So that your husband does not cheat: conspiracies, spells, rituals of white magic

Infidelity is the cause of many women's tears and suffering. You can get rid of them with white witchcraft. To prevent the husband from cheating, the plot can be read on his things, from a distance, in photographs, candles and other magical attributes. The influence quietly returns the traitor to the bosom of the family, turns off attention and excessive sexual activity.

A conspiracy against betrayal can also be black. This is a more dangerous sorcery. It is used to ensure that the legal spouse does not go out on the side. Rituals help to establish good relationships, save a father, even a grandfather. Men are inherently prone to multiple connections. But more often they are bewitched for selfish reasons. The spell pushes frivolous revelers into all sorts of troubles. A loving woman: mother or wife can stop the process of destroying the destinies of children and spouses.

Features of conspiracies against cheating husband

Fidelity rituals are very popular among women, but they should only be used as a last resort. The peculiarity of such slander is its impact on the personality of the victim - magical intervention rearranges the principles and desires of a man.

If your spouse cheated by accident or fell under the spell of an experienced homewrecker, then you can turn to magic for help.

If the young man has always been inclined to go to the left, then the conspiracy will come into conflict with the personality, which will lead to inappropriate behavior and mental disorders.

Operating principle

In rituals against betrayal, various attributes are used that serve as conductors of energy. By casting a spell, the sorceress creates a powerful message that reaches the consciousness of the object, breaking his defenses.

After this, the victim ceases to be interested in other girls - his subconscious cannot perceive them as a sexual object.

The spell can be used in the following situations:

  • if the wife notices her husband’s increased interest in women;
  • if the husband cheated and the woman does not want this to happen again;
  • if your lover leaves for a long time, passion fades away at a distance, so you need to be on the safe side.

A ritual against betrayal can also be performed by a mother on her son, for example, to protect a future daughter-in-law if her child is capable of having a mistress.

Traditional methods for treating infidelity

Our ancestors accumulated enough wisdom so that a deceived wife would not turn to dark forces. It is better to try folk remedies of village magic. You can return the gulena to duty and responsibility quite simply:

  1. Pick up a man's shoes (shoes, boots) at midnight from Thursday to Friday.
  2. Approach the threshold, open the front door.
  3. Tap your heels on the floor. It is advisable for the shoes to be directly above the threshold and touch the surface behind the door.
  4. Read an easy plot for male fidelity:

Wherever dear (name) went, he would yearn for home, for his heartfelt wife, for eternal love. Walk from home and run back.

Attention: the faithful must put on exactly the charmed pair of shoes in the morning.

An ancient hex on a shirt

Housewives in the old days relied only on their own charms. They tied the faithful to the hearth with the following household ritual:

  1. We took the shirt in the evening.
  2. They poured well water into the trough.
  3. They washed the item with their hands, saying:

I take pictures of the eye of the unknown witch. I hold my hand on my heart - I knit a faithful husband to home. While my soul is with you, your members carry my peace. Amen!

The washed shirt should be dried in the wind until dawn. It is her beloved who should wear the next morning. If you perform such a magical household ritual regularly, tears from infidelity will never appear in your wife’s eyes. It is also recommended for girls who are afraid of a guy’s infidelity. Borrow a T-shirt or shirt until the morning. And the rest is a matter of technique and the desire to maintain harmonious relationships.

Lunar ritual with toiletries

The energy of the waning moon works very well. It is used like this:

  1. Take any item of the traitor's clothing. The one that is worn closest to the body is better.
  2. Hang it out in the open sky so that the moonbeam hits the fabric longer.
  3. Say the formula:

“Peter and Fevronya lived in harmony. They didn’t snoop around in other people’s beds, they respected each other. So the servant of God (name) walks hand in hand with his wife, and does not disturb the souls of others with lust. Moonlight - a vow is made. The house is a fortress, the castle is loyalty. Amen!".

Anti-cheating tape

Sometimes even words were not required to order a guy's way to other girls. A wife is able to hold her betrothed by the force of sexual attraction. They do the following:

  1. Cut a piece from a red belt or blouse equal to the length of the genital organ (approximately).
  2. Place under the pillow. Let the ribbon lie there during the moment of intimacy.
  3. As soon as the satisfied reveler falls asleep, take out the strip.
  4. Tie with seven knots. Mentally tell yourself to return home on time.
  5. Just don't lose it. This will turn out to be a talisman for swan fidelity in a couple.

Tip: Keep the red ribbon under the marital bed. But don't show it to anyone. Never!

Effective rituals

There are many rituals aimed at preventing the betrayal of a beloved spouse.

Some of them relate to black magic, and when choosing such conspiracies, you should protect yourself by putting up protection.

To a man's loyalty

To prevent recurrence of betrayal, a triple ritual is performed: at the beginning of the month, in the middle and at the end. Cold running water is poured into a cup, and, mentally imagining the image of a guy, they say:

Fidelity ritual with water.

Afterwards, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

There is another way to prevent communication on the side. They take out a thread wick from the candle, light it on both sides and whisper:

A whisper of loyalty.

The thread is extinguished and always carried with you.

So as not to wander off to the side

The spell after sunset is read on a hair from the gelding’s mane, which is then burned:

We speak the words clearly and clearly.

The ashes are placed in the husband's pocket.

For the man's return to the house

If your spouse abandoned your family, the following spell, which is recited over a burning candle, will help bring him back:

We repeat the ritual 1 time.

Lunar rite

On the full moon, a wedding handbrake is laid out in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and a jug filled with holy water is placed on it. They light a church candle, lay a dark cloth on the floor, place the lover’s shoes on it and surround it with a chain. They read the “Our Father” 7 times, after which they say the prayer:

We read the prayer 7 times.

The husband's boots are sprinkled with holy water, and the jewelry is placed under the threshold of the home.

Whisper in the back

A whisper in the back of an unfaithful lover will help protect you from betrayal:

We whisper three times.

By photo

A plot of fidelity can be made on a photograph of the chosen one. To do this, light a church candle, and, looking at the image of the husband, say:

Photo ritual.

The photograph is wrapped in red cloth and hidden behind the icons.

For ficus

Ficus is a popular indoor plant and perfectly cleanses the room of negative energy. However, he can still predict the betrayal of his spouse. To do this, you should carefully examine the flower: yellowed leaves or unexpected flowering portends the appearance of a mistress.

For a gift

On Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) you should buy your husband a gift that he will like. This can be any item, but such that the chosen one often carries it with him: cufflinks, bracelet, perfume, etc. At midnight, the item is spoken:

We repeat the text of the conspiracy 13 times.

Then they wrap the gift in red paper.

With a mirror

If your spouse has a mistress whom he does not hide, then you can make sure that they separate:

  1. Place 2 oval mirrors one opposite the other.
  2. A burning candle is placed between them.
  3. Whisper a spell:

Spell with a mirror.

On the egg

This village plot is carried out using 13 raw chicken eggs. They must be fresh. The eggs are placed in a bowl, a burning candle is taken in the left hand, and with the right hand they begin to crush the shell, saying:

We read the text 13 times.

After the ritual, the contents of the broken eggs are poured into the toilet.

With candles

For the ritual you will need 2 mirrors and 2 candles, which must be placed opposite each other. While the candles are burning, the girl must read the spell out loud:

Repeat the text while the candles are burning.


If a button on your loved one’s clothing has come off, then during the repair you can speak to it so that your husband does not cheat:

  1. They tie 3 knots on the thread, saying: “As I tie the knots, I will tie my beloved to me forever. (Name) will love me forever and remain faithful to me all my life. He won’t raise his eyes to others, but he won’t be able to take his eyes off me. Let it be so from now on and forever and ever.”
  2. While sewing on a button, they whisper: “With this button I will sew myself to you, I will show you my place. The threads of fate, like steel ropes, will bind our love forever. All days and nights you will think only about you and me. From this day until the end of time, you will love only me. All other women are now dead to you."
  3. At the end, on the last node they say:

Button ceremony.

So that nothing happens between the husband and the other woman in bed

If a wife knows about her husband’s infidelities, then she can make him lose his masculine strength in bed with another girl. To do this, they take a hair from the gelding’s mane and thread it, along with an elastic band, into the man’s underpants, saying:

We pronounce the text clearly.

On a worn shirt

For the ritual you will need a shirt or T-shirt that your spouse recently wore. On a full moon, they hang it on a chair so that the moonlight falls on the item. The clothes are left in this position for 3 nights, and on the 4th they say:

Ritual with my husband's shirt.

After this, the shirt is washed and given to the husband.

For salt

The spell is read on salt, which is then added to the beloved’s food:

Salt ritual.

To the castle

They buy a new lock at the market without taking change. They lock it, saying:

We repeat the ritual 7 times.

The key is thrown into the pond, and the lock is buried in the ground.

With wormwood

Wormwood is considered a magical plant that protects family values ​​and love. To take advantage of the properties of the flower, you need to spread fresh or dried wormwood in the corners of the rooms and under the bed. At this moment they whisper:

Whisper on bitter wormwood.

After 4 days, the plant is collected and placed in a bag made of natural fabric, sewn by hand.

On the hair

The ritual requires a strand of the spouse's hair, which is burned in the flame of a candle. The ashes are collected and then added to the beloved’s food.

The plot is read over 2 candles 6 times:

We say the words 6 times.

The cinders are placed in the closet where the husband's underwear is kept.

On panties

For the ritual, they secretly take the traitor’s underpants and chant them:

Ritual for husband's underpants.

To tape

To wean your spouse from walking to the left, take a scarlet ribbon and measure it so that the length is equal to the length of the guy’s penis. At night, they put the ribbon under the pillow and have sex with their loved one, and in the morning they tie 7 knots, making a sexual tie on themselves.

Ribbon ritual.

For food

The spell is read using salt, which is then used to salt the man’s favorite dish. The ritual is performed on the waning moon. Text:

We perform the ceremony during the waning moon.

The spice must be taken from a new pack. No one except the husband should try this salt.

Another ritual is performed when fresh bread is baked. At dawn on Monday you need to knead the dough, saying:

Ritual with food.

On the ring

The ceremony will require the wedding rings of the spouses. They are tied together with a scarlet thread, dipped in a glass of holy water for 3 days, saying:

Ceremony with wedding rings.

After the specified time, the rings are taken out and put on a church candle, which is lit with a match. It must burn out to the end, and at this moment the woman needs to pray for family happiness.

On the water

During the waxing moon, water is filled into a glass glass and placed under the bed on the side where the beloved sleeps. Before this they whisper into the liquid:

Whisper on the water.

In the morning, the spouse should drink this water.

To punish my husband for cheating

A spell whispered at midnight will help you punish your loved one for having an affair:

A powerful ritual for punishment.

This ritual can be done if a woman does not want to save the marriage.

Whispers on the threshold

The conspiracy is pronounced while standing in front of the threshold of the house, when the husband is getting ready for business:

Repeat three times.

Quarrel between husband and mistress

To make your husband quarrel with his mistress and never be with her again, you can make a black volt lapel. This is a powerful ritual that cannot be removed.

You will need:

  • candle - 2 pcs.;
  • biological material of the traitor;
  • dog and cat hair.

How to do it:

  1. The candles are heated until they become soft, and 2 figures are sculpted from them, symbolizing lovers. Biomaterial is placed inside.
  2. The dolls are placed in a box, and wool is placed between them.
  3. They read the spell: “Just as a cat and a dog fight, rush about, scratch, so does (the name of the rival) treat my husband. Just as a dog tears a cat, chases it, bites it, so (husband’s name) experiences the same feelings towards the evil homewrecker. Let it be so!".
  4. The box is buried near the rival's house.

If the wife does not know where the homewrecker lives, you can perform a ritual for soap. They whisper above him:

Ritual for a falling out.

The next morning the soap is thrown into the puddle.

On the thing

This ritual is performed on any item belonging to a man.

How to do:

  1. They pour holy water into a deep cup and say a spell: “You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Neither in the middle of the day nor in the middle of the night would you have peace and urine without the servant of God (name of your wife). Amen!".
  2. The object is sprinkled with water from a glass 3 times.

On poppy

On a full moon, the photograph is sprinkled with poppy seeds, whispering the spell:

Ritual with poppy seeds.

A little poppy seed is placed in the spouse's pocket, the rest of the grains are used to prepare a dessert that is treated to the chosen one.

On the dough

On the waning moon, you need to knead the dough and mold 2 dolls from it: male and female. After this, the figures are buried in the forest at a great distance from each other, saying:

Dough ritual.

On a flower and a tree

The ritual is performed in the summer, when poppies are in bloom and the trees have green leaves. On the waxing moon you need to find a clearing with scarlet poppies, go up to the flower and read the plot:

Whisper to a flower.

After this, they go to a male tree, clasp their hands around the trunk and whisper:

Ritual with a tree.

On distance

If the spouse goes on a business trip, then you can conduct a ceremony using a photograph at a distance.

For this you will need:

  • husband's photo;
  • church candle;
  • mirror.

How to do it:

  1. At midnight you need to sit in front of a mirror and place a burning candle next to it.
  2. Place the photo next to yourself so that it is reflected along with the silhouette of the woman.
  3. Say:

We perform the ceremony at a distance.

On honey

This love spell belongs to white magic, so you don’t have to be afraid of the consequences. Having smeared your lips with light honey, you should say the following spell:

Ritual with honey.

Then, without wiping your mouth, kiss your loved one.

With pancakes

The following text is read on the pancake dough:

Delicious ritual with pancakes.

After which you need to bake pancakes and treat your chosen one to them.

From extramarital affairs on a business trip

The ritual is carried out using a coin of any denomination, which is given to the husband with him on the road. The text of the spell is as follows:

Repeat the spell 13 times.

For urine

The ritual will require your spouse's urine. You can use the following method: if a man went to the toilet and did not flush, then draw water from the toilet.

The resulting liquid is poured onto the ground away from the house and 7 branches are stuck there. At the same time, each time they pronounce the spell:

We repeat the words 7 times.

For menstrual blood

The ritual for menstruation is dangerous and can lead to negative consequences. Having prepared food for your chosen one, you need to drop 3 drops of menstrual blood into it and say:

A powerful ritual with blood.

The man must eat the charmed food.

With needles

A scarlet thread is threaded into a new needle and a few stitches are made on a white handkerchief, saying:

Ritual with needles.

The charmed handkerchief is given to the chosen one. He must go with him for 7 days.

Before bedtime

This powerful and simple ritual is performed before going to bed. Standing at the head of the bed, you need to mentally whisper:

Before going to bed we repeat the words 7 times.

On a full moon

On the night of the full moon, you need to go outside and go to the nearest store. They change 3 rubles from the seller, and with this change they go to a place where they can find homeless people. Each coin must be given to different people.

Returning to the house, they take out their husband’s shirt, put it on the table and say three times:

Full moon ritual.

It is important to make sure that the man wears this item to work the next day.

On a pin

For the ritual you will need a pin, which is cast with the following spell:

A spell on a pin.

The enchanted object is pinned to the spouse's clothes so that he does not notice.

How does fortune telling work for fidelity?

Magical love rituals are divided into different groups. You can discourage making third-party connections in the following ways:

  1. Dry or bewitch an unfaithful spouse. But the consequences can disappoint a loving wife. A love spell negatively affects the energy of the entire family. The answer may come to children or grandchildren if the established rules are violated.
  2. Induce mischief on other girls. Here, too, a mistake can cause impotence of the dear one.
  3. Speak to devotion. An easy formula allows you to remove bad thoughts and aspirations from your soul. He will only think about loved ones, increasing wealth and similar things.

It is necessary to distinguish between white, black and folk rituals. The latter are based on the experience of generations. They do not carry a negative connotation. They have priority among sorceresses. The white ritual draws power from the soul of the sorceress herself, as well as the corresponding egregor. For example, Christian, Muslim. When choosing a method of sorcery, they are guided by the religion of the Gulen.

Important: dark witchcraft is practiced with extreme caution. You must follow the step-by-step instructions exactly.

How to do it yourself: basic rules

A simple principle allows you to achieve the desired result. Read the description of the torn ritual, do not bring anything of your own into it, do not be clever, do not invent. The clearer the execution, the more effective the magical work.


  1. White fortune telling is practiced on the waning moon. Its goal is to take away the desire to receive sweets somewhere other than the marital bed. Therefore, this phase is more effective, useful, and suitable.
  2. Cleanse your soul of negative emotions. These will fall into the witchcraft energy and harm the entire family against their will. You should cast a spell on a man’s devotion calmly and confidently. The wife has the right to influence her legal spouse by any means.
  3. Black exposure is performed according to the instructions provided.
  4. Strict adherence to secrecy is necessary. Information is also energy. If you spread it around the world, nothing good will come of it.
  5. Belief in the success of the event is required. Doubt kills magic.
  6. Preparation is advisable: pumping yourself up with energy. For magic to work at home, considerable strength is needed.

Attention: preparatory activities consist of fasting and receiving a lot of pleasant emotions.

It is proposed to spend a week before doing independent witchcraft work like this:

  1. Avoid meat. Quit cigarettes. Hide alcohol away (it all takes energy).
  2. Forget about empty gossip. They kill the aura.
  3. Eat vegetables and fruits grown in the region where you live. Drink clean, natural water.
  4. Believers need to pray for forgiveness. For atheists, go for walks, play with children, watch nice films, read your favorite books.

Hint: you can use esoteric practices. Mantras, self-hypnosis, and Reiki practice help pump the aura with energy.

When is this kind of magic needed?

Ladies should not get nervous ahead of time. Here are situations when it is desirable to influence your loved one quickly:

  1. The guy initially has a huge sexual appetite. Even before marriage, I looked at my girlfriends, strangers. However, his love is beyond doubt.
  2. The infidel is caught in an unseemly relationship. Often, having sexual intercourse on the side is not yet a sign of a desire to break up the marriage. If you have the strength to forgive, then it is better to do additional magic.
  3. Your loved one is leaving for a long time (business trip, vacation). A simple but powerful ritual will help prevent crazy thoughts.
  4. It is also advisable for the groom’s mother to think about the couple’s happiness. If she understands the shortcomings of her son, it is better to prevent scandals due to leftist connections.

Hint: usually it is the woman who imposes the magical ban on cheating. Grandma can do magic. But it is better not to use male energies in such a situation. The father should turn to the female half of the clan to excommunicate his lustful offspring from foreign beds.

Rituals for the holidays

Conspiracies on religious holidays are especially powerful and belong to white magic, so they do not have negative consequences.

Before the ceremony, you need to read the “Our Father”, and a week before the ceremony you need to give up alcohol, sexual contact and eating spicy, fatty and salty foods.

At Christmas

They place an icon of the Mother of God in front of them, and make one from 2 thin candles. Exactly at midnight they whisper a prayer 12 times:

We repeat the prayer 12 times.

Another ritual is performed on Christmas Day 5 minutes before midnight. You need to go outside and, looking at the month, say:

We repeat the words three times.

For Epiphany

This conspiracy will make the husband fall in love with his wife very much and will not be able to look at anyone else. On Epiphany night, from January 18 to 19, you need to light a church candle and, without releasing it from your palm, place a glass on the table and pour some holy water into it with your right hand. With the same hand they take the cup and say:

Epiphany ritual.

Drip wax from the candle into the glass 3 times. The flame is extinguished by dipping the end of the cinder into water and throwing the liquid over the threshold. The candle is taken to the church.

Spell on underwear

A conspiracy against betrayal is, of course, a magical ritual that involves working with sexual energy. For this reason, it is very good to cast a similar spell on your loved one’s underwear. It is necessary to perform such a ritual during the period when the moon is waxing. Stock up on your husband's underpants in advance, no matter what shape or color they are. You will also need a candle to carry out the ritual.

Stay alone indoors. No one should disturb you, neither animals nor other people. Also turn off all electrical appliances in the room and light a candle instead. First you need to get ready for the ritual. You need to tune yourself, mind and soul. Take a deep breath and exhale to make your head clearer. After this, begin the ritual. Hold your loved one's underwear. Then you need to read the following ritual:

“From now on, the servant of God (husband’s name), no matter who you desire, and all your desires will return to the servant of God (your name). All other women will fight off these desires and they will all return to me. You won’t have a mistress, you won’t fall in love with your mistress, you’ll spend all your libido on me. Our love will become stronger when you release all your passion on me, our love will become better when you turn all your attention to me. You should only be with me, you will love only me passionately. I can’t force it, but I can easily start talking. My strong words penetrate the soul, my well-aimed words hit like an arrow. You don’t feel desire for any girl except me. You will not turn out to be a traitor, only a faithful and honest husband. Our relationship is pure, our relationship is passionate, all your thoughts are at home, with me. My words are strong, my words penetrate your soul.”

After this, for a couple of minutes, holding the underwear in your hands, think about your loved one. Then quickly put out the candle and leave the room. It is necessary to arrange it so that it is this underwear that your loved one puts on the next morning. It is also advisable to have sex with your husband the next evening. This practice is very effective, by the way, it is not so easy, it can be removed if desired. With the help of this practice, it is good to attune your husband to the feeling of home and family. So that he has a certain longing for home and for you, which simply will not give him the opportunity to change. It is very good to carry out this practice if your husband leaves home for a long time.

Prayer spells

Sincere prayer will help save the family and prevent betrayal.

The main thing is to pronounce the text with all your heart, believing that the Lord will hear the request and fulfill it.

Prayer to Jesus Christ:

Prayer to Jesus Christ.

If a woman suspects that her spouse has been bewitched, then the dry spell can be removed by praying to the following Saints:

  • Nikolai Ugodnik;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Saint Cyprian.

On the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The divine curse on the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is read in church on 3 Sundays in a row. After putting the candle down, you need to say in a whisper:

Prayer to the Mother of God.

At the end, you should definitely bow and cross yourself.

So as not to feed

To prevent your husband from being bewitched for food and taken away from the family, you can put a talisman on him. You should use a piece of meat that needs to be boiled and then fed to a stray street dog.

After the meat boils, you need to read the following words above it:

The meat boils and cooks,

And let them not set their sights on my husband,

No one can feed him

He cannot be tamed to anyone.

The dog ate from my hands

So let my husband eat only my food!

Precautions and possible consequences

Any resort to magic is considered an interference in fate, so you need to be prepared for the consequences.

If a woman decided to have fun or performed the ceremony unnecessarily, then the Higher Powers can punish her as follows:

  • the husband will have a mistress;
  • conflicts and scandals will begin in the family;
  • deterioration in health of both the witch and her loved ones;
  • development of impotence in a loved one, mental disorder.

To avoid negative consequences, it is important to follow the rules and recommendations, and also go to the temple after the ritual against betrayal and light a candle for the health of yourself and your loved ones.


Believers convey their problems to the Almighty. It is advisable to make a request for the first time in a temple. Then you can pray at home using the texts below.

Appeal to the Mother of God against betrayal:

Most Holy Theotokos, have mercy on us sinners. Intercede before the Holy See for family happiness. Ask Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for fidelity, happiness, and forgiveness of sins. So that His servants (names) may live in peace and harmony, in joy and in the midst of troubles. So that the spouse does not violate the vow pronounced before the Throne, blessed by heaven. Amen!

So that a man loves only his wife (to the Lord God):

Lord Almighty! Forgive Your servant (name) for her sins. Don't let me go through terrible torment. Reward with earthly love, fidelity, tenderness, bright sinlessness. Open, Lord, the way to the heart of Your servant (name). Let the married union be illuminated by Your grace, love, light and holy vow. Amen!

A ritual to make a guy faithful

Such rituals may not work as quickly as with a legal spouse. Unmarried couples do not yet have such a strong energetic connection. But rituals are also performed on a young man, so that the loved one does not wander off and loves firmly and selflessly. They are easy to accomplish if you live together and have access to his personal belongings.

To prevent a guy from cheating, perform the ceremony on a shirt or other item of clothing.

Take your shirt and hand wash it. As you do this, say:

Then hang it out to dry so the wind blows through it. When the item is dry, make sure your loved one puts it on. When he leaves the house, read the plot to his back again.

For another ritual, you will need to borrow the guy's personal item. This should be an item that he often uses: clothes, a watch, some small equipment, his backpack.

  1. Choose a day when you are completely alone at home.
  2. At midnight, light the candles and place your loved one's thing between them.
  3. Whisper the words to her three times:

After the conspiracy, the item is returned to the owner. The closer his contact with the enchanted object, the faster the spell will take effect.

Consequences of using magic

If a magical ritual is performed incorrectly or used with the aim of harming a rival, dangerous consequences are possible:

  • illnesses, including those of your loved ones;
  • impotence in the chosen one;
  • husband leaving for another woman;
  • divorce;
  • severe financial losses;
  • addiction to alcohol.

A conspiracy against your husband’s infidelity is a simple and effective way to maintain a strong relationship with your chosen one and prevent infidelity and divorce. Conspiracies help sincere feelings and fidelity, protecting the marriage from the interference of strangers.

Conspiracy using a mirror

In order for a man to leave his mistress and never be interested in other women, you can use a simple and effective spell with mirrors.

To carry out the ceremony you will need two small oval or round mirrors. Place them opposite each other with a reflective side, light a church candle and place them between the mirrors.

While the candle is burning, repeat the words of the spell - “Cher, mogori, procher (name of your loved one).” Repeat three times, hide all magical attributes from prying eyes.

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