Rules for reading conspiracies at home There are several basic rules that must be followed when
The Origin of the Creed Prayer The text contains 12 members, which means it is divided into parts.
Today, when we pronounce the word “Bible,” we all imagine approximately the same thing.
Prayers for the return of a child With these prayers they turn to the saints asking for the return
Definition of Matins Matins is a church service, which, according to the Charter of our church, must be performed
Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev is a Russian writer, publicist, and Orthodox philosopher. Novels "The Summer of the Lord" and
A brief biography of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Saint The biography of Saint Nina is known from Salome of Ujarma, who wrote it down with
Part of Isaiah's vision - the cleansing of the Prophet's lips by the application of coal - an Old Testament prototype of the Eucharist C
The Svenskaya Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God is known for its miracles that happened to believers who prayed to it.
Text of Psalm 49 The most popular versions of the prayer are Church Slavonic and Russian, modern translation. First