Anonymous Around the clock Attention! The material contains information about substances, the use of which can cause serious harm.
How Jesus Christ became “God” It is known that the word “Lord” is an ancient Russian word and, according to
Even if you are a good-natured person, sensitive and attentive, non-conflict, enjoying authority among others and
“Christianity is when you do good and it makes you feel bad.” So capacious
Types of Prophets in Islam There are three types of prophets in Islam: nabi or simply prophet;
We all love receiving gifts and experiencing joyful emotions at this moment. But sometimes
The meaning of the word redemption is ransom. In the Bible, images from Old Testament times have a very significant influence.
The article will provide rituals for performing the lapel and its removal. Life paths are often ambiguous
How to remember if a relative died during Lent? Christians believe in the immortality of the soul, therefore
Miraculous icons of Moscow that help you get married In the Christian understanding, the purpose of marriage is not