Rules for conducting magical conspiracies to pacify authorities

We spend a lot of time at work, so good relationships with superiors are simply necessary. What to do if the job suits you, but the boss is a tyrant? With this we will be helped by conspiracies against the boss, ceremonies and rituals against anger and nagging, as well as prayers for the mercy of the authorities. It is possible, of course, to get rid of an evil boss, but an even nastier person may take his place. Therefore, it is better to read conspiracies from the boss’s nagging than to remove him using magic.

If the boss screams

If the boss screams and does not calm down, then such conspiracies against the boss will help. To start, do this. Look at the area between your eyebrows and say the following words to yourself:

“Slave (name of boss), I put the heart of an angel in you, I forbid anger and shouting. Amen."

Say these words as many times in a row as you feel necessary. You won't get your boss's love, but you will save him from anger at least for a while.

If you can't put the "angel heart" into an angry boss and he continues to scream, do this. Shift your body weight to your right heel, look at your boss and say the following spell to yourself:

“I take away your tongue, I tame your heart! I control my fifth you (chef’s name)! Amen."

This plot will definitely help you get rid of your boss’s shouting, anger and nagging towards you.

Features of magical manipulations

Many magical manipulations that are quite effective have been known since ancient times. The ritual against an evil leader belongs to white magic, i.e. its influence is exclusively positive.

If the plot is read correctly, your bosses will certainly change their attitude towards you: they will stop provoking conflicts and will value you as a good employee. If you follow all the recommendations when reading, this will help protect yourself from the anger and attacks of your manager, demotion and even dismissal.

An evil boss can ruin any good undertakings and undermine any hard work at the root.

It is necessary to prepare for the ritual in order to get the desired result (so that the leader does not scold you and respects you):

  1. You should clearly understand the result you want to get. Every day before leaving for work, you need to visualize how you are freeing yourself from negative energy. It is advisable to draw a picture in your head of you shaking hands with your boss, arriving at harmonious communication and fruitful cooperation. It would be useful to visualize how your boss increases your salary and praises you for your success in work and effective activities.
  2. You need to stop being afraid of your boss. It is also useful to have several blue candles burning in the house: this will release friendly energy and have a positive effect on the situation.
  3. You should remain calm, think through the situation in all details and only then perform the ritual. At the same time, you should make sure that you have enough energy to perform this action.
  4. You need to call upon the saints and ask them for help in solving the problem.

Conspiracy before a visit to the authorities

If your boss calls you, and you know for sure that there will be a reprimand or other trouble, protect yourself in advance by reading the following conspiracies against your boss.

Take a rope (a clothesline made from cotton threads will do) and say the cherished words onto it, after reading the prayers to the Our Father and the Virgin Mary:

“Lord, your help is with me! Most Holy Theotokos, help me, bless my work. Amen."

Next, read the plot against the boss, raising your hands up:

“The right hand (raised hand) is the right thing. The left hand (raised hand) is a bold thing. The Lord God is my defense. I will defend myself with the Lord, I will tie myself with a holy robe. Amen."

When you go to see your boss, tie yourself with this rope. Just tie it around your naked body and then put on your clothes.

When you approach the door of the boss’s office, grab the door handle and cast a spell on the boss:

“The staple sticks out, the staple is silent. So you (boss’s name) remain silent against me. Amen."

Feel free to come into the office. You are unlikely to receive the love of your boss, but you will be able to get rid of nagging and anger.

To protect against malice and tyranny

If the boss’s personality type is “tyrant”, then you should not wait for the moment when the manager begins to reprimand, issue “valuable instructions” or make comments. A boss prone to tyranny will in any case begin to find fault with his subordinate, regardless of how he copes with his official duties. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent such a development of events, and a protective prayer to the Guardian Angel can help with this.

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Example prayer text:

“My angel, Heavenly Guardian, protector and mentor, comforter in all sorrow. Do not leave me in worldly difficulties, save me from misfortunes, protect me from human evil. Subdue my oppressor (name of the boss), protect me from him, take him aside, do not let him come near me. Save and protect me! Amen"

Plot for the boss's love

If you need the mercy and love of your boss, you need to say the following conspiracies against your boss, looking at his photograph or imagining his image:

“As the sun warms and warms, As a mother cherishes and pleases a child, So you (chef’s name) caress me. Be good and kind now. Amen."

Do not forget to read prayers for the health of your boss, no matter how harmful he may be, no matter how nagging he may be.

When you come to church, light a candle and say the following spell:

“The Lord God is merciful to you (chef’s name) and to me. May it be so from now on and forever. Amen."

Rules for conducting conspiracies

It is not enough to simply cast the appropriate spell. Here are a few rules to help the ritual work:

  • The necessary equipment must be assembled strictly according to the instructions;
  • Be very calm when performing the ritual;
  • fully concentrate on the task at hand;
  • the person must be very calm and focused on the task at hand; visualization of the result is necessary for the successful execution of the spell;
  • It is forbidden to tell anyone about the course of the ritual.

After performing the ritual, be patient as no spell can be performed in a short time. It takes time to achieve the desired result.

A properly performed ritual of subordination to a boss helps people improve their relationship with their boss and find mutual understanding with him. The rituals described above do not require a job change or the patience of a meticulous boss.

Conspiracy to get hired

  • mirror;
  • Holy water;
  • cotton fabric.

If you need to get a job, then secure the favor of your manager in advance.

To do this, buy a small round mirror on the growing moon, wash it with holy water and wrap it in a clean cloth.

Before leaving the house, look in the mirror and say the following spell:

“I’m going to get a job. So that I don’t have to deal with the owner. The owner would smile at me and be surprised at my talent. I was touched by every word. Amen."

Take the mirror with you and put it in your breast pocket with the mirror surface facing away from you. You will be guaranteed the love of your superiors.

We use sugar

The most elementary and simple conspiracy to be loved and respected at work is on a spoon of sugar, which is pronounced at midnight.

  1. In it, the boss is compared to a fly who loves sugar (that is, you): “just as a fly loves sweets, so the boss will honor me.”
  2. But this is only the first part of the ritual. Then, the next day after the ritual, we come to work very first, so that no one sees your manipulations, otherwise the conspiracy will turn out the other way around. You will need to sprinkle this sugar right in front of your boss’s office.
  3. God forbid, one of your colleagues sees this - ridicule cannot be avoided, and rumors about your antics and condition will soon reach the boss, and then dismissal (either on your own, or under the article) is not far away.
  4. During the entire ritual, do not fuss, behave quietly so that no one sees your actions (even your relatives).

There is another option, like downsizing. It seems that you have been at this place of work for a long time, you are valued and respected, but young people have more creative ideas, and young people are welcome everywhere. However, even in this case, you can save yourself from layoffs with the help of a conspiracy. In front of the office of those people who are responsible for the process of reducing or selecting people to fire (directly the boss, in the personnel department or in front of the crisis management department), repeat the following words:

“I was here, I am and I will remain until I decide to leave. It will be as I said. Amen.".

Conspiracy for peace and harmony with superiors

To get your boss's consent on an issue that is important to you, you need to do the following. Rub your palms together, bring your fingertips together (as if you are grasping an invisible ball).

Bring your hands to your lips, blow into your palms and say:

“As the wind flies freely in a field, As the sun sparkles brightly in the sky, So the soul of a person meets a soul, In harmony and peace the matter is decided. Amen."

When you shake hands with the boss, the conspiracy will begin to take effect. This will give a chance to get rid of misunderstandings and misunderstandings when resolving issues, and will ensure peace and love between people.

Conspiracy against energy vampirism

Is your manager literally draining your strength, and you can’t think normally or answer questions in front of him? You have encountered an energy vampire. This is a bad combination for successful work in a company. You can’t fix a vampire, but you can protect yourself from its influence. Against such a boss, you will need an amulet and prayers to the Patron Saints.

Early in the morning, when the Sun rises, stand by the window and read the text by heart:

“I become a servant of God - name (servant of God - name) before you, the clear sun. As you warm with your rays, as you scorch with your rays, so protect me, servant of God - name (servant of God - name) from aches and whining, from slander and the evil eye. I trust in your strength, I conjure you by Christ God. Amen".

During this time, keep a silver object in your hands that you can carry with you. It can be a ring, chain, pendant, bracelet. Let the rays of the Sun fall on it. You will have a strong amulet that will prevent you from draining energy. When your boss senses that you feel confident in his presence, your prayers have been answered. He's not that scary, this boss of yours.

How to improve relationships with bosses

Take two orange candles. On one candle, write your name with a needle (from the wick to the bottom), and on the other candle, write the name of an important person. For seven days you should meditate on the flame of candles, imagining the situation in the direction you need: for management to love you, to remove misunderstandings and hatred, etc.

At this time, you can read the above conspiracies against your boss. Bring the candles closer to each other every day. On the last day, write your wish on a piece of paper and place it under the candles. Let her burn with them. Scatter the ashes outside the window.

How to read such prayers?

Of course, it is better to pray in the temple, in front of the image, not forgetting to light a candle. When attending church services and praying, one should not forget about the difficulties in relationships with authorities; it is worth mentioning this and asking the Lord for help.

But sometimes it happens that the “darling boss” suddenly turns into a “fiend of hell.” In such a situation, the prayer must be read directly at the moment of communication with the leader and, of course, silently. Believers are helped in such circumstances by a small amulet icon worn under their clothes. It gives you self-confidence. Thanks to this, there is no reciprocal irritation, anger, or feelings of strong resentment. And this is very important, because if the boss is prone to energy vampirism, then he will quickly leave alone an employee who does not experience strong emotions during a conflict.

You can pray either using ready-made texts or pronouncing your own words. The only conditions that prayers must meet are sincerity, deep, unshakable faith in the Lord and simplicity of the spoken words. A person must understand what he reads, otherwise his thoughts will be concentrated on the words and not on the essence of the prayer.

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Black love spell

Rituals of black magic often help precisely when reliability is almost lost. I practice black love spells with complete safety, but if you don’t have experience, don’t have years of practice, I don’t recommend doing them yourself.

Here, for example, are love spells based on black magic:

Rituals in which biological components are used: nails, hair, blood; demonic love spell, cemetery love spell on blood, love spells of likeness magic, love spell on three chakras, zombification of a person, envoltation, cemetery love spells, love spell with possession, voodoo, black wedding love spell, egilette, love spell on a black cross, love spell on a grave cross, zombified love spell with doll, etc.

I determine which method is best to use to solve your problem only after diagnosis and/or fortune telling using Tarot cards.

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