How to choose a name for a baby girl based on the date of birth, according to the Saints, according to the church calendar in November? Names of girls' children according to the church calendar by month in November

General overview of names for girls born in November

Astrologers recommend calling girls beautiful, gentle, feminine names that can give the baby not only elegance, but also greatness and royal status.
Each name can be associated with historical figures, literary characters and imagine who the little one will be like when it grows up.

The best names for girls born in November:

Helena (name of the Grand Duchess), Cleopatra (Queen of Egypt), Diana (Goddess of the Hunt), Margarita (Master's beloved), Elizabeth (Queen of England), Olga (Princess), Vera (great silent film actress), Catherine (Empress), Anna (queen).

What is Angel Day

Angel's Day, or name day, is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor the newborn was named. Even if a secular name is indicated in the passport, during the baptismal ceremony the priest will give your baby the name indicated in the calendar.

The saint after whom the person was named will be his patron throughout his life. It is he who will influence his future life the most.

Saints vary in their “title”, depending on the spiritual feat they accomplished:

  • Prophets are people who, during their lifetime, predicted the future and warned of future disasters and disasters. They prophesied the coming of Jesus, his salvation and death. They lived before God's chosen one appeared on earth.
  • Apostles and equal to the apostles are close associates and disciples of Christ who brought the Christian faith to people. They, according to the Bible, played the largest role in the spread of Christianity through preaching.
  • Martyrs and Great Martyrs - As the name suggests, these saints had to endure many trials and torments because of their faith in God. They were tortured, killed, executed, but they remained steadfast in their faith.
  • Saints are bishops who have earned the title of saints thanks to their sinless, righteous lives and sincere faith.
  • Reverends are hermits, people who have moved away from everything worldly. They spent their days in seclusion, prayers, and practiced asceticism.
  • The righteous are family people who lived according to God's commandments and led a godly life.
  • Forefathers are the ancestors of the entire human race.
  • Unmercenary people were people who brought healing to others and helped without demanding payment for their labors.
  • Fools or blessed ones are those who served Christ, but by their actions during life they earned the title of insane, crazy, although in fact their behavior was filled with deep faith.

Distinctive character traits of girls born in November

Girls who were born in November are persistent and stubborn, but at the same time they can be cheerful and cheerful children, eager for knowledge. Their persistence lies rather in achieving their goals.

They are accustomed to relying only on their own strength, and from an early age they make all decisions independently. It is very difficult and almost impossible to earn their favor. They are not susceptible to deception and it is completely impossible to persuade them into some kind of scam because of their excessive distrust, although material gain is one of the priorities in their lives.

Often these girls are a shining example of selfishness and pride; sometimes these qualities can go beyond the bounds of reason and are very repulsive to those around them and even people close to them.

In no case will they allow themselves to be controlled and in any conflict they will never make concessions, defending their point of view to the last, even if at some point they realize that they were wrong somewhere, but such cases are usually very rare, so as their opinion is usually not unfounded and very prudent.

These girls belong to the category of people who find a way out of any situation, even if this means they have to behave unworthily or even lose their good name. As a rule, these girls choose as friends weak-willed, driven, but at the same time patient people who can easily be controlled and will tolerate all whims and put their interests first.

Having matured and started a family, they occupy dominant positions. They will also believe that their needs come first, which sometimes complicates the life of its domestic inhabitants. But even if their behavior becomes unbearable, they do not notice it.

It is recommended to choose a name for a November girl that is soft and affectionate in order to make her character more flexible and with its help to remove excessive stubbornness.

What is Angel Day

Angel's Day, or name day, is the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor the newborn was named. Even if a secular name is indicated in the passport, during the baptismal ceremony the priest will give your baby the name indicated in the calendar.

The saint after whom the person was named will be his patron throughout his life. It is he who will influence his future life the most.

Saints vary in their “title”, depending on the spiritual feat they accomplished:

  1. Prophets are people who, during their lifetime, predicted the future and warned of future disasters and disasters. They prophesied the coming of Jesus, his salvation and death. They lived before God's chosen one appeared on earth.
  2. Apostles and equal to the apostles are close associates and disciples of Christ who brought the Christian faith to people. They, according to the Bible, played the largest role in the spread of Christianity through preaching.
  3. Martyrs and Great Martyrs - As the name suggests, these saints had to endure many trials and torments because of their faith in God. They were tortured, killed, executed, but they remained steadfast in their faith.
  4. Saints are bishops who have earned the title of saints thanks to their sinless, righteous lives and sincere faith.
  5. Reverends are hermits, people who have moved away from everything worldly. They spent their days in seclusion, prayers, and practiced asceticism.
  6. The righteous are family people who lived according to God's commandments and led a godly life.
  7. Forefathers are the ancestors of the entire human race.
  8. Unmercenary people were people who brought healing to others and helped without demanding payment for their labors.
  9. Fools or blessed ones are those who served Christ, but by their actions during life they earned the title of insane, crazy, although in fact their behavior was filled with deep faith.

Names for girls born in November by date

Nov. 1:

  1. Miroslava is a Slavic name, formed from two parts “peace” and “glory” - “glorifying the world”, “glorified by the love of peace”.

November 2:

  1. Rimma - from Greek “abandoned”.
  2. Nora - from lat. “revered”, “important”.

the 3rd of November:

  1. Pelageya - Greek. the words πελάγιος (pelagios), translated as “sea” or “sea”.
  2. Sandra is most often the “protector”.
  3. Sylvia - from lat. - “forest”.

November 4:

  1. Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."
  2. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan(n)a] “disposition, favor, favor.”
  3. Anfisa is a Greek name derived from “anthos” - “flower”.
  4. Elina - Greek "Greek".

November 5:

  1. Eugenia - from the ancient Greek language “noble”, “high-born”.
  2. Daria - from the ancient Persian “gift” - “possessing, possessing” and “vaush” - “kind, good”.

November 7:

  1. Karina - from Italian “dear” or “sweetheart”.
  2. Anastasia - from Greek. "immortal".

November 9:

  1. Capitolina - from Latin - “born on the Capitol”.
  2. Ilona - Greek "light".
  3. Edith - Hebrew. from the name Judith "Jew"
  4. Anna - from Hebrew “graceful, pretty.”

10th of November:

  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan(n)a] “disposition, favor, favor.”
  2. Neonila - has Greek roots and comes from the word “neos”, meaning “young”, “new”.
  3. Praskovya is the Russian version of the Greek name Paraskeva "Saturday eve, Friday."

11th of November:

  1. Asya - from Scandinavian. “divinely beautiful”, “passionate”.
  2. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan(n)a] “disposition, favor, favor.”
  3. Mary - from Hebrew. "desired"
  4. Albina - from the word “alba” - “light”, “white”, “pure”.

November 12:

  1. Anastasia - from Greek. "immortal".
  2. Elena - from Greek means “chosen”, “bright”.
  3. Alena is a Slavic name that means “beautiful.”
  4. Renata - from Latin means “reborn, born again.”
  5. Ilona - Greek "light".

the 13th of November:

  1. Angela - Greek. "messenger, angel."
  2. Inessa - from ancient Greek. "innocent"
  3. Sandra is a form of the feminine name Alexandra, meaning “protector of people.”

November 14:

  1. Julia - from Greek means “curly”, “wavy”, “fluffy”.
  2. Elizabeth - from Hebrew, translated means “God is my oath, I swear by God.”
  3. Irma - from ancient Germanic. means "peace", "justice".

November 16:

  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan(n)a] “disposition, favor, favor.”
  2. Inga - “protected by the god Inga (Yngvi).”
  3. Vita - from Latin. derived from the word “vita” - “life”.

November 17:

  1. Victoria - From the Latin word "Victoria", meaning "victory".
  2. Alice is a short form of the Germanic name Adelaide "noble, noble".
  3. Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."
  4. Eliza, Elsa - means “who worships God.”

November 19:

  1. Alexandra - From the Greek origin Alexander, "protector of the people."
  2. Nina - Saint Nina (Nino), enlightener of Georgia.
  3. Olesya - close to the word "forest" - "girl from the forest."
  4. Seraphim - from the Late Latin name Seraphinus, derived from the Hebrew name for the six-winged angels seraphim, meaning "fiery".

20 November:

  1. Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."
  2. Angela - derived from the Late Latin masculine Angelus, derived from the Greek "angelos", and means "messenger, angel".

November 21:

  1. Milena is a Slavic name meaning “sweetheart.”
  2. Amalia - from ancient German, translated as “work”, “labor”.

November 22:

  1. Theoktista - from other Greek. "created by God."
  2. Martha - from Hebrew, meaning “mistress”, “mistress”.
  3. Mavra - from Greek. “dark”, “matte”.

November 23:

  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan(n)a] “disposition, favor, favor.”
  2. Olga - from Old Russian. “holy”, “sacred”, “light”, “clear”, “wise”, “fatal”.

November 24:

  1. Stepanida - from. Greek stephanos - “wreath”.
  2. Stefania - from the word “stephanos”, meaning “crown”, “crowned”.

November 25:

  1. Karina - from Italian “dear” or “sweetheart”.
  2. Elizabeth - from Hebrew. "God's oath."

November 27:

  1. Anna - from Hebrew [Khan(n)a] “disposition, favor, favor.”
  2. Odette - from Greek, means “fragrant”.

November 30th:

  1. Ustinya means “fair” in Latin.

How to determine the name day

How to determine your name day if there are several saints with the same name in the church calendar? It's very simple - you need to find the closest name day to your date of birth. For example, if you were born on November 25th, and your name is Anna, then your Angel Day is celebrated on the third of December (the first Saint Anna, noted in the calendar after your birthday).

  • If you were baptized before the 21st century (before the year 2000), then the name of the saint must be chosen from those who were glorified before the year 2000.
  • If your name is not on the church calendar, then you need to choose the one that sounds as close as possible. For example: Angelica - Angelina, Lilia - Leah.
  • On Angel's Day, it is advisable to come to church and undergo the rituals of confession and communion. If the name day falls on Lent, then you need to celebrate the holiday later, when it ends.

Watch a video on the topic:

The most suitable names for a November girl

When looking through suitable names for girls in November, focus not only on the euphony, but also on the meaning of the option you like. When a name carries love for people, honor or fun, it is worth taking a closer look at it.

We have collected the most popular names for girls born in the last autumn month into a kind of rating of female names, which is given below along with an explanation of what each of them means.

Pelagiasea ​​- GreekEndowed with a strong will and desire for success.
Decent and responsive.

He studies his chosen one for a long time before marriage: he loves stability in marriage.

Sandraprotector of people - lat.An independent and purposeful person.
Ironic, smart and charming; loves guests.

She loves attention to herself, but in the family she is gentle, patient and caring.

Vindictiveness makes itself felt long after the offense has been inflicted.

Sylvia, Ilya, Likaforest - lat.An active, sociable and independent girl prone to adventurism.
She is in love and does not tolerate loneliness.

She chooses her work by inspiration, like everything else in life: she needs pleasure in order to live.

Anastasiareborn, immortal - Greek.A kind, gentle girl who loves people and animals.
Loves to please: to work, to carry out orders; lazy due to a tendency to daydream.

A classic wife: weak externally, but unbending internally, a needlewoman, a caring mother.

Evangelinagood news - GreekHe has an analytical mind: he listens to others, but makes his own judgment.
She seems shy, but inside she is a volcano.

Completely devoted to the family, to the point of self-sacrifice, loves to play with children.

Alena, Helenshining, bewitching – Greek.Interested in the world: its structure, relationships between people, philosophy.
Cheerful, cheerful, but unsure of herself and this makes her touchy.

Loves change, can't stand boring life.

Angela, Angela, Aneliaangel, messenger - lat.Beautiful, mysterious, loves to stand out from the crowd.
Values ​​true friendship, even in marriage.

Closes down if he feels disrespected.

Irmaall-encompassing - germ.A passionate nature, thirsting for adventure, without thinking about the consequences.
Likes to order, but not to manipulate.

Loves traveling, hates housekeeping.

Margarita, Megan, Marjoriepearl - GreekStraightforward character, absolutely undiplomatic.
Strives for financial success, but does not devote his soul to work.

Has unconventional thinking, loves children; bravely defends them.

Olesya, Lesyaprotector, forest - glory.An eccentric, unpredictable girl, capable of doing dangerous things.
Strives to prove his superiority: chooses dangerous work, reaches the top in sports.

Home is her fortress; jealous of her husband, does not forgive betrayal.

Some names that are fashionable today for girls should not be given to babies born in November, so as not to aggravate the manifestations of negative character traits.

Such names include Alsou, Renata, Ilona.

Try to give your baby, born in November, a name that will make her a happy, successful woman in life and will fully reveal her potential. And in order to protect the newborn from life’s adversities, select a suitable heavenly protector at baptism.

In addition, the zodiac sign under which the girl was born is of considerable importance. After all, a certain star illuminates a person’s entire path, which is confirmed by astrologers.


For centuries, our ancestors noticed and remembered how the name a child is given influences his destiny.

What folk traditions and signs say:

  1. If you name a child after a relative, he will feel more closely that he belongs to your family. He will be as if under invisible protection, always safe and under the protection of the entire tribal system. It does not matter whether the relative is alive or has already left for another world. The world will be a happy and calm place for the baby.
  2. But it is undesirable to name the baby after a relative if the family relationship is not very warm. There is no need to impose names for your grandchildren on your children, according to tradition. A person who is forcibly given a name will not live prosperously in this case. He will not be able to realize himself in life, will be unsure of himself and lack a sense of responsibility.
  3. If the name is chosen randomly, then the connection with the family will be minimal. A person will have many opportunities for realization throughout his life, but he will not feel the support of his family. And the person who chose the name will most influence his life
  4. If the baby is named after the parents, then he will become responsible for passing on family traditions and values ​​from generation to generation. It also obliges him to “conform” to his parents, to continue their path instead of choosing his own.

The choice of name should be taken with full responsibility. It incredibly strongly influences all events that happen in a person’s life. You can often hear stories about how someone changed their name in their passport and radically changed their destiny.

If a child's birthday coincides with a saint's day, you can name the child after him, and the baby will receive his guardian angel for life

According to a long-standing church tradition, a newborn child receives the name of a saint, who is venerated on his birthday.

Many parents follow this tradition when choosing a name for their child. Orthodox people believe that in this way the child receives heavenly protection from his namesake saint and establishes a connection with his guardian angel.

If there are no saints’ namesdays on the boy’s or girl’s birthday, you can choose a name from the nearest namedays in the week.

The name day calendar for November 2022 will tell you how to name a boy or girl in November and which names celebrate their Angel Day.

  1. Saints for girls born in November
  2. Character traits
  3. What names are suitable? Orthodox women's calendar in other months:

The best names according to the horoscope for girls born in November

A girl born before November 21 lives under the constellation Scorpio. She is subject to vital metamorphoses. Inside the girl lies inexhaustible vitality. This volcano strives to break out, which is manifested in the baby’s mobility and restlessness.

She strives to win over everyone she can: she is a charming, artistic child.

At the same time, the secrecy of her character becomes obvious to her parents. She needs an understanding protector with whom she can stop playing and relax.

For a girl born under the sign of Scorpio, sincere, gentle names are suitable:

  • Yana;
  • Anastasia;
  • Tamara;
  • Alyona.

Why choose a name according to the church calendar?

Why should a child’s name be chosen according to the church calendar? Isn't it easier to name your baby what you like? The choice, of course, is yours, but it’s worth knowing that a name affects a person’s entire future life. Depending on it, character and even temperament are formed.

Previously, the priest chose the name for the newborn. It was believed that a church name gave a person powerful protection from his guardian angel. The name of the saint assigned to the child determined his fate. He will be a patron, and the name day will be a day of remembrance of the spiritual feat of this saint.

You can also choose two names for your son or daughter. The first, secular, will be indicated in the passport, and it is under this that this world will remember your baby. The second, church name, will become a spiritual name, a symbol of baptism in the church.

Saints for November. Names for newborn girls

According to ancient legend, a newborn is given the name of one of the saints or righteous people who were born on the same day. The saint whose name the child was named will help him throughout his life, protect him and guide him on the right path in life.

For those who believe, this ancient tradition is of great importance.

Third number

He gives the girl the name Pelageya, which is translated from Greek as “sea.” Pelageya also has something in common with the name Marina.

Fourth number

Elizabeth is a Hebrew name, translated as “she who believes in God, who honors Him.”

Theodosius is of Greek origin. Means “given by God, majestic.”

Glyceria is of Greek origin. Translated as “sweet, fragrant, tender.”

Anna is a Hebrew name. It says that a person brings grace.

Fifth number

It is represented by a single name – Euphrosyne, which can be translated from Greek as “great joy, joy”.

November 7

Here again are three beautiful female names:

  • Matronushka is an old Russian name. Means “noble, majestic lady.”
  • Karina - the name came from Greece. Literally translated as “impeccable, exquisite.”
  • Nastenka – translated from Greek as “Sunday, good news”.

Ninth number

The name for the Saints is Capitolina. Literally translated from Latin as “Capitolian”.

11th of November

Four wonderful names, some of which we are already familiar with. This is Annushka and Anastasia. The number is also represented by names:

Agafya - from Greek the translation sounds like “chaste, naive.”

Mary is a biblical name. Its meaning is “stubborn, sad, obstinate, bitter.”


Represented by the name Anastasia, as well as:

Helen is a Greek name. Translated as “beautiful, radiant, enlightened, chosen.”

Alyonushka is an old Gallic name, translated as “beloved”.

November 14

Names for babies according to the Saints:

  • Ulyana – “belonging to Julius” translated from Latin.
  • Julia is a Greek name meaning “curly, playful, homely.”
  • Name Elizabeth. Its interpretation was mentioned above.


Represented by one single name, Evdokia. Translated from Greek it means “incense”.

November, 17th

The Latin name is Victoria, which means “victor”.


Rich in bright, beautiful names:

  • Alexandra - from Greek is interpreted as “hunter, protector.”
  • Ninotchka is a Spanish name. Means “brave, sincere, dexterous girl.”
  • Olesya - the name came to us from Ukraine and is translated as “intercessor”.

November, 20th

This day is represented by the name Elizabeth.


The already mentioned name Matrona, as well as the name Theoktista, corresponds to it. Translated from Greek - “given by God, grace-filled.”

November 23

And again Annushka, Feoktista and Olga. The last name, if translated from Greek, will mean “holy, main, ideal, majestic.”


It is advisable to call newborn babies Karina.

November 27

According to the Saints, girls born on this day can be called by the Italian name Fedora. Which means “impeccable” in translation.

Name of the day – Regina

A great choice for a girl who celebrates her birthday on November 1st.

Translated from Latin, the name means “magnificent, regal.”

Reginas were very often called true ladies of the 19th century, because these coquettes knew how to control themselves perfectly, kept their backs straight and always knew how to support any conversation.

Ladies with such a noble name quickly gain authority and become the life of the party.

Reginas love to travel and always reach the top, they cannot stand the spirit of competition, because they should only be the first, and nothing else.

Saints for girls born in November

We bring to your attention a list of women's name days in November according to the Orthodox church calendar.

November 2 Arina, Irina, Matryona. November 3 Aza, Pelageya. November 4 Anna, Glikeria, Elizaveta. November 5 Euphrosyne. November 7 Matryona. November 9 Capitolina. November 10 Anna, Neonila, Praskovya, Fevronia. November 11 Agatha, Anastasia, Anna, Maria. November 12 Alena, Anastasia, Elena, Ilona. November 14 Agrippina, Elizaveta, Ulyana, Juliana. November 16 Anna, Evdokia, Svetlana, Fotinia. November 19 Alexandra, Euphrosyne, Claudia, Matryona, Nina, Seraphim. November 20 Elizabeth. November 21 March, Marfa. November 22 Evstolia, Matryona. November 23 Anna, Olga. November 24 Stefania. November 27 Anna. November 30 Victoria.

How to determine the name day

How to determine your name day if there are several saints with the same name in the church calendar? It's very simple - you need to find the closest name day to your date of birth. For example, if you were born on November 25th, and your name is Anna, then your Angel Day is celebrated on the third of December (the first Saint Anna, noted in the calendar after your birthday).

  • If you were baptized before the 21st century (before the year 2000), then the name of the saint must be chosen from those who were glorified before the year 2000.
  • If your name is not on the church calendar, then you need to choose the one that sounds as close as possible. For example: Angelica - Angelina, Lilia - Leah.

  • On Angel's Day, it is advisable to come to church and undergo the rituals of confession and communion. If the name day falls on Lent, then you need to celebrate the holiday later, when it ends.
  • Watch a video on the topic:

    Name days are celebrated in November

    November 2Arina, Irina, Matryona.
    the 3rd of NovemberAza, Pelageya.
    November 4Anna, Glikeria, Elizaveta.
    November 5Euphrosyne.
    November 7Matryona.
    November 9Capitolina.
    10th of NovemberAnna, Neonila, Praskovya, Fevronia.
    11th of NovemberAgata, Anastasia, Anna, Maria.
    November 12Alena, Anastasia, Elena, Ilona.
    November 14Agrippina, Elizabeth, Ulyana, Juliana.
    November 16Anna, Evdokia, Svetlana, Fotinia.
    November 19Alexandra, Euphrosyne, Claudia, Matryona, Nina, Seraphim.
    20 NovemberElizabeth.
    November 21Martha, Martha.
    November 22Evstolia, Matryona.
    November 23Anna, Olga.
    November 24Stephanie.
    November 27Anna.
    November 30thVictoria.


    For centuries, our ancestors noticed and remembered how the name a child is given influences his destiny.

    What folk traditions and signs say:

  • If you name a child after a relative, he will feel more closely that he belongs to your family. He will be as if under invisible protection, always safe and under the protection of the entire tribal system. It does not matter whether the relative is alive or has already left for another world. The world will be a happy and calm place for the baby.
  • But it is undesirable to name the baby after a relative if the family relationship is not very warm. There is no need to impose names for your grandchildren on your children, according to tradition. A person who is forcibly given a name will not live prosperously in this case. He will not be able to realize himself in life, will be unsure of himself and lack a sense of responsibility.
  • If the name is chosen randomly, then the connection with the family will be minimal. A person will have many opportunities for realization throughout his life, but he will not feel the support of his family. And the person who chose the name will most influence his life
  • If the baby is named after the parents, then he will become responsible for passing on family traditions and values ​​from generation to generation. It also obliges him to “conform” to his parents, to continue their path instead of choosing his own.
    The choice of name should be taken with full responsibility. It incredibly strongly influences all events that happen in a person’s life. You can often hear stories about how someone changed their name in their passport and radically changed their destiny.

  • The most unusual November names for girls

    Finally, I would like to share statistical data on the unusual names given by the parents of the bewitched November babies:

    Autumn, Zukhra, Revolution, Aurora, Yulduz, Dinara, November, Stalin, Tsarina.

    These are the unusual female names found in November, and in any other month of the year.

    Parents need to remember that a child with an unusual name will have to live, go to kindergarten, school, and move around in society.

    Now you know what the best female names are for November. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. The main thing is to remember that you need to take this seriously, as this is for life!

    Why choose a name according to the church calendar?

    Due to numerous requests from subscribers, we have prepared an accurate horoscope application for mobile phones. Forecasts will arrive for your zodiac sign every morning - it's impossible to miss! Download for free: Daily Horoscope 2020 (available on Android)

    Why should a child’s name be chosen according to the church calendar? Isn't it easier to name your baby what you like? The choice, of course, is yours, but it’s worth knowing that a name affects a person’s entire future life. Depending on it, character and even temperament are formed.

    Previously, the priest chose the name for the newborn. It was believed that a church name gave a person powerful protection from his guardian angel. The name of the saint assigned to the child determined his fate. He will be a patron, and the name day will be a day of remembrance of the spiritual feat of this saint.

    You can also choose two names for your son or daughter. The first, secular, will be indicated in the passport, and it is under this that this world will remember your baby. The second, church name, will become a spiritual name, a symbol of baptism in the church.

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