Beautiful and wise Vasilisa: the secrets of the name

Vasilisa is the feminine form of the male name Vasily. Translated from ancient Greek it means “king”. The name Vasilisa has a similar meaning: “queen”, “royal”, “royal”. She celebrates her name day (angel day) several times a year:

  • January 21;
  • 18th of Febuary;
  • March 23;
  • April 28;
  • April 29;
  • 16 of September;
  • April 04;
  • July 04.

These days, the church remembers the holy martyrs who lived at different times and bore the name Vasilisa.

Holy Martyr Vasilissa of Rome, commemoration date: April 28

Together with Anastasia of Rome, the apostles Peter and Paul converted them to the path of Christianity.

After meeting with them, the holy virgins devoted themselves to serving the Savior. At the same time, Emperor Nero ordered the persecution of Christians and their torture, Saints Vasilisa and Anastasia took the bodies of the murdered believers and buried them according to Christian customs.

Soon this was reported to Nero. They ordered the holy virgins to be imprisoned, after which they began to be cruelly tortured. But, despite severe suffering, Vasilisa and Anastasia stood in faith and did not renounce Christ. Then Nero ordered them to be executed by beheading.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Basilissa of Rome

What date is Angel Vasilisa’s Day according to the church calendar?

According to the church calendar, Vasilisa’s name day is celebrated several times a year; this is the day of veneration of the saint whose death date is closer to the person’s date of birth. According to church rules, this name is written with two letters “s” - Vasilisa; according to some sources, the male name Vasily became a derivative of the female one.

Martyr Vasilisa of Rome: among the most revered and famous patroness of girls named Vasilisa in Orthodoxy. Saint Vasilisa lived under Emperor Nero and, together with Anastasia of Rome, professed the Christian faith during times of terrible persecution. Vasilisa and Anastasia, despite the prohibitions, buried the bodies of those killed according to Christian rites, and for this they were cruelly tortured and killed by Emperor Nero. Angel Day April 28th.

Venerable Martyr Basilissa of Egypt

The Venerable Martyr Basilissa of Egypt is the wife of Saint Julian: she and her husband decided to devote themselves to God and lived in marriage as brother and sister. Subsequently, both took monastic vows, founded monasteries and became abbots in them. Vasilisa of Egypt was killed in 313 during persecution and glorified as a saint. Memorial Day January 21st.

March 23 and April 29 are Vasilisa’s name days according to the church calendar in memory of the martyr of Corinth, who voluntarily suffered to support her beloved teacher Saint Codratus.

On September 16, the martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia is honored. The Nicomedia ruler Alexander himself, a witness to the righteous life and martyrdom of the girl, who, through her feat of loyalty to God, brought many people to Christianity, was amazed at the strength of the holy girl and the mercy of the Lord over her.

Holy Martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia, commemoration date: September 16

She suffered for Christ during the reign of Emperor Diocletian.

The Nicomedia ruler Alexander gave the order to seize Saint Basilissa, who at that time was only 9 years old. The young maiden courageously endured all the tortures to which the executioners subjected her. Thanks to the grace of God, she remained unharmed.

This miracle so shocked many pagans and even the ruler Alexander himself that many, including him, believed in the Lord. After some time, the ruler Alexander was personally baptized by Bishop Anthony, after which he lived for a short time, bringing repentance, and then went to the Lord. The Holy Youth Vasilissa also died peacefully in 309.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Basilissa of Nicomedia

What icon should I give for Christening?

At Baptism, it is customary to give an icon to a child or adult. And although it will not be needed during the ceremony itself, unlike the sacrament of wedding, it is usually the first and most treasured icon in the life of a newly-made Christian. Most often, for Christenings they give an icon with the face of a Saint named after the child, an image of one of the revered Orthodox saints, or an icon of the Guardian Angel. Sometimes they order a measured icon from icon painting workshops. You can also give the godson the face of the Savior, and the goddaughter an image of the Mother of God.

Icons of Jesus Christ

The icon of the Savior - the son of God Jesus Christ, should be present in the home of every Christian. It can be given for Epiphany, Wedding and other Orthodox holidays. As a rule, this is a belt icon, where the Savior is depicted with his right hand raised in a blessing gesture, and in his left he holds an open Gospel. This icon is always present in the wedding couple.

The second of the most famous icons of Jesus Christ is the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands. The icon depicts only the Face of Christ, framed by hair. The origin of the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands can be guessed by its name - according to legend, this image was not painted by an icon painter, but appeared thanks to a miracle. The image of Christ was imprinted on the cloth with which the Savior wiped his face. The day of veneration of the icon in the Orthodox Church is August 29.

Icons of the Mother of God

It is customary to give girls and women an icon of the Mother of God. It is usually purchased as a pair to the face of the Savior for a wedding. Before the face of the Mother of God they pray for peace and mutual understanding in the family.

Well-known icons where the Virgin Mary is depicted with a baby:

  • The Kazan Mother of God is an icon to which people turn for physical and spiritual healing. It is believed that it can cure many diseases associated with vision and even blindness, and also helps to overcome deep despondency in days of sorrow.
  • The Vladimir Mother of God, a miraculous icon painted by the Evangelist Luke, is the intercessor and protector of every believer who turns to her, protects the house and helps with everyday needs.

Congratulations to Vasilisa on her name day

Today we will all have fun, After all, it’s your name day, Vasilisa! Let the Angels of eternal, beautiful love congratulate you with the gift of your dreams! Let the sun awaken with its rays, lovingly, so that it shines for you! Let happiness embrace you with beauty, And never take anything away!

[bg_block]Vasilisa, on these name days let there be a lot of warmth and light. Let your friends all gather, Let all your talents awaken. I wish you drive, creativity, courage, and positivity, so that the holiday ends coolly: with fireworks and fireworks!

Let power submit to you, Vasilisa, so that you can successfully merge into one! Everything is possible, today is the name day, Today is dazzlingly beautiful! I wish you endless health, huge, sincere, boundless love! I wish you happiness - amethyst will help, After all, this is your talisman! He can do anything!

Like the heroine of a fairy tale, Vasilisa is good, Let's wish her good luck, Let her soul sing, Let only laughter and miracles knock on her door, Let her believe in herself, Let sparkle appear in her eyes!

Wise, beautiful... All this is about you! Shine on us like a clear, distant star. Be, Vasilisa, always happy, and on this day, make wishes, everything will come true, believe me. After all, it is in Your name to become a queen, And therefore You are destined to shine in everything!

Choosing an icon by name for a boy

It is believed that the namesake patron sets a person up for sincere prayer, bringing the believer closer to God, saves him from troubles and failures, and helps him determine his life path. The most famous personalized icons for boys include:

  • Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nikolai Ugodnik) - is considered the patron saint of sailors and travelers, slandered and innocently convicted, known as a pacifier of warring parties and a fighter for justice.
  • Sergius of Radonezh - they pray to the saint for the protection of children from bad influences, for help in their studies, for taming pride and justice in legal cases.
  • Alexander Nevsky is a defender of the Fatherland and the Orthodox faith, appeals to him are associated with requests to grant courage and wisdom to soldiers, diplomats solving important state issues, to protect marriage from family conflicts, and to heal illnesses.
  • Alexander Svirsky - guides you on the true path, removes sinful thoughts, helps you find inner peace, heals spiritual wounds.
  • Seraphim of Sarov - prayers to the saint are associated with requests for an end to mental suffering and peace, for direction to the true path and the taming of pride.
  • Healer Panteleimon - protects from diseases and troubles, helps in healing from mental and physical illnesses, supports in moments of despair.
  • John the Baptist helps a person cope with the task assigned to him and fulfill his duty with dignity.
  • Archangel Michael - protects from enemies and helps in military affairs, heals mental and physical illnesses, and facilitates the search for one’s destiny.
  • Andrew the First-Called - they pray to the saint for strengthening faith, for recovery from illnesses.

Choosing an icon by name for a girl

The list of female personalized icons is shorter, but, as a rule, for each Orthodox name you can choose an image of the heavenly patroness:

  • Barbara the Great Martyr is the intercessor of the innocent and unjustly convicted; people turn to her for help in difficult life situations and pray for protection from all kinds of adversity.
  • Martyr Tatiana is the patroness of students and everyone who is on the threshold of an important choice; they rely on her help in the fight against illnesses and difficult life circumstances.
  • Anastasia the Pattern Maker - removes sinful bonds, heals mental wounds and physical illnesses, relieves fear, melancholy and sorrow.
  • Holy Righteous Anna - the mother of the Virgin Mary, expectant mothers pray for a successful pregnancy, and they ask both holy parents of the Mother of God for deliverance from infertility.
  • Vasilisa (Vasilisa) of Nicomedia - helps in gaining and strengthening faith, provides serious prayer support in any difficult situation.
  • Martyr Elizabeth - an icon helps in difficult childbirth, in the birth and further survival of a premature baby, in healing serious illnesses, in getting rid of mental anguish.
  • Saint Helena - symbolizes the inviolability of family values ​​and the love of sons for their mother, heals from illnesses, and patronizes people in high positions.
  • Ksenia of Petersburg - teaches humility, softens hearts, reconciles, helps in strengthening family ties and raising children.
  • Matrona of Moscow - the icon is prayed for family well-being, speedy resolution of conflicts, healing, alleviation of suffering during illness and life difficulties.

Compatibility with male names

Male names suitable for Vasilisa:

  • Vasilisa and Druzhina
  • Vasilisa and Zvyaga
  • Vasilisa and Custodius
  • Vasilisa and Luchezar
  • Vasilisa and Mitrofan
  • Vasilisa and Polkan
  • Vasilisa and Potap
  • Vasilisa and Razumnik
  • Vasilisa and Tretyak

Failed name compatibility:

  • Vasilisa and Alany
  • Vasilisa and Aristarchus
  • Vasilisa and Vilen
  • Vasilisa and Did
  • Vasilisa and Evdokim
  • Vasilisa and Efim
  • Vasilisa and Mina.

When is Vasilisa’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar?

There are five dates in the church calendar that go like Vasilisa’s angel day. Before baptism, the one closest to the birth of the child is selected, and then the girl is named that way.

January 21 is the day of the martyr Vasilisa of Egypt (abbess). According to legend, together with their husband, Julian, they remained virgins and organized monasteries: female and male. Vasilisa became the abbess of the monastery. She lived during the difficult times of Diocletian's reign. The emperor had a negative attitude towards Christianity, and the saint was beheaded with a sword on his orders.

March 23, April 29 are the days of the martyr Vasilisa of Corinth. She is remembered on the cathedral day of the Corinthian martyrs. The woman, being a follower of Saint Kodrat, voluntarily went to torment for the teacher. All of them were killed after long torture by order of the ruler Decius.

September 16 is the day of remembrance of the youth Vasilisa, the holy martyr of Nicomedia. A nine-year-old girl was captured by the ruler of her hometown and then forced under torture to renounce her true faith. But the holy girl endured all the torment and remained alive thanks to the grace of God. Having seen this miracle, the ruler Alexander who tortured her believed in Christ and repented of his sins.

April 28 is the day of the holy martyr Vasilisa of Rome. The woman was converted to the Christian faith by the Apostle Peter. Together with another martyr, Anastasia, during the persecution of Christians, she collected the bodies of those killed by the arbitrariness of Nero’s tyranny, and then gave them burial according to Christian rites. For this, the saint was imprisoned and subjected to terrible torture by fire. Even before her death, the martyr did not renounce Christ, but accepted her with honor.

Angel Vasilisa's Day

Vasilisa's name day is celebrated 8 times a year: January 21, February 18, March 23, April 4, April 28, April 29, July 4, September 16.
Saints named Vasilisa will be venerated 8 times in 2022. One of these dates is the Day of the Angel of a person named Vasilisa. Vasilisa's name day is celebrated 8 times a year

When is the day of the angel Vasilisa celebrated:

January 21Basilissa of Egypt, venerable martyr, abbess
18th of FebuaryVasilissa, martyr
March 23Vasilissa of Corinth, martyr
April, 4Vasilissa, martyr
April 28Vasilissa of Rome, martyr
April 29Vasilissa of Corinth, martyr
4th of JulyVasilisa, Reverend
16 of SeptemberVasilissa of Nicomedia, martyr, youth

Secular and church names differ from each other by one letter “s”. According to Orthodox traditions - Vasilisa.

The meaning of the name Vasilisa

The name became widespread from Greece in the Roman Empire. From there it passed into the Christian tradition, and then “settled” in Rus', becoming a common medieval name among the Eastern Slavs.

The ancient Greek word “vasilissa” has a direct analogue in meaning – the Russian adjective “royal”. This is very true for Vasilisa, because this woman is usually a noble person who knows how to present herself.

It is no coincidence that in Greece this word was used to refer to the wives of kings. Modern Vasilisa is a real first lady. Having met her man, she will be his faithful support and reliable partner for life.

The fate of the name Vasilisa in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Vasilisa promise happiness in love? Vasya is a highly moral person, she has developed feelings of justice and gratitude, she is hardworking, and always and everywhere wants to be first. It is difficult for a young man to approach Vasena; Vasilisa is very proud and it seems to him that she is hostile. Family life is also difficult, especially in the first marriage. In the second, Vasilisa herself becomes more diplomatic, softer, does not get into trouble, asserting her correct principles. It is possible that Vasya never starts a family and lives his life alone.

Vasilisa usually marries successfully if she does so late enough. Early marriages are most often unsuccessful.

Characteristics of the name Vasilisa

Women bearing this name are people with difficult characters. Perhaps this is precisely how the royalty inherent in this meaning is reflected. They often consider themselves superior to others, acting strictly and aloof.

Little Vasya is a modest child. Her shyness and high level of self-criticism make it difficult to treat herself adequately. Hard work and pedantry help Vasya do well at school. Often such a child devotes more time to lessons than to communicating with other children. Because of this, it may seem that Lisa is an unsociable girl. Often she is simply shy, and cannot find a common language with her peers, who are more interested in entertainment than knowledge.

The secret of the name Vasilisa

Like any woman, Vasya is fraught with many mysteries. Not everyone can understand how this woman manages to reach the top. She does not give in to difficulties, overcoming every obstacle on the way to her goal with honor. Composure and self-discipline are the components of her success. Vasilisa rarely gives up when faced with problems. She can only hide for a while, waiting for the right moment and gathering her strength for a victorious breakthrough.

Don't let the coldness and calm deceive you. Vasya has the habits of an explosive choleric person, so conflicts with her are fraught. She can pretend that she has forgiven you, and then, with all her cunning, strike and remember all the grievances. Patience, which so often came in handy for Vasilisa in her work, will come in handy when she plans her revenge plan. It is better to be friends with such people rather than be enemies.

Despite the difficulties in his behavior, Vasya is a selfless person who knows how to both sympathize and help. You can always turn to her in times of adversity, and true friends know about this trait of a woman.

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When was Vasilisa born?

Winter Vasilisa is extremely intractable, stubborn, prefers to defend her point of view to the last. Her arrogance and selfishness sometimes cross all boundaries, and the girl herself considers herself a responsive, fair and respectable person, with which those around her do not agree. The temperament and temperament of Vasya, who was born in winter, does not allow her to establish trusting relationships with other people.

Spring Vasilisa is extravagant, agile, resourceful. These qualities help her rapidly move up the career ladder. Thanks to her charm, she easily persuades people to her opinion and subjugates them to her will. This is a fairly successful and wayward person. She needs to learn to manage all matters independently and not shift the solution of problems onto the shoulders of others. In communication, Vasya, born in spring, is friendly, responsive and friendly.

Summer Vasilisa is in a constant struggle for primacy in almost everything. She constantly improves herself, as she sees development as the key to her successful future. The discipline and responsibility of such a girl makes others trust her. At work she is quite demanding, not only in relation to her subordinates, but also towards herself. In communication she is very polite, patient, good-natured and delicate.

Autumn Vasilisa is prudent and patient. At work, she is responsible and flexible. He does not like to argue; he will prefer to end the discussion as quickly as possible without voicing his opinion. Vasya, who was born in one of the autumn months, is extremely distrustful of people, as she is afraid of deception and betrayal.

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesGenerous, independent, energetic. Leads a healthy lifestyle. In any circumstances, I am used to relying only on myself. Vasilisa-Aries is a very freedom-loving woman; she hesitates for a long time to tie the knot. She dreams of finding the love of her life; it is important for her that there are no prohibitions or obligations in the relationship.
TaurusA balanced, responsible, delicate woman who strives for perfection. He does not like to brag about his successes and achievements; he prefers to keep it all a secret. In family relationships, Vasilisa-Taurus is an understanding and loving wife, a caring mother.
TwinsThis woman is characterized by frequent changes in mood. Giving in to her feelings, she is capable of being rude and, in a fit of emotion, expressing everything she thinks about her opponent. Vasilisa-Gemini can do risky things without caring at all about the consequences.
CancerAn eccentric, emotional woman with whom it is difficult to find a common language. Vasilisa-Cancer shows creativity and resourcefulness in almost all areas of life: in the manner of expressing her thoughts, in behavior, in creating her own unique image. It is difficult for others to perceive a girl as she really is. When in the company of strangers, he often feels discomfort.
a lionA purposeful, generous and self-confident woman, she attracts the attention of others with her resourcefulness and extraordinary thinking. Vasilisa-Leo is graceful and charming. She is responsive and friendly, so she can easily establish friendly relations with any person. The girl is very jealous and will fight for her happiness.
VirgoA secretive and distrustful woman, she is ready to expose liars and traitors at any moment. Always carefully plans his actions. Vasilisa-Virgo tends to work on her mistakes. It is difficult for her to communicate with people, since the girl prefers not to talk much about herself. She is usually lonely and hard to get along with.
ScalesRomantic and mysterious nature. She is not only graceful and charming, but also well-mannered and eloquent. A true connoisseur of beauty, which is reflected in her way of showing feelings, expressing thoughts and creating her own image. There are few people around her with whom the girl could share her secrets.
ScorpionA closed and unsociable woman, most often focuses on the negative aspects of the situation. Vasilisa-Scorpio tends to remain in apathy for a long time and worry about minor troubles. He experiences difficulties in communicating with people, as he reacts sharply to their shortcomings.
SagittariusA temperamental and hot-tempered woman, her mood often changes. Can do several things at the same time, but often does not complete any of them. Vasilisa-Sagittarius's frivolity and unreliability are a big obstacle to creating strong family relationships.
CapricornReasonable, modest Vasilisa-Capricorn desires a bright and passionate relationship. She enjoys life to the fullest and is not afraid to do risky and reckless things. Such a girl is laconic and prefers to express her feelings through actions.
AquariusA sociable and friendly woman who can find an approach to any person. She tends to show good nature and sympathy, but can be cold and indifferent. His actions are guided solely by common sense.
FishShe is versatile, has good intuition, which never fails. Vasilisa-Pisces has a great understanding of people. You can’t fool her around your finger, and if someone succeeds, the deceiver will regret his misdeed. For such a girl, it is important to have personal space and the opportunity to feel peace and comfort. When choosing a man, she pays attention to his spiritual qualities.
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