Five years ago, the priest of the Pafnutievo-Borovsky Monastery, Hieromonk Photius won the “Voice” show. Today he
Pride and arrogance have become the pillars of our world, in which children are already suffering from stardom.
Prayer of the Tikhvin Mother of God for children Women ask the Mother of God for the health of their children.
Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze) Gabriel (Urgebadze) of Samtavria (Georgian არქიმანდრიტი გაბრიელი; 1929 - 1995), archimandrite, venerable confessor,
Before conscription age, the elder was a peasant. After serving, Elder Silouan decided to become a monk. On Athos
On Taganka, in the center of Moscow, long before the birth of the Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow, it was built
Linguists note that the meaning of the phrase “promised land” depends on the context used. This expression is already
Forgiveness Sunday is a Christian holiday. This is the last day of Maslenitsa and the last day before the start
The Notre-Dame Cathedral of Paris (Notre Dame) houses the Crown of Thorns of Jesus Christ - a thorn with sharp
It is believed that a person’s name influences his character and destiny, so his choice