St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, customs, conspiracies and fortune telling

Prayers to Saint Nicholas for healing, attracting good luck and happiness

When you go to church and pray to God, do it with deep faith in your heart. If you just go to the temple and make a wish, because it is the holiday of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and he must make your plans come true, such a miracle will not happen.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant helps even the most infirm to heal. There are cases in history when people, during his life and after the death of the saint, were healed by touching his relics. That is why people turn to him with prayers for healing even in the most seemingly hopeless situations.

People tell stories about miraculous healings of the sick when medicine was powerless. You can pray for intercession before God, and the saint will hear you. Just learn to ask sincerely, heartily, without guile or deception.

If you sincerely ask a saint for help on a journey, or to help him avoid troubles, troubles, or if you want to absolutely change your life, pray to the Wonderworker from the heart, light candles, help the sincerely disadvantaged, give them alms. Be generous and kind, repent of your sins.

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After all, as you know, during his lifetime Saint Nicholas shared everything he had. And to this day he patronizes the poor, the disadvantaged, sailors and travelers, and all children. There are prayers to him for help on the road, at work, in business, in trade, in marriage, for healing from illness, for good luck, for health.

Be sure to go to church in the morning and honor the saint. Stand at the service, light candles and pray. And may the saint hear your prayers and help you in your petitions!

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

The Church teaches Orthodox Christians to pray to the Holy Saint with their souls. In this case, the clergy say, your prayer will definitely be heard. And soon all difficulties will disappear.

Happy St. Nicholas Day to you! Good luck, health, prosperity, prosperity and family warmth! Do not pass by the temple on this day. Be sure to light a candle. And let your timid request for help be heard!

How to ask for a wish to come true

Some people consider prayer to be a kind of spell. In fact, any request is fulfilled only by the will of the Lord. Even prayers addressed to Nicholas the Pleasant are, first of all, addressed to God. The miracle worker, like any saint, is only a mediator between believers and the Almighty. Therefore, when reading any prayer, you must sincerely believe in God and his power.

When saying a prayer, you need to delve into the spoken words in order to better understand their meaning. In addition, one should not approach the prayer service with a heavy heart and negative thoughts. Having decided to ask St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for help, you need to remember that you cannot ask to harm another person. The Lord hears only prayers containing good thoughts. A wish that can cause harm to others will never be fulfilled.

While reading the prayer request, you need to throw all unnecessary thoughts out of your head, forget about your problems for a while and concentrate only on your desire. Prayer texts can be read from a piece of paper, but it is better to learn the desired prayer by heart. Then you can ask for help while outside the home.

There is another important point - the correct formulation of the desire.

An incorrectly formulated thought delays the fulfillment of what you want or remains completely unattended. To do this, it is recommended to first mentally imagine your dream and then write it down on paper. During the prayer service, when voicing a wish, you can read the written text.

Signs and rituals on St. Nicholas Day

For a long time, people have believed that it should snow on the winter day of St. Nicholas the Pleasant. And people call the frosts on this day Nikolsky. True, the current forecast does not promise us snow in 2019. But if there is frost on this day in the morning, then 2020 promises to be fruitful and very rich.

There is also such a sign among the people: all debts must be given away before the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, otherwise the whole next year the family will be begging and in poverty. And, of course, you should never borrow.

Our great-grandfathers believed that on this day it is necessary to make peace with your enemies and enemies. Extend your palm towards them for a handshake. It is believed that on this day it is necessary to call both friends and enemies so that friendly relations are established between everyone.

There is also such a folk sign: a man who is the owner of the house should be the first to walk around his home in the morning in order to attract good luck in this way, and all troubles and adversity should go away.

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

But most of all, in ancient times, girls who wanted to get married looked forward to this day with great impatience. After all, you can read a prayer to Saint Nicholas for marriage, and he will definitely help. And also - guessing on the night of December 19th. And make your deepest wish.

To find out for an unmarried girl what her betrothed's name will be, she needs to cut 19 strips of paper. Just do this in advance, because on this day you cannot cut or pick up scissors. Write different male names on each of them. Go to bed, and in the morning draw out one name.

You can tell fortunes with a ring and find out whether there will be a wedding in 2022. To do this, the girl must ask for the engagement ring of a woman who is happily married. Take your hair from your head and tie a ring to it. Pour water into a glass and bring it to it. If the ring spins quickly without touching the edges of the glass, you can expect matchmakers and weddings in 2022. If it spins slowly and hits the glass, there will be no wedding next year.

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

Even girls who wanted to get married used to tell fortunes about St. Nicholas on a cherry branch. You just need to pick it in the morning and bring it into the house and put it in water. If it blooms before March, it means that the girl will soon get married and become a bride. If not, it means he’ll have to wear girls all year.

There is the following folk ritual to fulfill a wish: you need to take 40 candles, put them in a plate with salt, light them at home in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Read "Our Father."

After that, write a letter indicating all your sins and bad deeds. Sincerely repent of them, as well as those you have not committed (if you find it difficult to answer, read the 10 deadly sins). Burn what you wrote; while it burns, think about your deepest desire. When all the candles have burned out, go to the temple and light a candle for the saint.

You can tell fortunes about marriage and at the cross. To do this, at 12:00 at night you need to go to the intersection. An unmarried girl should listen to the sounds around her. If he hears joy and ringing laughter in the area, a wedding is coming. If he hears screams or crying, there will be no wedding in the coming year.

But fortune telling on cards on St. Nicholas Day is prohibited. So it is better to use the above methods of fortune telling. And forget about cards altogether. People have long been of the opinion that it is forbidden to play and tell fortunes on cards on days of veneration of saints and church holidays.

Reading rules

Some people think that it is enough to just read a prayer on a piece of paper once, and the wish will come true. In order for the saint to hear the prayer appeal, certain rules must be observed during the prayer service:

  • They pray in front of the icon with the face of the Holy Wonderworker.
  • They choose a secluded place so that no one can interfere with communication with the Lord.
  • They place a lit church candle or lamp next to the icon.
  • Turning their faces to the icon of the saint, they kneel down.
  • The prayer service begins with the main prayer - “Our Father.”
  • Then they begin to read the prayer addressed to St. Nicholas the Pleasant.
  • After pronouncing the Orthodox text, the desire is voiced.
  • At the end of the prayer service, they make the sign of the cross.

Prayers said in church have much greater power. But even prayer in front of the home iconostasis, coming from a pure heart, will be heard by the Lord and the Holy Pleasant.

After the wish comes true, you must definitely thank the Lord and the saint. You should not expect your wish to come true instantly. Sometimes this takes some time. Moreover, you need to not just wait with folded arms, but also try to bring your dreams closer to fruition. The Lord will see the efforts made, and prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help the desire come true.

Conspiracies on the day of St. Nicholas the Ugodnik

If you are a supporter of conspiracies and not prayers, then take note of the magic words that are aimed at attracting good luck, happiness, wealth, health, marriage.

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

It is interesting that on the day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, people left their wallets open. It is believed that in this way you can attract wealth. In addition, closets were also left open so that new clothes and wealth would be added to the house.

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

You can turn to Saint Nicholas with a short spell, in which you ask the Wonderworker to meet only good people on your life’s path. And so that they come to meet you with a kind heart and an open soul. To do this in the morning you need to say the following words: “Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker! Bind the villain’s hands and feet, surround his eyes with a veil!”

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

And don’t forget to congratulate your family and friends on the holiday. In your prayers to St. Nicholas, ask for their health. Wish good luck, happiness and prosperity to your friends and loved ones. Let the saint not bypass your home. He will definitely stop by and give you a magical holiday!

Be successful and prosperous! Forget about all the troubles, sorrows and grievances! Decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house, get ready for a series of New Year holidays. And may Saint Nicholas bring you as much warmth, comfort, smiles and light as possible!

Do what really brings you pleasure! If you are looking for a good job, ask St. Nicholas for patronage. Believe that you will succeed! This will definitely happen!

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

Girls who dream of getting married should read a different prayer. Reach new heights and realize yourself! We wish for a miracle to happen! And you plunged headlong into the ocean of love! And, of course, they got married successfully!

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, prayers, conspiracies

To everyone else - peace, harmony, joy, kindness and warmth! Let your life sparkle with bright rainbow colors! The most wonderful mood on this day and throughout the coming year 2022! Positive, energy, health, prosperity, luck! Interesting events and a pleasant pastime! Let all the bad things go away!

Discover new horizons for yourself, and let St. Nicholas help you with this! Believe in yourself, smile and laugh more often, think about good things - after all, all our thoughts can come true. Let sadness and sorrow go away from your heart! All the best and brightest! Attract good luck to yourself and share it with others!

Prophetic dreams

People believe that you can see prophetic dreams on St. Nicholas the Winter, which is why, when going to bed, you should make a wish. After waking up, it is important to try to remember all the events of the dream, its emotional coloring, which will tell you whether the dream will come true or whether it is not yet time to make the dream come true.

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If a girl is interested in the possibility of marrying her chosen one or meeting someone who will become one, you can do this. Before going to bed, place a glass of water next to your bed and say the words:

Narrowed-mummer come to me to drink some water

And go to bed. And in the morning try to interpret what you saw.


St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, fortune telling,

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, fortune telling, UNIAN

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, fortune telling, UNIAN

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, fortune telling, UNIAN

St. Nicholas Day: signs, rituals, fortune telling,

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