Tips to help you get through your period easier

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Today, very often clergy answer the question of why you can’t go to church while on your period. This question concerns all women who enter the church. But each priest can answer it differently. Therefore, it is worth understanding where the ban on menstruating women from entering the church came from.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period, Old Testament

To consider the problem of whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation, you need to use the Old Testament. This section of the Bible clearly states in what state one should refrain from visiting a holy place, this is:

  • death;
  • serious illness;
  • "uncleanness" of women or men.

The uncleanness of a woman is associated with certain discharges, during which the woman should not touch anything. There is an opinion. that the presence of menstruation in women is a punishment for the sinful fall of the ancestor of all living Eve. And, as you know, clergy try to protect the church and parishioners from any things that remind of man’s sinfulness and mortality.

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It is also believed that menstruation is the process of ridding the body of a dead egg, a kind of death of an immature embryo. And the presence of deadly objects in the temple is prohibited.

But some experts of the Holy Book interpret this opinion somewhat differently. It is believed that the difficult process of childbirth is a punishment, but the presence of menstruation is an opportunity to continue the human race.

Thus, the Old Testament does not give a clear answer to this question.

Is it possible to go to a cemetery while menstruating?

In Ancient Rus', a woman with monthly bleeding was considered unclean. Therefore it was forbidden to visit:

  • Holy places;
  • cemeteries;
  • places with large crowds of people;

A woman during menstruation was not allowed to participate in the following rituals:

  • wedding;
  • baptism;
  • funeral service;
  • burial.

It was believed that the female part of the population with their bleeding desecrated not only living people, but also the dead. Therefore, it was believed that the soul of the deceased would not be able to find peace and go to the next world. But there is a contradiction, because previously bodies were not sent to the morgue before burial in the cemetery, and girls were not driven out of the house to spend the night on the street during this period.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period, New Testament

In the New Testament there are the words of the Apostle Paul, who was convinced that everything that the Lord created was beautiful. All processes that occur in the human body are natural. Menstruation is a very important period of time for the female body. Their role is quite large, so it makes no sense to prohibit people from entering the temple with them.

Saint George Dvoeslov had the same opinion. He argued that such a woman was created by nature and she should be allowed to enter the church in any state of her body. After all, the main thing is the soul, the spiritual state.

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The introduction of evil spirits and the activation of vampires

During menstruation, physiological processes occur in the female body that change the reproductive system. The uterus contracts, its cervix opens slightly, and the exfoliated endometrium comes out. The body becomes especially vulnerable to microbes, so it is extremely important to maintain personal hygiene, guarding against possible infection.

According to a well-known belief, on critical days a girl may be under the influence of evil spirits

. Therefore, women have always felt unsure when planning to go to a funeral while on their period. You can try to look at the situation from the other side. In fact, restless souls can reside in any place. Then it turns out that avoiding visiting a cemetery on certain days is simply stupid. Evil spirits can live anywhere, not just on graves.

Numerous horror films that are shown on TV, as well as literature on similar topics, make us think that such stories can be real. Some people actually believe in the plausibility of the story of Count Dracula and other vampires. It was thanks to such people that the assumption arose that menstrual blood is attractive to evil spirits, so it is better not to go to the cemetery while on your period.

According to the vampire theory, even a small wound can awaken a vampire.

, and even with a small scratch on the body you cannot go to the cemetery. After all, no one knows how much blood is needed for the evil spirits to become active.

But if vampires hunt at night, and people visit graves during the daytime, it turns out that such a walk does not pose any danger.

Take your period to church, the modern opinion of the clergy

Based on the above, it can be argued that when asked whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation, the priest’s answer may be different. There is no clear permission or prohibition in the Bible for a woman with such processes in the body to visit the temple. Therefore, you need to rely only on the answer of the sacred father.

Some clergy allow women to enter the church, but prohibit touching icons and lighting candles. You can only calmly pray and leave.

But there are times when a priest simply cannot refuse to help a person. For example, when a seriously ill woman who has uterine bleeding feels her speedy departure and wants to confess and take communion. In this case, the priest cannot refuse entry into the sacred place, although the woman is considered “unclean.”

Among the prohibitions for women during menstruation are certain church rituals:

  • participle;
  • baptism;
  • wedding.

The most important prohibition is getting blood on holy books, candles and icons. But with today's hygiene products, these troubles can be easily avoided.

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Thus, a definite answer to the question of a woman’s “uncleanness” can be debated for a very long time. Everyone has the right to act as they see fit, for each of us will stand before the Lord and answer for all our actions. Most often, priests react positively to the presence of a menstruating woman in the temple, but there are still fans of the old rules.

Therefore, before going to church, it is still advisable to clarify this issue with the priest and receive a blessing.

The Lord is always with you!

Also watch the priest’s video answer to the question whether menstruating women can attend church:

Tips to help you get through your period easier


Menstruation is an integral part of every woman's life. The best way to get through it as painlessly as possible is to get to know your body and everything that menstruation brings with it. All women know how annoying and painful premenstrual symptoms can be.

Seven days before their expected period, women become irritable and nervous, and then their body begins to expand, so that before their period they feel like they have turned into a balloon. Then, when menstruation , cramps appear, which can be very painful.

In this text, we will give you some useful tips on how to ease your period and all that it brings with it.

Prevent bad mood and nervousness

As we have already said, a woman often changes her mood and becomes irritable before and during menstruation . However, experts have found a way to prevent this. In particular, it is recommended to increase your calcium intake. To do this, eat more cheese and yogurt, and you can also eat ice cream. hormones in check and at the same time produce serotonin, the hormone of happiness and satisfaction, in large quantities.

A few small meals just before your period . This way you keep your sugar levels under control so you don't have to be so irritable.

Prevent acne from appearing

Pimples appear on the face before menstruation , which can be quite irritating. Luckily, there is a way to prevent these pimples . It is recommended to use benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid seven days before your period to cleanse your face .

Of course, another solution is birth control pills, which your gynecologist .

Prevent bloating

In the days before your period , but also during your period , more fluid is retained in the body, which creates a feeling of bloating . During this period, a woman gets the impression that she is much fatter than she actually is. However, there are some practical tips to help you avoid bloating .

In particular, it is recommended to reduce the amount of salt in your diet a few days before your period and drink more water. Remember that the more you drink water, the more water will be released from your body and your body will be less swollen. Of course, regular exercise is recommended, and daily walks are especially beneficial.

Prevent seizures

Cramps during menstruation are actually caused by a narrowing of the uterus , which is why many women are forced to take analgesics to cope with the pain. In this case, we recommend that you relax in a hot bath, as the heat will relax the muscles of the uterus and cramping will be significantly reduced. Additionally, you can consult your gynecologist to recommend certain birth control pills.

Prevent diarrhea

Diarrhea is also a common accompaniment of menstruation because it is caused by cramping in the lower abdomen . In this case, it is recommended to avoid certain foods a few days before your period , such as chocolate and vegetables, which contain a lot of plant fiber.

Instead, it is recommended to eat more rice, bananas and other soft starchy foods.

Don't neglect your sex life

Women usually do not have relationships during menstruation , although some feel that pleasure can be even greater during menstruation . It is best to have a relationship at the very beginning or at the end of the period, when the bleeding is a little lighter. It has been shown that some women can even become pregnant during their period , although this is not a common occurrence.

We hope that the text was useful to you. We are confident that with these tips, you will no longer let your menstrual cycle rule your life. You will now have a much easier time getting through each period, and if you may experience bleeding between cycles, it is best to consult your gynecologist .

Published in Gynecology Premium Clinic

One thought on “Is it possible to go to church while on your period?”

  1. n
    September 10, 2019Reply “Is it possible to go to church with menstruation, the Old Testament? You need to consider the problem of whether you can go to church with menstruation using the Old Testament. This section of the Bible clearly indicates in what state one should refrain from visiting a holy place: death; serious illness; "uncleanness" of women or men." Question: The “uncleanness” of a woman is described very well. What is the “uncleanness” of a man???

Caution doesn't hurt

Whether or not to believe in numerous beliefs and superstitions is up to the girl herself. For overly impressionable individuals, it is better to postpone visiting the cemetery altogether. If absolutely necessary at a funeral, you should exclude:

  • touching the deceased;
  • kiss the forehead of the deceased;
  • touching the coffin and tombstone.

It is best to observe the process from the outside. In this way, the woman does not support old beliefs, but simply protects her emotional state.

If during critical days you maintain normal health and there are no mood swings, then you can not only come to the cemetery, but also participate in the funeral procession.

freedom of choice

Of course, every woman must decide for herself whether to trust superstitions. But the main reason is still well-being. If the discharge is scanty

, then it is quite possible to continue the usual rhythm of life.
Heavy bleeding
is a more compelling reason not to attend an event that requires a long stay in one place, because it is unlikely that there will be an opportunity to change the pad at the cemetery.

It is worth listening to your inner voice

, deciding whether to go to a cemetery while on your period, whether to attend a funeral or visit a grave. If you feel that everything will go well, you can go and pay tribute to the deceased.

The meaning of menstruation at a subtle level

Physiological changes in the female body during the onset of menstruation have long been studied, but the psychological and spiritual plan is still in question. Clairvoyants, for example, believe that every month a woman is given the opportunity to get rid of accumulated negativity and renew her energy shell.

Many people do not understand why the release of negative energies occurs through the blood. In fact, everything is quite simple. Energy is in the blood, which is why it is renewed. The process is accompanied by a feeling of weakness and depression

psycho-emotional state.
In other words, a woman feels apathy,
loses the desire to do anything, and she is capable of unpredictable reactions.
Menstruation leads to a weakening of the energy shell, which temporarily becomes especially vulnerable. At this moment, a person can easily be jinxed, he is defenseless and weak, he can easily be influenced by other people’s bad thoughts. Fortunately, this condition does not last long.

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Hello! I used the gynocomfort gel with tea tree oil, and after a minute a strong burning sensation began. What could be the reason?

Hello! The cause of the burning sensation may be lactic acid, which is part of the product, or a reaction to other components of the product. A burning sensation is allowed for the first 30-60 seconds, after which the discomfort should stop. Then you can continue to use the product. If the burning sensation increases, it is better to stop using it to avoid an allergic reaction.

Immediately after the first use of the gynocomfort gel, abundant white and very thick discharge appeared. At the same time, I took tests a month ago - they were clean. And before use there was no discharge. I found many women on the forums who faced this problem. Tell me, what kind of side effect is this? Why is there not a word about it in the instructions and the main question is: if you stop using it, how quickly will the discharge state return to normal?

The appearance of this kind of discharge in the form of “flakes” is a normal result of the interaction of the components of the product with the contents of the genital tract and will stop on its own after a few days. In this case, only external hygiene is required 1-2 times a day. For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist

From an energy point of view

A kind of wound appears in a woman’s energy field, and energy flows through it. With such a “wounded field,” the lady goes to the cemetery, where there are many intangible entities. For many of them, the energy of decaying bodies is not the most delicious food. But they cannot get another one for themselves, and they have to be content with what they have. And then a girl comes with her period, for these entities this is a tasty morsel that they will never refuse.

Here are the most common scenarios:

  • A primitive creature that does not have its own consciousness behaves like a leech. Can't get past the orange chakra. Can cause sexually transmitted diseases. If you're lucky, the woman will get away with an ordinary thrush. In the worst case, a tumor of the ovaries or cervix may form.
  • A poorly thinking entity with little energy reserve. She can find a nicer place for herself. Such a creature, for example, can “go through the blood” and lead to cancer or other serious illnesses.
  • An entity with consciousness and powers. Able to control human flesh and consciousness. Such a woman can become obsessed after moving in with her.

Household inconveniences

If some refuse to go to the cemetery on critical days, so as not to provoke a nervous breakdown, others go there anyway, forgetting about some of the physical problems associated with visiting such places. For example, not every cemetery has a toilet, and if there is one, it is not always clean enough. If the discharge is abundant, you should definitely think about it, because certain difficulties may arise when you need to change personal hygiene products.

It is necessary to take into account that at a funeral it is not always possible to sit quietly. As a rule, you have to stand for a long time, and this is extremely difficult on critical days, especially when your stomach or back hurts.

Due to anxiety, you may:

  • bleeding increases;
  • dizziness begins;
  • an emotional outburst occurs.

Strong emotions can lead to loss of consciousness. This poses a great danger to an already weakened body.

But only the woman herself is capable of objectively assessing her physical and psychological state.

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