Written by Ivan Belyaev, brother of the Rev. Nikon (Belyaeva) Kontakion 1 Chosen by God from vanity
Heavenly Intercessor In an Orthodox church, next to the icon of Christ, we always see a meek image
What are psalms Psalms are spiritual chants that make up one of the books
Life of the Prophet Daniel 600 years before the birth of Christ, Jerusalem was conquered
Tahajjud prayer is a prayer that is performed after Isha prayer and before dawn. Night
Text of the prayer Psalm 99 The song is sung both in Church Slavonic and in Russian.
Download the Lord's Prayer in Polish in Russian letters to your computer and phone for free
Ritual for successful employment To ensure that you are hired for a decent job, read before going through the checks
Psalm 134 read: Praise the name of the Lord, praise the servants of the Lord, who stand in the temple of the Lord, in