How to return evil to an offender: rituals and rituals to return evil

Even if you are a good-natured person, sensitive and attentive, non-conflict, enjoying authority among others and not causing harm to anyone, nevertheless, you may have serious and insidious enemies. Even the presence of just one cunning and vile enemy can darken and even break your entire life. And if, moreover, you are a successful and lucky person, no matter whether in your career, in business, in love or in creativity, then you will easily make enemies - envious people, even among your good acquaintances or friends. Unfortunately, this happens in life.

To create reliable protection for yourself and send back all the negative messages from your enemies and envious people, use the most effective methods - magical rituals and conspiracies. When used correctly, they work inevitably - evil will return back to its source.

In this article, I have selected the most effective and simple rituals and conspiracies that will help you return damage and all evil back to your enemies.

White prayer to bring back evil

“I appeal to the Mother of God!
You, who never abandon your children, hear my voice, see the evil done to me, do not reproach my enemy and do not scold me, but force him to answer in truth, so that the evil that came to me from him will return to him and with left for him. Mother of God, do not be angry with me, the weak, or with my sinful enemy, but revive justice, punish evil with evil - for distant science, for pure repentance, for heartfelt repentance, so that my enemy does not amuse himself with my misfortune, but copes with his own.” The candle is blown out and hidden behind the icons. After two weeks, the effect of the spell will appear, and negativity will disappear from the life of the ritual operator. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to go to church and light candles both for yourself and for your offender. In the future, the enemy will not be able to harm the sorcerer, since he will be protected by light energies.

The most accurate practice of forgiveness

Orthodoxy reveals the essence of the methodology in quite detail, concealing some points. Principles:

The Orthodox say: “You hit one cheek, turn the other.” But we are not satisfied with this version of softness. It is advisable that the offender be unable to eat or sleep.

We need to put aside our annoyance and look at the situation “from above.” Step back from your own emotions. Just move it away for a while. Now do the instant ritual:

It is recommended to complement the ritual with a smile. Rising above your own negative emotions is a real feat. Buy yourself a gift, celebrate your triumph. And don’t think any more about that insignificance that spoiled a wonderful day.

Signs indicating the presence of damage

There are a number of signs indicating that a person has been damaged and it urgently needs to be returned to the customer. Here are the most striking symptoms:

  • the occurrence of headaches that do not depend on weather, pressure and other factors;
  • digestive problems: nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain;
  • constant feeling of melancholy and anxiety;
  • loss of taste for life, depression;
  • in a person’s hands everything breaks and deteriorates, personal belongings quickly fail;
  • things are going badly at work, conflicts arise with colleagues and superiors.

If there is no rational explanation for the problems that have arisen and the situation is rapidly deteriorating, we can assume that the person has become a victim of black magic. It is necessary to remove the damage and return it to the person who did it, then things will quickly improve.

Sometimes damage is caused by throwing certain objects at the victim. This is called lining. Here are some things found in the house by chance and not belonging to anyone that should alert you:

  • rusty nails or needles;
  • old coins of small denomination;
  • small scarves, laces, pieces of rope;
  • earth folded in a bag or wrapped in paper;
  • an elastic band or hair clip, a comb.

Usually, ill-wishers hide the lining in a place where apartment residents do not look. They try to throw it into the farthest corner, so the lining can go unnoticed for a long time.

If you find it, you need to know how to act. The ritual can be used to bring damage back, even if you don’t know exactly who sent it:

  1. Do not touch the lining with your bare hands. Wrap it in black cloth and take it out of the house, throw it in the trash.
  2. Moisten a broom with holy water and thoroughly sweep the floors in the house. Accompany the cleaning with the words: “I see trouble with my own eyes, I see it out the door. Go away, troubles, where they came from, torment your masters. Amen".
  3. After this, the broom should be thrown away and not stored in the house.

If everything is done correctly, the person who left the lining will feel worried and will soon get in touch.

Return combat technique

Magicians advise to punish for crimes in various ways:

The above methods are difficult to implement. And most importantly, they require temporary losses. For what? Thought strikes instantly and is always ready for confrontation. Respond to a treacherous relative, a predetermined person, or a rude stranger at the same moment.

Explanation: if you do not cut off the image of the enemy, it will not work. You can come up with a different formula for cutting off energy. Examples: cut with a knife; burn; pour streams of water; blow out like a hurricane; throw from the mountain. The believer reads the “Our Father” at the end. Or he says: “Lord, everything is Your will.” Any mental image accepted as truth will do. Choose the one that inspires subconscious trust.

Mental image of a witch:

The analogies are clear. Everything happens in the imagination. Think for yourself what kind of punishment you want. If you just need to isolate yourself from the intrigues, then mentally tie it to the tail of a black stray cat. Even an experienced sorcerer will not immediately understand why he began to be tossed around space against his will without vector or meaning.

Return evil to the enemy before the third generation

The ritual allows you to take revenge on the offender, not only returning the negativity, but also spreading it to the next three generations in the male or female line, depending on the gender of the enemy. Perform work during the full moon.

You will need:

  • a bottle of good vodka;
  • raw meat;
  • black wax candle;
  • a round mirror, not used in everyday life;
  • dark colored fabric.

“Having renounced God, having prayed to the devil, I will get down on my knees and blaspheme the enemy, so that the evil he has done will leave me and come to him, into my guts and into my head. To sit on the shoulders of the enemy up to the third knee, crush the back of the enemy with a hump, drown out the ears with a scream, twist the stomach with pain, break legs and arms, cover up the eyes, only the blackness of the enemy’s spawn is known.

The mirror needs to be wrapped in cloth and broken into pieces in this form. Without unwrapping, the package should be taken to a pedestrian crossing and placed there. It is recommended to leave meat and an open bottle of vodka at the intersection with him, saying: “Paid.” Whoever the offender is, punishment will overtake him within a month.

What is the danger of losing your own luck?

A person is a complex interweaving of energies with a physical organism. The system is balanced and harmonious. If you remove one “gear” from it, everything will fall apart. Severe, irreversible damage occurs. Have you heard the saying: “Trouble does not come alone”?

Luck is a mechanism for an individual’s interaction with the world. An intangible tool for catching a happy occasion, the right direction. Without it, the victim remains as if without eyes. He doesn’t see where it’s profitable for him to invest, and on what issue it’s better to stop and wait. The result is offensive mistakes, missteps, losses, suffering and illness.

As soon as luck is gone, creativity disappears. Things come to a standstill, love fades, the family gradually collapses. Even small success dissolves completely. No luck in fishing, housewives forget how to cook, and craftsmen forget how to do needlework.

Ways to return evil to an ill-wisher

In order to be able to return all the negativity back to the person who sent it, you need to find out exactly who did it. How can you do this:

  1. Drive a small nail into the frame of the front door, accompanying the action with the words: “I lure my enemy with a nail, who offended me, I want to know. If you don’t show up the day after tomorrow, you’ll go to the grave from illness.” Within three days, the ill-wisher will make a personal visit.
  2. At midnight, prepare a container with warm water and a small amount of wax. Melt it and pour it into the water in one sharp movement. Studying the resulting frozen figure will tell you who the real enemy is. Wax will help to display the nuances of appearance; it will take the approximate shape of a person’s figure or other striking feature. This method is good if you have a small list of suspects.
  3. In the middle of the night you need to look in the mirror and say a spell: “Whoever God brings in the morning will take all the evil for himself. I don’t wish harm on my friends, I just call on the enemy in the morning.” In the morning, the customer of the damage will call or make a personal visit.

After the ritual of damage is removed, the offender will not fare well. He will take on a large amount of negative energy. This will affect his physical and emotional state.

There are several ways to return damage. All rituals are effective and time-tested. To carry them out, magicians and sorcerers are not needed; the offender will be able to return the evil on his own.

Using a mirror

Here's how to return black damage to the person who did it, using just a mirror:

  1. At midnight you need to stand in front of a large full-length mirror.
  2. Place a wax candle in front of him and light it.
  3. Concentrate and look at the reflection of the flame for a couple of minutes. Then say the spell: “The morning is wiser than the evening, I will get up with a fresh head, go out onto the road, and trouble will follow me over the threshold. The angels who stand behind me will take her away, and let the enemy live as he lived before, if he can.”
  4. Extinguish the candle flame without blowing it out by moving your hand, then calmly go to bed. In the morning, wash the mirror with holy water and cross yourself three times.

To do this, you need to prepare wax for melting, black cloth and a container of water. Late in the evening, a deep bowl is placed on an empty table and melted wax is slowly poured into it, accompanying this with the following words: “As I pour wax into water, I drive away evil damage from within myself. As soon as it solidifies, I will become a happy person. As soon as I throw him out, the enemy will leave my life forever.”

It is important to learn the text of the conspiracy by heart; you cannot read it from a piece of paper. If after the ritual there are problems with restful sleep, then you will need to read any Orthodox prayer, after which the situation will normalize.

Ritual with salt

Using a salt spell to return damage to the one who did it is a great idea. Salt has magical properties and absorbs negativity. The instructions will explain how to proceed:

  1. Take a large cast iron frying pan and fill the bottom with salt to a height of half a centimeter. Draw a cross with a knife, after which the surface will be symbolically divided into 4 segments. In each you need to draw another small cross.
  2. Say the text of the conspiracy: “As the salt crumbled, so will my enemy crumble. Go away all diseases. Whoever sent you to me, I give all the evil to him. Amen".
  3. Take the pan out of the house and sprinkle salt on the ground. If you know where the ill-wisher lives, then the salt should be poured towards his house.

Wash the pan and sprinkle with holy water. After this, it can be used for cooking.

Ritual with water

Here's how to remove the imposed damage with a return using holy water:

  1. Get some holy water from the church. At midnight, pour it into a bowl and sit at an empty table.
  2. Read the spell: “Water is the mother of all living things, help me, calm down sadness and anxiety, return all fears to the owner. Just as there is no soul in a stone, let evil not enter into me, let sorrows not gnaw at me, let all illnesses recede. The water will drain from my body, it will take away all the grief with it, my word will be strong, and all the angels will support it.”
  3. Wash with water from a bowl, read the Orthodox prayer “Our Father” and cross yourself three times.

Holy water easily washes away all negativity from a person, and strong prayer cleanses the biofield. This is enough to protect yourself from evil, envious people.

The damage will be returned to the customer three times if the most powerful and dangerous ritual is performed. An important condition is that for this you need to have a photo of your enemy. In addition to the photo you will need:

  • church candle;
  • bowl with chicken, beef or pork blood.

On the photograph you need to draw a cross with blood, then light a candle and say: “Just as the blood stuck to your face, let the essence stick to you, giving you no rest, day or night, until you take away all the evil for yourself. Amen".

Burn the photo and scatter the ashes in the fresh air. An invisible entity will move in with the offender and begin to suck the life energy out of him. The process will end when all the damage has left the victim.

How to restore energy and prevent it from leaking

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Don't use negative emotions to connect with other people

It's natural to seek intimacy and connection with other people, but we often subconsciously do this by adapting to the emotions of others. For example, if your friend is sad, you also feel sad in order to be closer to him. Or, for example, your spouse is irritated, and you mirror his state by showing irritation in response.

However, every time we use negative emotions to connect with others, we lose our energy. Even if we want to help a loved one, we cannot support him if we are at the same low emotional level. How can you help someone if you yourself are suffering?

If your friend is depressed, you don't have to be depressed to feel connected to him. You can give him empathy and understanding without sacrificing your energy.

Don't take responsibility for other people's negative emotions

The easiest way to become a sponge for the negative energy of others is to feel responsible for them and their experiences. Every time you feel responsible for someone else, you take on this responsibility as if it belongs to you, and you must solve this problem. In other words, you take on the worries, stress and pressure that belong to another person.

You take on the load as if it were yours and carry it on your shoulders. How many people are you willing to take on this burden for without overburdening yourself? Very often illnesses are the result of us taking on problems that do not belong to us.

No matter how much you worry and care about someone, you are not responsible for their problems. You are responsible for yourself and your experience with them, not for them.

Stop judging

When you judge someone, you instantly connect with the source of condemnation.

As soon as you judge someone's experience, even silently to yourself, you attract the energy of that experience into your energetic future.

Since our psyche does not know the difference between what is real and what is not, judging opens you to the energy of what you are judging as if it were happening to you. This includes all kinds of gossip.

When we allow others to live our experiences, we are not accepting their energy or the energy of their problems. Your mental interference in someone's life is not worth risking your energy.

Drop your sympathy

The moment you begin to empathize, you energetically take on the other person's symptoms. When you feel sorry for another person, you actually believe that he is powerless to somehow change his situation. But how does it help him that you imagine the worst?

Sympathy means you don't trust the person to handle their problems. However, we are born with the ability to cope with even the greatest difficulties.

Empathy is a much more developed approach that allows you to understand a person's problem, accept his situation and give him strength to overcome obstacles.

Learn to trust the people you love. For this you need a little love and understanding. Empathy is a force that promotes growth, but sympathy can destroy without giving a person a fighting chance.

Don't give people power over you

We allow others to influence our energy when we believe they have power over us: parents, teachers, boss, and so on. If such a person is having a bad day and he takes it out on us, we accept it without a second thought, and maybe even let him dictate how we feel.

When you remember that each person is a reflection of our consciousness, it is easy to understand that no one has power over you. The only power you can give them is through your thoughts and actions.

The more power you have, the more you control your internal state without accepting the energy that belongs to you.

Let go of the idea that you know better

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When we think that we ourselves know what is best and try to change those around us, we allow their energy to seep into us.

If you don't want anyone to influence your energy, then it is important to allow everyone to live their own experiences and choices. When trying to convince someone of your knowledge, you are likely to sacrifice your energy.

Remember that how you feel is the most important thing, you don’t need to sacrifice it for the sake of something or someone.

Stop reacting to others

Are there people in your life who are trying to gain energy through scandals and experiences? In other words, they are trying to create a negative emotional reaction in you in order to gain energy. Perhaps you subconsciously do this yourself.

The moment you react, you are giving away your strength and receiving the negative energy of the person who caused it.

To get angry, to be jealous, to envy, you need to descend to the lowest level of your interlocutor, and as soon as your emotional states coincide, their energy will begin to penetrate you.

If you want to conserve energy and stay positive, don't react. This doesn't mean you can't tell the truth and set boundaries that are important to you and your relationship. But this can be done from a state of clarity and responsiveness.

Don't take sides

Many people can use your energy to support their interests, but if it doesn't concern you, don't participate in it.

When you allow yourself to get caught up in someone else's argument or business, knowing it has nothing to do with you, it becomes a waste of your valuable energy.

You can support others without interfering and without allowing others to poison your energy with their problems.

Don't take the blame

Even if someone blames you or is angry with you, you do not need to accept their energy.

People are accustomed to blaming others for many things that they cannot control. But even if you are accused, you do not have to accept it. You are responsible for your actions, and if you have done something, try to correct the situation, but do not allow yourself to become a scapegoat.

You don't even have to react to the accusations - just let them pass through your fingers.

Stop pleasing others

If you are used to pleasing others in many ways, then you easily manage to give energy, which means you are easily influenced by the energies of other people. Because you tend to put others before yourself and don't take responsibility for your own energy, you can become a "sponge" for everyone you try to please.

In fact, you shouldn't do this. It would be much better to please yourself first, think about your desires and needs.

There's nothing wrong with saying no to someone sometimes and setting boundaries that create a safe space for yourself.

Stop believing in other people's beliefs

When two people meet, one person's stronger beliefs often take precedence in the energetic exchange, but only if the other does not have strong beliefs. We are surrounded by many opinions, but don't let someone push you just because you think they know better.

Sometimes others think they know what is best for us and try to impose their beliefs, disguising it as caring for you.

But only you know what's best for you. Listen to your inner voice.

Mind your own business

It may be difficult, but don't worry about what others think of you. You can't always be nice to everyone, but you don't have to.

What matters is what you think or feel about yourself.

While you are trying to control other people's thoughts and feelings about you, you are exposing yourself to their energy.

It is as if you are broadcasting: “Please tell me how I should feel about myself.” When you no longer care what others think about you, something amazing happens.

Your confidence grows and you become incredibly attractive both energetically and physically.

Return evil to the offender by name

The conditions under which the plot below should be read are clear sunny weather, the presence of wind, an open window or vent, complete loneliness. The text must be rewritten on a white sheet of paper and memorized from this piece of paper. When pronouncing magic words, the performer must visualize, imagining the atrocities of his enemy.

The ritual is performed on those days of the month that are divisible by 6, i.e. 6, 12, 18, 24, 30. Time of day - strictly at 3 am. You need to prepare: a white sheet of paper, a church wax candle, a pen with red paste, a sterile needle, holy water.

To begin, light a candle, take a sheet of paper and describe on it in red ink as much detail as possible, in the smallest detail, the method of punishment that you consider necessary for the offender. Avoid ambiguity and understatement.

Burn the paper in the flame of a candle, collect the resulting ashes, sprinkle it with holy water and throw it into the wind. The offender will be “conquered” literally in 3 days.

The ritual is relevant for cases where the author of the destructive program is known. Knowing the name of your enemy, you can quite simply return the evil to him. It is permissible to cast spells in any lunar phase.

You will need:

  • church candle;
  • a piece of paper and a pen;
  • aspen twig;
  • fireproof vessel.

“Not to an animal, not to a bird, not to a snake, not to a tit, but to (name) the accursed one, who did evil to me, who caused me offense, who ordered me to suffer! From now on (name) burn in hellish fire, in the flame of repentance, in unbearable heat, until his evil suffers, until my grief lures me away!”

“You should fly, sweep away the evil from me, return it to the enemy.”

The spell works in three days: the caster's situation improves, and his enemy faces corresponding problems.

Preventing retaliation

The described mental attack technologies are no secret. Any smart person can use them. Naturally, the enemy can also read. Here there is a risk of being drawn into a cycle of vindictive actions that reduces the level and quality of existence.

Increasing your energy will help prevent you from falling into the abyss. An attack occurs if the victim is affected by negative feelings. To prevent trouble from happening, constantly work on yourself. Remove envy, resentment, grief, discontent, despondency. Prayers, meditations, affirmations, or the same forgiveness will do.

Try to work with your mind, and not rely on witchcraft. Moreover, time is changing. A person gains more and more strength. And ancient rituals are losing relevance. Vibrations rise, the world becomes different. Good luck.

Video with advice from a psychologist:


Return evil to a person through water

The ritual allows you to ward off any evil from yourself and return it to the offender, no matter how strong the enemy turns out to be from a magical point of view. The ritual is performed during the new moon. You will need:

  • clay jug filled with spring water;
  • rowan twig;
  • a stone raised on the road leading to the churchyard.

“I remove your protection, I return your evil - not for a second, not for an hour, but forever and ever.”

“In the field there is a black wall, under it a witch sits naked, with uncut hair, with prickly claws, with bottomless eyes, with torn skin. And under the black wall, in the hands of the witch, is my eternal enemy naked, who does evil to me, who inflicts a strong insult on me, who does not allow me passage. Let my enemy sit under that black wall until he prays for the evil done to me, until he asks for forgiveness, and until then he neither sleeps nor eats, but shakes all the black evil and sings lullabies.”

Water from the jug must be thrown out on the street along with a stone: if the offender is known, then to his doorstep, if not, then at any pedestrian intersection. The container is broken, and the fragments are buried near the cemetery wall (but not on the territory of the graveyard). The ritual will take effect within a week.

How to take responsibility for your energy

© RyanKing999

Most people are not accustomed to taking responsibility for their energy, namely conscious responsibility for the energy that you receive and that you project outward. Once this happens, it will not matter to you whether someone wants to take out negativity on you or not.

Once you accept someone else's energy, it is important to remember that by accepting it, it becomes yours. Take responsibility. No one can force you to accept their energy.

As long as you blame the other, you will not have the strength to free yourself, and you will give away even more energy.

Over time, you will learn to maintain your energy in such a way that no one can break you or ruin your mood.

Embrace your energy

It is very important to know how you feel before interacting with others. When some changes occur in your sense of self, you can easily recognize it and free yourself from it, telling yourself: “ This is not mine - I am freeing myself from this.”


Try to see the good in others

If you look deeply, we are all quite innocent. When you see that people are not so bad deep down and are trying to do their best, it helps you stay positive and not accept the negative energy of others.

Charge yourself with the positivity of happy people

When you come into contact with positive children, draw on that energy. However, be careful not to depend on others to feel good.

Learn to let go

When you are in a state of readiness to let go, you keep your energy clear and negative energy does not linger with you.

Don't answer in kind

Just because someone throws dirt at you doesn't mean you have to catch it. Let it go and it won't touch you.

Look for the beautiful

We tend to look for what's wrong with everyone else, but you should look at beauty instead. People will feel your love and reciprocate, and this will raise your vibration.

Be kind to yourself

The world always reflects feelings and our attitude towards ourselves. If you want others to treat you better, do it for yourself first.

Set boundaries

Let people know how they should treat you. Don't be afraid to set boundaries, such as indicating that you don't want to engage in gossip, complaining, or judging other people.

Share positive energy

If you feel good, show it. Smile, be generous, give compliments. Remember that our relationships with others are dominated by the strongest vibrations. When you share positivity, you cannot be influenced by lower vibrations, and people around you begin to feel better.

Bring back evil with salt

The ritual quickly brings hidden enemies to light, while simultaneously returning negativity to them. It is recommended to cast magic during the full moon phase.

You will need:

  • coarse salt;
  • saucepan,
  • wooden spoon.

“Where it came from, that’s where it will go, it will pass over potholes, go around swamps, and return to its father and mother.”

You need to pour hot salt from your doorstep onto the street. Within 24 hours the enemy will make contact, and after another week he will completely “inherit” his own evil. The ritual can be repeated regularly for preventive purposes: it is safe for the caster and can only harm those who deserve it.

About the consequences of using the boomerang ritual

Correctly executed return of damage has consequences for the one who ordered it and for the one who caused it. If the customer did not perform the ritual himself, but turned to a magician, it will become bad for both. Here's what will happen:

  1. Within a couple of days your health will deteriorate sharply. At the same time, symptoms of various diseases will occur: migraine, pain in the stomach, joints, muscles, trembling in the hands, a drop or increase in blood pressure.
  2. A person may lose a large sum, break an expensive item, or suffer other financial losses.
  3. One of his loved ones or pets may get sick.
  4. The consequences of return rituals for magicians include the weakening of their magical abilities.

It is rarely possible to return the damage caused to the one who caused it without any consequences. When the damage leaves a person, he also does not feel the best, but after a few days he sharply recovers and feels a surge of vitality and energy.

In order to further protect yourself from the evil eye and other troubles, it is recommended to carry charmed amulets with you, read protective prayers, and regularly cleanse your home of aggressive energy.

What needs to be done for the damage caused to return back to this person?

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