Conspiracy from troubles and failures, from damage and curses, from enemies and bad people

  • 1247
  • 14-08-2018
  • Author: Mysekret Team
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Unfortunately, not everyone in the world wishes each other well. For this reason, in everyday life, many negative attacks are carried out on the biofield of every person. These attacks are carried out both by ill-wishers, envious people and enemies, and by dark entities from the subtle world. People with a biofield thinned as a result of constant stress are especially vulnerable to such invasions.

To avoid the consequences of negative impacts on the biofield and repel attacks from the outside, protection is needed. With the help of special conspiracies, you can form an energy barrier through which no evil can penetrate. But what protective conspiracies are provided by white magic? Can you only protect yourself or does the spell extend to your family and friends? Is it possible to protect a house and other movable and immovable personal property from harmful effects? What did the great Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga say about this? Find answers to each of these questions in our article.

Conspiracies on how to get rid of troubles and failures

People often complain about failures encountered along the path of life, calling them a “black streak”. The cause of trouble is a person’s internal attitude toward negativity. If you cleanse your thoughts of everything bad, you can get rid of troubles and not jinx yourself.

If the reason is someone’s deceit, then it is recommended to use conspiracies asking for protection, which will help turn the “black streak into white.” The most effective defense conspiracy does not require any preparation. During the day, the following words of the conspiracy are spoken three times:

“A man was driving to the mill in a cart. The misfortune, sadness, fell from him, and stuck to me. I’ll tear her away from me and take her to the mill. There its millstones will be ground, crushed and remade. If it turns out to be trouble, not trouble, but torment, good luck. I will dust myself with flour from head to toe and attract happiness and luck into life. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

How to read protective spells

One of the most important points is the correct reading of the protection plot. A conspiracy is not a set of words, it denotes a petition to higher powers, and in order to be heard, it must be read correctly. The secret is this:

  • the words of the conspiracy must be read in a whisper;
  • the entire text should be pronounced in one breath;
  • Under no circumstances should the voice tremble, be intermittent or vibrate.

To fulfill a request for protection, the applicant needs to fully focus on his desire, namely, concentrate directly on the subject of the conspiracy. It is recommended to discard all other thoughts during the ritual.

How to make a protective amulet

The protective amulets that people wear allow them to protect not only from possible problems, but also to protect their owner from the evil eye, bad words and the influence of negativity. To make a protective amulet there are two options:

  • contact magicians and healers with a request to purchase a talisman;
  • make small but effective amulets to protect your home yourself.

Important! A protection amulet can be made from items that are found in every home.


It has long been considered an excellent amulet against the evil eye. It was pinned on clothes in places hidden from prying eyes. To have even greater protection, it is recommended to cast a spell:

“Give me the strength of a pin, so that the envy of others does not jinx me, so that a bad word does not curse me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


You should put a coin (of any denomination) in a pot with a plant, and then carry it in your wallet, in a small bag sewn from a red piece of cloth. Such a talisman protects the owner from financial failures.

Red thread

The amulet provides protection from evil spirits and attracts good energy. It is recommended to place a red woolen thread directly in front of the front door or wear it as a decoration on your left hand in the form of a bracelet.

Salt bag

Salt has long been considered a powerful amulet against all evil spirits, but it can also protect against the evil eye, possible curses and all sorts of bad luck. It is often used as a protective amulet in the home, but you can use salt as protection against spells and damage outside your home. To do this, make a small bag, pour a pinch of salt into it and tie it very tightly. You will definitely need to pronounce the following spell:

“Salt for happiness, salt for misfortune. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading the plot, the bag must be placed in your clothing pocket or purse.

Amulet spell for every day

For those who want to protect themselves from any dangers that await outside the walls of the house, there is a universal charm for every day. You should read it in the morning, before leaving the house.

The words of the universal conspiracy should sound like this:

“The Lord gave me a way, but an evil spirit filled me with anxiety and worry. The Lord always defeats evil, and this time he will win and free me from anxiety and evil. Only our Lord is great and strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful spell for successful sales

Like the previous conspiracy, this one is aimed at making trade more successful and attracting good luck to this area. The seller must pronounce it before leaving home for his workplace.

“I will pray to the Lord God and the Mother of God. Protect me, the servant of God (say your name), deliver me from troubles and misfortunes, all kinds of bad weather, evil people and envious neighbors, dark spirits. Before these petitions addressed to the Lord and the Mother of God, help, Nicholas the Wonderworker! From now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Amulet plot for a successful journey

To summon good luck on the road, you can place a special amulet before leaving. Such protective words help to install an energy shield on a person who is going on a long journey, so that good luck accompanies him along the way.

Before leaving your home, you need to say the following words:

“I’m calling you, my Guardian Angel, come with me! Go, my Guardian Angel, before me, I will follow, and Jesus Christ will follow me. Almighty Lord, be above me, and the archangels on my sides. Bless and save! Amen."

Amulet shield for the whole family

There are conspiracies for all occasions, with the help of which you can install a talisman on several people at once. Such spells are used for families when it is necessary to protect each family member from various dangers and the influence of evil people.

To be able to place a family verbal amulet, you will need to first prepare:

  • a lock of hair from the head of each person requiring protection;
  • one wax candle bought for a great holiday in the temple;
  • a small piece of white fabric;
  • natural red thread (preferably wool).

After laying out all the strands of hair on a piece of paper, light a candle. You should hold it so that the wax drips onto the spread out curls of hair. At the same time, you need to read the charm charm:

“From now on, I am putting up a talisman for my family, creating a reliable and bright stronghold for everyone. It’s not a house, not a wall, but strong protective words against evil and envy. Anyone with evil thoughts against the servants of God (list the names of each family member whose strand of hair lies on the fabric) will receive rebuff from the protective shield and will find shelter for himself in the cemetery. Whoever touches the servants of God (list all the names again) with an envious glance, everything will be returned to him a hundredfold. From now on and forever, let there be no people who would go against my family. May my words forever become a faithful wall, a reliable shield, a strong fence against evil, various misfortunes, evil people and envious neighbors. I speak, I speak, I speak, in strong words. Amen.".

After the words of the conspiracy have been spoken, in order for the amulet to act and help all family members in life, you need to wrap a cloth with hair and wax spread on it. Having tied the bundle with thread, hide it in the most secluded place, away from prying eyes.

A powerful amulet plot against adversity

Unlike the previous magical protective spell against dangers, this amulet spell will ward off troubles, misfortunes, and all sorts of misfortunes from a person. You can also read it every day, leaving the walls of the house and going about business.

“The Lord Almighty stands in front, and the Heavenly Queen is behind, my Guardian Angel is above my head. Save and protect me, the humble servant of God (your name), from troubles, misfortunes, misfortunes, envy, evil thoughts, enemies and sudden early death. Bless and save".

The reading of such a prayer ends with a threefold “Amen.” After this, you can safely cross the threshold of your home and go about your business.

Plot to prevent an accident

If you are worried about the road and want to protect yourself from trouble and accidents, under the Veil you can cast a talisman spell that will provide protection for the whole year in advance. In the morning, on a holiday, you should pour some water into a not very deep bowl. Bending over the filled container, whisper the words of prayer so that you can touch the water with your breath:

“Just as a drop of dew cannot stay on a birch tree, so let neither an evil eye, nor an envious one, nor an evil wish linger on me. Cover me, O Pokrov, with a veil from all troubles, misfortunes, troubles, misfortunes and evil people. Let it be so from now on! Amen."

After this, you need to wash your face with the charmed water. As a rule, such a talisman is valid for a whole year, until the next holiday of the Intercession.

Universal amulet shield from various troubles

This charm charm is one of the universal ones that can be applied to all occasions in life to protect oneself from troubles, enemies, damage, evil people, gossip, failures, etc.

Continuing Slavic traditions, the text of this prayer is read in the form of an appeal to Perun. Our distant ancestors worshiped this deity and considered him the protector of all people.

To ask Perun for protection from all sorts of misfortunes, you need to go out into the wasteland at dawn and, raising your open palms to the sky, say to the rising sun:

“Just as drops of water cannot penetrate rain, just as snow cannot break strong ice, so swords, knives and arrows cannot penetrate me (say your name), protected by the name of the Great Perun. So that the enemy's eye does not jinx me, so that an evil word does not hurt me, so that my flesh is stronger than the lying Alatyr Stone, the flame of the Burning Fire. Like water bubbles, it pushes out the air, so that everything evil bounces off me - slander, bad words, speeches of envy, and dashing looks. Let my conspiracy be a strong talisman from now on!”

Charm the amulet for successful trading

The amulet can be both verbal and objective. In this case, protective words for successful trading are written on a piece of paper and tied with a red thread. This amulet is kept in the place where a person carries out trade. However, the piece of paper with the conspiracy must be kept where no one will find it or be able to read it.

The following words of the conspiracy are written on a piece of paper:

“A bright shepherd with horns walks across the sky, tending his sheep from morning until evening. He grazes them, but cannot count them. Just as that shepherd’s horned sheep cannot be counted forever, so let me, the servant of God (my name), have so much money that it will not be possible to count them. There is a hive in an open field. Just as bees fill that hive with pollen, so let my buyers replenish my treasury, make my trade successful, and fill my wallet with money. Just as everyone looks at the moon and admires the stars, so let every buyer admire my goods, buy them all up. Let it be so from now on! Amen".

Shield for housing

Very often, amulets are read on church holidays in order to enhance the impact of verbal magic. The most powerful protective spells are read on Pokrov. On this day, all Orthodox Christians and many Slavic descendants around the world glorify the miraculous appearance of the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary and conduct fortune telling. And since she is the patroness of all mothers, unmarried girls, children and all those in need, this day is considered suitable for conducting various rituals and applying amulets.

To place a talisman under the Veil on your own home (house or apartment), you will need:

  • dried thyme herbs;
  • small censer.

First, wash the floors throughout the house very thoroughly. Then fumigate every corner of your home with the smoke of the fragrant collection. And, facing the eastern side, you need to pronounce the following charm charm:

“Let our mansions be bright and blessed. Let our house be full of Gods, let us keep it from evil, misfortune, the envy of neighbors, and other evils. So that every crack, board, hole, wall, door and window is protected by the forces of heaven. Stand in the Pokrov circle of our house, a high stone fence, a strong iron wall!”

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