The prophecies of Ezekiel, or UFOs in the Bible. Scientist's Theory

The prophecies of Ezekiel stand somewhat apart from others. Firstly, because, if you believe history, this person is quite real, while there are doubts about some others. The priest's son was a priest in the temple of Yahweh (the name of God the Father in the Bible) in Jerusalem.

He was highly revered among the people; This is evidenced by the fact that for some time among his students was the great ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Pythagoras. Secondly, he is the only one of the prophets who, judging by his description, happened to see... a spaceship!

When Ezekiel was still young, an important event occurred in the history of his people - the Jewish king Joachim decided to throw off the yoke of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II. But the uprising was not successful; Jerusalem was soon besieged, Joachim was captured and executed.

And Nebuchadnezzar took 10 thousand people with him to Babylonia as hostages. Ezekiel was among them.

Those taken captive were settled near a tributary of the Euphrates - Khabuur (or Khovar) in Chaldea. In the fifth year of his captivity, as the Bible tells, Ezekeel was called to be a prophet, having witnessed an unprecedented event, which will be discussed below.

In the book of the prophet Ezekiel, which forms one of the parts of the Old Testament, we read:

… “And it came to pass in the thirtieth year in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, while I was among the exiles by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God...

And I saw: and behold, a stormy wind came from the north, a great cloud and a swirling fire, and a radiance around it.

And from the middle of it, as it were, the light of a flame... And... there was the likeness of four living creatures, and what was their appearance: their appearance was like that of a man;

And each has four faces, and each of them has four wings;

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And their legs were straight legs, and the soles of their feet were like the soles of a calf, and they sparkled like shiny brass..."

It is clear that the future prophet is shocked, he can hardly find words to somehow describe what he saw.

What should he compare the “cart of God” to if not a chariot?

But not a simple one, but a flying one... By the way, it is worth mentioning that ancient Indian literature - “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana” - also talks about “heavenly flying chariots”.

But what is behind such picturesque descriptions?

The head of the US NASA design department, Joseph F. Blumrich, tried to figure this out. In the book "Ezekiel's Spaceships" he comes to the conclusion that the "divine chariot" was most likely the descent shuttle of an interplanetary spacecraft.

Its mass, according to Blumrich’s calculations, was about 63 tons, and its engine power was 70 thousand hp. The parameters are not only quite possible from a technical point of view, but also very practical structurally. In this case, the only thing that seems fantastic is that such a ship could have existed more than 2500 years ago!

What happened next is also quite suitable for a science fiction novel, even today. A messenger from that ship ordered Ezekiel to appear before him and began to instruct him on how to proceed. And so that he would better remember all the instructions, he was given a scroll, which “was written on the inside and outside, and it was written on it: weeping, and groaning, and grief.”

After Ezekiel got acquainted with it, the scroll was ordered to be eaten (obviously, to better preserve the secret), and then the newly minted prophet had to go “to the house of Israel” and tell the people what awaited them.

At the same time, the prophet was told in advance that no one would listen to him, but he would have to continue his instructions again and again. And when this does not help, then Ezekiel will have to begin punishing the disobedient. Moreover, this will be done in a very unique way. Taking a sharp knife and a razor, the prophet will have to cut off the hair on his head and beard, weigh it and divide it into three parts.

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One part should be burned, the other should be chopped into small pieces with a knife, and, finally, the third should be scattered to the wind.

And then the third part of the disobedient will burn in fire, the other part will be cut down with swords and, finally, the third will be scattered throughout the world.

Well, since the prophet is in no way capable of carrying out such a punitive operation himself, he will be given an army consisting of some cherubs and wheels, which in modern language can perhaps be called combat robots, ground and air armored vehicles.

That's how it all happened.

“And then the Glory of the Lord came down from the chariot and stood at the threshold of the Temple,” Ezekiel narrates, “and the destroyers went through the city, striking the apostates.

One of them took hot coals from the Merkabah, the heavenly Ark, and threw handfuls of them onto the city.

When it was all over, the cherubs stretched out their wings, the ofans - wheels full of living eyes - began to move.

Glory, carried away by a living chariot, left the place defiled by sin.”

This frightened and upset the prophet: he did not know what would happen to the people of Israel next. “Lord God, do You really want to destroy the remnant of Israel?”

But then the prophet realized that from now on true faith must follow the invisible chariot of the Lord. And then the people will assert themselves, restore what was destroyed and will be taken into account. The events that soon followed justified his prediction.

And in fact, now many of the once devastated, deserted cities of Israel have been restored. These are the cities of Cana, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nazareth, Jericho and many others, and the population of the city of Beer Shiva has increased to 1 million people.

Moreover, since the Jews re-emerged as a nation in 1948, Israel has won five wars, each time against vastly superior forces. And all this confirms the words of God that he once said to the prophet Ezekiel.

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However, God went on to tell Ezekiel that when Israel returned as a nation, another sign would occur indicating the coming of the “last days.”

Is this really a hint that the Arabs, attacking from all sides, will eventually realize their dream and crush the state they hate so much?..

Online reading of the book Bible Book of the Prophet Ezekiel

Chapter 16

1 And the word of the Lord came to me:

2 son of man! tell Jerusalem her abominations

3 And say, Thus says the Lord God of Jerusalem: Your root and your homeland are in the land of Canaan; your father is an Amorite, and your mother a Hittite;

4 At your birth, on the day you were born, your navel was not cut off, and you were not washed with water to cleanse, and you were not salted with salt, and you were not wrapped in swaddling clothes.

5 No eye had compassion on you, to do you any of these things out of mercy; but you were thrown out into the field, out of contempt for your life, on your birthday.

6 And I passed by you and saw you trampled underfoot in your blood, and I said to you: “Live in your blood!” So, I told you: “Live in your blood!”

7 He has multiplied you like the plants of the field; you have grown and become big, and have achieved excellent beauty: your breasts have risen and your hair has grown; but you were naked and uncovered.

8 And I passed by you and saw you, and behold, it was your time, the time of love; and I stretched out My garments over you, and covered your nakedness; and I swore to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord God, and you became Mine.

9 I washed you with water and washed away your blood and anointed you with oil.

10 And he put on you an embroidered robe, and shod you with morocco sandals, and girded you with fine linen, and covered you with a silk sheet.

11 And he dressed you in finery, and put your wrists on your hands and a necklace on your neck.

12 And he gave you a ring for your nose and earrings for your ears, and a beautiful crown for your head.

13 So you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing [was] fine linen and silk and embroidered fabrics; You ate bread made from the best wheat flour, honey and oil, and you were extremely beautiful and achieved royal greatness.

14 And your glory spread through the nations because of your beauty, because it was completely perfect in the splendid attire that I put on you, says the Lord GOD.

15 But you trusted in your beauty, and, taking advantage of your glory, you began to commit fornication and squander your fornication on everyone who passed by, giving yourself to him.

16 And she took from your garments, and made for herself heights of many colors, and committed fornication on them, as never has happened or will ever happen.

17 And she took your fine clothes from My gold and from My silver, which I gave you, and made for herself images of men, and committed fornication with them.

18 And she took thy frilled garments, and clothed them with them, and set my oil and my incense before them,

19 And my bread which I gave you, the fine flour and oil and honey with which I fed you, you set before them as a pleasant aroma; and it was, says the Lord God.

20 And she took your sons and your daughters whom you bore to Me, and sacrificed them to eat. Was it not enough for you to commit fornication?

21 But you also slaughtered My sons and gave them to them, causing them to pass through [the fire].

22 And despite all your abominations and your fornications, you did not remember the days of your youth, when you were naked and uncovered and were trampled underfoot in your blood.

23 And after all your atrocities, woe, woe to you! says the Lord God,

24 You have built for yourself whorehouses and made for yourself high places in every place;

25 At the beginning of every road you have built high places for yourself, you have disgraced your beauty, you have spread out your feet for everyone who passes by, and you have multiplied your fornications.

26 She committed fornication with the sons of Egypt, your neighbors, tall men, and multiplied your fornications, angering Me.

27 And behold, I stretched out My hand against you, and reduced what was assigned to you, and gave you over to the daughters of the Philistines who hated you, who were ashamed of your shameful behavior.

28 And you played the harlot with the children of Asshur and were not satisfied; she fornicated with them, but was not satisfied with that;

29 And you multiplied your fornications in the land of Canaan as far as Chaldea, but you were not satisfied with that.

30 How weary your heart must have been, says the Lord God, when you did all this like an unbridled harlot!

31 When you built for yourself harlots at the beginning of every road and made for yourself high places in every public place, you were not like a harlot, because you rejected gifts,

32 but like an adulterous wife who takes strangers instead of her husband.

33 All harlots are given gifts, but you yourself gave gifts to all your lovers and bribed them so that they would come to you from all sides to fornicate with you.

34 In your fornications you were contrary to what happens to women: they did not pursue you, but you gave gifts, but they did not give you gifts; and therefore you acted contrary to others.

35 Therefore, hear, O harlot, the word of the Lord!

36 Thus says the Lord God: Because you wasted your money in this way, and in your fornications your nakedness was revealed before your lovers and before all your abominable idols, and because of the blood of your sons, which you gave to them,

37 Therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers in whom you delighted and whom you loved, with all those whom you hated, and I will gather them from everywhere against you, and I will uncover your nakedness before them, and they will see all your shame.

38 I will judge you with the judgment of adulterers and bloodshedters, and I will give you over to bloody wrath and jealousy;

39 I will deliver you into their hands, and they will destroy your whorehouses, and scatter your high places, and tear off your clothes, and take away your finery, and leave you naked and uncovered.

40 And they will call a meeting against you, and stone you with stones, and cut you in pieces with their swords.

41 They will burn your houses with fire and execute judgment on you in the sight of many women; And I will put an end to your fornication, and you will no longer give gifts.

42 And I will satisfy My anger over you, and My indignation will depart from you, and I will calm down, and I will no longer be angry.

43 Because you did not remember the days of your youth and irritated Me with all this, behold, I will turn your behavior on [your] head, says the Lord God, so that you no longer indulge in debauchery after all your abominations.

44 Behold, everyone who speaks in parables can say of you, “Like the mother, like the daughter.”

45 You are a daughter after your mother, who abandoned her husband and her children, and you are a sister after your sisters, who abandoned their husbands and their children. Your mother is a Hittite, and your father is an Amorite.

46 Your great sister is Samaria, who lives with her daughters on your left; and your youngest sister, who lives on your right hand, is Sodom and her daughters.

47 But you did not walk in their ways and did not act in their abominations; this was not enough: you acted more depravedly than they in all your ways.

48 As I live, says the Lord God; Your sister Sodoma did not do the same things she and her daughters did that you and your daughters did.

49 This was the iniquity of Sodom, your sister and her daughters: pride, satiety and idleness, and she did not support the hand of the poor and needy.

50 And they became proud and did abominable things before Me, and when I saw this, I rejected them.

51 And Samaria has not committed half your sins; You have surpassed them in your abominations, and through your abominations that you have done, your sisters have been more righteous than you.

52 So bear your shame, you who condemned your sisters; for your sins, with which you have disgraced yourself more than them, they are more right than you. Turn red with shame, and bear your shame, having justified your sisters.

53 But I will restore their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, and among them the captivity of your captives,

54 so that you may bear your shame and be ashamed of all that you have done, serving as a consolation for them.

55 And your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, will return to their former state; and Samaria and her daughters will return to their former state, and you and your daughters will return to your former state.

56 There was no mention of your sister Sodom in your mouth in the days of your pride,

57 Until your wickedness was revealed, as in the time of shame from the daughters of Syria and all those around her, from the daughters of Philistine, who looked at you with contempt on all sides.

58 Because of your debauchery and because of your abominations you suffer, says the Lord.

59 For thus says the Lord God: I will do to you as you did, despising the oath by breaking the covenant.

60 But I will remember My covenant with you in the days of your youth, and I will restore to you an everlasting covenant.

61 And you will remember your ways, and you will be ashamed when you begin to take to you your sisters, greater than you, as well as lesser than you, and when I give them to you as daughters, but not from your union.

62 I will restore My covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord,

63 so that you will remember and be ashamed, and so that in the future you will not be able to open your mouth in shame, when I forgive you everything that you have done, says the Lord God.

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Brief description of life path

Since the creation of the Jewish people after leaving Egyptian captivity, the Almighty God has spoken through the prophets. The Holy Scriptures contain prophetic messages through which believers study the history of Christianity and receive confirmation that God never leaves His faithful fans.

In 622 BC. The Jews celebrated the exit from Egypt, Passover. On these days of the great holiday, Ezekiel was born in the city of Sarir, a member of the priestly family of Vuzia, which was under the protection of the royal court. His name means "mighty God."

Holy Prophet Ezekiel

The future prophet spent his early years in the shadow of Solomon's temple, receiving an education in specially equipped classrooms, absorbing the rituals of priestly service. As a youth, he helped his father and priests in the temple, subsequently recalling in captivity the bright events of his youth.

The boy was 9 years old when Nineveh fell, and 3 years later King Josiah was killed, and events began to develop at rapid speed:

  • burial of Josiah;
  • the coronation of Jochaz and his captivity;
  • coronation of Joachim as an Egyptian vassal.

In 605, the 17-year-old son of a priest escaped captivity when the victorious Babylonians took away the first hostages. He could not remain aloof from the events associated with the prophet Jeremiah and Joachim’s recognition of the power of Nebuchadnezzar, against whom the king rebelled in 601.

After the death of Joachim, Jeconiah reigned on the throne; during his reign, the Babylonians besieged Jerusalem, but did not destroy the city, but took 10 thousand Jews into captivity, among them was 25-year-old Ezekiel.

The refugee camp was located in Tel Aviv on the banks of the Khobar River, not far from Babylon. The prisoners were given a piece of land, enjoyed a significant degree of freedom, started families and created a decent standard of living. Ezekiel is also married, but in the ninth year of captivity his wife dies.

False prophets predict a quick release, only Jeremiah speaks of an upcoming 70-year captivity. (Jer.29)

In 593, the Lord called Ezekiel at the age of 30 to the prophetic ministry to stand guard over Israel. The Lord spoke to the prophet through mysterious symbols and visions, his prophetic ministry began after the appearance of a divine man sitting on a throne, who stood on a crystal vault above four animals with the wings and heads of a lion, an eagle, a bull and a man. (Ezek. 1:4-28).

Vision of the Prophet Ezekiel

Later Bible interpreters explained this vision as follows: the animals are types of the evangelists, the king sitting on the throne is Jesus.

God gave Ezekiel a scroll with the words “weep, lament, woe” written on it and told him to eat it. By the power of spirit, he was raised from his knees and covered with the laudatory flapping of the wings of the cherubim, among which the words of the Creator were heard that He was making the son of man a guardian for the house of Israel.

Important! The Lord will entrust the chosen one with responsibility for the future of the people. He remained mute for seven days, depicting the siege of the city on brick. Thus was born a great prophet, through whom the Almighty Creator warned His chosen people about a long captivity, the destruction of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem and the city itself.

The Lord prepared a difficult fate for Ezekiel; he had to convey to the Jews that the captivity and destruction of their beloved city was God’s condemnation and punishment for the sinful and idolatrous state of the people.

Also read:

  • Tenets of Christianity
  • Church New Year
  • Third Rome

In his public ministry, and also in answer to the questions of the messengers of the elders, the prophet boldly asserts that Jerusalem will not be able to escape punishment and will be destroyed.

In 588 BC. The siege of the great city began, two years later the Babylonians entered the holy places, King Zedekiah fled, and the Solomon Temple was burned on September 15. After the destruction of Jerusalem, the prophet turns his attention to the future, showing the people the prospects for restoration.

Possessing the gift of miracles, Ezekiel, like Moses, leads the Jews fleeing from the Chaldeans across the river Chebar, the waters of which the Lord divided through the prayer of the saint. During times of famine, through his sincere cry to the Creator, the Jewish people received food.

Prophet Ezekiel called the people to repentance and correction

An ancient legend says that the prophet was killed by a Jewish prince, whom the saint suspected of worshiping idols. Death was terrible; tied by the hands and feet to wild horses, he was torn to pieces. Pious, faithful comrades collected the torn parts of the body and buried them in the tomb of Abraham. Nowadays the tomb of St. Ezekiel is preserved in the city of Kifle (Iran).

Important! The Orthodox world celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Prophet Ezekiel on August 3.

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