Very strong prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker for healing and protection of himself and children

Healing prayers have enormous power for any believer. The opportunity to heal oneself with a word of prayer and to be healed from all bodily ailments was given to people from the moment Christ showed his miracles of healing people from all sorts of illnesses. By healing, Jesus Christ showed that faith in the Lord, whose will created light and darkness, water and firmament, sky and stars, is capable of working miracles, and there are no barriers to it. The strength of faith in a person’s soul is the extent to which he will be rewarded with the grace of God.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for health

It should be remembered that the most powerful prayer is the one said with sincere faith in the soul. In this case, prayer can work even at a distance, and often such prayer works real miracles and turns out to be stronger than the most expensive medicines.

The most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person is an appeal to the Lord and the Virgin Mary.

It sounds like this:
“O Most Merciful Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, inseparable in the Holy Trinity.
I worship and praise you. Turn your gaze to God’s Servant (name of the sick person), who is sick and suffering. I ask you, forgive him all his sins, grant him healing from his illness; restore his physical strength and heal his soul. Grant God's Servant (name of the sick person) long life in health, filled with prosperity. Grant him all the worldly blessings that will fill his life with joy. And he will pray to you and offer prayers of thanks as the Creator of the whole world. I turn to you, Most Holy Theotokos, for your intercession. Help me to beg Your Son, my Lord, for healing for the Servant of God (the name of the sick person). I will also ask you, Holy Angels of the Lord, to pray to God for the sick person and his recovery. Amen". A prayer service in church for the health of a sick person is very effective. It can be performed by the church for forty days, starting from any day. That is why its second common name is “magpie.” The number “forty” is significant in Christianity; it is very often found in the Holy Scriptures.


  • The Jews, in search of the promised land, wandered in the desert for forty years;
  • The prophet Moses fasted for forty days;
  • After Baptism, Jesus Christ spent 40 days in the desert in order to discover for himself the secrets of the Kingdom of God.

Sorokoust can be ordered at any convenient time. The only exception is the period of Lent. At this time, a large liturgy is celebrated only on weekends. It is recommended at this time to leave notes about the health of a sick person every time you visit the temple.

Ordering Sorokoust is very simple. To do this, you need to come to the temple and write on a piece of paper the name of the person for whose recovery you want to pray. This note should be left in the appropriate place.

You can offer prayers for health and healing not only for believers, but also for non-believers. It is advisable to emphasize in the prayer text that the sick person is unbaptized.

In addition, it is important to add the following phrase:

“Lord, grant that (person’s name) is legally baptized.

Treating a sick person with illness with prayer

There are a huge number of confirmed cases associated with the powerlessness of medicine in the face of dangerous diseases. There are a large number of diseases that cannot even be diagnosed. In such cases, believers always offered prayer for their healing. And it is a confirmed fact that healing has occurred. For a believer, the basis for successful recovery is fervent prayer and strong faith in the mercy of the Almighty.

It is noteworthy that even traditional medicine does not deny the power of prayer, and that is why on the territory of many hospitals there are small chapels where you can pray and light candles for your own health. And very often in doctors’ offices there are various church attributes, especially icons.

How and how prayers heal

When a person begins to get seriously ill, he is lost and can easily panic. Any experience has a detrimental effect on health and accelerates the development of the disease. Prayer allows you to restore peace of mind and opens up internal reserves for treating the disease. The human body, based on sincere faith, begins to fight the disease more effectively. Thus, prayer gives a person the necessary protection.

When someone in the family gets sick, the clergy advise all household members to pray for his health. With the help of prayers offered to the Lord, you can give a sick person additional strength for healing. The person suffering from illness should also pray. We must remember that faith in recovery is the most powerful medicine. But you should also understand that it is an additional help, so you cannot abandon traditional methods of treatment. A prayerful appeal to God with sincere faith in the soul can strengthen the immune system, which means it will be possible to resist the disease. It is believed, and not unreasonably, that ailments are sent by God to man in the form of a test in order to test his strength and strengthen his faith in the power of the Almighty. When a person sincerely believes in the Lord and lives in accordance with the commandments of God, then by sincerely praying, he can overcome any, even the most terrible, ailments.

Prayers that work miracles

Serious illnesses that cannot be cured by traditional medicine can break anyone. In such difficult times, believers always turn to God for help. And when praying, you need to remember that there are prayers that work miracles. They are able to calm the soul of the sufferer and heal him from a terrible illness. Their effectiveness is due to the fact that all our life problems, including health, are associated with some unseemly actions. And by praying, every person repents of his sins. Miracle-working prayers can be read in any situation and anywhere. The most important thing is to pray sincerely, because God will see even the slightest falsity. As a result, the prayer will not be heard.

There are many prayers to different Saints who are capable of working miracles, so everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves. Prayers addressed to the Holy Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are considered very powerful.

Is it possible to be healed by prayer?

It should be remembered that in order for a prayer to be heard, it must be sincere. In addition, a person must have unshakable faith in his soul. It is necessary to fully concentrate on the prayer text and be sure to understand all its phrases. The stronger and more specific a person’s request sounds in prayer, the faster the answer will be received.

Before starting prayer, you should harmonize your body and bring yourself into a calm and balanced state. You should cleanse your soul of resentment and anger towards other people. If this is not done, then healing prayer will simply be useless for you. And if you offer a prayer to the Lord for the healing of another person, then your negative emotions can greatly harm the sick person.

You can pray for healing in any position. Seriously ill people can do this while lying down; it is advisable to hold the icon in their hands. One should not be verbose while praying. Before any prayer for healing, be sure to thank God for everything you have in your life. You also need to express repentance in any form for your committed known and unknown sins. After this, you need to use any known prayer for healing. You need to insert your specific request into the prayer text and you need to try to avoid verbosity.

When finishing your prayer, you should say the following phrase:

“Let the Lord’s Will be done for everything, not mine.”

To be healed with the help of miraculous prayers, you need to pray as often as possible. Over time, you will be able to learn to fully concentrate on the prayer text, which means putting great energy into it. When praying, you need to clearly understand what you are asking for. Prayer cleanses a person’s energy, the soul is filled with harmony and grace. Gradually, life will begin to change for the better, and the disease will begin to recede.

How to read the most powerful Orthodox prayers for health

You can pray for health both within the walls of the temple and at home. But this must be done in a specially organized place in front of the icons of saints. You can offer prayers for health and healing not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends. Prayer will be effective if the person who is sick has been baptized in the church. Of course, you can pray for unbaptized people, but the effectiveness of prayer in this case will be much lower.

A prayer service ordered in a church has a very powerful effect. In this case, prayers for health are said by the clergyman as part of the service. You can order a prayer service for one day, and it can also be read for a month or 40 days. In any case, it significantly increases the sick person’s chances of recovery.


We magnify you, Father Nicholas, and honor your holy memory: for you pray for us to Christ our God.

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Which Saint should we pray for the health of ourselves, our loved ones and relatives?

They turn to various Saints with a prayer request for the granting of health and healing.

It is believed that the most powerful prayers are those directed to:

  • To the Savior;
  • To the Most Holy Theotokos;
  • To the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow;
  • To Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

At the same time, the power of prayers to the Lord and the Most Holy Theotokos is clear without any explanation, because they occupy the top positions in the hierarchical ladder of the Higher Powers. The Lord is the Creator and controls everything that happens on earth. The Most Holy Theotokos, who gave the world the Savior, has always been considered the intercessor of people. She always hears the appeals of believers and responds to their requests.

Matrona of Moscow is one of the revered saints in Orthodoxy. During her lifetime, she healed people from terrible diseases, so she continues to provide help from heaven. Nicholas the Wonderworker was also known during his earthly life for healing people. Evidence of the power of these Saints are many ancient church manuscripts that describe miraculous healings.

Prayer for the recovery of a sick person in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Three-handed”

The Three-Handed Icon is a special image. At the bottom of the image of the Mother of God there is a third brush, which looks like a separate element, but on the other hand is perceived as the third brush of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This icon is known for its healing properties throughout the Orthodox world.

The history of the creation of the icon is connected with the name of St. John of Damascus. This man lived in Syria and was a famous poet and philosopher. For a long time he held the position of adviser to the caliph. But after the iconoclast emperor Leo the Isaurian ascended the throne, great persecution of Christians began. To destroy the fiery defender of icons, the ruler used cunning. He slandered the Monk John of Damascus before the Caliph. As punishment, the angry caliph ordered the philosopher's right hand to be cut off.

Bleeding, John of Damascus, having come home, wrote a letter to the caliph, who believed the slander, asking him to return his severed hand. The ruler, taking pity on John, fulfilled his request. After this, John locked himself in his cell and began to pray fervently in front of the icon of the Mother of God. A miracle happened - and the severed arm grew back, leaving only a scar at the junction. So that this event would remain in memory, John cast a brush from silver and attached it to the icon of the Virgin Mary. Later, on copies of this image of the Mother of God they began to write a third hand. Time passed and icon painters began to depict a severed hand on lists.

The Monk John of Damascus donated a miraculous image to the monastery of Saint Sava the Sanctified, which was located near Jerusalem. This icon adorned the temple until the 13th century. Then “Three Hands” was presented to the Serbian Archbishop Sava. Soon the Turkish conquest took place and local Christians took the icon out of the country to prevent desecration of it. A legend has been preserved that the Shrine was simply tied to a donkey and he himself, without encountering any obstacles on his way, brought it to the Hilandar Athos Monastery. Since then, this icon has become one of the most revered images in the famous Orthodox monastery.

In Russia, the first list appeared at the request of Patriarch Nikon. He was placed in the New Jerusalem Monastery. To acquaint believers with the iconography, a tablet with an interpretation was initially attached to the image. Another list was intended for the wife of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

In Orthodoxy, the “Three-Handed” icon is highly respected. It was in front of this image that the royal family offered prayers before execution.

Healings occurred many times near the copies of the Three-Handed icon. This icon of the Most Holy Theotokos still enjoys great love and veneration in the Russian Orthodox Church. Various prayers aimed at healing are read in front of this icon.

One of them sounds like this:

“Oh, Most Holy Lady Heavenly Lady Theotokos! You performed a miracle, healed St. John of Damascus. Through her miraculous action she gave true hope to the people. Hear us, sinners who have committed sins due to our own foolishness. Forgive us and turn your gaze to us, praying before your icon. Hear our requests for help, do not refuse us our prayer. You are known for your generosity and mercy, so deliver us from illness, sorrow and sorrow. Help all of us who honor your icon, who kneel before it. And we will all joyfully sing and glorify your name with love, you are chosen among all, blessed forever and ever. Amen".

The text of another powerful prayer goes like this:

Oh, Most Holy and Great Lady of Heaven, Most Holy Theotokos Virgin Mary! We fall before your image and worship you, remembering before your holy icon all your miraculous healings. Hear us, sinners, turn your holy gaze on us. You atone before the Lord for all our sins, known and unknown. You, Holy Mother, we pray to you to deliver us from illnesses, sorrows and sorrows. Beg the Lord to forgive us our sins committed through foolishness and foolishness. Near your icon we glorify all your deeds and your mercy. Grant us your blessing for a prosperous life in health. We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of the human race. Heal our wounds and give us comfort in our sorrow. Do not let us deviate from the true path and protect us from demonic temptations. Give us support in helping against evil and unkind people, so that they cannot harm our health. We pray for your help in strengthening faith in our souls. Give us hope that we will be worthy to answer for our deeds before the Almighty Lord when our time comes. Let us feast on the forgiveness of our sins and the Kingdom of God. Do not judge us for our iniquities and do not refuse us your help. And we will pray near your image and glorify all your good deeds. Amen".

Prayer that changes fate

Some people find themselves in very difficult life situations. Moreover, this happens day after day or year after year. You can rest assured that Nikolai Ugodnik will definitely help you change your destiny and correct it for a happy one. After all, it is in your hands that you have the most powerful and effective ways to do this. The main thing is to have a sincere desire and irresistible faith. To do this, you should fast for a week, confess (since only true repentance for your sins can allow you to get rid of them), and then begin a long work. It consists of reading prayer for forty days in a row. You should not miss a day, and it is also not recommended to talk about what you are doing.

Text of a prayer that can change a situation for the better:

Oh, all-validated and all-honorable bishop, great miracle worker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas, man of God and faithful servant, man of desires, chosen vessel, strong pillar of the church, bright lamp, star shining and illuminating the whole universe: you are a righteous man, like a blossoming phoenix , planted in the courts of your Lord, living in Mireh, you were fragrant with the world and the ever-flowing myrrh exuded the grace of God. By your procession, holy father, the sea was sanctified, when your many-wonderful relics marched to the city of Barsky, from east to west to praise the name of the Lord. Oh, wonderful and wondrous miracle worker, quick helper, warm intercessor, kind shepherd, saving the verbal flock from all troubles! We glorify and magnify you, as the hope of all Christians, the source of miracles, the protector of the faithful, the wise teacher, the hungry feeder, the weeping joy, the naked, the sick doctor, the sea-floating steward, the liberator of captives, the widows and orphans, the nourisher and protector, the guardian of chastity, infants a meek chastiser, the old strengthened, fasting a mentor, the toilers restful, the poor and wretched abundantly rich. Hear us praying to you and running under your roof, show your intercession for us to the Most High and intercede with your God-pleasing prayers everything useful for the salvation of our souls and bodies: preserve this holy monastery (or this temple), every city and the whole, and every country Christian, and people living from all bitterness with your help, we know, we know how much the prayer of the righteous can do, hastening for good: for you, the righteous, according to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, intercessor to the All-Merciful God of the Imams, and to yours, most kind father, warm intercession and we humbly flow to intercession. You protect us, like a cheerful and warm shepherd, from all enemies, destruction, cowardice, hail, famine, flood, fire, sword, invasion of foreigners, and in all our troubles and sorrows, give us a helping hand, and open the doors of God’s mercy: tenderly We are unworthy to behold the heights of heaven, from the multitude of our iniquities, bound by sinful bonds, and neither the will of our Creator nor the will of our creator, nor the preservation of His commandments. At the same time, we bow our contrite and humble hearts to our Creator, and we ask for your fatherly intercession to Him: help us, servant of God, so that we do not perish with our iniquities, deliver us from all evil and from all things that are resistant, guide our minds and strengthen our hearts ours in the right faith, in which through your intercession and intercession, we will not be belittled by wounds, nor rebuke, nor by pestilence, nor by any wrath from our Creator, but let us live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, One in the Trinity, glorified and worshiped God, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for healing from a serious illness to Matrona of Moscow

Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow is known to all Orthodox believers. Today, pilgrims from the most distant places come to her grave, which is located on the territory of the Intercession Monastery. People turn to Matrona of Moscow with requests for their healing and the recovery of their relatives.

For prayer to the Saint to be effective, a person must turn to Blessed Matrona with spiritual humility, sincerity and believe that she will definitely help. Before the prayer begins, you should distribute alms to the poor and make donations to the place of worship.

The most famous prayer to Matrona of Moscow sounds like this:

“Oh, Blessed Elder, Mother Matrona! Your soul is in Heaven before the throne of our Lord Almighty and Just. Your body rests on the ground. You exude miracles with your grace. Turn your merciful gaze upon us who turn to you in prayer. Forgive us our sins and comfort us in illness, do not allow us to succumb to sinful temptations. Help us to be healed from severe illnesses, beg forgiveness for us before God for our sins, iniquities and falls. Ask him for our well-being and deliverance from troubles and sorrows. We who have received the grace of God will glorify the Trinity, the One God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Archangel Raphael for healing for the sick

Archangel Raphael is considered one of the most revered and powerful in the Orthodox Church. He always cares about the health of believers, so people often turn to him with prayers for healing.

The prayer appeal is as follows:

“Oh, holy and great Archangel Raphael, standing near the throne of God. You bestow your grace on all those who suffer and heal our souls and bodies. I ask you, Servant of God (proper name), to help me get rid of ailments and help me restore my health. Save me, Holy Archangel Raphael, from all your known and unknown enemies who seek to harm me. Hear me, a sinner, and respond, Saint Raphael, to my request in the name of our Lord, whom I will glorify and glorify until the end of my days. Amen".

Prayer honored by a mother for a sick child (children) to the Mother of God

Everyone knows the fact that a mother’s prayer asking for the recovery of a sick child has enormous power and can work miracles. But you should definitely remember that prayer does not mean that you need to refuse the help of doctors. Prayerful appeal only enhances the treatment methods used. Prayer will help restore the child’s lost strength and spirit weakened by illness.

The Most Holy Theotokos is the first mother in the Christian world. She always hears the sincere requests of mothers and provides effective assistance. Therefore, if a child is seriously ill, it is recommended to seek help for his recovery from the Most Holy Theotokos. Prayer will give strength to a sick child and force the body to fight a dangerous disease.

The prayer appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos is as follows:

“Most Holy Lady of Heaven, Virgin Mary, hear your mother’s prayer. Save and keep my child (name) under Your protective shelter. And also protect all the youths and babies of other mothers. Cover all our beloved children with your protective robe, help us mothers to raise them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents. Show them the true path of life and save them from temptations, beg the Lord to forgive the sins committed through misunderstanding, so that they have hope in the Kingdom of Heaven. I entrust my child to Your maternal care and believe that You will protect and save him from all the hardships of life. Heal, Mother of God, the mental and physical wounds of my child, inflicted by my thoughtless sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen".

How does Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker help?

Appealing to Saint Nicholas can work miracles, moreover, you can ask not only for yourself, but also for your family and friends. In order to read such a prayer, it is not at all necessary to look for the relics of a saint or attend church, because sincere faith in the heart allows you to cry out to the Saint anywhere in the world, the main thing is to do this as often as possible, hoping for healing.

This approach to the issue is especially relevant when a person is in a very serious condition. If he is completely sick, then you can invite a priest to the house, but not for the purpose of confession, but so that he can read all the necessary prayers, attracting God’s grace, which gives hope for healing and gives the sufferer protection from dark forces and illnesses.

Orthodox elders and clergy have repeatedly emphasized that daily prayer addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can heal not only the body, but also the soul, helping to heal old wounds, get rid of grievances and fears and find true harmony within oneself.

It is important to remember that it is much easier for people who have healed their souls to find contact with the outside world, accepting it with all its imperfections and difficulties.

It is imperative to pray to the saint for the well-being and health of your children, especially if they are still too young to cope with the task on their own. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to wait until someone gets sick, because regularly turning to Nicholas and other saints will help protect loved ones from illness, sorrow and other misfortunes, allowing them to find a reliable spiritual amulet.

This is explained quite simply, because parental prayer is one of the most powerful, since the person calling for help or blessing puts his whole soul into his appeal, asking more than for himself.

Daily prayer eases the suffering of seriously ill people, especially if you read it in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. But making the physical suffering of a loved one less severe is a sacred matter, so you should not give up cowardly and refuse prayer. We should not forget about such an important point as spiritual cleansing, because it is no secret that many ailments are sent to a person when he becomes too angry.

Parental prayer is one of the most powerful

And if a person is tormented by constant illnesses, then it’s time to worry about the state of his own soul, because maybe it’s too dark there and first you should work in a completely different direction. This also includes retribution for sins, which sooner or later befalls everyone, taking away something very valuable in return.

Simply put, prayers to Nicholas will only be valid if a person works on himself, abandoning sinful acts that have become habitual.

You should not use foul language, indulge in fornication and gluttony, be angry with your family and friends, offend them, gossip behind people’s backs and commit other sinful acts. Creation, tranquility, peace, silence, observation of nature in all its beautiful manifestations - these are the keys that will help open the conventional door, which is an obstacle to finally getting on the right path, providing yourself with powerful prayer protection.

Prayer to the Kazan Mother of God for the child to recover and not get sick

A prayer aimed at the recovery of a child, read in front of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God, is very effective. Finding it was already miraculous. The image was found by a girl, after a vision, in a fire in Kazan in 1579. Since then, the icon has worked real miracles, helping people recover from the most terrible diseases.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Most Holy Lady, Lady of Heaven, Most Holy Theotokos! With fear, faith and sincere love, we fall before Your icon, we pray to You. Hear us and turn your bright gaze to us. We ask You to beg Your Son and our Lord, Jesus Christ, to preserve our country in peace, to preserve Your Holy Church, and to protect the world from unbelief, heresies and schism. You are the Intercessor and Helper of all Christians. Deliver us, who sincerely believe in Your power, from the falls of sin, from human malice, from all demonic temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death without repentance. Grant us humility of heart, purity of thoughts, allow us to correct our sinful lives, forgive us our sins. In gratitude we will sing thy name and glorify the Lord our God. Amen".

The most powerful prayer for healing. Powerful prayers for illnesses

We praise you, Mother of God; We confess You, Mary, the Virgin Mother of God; The whole earth magnifies You, the Eternal Father's Daughter. All Angels and Archangels and all Principalities humbly serve You; All Powers, Thrones, Dominions and all the highest Powers of heaven obey you. The Cherubim and Seraphim stand before You rejoicing and cry out with an unceasing voice: Holy Mother of God, the heavens and earth are full of the majesty of the glory of the fruit of Your womb. The Mother praises the glorious apostolic face of her Creator to you; The Mother of God magnifies many martyrs for you; The glorious host of confessors of God the Word gives you a temple; To you the ruling Poles preach the image of virginity; All the heavenly hosts praise you, the Queen of Heaven. Throughout the entire universe the Holy Church glorifies you, honoring the Mother of God; He extols thee true King of heaven, the Maiden. You are the Angel Lady, You are the door of heaven, You are the ladder of the Kingdom of Heaven, You are the palace of the King of glory, You are the ark of piety and grace, You are the abyss of bounties, You are the refuge of sinners. You are the Mother of the Savior, you received freedom for the sake of a captive man, you received God in your womb. The enemy has been trampled upon by you; You have opened the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven to the faithful. You stand at the right hand of God; You pray to God for us, Virgin Mary, who will judge the living and the dead. We therefore ask You, Intercessor before Your Son and God, Who redeemed us with Your blood, so that we may receive the reward in eternal glory. Save Thy people, O Mother of God, and bless Thy inheritance, for let us be partakers of Thy inheritance; preserve and keep us even unto the ages. Every day, O Most Holy One, we wish to praise and please You with our hearts and lips. Grant, Most Merciful Mother, now and always to preserve us from sin; have mercy on us, Intercessor, have mercy on us. May Thy mercy be upon us, as we trust in Thee forever. Amen.

Prayer for living sick parents and their health

Parents are the closest people to whom we owe our birth. Therefore, when they start to get sick, we need to help them get well through prayer.

If trouble took you by surprise, and one of your parents fell ill completely unexpectedly for you, then you need to immediately visit the temple and pray near the Icon of St. Matrona of Moscow.

After lighting three candles for health, you need to whisper the following prayer words:

“I pray to you, Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Heal my parent (name of the sick parent), give him strength to live well. Let no severe illness torment his body. Let it be so. Amen".

After this, you need to cross yourself and leave the temple; first you need to purchase 12 church candles and collect holy water. At home, you need to continue the prayer ritual, which will help parents recover and quickly recover from illness.

You need to pray at home in front of icons, so if you don’t have a red corner in your home, be sure to organize one. In the evening, you should retire, light candles and read the following prayers.

Lord God:

“Lord All-Merciful, Jesus Christ, Son of God. I ask you for the health of your parents. Have mercy, save them from illness and help them overcome difficult times. Give them strength to offer prayers and show them the righteous path. Extend their life years. Thy will be done. Amen".

To Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with sincere prayer. I ask you to protect my parents from illness, infirmity and weakness. Help them follow the righteous path and give them hope in the Kingdom of Heaven. Don't let yourself succumb to sinful temptations. Intercede for them before our Lord. Thy will be done. Amen".

Saint Matrona of Moscow:

“Holy Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. You always hear people praying for your health. You always help the weak and heal those who ask from serious illnesses. Help my parents too. Deliver them from bodily ailments and poor health. Let evil people not be able to harm them. Let it be so. Amen".

How to pray for parents

Life is cyclical: children are born, grow up, create their own families and give birth to babies. A Russian classic once raised the problem of generations, pointing out the frequent irreconcilability of fathers and sons and the misunderstanding between them.

Children's prayer is caring for the older generation and a manifestation of love

Despite the relevance of this (after all, these conflicts never cease), Christians must be able to find common ground and a way out of conflict situations. The younger generation must respect the older generation, regardless of the behavior of the elders and their decisions. Of course, sometimes fathers do wrong, because every person is a sinner and people tend to make wrong decisions. But descendants must honor them regardless of this.

About family and children:

  • How to teach children prayer
  • How and when to tell children about God
  • What to do if your child doesn’t want to go to church

A petition for mom and dad, for their health, is important not only because it is a petition from the Lord for their well-being, but also because it softens the hearts of children . If there is resentment or unforgiveness, then prayer for ancestors helps to cope with these negative feelings.

Christ said: “Pray for your enemies.” Mothers, of course, are not enemies, but the principle is the same - asking the Lord for them softens the hearts of the person praying. In any case, this is caring for the older generation and showing love.

Sons cannot always be close to their mothers, but you can always ask for their health, distances do not matter for this.

Advice! It is best to read the petition for health, and also remember your grandparents during it.

In addition to this, you should also:

  • visit them regularly;
  • be interested in their opinion and ask for advice;
  • help with housework;
  • provide assistance (material and moral);
  • support and care.

    Petitions for health can be read at any age, but only for living parents

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for recovery (husband, mother, father, daughter)

Saint Nicholas healed many people from terrible illnesses with the help of prayer during his lifetime. He believed that with God in your heart you can overcome any adversity in life and be cured of the most terrible diseases. A person who prays creates special divine protection around himself, and no external forces can harm him.

Unfortunately, many people, only after getting sick, understand that losing their health is the worst thing that can happen in life. But true faith and religiosity will help correct the situation and will contribute to the healing of not only the soul, but also the body.

A prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the recovery of a loved one should begin with an arbitrary appeal to the Saint. He should be thanked for giving hope for healing.

In addition, you need to follow other rules; before praying you need to:

  • Cleanse yourself from sinful and dissolute thoughts;
  • Ask for forgiveness for your sins committed through thoughtlessness.

After this, you can turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker with a prayer for recovery. You should definitely pray in front of the icon of the Saint. Every believer's home should have a red corner in which three obligatory icons should be installed: the Savior, the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

“Oh, All-Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, saint of the Lord! You are the Intercessor of all those who mourn and those in need of Your help. I ask for help for my close relatives. Beg, Saint Nicholas, Almighty and All-Merciful God to forgive all their sins, known and unknown. Deliver them from bodily pain and grant them healing. Do not let them stray from the true path and give them hope in the Kingdom of Heaven. And I will pray and glorify all Your deeds on earth and in heaven. Amen".

Next, you should turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with simple prayer words. To do this, you must perform ritual actions. You should retire to a separate room, place an icon of St. Nicholas in front of you, light a church candle and a container of holy water. You should sit in silence for some time, thinking only about the person for whose healing you will pray. Afterwards, looking at the icon, you need to read the well-known prayer “Our Father” three times.

And then you should turn to Nikolai Ugodnik with these words:

“Oh Saint Nicholas, Wonderworker and Pleasant of God! I ask you to heal my loved one (you need to name who he is to you). Help him recover and recover. Be merciful to me and do not be angry for such a personal request. Amen".

Such a prayer appeal needs to be said once, but you should put your whole soul into it. Healing prayers were used in ancient times. Many stories have been preserved about their miraculous powers. But it is important not to doubt that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will definitely hear your prayer.

Prayer for good luck and luck

We all need luck because without it we cannot become successful in any aspect. In this case, Nikolai Ugodnik will also come to your aid. Ask him about this sincerely and with all your heart, and you will see how things will definitely get better, and you will certainly be lucky in everything.

Here is the text of the prayer:

O all-praised, great wonderworker, saint of Christ, Father Nicholas! We pray to you, awaken the hope of all Christians, protector of the faithful, feeder of the hungry, joy of the weeping, doctor of the sick, steward of those floating on the sea, feeder of the poor and orphans, and quick helper and patron of all, may we live a peaceful life here and may we be worthy to see the glory of God’s elect in heaven , and with them unceasingly sing the praises of the one worshiped God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to Panteleimon the Healer, helping before and during surgery

Prayers to Panteleimon the Healer have enormous power. This Saint lived in the 3rd century. It is noteworthy that his parents were adherents of different religions. The father followed paganism, and the mother professed Christianity. It was the mother who raised the boy in the true faith. But it so happened that the woman passed away very early, and the father forced the young man to believe in paganism.

At a young age, he became interested in healing and developed amazing abilities that allowed him to successfully treat people. After completing his studies, he was appointed as a doctor at the court of Emperor Maximilian.

Once he managed to be present at a miraculous healing through prayer. Presbyter Ermolai resurrected the boy, who no longer showed signs of life after poisoning. From that moment on, Panteleimon believed in the power of Christ's faith and soon underwent the rite of Baptism.

After this, the healer began providing medical care free of charge. He helped everyone who asked for help and did not take money for it. This behavior of Panteleimon angered the emperor and his entourage and they summoned him to trial. But the healer demonstrated the power of Christ’s faith by healing a person from an illness only through prayer. After this, the emperor tried to force Panteleimon to renounce his faith by torture, but he failed. The healer was thrown into a cage among wild animals to be torn to pieces, but they did not dare to touch the man, but lay down peacefully at his feet. During one of the prayers, the Lord called Panteleimon’s soul to Heaven. Only after this the executioner was able to cut off the Healer’s head.

A strong prayer to Panteleimon the Healer must be read before and after the operation.

It sounds like this:

“Oh, Holy Healer Panteleimon, the great saint of God, the most merciful doctor! I ask Thy mercy, hear me, a sinner, turn your gaze to me, groaning and screaming. Grant me physical healing. Ask the Almighty Lord to fill my soul with strength and help me resist this terrible illness. Ask the Lord to forgive all my sins, known and unknown. Do not turn away from my sins, committed out of ignorance and lack of understanding. Beg the Almighty for me, so that your prayer may become oil for my spiritual wounds. Heal my soul and body, let me live out the rest of my days in prosperity according to the will of God. Holy, saint of God! Pray to the Lord to give me hope for the health of my body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for healing and cleansing

It is believed that the Lord God himself chose Saint Seraphim of Sarov as an assistant in his affairs. Therefore, if you sincerely ask this Saint for something, then it will definitely happen. Very often, believers turn to Seraphim of Sarov with requests for health. In order for a prayer appeal to be heard, it is necessary to cleanse yourself of negativity and remove all grievances against those who have offended you, voluntarily or unwittingly. It is also important to repent of your own sins.

Prayer for cancer

When a person learns about a terrible diagnosis, he is overwhelmed by a feeling of confusion and despair. But in order to cope with a terrible illness, you must remain calm and reasonable. A sincere prayer directed to St. Seraphim of Sarov will help fight cancer.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Oh, great and wonderful Father Seraphim, famous Sarov wonderworker, you are a quick-to-obey helper for everyone who comes running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one left you without receiving your help and support. Everyone found comfort near you and understood what needed to be done for their further well-being. Your gift of insight and healing has helped many people. When the Lord God called you to heaven, after the end of your earthly life, your love for people was manifested in the fact that you responded to the prayers of the suffering. It is impossible to list all the miracles that you performed after hearing a cry for help. You granted a miracle of healing from a terrible illness in the most severe cases. Help me, the Servant of God (proper name), gain strength to fight the disease. Pray to the Lord God for forgiveness of all my known and unknown sins, for I sincerely repent of them. Ask the Almighty to guide me on the true path, for I accept His will and obey Him in everything. In gratitude for the healing, I will pray until the end of my days and glorify the great good deeds of our All-Merciful God. Amen".

Prayers for healing feet

Very often people turn to Saint Seraphim of Sarov for help in healing their feet. Judging by many reviews of believers, the famous Wonderworker brought many to their feet.

The prayer text reads as follows:

“Oh, great saint of God, Rev. Father Seraphim, famous Wonderworker of Sarov. Hear me, Servant of God (proper name) and turn your gaze to me. Help me, weak and humble, with sincere faith in my soul, be merciful to me and save me from a terrible illness. Let me maintain sincere faith in my soul and live according to the commandments of God. Grant the opportunity to live in health and glorify our Lord, the All-Merciful Lover of Mankind, in prayers. Only in you, Holy Father Seraphim, do I trust and hope. Give me hope for a long earthly life in motion and let me hope that after death my soul will find peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen".

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