About praying in tongues. What is this? Does it work today? For what?

Your body is a temple. By creating yourself, you are essentially creating this temple. Are you building or renovating this house? When you pray in other tongues, you edify yourself.

(1 Cor. 14:4)

He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself.

To edify (to build) - to build the house of God.

People who pray in tongues look younger because they are at peace. They are always rested and therefore look much younger than their age. They have a lot of energy and are always fun to be with.

The importance of other languages

In many churches, after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit , people say they have the gift of speaking in tongues and try to impress each other.

In the book of Acts you read that everyone who received the baptism in the Holy Spirit always spoke in other tongues.

But what is the use of this language?

(Acts 2:4) And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

God, on the most important day, on the day of Pentecost, of all the gifts, of all that He could do, gave the disciples the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.

Could God give them something that would not benefit them at all? What will not glorify Christ? Will it not magnify God?

The biggest problem now is that Christians, having received the baptism of the Spirit, view tongues simply as a sign. They are baptized and that is enough. However, they do not practice this gift. They can only practice it when they come to the Church.

How the first Christians prayed and received communion

Almost 20 years ago at a university seminar on philosophy, a teacher expressed an idea that impressed me with its magnitude. He said that all those living today are essentially descendants of the same people in flesh and spirit. This idea seemed insufficiently substantiated to my classmate, and then the teacher said that he personally was pleased to realize that he was, to a certain extent, a “relative” of Socrates, Descartes and his other “colleagues.” It was this idea of ​​continuity through many generations, which shocked me in the university classroom, that imperceptibly transformed in my mind into an amazing discovery: all of us, living Christians, are invisibly connected with the ancient Christians by the Lord Jesus Christ into one Body - the Church. And it is surprising and joyful for me to realize my kinship with them when I do the same as they do - read the Holy Scriptures, pray the words of the Psalter or partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ with my accomplices.

Prayers of the first Christians

The Gospel of Luke ends with the message that the disciples of Christ, after the Ascension of their Teacher, “were always in the temple, glorifying and blessing God” (Luke 24:53). That is, the first Christians did not abandon the Old Testament traditions, including temple traditions. It can be concluded that the first prayers of Christians were psalms. This is confirmed in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, where there is a prayer repeating the words of Psalm 2:

“Having listened, they unanimously raised their voices to God and said: Sovereign God, who created heaven and earth and the sea and everything that is in them! Thou, through the mouth of our father David, Thy servant, said by the Holy Spirit: Why are the pagans troubled, and the nations plotting vain things? The kings of the earth rose up, and the princes gathered together against the Lord and against His Christ.”

(Acts 4:24-26).

There are references to the psalms in the letters of the Apostle Paul (for example, Rom. 4:6-8, Rom. 10:18, Heb. 1:6).

Modern liturgical practice also indirectly confirms that the psalms have been an integral part of Christian prayer practice from the very beginning. Otherwise, how could Hebrew songs be included in our services, if not due to the continuity of apostolic times?

But practically no other prayers have reached us since the time of the first Christians. Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern) explains it this way:

“...the charismatic impulse that appeared immediately after the descent of the Holy Spirit in the early Christian community gave the entire apostolic structure and life a character of ecstasy, fusion and exceptional mobility. There was no question of any recordings of prayers.”

The Sacrament of the Eucharist in the Ancient Church

The rite of celebrating the Eucharist from apostolic times has not reached us, although the Eucharist is called the “Sacrament of the Sacraments” and the center of a Christian’s life. This is what was, is and will always be in the life of a believer, from the moment of the Last Supper. It was then that the Sacrament of the Eucharist was established. This event is described in all four Gospels, it is so important. We still hear the words spoken by the Lord then in the upper room of Zion every time before communion:

“Take, eat, this is My Body, broken for you, for the remission of sins... Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.”

We can glean some (and perhaps the most important) information about how the first Christians received communion from the Gospel, Acts, and the Apostolic Epistles.

The sacrament established by the Lord was performed by his disciples and subsequent generations of the faithful as a remembrance of the Lord, his life, death and Resurrection. This was commanded by the Lord himself - to transform bread and wine into His Body and Blood and to partake of these Holy Mysteries. And the first Christians kept this commandment, gathering on the first day of the week to “break bread.”

From the Acts of the Holy Apostles we can conclude that it was a meal with reading of the Holy Scriptures, psalmody, prayer and preaching. Since the apostles came from a Jewish environment and the Last Supper was celebrated in the form of the ancient Jewish Passover supper, the Eucharist was most likely similar to it. This supper could be quite long and last until the morning.

This is how in the middle of the 2nd century. Justin the Philosopher describes such a meal:

“After the believer has washed himself in this way (i.e. after Baptism), we lead him to the so-called brothers in a general meeting in order to perform common prayers with all zeal both for ourselves, and for the enlightened one, and for all others everywhere... At the end of the prayers, we greet each other with a kiss. Then bread and a cup of water and wine are brought to the primate of the brethren: he, having taken this, sends up praise in the name of the Son and the Holy Spirit to the Father of all and similarly gives thanks... All the people present answer: “Amen”... After the thanksgiving of the primate and the proclamation of all the people... the deacons give Each of those present should partake of the bread over which thanksgiving was made, and wine and water, and they are included among those who are missing. We call this food the Eucharist (thanksgiving), and no one else is allowed to participate in it except the one who believes in the truth of our teaching and has been washed for the remission of sins... For we do not accept this like ordinary bread or ordinary drink... This food, over which thanksgiving was made... is, as we have been taught, the Flesh and Blood of that incarnate Jesus.”

Researchers note that in the ancient Church, each community could have its own rite of the Eucharist, and prayer in it for quite a long time remained an improvisation by the head of the meeting. In the Rules of the 12 Apostles (chapters 9 and 10) they are given as follows:

“And as for the Eucharist, give thanks in the following way.

First, regarding the cup: “We thank You, our Father, for the holy grapes of David Your Servant, which (the grapes) You showed to us through Jesus Your Servant. Glory to you forever!”

And regarding the broken bread: “We thank Thee, our Father, for the life and knowledge which Thou hast shown us through Jesus Thy Servant. Glory to you forever! As this broken bread was scattered (in grains) on the hills and united into one, so may Your Church be united from the ends of the earth into Your kingdom, for Yours is the glory and the power through Jesus Christ forever.”

After being satisfied, give thanks like this: “We thank You, Holy Father, for Your holy name, which You have instilled in our hearts, and for the knowledge, and faith, and immortality, which You showed to us through Jesus Your Servant. Glory to you forever! You, Lord Almighty, created everything for the sake of Your name; You gave food and drink to people for enjoyment, so that they would thank You; and graciously grant us spiritual food and drink and eternal life through Thy Servant. First of all, we thank You because You are omnipotent. Glory to you forever! Remember, Lord, Your Church, deliver her from all evil and perfect her in Your love and gather her, sanctified, from the four winds into Your kingdom, which You have prepared for her, because Yours is the power and glory forever! May grace come and pass away from this world! Hosanna to the Son of David! If anyone is holy, let him come here; and if not, let him repent. Maran-afa! Amen".

However, despite the differences that could exist in different communities, it is not difficult to notice that there is one important property that was very clearly manifested in the Eucharist of the early Christians: its conciliarity. It was manifested in joint prayer, and in the bringing of bread and wine by members of the Christian community for the celebration of the Sacrament, and in the obligatory communion of all those present at the meal. The document “On the Participation of the Faithful in the Eucharist” draws attention to this communion of all participants in the prayer meeting, which guides us when we want to receive communion:

“All members of the local community participated in the weekly Eucharist and received communion, and refusal to participate in Eucharistic communion without sufficient grounds was subject to censure... The early Christian practice of receiving communion at each Divine Liturgy remains an ideal today, being part of the Tradition of the Church.”

At the same time, there was the practice of self-communion. It consisted in the fact that the Holy Gifts could be kept in Christians' homes, and they could partake of the Body and Blood of Christ at any time without participating in a common meal. This practice was later preserved by the monks, but self-comunion was rather allowed out of extreme necessity, when it was not possible to take communion with one’s community. We can compare this situation with modern practice: then not all communicants were present in the Eucharistic meeting, but now not all participants in the Liturgy begin the Chalice.

The ancient church also made a number of requirements for communicants, and these requirements continue to this day. This is reconciliation with everyone and acceptance of Baptism. As we can see, there is still no requirement to observe any kind of fasting before Communion; it will appear later - by the 4th century. However, the Apostle Paul already writes about the need for a certain measure of abstinence in his first letter to the Corinthians (11:20-22, 33-34):

“...you gather together in a way that does not mean eating the Lord's supper; for everyone hastens to eat his food before others, so that some are hungry, and others get drunk. Have you no houses to eat and drink? Or do you neglect the church of God and humiliate the poor? What should I tell you? Should I praise you for this? I will not praise... Therefore, my brethren, when you gather for supper, wait for one another. But if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home, so that you do not gather together to face condemnation.”

As we see, for the first Christians there was no question “how often can (or should) take communion?” We can say that a Christian was always ready for Communion. This question arose later, when the era of martyrdom ended and a period of cooling of Christians began. St. Basil the Great, in a letter to Caesarea, the wife of a patrician, written around 372, testifies to the practice of receiving Communion 4 times a week and approves of daily Communion. However, a little more than 30 years will pass, and St. John Chrysostom will note with bitterness that many Christians receive communion once or twice a year (Commentaries on the Epistle to the Hebrews, Conversation 17).

This cooling was caused by a number of factors, including the change in the status of the Church from persecuted to official, and the appearance among its members of “nominal” Christians who expected quite material, secular benefits from membership in it. The new conditions of life of the Church will entail the emergence of stricter rules for communicants and the development of different rites of the Liturgy. Throughout the history of the Church, the Church will have to respond to a variety of challenges, and this will affect not only the rules regarding the Eucharist, but also the entire prayer practice of the faithful. But what will remain unchanged at all times is the deep belief that the Eucharist is the center of the life of the Church, its core, its essence. The entire life of a Christian of any time is sanctified by this ancient Sacrament, established by the Lord Jesus Christ himself and performed by His successors, no matter what external forms it takes. And we, being the successors of ancient Christians, just like previous generations, gather in churches in communities, strive for Communion and try very hard to pray unceasingly.

Author: Anna Bondarchuk @anna.bondartschuk

Editor: Alexandra Pokidova @allejandrine

Other Tongues in the Corinthian Church

And there was a problem in the Corinthian Church.

Paul wrote to them, trying to control their gift of speaking in tongues. Not everyone has the gift of tongues. Not everyone has interpreters.

But we all have a sign about which Jesus said:

(Mark 16:17)

These signs will follow those who believe;
in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will take snakes; A comment!
One of the most important signs is speaking in other tongues. Immediately after this, they will take the snakes. Believers will become immune to poison.

Speaking in tongues makes you supernatural.

(Proverbs 20:5)

Thoughts in a person's heart are deep waters...

Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

Thoughts are necessary advice from God that is inside you.

How to extract these tips?

(Proverbs 20:5)

But a reasonable person scoops them out.

You need to understand this wonderful gift of speaking in tongues that God gives you. This gift carries with it the other nine gifts. This one gift brings you wisdom, brings you intercession for yourself and for others. This gift brings you a prayer for your future, a prophecy about your future. Proclamation, with the authority given to you by Jesus, brings what you want to establish in your life. The ability to wage war against the forces of darkness. This gift gives you peace and renewal in your life.

But the enemy has twisted the message of grace and made people think that praying in tongues means making an effort.

Speaking other languages ​​is not an effort, but rest and peace!

Therefore, when the thought comes to you that you must pray a lot in other tongues in order to earn a blessing, then throw away this thought. This is the enemy trying to stop you.

A comment!

Those under the law cannot speak in other tongues. They are only for the people of the New Covenant, washed by the Blood of Jesus.

This gift could not exist under the Old Testament.

(Isaiah 28:12)

“Here is peace, give rest to the weary, and here is tranquility”...

Weary - weak, tired.

Esau and Jacob

The word “weary, weary” was first used in the story of Esau, Jacob’s twin brother.

(Genesis 25:29-31)

And Jacob cooked food; and Esau came from the field tired. And Esau said to Jacob: Give me something red to eat, this red one, for I am tired. From this the name was given to him: Edom. But Jacob said, Sell me your birthright now.

Esau returned from hunting tired and full of stress. Hunting is not an easy task. Jacob was cooking stew. Esau saw the stew and said: I am so tired, give me this stew. To which Jacob said that he would sell the stew for the birthright.

Busy people do stupid things. They give up their heritage for a bowl of stew. A tired man is empty inside. This is the time when people become vulnerable, begin to commit adultery, sin, and do stupid things.

But, there is a way that will help you recharge through prayer in tongues. This is peace and refreshment to the weary.

(Isaiah 28:12)

But they didn't want to listen.

We try to get rid of stress ourselves. We try to calm ourselves down, but this calmness does not last long and irritation sets in again. All we can do is human effort.

But the Lord sent us a gift with home delivery. Everything has already been paid for on the cross of Calvary.

And when you accept this gift, speaking in other tongues, and even use it, suddenly you begin to feel refreshed.

At first it seems like work, but then miracles begin to happen.

Jesus talks about the power of the Holy Spirit.

(John 7:37)

On the last great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying: If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.

How exactly can we come to Him and drink?

(Matthew 11:28)

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

What is the supernatural way to Him?

(John 7:38)

Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture says, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.

Womb - belly.

In the book of Leviticus, living water was used to remove uncleanness and filth.

What happens if you often pray in tongues?

All uncleanness and disease will go away.

(1 Cor 14:4)

He who speaks in an unknown tongue edifies himself.

To edify means to build your temple, your entire being.

Your body is a temple.

When people pray in tongues, they look younger because they are constantly at peace. They have more life and are more interesting to communicate with.

Orthodox icons and prayers

With all my bones and with all my heart I offer You service worthy of You, bowing the head of my soul to the earth. O all-glorious God, who lives in indescribable silence! For the sake of my renewal, You built on earth a tabernacle of love, a place of rest for Your will, a temple of flesh, built with the help of holy oil, which is above all holiness. Thou hast filled it with Thy holy things, so that the service of all may be performed in it; and the worship of the eternal Hypostases of Your Trinity You indicated in it; and revealed to the worlds that You created by Your grace an ineffable mystery and power, which the senses of Your creatures who have come into being cannot feel or know. Before her, the angelic natures are silently immersed in amazement before the cloud of this eternal mystery and the stream of glory flowing from amazement, for in the realm of silence everything that thinks worships her, being sanctified and becoming worthy of You.

I throw myself at the footstool of Your feet, O Lord, and at Your holy right hand, which created me and made me a man who knew You. But I sinned and committed evil before myself and before You, abandoning holy conversation with You and devoting my days to conversations with lusts. I beg You, Lord, do not impute to me the sins of my youth, the ignorance of my old age and the weakness of my nature, which overpowered me and drowned me in thinking about hateful things. But from the annoying wandering of lusts, turn my heart to You; May the innermost light live in me. Your good deeds to me at all times anticipated my every will for good and the readiness of my heart for virtue. You never restrained Your care for me in order to test my free will; on the contrary, just as a Father cares for his little son, so Your care accompanied me; Your fatherly grace visited my weakness and did not look to test my will, for You knew me at all times - you knew that I knew less than a child where I was going.

I beg You, O God, send help from Your highest heavens and remove from my heart every evil action and every carnal desire. Do not deprive me, O Lord, of Your protection, so that my enemy does not find me and trample me, as he would like, and crush me completely. For You are the One who gives repentance and a weeping heart to the repentant sinner, so that thanks to the consolation from crying and from the gift of tears, You free his heart from the burden of sin that lies on it.

I knock on the door of Your compassion, O Lord; send help to my scattered impulses, poisoned by many passions and the power of darkness. Arouse in me suffering from the vision of my wounds, even if it does not correspond to the power of my sins, for if I receive an awareness of the extent of my sins, Lord, my soul will not endure the bitter pain from them. Help my weak impulses towards true repentance, and may I find relief from the burden of sins through this suffering, which is from Your gift; for without the power of Your grace I am completely unable to even enter within myself and recognize my sins, so that at the sight of them I can calm down from the abundance of absent-mindedness.

O name of Jesus, key to all gifts, open the door for me, so that I can enter Your treasury and praise You with all my heart for Your mercies that were upon me at the end of time; for You have come and renewed me with the knowledge of the new age.

I praise, O Lord, Thy holy nature, for Thou hast made my nature the sanctuary of Thy hiddenness and the ark of Thy mysteries, the place of Thy dwelling and the holy temple of Thy Divinity - the temple of Him who holds the scepter of Thy Kingdom, Who rules all that exists, Who is the Ark of eternal glory. Thine, Renewal for the fiery ranks serving Thee, The path to Thy knowledge, The door to the house of Thy visions, the totality of Thy power and great wisdom - Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten from Thy womb and the “remnant” gathered from Thy creation, both visible and intelligible .

O Mystery, exalted beyond words and silence, made human to renew us through voluntary union with the flesh, open to me the path by which I would be elevated to your secrets, walking along the clear path of silence from the thoughts of this world. Gather my mind into the silence of prayer and may my wandering thoughts be silenced through this enlightened conversation of prayer and amazement, filled with mysteries.

Grant me, Lord, to be sanctified by Your praises and cleansed by the memory of You; renew my life through a change of thought and beneficial thoughts, which You, by Your grace, arouse in me. Be the guide of my mind in my meditation on You and help me forget about things that lead me astray from the true path, through the renewal of my mind that You awaken in me. Arouse in me such petitions that bring benefit due to the agreement of my will with Your will, for You are the One Who gives prayer to those who pray. Strengthen in me a single will that looks at You at all times, and a thought that would never weaken in hope for You through constant dying for Your sake. Grant, Lord, that I may not pray to You with insensitive words of my lips, but that I may prostrate myself on earth in the innermost humility of my heart and the repentance of my mind.

O God, thanks to Your patience with my sins, You give me life in this world; do not deprive me of the life of the world to come, which those who look for You here among sorrows await with hope.

O Christ, Whose love separated the saints from family, kinship and comfortable human habitation, so that the power of natural passions fell silent in them in the face of the sweetness of Thy love, Thou, Lord, grant me to hate my life out of love for Thee, and may I be made to life dead in relation to all the pleasures of this world; and by Thy power, O Lord, let the storms that burn in my members subside; and may Your love separate me from the world and conversations with it. Draw in my mind a single invisible image, so that the attraction to all sweet memories of the temporary and visible world is defeated.

O Power, thanks to which the ancient fathers surpassed the powerful and terrible attacks of the rebel - people who, being in human nature with its many needs, were like those who had no needs, showing on earth the likeness of future realities; and Thou hast made the graves of men, caves and chasms the places of the Shekinah of Thy revelations to them; You pour into my heart the fervor of their thoughts, so that I may be strengthened by it and trample on the natural desire and fear of opponents; sow in me the knowledge of humility and the uncontrollable desire to go straight to You. O Refuge of the weak, Straight Path for all the lost, Place of refuge for those overwhelmed by storms, You yourself bring down the pride of my adversary before me, You destroy the power of his tricks against me, You humiliate his exalted pride, make smooth Your hidden paths before my thoughts, be a consolation mine during my troubles and a guide in the place of danger.

O Sun of righteousness, thanks to whom the righteous saw themselves and became a mirror for their generations, You open in me the door of knowing You; grant me a vigilant thought that does not stumble over the pitfalls of mistakes, until I reach that bright refuge that the ancient fathers reached, who pleased You with all their exploits.

Sanctify me with Your mysteries, enlighten my mind with the knowledge of You, let Your hope shine in my heart, deign me to pray for it inwardly. O God, my Father and Lord of my life, light Your lamp inside me, place in me what is Yours, so that I forget about mine. Awaken in me the power of amazement by You, so that it overcomes the compulsion of nature. Arouse in me a vision of Your mysteries, so that I realize what was invested in me in Holy Baptism. You have given me a Guide: may He show me Your glory at all times. You have destined me to be the light and salt of the world: may I not become a stumbling block to my friends. Since I have left the world, let me not turn my gaze again to it and to the things that I rejected when I made my vow to You. Place pleasant reins on my heart, so that my feelings do not look at what is outside the paths of Your laws. Gather my impulses for the ship of repentance, so that I may rejoice in it in the midst of the sea of ​​life until I reach the harbor of Your hope. Through the memory of You, may my mind gain courage in temptations. Through the radiance of knowledge about You, may the path of darkness be illuminated before me.

O God, deign me to understand the mystery of Your love, reflected in Your economy in relation to the sensory world, in Your creation of created being and in the mystery of the slaying of Your Beloved!

Our Creator, who knows the pain of my nature, You Yourself remove from me the violence of the enemy, You drive out the rebellion of sin from my members, You extinguish its heat in my heart; stretch out your healing hand to my prostrate soul; bind my inner feelings with the bonds of the Cross; increase in me the fullness of love for You, which comes from the knowledge of the Crucified One; make my mind inwardly focused thanks to the hidden secrets contained in the Cross; Strengthen in me the memory of the humility of Your Beloved; increase in me amazement at Your dispensation towards me.

The flow of the mysteries of Christ, like the waves of the ocean, overwhelms my mind. I would like, Lord, to be silent before them and not speak, but they turned out to be like a burning flame in my heart, burning my bones. Your mystery stuns me, but compels me to look at it. In silence she points out to me: “Do not hesitate to draw near for fear of your sins, O sinner, for it is through meditation on them that the filth of sin will be removed from your mind.”

My Savior, save me from demonic seduction; My God, deliver me from relaxation of conscience; My hope, pour into my heart the intoxication of hope in You. Resurrection and Light of all worlds, Jesus Christ, place the crown of knowledge of You on the head of my soul; suddenly open before me the gates of mercy; may the rays of Your grace shine in my heart; be a guide for the feet of my thoughts until I reach Zion, Thy holy mountain. Honor me with that holy city into which the saints entered at the end of their journey. My Creator and my Hope, Anchor of my life in the midst of storms, Staff in my weakness, Honor in my dishonor, lift up my head, bowed to the ground, do not betray me to the will of my adversary; do not give an opportunity for his shamelessness. Place a great abyss in front of him, so that he does not stand across my path and disturb me. Grant me, in serving You, to end my short and fleeting life; may I be near You at the end of my days, may I be in Your vineyard at the end of my life. Honor me with the denarius that you assigned to the laborers even before the time of my departure. By grace, Lord, and not by my works, grant me, even at the eleventh hour of my life, to be awake in Your service. May the world not captivate me with its interviews, full of temptation, and may it not imprison me in the cage of its worries.

O Christ, clothed with light as with a robe, Who for my sake stood naked before Pilate, clothe me with Thy power, with which Thou hast overshadowed the saints, and thanks to which they have emerged victorious from the struggles of this world. O Lord, may Your Divinity rest in me and may it lead me above the world to be with You.

Let the shameful Cross that You carried for my sake be a bridge for me to this peaceful refuge. Let the crown of thorns with which Your head was crowned be a helmet of salvation for me on the hot day of battle. May the spitting received by Your Face prepare me to have an open face before the judgment of Your coming. May Your holy body, which was naked on the Cross, crucify me to this world and its lusts through love for You. Let Thy garment, for which the lot was cast, tear into shreds before my eyes the garment of darkness in which I am inwardly clothed. Let the water and blood that flowed from You be for me a book of liberation from my former slavery. May Your Body and Your Blood, mixed with my body, remain in me as a guarantee that I will not be deprived of a constant vision of You in that place to which there is no limit. May the sacraments of faith, which I have kept intact within me, preserve something worthwhile for me on that day when the world is preparing to welcome Your coming, and may they there make up for the lack of my asceticism.

For those who have passed from this world deprived of a virtuous life and having no faith, be a protector for them, for the sake of the body that You took from them, so that from the one united body of the world we bring glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the Kingdom of Heaven and that pleasure that has no end forever and ever. Amen.

Tree of Life and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Many Christians still eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They try to avoid evil and do good on their own, but it is still the same tree that brings death.

A comment!

Christianity is the tree of life.

Jesus said:

(John 10:9)

I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.

How to eat the fruit of the tree of life

The more you pray in tongues, the more rivers of living water will flow from your belly. You become more and more sensitive to what is life and what is death.

Sometimes correcting a person means life, and sometimes it means death. Sometimes you lend money and feel the abundance of life within, and sometimes when you borrow money you feel like you have touched death.

It is good if a Christian has an understanding of law and grace. And those who do not have an understanding of law and grace begin to set restrictions in their lives. You can't dance in Church; clapping your hands is a sin. The person who says this may be sincere, but he is listening to a corrupt conscience. This man has not yet seen in his conscience what price Jesus Christ paid for all his sins.

You must have a basis for how to properly perceive the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Otherwise, what will happen is that when you pray in other tongues and do not have a good foundation, you will hear not from the Spirit, but from the consciousness of sins.


Quote from lorik74

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Ancient powerful prayers

Ancient prayer Let my thoughts be bright, for they will become words. Let my words be pure, for they will become deeds. May my deeds be good, for they will become character. Let my character be divine, for it will become my destiny. I accept and love myself. I accept and love the world. I accept and love God. Verily, I am the heir of the Lord of the Universe. All the riches are in my hands. All the treasures are in my heart. All talents are in my mind. I am the creator of destiny. And everyone is the Universe for me. ******************* Oh my God! Honor me to be an instrument of Your peace. So that I bring love where there is hate. So that I forgive - where they offend. So that I can unite where there is a quarrel. So that I speak the truth - where error reigns. So that I can build faith where doubt presses. So that I can inspire hope where despair torments. So that I can bring light into the darkness. So that I excite joy - where grief lives. Lord, my God, grant me not that I should be comforted, but that I should be comforted. Not so that they understand me, but so that I understand others. Not to be loved, but to love others. For whoever gives, receives. He who forgets himself finds. He who forgives will be forgiven. Whoever dies wakes up in Eternal Life. Amen. ********************** This prayer was given by a seeing elder. It is written on the porch of the Miracle Monastery of Michael the Archangel. Lord God, King Without Beginning! Send, Lord, Your Archangel Michael to help Your son (name) and rescue him from his enemies, visible and invisible. O Lord Michael the Archangel! Destroyer of demons, forbid all enemies fighting me, make them like dust as sheep before the wind. O Lord the Great Archangel Michael! Archguard, six-winged first prince, commander of the Heavenly forces - Cherubim and Seraphim and all saints. O beloved Archangel Michael! Be an ineffable guardian in me, a great helper, in all insults and sorrows, sorrows, in deserts, at crossroads, on rivers and seas, a quiet refuge. Deliver me, great Archangel Michael, from all the charms of the evil devil, when he hears me, his son (name), praying to you and calling on your holy name, hasten to help me and hear my prayer. O Great Archangel Michael! Defeat everything that opposes me by the power of the Honest Life-giving Heavenly Cross of the Lord, by the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the holy angels and holy apostles, the holy prophet of God Elijah, the great holy Nicholas, the Archbishop of Myra of Lycia the wonderworker, holy Andrew the Fool, the holy great martyrs Nikita and Eustathius, the venerable father and holy saints and martyrs and all the holy heavenly powers. O great Archangel Michael! Help me, your sinful son (name), deliver me from coward, flood, from fire and sword, from vain death, from all evil and from the flattering enemy and from the storm, and from the evil one, deliver me, great Michael Archangel of the Lord, always now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. More details here: https://litjeraturnyj-portal-jekatjeriny.webnode.ru/news/njeskolko-molitv-bogu/

A series of “prayer” messages:
Part 1 - Prayer that delivers from all curses Part 2 - Prayer ... Part 8 - Prayers for every day Part 9 - Prayers to Panteleimon the Healer Part 10 - Ancient powerful prayers Part 11 - EFFECTIVE PRAYER FOR PROSPERITY Part 12 - Prayer of Francis Assisi ... Part 20 - Protective prayers for Easter Part 21 - 10 Orthodox icons with prayers Part 22 - Lenten prayer of Ephraim the Syrian

Victim of the red heifer

The Old Testament describes a ritual, an ancient custom, of sacrificing a red heifer.

(Numbers 19:2)

This is the statute of the law, which the Lord commanded, saying: Speak to the children of Israel, let them bring you a red heifer without blemish, who has no defect, and who has not had a yoke.

The heifer is a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. He was never enslaved. Christ had no blemish.

Then the red heifer had to be slaughtered and burned until she was reduced to ashes.

Ashes - the final stage, over.

All your sins are ashes.

When the enemy remembers your sins, know that your sins are ashes to God.

Living water was poured onto the ashes.

Jesus Christ turned all our sins into dust, and we are washed with living (cleansing) water.

When someone touched a dead body, such a person became unclean and had to be sprinkled with cleansing water.

(Numbers 19:13)

Anyone who touches the dead body of any deceased person and does not cleanse himself will defile the house of the Lord: that person will be destroyed from among Israel, for he has not been sprinkled with cleansing water, he is unclean, his uncleanness is still on him.

(Numbers 19:16)

Anyone who touches someone killed with a sword, or a dead person, or a human bone, or a tomb in the field, will be unclean for seven days.

It's deeper than sin. It's about touching death.

(Numbers 19:17)

For the unclean, let them take the ashes of that burnt sin offering and pour living water on it into a vessel;

(Numbers 19:18)

And let someone clean take hyssop and dip it in water and sprinkle it on the tent and all the vessels and the people who are in it.

Today there is nothing to worry about - if you touch something dead, just wash your hands. You will not be separated from God.

However, there is truth in this ritual. The entire 19th chapter of Numbers is quite long and it is all dedicated to the red heifer.

We're talking about applying ashes—the finished works of Jesus Christ in your life.

How do we apply these cases?

(Numbers 19:18)

and let someone clean take hyssop and dip it in water, and sprinkle it on the tent and all the vessels and the people who are in it.

Hyssop is a tongue.

Your anxiety is dust, depression, despondency, blues. Being sick is dust, and dust is washed away by water.

Simple prayers for every day

You should start with the shortest prayers. Before an important task and at the beginning of each new day, you should turn to God with the words: “Lord, bless!”, and end the day and the successfully completed task with the shortest prayer to the Lord: “Glory to God!” Just two words spoken daily will help in business and bring peace to the soul. If the matter is not controversial, then this is God’s will, and one should turn to God like this: “Lord, have mercy!”

A person cannot do without water and food, therefore, since time immemorial, before each meal, all family members have read the simple prayer “Our Father.” It is believed that this was the first prayer that Jesus Christ told his disciples (this version is taken from the Gospel of Matthew):

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer is an appeal to the saints, communication with them, so you need to follow special rules. Even a short prayer must be read with respect, sincere faith and attention; one must not be distracted or think about anything else while addressing the saint, as this may offend him.

Reading a prayer in front of an icon helps you focus on the words and make your connection with the saint stronger, because his face is before you.

Almost every Orthodox home has a red corner, a special place reserved for icons and church candles. In front of the red corner, you can read very short Orthodox prayers in the morning and for the coming sleep, such as the words:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Signs of those who believed

(Mark 16:17-18)

These signs will accompany those who believe: in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will take snakes; and if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them; They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.

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The more you pray in tongues, the more these signs will follow you. Regarding these signs, the laying on of hands comes after speaking in tongues. First comes speaking in tongues. Then you become immune to poison - “they will take snakes and, if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them; They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

With protection, you can lay on hands and transfer your immunity, your health, your healing.

When you feel pain, fear, anxiety, worries, pray in tongues.

(Proverbs 18:4)

The words of men's mouths are deep waters; the source of wisdom is a flowing stream.

Your words are like a flowing stream. If you don't know what to do in a particular situation, stop, pray in tongues and listen to yourself pray.

(Proverbs 15:4)

A meek tongue is a tree of life, but an unbridled tongue is a brokenness of spirit.

About praying in tongues. What is this? Does it work today? For what?

Do you pray in other tongues? And if you are asked why or why you are doing this, can you give a clear answer? Opinions about tongues and whether Christians should pray in tongues today are divided.

David Yonggi Cho, pastor, teacher:

Speaking or Praying in Another Language is one of God's wonderful ways of prayer. When the 120 disciples of Jesus received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the upper room on the day of Pentecost, they began to speak in different languages. These were earthly languages, intelligible to those who heard them spoken, although they were the languages ​​of many different countries. But 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 tell us about tongues that other people do not understand. The Word states that when someone speaks in an unknown tongue, he speaks secrets by the Spirit only to God. Some people say that if they cannot understand what is being said in unknown tongues, then it is not from God. However, as we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we will sometimes speak in a known language and sometimes “in a tongue unknown to men.” Both are given by the Holy Spirit.

Some Christians ask, “What good is it if you don’t understand what you’re talking about?” Personally, I pray in tongues most of the time. When my gratitude overwhelms me and I cannot express it in my own language, I begin to speak in tongues and my spirit is strengthened.

When there is no specific prayer topic, it is also possible to pray to God in tongues, as this will be the Spirit praying through us. During a nightly prayer meeting, when someone wants to pray for a longer time, Praying in Another Language will make him able to pray freely in the Spirit for a long time.

Praying in tongues is not prayer clothed with human thoughts. This is the prayer of the Holy Spirit. He uses our voice and spirit.

Praying in tongues does not place a burden on our minds, so praying in tongues for a long time does not cause fatigue.

Audiobook by Dave Roberson: "The Power Born of the Spirit"

Valery Tatarkin, author of the book “Returning to the Origins of Christian Teaching”:

I have a negative attitude towards prayers in other languages, since this teaching does not fit into the teaching of the Bible. Attention, I am not talking about the gift of tongues, which the first Christians, including the apostles, received after the Holy Spirit descended on them on the day of Pentecost. We are talking specifically about prayers in other languages.

So, let's understand this issue to see the difference between these two phenomena. Let us begin by remembering the prediction of Jesus before He ascended to heaven to the Father:

Mark 16.15: “And he said to them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. … 17 And these SIGNS will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 They will take up snakes; and if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them; They will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”

Here we see a list of signs that will be given to Christians from the Lord and among them speaking in new tongues. What are these signs for? Jesus speaks about this at the very beginning of His prophecy: “Go into all the world and preach”! So, from this instruction of Jesus Christ it is clearly seen that believers are promised SIGNS to PREACH AROUND THE WORLD.

We see the fulfillment of this prophecy further in the book of Acts and the letters of the apostles. Imagine how small the Christian church was in the beginning. After the resurrection of Jesus, it consisted of a maximum of several dozen people. But after the manifestation of the promised gifts and the active preaching of the Gospel, the Christian church began to grow rapidly. The book of Acts and the epistles clearly show how the miracles of healing and casting out demons promised by Jesus in Mark. 16:17,18, strengthened the believers and contributed to the growth of the church.

And in Acts 28:3-6 a story is described when Paul was bitten by a highly poisonous snake, but this, as Jesus predicted (Mark 16:18), did not harm him one bit, which caused considerable surprise among the witnesses. Naturally, this led to the fact that the residents of the island on which he found himself became more attentive and even friendly towards Pavel. And Paul probably preached productively about Jesus while he was there.

That is, we see in the New Testament the fulfillment of Jesus' prophecy regarding healings, casting out evil spirits and immunity to the poison of snakes. We also see there the fulfillment of Christ's promise regarding speaking in new tongues.

As you can see, the Bible immediately shows why the gift of speaking in other tongues was given - to preach “ABOUT THE GREAT WORKS OF GOD.”

From the text it is clear that everyone was amazed at this miracle, that is, this gift of Christians was a great SIGN, helping people to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Today, there are Christian denominations that believe that the gift of speaking in other tongues is a kind of proof that the Holy Spirit is present in the lives of believers and reveals its fruits in them, one of which is the gift of speaking in tongues.

Bill Haymon, prophet, bishop and founder of Cristian International Prophetic Ministries , gave 10 reasons to speak in tongues :

1. The gift of the Holy Spirit was manifested through speaking in other tongues. It would not be wind, fire, noise or the sense of God's presence that indicated the receipt of the gift, but it was the language of the spirit - believers began to speak in languages ​​of the Spirit that they did not understand. It was God's plan for His children to have the gift operate as a spiritual tongue (Acts 2:4, 11; 1 Cor. 14:2).

2. Jesus commanded us to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. When Jesus instructed the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until they received the promise from the Father, He did not tell them, “Do this if you feel it should be done, or if it is part of your doctrine or denominational belief, or if you have there is time, or you are inclined to do it, or you are comfortable with it.” No! Jesus told them to wait until they received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Since Jesus placed great importance on this gift, this is reason enough for every Christian to seek God until they too receive it (Acts 1:4; 5:32; John 14:16-17; Eph.5 :18).

3. Scripture calls us to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to pray in other tongues of our spirit. The language of our spirit enables us to abide in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, be led by the Spirit, bear the fruit of the Spirit, demonstrate the gifts of the Spirit, and pass from glory to glory until we are transformed into His image (Gal. 5:22-25; Rom. 8: 14; 1 Cor.12:7-11; 14:15; Eph.5:18; Acts 19:2; 2 Cor.3:18).

Frederick Ankay-Taylor - Medical Research on Praying in Tongues

4. The tongue of the spirit is the greatest gift that the Holy Spirit can give to a believer. Jesus is the greatest gift God could give to redeem the world. The Holy Spirit is the greatest gift Jesus could give to His Church. Of all the resources in heaven and the eternal universe, nothing is more valuable, useful, or important to the Holy Spirit than to give God's children their own spiritual language (1 Cor. 12:31; 14:4).

5. Our spiritual language enables us to have spirit-to-Spirit communication with God. Humans are spiritual beings clothed in fleshly bodies. When a person's spirit is dead due to sin, Jesus gives life to the spirit, bringing eternal life into us. The Holy Spirit gives us spiritual language so that we can communicate with God directly (John 4:24; 1 Cor 15:45; Gen 2:7; Rom 5:12; John 3:3-5, 16).

6. Praying in tongues strengthens and increases our faith. Faith is a means of exchange for all things heavenly, just as money is a means of exchange for earthly things. The most basic way to increase faith is to pray in the tongues of our spirit (Rom. 12:6; Jude 1:20; Mark 9:23; Matt. 9:29).

7. Praying in tongues activates the fruits of the Holy Spirit. It is vitally important and beneficial for spiritual qualities to be activated and mature in us. Praying in tongues helps us fulfill God's purpose to be conformed to the image of His Son (Gal. 5:22-23; 2 Cor. 3:18; 1 Cor. 13:1-13; Rom. 8:29).

8. Prayer in our spiritual language is the primary way we fulfill the Scripture command to “pray without ceasing.” Christians can pray in tongues at any time. If we are in a place where it is inconvenient or unwise to pray out loud in tongues, we can pray with our inner man without making audible sounds (Eph. 6:18; 1 Thess. 5:17; Matt. 26:41; Luke 18 :1; 21:36; 1 Cor. 14:15).

9. The Holy Spirit directs our spiritual tongue to pray in accordance with the will of God. It is possible that we can only be 100% sure that we are praying according to God's will when we pray in our spiritual language. God always answers our requests that are in accordance with His will (Rom. 8:27; 1 John 5:14-15).

10. Praying in tongues calms our minds. When neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Newberg compared brain scans of Christians praying in tongues with scans of Buddhist monks while chanting, as well as Catholic nuns in prayer, the study showed that the anterior lobes of the brain (the brain's control center) of Christians praying in tongues were at rest. , thereby proving that speaking in tongues is not the work of the natural brain, but the work of the spirit (1 Cor. 14:2, 14).

Wolfgang Bühne, German Baptist theologian and author of Playing with Fire :

What speaking in tongues is not:

Nowhere in the Bible is there any teaching that the gift of speaking in tongues makes it possible to worship God in a special way, to be especially strong in petitions, or to draw strength from mysterious sources, as is claimed by many. These statements are absurd simply because the gift given by grace (according to the testimony of the Bible) never determines or changes our relationship with God, but serves “for the benefit” of the saints and the edification of the Body of Christ. (1 Cor. 12:7; 14:4.26).

Otherwise, everyone without the gift of tongues would be deficient in their relationship with God. That is why in those messages of the New Testament, which are imbued with concern for the soul, in which we talk about personal life in faith and practical communication with the Lord, not a single word is mentioned about speaking in tongues. When they claim that those who speak “in tongues” have a better psychogram than other Christians (and I also know the opposite observations!), then this can best be explained psychologically, but not on the basis of the Bible.

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