Who to turn to for prayers during childbirth, spiritual preparation and powerful texts

  • 4850
  • 04-09-2018
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Childbirth is perhaps the most difficult natural process in a woman’s life. During the gestation period, health weakens and hormonal changes occur. A woman’s body is completely rebuilt before the birth of a child, and these changes often worry the expectant mother. In addition, women are concerned about possible postpartum injuries and complications.

But if you facilitate the birth process at the energy level, childbirth will be easy and without complications. In particular, specific Christian prayers have a beneficial effect on the mother and child. But what prayers should be read during childbirth? How to prepare spiritually for the birth of a child? Can relatives of a woman in labor pray for the safe birth of her baby? You can find answers to each of these questions in our article.

Spiritual preparation for the birth of a child

Such a responsible and complex process as childbirth requires from a woman not only physical, but also psychological and spiritual preparation. At the same time, to start preparing for the birth of a baby on a spiritual level in the early stages of pregnancy, namely:

See also...

✅ Orthodox prayer before surgery

✅ Prayers for children and godchildren

✅ Orthodox prayer for weight loss

✅ Strong prayers for the purification of the race up to the 12th generation

  • Attend church at least once a week;
  • Learn to forgive your enemies. It is also recommended to light candles in church for the health of both friends and relatives, and for enemies;
  • Avoid the possibility of negative influence from the outside on your own biofield. A woman preparing to become a mother should under no circumstances allow herself to get angry. This does not mean that you need to fight only external manifestations of anger, and keep true emotions within yourself. This will only make it worse. You need to learn to ignore the irritant, get distracted and get away from the ill-wisher;
  • Meditate and relax. Oddly enough, meditation has a beneficial effect on the energy field, strengthening its natural protection and opening channels for communication with Higher powers;
  • Repent of sins, confess and, if necessary, undergo an exorcism.

Immediately before giving birth, a woman is recommended to:

  • Have a heart-to-heart talk with your mother. This helps to establish an energetic connection between soul mates;
  • Call all your friends and ask them for forgiveness for possible offenses;
  • Talk to your husband or partner. If he is a believer, joint prayers and repentance are recommended;
  • Read the canonical prayer to the Virgin Mary - “Rejoice, Virgin Mary.” It is the Mother of God who is the patroness of women in labor. First of all, prayers during childbirth and assistance in childbirth are offered to Her.

Important! In the process of spiritual preparation for childbirth, there will be moments when a woman wants to retire and cry. There is no need to worry about this. In this case, tears are not only the body’s natural reaction to hormonal changes, but also an important stage in the process of spiritual cleansing of the biofield before childbirth.

Rules for reading prayer

Often, prayer for a successful birth is directed to the Most Holy Theotokos. After all, she, as a mother, can understand everything that a woman in labor experiences. During pregnancy, some women may do things that they consider not particularly beautiful. Also, due to frequent mood swings, they can offend a loved one for no reason. But you should be careful with such manifestations.

Also pray for the gift of wisdom not to commit such actions, and if such a thing does happen, then immediately ask for forgiveness. Remember that at the moment the harmony of your family relationships should be above all else.

Who should you pray to before giving birth?

The main patroness of women in labor in prayers for an easy birth and the birth of a healthy child, as mentioned above, is the Most Holy Theotokos.

In addition to the Virgin Mary, prenatal prayers are offered to the following saints:

  • Nicholas the Pleasant (Wonder Worker);
  • Jesus Christ the Savior;
  • Guardian Angel;
  • His Patron Saint (depending on the name);
  • Venerable Melania the Roman;
  • The righteous Elisabeth and Zechariah;
  • Great Martyrs Catherine and Anastasia the Pattern Maker.

The most powerful prayers before childbirth are offerings to the Mother of God, the Lord God and Nicholas the Wonderworker. Let's take a closer look at them.

Holy Mother of God

Icon “Helper during Childbirth”
When leaving for the maternity hospital, the expectant mother should have an icon of the Mother of God. This is not only a powerful amulet against adversity, but also an energetic aid when offering prayers to the Most Pure Virgin. It is recommended to offer prayers to the Virgin Mary on the following icons of the Mother of God:

  • "Feodorovskaya";
  • "Healer";
  • "Baby Leap";
  • "Quick to Hear";
  • "Assistant in childbirth."

The canonical prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” has the most beneficial effect on the mother and child. In addition, it is recommended to begin any appeal to the Mother of God with this prayer.

The following prayers before childbirth to the Most Holy Theotokos with the icon “Helper in Childbirth” are also recommended:

  • For an easy birth:

“Mother of God, Most Holy Virgin, Most Pure among women! Have mercy on me, Servant of God [Name]! Protect me in the hour of grief and sorrow in which the poor daughters of Eve are forced to give birth to their offspring! Remember, O Blessed One, how affectionate You were with Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a miracle the baby she gave birth to became! Let me, the Servant of God [Name], easily give birth to a healthy and strong child, so that he, like me, glorifies Your name and the Blessed Fruit of Your womb. Hear me, Most Holy Theotokos, and do not bypass me with Your merciful Eye, Your tender Hand, Your saving Word. Pray for me, O Most Pure Virgin, before the Lord God Almighty in the hour of my suffering, physical and spiritual. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!”;

  • On preserving the newborn in case of complications during pregnancy and childbirth:

“Oh, Mother of the Lord, Most Pure Virgin Mary! You are the Intercessor of the sick and suffering, You are the Protector of women in labor and newborns, You are the merciful Mother, hear the prayer of Your bitter servant [name]! Do not leave me in the hour of my sorrow, just as you do not leave anyone who turns to you with prayer both in the hour of prayer and in the hour of death! Help me preserve my only child, in order to raise him in love in the Lord our God, the One Jesus Christ! Do not leave me, Mother, in my grief, and do not let the pure baby perish in me or not in me! Forgive me all the sins I committed in the hour of temptation and eclipse, and deliver me from the evil one and the black eye. Glorious forever, O Most Pure Virgin Mother of God - now, and ever, and forever and ever - Amen!

  • For the birth of healthy children:

“Accept, O All-Blessed Lady, the prayer of Your servant [Name]! You who alleviate suffering, who help the poor, who heal wounds, who listen to prayers - hear me! You, Virgin Immaculate, who brought the Savior into our sinful world - hear me! Pray for me, All-Blessed Mother of God, before our Lord Jesus Christ, before the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit in the hour of my pain and suffering! Hope, O All-Good One, that a healthy, strong baby will be born to me and protected from evil spirits, so that I, the servant of God [Name], can baptize him in the Christian faith in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

Important to consider! For the best effect, prayers to the Mother of God should begin to be read long before the onset of labor. It is recommended to offer prayers to the Virgin Mary daily throughout the last trimester.

To the Lord

Immediately before giving birth, the expectant mother can turn to the creator himself. Particularly powerful is the ancient Byzantine prayer, the translation of which is presented below:

“Lord Almighty, Originator and Savior of all things on earth and in heaven! Your word is spoken to all Christian spouses - “Be fruitful and multiply!” I thank You, Lord, for making me, Your sinful servant [Name], involved in the great miracle of birth, that life is born in my womb, that another heart beats under my heart, that a new soul is born next to my soul! Thank you, Lord, for not making me barren like a waterless river, for giving me the fruit of my womb! I pray to You, Most High God, bless the fruit of my womb, so that it may see Your light and enter the temple of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

All-merciful God!

Sprinkle my child with hyssop so that he becomes whiter than the snow and the air is cleaner. Raise him into the host of your beloved children, and let him live and be your faithful servant! Protect me, weak, in the hour of my suffering, for You alone know how to comfort the sick and unfortunate! Satisfy my fears, Lord, protect the fruit of my womb from the evil one, so that the unclean spirit does not corrupt it while still in the womb! Give my child a wise soul, strength and perseverance, so that he may be born to continue the human race created by You!


I bring You the fruit of my womb! Place Your gracious hand on his forehead, so that he may become a part of the Body of Christ and his Church, so that he may praise You from birth, after death and forever and ever, Amen!”

Important! This prayer for a successful birth should be read during the first contractions. It is not necessary to read the text out loud - the woman in labor can pray silently. The main condition for reading the prayer is sincere faith in God.

To Nicholas the Wonderworker

In order to pray for childbirth and the birth of a child before St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the expectant mother should purchase an amulet icon of this saint. You can buy an icon in any temple, but it is important to make sure that it has been consecrated. You can pray both in church and at home or in a hospital. A woman praying for a safe birth should be alone in the room.

The prayer reads as follows:

  • The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is located on a dais;
  • A thin church candle is lit in front of the image of the saint;
  • The expectant mother kneels in front of the icon, makes the sign of the cross three times and reads the following text:

“All-Good Lord, I thank You that You have honored me, Your lowest servant [Name], with the grace of childbearing. Thank you for the Fruit that is ripening in my womb, for the heart that beats next to my heart, for the soul that is ripening next to my soul, amen!

Holy Pleasant, Wonderworker, I trust in you! I am a sinner, the servant of God [Name], therefore I am afraid that during childbirth, bitter suffering and fierce pain await me. Therefore, I pray for your intercession, Holy Saint!

I do not ask to save me from the share of the female race, from the great sinner Eve, for it is our law and our duty to give birth in pain. But I ask you, Holy Saint, when the hour of birth comes, help me give birth easily. Save me from severe pain, which my heart may not be able to withstand.

Fulfill, Nicholas the Wonderworker, my heart, mind and soul, as well as my husband, the servant of God [Name]. Let the baby be born so that he can see God's light. May the child be born whole, healthy, strong, given to us in the likeness of the Infant Jesus Christ, born through the womb of the Most Pure Virgin, protected from sins. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!”

This prayer should be read on the eve of childbirth.

How to choose an icon

There are many such icons in Orthodoxy and there is good news for women who want to use this method. There is plenty of evidence of how the icon for conception and birth of a child actually brought results.

In fact, any sincere prayer and appeal to the Almighty can help.

Therefore, the icon of Christ or the Mother of God located on the home altar can be used to get pregnant, and other holy images can also be used. After all, as the scripture says: “Faith the size of a mustard seed is enough.”

However, it is also advisable to choose which icon to ask for a child in order to get a more accurate result. If we figuratively imagine a holy image as a kind of window into the spiritual world, then, as is not difficult to understand, each window can have its own characteristics and behind some windows meadows are visible, behind others fields and rivers. Of course, all icons in Orthodoxy ultimately point to the Lord, but there are some peculiarities.

For example, the icon of the Mother of God helps to get pregnant, since to a certain extent it is the embodiment of the ideal of motherhood. Believers can strive to be somewhat like the Most Pure Virgin, asking her for help in the matter in which she is the ideal. Other options are selected using a similar principle, which we will consider further.

How can loved ones pray for the well-being and health of the child?

The most powerful prayers are those that a person reads for himself. Prayers for successful childbirth are no exception. However, during strong contractions or directly during childbirth, a woman cannot physically pray. In this case, friends and relatives can help her.

The most powerful prayers for the woman in labor and the child for a successful birth are the following:

  • Prayer of the husband of a woman in labor for the icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth”:

“Bright Virgin Mary, Your humble servant [Name] calls to you! Just as Blessed Joseph protected You during Your pregnancy, so I protected my wife. Do not abandon my wife, God’s servant [Name], in sorrow and pain, let her be relieved of her joyful burden, and let the long-awaited child be born, so that we can raise him in love for Your beloved Son, our Savior and Only Begotten God - Jesus Christ . Do not let the evil one take possession of an innocent soul born in sin! Protect us, Blessed Virgin! Amen!"

  • Prayer of loved ones for a successful birth (both relatives and friends of the woman in labor can read):

“All-merciful Lord, our Savior, Creator of all things! We trust in you in the hour of earthly trials of the servant of God [Name of the woman in labor]! We do not ask You to save her from the earthly sufferings prepared for all of Eve’s great-daughters, for the lot of earthly wives is to give birth in pain to atone for original sin. But we pray to You, Merciful Lord, to protect Your servant [Name of the woman in labor] from those torments that she may not be able to withstand! May her child be born healthy, strong and joyful. Let this child serve as atonement for all the sins of his mother, for he will take the path of God, and in the temple he will bend his knee before You, O Almighty Creator! Do not, God, allow the black disease to break the mother and child, may the birth be successful, and may a new life appear to the world for Your Glory! For the Lord is merciful, all-good and merciful! In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

  • Prayer of relatives to Jesus Christ:

“Our Lord Jesus Christ, born of the Most Pure Virgin! Hear the prayer of your humble servants! Grant to Your servant [Name of the woman in labor] an easy, painless birth and health to the one born from her womb! Just as the Blessed Virgin carried you in her womb, so the servant of God [Woman’s Name] carries her child under her heart. Just as You listened to the beating of the Heart of the All-Good Most Pure Virgin, so the fruit of the womb of God’s servant [Name] listens to the heart of its mother. May she, God, give birth happily and as a healthy baby. Let him have whole hands and legs, a clear head and bright eyes, so that he can be baptized in the Orthodox Faith, so that he lives a righteous life, so that he remembers Your sacrifice and Your suffering, Lord! Grant Thy grace to the future mother, so that her mind does not become clouded from suffering, so that her unstable soul does not become clouded from pain, so that swear words do not come out of her mouth, so as not to attract the evil spirit to the cradle of the newborn. Give the child, Lord, Your blessing, so that nothing dark and evil touches him! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!”

All of the above prayers are read during strong contractions and during the birth process itself.

Mother's prayer for her daughter giving birth

The strongest prayer for a woman in labor is the mother’s prayer for the well-being of her daughter in labor. The reason for this is the close energetic bonds between a mother and her – even an adult – child. This prayer is read over the “Helper in Childbirth” icon both before and during childbirth:

“Most Holy Virgin, Pious Mother of our Savior Jesus Christ! Protect God’s servant [Daughter’s name] in her hour of testing and help her become a healthy baby! Oh, Virgin Mary, Intercessor of the female race before the Eyes of our Lord Jesus Christ! I fall at your feet and tearfully pray - in the hour of trial, become God’s servant [Daughter’s name] Mother! Beg Your Only Begotten Son to have mercy on her, so that her child will be born healthy and blissful, so that we, unworthy, can taste of His Mercy! I tearfully beg you, All-Forgiving Mother! Forgive all the sins of the servant of God [Name], just as she forgives her offenders! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen!”

It is important to note that the texts of all the prayers presented above do not necessarily need to be interpreted word-for-word. You can pray using your own text - the main thing is that the prayer was sincere and came from the heart. Prayer during the birth of a daughter and assistance in childbirth should be filled with love for the woman in labor and respect for God and the Saints to whom one ascends.

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