Elena's name day according to the church calendar, date, name characteristics

Girls with the name Elena and their relatives should know when to celebrate their name day according to the church calendar.
In the old days, it was customary to celebrate the day of the angel Helen. The girls went to church for confession and communion. And then they went home, and celebrated their angel day with family and friends. You can find out the meaning of the name and how name days are celebrated now in our article. The Church Day of the Angel Helen is celebrated several times a year. Each name has its own dates in the Orthodox calendar. In our article we will look at Elena’s Orthodox name day, how to celebrate them and what to give.

Patron Saints

Saint Helena was born in the 3rd century AD. in one of the provinces of Rome. She actively spread Christianity and participated in excavations. She is credited with finding the Holy Sepulcher and the life-giving cross. That is why you can see Elena holding a cross in her hands on icons. She was actively involved in charitable activities, thanks to her, schools, churches and hospitals were built in the city.

The saint tried to make the life of every resident better: she redeemed the debts of the poor, freed the innocent from prison. Princess Olga, who was named Elena at baptism, took no less active part in the lives of her subjects. She became a Christian even before she was baptized in Rus', built churches, and helped the suffering.

Stories of saints with this name

History has preserved many details of the lives of various saints bearing the female name Elena. Among these people were famous historical figures who influenced the development of many events.

Princess Olga (Elena)

This is the famous Russian princess, whose years of reign over ancient Russia fell on the years 945-960. It is noteworthy that she is the first Russian ruler to convert to Orthodoxy even before the famous baptism of Rus' took place. Princess Olga (Elena) is a saint equal to the apostles of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The princess introduced a system of graveyards, on which churches were subsequently built. She also became the founder of stone urban planning in Rus'. In 955, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, she was baptized in Constantinople. She tried to convince her son, Svyatoslav, to also convert to Orthodoxy.

Also, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, Helen was baptized personally by the Emperor of Constantinople, Constantine the seventh Porphyrogenitus, and Patriarch Theophylact.

Queen Helen of Constantinople

Helen was the mother of Constantine the Great, Roman Emperor. Being an adherent of the Christian faith, she raised her son in Christianity, trying to raise the future ruler in such a way that Christianity would become the state religion during his reign.

She also had a great influence on the spread of Christianity beyond the borders of the Roman Empire. In her old age (about 80 years old), she organized large-scale excavations at the sites of the execution and burial of Christ, where she found a life-giving cross and four nails. Over the years of her life she became the founder of many temples. We can say that this woman dedicated her life to the promotion of faith. She was canonized for her own enormous services to religion.

Elena's name day, dates

Elena Kravets
Throughout the year, Elena’s name day is celebrated 9 times:

  • 28.01 – Martyr Helen;
  • 19.03; 03.06 – Elena of Constantinople;
  • 10.06 – Elena Diveevskaya;
  • 24.07 – Princess Olga (at baptism the name Elena was given);
  • 10.08 – Elena Astashkina;
  • 17.09 – Elena Chernova;
  • 12.10 – Queen of Serbia, Helena.

Not long ago, another name was added to the church calendar. 3.06 they remember Elena Korobkova, who died in the 30s of the twentieth century in the dungeons of the NKVD, unable to renounce the Orthodox faith by government decree.

It is impossible to celebrate name days 9 times a year. This significant day should only be one, just like your birthday. It is not difficult to determine your name day; to do this, select a calendar day that is as close as possible to your date of birth.

Some church ministers believe that name days are celebrated on the day on which the rite of baptism was accepted. But if it is not possible to find out from relatives on what date this happened, then choose the day of your name, which is in close proximity to your birthday.

Signs for Helen's Day

The rowan tree bloomed profusely - a sign that there will be a good flax harvest.

On Helena it rains, and then a thunderstorm begins - in the fall there will also often be precipitation with strong winds.

In the evening, the blacksmiths chirp non-stop - a sign that the weather will be good.

Thunderstorm on the day - you need to listen to the thunder. If it is loud, there will be heavy rain.

Quiet thunder on June 3 - the rain will come and end soon.

If there is hail on Elena, it will snow on December 3rd.

Similar weather on the third day of winter is foreshadowed by rain.

The meaning of the name Elena

Many people know that translated from Greek, Elena means radiant, bright, chosen. It is not for nothing that this was the name of the most beautiful woman in Greek mythology - Helen the Beautiful. She surpassed all the goddesses in beauty and got the apple of discord.

By choosing this name for a girl, parents want to make her life bright and sunny, without dark days and bad weather. It seems that the babies named by this name illuminate everything around with their light.


  1. Planet – Mercury.
  2. Plant – ash, orchid.
  3. Gemini.
  4. Color – sunny yellow, rich red, green.
  5. The animal is cod and deer.
  6. The stone is chalcedony with gray and blue tints.

What to give for a name day

Angel figurine.

A porcelain, clay or fabric figurine of an angel will become a talisman for the birthday girl. You can order an angel who will look like the one for whom this gift is intended.

Set of bath towels.

A set of bath towels will be an excellent option for those who love practical gifts. To match the theme of the holiday, you can choose a print in the form of angels or the name of the person for whom this gift is intended.

Eco bag.

A bag made of eco-friendly material will become a useful item for the housewife, and will make the shopping process comfortable and enjoyable.

Pots for flowers.

A wicker or clay pot will delight a lover of fresh flowers. They can decorate a garden, summer cottage, balcony or living room.

Helen in childhood

Lena is a born humanist; she loved to read as a child, thanks to this she has a developed imagination and creativity. Sociable, sincere talkers, they may be shy in unfamiliar company and fear speaking in front of the public. Helens are fidgety, constantly distracted by extraneous matters, while still managing to do everything that is required of them.

They are partial to animals; Elena’s house must have pets. Through them, the girl expresses her compassion, often brings homeless animals; as a child, almost all Lenas dream of being veterinarians or working in a zoo.

History of Helen's Day

Helen is an ancient Greek name meaning “torch”, so women with this name are considered chosen and bright.

In her inner essence, Elena is a serious girl: she reads a lot, writes poetry, loves to listen to mysterious stories. Adult Elena will retain all these traits, although they will be hidden deep inside. Perhaps her penchant for funny pranks on April Fools' Day or Christmas Eve will remain, but not on other days.

Elena’s character is similar to her father’s: trusting, but can severely punish for betrayal of their trust. They have a rich imagination and a lively disposition.

The best professions for them are those related to communication, that is, those where they need to communicate with people.

The name is great for those born under the zodiac sign of Cancer. Len's talisman is ash and chalcedony. Their color is gray-blue.


Girls are amorous, flirt with the male sex with great pleasure, as a rule, not allowing themselves to go too far. If they fall in love, then once and for all. They value reciprocity, understanding and stability in relationships. If she has met her soulmate, she will not give up on him and will steadfastly endure all troubles and problems. She is absolutely devoid of commercialism; if she falls in love with a person, she will marry him, even if he does not have a penny.

What to give Elena for Angel Day

A porcelain, clay or fabric figurine of an angel will become a talisman for the birthday girl. You can order an angel who will look like the one for whom this gift is intended.

A set of bath towels will be an excellent option for those who love practical gifts. To match the theme of the holiday, you can choose a print in the form of angels or the name of the person for whom this gift is intended.

A bag made of eco-friendly material will become a useful item for the housewife, and will make the shopping process comfortable and enjoyable.

A wicker or clay pot will delight a lover of fresh flowers. They can decorate a garden, summer cottage, balcony or living room.


In her adulthood, Elena has a predominantly male environment. Female friendship is very rare, since Elena does not like to wash bones and slander behind her back. For friendship, she is attracted to open, rational men who can support her in difficult times. And she herself is a reliable friend, capable of lending a shoulder at the right time.

Does not take criticism well, even from close relatives. If you don’t want to ruin your relationship, don’t criticize or give unsolicited advice too often. Touchy Lenochka can harbor a grudge for a long time, breaking off all communication.

Negative aspects of character include laziness and excessive straightforwardness.

. Lena always tries to get to the truth, sometimes going beyond all bounds of decency, finding out what is not customary to talk about in polite society. Laziness makes a girl difficult to move, she loses the desire to learn something new, and often misses deadlines at work if she is not passionate about her profession.

Elena makes good wives and mothers, ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of their family

. Often, to the detriment of their career, they devote themselves entirely to family life. For women bearing this name, family comes first; if they fail in this area, they feel deprived and suffer greatly. Needs love and affection, is receptive to male participation.

Congratulations to Elena on her name day

Happy birthday, Elena! You are perfect today. I sincerely wish you, May you be loved and understood by both colleagues and friends, and your beloved family. I wish you happiness, good luck and a man nearby, not a macho man.

Beautiful Elena, Happy name day to you! Let the sea be knee-deep, And warm until November, May every day be more joyful than other decent people More than bad ones. Let all your friends be faithful. Strong and friendly Happy family.

Elena, on your name day I wish you to wait for my love, to be submissive to fate. May your saint protect you, and may great happiness suddenly enter your life. Most importantly, open the gates of your soul wider. There will be someone close to you in this world.

Happy name day to dear Elena. With such a friend, the sea is knee-deep. Bright and kind, As if from a fairy tale. I will call you Elena the Beautiful. I wish you all the best on this name day, You are my beautiful, Bright picture.

Dear Elena! Today we celebrate your name day. You are so different. At times emotional, impetuous and light, like a sunny summer day. Sometimes - thoughtful, soulful and strong, like the sea. You are beautiful, and don't let yourself doubt it. Be happy! Happy Angel Day!

Which profession to choose

When choosing a job, you should pay attention to the following areas: administrative and teaching activities, trade and science, public relations, creativity. If a profession is chosen taking into account desires, Elena is distinguished by her attentiveness to work and carefully fulfills all assigned responsibilities and tasks.

Does not tolerate boredom and monotony, easily changes the type of employment if it has ceased to bring moral satisfaction. She has no conflict with colleagues, avoids quarrels, smooths out rough edges and misunderstandings.

How to celebrate a name day

Celebrating a name day is different from a birthday. Lush feasts, toasts and dancing are inappropriate here. On this day it is customary to read prayers of thanks and attend church. If you want to do something nice, gather your closest ones and stay with Elena in a family atmosphere.

  1. On this date, it is customary to present gifts filled with meaning, closely related to name and character.
  2. You can choose a box and decoration made of ash, which is the talisman of the name, or give an orchid.
  3. As for jewelry, it would be very symbolic to present chalcedony.
  4. The stone is inextricably linked with the name Elena, most often found in purple, gray and blue. Protects from negative energy, brings good luck.

It is possible that celebrating a name day will be a good reason to get together with your family and in the future will help you meet with family and friends more often.

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What is customary to do on Angel Day?

The main action of this day is confession and communion. This is not an ordinary birthday and gifts with feasts are not needed here. For Elena's amulet and all sorts of misfortunes, prayers are read.

If you still decide to please Elena, you can organize a family feast. Name days and congratulations on Angel's Day are usually celebrated in a calm and quiet atmosphere.

ATTENTION! Angel Helen's Day is an important day. On this day, visiting church rather than a festive feast is considered important.

In Ancient Rus', Saint Helena celebrated the day of the angel with Christians. Over time, this tradition disappeared. Although it is precisely this that needs to be passed on to our generation, to set an example for our children.

How to congratulate Elena on Angel's Day and what to buy her?

Angel Day is the holiday of Helen. Therefore, on this day they also expect presents, as on their birthday. You won’t surprise anyone with a standard list of gifts, so it’s worth thinking about a gift somehow related to the saint.

You can only buy such an item in the church; the ministers will help you choose it. For example, this could be an icon named Elena, a shelf for icons, a travel iconostasis, amulet, a vessel for holy water, religious books and candles.

If you live far away but want to please Elena, send her a card with warm wishes. The main thing is not the gift, but your attention. Elena will appreciate this and will be glad to receive any gift from you.

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