Amulets against evil people at work and other troubles

When a person gets a good job, he is full of hope for a bright future.
We want to believe that we will receive decent pay, and relationships with management and employees will be cloudless. The authors of job advertisements support this illusion as best they can. You understand what we mean - all this “friendly team, career prospects”, and so on. Only often in reality the team turns out to be a ball of snakes, and the bosses turn out to be tyrants. The situation is, in fact, as old as time, or at least as wage labor. Therefore, amulets against evil people at work were known in ancient times. There are also certain magical rituals to ward off negativity from employees and management. You will learn about all this below.

“War” in the workplace: how evil people can cause harm

There may be cases when they simply start putting “pokes in your wheels.” Slander in front of your superiors, spoil your papers. Fight over every little thing. Are there many ways for evil people to ruin the lives of others at work? But we’re not even talking about that now. In the end, you can eventually find a common language with people who do nasty things to you or simply transfer to another department. But with possible magical attacks, everything is much more complicated.

  • The most commonplace magical effect is the evil eye. Often people with the evil eye themselves do not even suspect that they are bringing bad luck to people. You can protect yourself from the evil eye with a simple amulet.
  • Damage can only be caused on purpose. If you suddenly start getting sick inexplicably often, you are haunted by failures in your personal life, you have nightmares - perhaps someone at work is using black magic against you.
  • Outbursts of irresistible passion for a person, which are accompanied by headaches, nightmares, and extreme fatigue, are a sure sign of a love spell.
  • If after communicating, even innocently, with any person your mood deteriorates, you feel a loss of strength, then perhaps this person is an energy vampire. Some people do this unconsciously. Others do this on purpose: in black magic there are practices that allow you to drink the life force from defenseless colleagues or random passers-by.

As you can see, the arsenal of hostile employees is quite extensive. The amulet at work will be useful to you in order to repel both magical attacks and ordinary intrigues. You can make it yourself, but first things first.

Icon of the Mother of God “Softening Evil Hearts”

The Most Holy Theotokos is the first helper in adversity. Her whole life was spent in sorrows, but she did not harden her heart. In front of the icon “Softening Evil Hearts,” a prayer is read from the anger of the boss, for forgiveness of “those who unjustly (unfairly) hate.” Having secluded yourself in front of the image, you should read a short prayer “To my Most Blessed Queen,” and then ask in your own words.

Healthy. In most cases, dissatisfaction with bosses is due to the fault of employees, so you should carefully analyze your actions and add a prayer of repentance to your requests.

Icon “Softening Evil Hearts”

To my queen, offering

My Most Blessed Queen, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the Orphan and Strange, the Representative of the Grieving, the Joy of the Offended, the Patroness!

See my misfortune, see my sorrow; help me because I am weak, nourish me because I am strange! Weigh my offense, resolve it as you will: for I have no other help except You, no other Representative, no good Comforter, only You, O Mother of God! May you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen.

In what cases is a talisman needed from evil people?

The short answer to the question in the title is “almost any”. An ordinary employee may suffer from “office wars” with colleagues, and the head of a company may suffer from inadequate subordinates and inspection bodies.

A person looking for a job may time after time come across scammers who lure job seekers into financial pyramids or deceive in other ways. The amulet at work will be useful in any case. First of all, you need to take care of the amulet at work under the following circumstances:

  1. You started finding unexplained stains on your desktop, someone's hair, needles. This means that they are trying to spoil you.
  2. You regularly lose things that you use frequently, such as pens. The victim's personal items are usually damaged or damaged by a love spell.
  3. An inexplicable streak of failures began in your life shortly after getting a job or being promoted.
  4. You began to get sick severely and often, which was not the case before.
  5. You constantly fail, even in things that you seem to know how to do. Especially if failures begin to have an extremely negative impact on relationships with superiors.

There is no need to buy expensive amulets for work. The best one is the one you make with your own hands!

Experience of ancestors: ancient Slavic amulets from evil people and envious people

The old ones are quite strong amulets. They go back either directly to the pre-Christian beliefs of the Slavs, or to folk Christianity, which absorbed many pagan traits.

  • A universal amulet that will allow you not only to protect yourself at work, but also to ward off any evil spirits in general - Perun’s hatchet or the thunder cross. Perun is a powerful god, protector of the world and people from the forces of darkness. It was believed that devils would run away from the mere sight of it. But remember: Perun is also the god of justice, the ancient Russians called him as a witness when they swore. Use his symbols for defense only if you are absolutely and objectively right.
  • Solar cross, or simply a cross in a circle. Symbolizes the sun, dispersing the darkness of the night. In Rus' it was believed that not only Perun, but also the god of the solar disk, Khors, throws lightning at the evil spirits. Therefore, the Khorsa symbol can also help you protect yourself from evil witchcraft at work.
  • Bear claw or fang, to which we devoted a separate article. The bear was considered a threat of evil forces and was credited with the ability to dispel black magic.

Any amulet against evil people is worn so that it is not seen - it is sewn into the lining or hidden in a secret pocket. If it suddenly begins to get very dark while you are sitting at work in the office, it means that you are under a magical attack.

When should you use spells?

A person may think that he is completely safe. However, everyone has enemies and envious people who can harm not only with their actions, but also with their thoughts. Their negative energy makes a person unlucky, awkward, lost, and prevents them from getting rich and developing. A conspiracy from enemies eliminates negative energy and the consequences of its impact on a person’s life.

Important! You can use spells only if you are completely sure that there is an enemy. Otherwise, you can get yourself into trouble.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First, they check for the presence of an envious person. Before going to bed they ask for a prophetic dream, they say: “Angel, show the enemy.” If the dream is not remembered, or is positive, there are no enemies. If a clear image appears, a ritual must be performed.
  2. A ritual is selected that matches the skills and capabilities of the performer.
  3. After its completion, no one is told about magical actions.

Simple protective rituals are considered the safest and easiest. They have no impact on the enemy. However, the performer receives serious protection from higher powers.

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If influence on the opponent is implied, dark energies are activated. Working with them is quite dangerous and can cause harm if the procedure is not followed. When casting spells, you cannot change the words, rearrange them or throw them out.

A conspiracy of amulets, reading prayers is white magic. Inflicting damage, the evil eye, wishing evil on the enemy is black magic.

Protecting yourself from troubles at work

Anyone can choose a talisman for themselves, from a cleaner to the head of a company, who collects all the negativity of his subordinates. Depending on specific needs, we have divided the amulets for work into several groups.

For protection from subordinates

The boss, as a rule, is more susceptible to negativity than others.
Let's start, perhaps, from the very top of the career ladder. Even a respected boss receives the most negative energy among the team. Among the employees there may be a variety of people with completely different characters. Some aim to take the place of the boss or try to somehow influence him. So the boss will need a talisman to protect himself from his subordinates. A bag of herbal tea worn on the chest, closer to the heart, is best suited.

You can also make yourself protected by weaving a special bracelet - this is where Slavic knot magic works. At the same time, a prayer of protection is read for each knot. Such a simple amulet can be worn constantly. Just clean it at least once a month in running water, and when it breaks, make a new one. This amulet will protect against envy, the evil eye and damage at work. Bosses often encounter such things.

Amulet from an evil boss

It happens that the boss is clearly finding fault and treats his subordinates unfairly, but there is no way to find another job. A talisman against an evil boss is a very useful and necessary thing. For example, a talisman or pebble charged with holy water or fire from a lamp will do. Place it on your desktop.

A white cloth bag with salt or herbs also helps. Renew as they lose their aroma and bright color, about twice a month. Such amulets work best on an evil female boss.

How to protect yourself from being fired

It is better to place amulets against dismissal and “set-ups” at work, as well as against the anger of colleagues, in the most visible place so that they collect all the negativity. In serious cases, the traditional red thread on the wrist will not help, something more serious will be needed. For example, wood amulets made of oak (for men) or aspen (for women). Moreover, it is not at all necessary to take skillful products; just a piece of wood with a protective pattern will be enough.

An effective amulet can help you stay in your job.

Any simple symbols of your religion, runes, hieroglyphs can serve as a protective pattern. It's best to cut them yourself. They are charged simply, under running water, so you can do this even in the office while working.

The most powerful amulet will be the one chosen in accordance with the zodiac sign. Salt is suitable for earth signs, blessed water is suitable for water signs. For fiery ones, it’s better to choose a candle; for airy ones, anything will do.

Let inspectors and inspectors bypass

People working in the public service know firsthand about inspections and how picky they can be. And private entrepreneurs get a lot from them too. Not too evil inspectors can simply be given herbal tea. During this time, you can prepare a bag of salt, which will reduce the negative.

To protect against checks and other troubles, some other tricks will also help, for example:

  • lemongrass flower in the workplace;
  • sprig of rowan;
  • figurine made of aspen or birch;
  • enchanted silver souvenir.

General workspace protection

The figurine of Hotei in the workplace will both protect you and attract money.
You can use candle magic to protect your employees. Once a month, light it and walk around the corners of the office with it. If a candle starts to smoke too much somewhere, it means that negative energy has accumulated in that place. Read a prayer or protective spell in this place.

Damage and the evil eye will not be scary for you and your employees if you place an icon of the Matrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas or Archangel Michael in the corner at work. You can also use feng shui elements such as turtle, hotei or money frog.

Use the same weapon

According to psychologists, the best way to put a person in his place is to answer him with his own weapon. Try to do the same as your abuser, paying attention to his demeanor, tone and conversation. At the same time, one should not stoop to rudeness, but only cunningly use his own methods against the aggressor. We can safely take a similar position or cross our arms, lean on the back of a chair or table while talking.

Very soon he will understand the meaning of your strategy and, having experienced such behavior, will change tactics or switch to someone more vulnerable.

Finally, it is worth noting the main recommendation of psychologists in this situation - always remain calm, confident in your words and actions. Remember that a conflicting person is one who, at this moment in life, really needs help and sympathy, but wants to hide it with all his strength and available means.

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DIY amulet for work

The simplest talisman you can make is a silver pin or red thread, pinned or sewn in the most inconspicuous place. Also, every person is quite capable of weaving a knotted amulet of 12, 40 or 108 knots. A protective spell is cast on each node.

You can also carve protective runes on a piece of wood or draw them on a piece of paper. A pentagram will also work, but not upside down, inscribed in a circle. It is quite possible to draw a protective Buddhist mandala. Use your imagination, but remember - the correctness of the lines is more important than beauty. In any case, a talisman that is not too beautiful, but made with soul and compiled according to the rules, will be much stronger than a nice purchased trinket.

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