Do you want to meet love and marry the man of your dreams? Conspiracies will help you

Every woman wants quiet family happiness, but it happens that her personal life does not improve. I want to get married, but I still can’t find the right guy. All my friends have been married for a long time. And it’s unclear what’s happening. She seems to be beautiful, and hard-working, and healthy, but everything is not going well... Perhaps the reason was the evil eye or damage. In any case, magic can help.

There are magical rituals for quick marriage. They are not at all complicated, and belong to white magic, since the woman performing the ritual does not break the will of others. She turns to the Higher Powers for personal happiness. The only thing is that in such conspiracies you cannot ask a specific person to be your husband, otherwise it turns into black magic and refers to love spells.

Conspiracies for loneliness

Such rituals will help you find a man and get rid of loneliness.

The first of them suggests reading the plot at the crossroads at midnight. To do this, you need to throw thirteen kopecks there and say three times:

“There is a dead field, In that field grief lives. It lives in the field, gets along, and does not know loneliness. I talk to myself (name), so that I won’t be alone forever, so that I won’t suffer alone. Go, my loneliness, to the field, There, where evil grief lives, There you can live, there you can be, And leave me (name) forever. The key to my words, the lock to my deeds. For now, for centuries, for all time. Amen".

The following ritual is performed on the 9th Friday after Christmas. He helps you find a man for a serious relationship. At midnight you need to go to the intersection and say to 4 sides:

“Male soul, follow me, to my home, my betrothed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

This lunar plot to attract a man is done on the 12th lunar day. You need to read the spell for small coins 40 times. At midnight at the crossroads, scatter them on 4 sides and read the plot on each side:

“The snow was falling, the rain was pouring, the sun was shining, the wedding star was rising. The priest and the bridal party walked around the lectern, the Sudans carried the crown. I pour the coin from my hand, I buy the wedding crown, I take off the single one. The winds are flying from the south, the winds are flying from the north, Luck is standing at the gate, the coin was flying from the hand, The slander was falling, crumbling into small pieces, I (name) invite happiness, I am buying the joy of marriage from the four winds, The winds were flying from the four sides, They were bringing happiness and good luck , joy was placed in your hand. Not for a day, not for an hour, for centuries. Amen, I'll buy mine. Amen. And forty amenas."

Black magic will help you get married

It’s worth noting right away that this is playing with fire. The conspiracy will work much faster than white magic spells, but the consequences can be disastrous. Either the woman, her husband, or children will pay. There is no point in hoping for a happy life. The girl will get married, but the marriage will not be successful. Example ritual:

  1. At midnight go to the cemetery.
  2. Find a photograph of a handsome man on the grave.
  3. Make a tunnel under the gravestone and put a ring there.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Come back home.
  6. They walk without looking back.

Conspiracy: “Dark forces, earthly and unearthly evil spirits. You know who goes where and what they do. You know how to lure, attract, and intoxicate. I leave you a deposit, and ask for a groom in return. As beautiful as you already took. Send me a young man to my house. Not in a year or two, but within a month. I leave the payoff to you, and in return I wish myself happiness. No sooner said than done".

Conspiracies to meet a man

Such rituals are performed for a specific person. Sometimes they demand a photo of the chosen one, his personal item.

Ritual for a meeting

“Lord, gather me on a long journey, give me permission to meet a guy (name is called). Reveal to me the mysterious depths of acquaintance, make sure that we meet. Deliver me from disappointments, give me confidence, protect me from wasting energy. Help me understand the prospects of love, make sympathy intensify, teach me how to act correctly. Let me calm down and take advantage of this chance. Amen".

This plot is read at night.

Another option:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, let the clouds float, as before, float across the white sky, over the endless ocean, over the flowing sands, over the island of Buyan, over the flammable Altyr. Let the clouds spill clear water, my love, over my chosen one, over the endless meadow, in the overseas direction.”

The following plot is read alone in the field three times:

“Like a burdock clings to my hem, So would suitors cling to me, fall in love with me, and keep up with me, asking me to marry them. Amen".

The beer spell helps you find love, even if men don’t pay attention at all. You need to splash a bottle of good beer at the gate, and then pour it on the tree with the words:

“Just as everyone goes and goes to this beer, gathers, so it would be to me, God’s servant (name), Matchmakers went and gathered. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Holy water spell for loneliness

This conspiracy will help you not only meet the man of your dreams, but also marry him. You will need to wash your face with enchanted water.

“God’s water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana. My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned. I wash away the centuries, I put on the wedding crown. God's water is Ulyana, my blush is Maryana. Let the grooms see this and want to marry themselves. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

The following plot must be read on weekends once a week.

“Lord bless! God help me! Dawn Maryana comes, the sun rises in the sky. So I, the servant of God (the name of the one who performs the ritual), would get married and find a betrothed. God bless me for my marriage too. Crown the betrothed-betrothed to me, the servant of God (the name of the one who performs the ritual), give. My word is strong. My work is sculpted. Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times)."

This ritual is performed at dawn in a white shirt with loose hair.

“My light, scarlet dawn, my request to you is considerable - perform the rites and bring me a young man for the crown. You lead his heart, his eyes. Put us under the image with him.”

After divorce

If after a divorce a woman cannot find a good, caring man for a long time, then magic can be used. On Friday evening, you should wash all the floors in the house, then douse yourself with dirty water and read the text:

“There is a golden ship on the sea, on the ship there is a young king, waving his oar, hurrying, not eating or sleeping, looking towards me. With him are Saint Moses and Saint Luke, and with them the golden flour. And this is not torment, but torment, severe boredom for me. Sadness and melancholy of a good fellow. Pavushka, Romanea, run, Lyubavushka, lead the young man to me, blow heat in his face, point him to my porch, to my table, to my bed, to put a ring on my finger. Let my word be strong, tenacious to the white body. No one's word will interrupt, it will not break my fate. Keys in the river, sand in the water, the holy cross is on me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On Saturday morning you need to visit the temple, light a candle for the health of your future spouse, and on the way out give alms to 3-5 sufferers.

Moon spells to meet your loved one

A separate category of love magic is lunar rituals. It is important to carry them out depending on the position of the Earth’s satellite. Such conspiracies are considered quite effective. The main thing is to comply with all requirements.

Lunar plot will help you find your soulmate

“I conjure that (name of the object) becomes one with (your name) just as pure Fire, Air and Water are one with the solid Earth, so that the thoughts of (name of the object) are as pure - only about (your name) as rays the bright sun is ruled by the unquenchable Light of the world and its white virtues.

And let the high spirit (your name) circle over the strong spirit (name of the object), like soft water over hard earth. Make it so that (object’s name) cannot eat, sleep, drink, walk, or enjoy life without (your name).”

And this conspiracy will help you meet the man of your dreams and marry him.

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God, my betrothed, the mummer. Damn to the wind, damn against the wind and my challenge with it. My betrothed, destined by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, you will bring your soul to me, the servant of God. Amen".

The following plot will help you meet a man for a serious relationship:

“The Lunar Moon walked across the blue sky, carrying love and goodness, distributing it to everyone and not forgetting me. I've had three mountains of love - I can't grasp it with my eyes, I can't wrap my hand around it, I can't love it enough with my heart! When the moon rises and is full again, I will be happy and healthy!”

What are the results

The techniques described are absolutely safe. Ideally, life will change quickly enough. The time period is individual. Some meet their soulmate within a week. Others take a month. Unlike love spells, the methods do not have a negative connotation.

Help the magic work faster: give up despondency, unbelief, bad thoughts, dark forecasts. Enjoy it. Smile more. Act as if what you wanted had happened. You will not notice how your dream becomes reality. Good luck.

Conspiracies for marriage

If your lover is in no hurry to propose, you can push him to take active action with the following rituals.

Marriage plot using wedding candles. Two wedding candles are tied with a red thread, lit from one match and spoken:

“All the saints take the slave (name of the beloved) by the hands and lead him to the altar. At the crown, the servant (your name) stands looking at the saints. Lord, King of Heaven, crown with your crown the slave (name of your beloved) with the slave (your name) forever and ever, do not separate until death. Amen".

The candles should burn out and the cinders should be hidden.

Conspiracy to marry your loved one

Write your lover’s name on a piece of paper and say it:

“On a thorny bush in the green foliage sits a dove with a dove, not like a guy with a girl, but like a young husband with his lawful wife, they sit cooing, showing mercy to each other. And if I, the servant of God (name), and the servant of God (name) got married, we would all coo and live together forever. Stone, tongue, castle. My word is strong. Amen".

Pin a leaf with a name onto a hawthorn thorn. Pour wax on top of the spike, saying:

“I’m putting a seal that can’t be removed by anyone, not by man, not by beast, not by bird, but only by me!”

For the next ritual you need a loach. It is necessary to pick a loach flower and secure it under the ceiling. Read the plot three times every day, and when the flower dries, crumble it and place it on your lover’s doorstep.

“The bindweed is strong, the pink flower is delicate. The loach is on the tyn, wrapped around the entire tyn. The tine cannot break free, the vine cannot break, I, the maiden, the servant of God (name), will entwin myself around you, the servant of God (name), and be united in marriage. We can live together, love forever, press body to body, never part. Do not burn it with fire, do not pour it with water, do not jinx it, do not spoil it, do not scorch it. What is said will come true and will never be forgotten. My word is strong forever.”

You need to make a ring out of red and blue threads, cast a spell on it, and then keep it under your pillow.

“The horn of Turin, the beeps are ringing. The harbor is full of ships, the ships are crystal. In a silk envelope there is a gold ring, then a gold wedding ring, and gold wedding clothes. Faith is truth, but not treason! The tower is golden, the bed is down. For me, the servant of God (name), and the desired servant of God (name), it’s time, honor, praise! What is said will come true, the gold ring will not be covered with rust. Amen".

The lunar plot for marriage is carried out on the new moon. A performer with her hair down and wearing the shoes of a recently married woman reads a spell on the street in good weather:

“The month is young, be my matchmaker, Send me a rich groom, Young like you, not bearded. Let him be moved by me, curl around me, Just as I, God’s servant, curl around you, curl around you, marvel at your young body. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for marriage on the full moon. Near the open window, you need to place your photo and the photo of the object opposite each other. Make a circle of 9 candles. The plot is read 9 times.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as a cockerel cannot be-live without his hen, and a hen cannot be-live without her cockerel, so the servant of God (name) could not be-live without the servant of God (name) neither today, nor tomorrow, never. Allow, Lord, for them to live and be, never to be separated. Amen".

The next day in the temple, put the candles with the used ones. Rewind the photos with red and blue thread and hide them.

Food plot for the chosen one

In order for a man to propose, you need to give him the charmed kvass to drink.

“East to west, north to south, turn the servant of God (name) to the altar, Blasius, Medosius, you tamed the evil snake in the cave, so tame the heart of the servant of God (name) so that he grabs his heart, the hands of the servant of God (name ) achieved. She was drawn to the altar to get married, this time on my orders. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Execution Rules

To marry a man with the help of magic, you should follow certain recommendations from experts:

Mentally think about your only chosen one

  1. All words of the spells must be pronounced clearly, without hesitation.
  2. It is important to ask a higher power for help sincerely and to believe in the successful outcome of the ritual being performed.
  3. All magical procedures should certainly be performed in solitude. No one and nothing should interfere or distract.
  4. If you have a strong desire for a quick marriage and a happy marriage, you should concentrate on a specific person, only if the opposite is not indicated in the instructions for the plot. Clearly visualize the image of your lover, think about how happy you will be together.
  5. When pronouncing texts, you should repeat the name of the chosen one as often as possible.
  6. You should never tell anyone about how you managed to get married so quickly. Otherwise, the effect will not occur, there may be certain consequences.
  7. It is recommended to fast for three days before performing the procedure, not to smoke, not to drink alcohol, not to enter into intimate relationships.
  8. All rituals to attract quick marriage must be performed during the waxing moon.

What is not recommended to do to avoid negative consequences:

Don't ruin someone else's marriage

  1. No rituals are performed to destroy the marriage of a married person. As you know, you cannot build your happiness on someone else’s misfortune.
  2. Do not talk to anyone after magical actions have been performed.
  3. Do not experiment with magical rituals, do not use it just out of curiosity.

Safety precautions

It is important to observe safety precautions when performing certain rituals. Here you should pay attention to the phase of the moon; it can be found in the lunar calendar. If the ceremony is performed using a photo of a lover, it is important that it is fresh. The chosen one was depicted alone and his face and eyes were clearly visible.

Also, all rituals are performed alone. Strangers should not know about them. It is worth mentioning conspiracies. If the text is large, it is better to read it several times in advance so as not to stumble at a crucial moment. The fact is that in magic, even the smallest little things play a big role. That is why it is important to comply with all requirements. This also applies to candles. If it is said that they must be church ones, then they cannot be replaced with ordinary ones from the store and vice versa. The same applies to charmed food or drinks. As a rule, a spell requires either holy water or clean water from a source.

Consequences and Cautions

Usually, white rituals do not carry with them any consequences. Such rituals can only bring the following results:

  • Improving the flow of vital energy;
  • The appearance of attention from men;
  • The appearance of the right person in life to start a family;
  • Decisive steps on the part of a young man who never dared to ask for marriage;
  • Soon marriage.

If the rituals were considered gray and black, then the consequences can be completely different - from illness and failures on the love front or on any other front, to depression and death of loved ones or yours. It is especially not recommended to do rituals for fun.

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