Andrew the First-Called - who he is, brief biography facts and features of the holiday in his honor

Among the large number of saints and martyrs, Apostle Andrew the First-Called occupies a special place in the Orthodox Church; he is considered the patron saint of Rus' (the St. Andrew's Cross is depicted on the flag of the Russian Navy). Every believer should understand what an ordinary fisherman did to deserve such respect.

Who is Andrew the First-Called?

The first of the 12 apostles who earned this title by their righteous deeds was Andrew the First-Called. Apostle means “witness,” Andrew was the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus, and followed him to bring to people the miracles that happened with God’s help, for which he was nicknamed “The First Called.” People did not see or understand then what was happening; everything new seemed outlandish to them. Everyone whom Apostle Andrew met on his way either harshly rejected his sermons or flared up with love for Jesus.

Life of St. Andrew the First-Called

The future apostle was born in a place on the border with Greece. A short biography of Andrew the First-Called describes the moment when he decided that he would serve the Lord. On the Jordan River, Andrew saw Jesus and followed him, learning that he was the son of God. Andrew's brother Simon went with them, and later became the Apostle Peter. Throughout his life, Saint Andrew preached faith in Christ, but was executed in 67. The cross, similar to the letter “X”, on which he was crucified, is called “St. Andrew’s”. A healing spring appeared at the place where Apostle Andrew was executed.

Relics of St. Andrew the First-Called

Saint Andrew was executed in the city of Patras, and his relics remained there. In 357, Constantius II, ruler of the Peloponnese, ordered the remains of St. Andrew, with the exception of the head, to be transferred to the Cathedral of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople. The Church of St. Andrew the First-Called in Patras reverently preserves the relics of the holy martyr, which constantly stream myrrh. Several times a year, fragrant myrrh is taken out of the tomb and used to heal seriously ill people. Parts of the relics of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called can also be found in other churches:

  • in St. Andrew's I will throw on Mount Athos;
  • in the Great Lavra named after St. Athanasius;
  • in the Italian Cathedral in Amalfi;
  • in the Church of St. Peter the Preacher in Rome.

Cross of the Apostle Andrew. Life-giving cross. A true procession of the cross. Pairing according to Noah.

Have you, dear readers, ever thought about what the CROSS of St. Andrew the First-Called symbolizes? I think it's unlikely. Most will answer that the Apostle Andrew was crucified on a cross of this shape - this is what it means. Allegedly symbolism captured in this way. Memory. And nothing more.

Any symbolism is a reflection of something deeper. And understanding this symbolism reveals a layer of new information to Man. For example, an image or symbol is created by the right hemisphere of the Brain, which is better done by Women (Wizards), which is why the ancient spiritual school, built on images, symbols and rituals, is the school of the Mother of God, that is, a women's spiritual school. And in order to see this image or symbol from the other side, revealing its true appearance, we need a men’s school, the school of God the Father. Or, to put it another way, a Man needs to develop the right hemisphere of the Brain, which is only possible with the help of a Woman, after which the Man will be able to harmoniously develop the left hemisphere of the Brain (without a full-fledged right hemisphere this is impossible), which will make it possible to see symbols and images differently.

The Cross of the Apostle Andrew is the CROSS OF LIFE, which is the foundation of all HIGH LAWS. You can see manifestations of all this in reality everywhere. For example, the right hemisphere of the Brain is responsible for the left side of the body, the left hemisphere is responsible for the right side of the body; thus forming a crosshair (when the brain stem passes into the spinal cord - the nerves at the base of the skull, extending from the two hemispheres, intersect), which is a stable and balanced system with the harmonious functioning of both hemispheres of the Brain. And as we know, the hemispheres of the Brain can also be classified by type: right - female, left - male. Just like body parts - vice versa. That is, the cross of life in the human body is the HARMONY of the Feminine and Masculine principles.

All this relates to the concepts of “procession of the cross” and “life-giving cross,” which must be sought not in the image of the crucified Jesus, but in life itself, walking through it with the knowledge of the Laws of Time. Besides, how can a cross with a murdered/mortified God (Jesus) be called life-giving? The cross on which Jesus was crucified is simply a murder weapon, which is no different from a gallows, a guillotine, a rack or a gas chamber (gas van). Worshiping such a cross, wearing it on oneself in the form of a cross, is a cult of death, which will not give Man eternal life. That is, even if he hangs himself with such crosses, silver, gold, whatever, even if he paints his whole body with them - but such a Person will not enter the Kingdom of God. You can enter the Kingdom of God and live forever only with a correct understanding of the “life-giving cross” and the “procession of the cross,” which neither the priest nor, accordingly, his flock/parish have. This means that neither one nor the other will enter eternity, they will die and be born again and again until they understand what they are praying for, signing themselves not to eternal life, but to eternal death, which Buddhists and Hindus call samsara, from which they dreaming of getting out. That is, they know where they are, they understand it, which is already good. What, through the fault of priests and rabbis, Christians who were poisoned by biblical poisons, which they fed on for several centuries, do not know and do not understand. If a Christian, let him be Orthodox, let him be a Protestant, says that the Bible is a blessed book, then he attributes the status of blessing to this entire book, which was not created by saints, apostles, or prophets. The Bible was created by deceitful and unspiritual priests and Jews, putting into it concepts/laws of the animal world, which characterizes the creators of this book: “Kill every man his brother, every man his friend, every man his neighbor,” (Exodus 32:27). This is what the men’s church signed up to, turning their flock into real murderers (their children and neighbors), which Jesus began to notice over time, gaining insight into the true realities of church life: “And when his neighbors heard, they went to take him, for they said that he lost his temper” (Mark 3:21). What do these words of Jesus refer to: “A man’s enemies are his own household” (Matthew 10:36). That is, such “domestic” ones who grew up not according to the true Laws of God, but according to the laws of churches and authorities. That is, according to the Bible, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation or, for example, according to the guidelines of the CPSU:

“For the first time in Russia, the education of children by public state organizations was carried out according to the criminal code,” Archpriest Evgeny Sokolov: youtube

The men's church has not learned anything in 2000 years, except pedophilia and pederasty. Rabbis and priests could not even learn to translate and distort the texts of scriptures normally. Oh no no no. The New Testament, for example, says this: “Make straight the way of the Lord, as the prophet Isaiah said,” (John 1:23). And if you turn to the Old Testament, or rather, to Isaiah, then it says this: “Prepare the way of the Lord,” (Isaiah 40:3). That is, Isaiah does not say “make straight the way of the Lord.” This could only be said/written by a cunning rabbi or priest who believes that he can fool anyone and even God. That is, he considers himself smarter and cooler than God, if he is able to CORRECT the path of the Lord God himself. The Lord God, you see, has lost his way, has lost his way and needs the help of a rabbi and a priest to help him correct his path. Which speaks to the distortions in the teachings of the OT and NT, which were hastily introduced by the male church/synagogue without understanding the teaching itself.

In fact, these two sayings “prepare” and “correct” refer to the cross of the Apostle Andrew, the life-giving cross and the procession of the cross, which must be considered according to the Law of Time and with an understanding of what kind of Lord we are talking about. Consider the words Paul quotes:

“The first man Adam became a living soul; and the last Adam is a life-giving spirit. The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven” (1 Corinthians 15:45-47).

That is, here we are talking about some two stages of spiritual development, where at the first stage a Man acquires a living Soul (the first Man), and at the second stage the Soul of this Man becomes a life-giving Spirit, turning this Man with his Spirit into the Lord from heaven ( into the creator).

Therefore, the words of Isaiah “prepare the way of the Lord” refer to Man himself with his Soul. That is, “prepare, O Man, the way for yourself by knowing your Soul.” Know yourself in order to become Lord from heaven. What relates to the baptism of the maternal Holy Spirit (female cycle in Time), where the Soul is still more feminine (matriarchy in Time). And John’s phrase “straighten the path of the Lord” also refers to Man himself with his Soul, but who has already known himself according to the Testament of God the Mother. After which, knowing himself (his past lives with their mistakes), Man needs to correct the path for himself, which is the beginning of baptism with the paternal Holy Spirit (according to the Law of God the Father). The male time countdown (male cycle) is turned on. Upon completion of such baptism, the living Soul, which is more feminine (matriarchy), becomes the life-giving Spirit, in which the masculine principle comes first (patriarchy). And Man himself, with his own Spirit (paired being, F+M), becomes not just an “earthly child,” but a “Heavenly Lord,” who first needs to prepare the way by knowing himself and his mistakes of past lives. And then correct the path. That is, correct all mistakes.

The scriptures show that it is not necessarily Jesus/God who is called Lord. The address “Lord” could also refer to one’s own Soul, with which a Man was in contact (or she was in contact with him). Through which he studied. That is, he studied from his Soul (from the Lord, from the life-giving Spirit), which is the mediator between the personality of Man and God.

“There was a certain man in Caesarea named Cornelius. In a vision, he clearly saw at about the ninth hour of the day an Angel of God who came to him and said to him: Cornelius! He looked at him and was frightened and said: What, Lord? The angel answered him..." (Acts 10:1-4).

“And behold, the Angel of the Lord appeared, and light shone around the prison. The angel, pushing Peter in the side, woke him up and said: get up quickly. And the Angel said to him, “Gird yourself and put on your shoes.” He did so. Then he says to him: put on your clothes and follow me... Peter continued to knock. When they opened it, they saw him and were amazed. He, giving a sign with his hand to remain silent, told them how the Lord had brought him out of prison” (Acts 12:7-8, 16-17).

That is, who did Peter follow (“put on your robe and follow me...”)? For his Soul, which he called Lord. This Lord (or, in the words of Paul, the life-giving Spirit) is the mediator between the Apostle Peter and God.

On a large scale of Time cycles, 4000 years were allotted to “prepare and straighten the way of the Lord”: the Era of Aries (Old Testament, prepare the way of the Lord) and the Age of Pisces (New Testament, straighten the way of the Lord). After which, with our destinies corrected, we must enter the first abode of God the Father (Era of Aquarius for 2000 years), becoming heavenly Lords (Gods) and Mistresses (Goddesses). Where the mediator between God and Man is not a spiritually illiterate priest or rabbi. The Mediator is first the Soul (still a child of the earth, therefore it is more feminine). And then the Soul turns into the Spirit (or the Lord, whatever you want to call it); that is, the masculine begins to predominate in the mediator (transition to masculine time reckoning). Does your father know something about your Soul? Did he tell you who you were in past lives and what mistakes you made there? If he can’t tell you anything like that, then what kind of intermediary is he? All this information is in your own Soul, having access to which, you will come to God and learn His Laws and Ways. Having learned everything about your ways (about the ways of your Lord). And if the priest himself says that “the ways of the Lord are mysterious,” then how can he be considered a mediator between you and God? Then between whom and whom does he act as an intermediary? If the ways of God are closed to him (mysterious), then, following this logic, he acts as a mediator between Man and the Devil: “Your father is the devil,” (John 8:44). That is, it leads a blind believer not into the hourly system of Time (the world of Gods and Goddesses), but into zero Time, which is the Time of the animal world, where there is no eternal life, everything there is temporary and short, saturated with animal instincts: “Be fruitful and multiply,” - (Genesis 1:22). That is, be born and die. What there is is the law of zero Time, where zero, present in the cycles of Time, constantly resets everything, preventing it from developing normally.

With all this, you need to know and understand that female and male cycles run parallel and offset from each other. Entering the Kingdom of God is not just entering it. You also need to reach a certain age, having undergone two baptisms (maternal and paternal), where the maternal (female) time countdown is turned on first, and then the paternal (male). Maternal Time starts even before the birth of a Man. If you count from conception, then this is a cycle of 36 years, until the age of 35. Although a full cycle is 38 years, where you need to count even BEFORE conception, from the afterlife. After which, until the age of 35, a person needs to know himself (“prepare the way of the Lord”). And the same 38 years are allotted to “correct the path of the Lord,” counting from the age of 27 to the age of 65. If a Man corrects his mistakes during these 38 years, he will enter the Kingdom of God: “There was a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years... Jesus said to him: get up, take up your bed and walk... And he was immediately made whole” (John 5 :5-9). That is, for the first 38 years (until the age of 35), Man did not know himself, did not do what he did, which brought him troubles and misfortunes. And if after 38 years he recovered, it means that he finally took the right path in life, having learned and corrected his mistakes over the period of 27-65 years. As they say, “better late than never.”

If we transfer these two baptisms to the cross of the Apostle Andrew, then the first baptism (according to the Testament of God the Mother, the maternal Holy Spirit or water) is the first beam of the cross, which originates from below the ground (lower left corner in the image). Where the upper right corner is 35 years of age. The second baptism (according to the Law of God the Father, the paternal Holy Spirit or fire) is the second beam of the cross, which originates from above from heaven (in the image, the upper left corner). Where the lower right corner is 65 years of age.

A more complete cycle lasts not 38 years, but 60 years. That is, the female beam of the cross until the age of 57 (exit from the womb of God the Mother; Virgin of Ilmatar according to Kalevala). And the male beam ends at the age of 87 years (27-87) - where the final transition from the courtyard of God the Father (57-81) to the house of God the Father (81-87 onwards) takes place.

The first part of the female beam (up to 27 years old) says: remember your past life (to know what to correct), cleanse yourself as much as possible from animal instincts and all rubbish in your head (to accept from God what you need), create yourself a strong and healthy body (so that later there will be no problems in acquiring abilities from God, etc.) and so on. The second part of the female beam (27-57 years old) says: start correcting your fate and continue to delve into your past, accept information, become aware of it, learn to use it in life, gain abilities. All this is – the restoration of ourselves according to the Testaments of God the Mother.

The first part of the male beam (from 27 years old) occupies the same period as the second part of the female beam (27-57 years). 27-33 years old is the birth of the “men’s beam”, where the start is from 33 years old. Correction of fate, obtaining new information, abilities - as a result of the Testament of God the Mother, - according to the Law of God the Father, this is only the formation of the foundation, preparation. If purification according to the Covenant of God the Mother is more connected with cleansing from animal instincts (where God’s “love” is needed rather than God’s “law”), then purification according to the Law of God the Father is more connected with the correction of all the mistakes of past lives, where God’s is more needed A law that gives correct understanding, without which nothing can be corrected/remade. Two such purifications allow one to enter the House of God the Father over a period of 57-87 years. Where life begins. Despite the fact that in modern realities during this period a person is already thinking about death. This is what the church (the afterlife is primary) and the authorities taught (accelerated life program: career until 35 and pension = death until 65).

Competent walking on such a cross is called the “procession of the cross,” and the cross itself is called the “life-giving cross,” walking along which with knowledge and understanding, you will enter eternal life. Moreover, you need to go in pairs (F + M), which is the second necessary detail of the “procession of the cross,” which is symbolized by the crossed hands of a woman and a man in the Egyptian image.

For a more complete understanding, let's look at other facets of the St. Andrew's cross.

The Bible contains the following phrases:

“So the last will be first, and the first last...” (Matt. 20:16). “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted” (Matt. 23:12).

What connection can these statements have with the cross of the Apostle Andrew?

Let's look at a real historical example. I will use two famous figures as examples: Nicholas II and Joseph Stalin.


  1. For Nicholas II, these years became preparation for the Reign and accession in October-November 1894. That is, he climbed to the very top.
  2. Stalin graduated from the Orthodox theological school in June 1894, and in the fall of 1894 he entered the theological seminary, where at the same time he became acquainted and became close to the revolutionary movement, which, of course, was outlawed and persecuted.

That is, 1894 became a turning point for both individuals; but one ended up at the top, and the other at the very bottom (underground).

1904-1906 (after 12 years):

And these years have shown that TIME has aligned the Souls of Nicholas II and Stalin on the two sides of its scales. What it is is a change in spirals over time (see image below). Outwardly, this was manifested by the growth of the revolutionary movement, the strengthening of the positions of the “State Duma” rebels, which was greatly influenced by the defeat in the Russo-Japanese War. That is, this is the strengthening of Stalin (the revolutionary movement) and a blow to the power (weakening) of Nicholas II (a gradual decline in life began), for which he had to take extreme measures (Stolypin’s military courts). Stalin's soul began to gain momentum (smooth growth in life), the Soul of Nicholas II felt increasing pressure.

1916-1918 (another 12 years later):

This is already the complete opposite of 1892-1894. Who WAS THE FIRST (1893-1894) BECAME THE LAST (1917-1918, 24 years later), and, accordingly, vice versa.

Look at the image below. Do you see the “cross of the Apostle Andrew” in it?

This is another facet of understanding the real religious procession, or rather, its reflection, taking into account the specifics of human existence at the level of the semi-animal world, devoid of any common sense, the support of which is the Testaments of God the Mother. Where are these Testaments? In general, they should be in us, but “thanks to” the rabbis and priests, they disappeared from us and ended up on paper in the archives of the Russian Orthodox Church, UOC and the Vatican, while their place is not on paper, but as the scripture from the Vatican archives says:

“Do not look for the law in your books of scriptures, for the law is life, but the scriptures are dead. God wrote these laws not on the pages of books, but in your hearts and in your spirit. They are in your breath, in your blood, in your bones, in your flesh, in your insides, your eyes, your ears and in every smallest particle of your bodies. They are in the air, in the water, in the earth, in plants, in the rays of the sun, in depths and heights. They all speak to you so that you can understand the language and will of the living God. But you close your eyes so as not to see and close your ears so as not to hear. Truly I tell you that the scriptures are the creations of man, and life and all its diversity are the creations of our God. Why don't you listen to the words of God written in his creations? And why do you study dead scriptures, which are the creations of human hands?” - (Gospel of the Essenes, book one).

Hence the “procession of the cross” turns into going to extremes, turning our life into “Santa Barbara”, where there are a lot of series (short lives) and every time the same thing (Groundhog Day). Why do we wonder how people before the Aries Era could live 900-1000 years? How did they manage to do this? It’s just that these people knew the Testaments of God the Mother and the basic level of the Laws of God the Father, being then full-fledged masters of this world, the Law of Time allowed them to do this. And during the transition period, Time made a castling, giving all the cards into the hands of zero people, who are the Jews and half-Jews who reached the peak of power during the 2000-3000 years of this transition period. This is why all the “processions of the cross” for the people of the hourly system of Time turned into “flights to tartar”, which is why they dubbed their country Tartaria, the gloomy Tartarus. Therefore, a true procession of the cross implies knowing, understanding and taking all this into account in your life, which will make your life happy and very long.

On the Aquarius Spirals of Time (12 years, 24 years) everything is similar, only FASTER and MORE OFTEN. For example, who began to quickly gain momentum (became the first) from 1993-1994 , reaching a peak in 1999-2000 . (for example, Putin and Merkel), he may begin to lose/lose a lot (become the last) from 2017-2018 . (in 24 years), reaching the peak of difficulties by 2023-2024 , if he remains alive. And, accordingly, vice versa. With the right approach to business: without extremes, without animal instincts, with the correct spiritual understanding of life, everything will look exactly the same, only without difficult lives and tragic consequences. You just need to be able to give way to each other, changing, as it were, from one chair to another: from a sage to become a businessman, from a businessman to a sage. I acquired a lot of knowledge, for example, but did not have enough material resources to implement it. On living water I gained opportunities and put this knowledge into practice: I pushed it into people and applied it in some important matter on a larger scale (which I could not do before). And the one who switched to dead water will take this knowledge, study it and supplement it with his own, that is, he will update everything, which he will then apply in the same way to living water when he receives greater opportunities. That is what it is – development/evolution according to the law of “life-giving crosses”.

Just don’t go to extremes to argue that “living water” is only the material realization of acquired knowledge, and “dead water” is only the extraction of knowledge. No.

In the dead waters (for example, 1904-2024), without great MATERIAL opportunities, Man focuses on obtaining greater SPIRITUAL opportunities, at the same time laying the foundation for future material realization: looking for supporters for future affairs, looking closely at people, training people who they turn to him, gives publicity to part of the acquired and verified knowledge, which few people will notice, since TIME will not release knowledge to the masses before the due date. And on living water (2024-2048) implementation begins in the full sense of the word, testing and confirming the acquired knowledge in practice more widely, which will little by little open up spiritual-informational layers and possibilities of an even higher level; where you can completely look when you find yourself on dead water again (2048-2072).

If you look at a simple working Man, then he simply needs to engage in his favorite crafts, while improving the fruits of his labors. That is, the approach to business should be creative and exploratory with the prospect of systematic, calm development. You need to work not for money, but for the TRUE development of your Soul, your country, your planet. Here, in general, CHANGES IN LIVING AND DEAD WATER WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE. Everything will be smooth and smooth with a smooth movement forward/upward. The Middle Way, the ability to “walk on water” like Jesus, and what Moses taught.

It's the same in families. For example, parents walk on living water, children walk on dead water. This must be taken into account in order to avoid problems (in children), since when the spirals change over time, problems will stick to the parents, ruining the life of the whole family.

Being on living water, parents will feel material success, which they will want for their children. Without a good understanding of the Laws of God in your Soul/head, the realization of material possibilities will create a huge imbalance in Souls, which in all its “glory” will manifest itself in dead water. That is, parents (living water) will begin to pull their children (dead water) closer to themselves, which will worsen their lives. Since the strengthening of material aspirations on dead water will give instant side effects. Outwardly, such a family will look like two scales, one of which is at the top (parents), and the other at the bottom (children). When the spirals change in time, the Souls of children and parents will begin to smoothly align, and then CHANGE PLACES. Which forms in Time the SIGN OF THE CROSS OF ANDREW THE FIRST CALLED. But you need to understand that all these are extremes that need to be avoided. The true procession of the family is when parents first go ahead, instilling all that is best and right in their children, and having initially formed this in themselves, which will prescribe a harmonious scenario for their children. And then the children, using the parent’s true foundation, move forward, as it were, and make it (the foundation) even more perfect (update): in deeds and in understanding, which raises the whole family even higher. And then this cycle repeats (change of spirals over time).

You just need to understand that the main criterion in knowledge is not its possession, but the correct understanding of this knowledge. Possession without true understanding is what the authorities (church and political) have been demonstrating for centuries, stealing and taking away all the true holy scriptures and scientific works, leaving for the people only that which will keep them in a tight grip, in a state of slavery. That is, they provide only a small part and at the same time distorted for personal purposes. And so that Man would not be able to restore this knowledge in his heart and in his Soul: “God wrote these laws not on the pages of books, but in your hearts and in your spirit,” the church came up with sacraments (baptism and communion), through which it completely blocks Man’s ability to take an independent approach to spiritual development and knowledge. And to make the result even better, the authorities hooked the people on stupid TV series, films, advertising, porn, holidays devoid of any common sense, partying, drinking, etc., etc. Which is the main achievement of the Jewish-Putin and Russian Orthodox Church system since the 90s.

You can consider the religious procession in Time and on a large scale. Before the Age of Pisces there was a matriarchy in Time. In the society of our ancestors (ancient Rus, Hyperboreans), the role of women was decisive, the man was in a more secondary role. You can imagine it as if the royal throne fed the one who sits on it with feminine energy. This elevated women, giving them the opportunity to occupy these thrones. That is, in Time, the female spiral (with the opposite direction of movement) was primary, which is why it was easier to enter the power structures of that time, having precisely female energy. In general, for several thousand years women were “first” and men were “last”. During the transition to the Era of Aries, and then to the Era of Pisces, spiritually fragile men and even younger individuals of the same sex (males) seized power by force and deception (the LAW OF TIME began to allow them to do this), humiliating women and even committing real genocide, which repeated 1000 years later in Russia. That is, whoever was first became last , and vice versa. Modern feminism is signals from the subconscious of women that TIME itself sends. After all, the cycle has ended (2000 years), now the last one must rise again. But since society over the course of 2000 years has turned into a purely material and consumer society, attempts to rise up occur with distortions. Moreover, now we are just entering a real patriarchy, where the primacy belongs to men. In general, women will become first in something (where they were last: spiritual management structures), and men will become last. And for the absolute power (material and spiritual) seized by force and the genocide of women, men will pay with a very high mortality rate (as Islam predicts). This is not how power exchanges should work. A woman, whatever one may say, had to maintain her place in religious institutions, beginning to cede power to a man (transitional period), but while maintaining her women's rights (according to the Law of Time). Which would be a reflection of the TRUE CROSS PROCESS without extremes, with a correct understanding of the System of the Universe.

When there is no understanding, the result is negative: first the genocide of women, and after a long cycle of time - high mortality among men. Which is the same religious procession in time (a change of roles on the stage of life).

In general, the religious procession in time does not consist precisely in changing roles (castling). Here you need to understand something like this. Anyone who has increased material capabilities should think about those who do not have this, but have increased spiritual capabilities. As, for example, in a married couple. The husband takes care of his wife, the wife takes care of her husband.

For example, if a Man is not given water, not fed normal food, not washed, not ironed, dirty and smelly, then what can he do for his Woman? After all, he won’t even be hired anywhere. For the office - unwashed and unironed; for physical work - unfed (weak). What a Woman should think about.

And if a Woman has nothing to wear, no one gives flowers, doesn’t give compliments, doesn’t protect her from the severity of any affairs, etc., etc., then what will such a Woman give to a Man? Also - nothing. Therefore, the Man must take care of this.

CORRECT understanding and CORRECT deeds are the guarantee that castling (change of spirals) and interaction (of opposites) in the life of society and in every family will occur absolutely painlessly and somewhere even invisible and imperceptibly, bringing out each family (each family member ) and the entire society as a whole to a new level of development, from cycle to cycle, higher and higher, regardless of gender, profession, time spiral, age, etc.

Additionally to the topic:

Just as the eight-fold path must be considered on different scales, connecting all scales into one integral structure, so does the procession. Our internal organs live according to the same Law of Time, only the basic life cycle is not 12 years, but 12 hours (daily cycle). For example, the period 7.00-9.00 is the peak of maximum activity of the stomach (transition to living water); 19.00-21.00 is the peak of minimal activity (transition to dead water). While one organ is working at its maximum, at this time some other organ is working at its minimum. It turns out that they compensate each other. Moreover, when switching from the “living water” mode to the “dead water” mode, the organ does not die, but simply rests. After which the cycle is repeated again and again hundreds/thousands of times as long as the Man lives. Organs, for example, do not compete with each other, do not fight, do not envy each other, do not try to take the wrong place in the body, etc. That is, everything is smoothly running for them, life is peaceful, friendly, calm. The same cannot be said about Man, why he cannot go through not only a hundred 12/24-year cycles, but even 3 full 24-year cycles (three peaks in life, starting from the zero peak of 9/15 years of age) often cannot overcome it, killing its organs. Then it goes out like a burnt out light bulb.

Feast of St. Andrew the First-Called

Every year on December 13, the Orthodox Church celebrates the feast day of St. Andrew the First-Called. Even Peter I approved an order in his honor, which to this day is considered the greatest award in our country, and Saint Andrew is revered as the defender of Rus'. On the day of St. Andrew the First-Called, women were allowed to do needlework; it was believed that this could protect them from attacks by wild animals. The cobs of boiled corn scattered around the garden on this day were supposed to save the house from animals. There are also known beliefs associated with the holiday of December 13:

  1. If you make an ice hole and listen to the sound of the water, you can predict what kind of winter it will be. The ice hole is quiet - the winter is expected to be warm, the water is noisy - you should expect severe frosts.
  2. The fire in the stove on St. Andrew's Day burns with a scarlet flame - expect cold weather, white - for a thaw.
  3. The day of December 13 is sunny and frosty - there will be a good harvest.
  4. It snowed on St. Andrew's Day - there will be snowdrifts until the end of April.
  5. The cat washes itself thoroughly - the day is expected to be very cold.

Andrew the First-Called – icon

The face of the apostle appeared on icons a long time ago, back in the 4th – 6th centuries. The saint is depicted in full growth on icons; he is easily recognized by his gray hair and beard. Almost every icon of St. Andrew the First-Called has a cross, it is beveled, and is located behind the saint. On some icons, Saint Andrew is depicted with an ordinary cross in his right hand, and in his left he holds a scroll. Legends that say that Andrei was a teacher for many believers were the reason why he began to be depicted with a book in his hands.

The menacing voice of St. Andrew's flag

The first stern St. Andrew's flags - and the main thing on a ship, demonstrating its nationality, was always considered to be the flag that fluttered on the stern flagpole - were very respectable in size. Russian naval flags have been preserved, the length of which reaches four meters, and the width, accordingly, is almost three! Most researchers agree that such dimensions were necessary not only so that the nationality of the ship could be “read” from afar. Such large flags, when fluttering, made a loud, low sound, which is believed to have a depressing effect on the enemy and, on the contrary, to encourage the Russian sailors. And it is no coincidence that the traditional parting words spoken by the commanders of Russian ships before the battle sounded like this: “God and St. Andrew’s flag are with us!”

"Peter the Great's Fleet". Illustration by artist Evgeny Lansere from “Paintings on Russian History”, 1909


Cross of St. Andrew the First-Called

Throughout his life, Apostle Andrew preached faith in God, for which he was repeatedly persecuted and punished. In the city of Patras, after numerous miracles, Andrei was forced to accept death by order of the ruler of the city. They crucified Saint Andrew the First-Called on a diagonal cross, tying his hands to its tops. Before his death, Andrei exclaimed: “Lord Jesus Christ, accept my spirit,” and the cross began to shine, so the Lord accepted the soul of Saint Andrew the First-Called. The diagonal cross is considered the symbol of the Russian Navy, the white flag with a blue cross is also called St. Andrew's.

Sentinel at the flagpole

The “Naval Charter” of Peter I, which finally established the St. Andrew’s flag as the only version of the stern flag of the Russian fleet, contained a direct prohibition to lower it in front of anyone - on pain of death. To avoid accidental lowering of the flag, if, say, the halyard on which it is attached was broken in battle, and to prevent the enemy from getting to it (which was a very common occurrence in the era of sailing fleets and boardings), a special post was established on Russian ships at the stern flagpole . How important it was can be judged by the fact that there were only two such posts, and the second was located at the hook chamber, that is, the ship's powder magazine, the explosion of which, as a rule, destroyed the entire ship. Leaving the post at St. Andrew's flag was the same shame as lowering the flag itself in front of the enemy. There are known cases when, in naval battles, the sentries at the stern flagpole were seriously injured, but did not leave their post; or those replaced by order of the commander, after dressing, returned to him again.

A sentry on duty at the stern flag of the 1st rank armored cruiser "Kahul", Sevastopol, after 1907


Andrew the First-Called - what do they pray for?

Believers bow before the icons of St. Andrew the First-Called with prayers. Traditionally, people turn to him with requests to preserve the health of family and friends and solve complex life problems. The Apostle of Christ Andrew is considered the patron saint of all people whose lives are connected with the sea: fishermen and sailors; Orthodox Christians begin every trip to sea with a prayer to Saint Andrew. People turn to the saint for help in learning foreign languages, for a successful marriage, for successful deliverance from serious illnesses and sudden death.

Prayer to St. Andrew the First-Called

You can address the saint either in your own words, coming from the heart, or by memorizing the words of a special prayer. Apostle Andrew the First-Called will not ignore any appeal. The words spoken with faith and soul will always be conveyed by the saint to the Almighty. The Gospel of St. Andrew the First-Called deserves special attention. Written in simple language, it is understandable to many believers. The most effective prayers are those said on the day of remembrance of the holy Apostle and Andrew’s name day:

  • December 13th;
  • July 17th;
  • July 13.

One cloth for two saints

If the lowering of the St. Andrew's flag was considered as the main naval crime (in the entire history of the Russian fleet it was committed only twice, and both times had dire consequences for the one who gave such an order), then the highest reward for the sailors who showed exceptional courage was the so-called St. St. Andrew's flag. It was established on June 5 (17), 1819 by Emperor Alexander I as a reward for the Guards crew, which showed its best side in the Battle of Kulm during the Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army. A little later, during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, two ships received this award. The first to receive the St. Andrew's flag on December 17 (29), 1827 was the battleship Azov, which became a legend of the Battle of Navarino, and the second was the famous brig Mercury, awarded on July 28 (August 9), 1829. No other Russian ship has ever received such an award!

Brig "Mercury" with the St. Andrew's flag granted to him at the wall in Sevastopol. 19th century drawing


Akathist to St. Andrew the First-Called

Saint Andrew the First-Called became the first Apostle, or witness to the miracles of Jesus Christ. An akathist, or doxology in honor of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, has the form of a solemn song; it is pronounced on the day of remembrance of the saint, or when it is necessary to turn to him for help. Before pronouncing the akathist, you should remember important rules:

  1. You must stand while performing. Only seriously ill patients are allowed to sit.
  2. You need to read the akathist in front of the icon of the saint; if there is no face in the house, you can perform the akathist turning your face to the east.
  3. A prerequisite is that the akathist must be spoken sincerely, with an open heart and good thoughts; Apostle Andrew the First-Called will definitely hear such a prayer.

About flags using St. Andrew's Cross

St. Andrew's cross is a common symbol depicted on the flags of many states and administrative units.

Flag of Scotland

This is the flag of Alabama (one of the US states), the flag of Katwijk (a community in the Netherlands), the flag of Scotland (St. Andrew the First-Called is considered its patron), the flag of Tenerife (Spanish island), the flag of Jamaica , the flag of Potchefstroom (province of South Africa), three St. Andrew's crosses are located on flag and coat of arms of Amsterdam . And about 20 more flags of different countries bear the St. Andrew’s Cross.

Fortune telling for St. Andrew the First-Called

The magical night of St. Andrew the First-Called on December 13 is ideal for fortune telling. For a long time, before the day of remembrance of the Apostle Jesus Christ Andrew, girls observed fasting, prayed to meet a worthy groom, and on the night itself they told fortunes about their betrothed.

  1. For fortune telling, you need to prepare 12 pieces of paper: 11 with the names of guys you know, leaving one piece of paper blank.
  2. Place them with their names in a bag and mix well.
  3. Before going to bed, put the bag under your pillow and ask Saint Andrew the First-Called to say the name of your betrothed.
  4. In the morning, take out the bag and pull out the first leaf you come across.
  5. The name that will be written is the name of the future husband. An empty piece of paper means that the girl will not get married next year.
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