Bryansk Resurrection Cathedral Bryansk and Sevsk diocese of the Bryansk Metropolis of the Russian Orthodox Church Diocesan administration:
Prayer to the Mother of God for children and grandchildren about health At moments when the health of children is
The Psalter is remarkable because in it you can find examples of many life situations. Author of the Psalm
Text of the prayer Psalm 56 The song of praise is written in Hebrew. In churches, clergy use text
Having seen the Resurrection of Christ. Prayer-hymn for Easter. Tone 6. Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord
Bible Questions and Answers Published June 15, 2012 When were the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) written?
The anniversary of the death of a loved one is not only a difficult event, but also an occasion
St. Ephraim the Syrian Ephraim the Syrian (+ 373), deacon, venerable, one of the great teachers of the Church
Conspiracies > To make a guy miss and yearn. Sometimes the fair sex thinks that their beloved
High in the rocky gorges of Troodos, in the west of the island of Cyprus, the rich monastery of Kykkos is located. There