This term has other meanings, see Clock (meanings). Clock (Greek: ὧραι) -
Notes on moral theology. 5. The question of free will
Why was freedom given to man? God gave man free will, including
icon of Saint Mary Magdalene
The life of St. Mary Magdalene and how the icon helps, texts of prayers
Mary Magdalene - a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, faithfully following him along with others
Mount Athos
Prophecies of the Myrrh-streaming Nile: the Antichrist is closer than ever
Nowadays, when there is a constant struggle between the bearers of true spiritual values ​​and those who
Archpriest Sergius Pravdolyubov. Photo: Pravoslavie.Ru
Hieroconfessor Sergius (Pravdolyubov) - archpriest in the Solovetsky concentration camp
Hieroconfessor Sergius (Pravdolyubov) - archpriest in the Solovetsky concentration camp Testament of the Solovetsky prisoner and confessor “Life
What to give a girl for christening
What to give a girl for her christening: spiritual, memorable and classic christening gifts
Usually children are baptized at a very tender age, and taking this into account, one has to choose
who is archangel
Who is an archangel? Angels and archangels - what's the difference? Angelic Hierarchy System
The angelic army is the support of the Creator. Angels and archangels help fulfill God's providence in the world
right hand icon
The meaning of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God Right Handed and how it helps, prayer
As legend says, even during the life of the Mother of God, Evangelist Luke, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ,
Exaltation of the Cross: festive antiphons, troparion and kontakion, prokeimenon, communion
Exaltation of the Cross: festive antiphons, troparion and kontakion, prokeimenon, communion Antiphon of the 1st Exaltation of the Cross, Psalm 21: Verse
Orthodox catechism
What is the Catechism: the origin of the word, Orthodox and Catholic versions
Any religion needs a scripture that would concisely set out the basic principles of religion.
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