from illnesses of soul and body: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All our sinful life is cleansed by the miraculous Cross of the Savior of the world, which served to reconcile the Divine with criminal humanity, for this reason we cry out in gratitude:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, showing us the love and patience of God;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, for by it the calling of tongues was accomplished.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, manifestation of goodness to the blessed;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, depth of hope of souls who love the Lord.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, strength and joy of all Christians;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 9

Every everyday storm is crushed by the power of the sufferings on the cross of the God-man Jesus, who redeemed the whole world, so we, honoring the Holy Sign of the All-Honorable Cross of the Lord, humbly offer the God of love and glory a joyful song: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

A florid tongue cannot utter words worthy of praise to the All-Honorable Tree, for from it was made the miraculous Cross of Christ, fragrant with the love of the sufferer Jesus Christ, for this sake we, not knowing how to praise Thee worthily, cry out with tears:

Rejoice, honorable Tree, triumph of the Church of Christ;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, our medicine and joy.

Rejoice, honorable Tree, sanctification of all the paths of our life;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, help to all Christians.

Rejoice, honorable Tree, strength and reinforcement for all the weak;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 10

Although to save the world, Christ raised His most pure hand to the Tree and the tree of disobedience was replaced by the Tree of Filial obedience to God the Father, the hand of intemperance, which overthrew Adam, with the outstretched hands of the God-man unites with His love all the ends of the world; Therefore, we also solemnly cry out the song of victory: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

You are the wall that protects us from all troubles and misfortunes, the All-Honorable, whole-bearing Cross, the source of all tongues, overshadowed by your holy sign in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for this reason we cry out to you with joy:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, stained with the blood of the God-Man;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, fragrant with the flowers of paradise.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, illuminating us with the rays of faith;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, strengthening us with rays of hope.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, enriching us with the rays of love;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 11

We offer praiseful singing to you, Divine, Life-Giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord, overshadowing the faithful, convicting the unfaithful and protecting us all from every enemy and adversary, for this reason we cry out the song: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Singing your miracles, the Almighty Cross of Christ, we bow the knees of our hearts with faith and gratitude, with tears we kiss the holy noses of the sufferer Jesus, we worship the passion of Christ and thus cry out:

Rejoice, honorable Tree, immutable scepter of Christian kings;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, power of the entire universe.

Rejoice, honorable Tree, foundation of piety;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, sanctification of the waters.

Rejoice, honest Tree, fruitful fields and gardens;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Kontakion 12

Your omnipotent grace, O Lord, is revealed to us by the Blessed Tree, for it overshadows our minds, admonishes us and teaches us to continually sing the song of victory: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

The Honest Cross was erected on Mount Golgotha, and You, the Creator of the world, were exalted on it as if to the shame of the world, but we, the faithful, kiss Your most pure wounds, we worship Your Honorable Cross, crying out to the Lord:

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, intended by God for the sacrament of redemption;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, for you are a joyful sign of our salvation.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, sign of our liberation;

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, mortification of our passions.

Rejoice, Honest Cross of Christ, peace to our conscience;

Rejoice, honorable Tree, for on it the mystery of universal redemption will be accomplished.

Turning to the Cross, we turn to God Himself

Of course, it should be understood that when resorting to the help of the Honest Cross and saying a prayer appeal to it, Christians, mainly, appeal not to an inanimate object endowed with especially grace-filled power, but, first of all, to their Redeemer and precisely the Lord Jesus Christ They ask to protect them from the devil’s wiles and temptations.

Archpriest Sergius (Ryaboy), cleric of the St. Barbara's Cathedral in Pinsk, gives the following explanation:

“Turning to the Cross, we, of course, turn to God Himself. We do not consider the Cross to be a living person capable of thinking and feeling. This is simply a metaphor found frequently in Scripture. Turning to the Cross, we turn to the risen Our Lord.”

The prayer ends with invoking the help of the Holy Life-Giving Cross along with the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, because She is closest to others to Her Divine Son, and to all the saints who pleased God and received the boldness to intercede before His throne for the people living on earth. Their intercession is a great hope for Christians for help in the fight against visible and invisible enemies.

Support from higher powers in case of damage and the evil eye

Most often it is recommended to read a prayer to the Life-giving Cross against damage and curses. If strange things happen in the house, if you are haunted by a series of troubles that are difficult to explain logically, then read this prayer and rely on God’s help.

Perhaps you have unfriendly neighbors, and you assume that they could well spoil you. Light a candle and read the prayer until you feel peace and tranquility. If you have serious concerns that you have been jinxed, then it is better to read the text regularly, at the slightest deterioration in your condition or the appearance of melancholy.

By the way, this method can also be effective for depression. Of course, do not forget to turn to the saints and the Lord God himself for help, but in case you feel unwell, you should always have the text of this prayer at hand.

The words of the prayer “May God rise again and His enemies be scattered” are accompanied by the sign of the cross

The text of the prayer “May God rise again” is included in the daily evening rule of Orthodox Christians.

In this regard, Archpriest Sergius (Ryaboy) gives the following instruction: “There is some addition to this prayer. When a Christian reads it during the evening rule, it is very useful to protect his bed with the Honorable Cross, that is, to cross it. And also cross your home to all directions of the world: North, South, West and East. By protecting ourselves, our home and our bed with the sign of the cross, we thereby devote ourselves entirely to God, His protection, which He gives us through His Life-giving Cross.”

How to resist temptation through prayer?

In itself, temptation, a warning at every step, is not a sin if you resist it and live with it in constant struggle. According to the shoulder, a person chooses the path of resistance in which he is stronger.

From temptation you can:

  • run away without looking back or coming back
  • distance yourself (remember the basket of rotten apples)
  • resist

A good rule to guard against temptation is to watch and pray. A simple explanation: the spirit can always be vigorous, but the flesh is weak and infirm. When a person not only knows this, but also feels and realizes it, the struggle will become real. We always remember about the temptation of the flesh; it can come at any time and place where we are. Even if the person is lonely.

Do not rush to repent if you have not tried all the methods of struggle. Having done this once, a person in the future loses the ability to resist.

The better second way is confrontation. It excludes passivity as a breeding ground for future temptations.

Remember we said “keep your distance.” So, the First Psalm: Blessed is the man who does not stand in the way of sinners, who does not sit embracing the corrupters, who does not go to places where the wicked meet.

Just as a driver who knows how to keep his distance must have excellent vision and good light, so a Christian: light is given by the Church and the word of God, but vision is given by the soul. Spiritual vision will save a person from many disasters.

Let there be no immoral people, books, films in your life. Pictures of the imagination, after contact with them, will create the very environment of temptation from which we try to escape and protect ourselves with prayer. Dirty images and thoughts will create the ground for sin and the birth of vice. There is no person to whom this has not happened, but the Lord will always help us. Go to the Temple, repent and confess. We cannot prevent bad thoughts from flying through our hearts, but everyone can prevent them from building a cozy nest there.

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