What does St. Valery help with? Saint Valery prayer to him

Origin and meaning of the name Valery

The name Valery is very sonorous and strong, which is justified by its meaning.
The name came to us from Ancient Greece, where the name Valerius meant “to be strong”, “to be healthy”. The name appeared in Russian only in the 19th century. The name began to gain popularity in the post-revolutionary period, when people wanted something new and gave newborns uncommon names. And by the 60s the name was among the top 10 popular names in the country. Valery grows up as a restless child, which causes a lot of problems for his parents. He cannot sit still, but loves to play pranks and make noise. To successfully study, he lacks patience and perseverance, preferring instead of boring classes to kick a ball with the boys in the yard. From a young age he demonstrates his organizational and leadership qualities. However, it is important for parents not to overlook that these qualities are directed in the right direction, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. They need to show love and patience to their son, because he rarely listens to anyone’s opinion and becomes independent early.

The adult Valery has a good sense of humor and a sharp tongue, because of which he often finds himself in unpleasant conflict situations. He does not know fear, and he often does not think about the consequences of his actions and actions. Valery is characterized by activity and curiosity. He loves to give advice to everyone. Otherwise, he feels useless. He tries to please others, but he usually lacks tact and delicacy. He is touchy, and when he is offended, he can speak rashly and do stupid things.

Valery is always and in any situation full of optimism. He is rarely seen in a bad mood and despondency. In a team and among his like-minded people, he often becomes a leader, because in any critical and difficult situation he can remain calm and clear-minded, quickly and correctly make decisions. He categorically does not like orders and rules and does not want to accept them, but he loves to have fun and not think about the consequences. Valery is very self-confident and has a frivolous attitude towards life, which causes him to have a lot of problems. He needs to be a little more critical of himself and more sensitive to others, then many problems could be avoided. Valery often becomes the life of the party, because he loves to have fun and be the center of attention. He is a devoted friend, a pleasant and interesting conversationalist, loves children and animals.

Valery has high self-esteem, although he himself does not think so. He is a very principled and persistent man. Sometimes he is quick-tempered and impulsive, although he can pull himself together and curb his emotions. There is enough desire for victory in his character, and fate is favorable to him and gives him more and more chances to correct a lot of things and move only forward.

Patrons of the name

There are not many saints in Orthodoxy with the name Valery, but like all saints, they faithfully believed in the Lord.

Valery Sevastiysky

This was one of the forty Sebastian martyrs. They are soldiers of the Roman army who stood near the city of Sebastia. Their commander demanded that they renounce their faith in Christ and become pagans. To do this, he sent everyone to an icy lake and forced them to expose themselves. For those who agreed to renounce their faith, he prepared a bathhouse next to the lake. Only one person could not stand the torment, but while he was running to a warm bath, he fell dead. One of the guards, who observed all this, believed in Christ and joined the martyrs. Soon they were all beaten and burned.

Valery Melitinsky

He suffered for his faith in the Lord during the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, the most cruel persecutor of Christians. He ordered that all his subjects worship pagan cults, and those who disagreed were tortured and executed. One day, Diocletian ordered the killing of believers living in Cappadocia and Armenia, where the Christian faith was rapidly spreading. Among the soldiers who received the order to exterminate the infidels was the martyr Valery, who refused to carry out the order of the emperor. Like other Christians, he was thrown into prison, and after interrogation and torture, his head was cut off.

Since the Valeris have name days 4 times a year, the person named by this name honors his patron on the day that is closer to his birthday.

Patron saints of Valery and Valeria in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox Saints, the bearer of the male name Valery has several patron saints:

  • Valery Melitinsky, who accepted martyrdom for Christ through torture and beheading;
  • Valery of Sebastia, who suffered martyrdom through torture on Lake Sebastia, in severe frost, and died on its shore.

Holy Martyr Valery of Sebaste

Women in Orthodoxy bearing the name Valeria also have two patron saints:

  • Valeria of Caesarea, who suffered martyrdom for her religion;
  • Valeria, a queen who was forcibly married to the pagan Emperor Maximilian, was executed for her faith in Christ.

We also advise you to familiarize yourself with when Marina’s name day is.

Life of Saint Valery Melitinsky

The life of Saint Valery of Melitino occurs during the bloody early Christian persecutions, during the reign of the pagan emperors of Rome Maximilian and Diocletian. The saint lived in the territory of Cappadocia, and was one of the soldiers of Diocletian's squad, led by Hieron.

When the mass destruction of believers by pagans began, Diocletian ordered the cruel and crafty Lysias to go to Cappadocia, so that he would resolve the issue with the Christian attitude of the inhabitants of this city. And he zealously set to work, gathering around himself pagan squads who zealously dealt with the children of Christ.

Having learned that Hieron and his squad were very strong, Lysias wanted to gain his favor, but the news awaited him that the entire squad was of the Christian faith. This led to the fierce pursuit of all 33 warriors, among whom was Valery Melitinsky.

Valery, together with his brothers in Christ, fleeing from arrest, hid in a cave, where they had to fight with pagan warriors, who could not take them by force. Then the pagans came up with an idea to lure out his military leader, Hieron, by allowing his friend and mother to influence his mind. But Hieron only said goodbye to them, saying that he would never change his faith, just like his soldiers. He returned to his squad, who agreed to surrender to their enemy and accept martyrdom for Christ.

Saint Valery, like his brothers, was taken into custody, and was taken out only for fierce torture, so that he would renounce the Christian faith and perform pagan sacrifices. The saint's demonstrated steadfastness only irritated and embittered the tortures being committed. Neither flattery nor terrible torment could break the will of the saint. Lysias sentenced them to death by beheading.

Walking to the place of his death, Valery, together with his brothers, joyfully sang words from the psalms, and then, kneeling, prayed to God to accept his soul. With these words, the head of Saint Valery was cut off.

What do they pray to Saint Valery for?

In the Orthodox church calendar there are many holy names that are especially revered, but these names, with differences in dates, are often repeated.

But Angel Day, the name day of Valery and Valeria, is rare, with only 2 memorable dates for a man’s and a woman’s name.

There are only four saints with these rare names, and until the 20th century, they were mostly called ministers of the Church. Only much later did these names gain popularity among the Russian population.

In the Orthodox Saints, the bearer of the male name Valery has several patron saints:

Holy Martyr Valery of Sebaste

Women in Orthodoxy bearing the name Valeria also have two patron saints:

The life of Saint Valery of Melitino occurs during the bloody early Christian persecutions, during the reign of the pagan emperors of Rome Maximilian and Diocletian. The saint lived in the territory of Cappadocia, and was one of the soldiers of Diocletian's squad, led by Hieron.

When the mass destruction of believers by pagans began, Diocletian ordered the cruel and crafty Lysias to go to Cappadocia, so that he would resolve the issue with the Christian attitude of the inhabitants of this city. And he zealously set to work, gathering around himself pagan squads who zealously dealt with the children of Christ.

Having learned that Hieron and his squad were very strong, Lysias wanted to gain his favor, but the news awaited him that the entire squad was of the Christian faith. This led to the fierce pursuit of all 33 warriors, among whom was Valery Melitinsky.

Valery, together with his brothers in Christ, fleeing from arrest, hid in a cave, where they had to fight with pagan warriors, who could not take them by force. Then the pagans came up with an idea to lure out his military leader, Hieron, by allowing his friend and mother to influence his mind. But Hieron only said goodbye to them, saying that he would never change his faith, just like his soldiers. He returned to his squad, who agreed to surrender to their enemy and accept martyrdom for Christ.

Saint Valery, like his brothers, was taken into custody, and was taken out only for fierce torture, so that he would renounce the Christian faith and perform pagan sacrifices. The saint's demonstrated steadfastness only irritated and embittered the tortures being committed. Neither flattery nor terrible torment could break the will of the saint. Lysias sentenced them to death by beheading.

Walking to the place of his death, Valery, together with his brothers, joyfully sang words from the psalms, and then, kneeling, prayed to God to accept his soul. With these words, the head of Saint Valery was cut off.

One thing is known for certain, that Valeria lived in the Palestinian city of Caesarea, at the turn of the 2nd and early 3rd centuries, during a time of particularly fierce persecution of Christians, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He strengthened the borders of his country and restored peace in the Roman Empire, but could not cope with the influence of spreading Christianity.

Together with Galerius, his co-ruler, Diocletian issues decrees prohibiting the Christian religion, and fierce persecution of the children of Christ occurs everywhere, Christian books were destroyed and churches were closed, under the guise of various threats, renunciation of faith in Christ was required, and those who did not agree were executed.

Valeria, together with her sisters in Christ, at this time lived away from the bustle of the world, leading a righteous life, praying for the people, for the forgiveness of sins and an end to persecution. They also helped all those suffering and enlightened people about the advantages of the new faith over faith in paganism. Fierce zealots of the pagan faith found out about their activities and reported to their ruler.

The captured Valeria and her sisters were arrested, and they tried to force them to make sacrifices to the pagan deity using all kinds of methods, from exhortations and terrible torture. Valeria was the first to refuse to perform the required actions, followed by her friends, which resulted in an immediate death penalty.

In Orthodoxy, the dates of the holy great martyrs are celebrated annually:

Saint Valery is asked for help in gaining confidence, resisting temptation, and finding lost things.

Name days of the holy great martyrs in Orthodoxy:

People turn to Saint Valeria for help in everyday matters, to resolve issues and difficult situations.

In 313, Emperor Constantine the Great signed a law on freedom of religion. His co-ruler, Emperor Licinius, also signed this law, but in the areas under his control, the persecution of Christians continued. Around 320, a Roman army was stationed in the city of Sebastia, in Armenia. The army included 40 Christian soldiers originally from Cappadocia (now in Turkey). The military leader Agricolaus forced them to sacrifice to idols, but the soldiers refused.

Then the soldiers were arrested and tied up and taken to a lake near the city of Sebastia. It was winter, it was getting dark. The soldiers were placed naked in an ice-covered lake. A terrible cold shackled the members of the holy martyrs, and they began to freeze. This torment was especially difficult for them, because a warm bath was placed on the shore of the lake for temptation. Anyone who wanted to save his life had to tell the prison guard that he had renounced Christ, and then he could enter a warm bath and warm up. All night the warriors bravely endured the bitter cold, encouraging each other and singing sacred hymns to God.

Early in the morning one of the warriors could not stand the suffering. He left the lake and hurried to the bathhouse. But as soon as the warm air touched his body, he fell dead. Soon after this, the prison guard Aglaius saw an unearthly light shine over the martyrs who remained in the lake. Aglaius was so shocked by this miracle that, declaring himself a Christian, he threw off his clothes and joined the 39 martyrs. The torturers, who arrived a little later, saw that the Christian soldiers not only did not freeze, but, apparently, even warmed up. Then the torturers broke their legs with hammers and threw them into the fire, and then threw the charred bones of the martyrs into the river.

Three days later, the martyrs appeared to Bishop Peter of Sebastia and told about their feat. Ep. Peter collected their bones and buried them with honor. The names of the martyrs have been preserved: Kirion, Candide, Domnus, Hesychius, Heraclius, Smaragdus, Eunoicus, Valens, Vivian, Claudius, Priscus, Theodulus, Eutyches, John, Xanthius, Ilian, Sisinius, Haggai, Aetius, Flavius, Acacius, Ecdecius, Lysimachus, Alexander, Elijah, Gorgonius, Theophilus, Domitian, Gaius, Leontius, Athanasius, Cyril, Sakerdon, Nicholas, Valerius, Filictimon, Severian, Hudion, Melito and Aglaius. The memory of the 40 martyrs is one of the most revered holidays. On the day of their memory, March 9, the severity of Great Lent is eased and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated.

In 313, Saint Constantine the Great issued a decree according to which Christians were allowed freedom of religion and were given equal rights with pagans. But his co-ruler Licinius was a convinced pagan and in his part of the empire he decided to eradicate Christianity, which had spread significantly there. Licinius was preparing for war against Constantine and, fearing treason, decided to clear his army of Christians.

At that time, in the Armenian city of Sebastia, one of the military leaders was Agricolaus, a zealous supporter of paganism. Under his command was a squad of forty Cappadocians, brave warriors who emerged victorious from many battles. They were all Christians. When the warriors refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods, Agricolaus imprisoned them. The soldiers indulged in fervent prayer and one night they heard a voice: “He who endures to the end will be saved.”

The next morning the soldiers were again brought to Agricolaus. This time the pagan used flattery. He began to praise their courage, youth and strength and again invited them to renounce Christ and thereby gain the honor and favor of the emperor himself. Hearing a refusal again, Agricolaus ordered the soldiers to be chained. However, the eldest of them, Kirion, said: “The Emperor did not give you the right to impose fetters on us.” Agricolaus was embarrassed and ordered the soldiers to be taken to prison without shackles.

Seven days later, the noble dignitary Lysias arrived in Sebastia and held a trial of the soldiers. The saints firmly answered: “Take not only our military rank, but also our lives, for us there is nothing dearer than Christ God.” Then Lysias ordered the holy martyrs to be stoned. But the stones flew past their target; a stone thrown by Lysias hit Agricolaus in the face. The torturers realized that the saints were protected by some invisible force. In prison, the soldiers spent the night in prayer and again heard the voice of the Lord comforting them: “He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Be bold and do not be afraid, for you will receive imperishable crowns.”

The next day, the trial before the torturer and the interrogation were repeated, but the soldiers remained adamant.

It was winter, there was severe frost. They stripped the holy warriors, led them to a lake located not far from the city, and placed them under guard on ice for the whole night. To break the will of the martyrs, a bathhouse was lit nearby on the shore. In the first hour of the night, when the cold became unbearable, one of the warriors could not stand it and ran towards the bathhouse, but as soon as he crossed the threshold, he fell dead. At three o'clock in the morning, the Lord sent consolation to the martyrs: suddenly it became light, the ice melted, and the water in the lake became warm. All the guards were asleep, only one named Aglaius was awake. Looking at the lake, he saw that a bright crown had appeared over the head of each martyr. Aglaius counted thirty-nine crowns and realized that the fleeing warrior had lost his crown. Then Aglaius woke up the rest of the guards, took off his clothes and told them: “And I am a Christian!” - and joined the martyrs. Standing in the water, he prayed: “Lord God, I believe in You, in whom these soldiers believe. Join me to them, so that I may be worthy to suffer with Your servants.”

The next morning the torturers were surprised to see that the martyrs were alive, and their guard Aglaius was glorifying Christ with them. Then the soldiers were taken out of the water and their legs were broken. During this painful execution, the mother of the youngest of the warriors, Meliton, urged her son not to be afraid and to endure everything to the end. The bodies of the martyrs were placed on chariots and taken to be burned. Young Meliton was still breathing, and he was left lying on the ground. Then the mother picked up her son and carried him on her shoulders after the chariot. When Meliton breathed his last, his mother laid him on a chariot next to the bodies of his holy companions. The bodies of the saints were burned at the stake, and the charred bones were thrown into the water so that Christians would not collect them.

Three days later, the martyrs appeared in a dream to Blessed Peter, Bishop of Sebaste, and ordered him to bury their remains. The bishop and several clergy collected the remains of the glorious martyrs at night and buried them with honor.

See also: “The Suffering of the Holy Forty Martyrs, in Armenian Sebastia” as presented by St. Demetrius of Rostov.

Through the illnesses of the saints, who suffered for You, / beg, O Lord, / and heal all our illnesses, / Lover of humanity, we pray.

Passion-bearers of all honor, / the fourty soldiers of Christ, / the firmament of the armorer, / for they passed through fire and water, / and fellow citizens faster than the Angel, / with them, pray to Christ for those who praise you with faith. / Glory to Him who gave you strength, / glory to Him who crowned you, / glory to Him who bestows healing to you all.

The fourty passion-bearers of Christ, / who suffered courageously in the city of Sebastia, / who passed through fire and water, / who entered into eternal rest, / pray for us to the Lord, / so that he may preserve our lives in peace, / and save our souls, as a Lover of Mankind.

All the armies of the world have left, / cling to the Lady of Heaven, / the fourty passion-bearers of the Lord, / who passed through fire and water, blessed ones, / worthily received glory from Heaven / and many crowns.

Oh, holy, glorious passion-bearers of Christ, the forty, in the city of Sebastia for Christ’s sake, who courageously suffered through fire and water and, like friends of Christ, entered into the peace of the Heavenly Kingdom, have great boldness to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for the Christian race, especially for who honor your holy memory and call you with faith and love. Ask the All-Bountiful God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our lives, so that in repentance and unfeigned love, friend, for each other, we will boldly appear at the Last Judgment Court of Christ and through your intercession we will appear at the right hand of the Righteous Judge. She, saints of God, be our protectors from all enemies, visible and invisible, so that under the shelter of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life and thus glorify the great and venerable Name of the Almighty Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

(name day dates according to the old style are indicated in brackets)

March 22 (9) - martyr Valery of Sebastia (c. 320).

November 20 (7) - martyr Valery Melitinsky (III century).

What does the prefix to the name of a saint mean: “saint”, “venerable” and others? Read about the saints and their ranks

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Valery, as I diligently resort to you, your quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

Life of Saint Valeria of Caesarea

Very little is known about the life path of the early Christian saint Valeria of Caesarea, and the data that is present in the Lives of the Saints is very scarce.

One thing is known for certain, that Valeria lived in the Palestinian city of Caesarea, at the turn of the 2nd and early 3rd centuries, during a time of particularly fierce persecution of Christians, during the reign of Emperor Diocletian. He strengthened the borders of his country and restored peace in the Roman Empire, but could not cope with the influence of spreading Christianity.

Together with Galerius, his co-ruler, Diocletian issues decrees prohibiting the Christian religion, and fierce persecution of the children of Christ occurs everywhere, Christian books were destroyed and churches were closed, under the guise of various threats, renunciation of faith in Christ was required, and those who did not agree were executed.

Valeria, together with her sisters in Christ, at this time lived away from the bustle of the world, leading a righteous life, praying for the people, for the forgiveness of sins and an end to persecution. They also helped all those suffering and enlightened people about the advantages of the new faith over faith in paganism. Fierce zealots of the pagan faith found out about their activities and reported to their ruler.

The captured Valeria and her sisters were arrested, and they tried to force them to make sacrifices to the pagan deity using all kinds of methods, from exhortations and terrible torture. Valeria was the first to refuse to perform the required actions, followed by her friends, which resulted in an immediate death penalty.

Holy Martyr Hieron and thirty-three with him who suffered at Melitene

Memory 7/20 November

Saint Hieron lived around 290, under the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, who cruelly persecuted Christians. He was from the city of Tiana in Cappadocia, where he lived quietly and peacefully, cultivating his own field. At this time, both despots, in an irrepressible thirst for conquest, forcibly took into military service all the strong and strong-bodied men to replenish the army. Hieron was famous throughout Cappadocia for his strength and courage, so the ruler Lysias decided to take him into the army and sent soldiers after him. Hieron was working in the field, and when he saw the soldiers, he immediately understood why they had come. He understood well that he was threatened not so much by the dangers of military service as by being forced to renounce the faith of Christ for the sake of worshiping the emperor, whom the Romans deified. Grabbing a pickaxe, he rushed at the soldiers and put them to flight, inflicting severe wounds. But soon they returned with reinforcements and found the saint, who had hidden in a cave with eighteen relatives and friends. In order to avoid bloodshed and at the request of his brother Cyriacus, Hieron surrendered himself into the hands of the soldiers, and they brought him to the ruler of Melitina.

In the evening, an angel appeared to Saint Jerome and announced that the Lord was sending him to fight not for the kingdom of earth, but in the last and glorious battle, which would open the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven for him. The next morning, the saint with unspeakable joy announced to his family that Divine Providence had been revealed to him and from now on the road of captivity became for him the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. Upon arrival in Melitina, Hieron and thirty-three Christians were imprisoned. From that moment on, he tirelessly strengthened his companions in the faith and supported their determination to sacrifice their lives for the glory of God.

The holy martyr appeared before the ruler, who accused him of pride because he disobeys the orders of the emperor and despises idols. When the ruler was informed that it was Hieron who put the soldiers to flight and beat them with a stick, the tyrant, instead of paying tribute to his bravery, ordered the Christian to be tortured and his hand to be cut off. Hieron endured all the torment with joy, after which he was again imprisoned awaiting the next trial.

One of his friends and relatives, Victor, fearing torture and torment, secretly called the jailer and offered to give up his land in exchange for escaping from prison. When the warrior of Christ Hieron learned of Victor’s flight, he wept bitterly, grieving over the sad fate of his friend, who, in order to save his mortal life, deprived himself of eternal life and endless bliss prepared for the chosen ones, and doomed himself to eternal torment in hell. Sensing that execution was inevitable, Hieron called to himself those relatives who had been released by that time, and expressed his last will. He asked his sister Theotimia to perform an annual commemoration on the day of his death and made her promise to give the severed hand to their poor blind mother as a consolation in grief.

On the fourth day, he, along with other Christian prisoners, again appeared before Lysias. The ruler ordered them to be tortured with whips, but they only strengthened in their ardent faith. Then he ordered the saints to be beheaded. On the way to the place of execution, the martyrs sang the words of the faithful servants of the Lord from the psalm: “Blessed are the blameless ones who walk in the law of the Lord” (Ps. 119: 1). After the execution, the saint's relatives offered a ransom for his holy relics. The greedy ruler took advantage of this and offered to buy them back by weight for gold. He also allowed the construction of a temple in honor of St. Jerome on the site of his martyrdom

Holy martyrs of Melitino, pray to God for us!

Orthodox calendar - November 7/20 commemoration of the 33 martyrs of Melitene On November 7/20 the church honors the memory of the 33 holy Melitene martyrs who suffered for Christ in Melitene in the 3rd century.

These were the warrior Hieron and his squad - 32 people. Such saints are usually called “small”: since their feat was, so to speak, “collective” in nature, then, as a rule, the details of the lives of each of them are little known. Not a separate holiday service is written for each of them, and not all of them are written separately on icons. But this does not make their feat in the name of faith any less, nor does the suffering to which they were subjected become less painful. They, just like us, had only one life, they were young, beautiful and healthy. And they were also Christians, so they, without hesitation, gave both their youth and their very lives for our Lord Jesus Christ. St. much Hieron However, for the sake of fairness, it must be said that there are icons of some of them (and icons of the Melitene martyrs are even often found). This is explained simply: a person bearing the name of one of these saints could order an icon painter to paint an icon of his heavenly patron. This is how the images of these saints appeared, who is among these glorious martyrs (you see some of them here). St. much Eugene Their names: Hieron, Hesychius, Nikander, Athanasius, Mamant, Barachius, Kallinikos, Theagenes, Nikon, Longinus, Theodore, Valery, Xanthus, Theodulus, Callimachus, Eugene, Theodochos, Ostrichius, Epiphanius, Maximian, Ducitius, Claudian, Theophilus, Gigantius, Dorotheus, Theodotus, Castricius, Anicetus, Themelius, Eutyches, Hilarion, Diodotus and Amonitus. St. much Valery Little information about them has survived. It is known that the co-emperors Diocletian and Maximian sent a large military detachment led by Lysias to Cappadocia in order to eradicate Christianity, which was widespread there, and, in addition, to recruit healthy and strong warriors into the imperial army. Among many others, Lysias ordered Hieron, who had great physical strength and dexterity, to be taken into military service. St. much Polyeuctus The Holy Martyr Hieron was born in the city of Tiana in Great Cappadocia. Raised by the pious mother Stratonica, he was a meek and kind Christian, and did not want to serve the persecutors of Christians. When they wanted to forcefully bring him to Lysias, he, armed with a log, put the soldiers sent after him to flight and, together with eighteen like-minded people, took refuge in a cave. Lysias' warriors were unable to take this cave even by storm. On the advice of Cyriacus, one of Hieron's friends, Lysias lifted the siege of the cave and led the detachment away. Cyriacus, having calmed Hieron, persuaded him not to resist the authorities; and he, along with other recruits, accompanied by soldiers, was sent to the neighboring city of Melitina. While on his way at night, Jero had a vision. Someone dressed in white clothes announced to him in a voice filled with meekness and love: “Salvation, Jero, I bring you the gospel! You are going to fight for the King of Heaven. Soon you will go to Him and receive honor and glory from Him for your exploits.”

St. much Theodore Lysias invited the soldiers gathered in Melitina to sacrifice to the pagan gods. Hieron and 32 soldiers after him refused to do this, openly confessing their faith in Christ. Then the persecutor ordered the martyrs to be beaten, and Jero’s hand to be cut off. After a brutal beating, the barely alive martyrs were thrown into prison, where they were beheaded in the morning. One rich and noble Christian named Chrysanthius bought the head of Saint Hieron from Lysias. When the persecution stopped, at the place where the holy martyrs were executed, he built a temple, where he transferred the venerable head. The bodies of all the executed saints were secretly buried by Christians. During the reign of Emperor Justinian, during the construction of a temple in the name of St. Irene, the honest relics of the holy martyrs were found incorrupt. Troparion of the Martyrs, tone 4 Thy martyrs, O Lord,/ in their suffering received incorruptible crowns from Thee, our God,/ having Thy strength,/ having overthrown the tormentors,/ crushing the demons of weak insolence./ With those prayers// save our souls. Kontakion of the Martyrs, tone 8 The face of the martyr is clear, the regiment is luminous,/ having come down to us intelligently,/ the Church is enlightened today with wonderful dawns./ Moreover, celebrating their honorable memory,/ we ask from You, our Savior:/ deliver us from troubles with those prayers, // let us sing Ti: hallelujah. Subscribe to blog updates

Valery is considered one of the very popular male names. Until the mid-20th century, it was practically not used in the world and was more common among the clergy and monks. Orthodox believers have patron saints of this name, and on the day of their memory, men with this name celebrate their name day.

According to the Orthodox calendar, Valery’s name day is celebrated more than once a year, and each time the memory of different saints is honored. The name day date depends on what date the person was born. The name given at baptism influences the character and destiny of a person.

What does St. Valery help with? Saint Valery prayer to him

Saint Valery of Sebastia is one of the forty Sebastian martyrs, to whom people turn with prayer for forgiveness of sins in repentance, for protection from enemies and troubles. The icon of the saint will protect the house from floods and fires. If your legs hurt, ask the martyr Valery of Sebaste for help. His image will help you find your lost item. As a heavenly patron, the saint will help a man named Valery resist temptations and relieve him of self-doubt.

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Prayer to the 40 Martyrs Sebaste O holy, glorious passion-bearers of Christ, fourty, in the city of Sebaste Christ for the sake of those who courageously suffered through fire and water and, like friends of Christ, entered into the peace of the Heavenly Kingdom, and have great boldness to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for the Christian race, especially about those who honor your holy memory and call you with faith and love. Ask the All-Bounteous God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our lives, so that in repentance and unfeigned love, each other, having lived for each other, we will boldly present ourselves to the Last Judgment Seat of Christ and through your intercession we will appear at the right hand of the Righteous Judge. She, saints of God, be our protectors from all enemies, visible and invisible, so that under the shelter of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life and thus glorify the great and venerable Name of the Almighty Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" » Valery of Sebastia (d. about 320) - one of the forty Martyrs of Sebastia. The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste are Christian soldiers who accepted martyrdom for their faith in Christ in Sebaste (Little Armenia, modern Turkey) in 320 at Licinia. The Orthodox Church commemorates them on March 22 (March 9 according to the Julian calendar).

The warriors were from Cappadocia (now in Turkey) as part of the Roman army stationed in the city of Sebastia. The military leader Agricola demanded that they make sacrifices to the pagan gods. After their refusal, Roman soldiers stripped them in the evening and placed them in an ice-covered lake. A warm bath was placed nearby so that those who wished to renounce Christ could warm up in it. By morning, one of the warriors ran to the bathhouse, but when he ran there, he immediately died. One of the Romans, Aglaius, seeing the fortitude of the Christians’ spirit, undressed himself and joined those standing in the lake. According to legend, Roman soldiers, seeing that the martyrs were not freezing, broke their legs and burned them.

The names of the martyrs: Kirion, Candide, Domnus, Hesychius, Heraclius, Smaragd, Evnoik, Valens (Valens), Vivian, Claudius, Priscus, Theodulus, Eutyches, John, Xanthius, Ilian, Sisinius, Angius, Aetius, Flavius, Acacius, Ecdicius, Lysimachus, Alexander, Elias, Gorgonius, Theophilus, Dometianus, Gaius, Leontius, Athanasius, Cyril, Sakerdon, Nicholas, Valerius (Valerius), Philoctimon, Severian, Hudion, Melito and Aglaius.

The memory of the 40 martyrs is one of the most revered holidays. On the day of their memory, the severity of Great Lent is eased and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is celebrated. On March 9, 1230, the Bulgarian Tsar Ivan II Asen defeated the army of Theodore Komnenos and captured him with his family and most of the army. Ivan II Asen attributed his victory to the intercession of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. As gratitude, the king built or renovated the temple that was on this site (remains not fully understood) and consecrated it in honor of the Forty Martyrs, and also left a significant inscription on the column of this church in memory of the glorious victory.




The life of the holy martyr Valery is closely connected with the life of the holy martyr Jerome. The holy martyr Valery Melitinsky was born and lived in the Armenian city of Melitia (now Malatia) in the 3rd century during a time of severe persecution of Christians. He suffered under the Emperor Diocletian along with other thirty-two martyrs. As a result, all 33 warriors, including Saint Valery, were beheaded.

The suffering of the holy martyr Hieron and his squad

Memorial Day: November 7/20

Icon of the Holy Martyr Valery of Sebaste
by the Fatherland of St. Hierona was the second (great) Cappadocia, he was born in the city of Tyana from a pious and God-fearing mother, named Stratonice, during the reign of the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, who were both zealous worshipers of idols and persecutors of Christians

When it came to the ears of the emperors that the inhabitants of the regions of Armenia and Cappadocia, contrary to imperial decrees, refused to worship idols, then, after many consultations, they elected two crafty, devoted to paganism, cruel men, Agricolaus and Lysias, and sent the first to Armenia, and the second to Cappadocia, ordering them, firstly, to execute all the Christians there who did not agree to worship idols, and, secondly, to enroll in the army all men and young men who were strong in body and capable of military service.

Arriving in Cappadocia, Lysias began to look for people suitable for recruitment in every possible way. By the way, they also reported to him about Hieron as a healthy and strong man, distinguished by special courage. Lysias immediately sent soldiers to take him and bring him. The messengers did not find Hieron at home: he was at work in the field. The warriors went there and wanted to capture him; but Hieron, having learned that he was being taken for military service, refused to go with them, considering it harmful for a Christian to have fellowship and serve with idolaters. The soldiers wanted to take him by force, but the angry Hieron grabbed a tree that came to hand and began to beat them; he turned out to be so much stronger than the warriors that they fled, and he drove them like a lion chases kids. The soldiers scattered by him again gathered, however, in one place. They felt ashamed of each other that they not only could not defeat one person, but were also driven away by him. They were afraid to return to the one who sent them empty-handed and said among themselves that if they returned without Hieron, they would not only be ridiculed by everyone for the fact that one man had defeated them all, but would also be severely punished for cowardice. Therefore, they called their comrades to help them and for the second time rushed towards Hieron in even greater numbers. Hearing about this, he recruited a squad of eighteen Christian men, disappeared with them into a nearby cave and from there repelled the attack of the pagans who besieged him. Meanwhile, the latter informed their superior that Hieron and other Christians had locked themselves in a cave, and they could not take him. The chief sent even more soldiers to help them, but still they could not do anything, since, fearing Hieron, no one dared even approach the entrance to the cave. Then the chief sent to them one of Hieron’s friends, named Cyriacus. Cyriacus, having arrived at the place, advised the soldiers to move away from the cave, since Hieron, he said, could only be taken with meekness and good advice, and not by force. When the soldiers left, Cyriacus went to Hieron and convinced him not to resist the authorities and to enroll in military service. With his peaceful conversation, he calmed Hieron, took him out of the cave and took him to his house to his mother, an old and blind widow. She began to loudly mourn her son, calling him the support of her old age and the light of her blind eyes, and complained that she was deprived of the only consolation in her sad widowhood. Meanwhile, the soldiers surrounding Hieron forced him to go with them. Having said goodbye to his weeping mother, neighbors and acquaintances who had gathered there, Hieron took with him one of his relatives, named Victor, and went to the city of Melitina along with the soldiers, accompanied by his two close relatives Matronian and Anthony and some other co-religionists. The travelers did not make it to Melitina before sunset and spent the night in the place where night found them. At night, someone dressed in white clothes appeared to blessed Jerome and announced to him in a meek and loving voice:

- Salvation, Hieron, I preach the gospel to you! You are walking the right path, because you are going to fight for the Heavenly King and will not soon fight for the perishing glory of the earth... Soon you will go to the Heavenly King and receive honor and glory from Him for your exploits.    

With these words, the one who appeared filled Hieron’s heart with unspeakable joy.    

When he disappeared, Hieron woke up and joyfully announced to his friends and relatives who were with him:

“I have learned the secret of God’s favor towards me and now I walk with joy on the path ahead of me.” The only true treasure, the only true inheritance, the only true riches, are those which are hidden in heaven; yet earthly blessings do not bring any benefit to those who receive them: “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul? or what ransom will a man give for his soul?”

(Matt. 16:26).

For me there is nothing dearer or better than the soul... I have spent enough time of my life serving vanity, now I am going to God. Only one thing confuses me - the sadness of my mother, an elderly and infirm widow, deprived of the light of her eyes and without an assistant and intercessor. But I am going to die for Christ and to Him, the Father of orphans and widows, I entrust my mother.” Having said this, Hieron shed a few tears for his mother and set off on his journey. In Melitina, Saint Jerome, together with thirty-three other Christians, was imprisoned. Here he told his fellow prisoners:

- Listen, friends and brothers, to my advice, which will be useful to you not in this life, but in the future. All who fear God do not seek earthly temporary blessings, but future eternal blessings. You have heard that in the morning they want to force us to make sacrifices to false pagan gods: we will not obey, we will not worship idols and we will not offer sacrifice to them; Let us better offer a sacrifice of praise to our true God and lift up our prayers to Him, hearing which He will give us the strength to endure torment steadfastly and courageously and will merit us a blessed death.

Hieron's listeners unanimously answered:    

“Your words are as sweet to us as honey!” You advise us of what is truly useful and saving for us, and we all wish it would be better to die for Christ than to worship idols and live in vanity.

The prison guards informed the prisoners of Lysias himself about this decision. The next morning he ordered the holy martyrs to be brought from prison to him for trial, placed them before him and asked with anger:    

—What demon led you to the crazy decision to rebel against the authorities and not obey the royal command to worship the great gods?    

“We, of course, would be madmen and toys of demons,” answered the saints, if the honor due only to God were given to wooden and stone works of human hands. But now we act wisely, for we worship the Creator of all, who created heaven and earth by His word and brought them from non-existence into being by the spirit of His mouth.

At this time, one of those present at the trial pointed Lysia to Hiero and said:    

“Here is the one who resisted your envoys, and everything you heard about was done by him.”    

Lysias, looking at Hieron, asked where he was from, and when Hieron named his fatherland and place of birth, he asked him again:    

“It was you who resisted the king’s order, relying on your physical strength, and beat the soldiers sent after you?”    

“Yes, I,” the courageous Hieron answered boldly, “ should I not hate those who hate You, Lord, and not be disgusted by those who rebel against You?”

(Ps. 139:21). That’s why I beat them up and drove them away like cowardly hares.

Hearing these words, Lysias became angry and, not giving due credit to Hieron’s courage and strength, reproached him for his disobedience and said:    

“Your madness has driven you to such insolence that you disobeyed the king’s command, did not obey my order, and beat up those sent by us.” For this I command that your impudent hand, which obeyed your crazy head, be cut off to the very elbow.

And immediately Saint Jerome’s hand was cut off, and the other saints, by order of the same tormentor, were mercilessly beaten for a long time.

Then they were all again thrown into prison and thanked God, who had made them worthy to endure such torment for His holy name. But one of them, the aforementioned Victor, a relative of Saint Jerome, exhausted from the beatings he received and fearing even greater ones in the future, secretly called to himself the official who kept a record of the Christians captured and tortured, and humbly begged to erase his name, Victor, from records of the names of prisoners suffering for Christ, and promised to give him one estate for this. Bribed by the gift promised to him, the official fulfilled Victor's request - he destroyed his name in the record and released him from prison at night. But Victor, having left prison, soon died and thus lost his estate, his life, and his martyr’s crown.

When morning came, Saint Jerome learned about what had happened and, full of endless sadness, wept loudly for his relative, exclaiming:    

- Alas, Victor! what did you do? Oh, how hard you paid off! Why did you give yourself into the hands of the enemy? Why did you choose the shame of flight over a crown of glory? Why did you give eternal life for temporary life? Why did you put temporary relief above endless joy? Oh, how you were embarrassed by short-term suffering from minor wounds, which are nothing compared to the eternal torment that awaits you according to God’s judgment!

Having mourned the man who had fallen from the martyrdom, Saint Hieron called to him his two relatives Anthony and Matronian, who followed him, and said to them:    

- Listen to my last wish and, returning from here, carry it out. I give my property, located in Pisidia, to my sister Theotimia, so that she, receiving from it what she needs for food, will perform a memorial for me on the day of my death. However, I leave all my other property to my mother, due to her widowhood and orphanhood; give her also my severed hand and tell her to write to her to ask the governor of the city of Ankyra, the noble Rustik, to give her a house in Vadisan, where let my hand be laid.

Having left such a testament to his relatives, blessed Hieron calmly awaited his martyrdom. And so, on the fifth day, Lysias again sat down in the judge’s seat and, calling the saints, began to force them to worship idols. For a long time he tried, both with caresses and threats, to turn them away from Christ, but had no success, and then he first ordered them to be beaten without mercy with sticks, and then condemned them to be beheaded with a sword. After much torment, the holy martyrs were condemned to death. Led by blessed Jerome, on the way to the place of execution, they joyfully sang the words of the psalm: “Blessed are those who are blameless in the way, walking in the law of the Lord.”

(Ps. 119:1). Arriving at the place of execution, they knelt and prayed to the Lord:    

- Lord Jesus Christ, accept our souls!    

Then their holy heads were beheaded with the sword. Antony and Matronian turned to Lysias with a request to allow them to take the body of their relative Hieron and, when Lysias did not agree, they begged him to give them at least the severed head of Hieron. He answered them that he would give the head only for an amount of gold equal in weight to it. Antony and Matronian greatly grieved that they did not have as much gold as Lysias demanded for the head, although, without a doubt, the honest head of the martyr was worth incomparably more. Then God put it into the heart of one rich and famous man, named Chrysaphia, to give a ransom for the head of the holy martyr Hieron: he gave Lysias as much gold as the head weighed, and, taking it, he kept it with honor. The selfish Lysias then began to look for the severed hand of the saint, hoping to receive gold for it; but Anthony and Matronian, having learned about this, fled to their homeland at night, taking with them the holy hand, and other Christians took the bodies of him and the other holy martyrs, beheaded with him, secretly, and buried them in a hidden place. The aforementioned brothers, bringing the hand of Saint Jerome to his mother Stratonice, presented her with the holy remains. The mother, taking the hand of her beloved son, truncated for the sake of Christ, washed it with tears, kissed it with a mother’s kiss and applied it to her eyes. Rejoicing for her son and at the same time surrendering to natural grief, she said with tears:    

- My dear son, whom I gave birth to alive and healthy! Now I have only a small part of your dead body, but it arouses in me all the more grief. Alas, my son! I gave birth to you in illness, raised you in labor, hoped to have in you support in old age, support in illness, consolation in sorrows, and, instead, I lost you, the light of my blind eyes. But why am I crying, when I should be having fun and rejoicing that I am the mother of a martyr, that I gave the fruit of my womb to God, that you, beloved son, did not die the way people usually die? After all, the martyrdom that you died leads to many and great benefits! But, having departed from me, do not leave me completely, my son, and in your prayers intercede for me before the Lord, for whom you shed your blood, so that He would quickly free me from this difficult life, full of all sorts of troubles.

After this weeping, Stratonica placed the saint’s hand in the place that he himself had deigned to indicate, and brought into fulfillment everything he had bequeathed. And Chrysaphius, who gave a golden ransom for the head of Saint Jerome, after a while built a church on the site where the holy martyrs were beheaded, and with honor placed the head of the martyr in it, glorifying the Holy Trinity.

Kontakion, tone 8:

The martyr's face is clear, the regiment is luminous, having come down to us intelligently, today the church has been illuminated with wonderful dawns. In the same way, as we celebrate their honorable memory, we ask from You, our Savior: deliver us from troubles with those prayers, so that we may sing to You: hallelujah.

Troparion to Valery Melitinsky

Thy martyrs, O Lord, in their suffering received incorruptible crowns from Thee, our God, for having Thy strength, I overthrew the tormentors, crushed the demons of weak insolence. Save our souls with those prayers.

Prayer to Valery Melitinsky

Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Valery, as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

Saint Demetrius of Rostov. "Lives of the Saints".

Deciding what the long-awaited baby will be called is a very responsible matter. Parents always want only the best for their son or daughter, and therefore choose a name very carefully. After all, it has long been known that its meaning influences a person’s fate. But sometimes even this is not decisive. Now parents want to choose the most beautiful, unusual name possible. But before everything was completely different. The newborn was named according to the calendar. The little man who was born received the name of the saint whose memory was honored on his birthday or on the day of christening. It was this monk who became the patron of new life and accompanied his namesake on his path. Therefore, modern parents should think about who will be next to their beloved child in the most difficult times.

But, as you know, there are quite a lot of saints in the Christian Church. Many of them have the same names. Even, it would seem, Valery can be found twice in the calendar. These are May 6 and June 20 (April 23 and June 7, old style). One could say that Valeria celebrates name days according to the church calendar twice a year. But that's not true. The girl's patroness will be only one saint. Therefore, it is worth learning a little better about the lives of those women whom the Church has ranked among

Queen Valeria

The girl was forcibly married to the cruel pagan Maximian, who later became emperor. After his death, the new emperor, Maximin, wanted to marry Valeria. And for refusal, he exiles her and her mother, Queen Alexandra, to Syria, where they lived until his death. With the accession of a new ruler to the throne, the women wanted to return to their native Nicomedia. After all, according to rumors, Licinius did not hate Christians, but was even favorable towards them. But these conversations were false. The treacherous Licinius ordered the execution of the exiles. Their headless bodies were thrown into the sea.

Valeria of Caesarea

Another saint who bore this proud name was the martyr Valeria of Caesarea. She was born a pagan. But after meeting with an unknown Christian, she came to true faith. This prompted her to settle into seclusion and spend all her time in prayer for those who were mistaken in their beliefs, and for those who had converted to Christianity and were being persecuted. Her faith in Christ was so strong that it helped her withstand the brutal torture of the pagans, who forced her to renounce the true God.

Her memory is honored on June 20. It is on this day that Valeria’s name day is celebrated. A girl named a saint can safely count on her help. By the way, Valeria of Caesarea is also known as Kaleria. And although according to civil documents Valeria and Kaleria are completely different people, according to the calendar they are two versions of the same name.

But it is quite possible that the parents named their daughter just like that, without thinking about who would be her patron. When, then, should Valeria’s name day be celebrated? The patroness will be the saint whose memorial day follows the girl’s date of birth.

Valeria's birthday is a worthy occasion to pay attention to this extraordinary, strong, bright, brave, bright and cheerful woman or girl. After all, before the day of remembrance of the patron saint was much more important than his birthday. It was then that guests were gathered, beer was brewed and rolls were baked. Of course, now such importance is no longer attached to this holiday, and Valeria prefers to celebrate her name day in a quiet home environment, but they will still appreciate sincere participation and congratulations.

Name Valery

translated from Latin means strong, strong, vigorous. It is mentioned in the legends of the emperors of Ancient Rome and comes from the Old Roman patrician family name Valerius.

The patron of this ancient name is Valery Melitinsky

- a holy martyr who suffered along with the other thirty-two martyrs from the wrath of Emperor Diocletian.

In those days, emperors were zealous idolaters and ardent persecutors of Christians. Having learned that the inhabitants of some regions of Cappadocia and Armenia refuse to worship idols contrary to the order of the emperor, Diocletian sends two soldiers there to exterminate all Christians, among them was the holy martyr Valerius.

Martyr Valery of Sebaste is also considered the patron saint of men bearing the name Valery. In 313, Emperor Constantine the Great signed a law on free religion. Emperor Licinius (his co-ruler) also signed up to this law, but persecution of Christians continued in the areas under his control. Around 320, a Roman army was stationed in Sebastia. It included 40 Christian soldiers who arrived from Cappadocia (the territory of modern Turkey). Among them was Valery, who later became the holy martyr of Sebaste. The imperial commander forced them to worship idols, to which the soldiers responded with a decisive refusal. Then they were arrested and taken to a lake located near the city of Sevastia. It was bitterly cold. The soldiers were stripped and left on an ice-covered lake. Such torment was especially difficult because, for greater temptation, the torturers set up a warm bathhouse on the shore of the lake. Anyone who wanted to be saved had to announce to the prison guard that he was renouncing Christ. The martyrs stood courageously all night in the bitter cold. However, early in the morning one of them broke down. Having left the lake, he moved to the bathhouse, and upon entering the warm room, he immediately died. After some time, the prison guard noticed that an unearthly light was shining above the martyrs, who continued to stand in the cold. Shocked by this miracle, the watchman declared himself a Christian, and, throwing off his clothes, joined the remaining soldiers. Not expecting such a turn of events, the torturers broke their legs with hammers and burned them, throwing the remains of the courageous Christian warriors into the river.

Modern Valery

fearless and persistent. In any team, he easily becomes a reliable leader: in any, even the most dangerous and difficult situation, he is able to maintain amazing composure and clarity of mind. It is noteworthy that, always occupying a prominent place in society, Valery is, as it were, initially insured against failures and setbacks.

her name day twice a year

March 22
- Holy Martyr Valery of Sebaste.
November 20
- Holy Martyr Valery Melitinsky.

The icon of Valery of Sebaste displays the face of one of the forty martyrs - Martyr Valery, who accepted death in the name of Christ.

In 313, Emperor Constantine the Great reigned. He issued a decree that Christians could freely practice their faith and the rights of pagans and Christians were equal. But Licinius, Constantine's co-ruler, was a true pagan and in his part of the state he decided to get rid of Christianity. Licinius declared war on Constantine and decided to remove all Christians from his army.

In the Armenian city of Sebastia, the commander of an army of forty people was Agricolaus, he professed pagan faith. In many battles this army emerged victorious. All the soldiers were Christians. When Agricolaus ordered the soldiers to sacrifice to the pagan gods, they all refused. The angry commander sent them to prison. The soldiers prayed earnestly in prison, and one day a voice appeared to them, saying: “He who endures to the end will be saved.”

In the morning, the soldiers were brought to Agricolaus, and he began to flatter his subordinates, talking about their courage. He again suggested that they renounce the Lord, thereby they would be forgiven by the emperor. But this time Agricolaus was refused. He ordered the soldiers to be shackled, to which the eldest of them, Kirion, said that the emperor had not given such a decree. Agricolaus was embarrassed and sent the soldiers back to prison without shackles. Seven days later, the dignitary Lysias arrived in Sebastia and began to judge the soldiers. The holy martyrs answered that they would give their lives for the Lord, but would not renounce their faith. Lysias ordered the soldiers to be stoned. All the flying stones flew away, and not a single one hit the martyrs. And the stone thrown by Lysias hit Agricolaus. Everyone understood that the holy martyrs were protected by an invisible force. They were sent back to prison and there, during prayer, the soldiers again heard the voice of the Lord: “He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Be bold and do not be afraid, for you will receive imperishable crowns.”

It was winter and severe frost then. The martyrs were stripped and taken to the lake. They left the martyrs with the guards on the cold ice overnight. A bathhouse was lit not far from the lake to break the martyrs. At night, when the frost became even stronger, one of the warriors could not stand it and rushed to run to the bathhouse, but upon crossing the threshold he died. At three o'clock in the morning it suddenly became light, and the water in the lake became warmer, the ice melted, and crowns shone over the heads of the martyrs. Aglai, who was awake at that moment, counted them. It turned out 39, one of the martyrs, who did not pass the test, lost his crown. Then Aglai began to say that he was now also a Christian and, taking off his clothes, joined the martyrs.

The next morning everyone saw that the martyrs were alive and Aglai was glorifying the Lord with them. Then the soldiers were taken out of the lake and their legs were broken. The bodies of all the martyrs were placed on a chariot and taken to be burned. The remaining bones were thrown into the river so that Christians could not collect them. Three days later, forty saints appeared to the Bishop of Sebaste in a dream and ordered their remains to be collected and buried. The bishop collected the remains of the martyrs and buried them with honor. Saint Valery of Sebaste, whose icon is found in many churches, is a symbol of faith.

Angel Valery Day according to the church calendar

When is Valeria's Angel Day celebrated? They choose a day of remembrance of a saint with the same name, which is close to his birthday. There are several such days a year.

datePatron Saint
March 22Martyr Valery of Sevastia
the 6th of MayMartyr Valery
November 7Martyr Valery
20 NovemberMartyr Valery Melitinsky

You can congratulate Valery on his name day in verbal form. At the same time, the text must be selected carefully, because they pay special attention to what is said. Therefore, in order to avoid further awkwardness, you can use already prepared congratulations. On the day of their angel, Valeria prays to her patron and always comes to church.

May the Lord protect you!

Watch also the video about the Day of the Angel Valery and the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste:

Icon of the Goddess of Beauty Hieromonk Ambrose sits bored in the monastery shop. We clean the candlesticks. A young girl comes in. He examines the icons and asks: “Father, are all your icons holy?” “That’s it,” Father Ambrose answers. — I need an icon of the goddess of beauty. We stopped work, listening to... INSTRUCTIONS ARE A PRICELESS GIFT. SCHEIGUMEN JEROME OF SANAKSAR. - Don’t know what to do right? - Ask for a Guardian Angel. A good thought will come and put it on your heart what to do. The heart will become light, there will be peace. If there is fear and anxiety, don’t do anything. - If you start any business, stand to the east and pray. - How to beg your children?... “Lord, may your will be done in everything!” Not the way I want, the way You give!!!” A rich man was riding in a carriage... He saw a peasant sitting on the pavement. The man cried: “Not as you want, but as God wills!” Not as you want, but as God wills! Despite the coachman (“look, they say, drunkards”), the master ordered to stop the carriage. I called the man and asked him why he was sitting here. P... The world has turned upside down... FRIENDS, CLICK “SHARE”, LET MORE PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THIS! One woman became pregnant for the second time. In principle, she already had one adult child, her career was going uphill, and she was not young... In the end, she decided to terminate the pregnancy. I made an appointment with the doctor...

Orthodox Church calendar

Kontakion 1

The fourty chosen passion-bearers of Christ, in the city of Sebaste, who passed through fire and water and entered into eternal rest, we praise you, our intercessors, with songs. But you, who have great boldness towards the Lord, free us from all troubles, calling to you with love: Rejoice, holy forty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Ikos 1

Angels of God, guardians of the human race, seeing your bold confession of Christ before the tormentor, invisibly strengthening you for the suffering feat. We, who have accomplished this feat of goodness, joyfully cry out to you: Rejoice, you who rejoiced at the bold confession of Christ; Rejoice, having astonished your tormentors with your wondrous patience. Rejoice, having put the devil to shame through your sufferings; Rejoice, having armed yourself with the invincible power of Christ against the invisible enemy and all his evil deeds, you have overcome the machinations. Rejoice, decoration of the innumerable martyr’s face; Rejoice, powerful helpers of the militant Churches on earth. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the bestial tormentor the faith of the martyrs, imprison them; The gracious Lord visited His servants, praising the firstfruits of their feat and admonishing them to unflinchingly complete it, for only the one who endures to the end is crowned in the Kingdom of Heaven and is honored with the angels’ song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The Divine Mind received Christ from Him who appeared to you, strengthened itself in the suffering struggle, holy passion-bearer, and imputed the reproach of Agricola the tormentor into praise for itself. For this reason we cry out to you: Rejoice, you who have acquired the right mind of the knowledge of God and who have completely surrendered your will to the will of God; Rejoice, you who have counted all the delights of the world and military glory for Christ’s sake as nothing. Rejoice, you who did not listen to the caresses of the tormentor and who were not afraid of his terrible reprimands; Rejoice, Christ’s imprisonment for the sake of those who endured. Rejoice, visited by the Savior of the world in chains, comforted by good words from Him and strengthened for the feat; Rejoice, for with faith you comfort those who honor you in sorrow and deliver them from troubles. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 3

The power of the Most High has made you, holy passion-bearers, strong in speech before the ungodly, and also not tolerating your insolence, the proud tormentor threw you back into prison, in a state of joyful flowing, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Possessed, passion-bearers, in the prison of your fellow-sufferer Kirion, good for yourself as a teacher, strengthened in the faith of Christ and, having recently been brought to trial, you fearlessly present yourself to Prince Lysias and Agricolaus to the governor, wisely reproaching their wickedness. For such boldness of yours, we bring you great praises: Rejoice, you have been clothed in the armor of the faith of Christ and covered with the shield of His grace; Rejoice, you who loved the only Christ above all others and for the sake of His command you despised the lawless tormentors. Rejoice, you who preached the power of Christ before the wicked and demonstrated the omnipotence of God; Rejoice, for even throwing stones will not touch you. Rejoice, for by the power of God I return to those who throw; Rejoice, for even now with your prayers to God you are repelling the arrows of the enemy from us. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 4

Breathing in a storm of anger against Christ, the proud Fox threw the sufferers into prison, in which Christ appeared again, encouraging, comforting them and promising incorruptible crowns in the Kingdom of Heaven; They, having heard this, joyfully shouted to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Having heard the tormenting, firm confession of the passion-bearers of Christ, I was condemned to stand an all-night vigil in the cold lake; They, having the fire of Divine love in their hearts, were not afraid of the fierce scum, but unanimously glorified God, going to suffer. We, marveling at this patience, call this: Rejoice, confessors of Christ’s good victory; Rejoice, destroyer of idolatry. Rejoice, having through the patience of cruel torment entered into eternal rest; Rejoice, having gained indescribable benefits through the diseases of suffering. Rejoice, dear and strong and forty stones; Rejoice, you who strengthen and illuminate the Church of Christ. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing stars of Christ appeared to the saints, shining in the cold of the night in Lake Sebastia, who were not deceived by the warm bath of temptation, but from the angels I bowed to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the saints, as if one fell away from them, fearing the filth of the night, and hiding in a warm bath and dying, I cried out to the Lord with warmth, that He might strengthen them in the struggle of suffering and glorify His name. We call you to this: Rejoice, glorious victorious ones, who have conquered all the machinations of the opposing forces; Rejoice, you who stood by the lake all night. Rejoice, you who called upon the Lord with one accord; Rejoice, for in your patience the Lord sent speedy help to you. Rejoice, for the Divine light shines from heaven upon you; Rejoice, you who have received crowns of light from heaven. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of the wondrous miracle, the guards, who were in the baths, told how in the night the light of heaven in the lake of the martyrs melted the ice and turned the cold into warmth, having heard the hedgehog, the torment was inflamed with anger, not knowing how to sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Having risen in the lake to the heavenly light, the grace of God arose in the heart of one from the guards, as if he, having taken off his robe, was cast into the lake by the holy martyr, filling the place of the fallen, and thus the prince of darkness was put to shame, rejoicing at the diminishment of the face of the sufferers; to whom we now cry out this: Rejoice, Christ's passion-bearers, by your prayers and patience you have turned the joy of the devil into sorrow; Rejoice, you who delivered him faithfully from malice and deceit. Rejoice, having been enlightened in the cold water by the grace of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, for by your standing in the lake of the mental serpent you crushed the head. Rejoice, full of the Pentecostals, having cheerfully presented yourself to Christ; Rejoice, through faith, patience and suffering of Christ, for the sake of inheriting the bliss of paradise. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 7

Although the miraculous sufferers wanted to preserve their faith in Christ immaculately, military glory and the caresses of the tormentors, they imputed nothing and all the fierce torment, like disembodiment, endured, chanting to the all-powerful man-lover God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The tormentor’s new and final thoughts are the suffering of the holy martyr, so that their legs will be crushed like gold, even though the sufferers have endured valiantly. And so, having completed the martyrdom, he gave up his souls in the hand of God and received incorruptible crowns from Him. We shout in praise to them: Rejoice, beautiful shoots of the garden of Jesus, not with axes, but with hammer; Rejoice, dear vessels of God’s grace, for the contrition of the name of Christ. Rejoice, you who have gloriously ended your suffering feat; Rejoice, you have been received into cohabitation from the faces of the Angels. Rejoice, from the prophets and apostles, for those who followed in their footsteps were kindly met; Rejoice, great glory to the entire Christian race. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 8

The wonderful mother of Saint Meliton, alone from the face of the sufferers, showed strange love for children and undaunted valor; Seeing the bodies of the martyrs, she was taken to be burned, her son, still alive, was treacherously abandoned, taking him on her shoulder, and she, having given up her spirit, presented herself with the rest to Christ God, singing to Him in joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All bestiality showed torment, when the holy commanded the bodies of the martyrs to be burned with fire and their ashes thrown into the river, so that their memory would be destroyed from man, otherwise they would be put to shame, but I glorified the Lord to eternal generations before Angels and men. For this reason, we cry out to them: Rejoice, according to the words of the psalmist, you who have passed through fire and water; Rejoice, fellow members of the passion of Christ. Rejoice, for through your suffering deed you have confounded the enemies of the Church of Christ and strengthened the faithful in the faith; Rejoice, vigilant prayer books for the Christian race. Rejoice, you who dwell forever in the abodes of the Heavenly Father; Rejoice, you who ask the Lord for the welfare of the world through your intercession. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 9

All Christians were greatly surprised at how the bones of the holy martyrs miraculously shone brightly at night in their mouths, and honestly gathered, at the command of the saints, generous healings were given to the faithful, so that we sing to the wondrous God in His saints: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The ancient Vetia, illuminated by the Spirit of God, prophetically spoke about the death of the faithful in the Psalter: “I passed through fire and water, and brought us to rest.” You, holy martyrs, have accomplished this deed. For this reason, we cry out to you in praise: Rejoice, having fulfilled David’s prophecy; Rejoice in your sufferings, like gold in a furnace, purified. Rejoice, you who have kept the faith of Christ to the end; Rejoice, for by your intercession to God you save us from troubles. Rejoice, you who help us in sorrows and needy situations; Rejoice, you who teach the salvation of souls. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 10

You are naturally a great helper of our salvation, holy passion-bearers, and we also diligently resort to you; Help us, by your intercession to the Lord, to spend the remaining time of our earthly life in repentance, piously and in all circumstances to gratefully cry out to the Provider God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

With the wall of your prayers, protect us, passion-bearers of Christ, from all the evils and snares of the enemy, so that we protect you, we bless you by name: Rejoice, Kirion, Candida and Domna, teacher of the Divine Scriptures; Rejoice, O Angie and Aetie of glory, with your souls flying like eagles to heaven. Rejoice, Athanasius, Aglaia, Viviana and Gorgonia, who loved Christ God; Rejoice, Ekdite, Gaia, Eunoices, Eutyches, Dometians and Joannas, who laid down their souls for Christ. Rejoice, Hesychius, Heraclius, Cyril, Claudius, Lysimachus and Leontius, who have received heavenly blessings; Rejoice, Eliana and Elijah, the prophet Elijah, who was jealous of the glory of God. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 11

We offer songs of praise to you, holy martyrs, because for the love of Christ you did not spare your flesh and magnified the triumph of faith with your blood; Likewise, your memory, like the brightest lamps of faith, shines forever in the Church, illuminating the meanings of the faithful who sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Illuminated by the light of heaven, with intelligent eyes we behold you, glorified passion-bearers of Christ, who stand before the throne of the Most Holy Trinity and boldly bring prayers for peace; We also cry out to you in prayer and praise: Rejoice, passion-bearers of Christ Nicholas, Priscus, Smaragd, Sakerdon, Severians and Sisinii, glorious conquerors of the evils of the enemy; Rejoice, Philokgimon and Theophilus, who accomplished the work of Divine love. Rejoice, Khudione, Xanthie and Flavius, warriors of Christ's goodness; Rejoice, Melitone, Theodula and Valens, most faithful servants of the Most High God. Rejoice, martyrs of Christ Valeria, Alexandra and Akaki, most zealous in fulfilling the commandments of the Lord; Rejoice, through your spring memory you proclaim to us the spring of Christ’s eternal bliss. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 12

The Xiropotamian monastery is abundantly filled with grace, possessing your venerable relics, glorified martyrs and wonderworkers. In the same way, fill us, who brighten your memory, with the grace of God with your prayers, so that we sing miracles to the giver of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your honorable suffering, holy martyrs, we praise the Lord, who strengthened you and crowned you with incorruptible crowns in heaven, and as saints of God and our warm intercessors before Him, we praise this: Rejoice, fourty unshakable pillars of Christ’s Church; Rejoice, for you illuminate all the ends of the earth with your glorious memory. Rejoice, for in your bodily weaknesses you have shown great strength of spirit; Rejoice, for in the labors of fasting and prayer you console and strengthen us. Rejoice in the city of Sevastistem, like the mental sun, shining through suffering; Rejoice, temples and abodes of saints dedicated to your name, vigilant patrons. Rejoice, holy fourty martyrs of Sebastia, glorified wonderworkers.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy passion-bearers of Sevastia, the flattery of the evil one and the glorious victorious ones! By your intercession with the Lord, ask us for victory over harmful passions and worldly pride, so that, having lived in repentance, we will be worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, always gratefully singing to God for you: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times. Then the 1st Ikos “Angels of God...” and the 1st Kontakion “The Chosen Passion-Bearers...”

Prayer to the Holy Forty Martyrs of Sebaste

Oh, the holy and glorious passion-bearers of Christ, the fourty, in the city of Sebastia, who courageously suffered for Christ, who passed through fire and water and entered into the peace of the Kingdom of Heaven, with the Angels and all the saints, brightly rejoicing! You, as friends of Christ, have great boldness to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for the Christian race, especially for those who honor and call upon you with faith and love. In the same way, we, who celebrate your holy memory, warmly cry out: ask us from the generous Lord for forgiveness of our sins, voluntary and involuntary, so that we may live the remaining time of our earthly life in repentance and keeping the commandments of God, always remembering death and righteous judgment, when it will be given to each according to his business. For you, glorious martyr, in the rank of war for the name of Christ, have fought hard and unanimously and have diligently laid down your souls for Him, so help us to remain firm and unshakable in the Orthodox faith. She, saints of God, be our protectors from all enemies, visible and invisible, so that under the roof of your holy prayers we will be preserved from all evils even until the last day and hour of our death, and thus we will glorify for you the All-Holy, Worshipful Name of the Almighty Trinity, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The prayer is different

O holy and glorious passion-bearers of Christ, the fourty, in the city of Sebastia, for the sake of Christ, who bravely suffered through fire and water, and as friends of Christ entered into the peace of the Heavenly Kingdom, have great boldness to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for the Christian race: especially for those who honor the holy memory yours, and those who call you with faith and love. Ask the all-merciful God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our lives, so that in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, having lived with each other, we will boldly appear before the terrible judgment seat of Christ, and through your intercession we will appear at the right hand of the righteous Judge. To her, saints of God, be our protectors from all enemies, visible and invisible, so that under the shelter of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life, and thus we will glorify the great and venerable name of the all-powerful Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer three

Oh, passion-bearers of Christ, who courageously suffered in the city of Sevastia, we earnestly resort to you, as our prayer books, and ask: ask the All-Bountiful God for forgiveness of our sins and correction of our lives, so that in repentance and unfeigned love for each other, we will live with boldness before the terrible judgment. We will stand before Christ and your intercession at the right hand of the Righteous Judge. To her, God's servants, awaken us, God's servants (names), protectors from all enemies, visible and invisible, so that under the shelter of your holy prayers we will get rid of all troubles, evils and misfortunes until the last day of our life, and thus glorify the great and venerable name of the Almighty Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


In 313, the holy emperor Constantine the Great granted Christians freedom of religion. But power in many provinces still belonged to the pagans, persecutors of Christians. This was the case in the province of Armenia, located on the territory of modern Turkey. Here, in the city of Sebastia, the garrison was commanded by the zealous pagan Agricolaus. And in the winter of 320, he ordered all his soldiers to make sacrifices to idols. Forty people refused, saying that they were Christians and worshiped only the true God, and not idols.

At first, Agricolai persuaded them, promising them promotions and money. Then he began to threaten with prison and shameful death. But the soldiers rejected all the promises and threats, and then the ruler imprisoned them. The prisoners prayed earnestly and at night they heard a voice: He who endures to the end will be saved.

A week later, the noble dignitary Lysias arrived in the city and ordered the Christian soldiers to be stoned. But the stones flew past their target; a stone thrown by Lysias himself hit Agricolaus in the face. Confused, the torturers returned the prisoners to prison to think about what to do with them. At night in prison, the soldiers again heard the comforting voice of the Lord: He who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Be bold and do not be afraid, for you will receive imperishable crowns.

The next day, the warriors were led bound to a lake near the city of Sebastia. It was bitterly cold that day. The soldiers were ordered to undress and placed directly in icy water. And on the shore there was a bathhouse, and the tormentors said that any of them could immediately warm up in it if they renounced Christ. All night the warriors bravely endured the cold, encouraging each other. They sang psalms despite the pain caused by frostbite. And this torment is comparable in strength to burns from fire. One of the warriors, after several hours, could not stand it and ran to the shore, to the bathhouse. But as soon as he stepped onto the threshold of the hot bathhouse, due to a sharp temperature change, his skin and flesh began to separate, and he died.

The night wore on, and the guards guarding the place of torment fell asleep. Only one of them, Aglaius, could not sleep. He was amazed: how do these Christians, despite unheard-of torment, not stop praying? At three o'clock in the morning he saw that a bright light was spreading over the lake, just like in summer. It became so warm that the ice melted. Aglaiy was perplexed: what is happening? Looking up, he saw luminous crowns above the heads of the warriors. There were thirty-nine Ventsovs according to the number of steadfast martyrs who remained. Then Aglaius threw off his clothes and shouted, waking up the other guards: And I am a Christian! and ran to the martyrs. He prayed: Lord God, I believe in You, in Whom these soldiers believe. Join me with them, so that I may be worthy to suffer with Your servants. In the morning the chiefs of the tormentors returned and saw that the soldiers were still alive, and in addition one of the jailers was among them! In a rage, Lysias and Agricolaus ordered the martyrs' legs to be broken with hammers to make the suffering unbearable. But even dying from torment, the soldiers did not stop praying and praising the True God. Lysias ordered the destruction of the remains of the soldiers so that Christians would not venerate the relics of the new martyrs. The bodies of the saints were burned at the stake, and the bones were thrown into the river. Three days later, the martyrs appeared in a dream to Bishop Sebaste Peter and ordered him to take the bones from the river. The bishop and several priests secretly came to the river at night. Lo and behold: the bones of the martyrs shone in the water like stars! Christians collected the remains of the saints and buried them with honor.

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