The most powerful prayers for mother’s health: Orthodox, Muslim, Catholic

The prayer of sons and daughters for the recovery of their mother is very strong and effective. It makes no difference under what conditions and at what time it is pronounced. The main thing is that the words of the prayer come from the soul, and that the person praying does not have bad sinful thoughts during the process. When combined with competent medical treatment, healing prayers can lead to amazingly positive results. Believers note that already in the process of saying them to their relatives they feel somewhat better.

Maternal prayers are considered the most powerful prayers for the mother’s recovery. They heal, return you to the true path, and help you cope with problems that have arisen.

In fact, the child’s prayers for the mother’s help are no less powerful. Especially if the son or daughter’s requests concern the woman’s health.

Orthodox prayers for mother's health

Orthodox Christians can turn in prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow, Jesus Christ, and the Most Holy Theotokos. Their texts can be learned by heart or read from a prayer book.

The most popular prayer among believers of any age is the “Our Father.” It is suitable for any situation. You can read the lines of the prayer, asking for help in your mother’s illness.

Matrona of Moscow

The prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the health of a sick parent can be read in two versions. Both of them are equally strong:

  1. “Blessed Matrona! You heal the sick and bless the believers. Heal my mother from serious illnesses, deliver her from terrible illnesses and unkind thoughts. Protect my mother from evil people and from all sorts of illnesses. I ask for health, I pray to you, I thank you, Blessed Matrona. Let it be so. Amen. »
  2. “Blessed Matrona of Moscow, heal the servant of God (mother’s name) from deadly ailments and diseases. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. »

Turning to the saint is important in cases where a woman is in a hospital ward, but doctors are not providing her with proper care. You can pray both at home and in an Orthodox church. It is advisable to kneel before the image of the saint.

First, you will need to cross yourself three times, and then say any of the prayer texts. After the ritual, you need to light a candle in the church for the health of the mother.

Jesus Christ

Prayer texts for the health of a sick woman addressed to Jesus Christ have special miraculous power. Children resort to them in the most difficult cases.

In church or at home, on your knees, you need to say the following words: “Holy Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I turn to you with a prayer for your mother’s health. Have mercy on the servant of God (mother’s name) and help her cope with serious illnesses and incurable diseases. Give her strength to pray sincerely, righteously, and prolong your mother’s years of life on our sinful Earth. Let your will be done. Amen. »

Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is Nicholas the Wonderworker who is famous for his healing power. Therefore, people most often ask the saint to heal relatives from various ailments and reduce pain. Children can also pray to him for the health of their mother.

It is necessary to address Nicholas the Wonderworker while kneeling in front of the face of the icon, with the following words:

“Wonderworker Saint Nicholas, I appeal to you with prayer. Protect my mother from loss of health, from fatal illnesses and reproach. Help her find Orthodoxy and righteous faith. I pray, prevent all troubles from sin and mortal fall. Intercede for her before the Lord God, take away illness from my mother. Let your will be done. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. »

Holy Mother of God

When medical treatment does not help the mother cope with the illness, desperate children should go to the temple to the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and pray for the woman’s recovery. It is customary to lay fresh flowers on the saint’s face before prayer, but this is not a necessary condition.

During the process you need to say the following words:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. I pray for your holy intercession, and send down Divine grace. So that my mother, the servant of God (name) will be healed sooner and not languish in mortal pain and serious illnesses. Let your will be done. Amen. »

You should repeat the prayer every day before going to bed. In the future, you can do this at home.

Nicholas the Wonderworker and his help

This saint is one of the most revered among others in Orthodoxy. Often in the red corner you can see three important icons: in the middle is Jesus Christ, on the left is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and on the right is the Mother of God. He deserved such an honorable place by working his miracles. During his lifetime he became famous for his deeds. He made sure to convey the prayers that people came to him to the Lord through his petitions.

And many say that they were always heard. Many people say that he had a certain connection with the Lord, which after the death of Nicholas the Wonderworker did not disappear anywhere, but only became even stronger. This saint is considered the patron saint of sailors and merchants. His positive attitude towards children was also noted. It’s not for nothing that they call him the Wonderworker. After all, everyone expects a miracle before reading prayers.

That is why prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the health of loved ones are aimed at expecting a miracle. Nicholas the Wonderworker never refused requests. He tried to help not only financially, but also morally. Spiritual instruction was often aimed at strengthening faith as well as uplifting spirit.

Most often he is asked about:

  • the gift of children
  • finding a soul mate and a successful marriage,
  • healing of various diseases,
  • assistance in finding a job and material well-being and others.

Also read: Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the birth of a child

Muslim duas

Russian-speaking Muslims, to help the mother cope with the disease, can read the following prayer lines:

“I pray to the Great Allah the Almighty Day of Judgment for healing from all ailments for my mother. Only by the will of Allah will the mother be healed from fatal diseases. “You need to repeat them several times a day.

You can also use a common Muslim prayer for healing:

  1. "Allahumma, Rabban-us, muzhibal-ba's, ishfi antash-shafi, la shafiya illya anta, ishfi shifa'an la yugadiru sakama."
  2. “Lord, Who cares for people! O remover of troubles! Heal, for You are the Healer. Only You heal. Heal so that Your healing power hits the target."

It is believed that the Quran is capable of healing people even in the most difficult conditions. Therefore, during a period of serious illness of the mother, it is worth reading the following lines from it daily:

  1. I begin with the Great Name of Allah - the One Lord Almighty. He bestows blessings, is merciful and omnipotent, and is merciful to those who believe in Islam in the hereafter (Akhirat).
  2. Praise be to Allah Almighty, God of all Worlds, for everything that Allah has given to His servants. Glory to Allah Almighty, He is the Creator and the Almighty Lord.
  3. Ar-Rahman Allah (Have mercy on everyone in the world) and Ar-Rahim (have mercy on believers in Islam after the death of the body).
  4. Allah rules the world, he is the only ruler of the Day of Judgment, repentance and retribution. The power on the Day of Judgment lies only with Allah and no one else. Power over everything lies only in the hands of Allah.
  5. We pray to the only Allah and ask for help, and we don’t rely on anyone else.
  6. May Allah bless us who believe in Islam.
  7. Lead your slaves along the right path, you have given us insight and faith in Allah One, directing us along the straight path of Islam. Allah has given the paths of the prophets and angels to believers in Islam. Do not lead us along the path of those who have lost their way and those who have lost their holy faith, those who despair and have ceased to believe in the Great Allah.

Prayer that changes fate

Diseases are frequent, they seem to haunt a person. They don't give up day after day. It seems to a person that everyone around him is healthy, but he is offended by God and fate. Some become lethargic and infantile. They buy medicine and start living with a bunch of pills and medical equipment. Others turn to Nikolai Ugodnik with a prayer for a change in fate. You can get rid of diseases if you read this prayer sincerely. Life changes its course, health is restored. The best day to read this prayer is your birthday. You cannot complain about this fate, you need to consciously ask for forgiveness for your mistakes, ask to change your life for the better.

If you are tired of the sores, and your birthday is still far away, you can go to church any day, light a candle and say a prayer for a change in fate.

Catholic appeals to God about the health of the mother

There are special prayers for help in the illness of one’s own mother and for Catholics. They are similar to the texts of Orthodox prayers, but have their own characteristics.

You can also say Catholic appeals to the Lord at home or by going to church. Those praying are advised to memorize the text.

The following words are pronounced:

“Lord, I pray to You for the sick mother. Ease bodily and mental suffering and show your servant (mother’s name) the mercy of the Most High God. Allow my mother to feel Your great love for all people on our sinful earth and return to her former life in health and joy. While she is sick, strengthen her faith in Your paternal powers and help her to obey the will of the One Lord, and help her daughter understand her mother and give love and care. O Great Lord, I cry for healing. The fate of my mother and her health are in your hands. Holy Mother of God, grant the sick your maternal care. Amen. »

How to order a prayer service for the health of the mother?

So that your mother does not get sick and her serious condition is alleviated, it is worth ordering a prayer service for the woman’s health in the church. This is a very strong procedure that is carried out in an Orthodox church. You can order a prayer service if your mother is baptized.

It is recommended to bring crosses and icons to the prayer service. After completing the procedure, you need to transfer them to the woman in the hospital. Many patients note that after receiving such a cross or icon, their health quickly improved .

Notes asking for healing are submitted to churches. The ministers will offer to simply read a prayer for a sick mother or order a magpie for a woman’s health. In the latter option, the name of the sick woman will be mentioned by the priest during prayer every day for 40 days.

On a special piece of paper given to your son or daughter by the church minister, you need to write “About health” and the name of the mother. Petitions from parishioners are presented to the priest before the service. He reads them out, asking the Lord for mercy and healing for the people indicated in the notes.

About the child's health

It's very scary when children get sick. A mother, suffering over the bed of her own child, is ready to do anything to ensure that the baby recovers. Nicholas the Wonderworker has long been considered the patron saint of children.

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Therefore, every mother always has an icon of the Wonderworker by her baby’s bed and has prepared the text of a prayer so that she can read it at any time in an address to Nicholas. They pray to His Holiness for the health of children; he hears these petitions and heals them from any physical ailment.

The prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the healing of a child is pronounced in a special way:

  • Important! - Seclude yourself in a separate room;
  • Light three church candles;
  • Place the Saint next to the candles;
  • There must be holy water next to the icon;
  • Read the Lord's Prayer.
  • Only after all of the above do we address the Pleasant like this:

“Oh, Saint Nicholas the Pleasant. Help my beloved child recover and do not be angry with me for sinful sorrow. Amen".

How to pray correctly?

For a prayer to be heard, it is important to pronounce it correctly. A person’s thoughts at the moment of pronouncing prayer texts must be pure and sinless. You need to tune in to the process in advance. Read the Bible or just think about something positive. If a person is angry with someone or experiences other unpleasant emotions, it is worth postponing the prayer for another time. First you need to calm down and find harmony in your soul. At the very beginning, be sure to cross yourself three times.

During the prayer, you need to read the text thoughtfully and without haste, wishing your loved one well with all your heart. To finish, cross yourself three times again.

Under what conditions to read the prayer is not particularly important. It is best to do this in a church in front of an icon, but you can do it in any other place - at home, on the street in a secluded place. If it is not possible to kneel in front of the image, it will be enough to simply bow your head on your crossed palms.

It is important to remember that even the most powerful prayer does not negate the need for highly qualified medical examinations and drug therapy prescribed by a doctor. It often happens that God helps a sick person through other people. For example, doctors and other medical staff. Prayer and comprehensive treatment from specialists should complement each other, not be mutually exclusive.

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