Akathist to the Sweetest Jesus - read and listen to the text online

Prayer is obligatory for those who consider themselves Christians. In Orthodoxy, a special “rule” is required to be read in the morning and at the end of the day. Akathists are a special form of prayer that is very popular among the people. They are read at will, including to the Sweetest Jesus.

About the author About the book

Why is the akathist called the Sweetest?

No one knows the author of this song of praise, for the men of God did not seek glory for themselves, but humbly labored to praise Jesus Christ. Historians suggest that its author could be Saint Hesychius, who always emphasized the importance of Orthodox prayer in the life of every person. He believed that words spoken with sincere faith were the way to miracles.

The Akathist was named for the following reason: The Lord is Love. It is He who gives happiness and joy to those who turn to Him. This is where the name comes from.

INTERESTING: The Crucifixion of Christ.

History of writing

Akathists arose back in the 6th century; it is impossible to establish a more precise date. This is a special form of church poetry. It consists of two different types of verses:

  • Ikos are stanzas that describe a certain event or the virtues of a saint, the story of the discovery of a miraculous icon, in this case, the qualities of Jesus are glorified. There are 12 such verses in total, alternating with shorter ones.
  • Kontakia - they are smaller in volume, often each begins with the exclamation “Rejoice!”, followed by laudatory epithets to the person to whom the akathist is addressed. The lines end with the cry of “Hallelujah” being sung three times. Kondakov 13.
  • At the end, specially written prayers are read, also addressed to the saint, event or image of the icon.

This is the structure of every akathist, also to the Sweetest Jesus. Simplicity of form, small volume, understandable syllables even without special translation - all this makes such hymns very popular among parishioners. Although the akathist is present in official worship only once a year, every Orthodox Christian at least several times in his life has taken the trouble to read the akathist to his beloved saint.

Date of writing - 13th century, the akathist to Jesus Christ the Sweetest is one of the first known such prayers. It is customary to read any of them while standing; during the final prayer you can even kneel. The author remains unknown, but this should not be upsetting - the Lord knows who composed this beautiful hymn praising the virtues of Jesus as God and Man.

Why and when do they read the akathist to the Sweetest Jesus? What is its strength

The Almighty comes to the aid of every person who turns to him with a sincere request. Priests recommend reading the akathist at a moment of despair and depression, when there is no hope left for a favorable outcome of events.

There are no strict rules for reading time. Ideally, before prayers, turn to the priest so that he gives a blessing for this ritual. You only need to turn to the Lord while standing. It’s good if you read prayers in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and light candles.

In what cases is it recommended to read the akathist:

  • When your soul is not at peace, you are tormented by obsessive thoughts and there is no way to resist them.
  • To cope with sinful habits that destroy the body and soul (alcohol, drugs or gambling addiction).
  • When you want to find yourself and the true path to salvation.
  • When making important decisions in life.
  • To restore spiritual balance and continue to experience joy and happiness from communication with the Lord and the saints.
  • When a person feels that he cannot resist the devil’s machinations and is on the verge of sinning.

Akathist to sweetest Jesus is a hymn of praise praising the virtues of the Savior

The tradition of writing akathists is quite ancient. The Greeks also composed hymns in honor of the gods. When antiquity became a thing of the past, Greek culture was preserved in other countries. Sublime poetry is our inheritance from the Greek poets. It was she who influenced the appearance of the first Christian hymn - the akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos.

The form caught on and was called the akathist. The hymn to the Virgin Mary was often imitated. Sometimes successful, sometimes mediocre. An example of a good church hymn is an akathist to the sweetest Lord Jesus Christ. It couldn't be any other way. After all, the Savior deserved just such a divinely inspired and poetic work.

When reading the akathist to the sweetest Jesus Christ, they remember the life of the Savior and his great sacrifice

The tone of this akathist is enthusiastic, the content is laudatory. It tells about the life of Jesus Christ on earth, about his boundless love for people. About the saving mission that the canonical gospels tell about. Attention is also paid to the dignity of Jesus as a man:

  • humility;
  • meekness;
  • purity;
  • philanthropy.

Interpretation of the Akathist

Before reading prayers, it is important to understand all the words that will be spoken by you. For convenience, we have prepared the information in the form of a table:

Kontakion 1The Orthodox recognizes his natural sinfulness and thanks the Savior for his feat. All who turn to Him for a request will be heard and saved from the evil one.
Ikos 1Praise of the Son of God, protector of all the oppressed. He will listen and support all people who come to Him with sincere faith and pure thoughts.
Kontakion 2A request is addressed to the Almighty to save a lost and sinful soul. The believer compares himself to a widow whom Jesus Christ helped by resurrecting her dead son. This episode is described in the Bible.
Ikos 2The story of Philip, who did not recognize Jesus as Lord, is mentioned. Orthodox Christians ask God to support them in days of trials and tribulation.
Kontakion 3The prayer recalls the episode with the apostles who received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is said that the third hypostasis of God is always with the believer.
Ikos 3The Orthodox compares himself with sinners and tax collectors, for whose sake the Lord descended from heaven to earth, and trusts in the grace of God to receive salvation.
Kontakion 4The episode of the drowning Peter, who trusted Jesus and boldly walked on the waves of the sea, is mentioned. In the same way, a person must stand firmly on his path and have strong faith.
Ikos 4An episode is described with a beggar and a blind man whom Jesus met and restored his sight. The believer asks the Savior to enlighten his mind to see the truth.
Kontakion 5We ask the Lord for protection from the devil’s wiles and from the temptation to sin.
Ikos 5Mention is made of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem when the people greeted Him. Praise to the Almighty.
Kontakion 6A hymn about the wounds of the Savior, which helped many believers to be healed.
Ikos 6The story of the destruction of idols and the recognition of the true Lord.
Kontakion 7Jesus is compared to a lamb going to the slaughter. People received the opportunity of salvation in the form of eternal life in paradise.
Ikos 7It tells about the virgin birth of the Messiah.
Kontakion 8Refusal of earthly sins and choice of God's light.
Ikos 8A song praising the feat of Jesus and his sacrifice for the salvation of the worldly race.
Kontakion 9Believers compare themselves to angels who praise the Lord in heaven.
Ikos 9Mention is made of speakers who failed to explain the miraculous resurrection of Jesus.
Kontakion 10Exaltation of the Lord by the Heavenly and Earthly King.
Ikos 10A prayer request for Jesus to cleanse from sins and filth. An incident is mentioned when He healed 10 lepers.
Kontakion 11Prayer to the Almighty for cleansing from sinful desires and thoughts.
Ikos 11The story of the Pharisee Paul, who cruelly treated the first Christians, but subsequently accepted faith in one Lord.
Kontakion 12Contrition and a request for mercy. The episode with Peter, who renounced his faith.
Ikos 12Hope for salvation after death. People believe that after earthly life they will go to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Kontakion 13Please protect us from bad and evil, diseases and disasters, from the actions of bad people.

Akathist to the Lord Jesus Christ, in difficult situations and despair


Akathists to the Lord God

List of akathists

General beginning and ending of akathists Canons to the Lord

Kontakion 1

Chosen by the Voivode and Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, me, killed by sin, me, darkened by the darkness of passions, enlightened and revived, although, having bowed the heavens, you condescended to me even to death, the death of the cross. Before this inscrutable greatness of Thy Divine love, bowing before Thy Honest Cross, abundantly watered by the streams of Thy life-giving Blood, prostrating myself, with thanksgiving to many, with warm tenderness, with tearful prayer, with a burning heart, I cry out to Thee a silo song, I offer Thee this prayer:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Ikos 1

Greater than the Creator of Angels and Lord of Powers, the Angel appeared to Thee in the garden of Gethsemane, strengthening and comforting Thee, when the heavy burden of my sins was so heavy on Thy shoulders that Ti was greatly grieved and horrified. Penetrating into this sorrow of Your Gethsemane with reverence, with great fear and trembling, I cry out to You from my soul:

My Lord, Lord, to Your disciples in sorrow: “Pray, so that you do not fall into misfortune,” - behold, you have found a great misfortune on me, behold, fierce sorrow has overtaken me, with persistent prayer, hold me back, I pray, from despair, with tearful prayer, hold me back, please, from grumbling.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, James and John, taking me into the depths of Gethsemane with You, so that they may be witnesses of Your mighty cry, unspoken sighs, tears of prayer, take me, who is now fiercely suffering, with You and make me a contemplator. Your honest sufferings, so that I may endure my own sufferings with patience, I who am faint-hearted.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, who in Gethsemane was grieved, horrified and anguished, look at me as I grieve, as I am horrified, as I grieve; Hear me soon, listen to my soul and deliver me from this bitter burden.

Only Begotten Son of God, bearing all things with the word of His power, in prayer for my sins, falling with His Most Pure face to the very earth, raise me up fallen, call me down to the prostrate level.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 2

I see Thee, O Lord my God, entering the heirloom of Gethsemane, casting a stone from the apostle, I see, O my Savior, kneeling, praying, and with reverent surprise I cry out to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The mind is amazed at the depth of the riches of Thy wisdom and understanding, O God my Savior: truly Thy judgments are untested and Thy ways are unsearchable in the matter of saving fallen man. In the same way I appeal to You, my Benefactor, with the voice of supplication:

My Lord, Lord, in prayer to Your Father you cried out to your face: “My Father, carry this cup from me from me,” - behold, falling down to You, I pray, in the temptation of this heavy person: have mercy on me, carry the cup of my trials past from me, May my faith not fail within me.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, in the prayer of Gethsemane, completely surrendering Your will to the will of the Father, praying thus: “Not as I will, but as You will; neither, not My will, but Yours, be done,” - hear me, weak and fickle, in the hour of my trial and my adversity, here praying to Ty: “My God and my Lord, if this is pleasing before You, so that sorrows, needs and temptations will support me from everywhere; I am a sinner, worthy of all punishment, I do not dare to contradict You, but I humble myself under Your strong hand: Thy will be done; not as I will, but as You, Thy will be done, blessed art Thou, O Lord!

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, from the heavy burden of Gethsemane, all exhausted in prayer, but never weakening, persistently diligent in the struggle of prayer, even to the point of sweat, drops of blood dripping onto the ground, You breathe into me, indecisive, I pray, determination for a good deed even to strive until death, so that I may not live for myself, but You, Infinite Life, may you live in me, and may I also live in You.

The Only Begotten Son of God, returning from prayer to His disciples and finding them sleeping with sorrow, for their eyes were burdened, behold, I was burdened with my sorrow, fear and trembling came upon me, and an alien darkness covered me, the accursed one; awaken the sleeping one, inspire the dead one, help the helpless one.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 3

My strength in me is lacking, Lord, Almighty Lord, behold, my calling has become weary, my throat is exhausted, my eyes are weary from waiting for You, my Christ, my Christ! Behold, the reproaches of those who revile Thee have attacked me: I am imprisoned and cannot go out, my strength is exhausted, behold, I am waiting for the one who grieves and I do not, and I do not find those who console me, I am poor and sick... Hear me, Jesus, hear, for my sake you became poor, Strengthen me, for my sake I am weak; let Thy salvation, O God, receive me, and from the healed soul I cry to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having before my eyes, Jesus, my Savior, the image prescribed by the Divine Evangelists of You, the suffering one, all the wounded, behold, I come to You, the suffering one, with the unhealed festering ulcers of my passionate heart and, believing undoubtedly, that Your ulcers are the healing of my and Your illnesses - I have my health, I cry out to You:

Lord, my Lord, spat upon, dishonored, humiliated from lawless lips, have mercy, look at me: the sinful passion of my immortal soul - the breath of Your lips - dishonors, humiliates: I am trying to snatch me from the captivity of this passion, I am perishing.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, crowning the earth with flowers, crowned with sharp thorns, see how many sharp thorns, absurd thoughts, inappropriate dreams torment my head: pluck them out, I pray, and adorn me with the flowers of good thoughts, holy feelings.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, clothe yourself in light like a robe, clothed in a false scarlet from the region of darkness, give me a robe of light, as I lie naked before Your gates and am ashamed, ashamed of my flesh.

Only Begotten Son of God, in heaven from the Angels, with sacred awe and fiery love, ever surrounded, but abandoned on earth for the sake of fear by everyone, fill me with all boldness and courage, so that I will fear no fear of man, no torment, the most cruel, so that I boldly confess Thee, Thy preaching greatness.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me, who am completely exhausted!

Kontakion 4

A storm of passions arose in my heart, behold, the water descended upon my soul, the miner of coal, came into the depths of the sea... behold, the rain came down and the rivers came, and blew up the winds of sin, and now attacked my temple! My Savior, the Calmer of storms, the mouths of my storm, commanded my excitement: “Be silent, stop,” and according to Your word, awaken great silence, and in this silence I gratefully call You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing Peter, he rejected You, the accusatory voice of the alector, and went out, weeping bitterly. I am crying now and I am a mountaineer, in vain I have been removed from You, the Source of all joy, Light, Consolation, and in my crying I exclaim to You:

My Lord, Lord, who is tormented by Thy teaching, do not torment my conscience about the evil things I have done, for I am irresponsible; If you see lawlessness, who will stand?

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, perjured by Caiaphas, slandered, as soon as I look at You, I cannot stand the slander and falsehoods brought against me, I am embarrassed, I am irritated. Cover my impatience with your long-suffering, long-suffering, my Christ, most sweet Christ, mocked and humiliated by Herod, what do I say to the Ti River, when every hour I see myself being exalted and proud? By Your humiliation, by Your humility, conquer, I pray, my invincible pride.

Only Begotten Son of God, unjustly judged and evilly condemned by Pilate, I will give you an answer, for I do not feel the thorn that is in my eyes, but I always see the mote that is in my brother’s eye, I do not judge myself, but I always condemn others. Oh, my Judge, teach me with all my soul, with all my life, to fulfill Your great commandment: do not judge, so that you will not be judged!

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Thy right hand, strengthen me, who am exhausted to the end!

Kontakion 5

You gave Your rich Blood, shed on the Cross, in the Divine Liturgy, to me, Lamb of God, as a great consolation in all my sorrows, as a sweetness in all my sorrows, as an invincible strength in all my weaknesses, as a source of immortality in my mortality. For this Your ineffable mercy, for this priceless gift, for this Your immeasurable love, I cry out to You with all my heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Pilate, seeing Your greatness in Your humiliation and Your innocence in the accusations against You, my God the Savior, was willing to release You, saying to the stiff-necked people: “Whomever you want I will release you from both: Barabbas or Jesus, the spoken Christ?” But I, who am completely guilty, fall down to Ti, my Judge and my Creator, and cry out to Ti:

My Lord, Lord, from an ungrateful people, blessed by You, who heard the ungrateful voice, answered Pilate’s question: “Not this one, but Barabbas.” How many and ungrateful I have forgotten Your good deeds, unworthy of me, like the rain of grace poured out in abundance, and for this reason I am so much despondent. Oh, teach me, O Good Teacher, to always remember Your former mercy, and encouraged by this remembrance, I will never lose heart in my suffering.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus! To the crucifixion with the cry of the lawless: “Crucify, crucify Him!” drawn, crucify my rebellious, evil will, for there is no peace for me from it, no rest, no joy, but may Thy good, perfect will be ever in me, giving peace, peace and joy to my whole life.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ! Wear a crown of thorns and a scarlet robe, who was so persecuted by Pilate to the people, grant me with joy, and gladness, and thanksgiving to bear Your reproach, humiliation for You.

Only Begotten Son of God, called “Behold Man” by Pilate, look upon me with a merciful eye, behold, as a man who has sinned, You, as a generous God, have mercy on me, seeing the weakness of my soul.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 6

Thy star-eyed heavens loudly preach to me Thy glory, my Creator, the firmament proclaims the creation of Thy hand, Thy most pure ones always proclaim from the Cross about Thy immortal love. I glorify Your glory, I magnify Your wondrous creation, I sing Your love crucified for me, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Shine forth, O Christ, from Thy ever-present Light to my soul, defiled by passions, darkened by sorrow, so that in Thy light I will see the light of deliverance, salvation and rebellion, and I will be able to sing and pray to the Lord:

My Lord, Lord, at the trial you did not give an answer to the unrighteous judge, like a meek silent lamb, behold, I am silent, in awe, now I am silent before Your incomprehensible destinies, sorrows, as they lead me along the faithful path to salvation.

My Sweetest Jesus, Jesus, who spoke to Pilate: “Have no power upon Me, unless it be given from above,” teach me in every step, in every word of my life, to recognize Your highest will, so that under Your strong hand I will always humble myself. .

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, when it was five o’clock, it was like the sixth hour, from Pilate proclaimed to the Jewish people: “Behold, your King,” I pray to Thee, the Heavenly King, reign in my lower mind, may the one above always be wise; Reign in my cold heart, so that through You, the consuming Fire, it will be ignited in Divine love; Reign in my fickle and weak will, may it be strong and constant in walking before You.

The Only Begotten Son of God, before Pilate with His people with a mad cry: “Not the king’s imams, but Caesar’s,” rejected, behold, even if I change You at every hour, but I recognize You as my King, I confess You as Lord and my God, and I also dare ask Thee in my sorrow, in the toil of my toil: “Do not reject me, do not abandon me until the end, as my father and mother abandoned me, but you accept me.”

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 7

Although I have walked many times in the path of Your commandments, O Lord my God, many times I have turned aside from Your path, falling and rising, becoming strong and weak, praying and being lazy, struggling and weakening. Oh, accursed man, I am with the Apostle, for good does not live in me, that is, in my flesh, for I want good and do not do it, I do not want evil and do it. O Merciful One, Savior Himself, save Himself from me, so that I may cry out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

I marvel at my Savior, seeing that You, bearing Your Cross, went forth to the so-called Place of Execution, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha. Oh, Your immeasurable condescension, my Creator, Oh, Your ineffable long-suffering, my Lord! With fear and joy, kissing Your feet at Your Calvary procession, I cry to You:

My Lord, Lord, who was so exhausted under the weight of the Cross, as if in another way to find a certain man of Cyrene with the name of Simon, who decided to bear Your Cross, vouchsafe for the faint-hearted me the cross of my life, like a small boat to join Your Cross, like a great ship, yes carried by the power of sowing on the waves, I will comfortably swim across the abyss of the sea of ​​life.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus! To the daughters of Jerusalem, who wept for You, the river: “Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for Me, but weep for yourselves and for your children,” hear, hear now this cry of mine: for I am weeping, for myself I am weeping, for my misery, my nakedness I cry for my poverty, for my passion, for my sinfulness.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, numbered among the evildoers, imputed with the lawless, do not impute to me the sin of my cowardice and despondency.

Only Begotten Son of God, having the inscription above His head on the Cross from Pilate in blue: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,” write in me Your name, more than honey and the sweetest honeycomb, so that every day and hour my lips confess this name, my mind thinks by this name, the heart feels the life and sweetness of this name.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 8

You were strange, my Jesus, not having where to bow your head, until you, wandering, ascended to Golgotha, where you bowed your head on the Cross, singing to the heavenly powers with amazement: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You have exhausted everything for yourself, O Savior, you have given everything to yourself, you have embraced me with everything in love, in your suffering you have loved me to the end, my Jesus, unspeakable love! With this fiery love of Thy heart, my inflamed heart brings a prayer song to Thee:

My Lord, Lord, about His clothing the warriors cast lots, who will take what, my lots are in Your hand. Teach me how to take Your good yoke and Your light burden and bear it patiently.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, Thy most pure hands, in the image in which Thou didst create me, standing on the Cross, accept the lifting of my hand as an evening sacrifice, to relieve the burden of my many falls into sin.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, upon Your nose, watered with the tears of sinners, nailed with nails, direct my steps, along Thy narrow, thorny path, to steadily march towards Thy eternal Kingdom.

The Only Begotten Son of God, from one warrior pierced His side with a spear, with His living and active Word, sharper than any two-edged sword, pierce my hardened soul.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 9

In all your angelic nature, Heaven and all the Powers, with fear and trembling, you came to hear Your prayer crucified on the Cross, with which You prayed, saying: “Father, let them go, for they do not know what they are doing.” Amazed by the capital of Your love, I cried out to You: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Vetia, the wondrous preacher of the all-forgiving love of Thy, the prudent thief appeared, while on the cross with Thee, Jesus, wounded, he prayed to Thy: “Remember Me, O Lord, in Thy Kingdom.” You will be with me in heaven." And I bring a titty voice to Ti:

My Lord, Lord, who opened the doors of paradise to the thief, open to me the doors of Thy mercy. Behold, there is no use in them, do not shut them up, for you declared: “Press and it will be opened to you.”

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, blasphemed on the left, blessed on the right hand, fill my lips with Thy prayer, for I may sing Thy glory, blessing Thee all day long, Who blesseth me with the Cross.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, who was merciful on Calvary, who did good in the midst of suffering, instruct me in all my sufferings and misfortunes to recognize Your mercy, to sing of Your good deeds.

The Only Begotten Son of God, who did not answer all the cries of the mad and did not descend from the Cross, but on the Cross endured all the torment to the end, I am ashamed of my cowardice, as out of impatience I rushed many times to descend from my cross, forgive me, Long-suffering.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 10

Although, O Savior God, you went out to seek me, you came to earth and did not find it there, and you even descended to hell. Glory to Thee, my Redeemer, I sing to Thee: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

To the Eternal King, exalted God of the fathers, blessed forever, lifted up from slaves to the Cross, I lift up my thought and heart to You, my Redeemer, crying out to You in prayer:

My Lord, Lord, this Sun of righteousness, who has set in the west of Calvary and sent the last ray of love to Your Divine Mother and beloved disciple, send Your light and Your truth, so that she may guide me to Your holy mountain, for in the light of Your face I will go and in Your name I will rejoice forever.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, from the Cross to the Blessed Virgin, who was weeping and sobbing, calling out for consolation: “Woman! Behold, Thy Son,” and to the disciple: “Behold Thy Mother,” with the omophorion of the Most Pure Mother of God, woven from Her suffering at Calvary, with Her tears, like precious pearls adorned, cover me from all evil.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, with Your suffering you have shaken the foundations of the earth, crushed the stones, crush my stony heart, my insensibility, so that with the king the prophet I will foresee and feel You always near me, but I will not move.

Only Begotten Son of God, through Your Passion darkened the light of the sun, as if there were darkness throughout the whole earth from the sixth hour to the ninth, darken before my eyes all the fleeting beauties of this vain world, so that I no longer see them, like rubbish and dust, but I count them with my mind and heart I always contemplate Thee with mine, the One Eternal Beauty.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 11

My singing, my fortress, my salvation, my joy, deliver me from those who have bypassed me, Sweetest Jesus, grant quick and well-known consolation to Your servant, draw near to me, you are everywhere, so that I can sing this song with the psalmist: “If I go and in the midst of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me.” Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your light-giving lamp, the quiet light of the immortal Heavenly Father, your voice, the Word of God, the Forerunner of “repent!” cries out to the people, “and be cleansed, behold, Christ, the Lamb of God, is coming to take away the sin of the whole world.” Behold, I call to You with a repentant voice:

My Lord, Lord, at the ninth hour we cried out with a great voice: “Or! Or ! Lama Savakhthani”, there is: “My God! My God! where you left Me." I pray to You, do not leave me, do not leave me, come, so that I will not leave and whoever I will not, come, so that I will not perish completely, save me.

My Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, scorched by the heat of suffering, “I thirst!” Having cried, arouse in me a thirst for communication with You, the Source of living water, so that I may drink from the flow of Your sweetness, from Your pierced rib that flowed out.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, drunk with the spirit and gall and therefore crying out: “Now that you are finished,” complete the work of Your salvation in me, renew me entirely, revive me, put off the old man and put on the new man, not one who walks in the flesh, but one who walks in the Spirit, clothed.

The Only Begotten Son of God, betraying His Spirit to the Father from the Cross, saying: “Father, in Your hands I commend My spirit.” And this river, bow your head and go forth. Behold, bowing my head before Your greatness, I entrust to You, the Provider, my spirit, lead me all my life, whatever you want, do as you please.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 12

Great grace from Thy Cross, O Jesus, is abundantly given to all who worship Thy Cross with faith and kiss It with love. In the same way, everyone is clothed with great grace, who reverently protects themselves with the sign of the cross, for this is an invincible weapon, awe of demons, everlasting joy of angels, praise to the Orthodox, crying out: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your suffering, I worship Your three-day burial, I praise Your luminous Resurrection, I believe with all the tax collectors and sinners saved by Your grace, as if I have You, my Savior, I will never perish, even if my sins were, like scarlet, You, Whiten them like a wave, and even though my sin has multiplied in me, Your grace will abound in me. Thus my soul will live and praise Thee, and Thy destinies will help me. For this reason, do not forbid my lips to call Ti:

My Lord, Lord, through the contemplation of Your sufferings the centurion was brought to the knowledge of You, the Wisdom of God, to exclaim to him: “Truly this is the Son of God,” behold, touched by the contemplation of Your sufferings, I confess Thee with the Supreme Peter together: “You "Thou art Christ, the Son of the Living God."

Jesus, Sweetest Jesus, from Joseph the graceful and from Nicodemus, Thy hidden disciple, wrapped in a clean shroud, with sweet fragrances laid in a new tomb and most gloriously buried, may my troubles and sorrows be a fragrant sacrifice before Thee, and may my tears be like ointment on Thy Tomb, accept.

My Christ, Most Sweet Christ, sealed like an inconsolable treasure [i.e. e. with its burial caused inconsolable grief], sealed in the tomb, as if all the adversities and burdens sent down to me by You are Your holy seal. I thank Thee, as I am sealed with Thy painful seal, so that thus sealed I will not be lost from Thee, the unceasing Quest of my heart.

The Only Begotten Son of God, to His life-giving tomb, the myrrh-bearing wife flows with peace, weeping bitterly and crying: “This is the most blessed Saturday, in which Christ, having fallen asleep, will rise for three days.” Behold, I am with them, even if I am lazy, even if I am lazy, I flow in Your footsteps, even if I am not very powerful, even if I am marching in Your path, even if I am cowardly, I carry my cross, I pray to You, crying out:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, in bearing the saving cross sent down to me by Your right hand, strengthen me to the end of my weakness.

Kontakion 13

Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I stand before You with fear and joy, fear for the sake of unworthiness, but joy for the sake of mercy, and from the depths of my soul I cry out to You: “Do not turn Your face away from me, my Lord, my Lord, Because of my sin and abomination, I am worthy of this disgust, but I am the image of Your ineffable glory, even if I bear the wounds of my sins.” I am a sinner, but I am Yours, save me, intercede, preserve, protect, help, strengthen, in the shadow of Your wings, shelter me from the heat of troubles and passions, so that, guarded by You, saved by You, I cry to Thee with the armies of the Angels, I cry to Thee with the prophets , I proclaim to Thee with the apostles, I preach to Thee with the passion-bearers, I pray to Thee from the bottom of my heart with the saints, singing, crying, calling out and saying to the uncountable ages: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia. This Kontakion is read three times, then the first Ikos and the first Kontakion.

This Kontakion is read three times, then Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1.

The author of the akathist to sweetest Jesus is unknown, but he knew the New Testament very well

It is known about the akathist to our sweetest Lord Jesus Christ that this is one of the very first church hymns. This is how Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov comments on the question of the authorship of this akathist:

“Until now, scientists, historians, and those who study ancient liturgical literature have not come to a consensus about who owns the Akathist, written in honor of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is an opinion that this is the hand of Hesychius, a presbyter of Jerusalem, a remarkable ascetic writer of the early Middle Ages, who left us his reflections on the importance of the Jesus Prayer and how the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, with attention, is invoked with grace and beneficially on the inner world of a Christian: it enlightens his mind, pacifies the heart, delivers from passions and bad habits, imprints in the soul the perfections of Christ, or the virtues of humility, meekness, peace, purity, courage, joy, prudence and love.

However, not everyone is convinced that the authorship of this marvelous work in its artistic features, depth of meaning, expressiveness of language, and accuracy of images belongs to Saint Hesychius.

One thing is clear: the person who meditated on the name of God, Christ the Redeemer, calling Him now pearl, now precious stone, now lightning, now Good Shepherd, door, Bread, Light, was perfectly familiar with the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament.”

Artemy Vladimirov


Hesychius - presbyter of Jerusalem, possibly the author of the akathis to the sweetest Jesus Christ

How to read this akathist?

First, you should pay attention to your posture. It is customary to read akathists while standing. For the final prayer one must kneel. But fanaticism is not needed. If age or health does not allow you to complete all the details, there is no need to injure yourself. God sees and understands everything.

It is customary to read akathists while standing

Secondly, the inner attitude is important. Let us quote Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov again:

“The Akathist to the Savior, as we are finding out, has a certain miraculous, miraculous property of influencing the inner, moral world of a person and enlightening him with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

That’s why I feel sorry for those people who sometimes confess even to priests: “And what is it, father, that we read the same prayers all our lives: morning prayers in the morning, evening prayers in the evening? Here are the Akathists to the Mother of God, the Savior - doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, like peas against a wall.”

It’s sad, friends, to listen to these words, because God does not need the volume of pages of the prayer book we read, but attentive, thoughtful, reasonable, I would say, reverent and reverent presence before Himself.

And since our thoughts scatter, our hearts, like the surface of the sea, are agitated, we begin to pray, swarmed like flies with some dreams, memories, then we are unable to establish a golden thread of communication with the Creator - thoughts are confused, words get stuck in larynx.

That is why, having taken the Akathist to the Savior, written by a holy man, whose heart became the reed of a cursive scribe, in whose heart the Lord God Himself rested invisibly, we, as soon as we read the first kontakion and ikos, feel a grace-filled change within ourselves.

Only by following every word with our minds, bringing what we read to our minds and hearts, do we seem to gain wings with the help of which we are given the opportunity to ascend from earth to heaven.

A kind of blessed bridge is being built before us of its own accord, connecting time and eternity.”

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