TOP 25 most powerful prayers and rituals for successful trading and good profits
08/22/2021 1,498 Conspiracies and prayers Author: Helga The current prayer for trade helps to increase the number
Easter Hours (read on Holy Week until Saturday morning inclusive, instead of morning and evening prayers)
Audio version of the article Clock Theological Dictionary Audio. Easter Clock Download Easter Clock *** Easter Clock
How to read the most powerful Orthodox prayers for health
Very strong prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing and protection of himself and children
Healing prayers have enormous power for any believer. The ability to heal yourself with a prayer word
Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus - read and listen to the text online
Prayer is obligatory for those who consider themselves Christians. In Orthodoxy it is obligatory to read special
holy icon
6 strong texts of prayers to the Holy Spirit in Russian and how to read them correctly
The meaning of the Holy Spirit in Orthodoxy The Holy Spirit is nothing more than the Third
holy book
Akathist “Glory to God for everything” - read and listen to the text online
Akathist of thanksgiving Glory to God for everything - this is a prayer for all occasions. WITH
Symbol of faith. What and why is he telling us?
Prayer I believe in one God the Father, the Almighty - text in Russian
Sometimes there is a need to turn to someone more powerful for support. This often happens in
The meaning of the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia and the full text of the akathist in Russian
The blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia have long been revered as patrons of marriage. It's no secret that
St Nicholas
Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing fate in 40 days
Who is Saint Nicholas, God's saint? Saint Nicholas, God's saint, one of the most revered
“Rest the souls of Thy servant, O Christ, with the saints...”
Home > Prayers for the deceased Funeral prayer for repose Orthodox Christianity, like any
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