Name for a boy Vladislav: meaning, character and fate

It is well known that the popular and sonorous eastern and western names today do not have an angel day, therefore, at baptism, the priest selects the most consonant church names for such children. But sometimes it happens that even well-known Slavic names do not have their own saint - or almost none. Yes, it turns out that if Vladimir has 5 heavenly saints, Yaroslav has 3, then Vladislav has only one patron.

Meaning of the name

The secret of the meaning of the name Vladislav is revealed if we analyze it according to its morphemic composition. The name contains two roots: “vlad” (from “power”) and “slav” (from “glory”), which clearly proves that Vladislav means “ruler of glory.”

However, this interpretation does not have to be taken literally. “Glory” for a man named Vladislav is his personal qualities and character traits that he is proud of: resilience, a serious approach to any business, dedication and the desire to bring everything to the ideal.

But if the morpheme “slav” in the name Vladislav has a positive effect on the characteristics of its bearer, then the root “vlad” has the opposite effect. The feeling of “power” and superiority over people makes the owner of the name an extremely arrogant person, whose narcissism sometimes goes beyond all boundaries, and he begins to look down on even his close friends.

The name Vladislav in the Saints

In the Orthodox church calendar there is only one day where this name is recorded - October 7 (September 24, old style).

Meaning of the name

The name has 2 bases: “Vlad” and “Slav”.
Hence its specific meaning is “to own glory.” An analogue existed among the ancient Germans - Valdemar. Perhaps its translation was borrowed by the Slavs and translated into their own language. This anthroponym is not originally Russian. He came from Serbia or Poland in the 13th century.

Secular diminutive noun forms: Vlad, Vladya, Vadya, Vladik, Slava.

This is interesting: among other peoples, Vladislav is pronounced as Ladislav, Ladislo, Vlaslo, Ladislao, Ladislau, Volodyslav, Uladzislau, Vlodzislav, Vladoslav, Ladislaus, Ladislas.

Main features

The meaning of the name simply obliges its bearer to have enormous willpower, perseverance and a flexible mind.


Experts who study the influence of a name on a person believe that Vladislav, composed of 2 bases, forms the dual character of its bearer, making it difficult. It is difficult to know what a person who is “on his own mind” really feels. Outwardly, he may agree with his opponent while remaining consistent with his convictions. Only people close to him can find out his real opinion. Vlad has the following character traits:

  1. Self-esteem, decency, tact. A man will never be a hypocrite or fawn.
  2. Irony, the ability to joke. Because of his ridicule, Vladik can even be obnoxious.
  3. Persistence, hard work. Thanks to perseverance combined with intelligence, great opportunities arise to achieve success in career, business, and politics.
  4. Good nature. For help and support in difficult times, people of this name are loved and respected.

Duality of character also manifests itself in family life. There are 2 possible lines of behavior. After the wedding, a slightly different Vlad appears before his wife, who may disappoint. He doesn’t mind affairs on the side, but at the same time he becomes jealous, tormenting his wife with suspicion. The other, diametrically opposite Vladislav, is an exemplary family man, a homebody, a monogamous man, who does not even allow the thought of betrayal on anyone’s part.

Vladislav is a caring and loving father, whose authority is never questioned.

In Russia the name has a high rating. More than 90% of respondents consider it beautiful, sexy, modern, and brings good luck.


From a very early age, little Vladislav shows extreme curiosity about everything that happens around him. He explores the world with interest, tries to independently find explanations for new things, and never asks for help or advice from his parents.

Vladislav's childish inquisitive mind often pushes the boy to rash actions. For the sake of sheer interest, he can climb a tall tree or start a game with matches.

A boy named Vladislav likes to spend more time with his mother having entertaining conversations. And it is these close relationships that instill in him tact, politeness and delicacy towards girls. Therefore, already an adult Vlad considers as a life partner only a woman with a subtle mental organization, capable of maintaining an intellectual conversation.

A craving for beauty may determine Vladislav’s choice of profession. If parents pay special attention to the development of little Vlad’s creative abilities, then he will become a good musician or artist, writer or director.

Character traits such as hard work and a sense of responsibility will help him realize himself in the political field. Good career growth awaits Vladislav in the fields of diplomacy and jurisprudence.

This rare combination of opposite facets - analytical and creative thinking - allows Vlad to cope with any tasks. But if the adult Vladislav retains his childish penchant for adventurism, then science may become the main occupation of his life.

Horoscope for Vladislav

The name Vladik in combination with zodiac signs:

  1. Aries - loves to be in the center of attention, creates a strong family with his chosen one.
  2. Taurus - awakens the analytical mind and vivid imagination.
  3. Gemini – fosters restraint and a thoughtful approach to life.
  4. Cancer makes you vulnerable, withdrawn, detached.
  5. Leo - awakens temperament and impulsiveness of nature.
  6. Virgo - bestows a complex character, selfishness, vanity.
  7. Libra – fosters emotional sensitivity and a tendency towards solitude.
  8. Scorpio - turns you into a seducer with charming manners, gives you powers of observation.
  9. Sagittarius – instills optimism and changeable moods.
  10. Capricorn - turns into a pragmatic, calm person who makes cold-blooded decisions.
  11. Aquarius - creates a sophisticated personality striving for a sublime ideal.
  12. Pisces – develops reflection and a tendency towards self-irony.

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A man named Vladislav has his own point of view regarding any issue, but rarely gets into disputes to prove that he is right. Vladislav adheres to a diplomatic style of communication and never raises his voice. It is almost impossible to piss him off.

Thanks to real masculine endurance, Vladislav quickly wins the affection of those around him, but still remains a “closed book” to them. Restrained in showing emotions, Vladislav can trust a rare person; he tries to keep his distance even with friends.

He values ​​honesty in people and is not afraid to express to his interlocutor’s eyes everything that he thinks about him. Although Vlad himself is still ambitious and proud. With a passionate concern for his dignity, he loves to sneer at others, without thinking that he might greatly hurt the feelings of the object of his ridicule. Therefore, only the same strong-willed personality with a strong character can truly get close to Vladislav.

Vladislav's school years

At school he is a complete fidget, who often irritates teachers with his behavior. Things are much better with classmates, they become real party people. Vladislav will remember these years throughout his life, they will be bright and the most beautiful. Any representative of this name cannot be aloof from various events; he tries to get into the very center of everything that is happening, which sometimes causes some dissatisfaction. This does not prevent him from enjoying the actions done. They also receive a lot of attention from women, who like brave and decisive guys like Vladislav.

Name days and patron saints

Under the patronage of St. Vladislav, all bearers of this ancient name can celebrate their name days several times a year:

  • April 2;
  • 27th of June;
  • July 19;
  • September 24;
  • November 7.

There is a tradition associated with the celebration of the day of the angel Vladislav on September 24. It is customary to give gifts to the barnkeeper, who sits in the eve and keeps order. The keeper of the yard is appeased with homemade cakes and a black rooster, burying gifts under the threshold.

What do they give for name days?

Name day is a holiday, and a fun one at that. And on any holiday it is customary to give gifts. What do they give for Vladislav’s name day?

Just like on other name days, on this special day it is not customary to present anything that personifies everything worldly and transitory. Since ancient times, on name days people have given everything that relates to religion and ways to turn to God. In the old days, on this day the birthday person could receive a handwritten icon, church literature, lamps, candles and other attributes.

If icons were given, then, as a rule, they depicted the face of the Saint, after whom the hero of the occasion was named. By the way, on the morning of the name day, the birthday boy went to church, where he had to confess, take communion, light candles, and venerate the icon of his Saint. In addition, relatives ordered a prayer service for the health of the birthday boy. This is how Vladislav’s name day is celebrated.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

The full name Vladislav is used in short form as Vlad. In diminutive address, Vladislav can be called:

  • Vadik;
  • Vaday;
  • Vladik;
  • Vladulei:
  • Ladoya or Ladeya;
  • Slava or Slavik.

It is interesting that the affectionate title Slava is also a short form of the name Vladislav, and Lada is also a female name.

Adult man Vladislav

Age takes its toll and a little boy grows into a real man. Now this is a responsible person. Which has many principles. Some traits of his character, such as commitment and hard work, help him reach certain heights. If he sees an unfair decision or situation before him, he acts very quickly and quickly, solving it. He can put on a whole performance and no one will suspect that he is just playing his own game.

His most important trait is irony; it is not always useful in life, but it is impossible to imagine him without it. It is precisely such people who have the ability to be creative; their nature is always unpredictable and mysterious. Vladislav can make a wonderful artist or architect. In this type of direction they are simply irreplaceable and, as they say, there is no price for them. There are several divisions of character that relate to the seasons. Each of them has its own characteristics and properties.

What names are suitable for the patronymic Vladislavovich / Vladislavovna

When choosing a name for a boy with the patronymic Vladislavovich, it is important to remember the Slavic roots of his father’s name. The most suitable options would be sonorous and energetically powerful native Russian names:

  • Bogdan;
  • Boris;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Ivan;
  • Igor;
  • Oleg;
  • Tihomir;
  • Yuri;
  • Yaropolk.

For a girl, the patronymic Vladislavovna largely determines her character traits: kindness, caring for others, complaisance, sensitivity and impressionability.

For the owner of such qualities, melodious names that embody a pure and bright female image are ideal:

  • Anna;
  • Bogdana;
  • Faith;
  • Darina;
  • Love;
  • Maria;
  • Milan;
  • Hope;
  • Olesya;
  • Olga;
  • Svetlana;
  • Ioannina.

The patronymic for a child, Vladislavovich / Vladislavovna, is also allowed to be used in variation - Vladislavich / Vladislavna.

Summer Vladislav

People with this name born in summer are a bit like this time of year. They are carefree and good-natured. You can expect any pleasant surprises from such men. They will never give in and will always come to the rescue. They live in complete harmony with the whole world and themselves. Relations with friends are at a high level, they are very loyal and highly value Vladislav. With family, this relationship is simply wonderful, there are no quarrels, and only kindness prevails.

If things are going well for him, then at some moments in his life he achieves a certain harmony. His woman must have some feelings and properties that would suit him. A spiritually and intellectual woman will be an excellent option for Vladislav. She must be a good housewife and get along well with the whole family.

Compatibility with female names

Vladislav's attractive charisma and charm always attract the attention of the most beautiful women. But selective and picky Vlad is not ready to enter into a serious romantic relationship with every contender.

It is important for him that his future companion be a sensitive and gentle person, an exemplary housewife and a caring wife. And if such a woman meets on Vladislav’s life path, then he will never let go of his chosen one, remaining a faithful and loving husband until the very end.

Vladislav can have a happy marriage with a woman named:

  • Galina;
  • Inga;
  • Irina;
  • Claudia;
  • Love;
  • Marina;
  • Olga;
  • Sophia;
  • Tamara;
  • Tatiana;
  • Julia.

Vladislav should not tie the knot with a woman named:

  • Agnia;
  • Ada;
  • Angela;
  • Veronica;
  • Diana;
  • Eve;
  • Zinaida;
  • Kira;
  • Christina;
  • Mayan;
  • Margarita;
  • Rimma.

Autumn Vladislav

Such people have great self-control and a highly developed sense of self-esteem. He does not need to be reminded of his responsibilities, he remembers everything perfectly and any invasion of his personal space would be a complete violation. He knows his worth very well and does not waste time on trifles.

If he decides to build a career, then it is better not to get in his way. He is very ambitious and sometimes does not want to listen to anyone or anything. Confidently and quickly avoiding everything unnecessary that comes under his feet, he will move towards his success. The woman who will be next to him must have great restraint; she must have enough patience for all his unforeseen antics. Wisdom will help such a woman appreciate him and accept him for who he is.

Famous people with the Vladislav estate

Many men named Vladislav became famous throughout the world for their outstanding achievements in politics, military affairs, sports and art:

  • Vladislav Galkin is a theater and film actor who received the title of Honored Artist of Russia in 2009.
  • Vladislav Vančura is a writer from the Czech Republic, screenwriter and director.
  • Vladislav Volkov - USSR pilot-cosmonaut.
  • Vladislav Dukhin is a serviceman with the rank of junior sergeant, Hero of the Russian Federation.
  • Vladislav Zaremba is a composer from Ukraine.
  • Vladislav Listyev is a television presenter, journalist, and general director of the ORT TV channel.
  • Vladislav Piavko is a leading Soviet and Russian tenor.
  • Vladislav Radimov is an Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation in football, a former midfielder of the Russian national team.
  • Vladislav Starevich is the founder of narrative animated puppet films.
  • Vladislav Starkov is the editor of the weekly publication AiF.
  • Vladislav Syrokormlya (Ludwik Kondratovich) is a Polish poet.
  • Vladislav Tretyak is a Russian hockey player, goalkeeper of the Russian national team.
  • Vladislav Khodasevich is a Russian poet and literary critic.
  • Wladyslaw Szpilman is a composer and pianist from Poland.
  • Vladislav Jagiello (Yagello) - holder of princely and royal titles, under his command the Polish-Lithuanian-Russian army fought in the Battle of Grunwald.

The name Vladislav sounds noble for a man. It endows its bearer with powerful energy, which Vladislav does not miss the chance to use to achieve his goals. A developed mind and intuition help Vladislav achieve success in any endeavor, and his persistent and stubborn character forces him to look for new and ever new ways of self-improvement.

Author: Yulia Korotkova, especially for

Astrology named after Vlad

The astrological characteristics of the male name Vladislav immediately connect it with a whole galaxy of talisman stones:

  1. Stones. Topaz - develops the spiritual potential of the bearer of the name, increases creativity, mental acuity, and level of vital energy. The stone imparts wisdom, enhances sympathy between lovers, and reveals a person’s spiritual qualities. Indian traditions classify the stone as one of the nine shrines, and African shamans prescribe its use in rituals. Different colors of the mineral have certain properties: blue - promotes self-expression, blue - dispels lies, gold - brings material well-being, green - clears thoughts of anxiety, yellow - sharpens memory, brown - gives determination, pink - reveals dignity, selflessness, honesty in the soul , white - sharpens perception.
  2. Color. In the color spectrum, Vladislav indulges in blue, indigo, and brown shades, symbolizing harmony, calm, and trust in others.
  3. Name number. The number favoring the bearer of the name is five. This is love of freedom, restlessness, developed imagination.
  4. Planet. Among the celestial bodies, a man is patronized by Jupiter, endowing his ward with luck, success, and optimistic views of the future.
  5. Element. Vladislav's related element is Water. Develops intuition, helps to adapt even to difficult situations.
  6. Zodiac sign. The zodiac sign in harmony with the name is Virgo. It awakens the perfectionist in character and makes a person strive for the ideal.
  7. Animal. Among animals, Vlad's companion is the hare, personifying the power of rebirth, ingenuity, speed, and acute reaction. The animal is credited with wisdom and fertility, which it shares with its companion.
  8. Plant. A talisman plant for a man is linden. The parent tree accompanies a person all his life, protecting everyday life and home.
  9. Metal. Bronze, personifying strength of character, inner strength, courage. It is believed that bronze amulets dispel negative influences.
  10. A favorable day for making decisions is Saturday.
  11. The time of year that has a beneficial effect on a man is summer.

What does the full name Vova sound like?

Vladimirushka, Vladya, Vlada, Ladya, Lada, Vadya, Vava, Vavulya, Vavusya, Vovochka, Volodya, Volodyuka, Volodyunya, Volodyukha, Volodyusha, Volodyaka, Volodyakha, Volodyasha, Vova, Vovan, Vovulya, Vovunya, Vovusya, Vovusha, Volya. Vladimir is a male name.

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