Strong rituals and conspiracies for purchasing your own home

» Conspiracies » Conspiracies to buy a house or land



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Buying a house, apartment or land on which this house can be built for housing is a very responsible undertaking. At such moments, people are very worried and want to get quick protection from higher powers. A correctly made plot to buy a house and land or goods will help you cope here.

Conspiracy to buy a house and land

How does the conspiracy work?

A conspiracy for a very profitable purchase helps to create an information field of a certain quality around a person. Such a magical ritual of prayer and rituals help attract good sellers and good goods. This means that without such a conspiracy, people would have spent much longer looking for a suitable option for themselves. And a conspiracy to buy a house and land helps to do everything faster, exactly in the way the buyer needs to do it.

Surprisingly, in order to conduct a quick and good deal, you just need to correctly read the plot for the purchase of real estate for the purchase of a home. Moreover, this can be done even at home.

What can be done to make the conspiracy more effective?

If you decide to purchase a home together with a conspiracy, then you need it to work in the best possible way. To do this, it is important to know and follow some rules:

  • Even the most powerful conspiracy will triple its power if you carry it out during the waxing moon. During this period, it is as if nature itself will be interested in prayers and rituals working better if they are aimed at attracting something into your life.
  • You can make a better deal in real estate if you believe in the rituals you are doing. There is no point in casting a conspiracy to buy a plot of land or housing if you do not believe in it. Magic simply won't work when it feels so disrespected. Know that faith is key here.
  • Whatever you buy or sell using a spell, it is important to fully understand the text that contains the spell. The better you understand every word that is in the real estate plot, the higher your awareness. And the higher your awareness, the better the result will be.
  • It is better to keep the fact that you are carrying out such a conspiracy a secret. Magic loves to be respected through secrecy, and will work even better in gratitude.

Spell on a circle and candles

In order for you to get the best apartment or plot of land, you can carry out such a magical conspiracy. On the waxing moon, buy a white sheet of paper, a new ballpoint pen, and three church candles.

In the evening, retire. For a good ritual, you will need to clear the territory not only of people, but also of animals, so as not to disrupt the magical energy. Light the candles and arrange them in a triangle. Place a piece of paper in the middle of the triangle. Using a new ballpoint pen, draw three circles on a piece of paper. One large and two internal. After this, place both palms in circles, close your eyes and say the following text:

“I stand before you, I say my word. What do I want? Good, new housing. My home is waiting for me. I'm asking you about this. I will lodge my spirit in my house. I will broadcast my broadcast in my house. My house receives a body from me. I am with him, he is with me, we are very good together. After my word, my home will find me. Amen".

It is advisable to recite this text while in a slightly trance state, then the result will be even better. To do this, before reading the text, look at the candle for about three minutes, this will help relax your mind. Then pass such a piece of paper over each of the candles. Then fold it and carry it with you always. Even if you haven’t bought a house or an apartment before, now in this matter you will feel much more natural and confident than before the ritual. It is also advisable to wake up every morning and look at three circles on paper. You can close your eyes and imagine how your spirit, body and ether will settle there, your name will sound in the house. This ritual will attract to you very successful options for buying a plot for a summer cottage or a house, and the sale of your home will be beneficial for everyone.

Preparing for the ritual

First, not magical, but everyday cleansing is carried out. No matter how trivial it may sound, you need to remove all old unnecessary garbage from the apartment. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of things with a long history and a lot of memories. Spring cleaning is the best time to cleanse the energy of your home.

It is best to clean the apartment during the waning phase of the moon. To carry out the ceremony, you will need to wash all floors with saline solution. In this simple way, all accumulated negative energy will leave the apartment. The saline solution is diluted in the following proportion: 2 tablespoons of salt per 1 bucket of water. The day before, before the ceremony, the owner must visit the church and confess.

They begin to wash the floor from the back room towards the exit. You can also wipe down mirrors and other reflective surfaces. When cleaning, you need to thoroughly wipe all corners, baseboards, and also don’t forget about the front door. It is recommended to walk through the saline solution before entering the apartment. To ensure that no salt stains remain on the furniture, after cleaning all surfaces are wiped again with clean water. It is important to pay attention to where dirty water is poured. It is forbidden to pour salt water in your apartment. If you want to change it, then pour it into the ground outside.

After cleaning, you need to collect the used rags in one plastic bag and throw them into the street garbage chute. Cleaning the apartment with water and salt is only the first stage of the ritual. For the second stage you will need candles, saucers, a frying pan and salt. The number of candles and saucers is calculated based on the number of rooms in the apartment (including all rooms). Pour salt into the pan so that it covers the bottom with a thin but opaque layer. Then glue the candles to the bottom of the saucers and distribute them throughout all the rooms, placing them in the center of the room.

Preparing the apartment for sale.

Candles are lit with matches. The last candle is lit in the kitchen. Afterwards, put a frying pan with salt on the fire to warm up. Next, you need to take the last lit candle in your left hand and, starting from the front door, walk with it around the house clockwise. You need to walk slowly, holding the candle at chest level. To complete the circle, you need to place a saucer with a candle in front of the front door. Afterwards, the fire on the stove turns off, the candles remain in their place until they go out on their own. Remains of candles, salt and used matches are placed in a plastic bag and thrown outside into a trash bin.

Sometimes it happens that the sale of an apartment is interfered with by a brownie. He does not want to part with the owner of the apartment and accept a new one. Therefore, all potential buyers subconsciously, sensing something is wrong, run away from purchasing an apartment. To solve this problem you need to appease the brownie. To do this, you need to stand at the entrance to the largest room and, looking at the other end of the room, say the following words:

“Welcome new owners to your home, brownie. Not for a day, not for a night, but forever! Don’t offend new people, but help them in every possible way. They won’t hurt you in return; you will live your life with them.”

In the evening, before going to bed, you need to put a plate of porridge in the corner of the room. This ritual should calm the brownie and then it will be possible to carry out any conspiracy to sell the apartment. At this point, the preparation of the apartment for the plot is completed.

Magical help in selling an apartment.

Spell for good luck in purchasing

Conspiracies to buy your own property to give confidence. This ritual helps to be a confident buyer who can easily bargain and defend his terms of the deal. In order to be like this, before going to inspect the goods, you need to spit on your palms three times, run your palms through your hair and look in the mirror and say the following magic text:

“How much strength, how much youth I have as a merchant. I don’t need to buy scrap, but rather make a good bargain wisely. I bargain like a rooster. All my rooster words are easily listened to, everyone listens.”

You need to say such a magic word as fervently as possible, putting in more childish energy. The more energetically these words are spoken, the more confident you will feel in the transaction. And believe me, a lot depends on your confidence. This text can be read before each inspection of a product, be it a nail or a villa.

How effective are they?

There are ways to increase the effectiveness of rituals, conspiracies, and rituals. To do this you need:

  • choose the waxing period of the moon both for the ritual and for the transaction;
  • internally imagine yourself making a deal, negotiating, signing documents, entering a new apartment and rejoicing that you have finally become the owner of the desired property;
  • do not let go of the emotional state that was during the ritual, when faith was overflowing. It is necessary to maintain the fire of faith until you receive the keys to your new property.
  • Do everything quietly, without telling anyone about your rituals or communication with the Higher Powers.

Coin spell

A plot to buy your house or land with a coin. Buying real estate is a financial matter. Therefore, here you can also perform rituals for money. You need to take a large coin. On the day of the waxing moon, you need to go to the crossroads that are closest to your home. There you need to throw the coin as high as possible, let it calmly fall to the ground, and you say the following magic text:

“I’m waiting for something new, waiting for something better, buying it. I am talking about finding the best for myself. While the coin was flying, all the merchants woke up, remembered me, and began to offer me all the best. As soon as I come to them with that coin, they will open all the doors for me, and they will see in me the best buyer, just as they see the best fish among the waters. I should look, I should buy, I should show them and invite me willingly. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

There is no need to take this coin with you. It is believed that after such a conspiracy, she seems to set out on a journey to bring you the best seller and, of course, the best product in the real estate industry. After the spoken text, you need to go home without looking back. The very next morning, most likely, you will find interesting real estate options, just the ones you like. This plot can be repeated every new moon until you successfully acquire the property you need.

Prayer to help

If something is constantly stopping you from buying an apartment, you can read a strong prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. With its help, the housing issue will be resolved quickly. Every evening after sunset read the following words:

Every evening after sunset, read a prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and God for our peaceful, serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness for many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and the Spirit Holy, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Usually, after just a week of daily reading of the prayer, you can achieve what you want.

This ritual is performed in the evening, when the sun has already set. It is advisable to be near a river or at least a small body of water. You need to take a mug of water and pour it under your feet, and then say the words:

“I will follow in the footsteps of clean water. I will bypass all obstacles and bad weather. I am not afraid of any obstacles and I do not need them. The terrible animals are behind, and the angry birds are with them. Said and done. Amen!"

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