Characteristics of the name Svetlana and name day according to the church calendar

Svetlana's Angel Day - what date is this holiday celebrated? The name Svetlana was very popular in the 50s-70s; today hundreds of thousands of women bear this name. The name Svetlana is the light that its owner carries, has its own patron and name day in the church calendar. It is worth noting that Svetlana celebrates her name day several times a year, but each owner of the name has her own date. Today we will talk about what date is Svetlana’s Angel Day. Read the following article on the pages, and you will find out what date the name Svetlana is in 2022 and in other years.

Patron Saints and Angel Day

Svetlana in church - Fotinia (Fotina, Fatinia) . Photinia of Palestine was the patroness of all Svetlana. Her path to faith began with a shipwreck in which only she could survive. Then the waves washed this girl to the island where blessed Martinian lived. It was he who told Svetlana that he had been living on this island completely alone for many years, but three times a year a shipowner came to him and brought provisions. After this story, he blessed Svetlana, and he rushed into the sea, where he was picked up by dolphins and was able to get to the shore with their help.

After some time, a shipman sailed to the island, but the girl refused to return to the world, after which she devoted all her time to prayers. After 6 years, she died, which was discovered by the shipowner who once again arrived on the island. The Venerable Samaritan and Great Martyr Svetlana was buried in Caesarea in Palestine, where on January 10, 1991, a temple was erected in her honor.

In Orthodoxy, the righteous turn to the icon of St. Svetlana with any problems in their lives, praying for well-being and health. Akathists in Latin are also dedicated to her.

According to the calendar, Svetlana’s name day according to the church calendar is celebrated three times a year according to the following biblical numbers:

  • February 26.
  • April 2.
  • November 16.

If the child was born approximately on these Orthodox dates with a slight difference in days, then he should be given the name Svetlana at baptism.

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Who she is – Svetlana (Fotina) Rimskaya

On April 2, 2022, prayers are offered to the martyr Photina of Rome. Her life is filled with suffering caused by Emperor Nero. During his reign (54-64), the struggle against Christianity and all followers of Christ was actively waged with particular cruelty.

The saint learned about her future torment from the Lord, who appeared to her at the well. She voluntarily came to the emperor with her children and sisters to prove the truth of God's power and love for believers. For three long years the martyr endured bullying and deprivation. A special punishment for her was death in a well.

During this time, Svetlana was able to convert Nero's daughter and her servants to Christianity. Perhaps that is why the emperor tortured the maiden, her sons and sisters with particular cruelty. All of them were canonized as holy martyrs.

Characteristics of the name

Svetlanas are responsible, independent individuals who are accustomed to relying only on themselves. All the energy of this name is literally imbued with mobility, lightness, emotionality and fun. This is probably why it remains very popular among the Slavic peoples.

In their lives, these women are distinguished by their sociability and friendliness; they adore cheerful, noisy companies, as well as new acquaintances. The Svets fully justify their bright name, since they are non-envious and unforgiving individuals who can easily find a common language with absolutely any opponent. They do not have any special tenacity of character or the ability to complete the work they have started, however, thanks to their self-confidence, such women manage to convince people around them that they have the qualities they lack.

The character reveals kindness and authority , inability to make decisions and perseverance, altruism and high self-esteem. The generosity and friendliness of such women does not prevent them from being a commander and leader, as well as firmly defending their opinions. Svetlana's positive qualities are more pronounced than her negative ones. They know how to not pay attention to someone’s public opinion, they even like it when people talk about them.

It is always quite difficult for Lights to cope with their emotions; they are very temperamental individuals. Their authority goes well with their easygoing nature. That is why it is easy to communicate with such women, even if they are in a bad mood.

If necessary, such individuals can easily change their lives, reconsider their priorities and views. Lights easily take on faith everything that other people say.

Fate is not always favorable to Svetlana , but a flexible psyche and good adaptability allow such women to endure setbacks.

They quite often need support, but they absolutely do not know how to ask for help, and by nature they do not have enough determination to achieve some high goal that women set for themselves. The Lights begin to panic at the first difficulties, but it is not in their nature to ask for help. The indecisiveness of these women forces them to go with the flow, as well as follow a well-trodden path.

Despite all the absurdity of their character, Svetlana knows how to make friends completely devotedly and selflessly. It is always cozy and bright to be around such people, and the wisdom that necessarily comes to them with age only enhances the attractiveness of women for communication. There has never been and never will be self-interest and impudence in such individuals.

Origin of the name

The name Svetlana has Slavic roots and has several versions of its appearance:

  1. The name was invented by A. Kh. Vostokov and used it in his romance “Svetlana and Mstislav” in 1802.
  2. The name appeared much earlier and was used by the Slavs in Ancient Rus', but was later forgotten. And it was A. Kh. Vostokov who gave him “new life”.

The name Svetlana has two versions of origin.
This name is constructed from a combination of two words: “light” and “lan”. The meaning of the concept of “light” has not changed today, and “lan” among the ancient Russians meant “earth”. Thus, we can assume that the name Svetlana means “Light of the Earth.” There is also a second interpretation of the name form - “light”, this can refer both to external data, for example “blond-haired”, and to internal ones – “bright, pure soul”.

It was after the publication of Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana” that this name became popular

The name became most widespread after the publication of V. A. Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana”. Also, the peak of popularity was the 50–70s of the 20th century.

do not know these terrible dreams, you, my Svetlana... Be, creator, her protection! Not a wound of sorrow, Not a moment of sadness, let a shadow touch her; Her soul is like a clear day; Oh! let the hand of disaster sweep past; Like a pleasant brook Shine in the bosom of a meadow, Be her whole life bright, Be as cheerful as she was, Her friend of days. Vasily Zhukovsky “Svetlana”

Sveta's childhood and youth

Little girls are their mother's first helpers ; they are happy to wash dishes, help cook and babysit their younger sisters and brothers. Svetki is cheerful and sociable, easily joining any children's team.

They love to command and are always the center of attention, but they lack self-confidence. They study well at school, since they have a good memory, but their knowledge is very superficial and limited to the information in textbooks. Parents need to instill in their daughters a love of reading from an early age, then they will grow into well-rounded individuals.

These girls have a very flexible psyche , therefore, what values ​​are instilled in them by their parents and teachers in childhood will be the main ones for them. It is necessary to develop sense of purpose in Svetlanas, otherwise, as they get older, they will not want to study or work.

However, strict upbringing is not suitable for Sveta, since in this case the volcanic sides of the girl’s character may appear. After many years of suppressing emotions and feelings, they can be transmitted with a vengeance in the form of wild life and fun. Therefore, parents need to find a middle ground.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Svetlana cannot part with her childhood for a long time, she tries to constantly be under someone’s care, and it is difficult for her to develop as an independent person. A girl cannot understand what she wants from life, who she dreams of becoming, she is highly dependent on public opinion, her friends can influence her thoughts. Having heard any clever phrase, a woman can pass it off as her own, as a result of which she finds herself in awkward situations. Growing up, Sveta becomes more reasonable, calm, and learns to make decisions thoughtfully. Her weaknesses are excessive touchiness and gullibility. A girl is most at ease being at home; she easily copes with household chores.

It is very difficult for Svetlana to live independently, she cannot decide what she wants

Svetlana is a sweet soul, You are bright even in your name!
There is so much trepidation and warmth in him, and she is good to everyone! Easy to communicate, simple, But also with cheerful mischief You strive to do everything wisely And that’s why there is a star among us! unknown

Svetlana's positive character traits are friendliness, sociability, sensitivity, and cheerfulness. The girl quickly forgets insults and does not try to take revenge. She loves to be in an atmosphere of celebration, joy and fun, and easily organizes it herself. Lana always supports her friends and family without demanding anything in return. She makes friends absolutely disinterestedly. With age, a woman acquires wisdom, which she really needs.

Svetlana likes to have fun, attend noisy events, and experience a feeling of joy

Among the minuses, it can be noted that Sveta lacks determination, understanding of herself and her desires. The girl is also characterized by secrecy, indecision, panic, and slightly inflated self-esteem. You can rarely find logic in her thinking; it is difficult for a woman to concentrate on anything. All her hobbies last for a short period, then she sets out to find new ones, otherwise she becomes bored with life. The main problem is dependence on fun and friendly company, all this distracts Sveta from important life issues, which leads to numerous mistakes and wrong actions.

Svetlana lacks determination and dedication

From the outside, the girl looks like an easy-going and sociable person. But if necessary, Svetlana can become a real commander and cause pain even to those closest to her. However, in the most fateful moments, a woman cannot control herself and often makes mistakes.

Svetka is a beauty and a flirt, I have never seen anyone like her, She is undoubtedly a heartbreaker, But she is a sociable person.

Difficulties and misfortunes temper Svetlana, make her stronger.
Sveta is not always happy; on her life’s path she encounters a large number of obstacles and failures, which the girl experiences hard, and begins to engage in introspection. But any adversity makes Svetlana stronger, which helps her move on.

How the name Svetlana affects the character of a child

As a child, Sveta has a complex, independent character, she does not tolerate deception, listens to her parents, respects her elders, tries to help others, often neglecting her own interests. The girl loves to communicate and easily fits into any children's company. If she moves to another city, Lana will not worry; moving to another school or kindergarten will not be stressful for her. The child is interested in many things, explores every corner of his home, and looks at new objects with delight. In general, little Sveta is a sociable and cheerful girl.

Little Sveta easily joins any team

Svetlana is not particularly successful in her studies, but she doesn’t experience any particular problems either. She is more interested in spending time talking with her friends than listening to a “boring” lesson. Although the girl has a good memory and an active mind, it is not difficult for her to understand school disciplines and easily answer the teacher’s questions. It happens that Sveta is especially interested in one of the school subjects, then she takes a thorough approach to studying it, and in the future she may choose a profession related to this discipline.

Sveta does not show much zeal in her studies

I came to first grade with flowers of Sveta - You couldn’t see her because of the bouquet.
Zinaida Alexandrova “First of September”

In high school, her attitude towards studying does not change; the girl still bounces from “C” to “B”, but this doesn’t bother her at all. Svetlana loves to be the center of attention, but often feels insecure. Young Lana begins to take an interest in fashion, tries to create stylish images, but she lacks the sense of proportion that will appear over the years.

Svetlana is interested in fashion, but she lacks a sense of proportion in choosing a wardrobe

Parents need to help Svetlana develop determination and hard work. The girl has a flexible psyche that responds well to instructions. If adults do not take this issue seriously, then there is a chance that their child will never show a desire to study, and then work, and will sit on the neck of the parents, and then the husband.

Her name is Svetlana, as in one song.
She is always welcome, in the company of anyone! unknown

Svetlana is very dependent on the opinions of her friends.
A girl named Svetlana loves communication, spending time in the company of friends, but she is too dependent on the opinions of her friends. But gossip and discussion of her person do not irritate Lana; she likes what they talk about her, even if not in the best context. Sveta is too impulsive and trusting, she doesn’t understand people well, but over the years this skill will come to her.

Hobbies and talents

It is difficult for a woman to find a hobby that would interest her for a long time. Young Sveta loves to sew, her perseverance helps her with this. Having matured a little, the girl is interested in sports, but does not strive for world records, she does it simply to keep herself in good shape. After getting married, Svetlana became interested in cooking and prepared a variety of unusual dishes.

Svetlana can sew a new outfit from old clothes

Throughout her life, the girl tries to follow fashion. As a child, she does not wear dirty clothes and always combs her hair. As she gets older, she begins to choose stylish clothes, even if there is no money for them, Svetlana sews them herself: from two old things she can make a beautiful new outfit.

Profession, career and money

Svetlana finds it difficult to decide on the right profession for her. She is able to change more than ten jobs before she finds something she likes. The girl is of little interest in her career and leading position in the team. She is not a workaholic, but she takes orders responsibly.

Svetlana has a chance to build a successful career as a designer

A woman named Svetlana can become a good manager, doctor, accountant, psychologist, cook, waiter or bartender. Her creativity allows her to make a career in television, music, art or interior design.

Light in the window Svetlana.
She's like an actress from the screen: Smiles and sings, And walks carelessly through life. unknown

Already in adulthood, a woman can suddenly change her field of activity, which often brings only advantages. To gain new knowledge for the profession, Svetlana is engaged in self-education.

For the sake of a new profession, Svetlana can engage in self-education

A girl should not start her own business. She lacks the determination and composure to control all processes. Because of this, the business will quickly burn out and fall apart.

Svetlana is not in poverty, but she is not the main financial earner in the family. A woman does not know how to save money; she can spend a round sum in a day and never regret it. The husband must manage the family finances, since Sveta cannot be trusted with this matter.


In early childhood, Sveta is prone to respiratory and allergic diseases. Around the age of five, dental problems arise that will continue throughout life. The girl loves sweets very much, so with age, difficulties with excess weight may appear. Svetlana usually has no other bad habits.

Svetlana needs to control her intake of sweet foods, as she is predisposed to gain weight.

The woman loves sports, so she has a good figure. Sveta may experience migraines, to get rid of which the girl needs to get a good night's sleep.

My Svetlana suffers at night - Everyone has been sleeping for a long time, but she just can’t sleep: Her boss can, but doesn’t want to Increase her salary by five rubles.
I’m trying to calm Svetlana down, but then Svetlana, apparently in her heart, said something about the boss that made my face involuntarily turn pale. Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep, my Svetlana! Vladimir Kuzmin “Sleep, my Svetlana”


Svetlana attracts men even without having outstanding appearance. Young people see something special and attractive in this girl. Sveta herself is not used to trusting and opening up to men, perhaps this is due to her first non-reciprocal love. A woman does not show signs of attention first, never imposes herself, tries not to become attached to a man, as she is afraid of betrayal by her chosen one. She endures a painful breakup for a long time, preferring only friendship with men. But at the same time, Lana cannot imagine her life without romantic feelings and, having recovered from her previous failure, she again throws herself headlong into the pool.

Svetlana doesn't trust men, but she can't live without love

Always surrounded by male attention, Captivating the glances of all people around, Svetlana was born for adoration - Let the envious illness run away.

If the partner proves his loyalty to the girl, shows tenderness, warmth and affection, then Svetlana will give herself all, will become “plasticine” in the hands of a man, from which anything can be molded.

For Svetlana, the main thing in a man is the ability to interest her

A woman does not have clear qualities by which she chooses a partner. The main thing is that he can interest her and be easy to communicate with. A girl can melt after a few compliments addressed to her and broad gestures. A man’s external characteristics are not important to Svetlana; she will never date a partner just because of his good looks.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, love came to me like the first snow.
Simple girl, Svetlana, I am captivated by you forever. unknown

Lana is flattered that her personal life is discussed by strangers, but she does not pay attention to their opinions, she is guided only by her feelings and sensations.

The intimate component of relationships is very important for Svetlana

Intimate life is an important component of relationships; it is a source of joy, pleasure, brings peace of mind and fullness of life. Sveta is not a passionate nature, but she tries to give her chosen one all her tenderness and love. In men he values ​​experience and the ability to give pleasure to a woman.

Family and marriage

Svetlana tries to choose a spouse, guided by common sense, and not by feelings. However, even this does not help the girl; often her first marriage ends in divorce, due to the fact that each spouse tries to take the position of leader in the relationship. Lana is in no hurry to get married a second time; she is trying to learn to live independently.

Svetlana's first marriage often ends in divorce

My little light, Svetlana, the light is on in the window.
There is so little time, I rush to you. My little light, Svetlana, the light of beautiful eyes. Everyone around us laughs that we are in love. Group “Nancy” - Svetlana

A second marriage brings Svetlana long-awaited happiness.
But, nevertheless, a second marriage also happens. Now the woman takes the position of a follower, giving unconditional leadership to her chosen one. It is the man who makes all the important decisions in this family. Svetlana finds comfort and happiness in caring for her husband and children, running a household, and creating coziness in the home. Lana makes a good housewife: her apartment is always clean and cozy, and a delicious gourmet lunch awaits you in the kitchen. For the sake of the happiness of her loved ones, Sveta is ready to make the greatest sacrifices.

Table: name compatibility

Male nameCompatibility percentageNature of the relationship
Alexander93%This couple can have a strong and sincere relationship. Alexander is captivated by her mystery in a woman, her ability to show a new world of emotions and sensations for him. Svetlana does not demand the chosen one to abandon conservatism and the desire to be alone. Each of this couple has increased sensitivity and sensitivity to criticism, but this does not affect their relationship in any way. Lovers forgive each other all mistakes and shortcomings. After marriage, there are no more difficulties in their relationship; everyday problems only intensify feelings. No family worries, be it repairs, financial problems or raising children, burden the spouses. And a joint vacation contributes to the greatest unity of partners.
Alexei76%Svetlana is never bored next to Alexey. His optimistic attitude and hope for the best give the girl peace and happiness. The partner treats the chosen one kindly and tenderly, but is prone to strong jealousy. If a woman starts flirting with a stranger, Alexey will cause a real scandal. After the wedding, the lovers enjoy each other, but this lasts only until the birth of the first child. Then their feelings begin to fade away, understatements and suspicions appear. To save the family, spouses need to spend more time together and fall in love with their ordinary, everyday life.
Andrey27%Fragile and emotional Svetlana needs protection and understanding, and Andrei seems to her too selfish and frivolous, unable to give her what she needs. A man is also not attracted to this girl; he does not like her cunning, mystery and ability to manipulate people. Such partners rarely start relationships, much less get married. They can get married only out of stupidity, being at a young age, but the marriage will be unsuccessful and end in divorce.
Dmitriy77%An insane passion initially appears between these two, which later develops into love. Svetlana sees in Dmitry a caring and gentle partner; a man is always ready to come to the aid of his chosen one and please her. The girl attracts Dmitry with her brightness and unusualness, she helps him dilute his boring and gray existence. Lovers express their feelings and emotions a little differently, as a result of which quarrels arise in their couple. After marriage, the spouses form a strong and friendly family. Dmitry's practicality helps them survive everyday difficulties. And the spouse tries to protect herself from problems with an imaginary world, which can cause disagreements in the couple. Svetlana needs to be more realistic about life, then there will be harmony and happiness in the marriage.
Eugene43%Svetlana and Evgeny will not have a love affair. A young man is looking for a short one-night stand, and the girl believes in his decency and honesty. Having learned that she is not the only one with her chosen one, Svetlana breaks off communication. This couple rarely gets married. Even after the wedding, Eugene’s nature will not change, he will not become a faithful and devoted husband. The only thing Svetlana can do is turn a blind eye to her husband’s infidelities. In this case, the marriage can last a very long time.
Igor75%Svetlana and Igor are able to build a strong romance. Partners tend to sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones, which is good for relationships; they value decent, loyal and stable people. Lovers will never cheat on each other; they do not like to sort things out loudly. The monotony and boringness of their life together can drive them crazy, which leads to grievances that are not immediately expressed to the partner, but accumulate in the soul for years. The family life of Svetlana and Igor is filled with trust, mutual support and honesty. After several years of marriage, difficulties may arise due to the inattentive attitude of the spouses and reluctance to inspire each other.
Michael44%Svetlana and Mikhail have poor compatibility. A man will never be ideal for this girl. She has an overly authoritative and domineering character, which frightens the young man; he does not like the fact that the woman does not know how to compromise and competes with him for the place of leader in the relationship. For a short time, these personality traits of his chosen one help Mikhail become more courageous and powerful, but this quickly tires him and he ends the relationship. If a man agrees to the role of henpecked, the partners will enter into a marriage that will be happy only for the first few years. Later, the husband refuses to put up with lack of freedom in the family, which causes scandals and discord, and ultimately ends in divorce.
Sergey43%Sergey and Svetlana will not be able to build a long-term relationship, the whole point is that the man is not looking for a serious romance, but the girl trusts him, considering him decent and honest. But, realizing that she is not the only one with her chosen one, Sveta stops all contact with the young man. If a woman closes her eyes to the adventures of her lover, then they can get married. However, after the official conclusion of the relationship, Sergey will still continue to cheat on his wife.
Fedor22%The relationship between Svetlana and Fedor can hardly be called ideal. Partners are easily interested in each other, but it is difficult for them to be around. A man considers a girl to be too capricious, arrogant and materialistic, while he values ​​the spiritual component in life most of all. To the woman, this young man seems like a loser. Even if feelings do arise, the romance quickly ends due to mutual disappointment. Such a union rarely ends in a wedding, the appearance of children will not be able to unite them, and the slightest difficulties will unsettle the spouses.

Health and sexuality

The main thing for such women is their moral and psychological state . They may often have headaches, especially in those cases when Svetlana is very nervous. These individuals need to follow a daily routine and get enough sleep, otherwise migraine attacks may intensify.

Svetlanas always feel better in the company of men with whom they easily find a common language. These individuals have a superficial approach to life, so they do not have any clear criteria for choosing a partner. If a woman likes a man, she can easily agree to have sex.

At first glance, such natures may seem unapproachable and cold, but in fact they are terribly romantic and sensitive to signs of attention . Life without a man is aimless for Svetlana; they definitely need that person who will love.

Despite all this, sex does not play any important role in a woman’s life. It will be much more important for her to find a spiritual connection, a man’s ability to provide and protect his woman. If the partner is passionate and tender, then Svetlana will literally become clay in his hands, from which a man can mold a sensual woman.

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Winter Svetlana has been able to lead and manipulate people since childhood and tries to be in the center of everyone's attention. She is secretive, intolerant of the shortcomings of others, it is difficult to communicate with her, the girl tries to subjugate any person to her will. For love, she is looking for a partner who can change her domineering character and become a leader in the relationship.

Winter Svetlana loves to be the center of everyone's attention and tries to subjugate those around her

Spring gives Svetlana a weak, secretive character. The girl always doubts everything, worries for any reason, is unsure of herself, and is often depressed. She needs a man who will teach her to perceive the world realistically, not seeing only the bad moments, with whom the woman will feel protected and confident in the future.

Spring Svetlana is not confident in herself and is prone to depression

Svetlana, who was born in one of the summer months, has a good-natured, sincere, but distrustful character. The girl has many talents, but is very closed in communication, which was facilitated by childhood insults and deceptions. Such a woman needs an honest and faithful life partner who will surround her with warmth and care.

Summer Svetlana is distinguished by her good nature and distrust of people

The autumn girl, named Svetlana, has seriousness, prudence, pragmatism, and straightforwardness. A woman is overwhelmed with emotions, but she knows how to control them. The girl is prone to depression, but quickly and easily comes out of it, does not remember evil and does not take revenge on anyone for the insults she has caused. Autumn Svetlana easily copes with both female and male responsibilities; you can rely on her and entrust important matters to her.

Autumn Svetlana is a serious, pragmatic and independent girl

Marriage and compatibility

They choose their spouse carefully . Early marriage is not typical for such women; they wait a long time for their prince, and they rarely make mistakes in their choice.

Home, children and family happiness are what Svetlana can find themselves in. They can leave work without regret and devote themselves entirely to their family. They are given an amazing ability to adapt to people, so Svetlana’s husband will feel happy, since he will not have the need to change his habits.

Svetlanas are ready to let their spouse solve all financial problems, as well as all other life tasks. If a woman is forced to take care of all the affairs herself, then she will be unhappy in her marriage. These individuals will be happy to hand over the palm to the man, but will try to keep all matters under their own unspoken control.

Such women will provide their children with maximum comfort and coziness; all their actions will be subordinated to the interests of the children and husband. However, Svetlana does not know how to spend money rationally, preferring to live only one day at a time.

A successful marriage can develop with men named:

  • Vladimir;
  • Vadim;
  • Boris;
  • Oleg;
  • Basil;
  • Peter;
  • Alexei;
  • Edward;
  • Yuri.

It is not recommended to start serious relationships with men named:

  • Dmitriy;
  • Alexander;
  • Michael;
  • Gleb;
  • Anton;
  • Vladislav;
  • Eugene.


Beautiful and well-groomed Svetlana is popular with men, with whom she feels more at ease than with women. Svetlana often looks like a real snow queen, but appearances are deceiving. In fact, Svetlana is very tender and passionate in love, she gives all of herself to her loved one. For her, a man’s appearance and the size of his wallet are not important. If she likes a man, she will date him, and may even agree to one-time sex without obligation. Having truly fallen in love, Svetlana will not cheat on her chosen one, and he will be happy with her.

Career and business

Over the course of their entire lives, such women can change many jobs and professions until they find something they really like. They are not hardworking by nature , so they rarely reach any career heights. In addition, Svetlanas do not like to study; they often do not have higher education.

They can make a good cook, salesman, bartender, administrator, waitress, operator, manager or copywriter. In addition, Svetlanas are creative people, so they can choose art, culture or music as their field of activity. With age, these individuals can engage in self-education, especially if the chosen business fascinates them.

Since these women really like to show themselves as authoritarian and powerful personalities, they cope well with leadership positions . But they will make a bad businessman. Svetlanas do not know how to complete all the things they start, they do not know how to make profitable deals.

Most often, these natures simply go with the flow, and are not too concerned about building a career and business. These are people of mood, and a momentary impulse can make them radically change their place of work.


Little Svetlana is growing up to be a very active, cheerful, sociable girl. She is always surrounded by friends with whom she loves to walk from morning to evening and play numerous games. At the same time, he does not refuse to help his mother with housework and look after his younger brothers and sisters. From a young age, she chooses the clothes she will wear and the hairstyle her mother will give her. She loves to twirl in front of the mirror in her mother’s clothes and look into her mother’s makeup bag. In a word, she is growing up to be a real coquette.

Thanks to her good memory, Svetlana studies well at school, but without much interest in her subjects. If her parents manage to instill in Svetlana a love of reading, she will grow up to be a comprehensively developed person. During adolescence, Svetlana is more interested in hanging out with friends than studying. If no one monitors her school progress, she will soon lose interest in studying and after school will not want to continue her studies at a higher educational institution. Svetlana knows how to make friends, she will always come to the aid of her friends, for which they appreciate her.

Even as an adult, Svetlana remains friendly and optimistic and loves meeting new people. There is no envy in her, she is not capable of harming anyone. Svetlana cannot always complete a task, but no one around her knows this, since she has the ability to convince people that she has the situation under control. Svetlana does not like to listen to other people's advice, but she loves to be praised. She is very quick-witted, flaring up at her interlocutor, and after a minute she calmly continues the conversation. She practically never has a bad mood. She always dresses with taste, follows fashion, carefully selects jewelry to match her clothes, and loves to visit beauty salons. She can easily start her life from scratch.

Talismans for good luck

Neptune and Mercury are the patron planets.

The patronizing zodiac sign for Svetlana is Aquarius . If a girl who was born under this constellation is called Svetlana, then she will be naturally endowed with talents and abilities.

Winter is considered a good time of year, and Saturday is considered a good day of the week.

Lucky colors for Svetlana: green, blue, red and brown.

Totem plant : lily and birch. The birch is considered a symbol of innocence and beauty; it guards the gates that open the way to heaven. According to Christian traditions, the lily is an integral attribute of the Virgin Mary; it symbolizes 3 main Christian virtues: mercy, hope and faith.

The main totem animal is the hare. The hare is considered a controversial symbol, which means, on the one hand, fertility and love, and on the other hand, cowardice and licentiousness. The Slavs believed that this animal goes to its goal using cunning and deception, but at the same time, the hare lying at the feet of the Virgin Mary is a symbol of victory over lust.

The talisman stone for Svetlana is black opal and rock crystal.


It is unusual for Svetlana to marry the first man she comes across. She understands the value of marriage, so she carefully chooses her husband, thanks to this she practically does not make mistakes in her choice and gets divorced very rarely. For the sake of her family, she can quit her job and devote herself entirely to housekeeping and raising children. Thanks to Svetlana’s ability to adapt to any person, her husband will be comfortable with her and will not have to change his habits. The husband will have to manage the family budget, since Svetlana can spend all the money in a short time and not save anything for a rainy day.

The name Svetlana is of Slavic origin and has the meaning “bright”.

It is believed that women with this name are contradictory by nature, sometimes combining opposite things in their character. So she is a very responsive person, ready to help even a stranger in difficult times. But she can also be vindictive and vindictive.

In marriage, Svetlana is a caring wife and mother. She loves children very much and is faithful to her husband. These women are flexible and diplomatic in their relationships with relatives, which has a beneficial effect on the entire family.

Svetlana carefully takes care of her appearance and tries to maintain her youth as long as possible. She follows fashion trends and tries to dress according to them, but does not always know when to stop.

She has a penchant for leadership, she likes to command, sometimes they make excellent leaders. She is able to learn life lessons and draw conclusions from her mistakes, she is able to change by working on herself.

When is Svetlana's Angel Day celebrated?

In general, a name day is considered to be the day on which a person was baptized and given the name of a saint. But it often happens that people do not remember the day of their christening. But, of course, there is a way out of the situation. In this case, you should use the church calendar. In order to determine what date is the day of the Angel Svetlana, you need to select in the calendar the day of memory closest to the date of birth of the saint bearing the same name. This date is considered to be the name day or the day of the Angel named Svetlana. The saint, whose memory is revered, becomes a heavenly patroness who protects her ward and helps her in all good deeds.

Name day or Angel Svetlana's day can be celebrated on the following dates:

  • February 26, and the patron saint will be the Venerable Svetlana of Palestine;
  • On April 2, the patroness will be the martyr Svetlana of Rome.

One of these dates will become Svetlana’s Angel Day, and the second will be considered a “small” name day.

It is interesting that this name appeared relatively recently - at the beginning of the 19th century. It was invented by A.H. Vostokov and used in the “heroic story” “Svetlana and Mstislav”. The name gained fame thanks to the ballad of the same name by V. Zhukovsky. And it began to spread only after the October Revolution. But the main factor that caused the name to gain popularity at a certain point was that it was the name of I.V.’s daughter. Stalin.

November 18, 2022 at 01:48 pm

Characteristics of the birthday girl Lydia:

From the ancient Greek language - originally from Lydia - the richest region (modern Turkey), which became famous thanks to its ruler - King Croesus, the richest person in the ancient world at that time. The expression “rich as Croesus” has survived to this day.

Lydias come in two distinct types. The first is a very good, respectable, correct woman in everything. She has a good, caring husband, behind whom Lydia is like a wide back - warm, kind, safe.

As a rule, Lydia does not work, but runs a successful household. There is only one problem in this family - childlessness (not always, but in most cases). They raise adopted children, they don’t seem to spoil them, but they do not always grow up, to put it mildly, grateful. In old age, they often remain alone with their husband, but in peace and harmony with each other.

Lydia's second type is completely opposite to the first. This Lydia is simply delightful in her irrepressible thirst for life, in her desire for various kinds of adventures (in the good sense of the word). She loves cheerful companies, practical jokes, hiking, various clubs - choir, dance, etc. Something is always happening to her - sometimes good, sometimes bad. But Lydia always talks about this only with humor. She gets married late - around the age of thirty. Lydia is not as beautiful as she is charming. She is kind, does not keep “bad” things in her head - evil, insults, gossip, etc. Happy in marriage. Her husband, as a rule, adores her. Lydia most often gives birth to boys - smart, proactive, however, without the perky “crazy”, like her mother.

As for business qualities, Lydia is an innate first assistant to any political leader or deputy. directors in any activity. He can be a director, but he doesn’t want to, he thinks it’s a man’s position.

What does the name Svetlana mean?

Here's what. It is translated as “bright”, “pure”, “giving light to people”. That is, with positive energy, a good emotional charge. Wonderful, isn't it? And it’s also great because it is the only Russian personal name (feminine) that has its roots in Russian literature of the early 19th century.

It was there that the name Svetlana was born. Some researchers claim that Svetlana owes the origin of their name to their ancient Slavic ancestors. But this is the opinion of a minority of experts; most scientists are opposed to the version that speaks of the Old Russian roots of the name.

As a rule, Svetlanas are really very “light” girls. In the sense of good-natured, sincere, sympathetic and open to people. But it is worth remembering that Sveta can often amaze with their harshness, straightforwardness and even rudeness, commanding tone in communicating with others. What kind of paradox is this? Psychologists and experts who study the secrets of names note that most Svetlanas are unpredictable girls, paradoxical in many ways. And it is very difficult to understand when they will be soft and fluffy cats, and when they will be a lion rampaging in a cage.

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