Conspiracies for work: how to use magic to get a high-paying position


People who have been working in one job for a long time, but cannot move up the career ladder, can use a conspiracy to get promoted at work. It is suitable for those who want to achieve a salary increase or take the place of a boss.

A promotion at work can be achieved with the help of a conspiracy

Preparing for the ritual

Before you begin performing such rituals, you must decide for yourself several important nuances.

  1. Decide whether you want to continue working in this position. If you haven't been able to get a promotion after many years of work, you may want to consider other options.
  2. Use magical rituals only if you are truly confident in the future positive result. Magic cannot be used “for fun.”
  3. Carefully read the rules of the ritual. You must be prepared for the fact that in addition to an increase in salary and promotion, the employer's demands on you will increase.
  4. You should not apply for a senior position in a company unless you are confident that you can handle future demands.

Consequences of rituals

The use of service rituals in most cases does not have negative consequences. Christianity encourages love of work. Revenge for performing rituals may await those who use dark magic. With its help you can get quick results, find paid work, etc.

However, dark forces often demand payment for services rendered. The consequences of black magic are death of loved ones, loss of health and other misfortunes, and over time you may lose your job.

Birch spell

When you go to your workplace in the morning, you should find a birch tree and break off a twig from it. It is important that there are many buds on it. After this, you need to read the strong words of the conspiracy:

“I want to advance my career. To do this, I took a birch tree, which will symbolize my successes. She will help me in my career advancement, birch is strong and always achieves what she wants. I was unable to attract a position naturally, so I, God’s servant (name), decided to turn to magic for help. I hope this powerful ritual will help me attract new customers to the company. My career advancement will depend on how many products he purchases. I really hope that higher powers will help me achieve my desired goal in a short time. Amen".

This twig needs to be hidden in a silk bag and then brought to the workplace. This talisman should always be near you so that you can achieve quick and positive results. This will help you get promoted.

Five Day Ritual

This ritual is that during the week, during the waxing moon, you must write the following words on a piece of paper at night:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to achieve promotion so that my salary increases. I devoted many years to one workplace, but I was unable to achieve any progress. If higher powers do not help me advance in my position, then I will start looking for another place and go to work there. My family is relying on my money. I have to support all my relatives, but with the kind of money I receive, I can’t even support myself. I really want to achieve what I want, and for this I read the words of this powerful prayer. Amen".

You need to put the note in your pocket and take it to work the next day. Within a week, your boss will approach you and offer you a vacancy that you cannot refuse, but on the condition that you carry out this promotion ritual for exactly 5 days.

Conspiracy for promotion

Method to get your boss to talk

Often, promotions don't happen if your boss doesn't like you. The following strong conspiracy to increase will help you gain his favor. You should read the words when you are going to meet with management:

  • at a general meeting;
  • before a personal meeting in his office;
  • at a corporate event.

This ritual must be performed during the waxing moon, for 3 days. It is important to delve into every word you read and sincerely believe in a positive result. The words of the conspiracy to increase sound as follows:

“I, the servant of God (name), want to call on my boss to love me. Recently, he has been recruiting young specialists. I'm afraid that I will soon be fired, and I just devoted many years to this place. I will read the words of the prayer not only to stay at work, but also to get a promotion up the career ladder. I want to prove that I am ready to take a leadership position. With this I can attract many buyers who will increase the income of our company. To do this, I need the location and respect of my boss. I want him to start treating me completely differently from tomorrow. I promise that I will not let him down and will only increase the income of the entire enterprise. Amen".

To become a director there is a conspiracy

Have you been working in your company for many years, always fulfilling plans, submitting reports on time, and conscientiously fulfilling all instructions from management, but you still sit in one place and can’t wait for a promotion? Then a conspiracy for a promotion at work can help you; you need to read such conspiracies already at first, only you noticed that you don’t seem to be noticed at work as soon as it comes to a promotion.

Unfortunately, in such moments, justice does not always take place; often friends of the bosses, envious colleagues, or simply lucky people receive promotions. In this case, you simply need to attract good luck to yourself, and turning to the Higher Powers helps very well with this.

Conspiracies for those who can’t wait to get promoted.

There are many such conspiracies and prayers, but you need to choose the one that will suit you. After all, each person is individual, with different energy, character, environment, etc. You can only find out which method is right for you by trying and being guided by your intuition.

Effective conspiracies for promotion at work.

Often you are not promoted due to the manager's biased attitude towards you. And you do everything right, and never let him down. And he is still unhappy. In such cases, a conspiracy to please the boss helps a lot. To do this, you need to come to the store on the first lunar day according to the lunar calendar and buy three hundred grams of caramel candies. Under no circumstances should you take change from the store! Bring these sweets home, sprinkle them with holy water. Put them in a dark place and leave them in the house overnight. In the morning before work, you will need to walk around the room in which you work, so as not to attract attention to yourself! You need to go around counterclockwise and throw a handful of candies at each corner. While pronouncing the words

Distribute the caramel so that there is enough for each corner.

This plot must be completed within a month. Every day always at the same time, preferably in the morning at the beginning of the day, say the words

This conspiracy, although very simple to implement, has proven itself very well and has helped many.

For this plot, you need to buy yourself a new thing, it can be a shirt, trousers, or a dress. The color of clothing should be discreet. It is also necessary to clean the workplace before the ritual so that it also looks like new. This plot must be carried out on a new moon. On this day, when putting on a new, clean thing, you should say a prayer:

Just as a new thing is put on, so a career is grafted onto me.

May my service be good and successful!

And the management and colleagues are understanding. Amen

Conspiracy for career advancement.

And you should do this for three days in a row. Read a prayer every time you put on your new clothes. After three days, the item must be rinsed in cold water. But you can’t pour out this water; you will take it to work on the fourth day and sprinkle all the corners with it.

This is a very powerful conspiracy, and by carrying it out you can confidently count on a promotion up the career ladder.

You must also remember that all conspiracies and prayers must be carried out completely alone! Nobody has to watch this. You cannot tell anyone about your ceremony, even your best friends and relatives. As soon as anyone finds out, the magical powers will immediately be destroyed, and all your actions will be in vain!

Advice. It is very important not to doubt the power of conspiracy and prayer. Your faith increases the magical properties of this rite and reduces the time it takes for your wish to come true!

It is also necessary to understand that in order for the conspiracy to take effect and your wish to come true, it takes time! The mechanisms of heavenly forces are launched immediately as you perform the ceremony! But to get the result you need to wait a little. Therefore, one should not rush and carry out strong conspiracies more often than necessary.

Follow all these simple rules and a conspiracy to increase your salary or climb the career ladder will definitely lead you to success!

The basis of many people's income today is work. It is not always highly paid, but in many cases it can only guarantee a stable receipt of funds.

Often a situation arises when a person is completely satisfied with the job, with the exception of the tyrant boss. A conspiracy against a boss helps to improve relationships and win over bosses. Sometimes no other methods help correct the situation, and you have to resort to the help of magic.

Many company managers are stingy, selfish and loud-mouthed; they are not characterized by love for their subordinates. So, quite often they have outbursts of anger that are directed towards their subordinates. From their point of view, the threat of dismissal from time to time helps to frighten or rein in employees, but all this only causes hatred of the boss, whom every second employee wants to get rid of.

Today, there are several known ways to establish relationships with superiors through psychology and magic. Thus, psychology will allow an employee to identify the weaknesses of a leader and find an approach to him, while magical rites and rituals will simply make the boss flexible and kind.

Proper execution of the ritual requires:

  • Full concentration of the contractor and the customer;
  • Belief in magic and the power of words;
  • Calm state of a person;
  • Availability of necessary items.

The conspiracy does not take effect immediately. So, the boss can change even after a few months, the main thing is not to despair and continue to believe in yourself and magic. A sign of the effectiveness of the ritual will be the unexpected receipt of a valuable gift or bonus and the love of the boss for his subordinates - it can change beyond recognition. Rituals can correct any evil leader. The ritual should be carried out according to the instructions - there should be no changes or deviations, otherwise the consequences will not be long in coming.

The effectiveness of a magical ritual aimed at eliminating the boss’s anger, challenging his favor and mercy on his part depends entirely on the customer/performer of the ritual. If the person’s belief in the magic is sincere, and he is sure that this is the only way to rein in the leader, then the conspiracy will work.

To rid an evil boss of his anger, arouse his mercy and instill love for his employees, you need to use several effective magical spells. There is a very simple but effective conspiracy against boss’s nagging. To perform the ritual, you will need to visit a store or market stall that sells various kinds of spices. Without haggling, buy a gray poppy from the store, which can only be used on even days of the week.

After the spell has been cast on him, he is allowed to take a handful with his left hand and throw it on the threshold of the enterprise - neither dismissal nor reprimands will be scary.

So that your boss doesn’t find fault, and your work colleagues don’t say unnecessary things and keep their mouths shut, you can resort to the help of another ritual from an evil boss. Birch bark will help relieve management from anger. At noon, a small piece of birch bark of a predominantly white color is torn from a birch tree you like (the presence of black is minimal).

The next morning, as soon as the first rays of the sun illuminate the earth, a spell is cast on the birch bark 7 times.

Then the birch bark is wrapped in a beautiful cloth and put into the pocket of the work uniform. The daily presence of birch bark in the workplace will relieve management from anger.

The manager will begin to respect the employee if he performs a special ritual on Tuesday on the waxing moon. In the church you should purchase an icon corresponding to the name of the leader and 3 thin candles. Having placed the candles in front of the icon, recite the spell three times. Every time there is a meeting with the manager, the icon should accompany the employee. It is best if the icon does not leave the workplace at all.

If the spell is used incorrectly or the sequence of actions is violated, magic can take revenge on a person. So, after performing a magical ritual, a manager may hate his employee, cut his salary, demote him or fire him. In this case, no rituals will help restore goodwill, and all that remains is to look for a new place.

In addition, the performer may at some point lose a large sum of money. It is perfectly acceptable to have no luck at all over a long period of time. The consequences can also affect human health - it will begin to deteriorate sharply. You can resort to magic only in the most difficult situations, when no other methods help.

Our well-being depends on a successful career. A well-paid job is not only material security, but also moral satisfaction.

Sometimes you don’t have enough strength for a successful start. It seems that the last push remains to be made, but something constantly gets in the way. In this case, you can perform the following magical rituals׃

  • a conspiracy to get a quick promotion at work;
  • prayer to achieve success in service;
  • a strong magical spell for good luck;
  • ritual against the evil eye and envy at work;
  • a conspiracy to get my husband back to work;
  • prayer against human envy and bad thoughts;
  • conspiracy to rise up the career ladder;
  • how to change your destiny;
  • plot to become a boss.

The list of rituals aimed at success is endless. The choice is determined by the goals to be achieved. Someone prefers to take a high position and will need a career plot. Someone will choose a conspiracy that predicts successful service to his wife. Women can recite prayers for their husband to be promoted.

Below are the rituals that can be performed at home.

Conspiracies to move up the career ladder will help you achieve success faster. You can use ancient spells, or you can read prayers from Natalia Stepanova, a famous healer from Siberia. A conspiracy to move up the career ladder, read by Stepanov, is doomed to success if the rules of the ritual are followed.

The rituals of the Siberian healer are very popular. The conspiracy she proposed to move up the career ladder is very effective. Stepanova recommends reading on the new moon. To carry out the ceremony, you will need a candle, a few coffee beans and a room free from strangers.

The ritual is easy to perform at home. They start it after sunset׃

  • with the appearance of the Moon in the sky, a candle is placed on the table, near which coffee beans are laid out;
  • the candle is lit;
  • Looking at the fire, they mentally list everything they want to achieve, then read a plot for career growth:

The prayer to be promoted is read only in a room where there are no icons. If they are present, they need to be removed and taken to another room for the duration of the ceremony.

You need to read Stepanova’s prayer three times. In the morning, coffee beans are placed in secluded places at the workplace. After a short period of time, the person will be offered a higher official position.

This is a very powerful magical spell for good luck. If everything is done correctly, he will definitely help restore his husband’s success at work, and maybe even become a boss.

Before you can have a successful career, you must first get a job. In order to take a prestigious position, you often have to undergo an interview, which can be called the first step on the career ladder.

It is very important to have the appropriate knowledge, dress appropriately for the occasion and behave as taught in thematic forums and psychological trainings. However, it would not be a bad idea to invoke good luck with the help of magic.

Often the future well-being of the family depends on the first meeting with the employer. Therefore, a strong magical spell for good luck will come in handy when spouses get a job in a new city or even in another country. The main thing is to believe in success, and then the magic words will prophesy successful service to the wife, and will help the husband to become the head of some department or section.

To achieve success, on the day of the interview you can read a prayer from Stepanova or perform a very strong ritual at home the night before.

It is carried out secretly, without telling either relatives or close people about it. For the ceremony you will need

  • blank sheet of paper;
  • three candles each of white, green and yellow;
  • glass of water;
  • white cloth or clean waffle towel;
  • ball pen.

The plot is read on the waxing moon. Women on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, men on men's days. If the interview falls on a Monday, then the ritual is performed on Saturday evening.

Very often, the success of the ritual depends not on the text of the conspiracy itself, but on the actions preceding it. This ritual consists of two parts.

Sit down at the table and write out a detailed scenario for the future interview. Mentally visualize this event. The clearer and more detailed the images are, the greater success awaits you. The text should look like a short story, but you don’t need to fill it out over several pages. It is enough to outline the main points of the meeting.

Place the sheet of paper with the text about the interview in the center of the table. Place nine colored candles in a circle around it. Select the order of colors arbitrarily. Light them up. When the flame flares up, place a glass of water in the center of the circle on the piece of paper.

Looking at the water, say the words of the following spell, and at the end Amen׃

After this, drink the water from the glass in small sips. Put out the candles, wrap them in white linen and place them where no one can disturb them. Hide your text too.

In the morning, on the day of the interview, take out the piece of paper you wrote on the day before and read it carefully. Then fold it and put it in your pocket. Now you can calmly go to the meeting.

It happens that reading conspiracies for a successful career and work or prayers for promotion should follow other rituals.

First, it is necessary to carry out a ritual that would cause increased self-esteem or return the husband’s mood to work.

Very often, people who fail or lose their jobs become depressed, lose faith in themselves and lose interest in further work. Those who are weak in spirit try to drown their misfortunes in wine, accusing the whole world of treating them unfairly.

Double your talents and strength with magical rituals and believe in yourself.

A conspiracy to increase your self-esteem can be read any day. Place a glass in front of a small mirror, pour water into it and say ׃

Take three large sips from the glass, and add the rest of the water, a teaspoon at a time, to the dish when eating.

Only when a person stops doubting his abilities do they read a conspiracy to rise up the career ladder.

This ritual can be called family. The ritual is suitable for both wife and husband. It can be carried out simultaneously for all family members, just so that everyone has their own items for the conspiracy.

The ceremony is carried out at any time; it will require

Cream is poured into a glass and the words of the spell are pronounced.

“I will wander out of my house, out the door, out the gate, through long country roads - not steppe ones. I will turn to my destiny, my first path is to find a coin, the second is a chervonets, and the last one will make me rich. I eat cream, I get rich. To live prosperously for many years and see no troubles.

After this, take three sips. You can drink the rest of the cream later with coffee or tea with your family.

When you go to bed, fluff your pillow with the following words׃

Ritual to get rid of a competitor

If you have a rival who is also aiming for a vacant position, then the following powerful ritual will help you get rid of him. First you need to write your opponent’s initials on a piece of paper. After this, you need to cross out the inscription and read the following strongest conspiracy:

“Let my competitor be left with nothing. This vacant position should go to me, because I have been working here for a long time and have already managed to gain the respect of my colleagues. I hope that in the future my superiors will offer me this vacancy and I will be able to achieve my desired goal. Let my words reach heaven, and the Lord will send Angels to my aid. Amen".

A sheet of paper is burned on a candle fire. The ashes must be taken to work and placed under the competitor’s desk. In a few days he will be fired, and you will receive your well-deserved promotion.

Prayer to Archangel Michael from enemies

Ritual for getting a profitable job

There is a ritual that will help when a position is vacant, but the boss is not yet sure who he will appoint to it.

Unfortunately, high professional qualities alone are often not enough. The favor of management is also required.

And if he has favorites, the task becomes simply insurmountable.

Then you need special business qualities, the ability to negotiate with your boss and a lot of luck.

In order to defeat competitors, you should take a piece of paper and write on it nine times the full passport details of the person or people who will presumably be appointed to bypass the applicant. Then they are boldly crossed out three times and pronounced:

“With a triple sign, a triple law, I restrain you and imprison you in the chains of deeds and thoughts. Let it be so".

Afterwards, the paper is rolled into a tube and put into a bottle, pouring vinegar on top. They take her to a vacant lot and turn to face the setting sun, pronouncing the following spell:

“May you always be behind me, in any matter, in any process. All the awards and honors for me, and gnawed bones for you. Completed."

Then they throw the container, without looking, over their left shoulder, turn around and leave.

If on the way back someone says hello or tries to talk to the performer of the ritual, under no circumstances should you respond.

  • Almost every person is looking for a high-paying job - and this is normal;
  • Conspiracies for business profit and its prosperity;
  • - how to speak a thing.

Mother's milk spell

For a promotion at work, the following effective ritual for the milk of a nursing mother will help. It consists in the fact that 2 times a day (morning and evening) a young mother should read the following words of prayer:

“I recently gave birth to a baby, but I don’t have enough milk to feed him. Blessed Virgin Mary, help me as a woman. I know you had enough milk for your son. Help me feed my baby so that he grows up beautiful and healthy. I need money, I can't earn it. Send me, higher powers, a good job. I will forever be grateful. Amen".

Within a few days, you will receive an offer for a job at home, or your spouse will be promoted.

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