Icon of the Holy Blessed Prince Igor of Chernigov

The history of many icons is inextricably linked in the minds of Orthodox Christians with the names and destinies of specific people who were later elevated to the rank of saints. Sometimes such an icon shows us the face of a saint, like the icons of Alexander Nevsky or John of Kronstadt, and sometimes, like the Igor Icon of the Mother of God, it receives its name in honor of a real person, with whose martyrdom it is inextricably linked.

Memorial Day of the Holy Blessed Prince Igor of Chernigov and Kyiv June 5/18.

Prince Igor: tragic fate, terrible death

The name “Igor Icon” was given to the image of the Mother of God in memory of Prince Igor, one of the many great-grandsons of Yaroslav the Wise. He lived in an era of civil strife, when two groups of princes fought for the Kiev throne: some of them belonged to the descendants of Oleg (Olgovichi), and the other to Mstislav (Mstislavichi).

Civil strife broke out after the death of the Kyiv prince Vsevolod Olgovich. The inhabitants of the city hated him for his pride, and this attitude was transferred to his relatives. According to the will, Vsevolod’s brother Igor, Prince of Chernigov, sat on the Kiev throne. The residents of the city swore allegiance to him on the cross, but after two weeks they broke their oath and called the Mstislavichs. In the battle with Izyaslav Mstislavich, the Kiev army betrayed its rightful prince and was handed over to the enemy.

The defeated Prince Igor had to take refuge in the swamps for several days, but he was captured, taken to Kyiv and thrown into an ice log - a log house without windows or doors, where he became so ill that he was already preparing for death.

The chronicles speak of Igor not only as a brave warrior, but also as a pious Christian: he read a lot of spiritual literature, often talked with holy elders and monks, and on the eve of his brother’s death he even thought about taking monastic vows.

Now, when he himself was on the verge of death, he was taken out of prison and allowed to receive the schema in the Feodorovsky Monastery in Kyiv. But the prince, who took the schema under the name Ignatius, recovered, and he was given permission to remain in the monastery as a monk. He devoted all his time to prayers and atonement for sins.

His cousins, however, did not stop fighting for the reign of Kiev, and then less than a year later, in 1147, the city council, in order to take revenge on them, agreed to reprisal against Prince Igor, who accepted monasticism under the name Ignatius.

Despite the intervention of the metropolitan and the clergy, who tried to prevent the murder of an innocent person, despite the opposition of Prince Izyaslav Mstislavich, who sat on the Kiev throne, and his brother Prince Vladimir (by which they endangered themselves), nothing could stop the enraged crowd. She burst straight into the church while the Divine Liturgy was going on there, and Igor was praying on his knees in front of the icon of the Mother of God.

They not only killed him, but also violated his dead body. So Prince Igor, who was involved in civil strife against his will, fell as an innocent victim. Three years later, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky took over the reign of Kiev. His ally became Prince Igor’s brother, Svyatoslav, who reigned in Chernigov, where he transferred the relics of the martyr with honors.

The icon, before which he constantly prayed on his knees, including at his terrible hour of death, has since been called the “Igor Icon of the Mother of God.” After some time, its veneration as miraculous began, and the icon was transferred to the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

After the revolution, the Igor Icon was taken abroad several times, but, nevertheless, it returned to its homeland each time. In 1941, during the German occupation of the city, the icon disappeared, this time without a trace. However, at one time many lists were made from it. One of the most revered today is located in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow.

On the day of remembrance of the holy noble prince Igor of Chernigov and Kyiv on June 5/18, solemn services and prayers are held, and an akathist is read before the Igor Icon of the Mother of God.

The meaning of the name Igor

The beautiful name Igor has become common since the mid-20th century. Until this time, it was extremely rare, since in Rus' there was a tradition according to which only a boy from a noble princely family could be called Igor. Children from ordinary families were not called this name.

In Rus', the name “Igor” was borrowed from the Scandinavian countries, where the god of fertility was called “Ingvar”. It was from him that our name “Igor” came. The meaning of the name is warlike. Therefore, our ancestors considered Igor to protect the holy name of the Lord and unshakably honor the Orthodox foundations.

Since childhood, Igors have been characterized by a thirst for knowledge and restlessness. These are active and inquisitive children who are distinguished by their sharp minds and extraordinary abilities. But often restlessness and restlessness prevent them from studying well. It is difficult for him to calmly endure the lesson, but he still manages to gain all the necessary knowledge.

Igor is a leader by nature. He gathers people around himself, for whom he becomes a reliable friend. But even with his closest friends, he never fully reveals himself; there is always some mystery and mystery in him.

In communication, he is an attentive listener, but in stories he is reserved. He always provides help unconditionally and without hesitation.

In a family, such a person values ​​care and comfort. He chooses his life partner long and carefully. And although he is popular with women, Igor will never waste his time on petty and frivolous relationships. He creates a family once and for all. For children it becomes an authority for life.

The need for work (whether physical or intellectual) is genetically embedded in him. Therefore, he devotes himself entirely to his family and his favorite business. All his life Igor works tirelessly.

Description of the Igor Icon

The model for painting the Igor Icon was another holy image, known as the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness,” painted at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries. The most famous such icon is Our Lady of Vladimir.

The icon depicts the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus in her arms. On some lists, the Baby, clinging to Her cheek, puts his arm around the Mother’s neck. The expression of His face is not childishly serious, and the face of the Mother of God is full of tragedy, because She knows what is destined by the Lord and what Her Son will have to endure. Even on non-believers, the Igor Icon of the Mother of God makes an indelible impression.

Buy an icon of Igor of Chernigov

In the Radonezh icon painting workshop you can buy or order a handwritten icon of Igor of Chernigov. Call us and we will help you choose a plot, a compositional solution for the icon, its optimal size and design, or we will write an icon according to your sample.

Free delivery throughout Russia.

If desired, the icon can be consecrated in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra.

Peace and goodness to you, dear brothers and sisters, and may the holy saint of God, Igor of Chernigov, accompany you throughout your entire life’s journey.

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How does the Igor Icon of the Mother of God help?

Remembering the tragic history associated with the icon, it is believed that the strongest prayer to it will be when someone finds themselves in a very difficult and difficult life situation and prays for salvation; when someone close to you is threatened by trouble or danger.

The significance of the Igor Icon lies in the fact that people also turn to it with prayer for healing from serious illnesses, for protecting a home from fire and theft, for reconciliation with relatives after violent quarrels.

We recommend reading: Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God

Orthodox icon of Saint Igor

Prince Igor was born in the 12th century, a time of internecine wars. He left a good memory of himself due to the fact that he was devoted to the Christian faith. He became king in 1138 and fought during the entire period of his reign. He ruled for literally two weeks. Tired of endless wars, Kyiv directed all its anger against the entire family of Igor and himself. On the icon, Saint Igor was depicted in his full height (he was short), dry, dark-skinned, wore his hair like a priest, his beard was small and narrow. Dressed in princely clothes and armor. Shades of red, fiery tones dominate, which symbolize the feat and passions that flared up during Igor’s life. A personalized icon of Igor embroidered with beads will look especially good. A set for embroidery with beads can be purchased in online stores.

How does Igor’s personalized icon help?

The icon of St. Igor helps people live in peace and prosperity. They turn to the face of the saint with a prayer for the healing of the sick. Women mostly pray for wonderful love. For men named Igor the Saint is a patron, protects them, lends a helping hand in difficult times for them. The Orthodox icon of St. Igor helps protect against betrayal. When turning to the Saint, they ask for the preservation of the entire family from misfortunes and troubles. On October 2, the entire Orthodox Church celebrates the martyrdom of Prince Igor of Chernigov, and June 18 is the day of remembrance of the icon of Igor of Chernigov.

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The meaning of the Icon of St. Igor

The icon of St. Igor reminds of Orthodox forgiveness and good nature towards one's neighbor. At the Orthodox icon of St. Igor of Chernigov they pray for the remission of sins. Saint Igor helps us and with his way of life shows that people need to be treated with kindness. Icons of Igor can be seen in churches in Russia and Ukraine, but the main shrines associated with Igor are in Chernigov. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God in front of which Igor often prayed is kept in the Kiev-Pechora Lavra.

Tagged with: legends prayer enlightenment religion Christianity





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Angel Igor's Day according to church canons

Every Christian celebrates Angel Day on that significant day when the holy rite of baptism was performed on him.

This is a very important day for both the child’s biological parents and his spiritual godparents. It is on this day that a person is given an Angel who will invisibly accompany and protect him throughout his earthly life.

In ancient times, a person’s name day and his Angel Day coincided. Our ancestors honored Orthodox traditions and did not deviate one step from them. Therefore, as soon as a child was born into the family, he was immediately baptized on that day and given a name from Christmastide. That is, the memory of which saint was celebrated on this day, the newborn was named that way.

In our modern times, this tradition has already been forgotten, so Angel’s Day and name days mostly fall on different days. Angel Day is celebrated on the day of baptism, and name day is celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saint after whom the person is named.

According to church traditions, the memory of Grand Duke Igor (in baptism - George, in tonsure - Gabriel) is celebrated on October 2 and June 18. If a person with the name Igor was baptized on these days, then the day of his Angel coincides with his name day. If not, then Igor celebrates Angel Day on the day he was baptized.

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