Saints names for boys in November: meaning, origin, patron saint. Orthodox male names in November according to the church calendar - complete list

The Orthodox Saints in autumn are rich in various names. Therefore, it is very easy to give an autumn child born in November a name from the Saints. Like any other month, November leaves its imprints on the child’s character traits. It is believed that melancholic children are born in November, prone to doubt and self-examination. Although many November boys are sociable, friendly people, ready to help at any moment. When choosing a name for a newborn boy according to the Saints of November, keep in mind that along with the name you are endowing the child with certain character traits. At the same time, a correctly chosen name can “balance” the child’s character traits that distinguish November boys.

Saints for boys born in November

We bring to your attention a list of name days in November according to the Orthodox church calendar.

November 1 Dmitry, Ivan, Leonty, Sergey, Felix, Ian.

November 2 Alexander, Artem, German, Ivan, Leonid, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Ian.

November 3 Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Arkady, Vasily, Vladimir, Voldemar, Georgy, Demyan, Dmitry, Egor, Zakhar, Ivan, Illarion, Konstantin, Nikolay, Sergey, Theodor, Fedor, Julian, Yakov, Ian.

November 4 Alexander, Vasily, Vladimir, Voldemar, German, Grigory, Denis, Zakhar, Ivan, Irakli, Konstantin, Maximilian, Nikolai, Pavel, Seraphim, Theodor, Fedor, Jan.

November 5 Alexander, Vladimir, Voldemar, Elisha, Emelyan, Ignat, Maxim, Nikolai, Emil, Yakov.

November 6 Akaki, Alexey, Afanasy, Ivan, Irakli, Lavrenty, Nikolai, Peter, Ian.

November 7 Valery.

November 8 Anton, Afanasy, Vasily, Dmitry.

November 9 Andrey, Valentin, Mark, Nestor.

November 10 Arseny, Georgy, Dmitry, Egor, Ivan, Maxim, Nikolay, Stepan, Emmanuel, Ian.

November 11 Alexey, Andrey, Afanasy, Vasily, Victor, Evgeny, Ibrahim, Ivan, Kirill, Kuzma, Leonid, Nikolay, Pavel, Timofey, Philip, Ian.

November 12 Alexander, Artem, German, Joseph, Leonid, Makar, Maxim, Mark, Matvey, Peter, Semyon, Stepan, Julian.

November 13 Alexander, Alexey, Anatoly, Artem, Vasily, Vsevolod, Demyan, Ibrahim, Ivan, Innokenty, Kuzma, Leonid, Nikolay, Peter, Roman, Savva, Sergey, Stanislav, Stepan, Theodor, Trofim, Fedor, Yakov, Ya.

November 14 Adrian, Alexander, David, Demyan, Denis, Dmitry, Ivan, Kuzma, Peter, Savva, Theodor, Fedor, Thomas, Yakov, Ian.

November 15 Konstantin.

November 16 Aifal, Alexander, Bogdan, Vasily, Vladimir, Voldemar, Georgy, Egor, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Kuzma, Nikolay, Pavel, Peter, Semyon, Sergey, Theodor, Fedor, Yan.

November 17 Alexander, Grigory, Ivan, Ilya, Ismail, Nikolai, Simon, Stepan, Ian.

November 18 Gabriel, Gregory, Timofey, Tikhon.

November 19 Anatoly, Arseny, Vasily, Victor, Gabriel, German, Konstantin, Luka, Nikita, Nikolay, Pavel.

November 20 Alexander, Alexey, Afanasy, Bogdan, Valery, Vasily, Veniamin, Georgy, Gregory, Evgeny, Egor, Ivan, Illarion, Kirill, Konstantin, Maxim, Mikhail, Nikolay, Pavel, Sergey, Theodor, Fedor, Ian.

November 21 Gabriel, Mikhail, Pavel, Raphael.

November 22 Alexander, Alexey, Anton, Victor, Dmitry, Efim, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Konstantin, Nestor, Semyon, Theodor, Timofey, Fedor, Ian.

November 23 Alexander, Alexey, Apollo, Boris, Georgy, Denis, Egor, Ivan, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nestor, Nikolai, Peter, Rodion, Seraphim, Erast, Jan.

November 24 Anton, Afanasy, Victor, Evgeny, Maxim, Stepan, Theodor, Timofey, Fedor, Yakov.

November 25 Alexander, Afanasy, Boris, Vladimir, Voldemar, Daniil, Dmitry, Ivan, Konstantin, Lev, Matvey, Nikolai, Neil, Savva, Stepan, Theodor, Fedor, Ian.

November 26 German, Ivan, Jan.

November 27 Alexander, Alexey, Aristarkh, Vasily, Victor, Gabriel, George, Gregory, Dmitry, Egor, Konstantin, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Sergey, Theodor, Fedor, Philip.

November 28 Gregory, Dmitry, Nikita, Nikolai, Peter, Philip, Thomas.

November 29 Vasily, Victor, Dmitry, Ivan, Makar, Matvey, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey, Theodor, Fedor, Ian.

November 30 Gennady, Grigory, Zakhar, Ivan, Mikhail, Ian.

Men's names in November have a special effect on their bearer. Therefore, boys born in November can choose a name that will have a positive effect on them throughout their lives. Since each name has its own Angel Day, to choose a name you can use a special church calendar that will show what name you can name your son.

Female names

Name days for women's names in November are based on the days of honoring the memory of certain saints. If you decide to name your child in honor of a saint, then such a day will be considered his name day or angel's day. After the child is named, as well as after his baptism, he has a bright Guardian Angel who will protect him and drive away evil spirits from him.

This is what the list of women’s name days looks like according to the church calendar in November:

datePatron name
November 2Irina
the 3rd of NovemberPelageya, Aza
November 4Elizaveta, Anna
November 6Victoria
November 9Capitolina
10th of NovemberNeonila, Anna, Praskovya
11th of NovemberAnna, Anastasia, Maria
November 12Elena, Anastasia
November 14Ulyana, Elizaveta
15th of NovemberDominica
November 16Evdokia, Anna
November 17Evgeniya
November 19Claudia, Alexandra, Seraphima, Nina
20 NovemberElizabeth
November 21Marfa
November 23Olga, Anna
November 27Anna

If you decide to choose a name for a girl or boy from the November name day according to the calendar, but it does not fall on the baby’s date of birth, then you should look a few days later. This is allowed by the church.

The same applies to name days. If the name is often found on the calendar, then you should choose the first one after the baby’s birthday. It will be the day of the angel.

The best article for you, go to: Name days in October - female and male names

Be careful when choosing, because it is almost impossible to change the name.

The Lord is always with you!

Character traits

Men born in November look at the world soberly and are often cold-blooded towards people around them with whom they are not familiar or do not have the best relationships. They tend not to take people’s word for it and, whenever possible, check information for accuracy. Having a calm character and well-developed intellect, they are able to easily achieve their goals, not paying attention to any obstacles in their way. Boys born in November are naturally curious; they are always interested in something new, thereby developing themselves in different directions. They are quite attentive, which is why they are able to notice the mistakes of others, understand why this happened, and avoid it when achieving their successes.

Due to the fact that November men have a rather strict and serious character, simple names are more suitable for them, which will allow others to communicate with them more easily. November is associated with the sign of Scorpio, so such men have a difficult character, they have good calculation and are sometimes cunning, which makes it easier for them to achieve their goals. Their family relationships are far from the best, mainly due to the fact that even with small misunderstandings, they defend their point of view to the end, without stopping for a second and without giving the people around them the opportunity to justify themselves. In the family they love aristocracy; they like to keep everything under their control. They are not influenced by the opinion of the crowd; if they have their own point of view on any issue, they will adhere to it and, if necessary, go against the crowd. Men born in November are quite stingy, not only financially, but also personally. They do not like to waste money on other people, but they do not deny themselves anything.

The most suitable names for a November girl

When looking through suitable names for girls in November, focus not only on the euphony, but also on the meaning of the option you like. When a name carries love for people, honor or fun, it is worth taking a closer look at it.

We have collected the most popular names for girls born in the last autumn month into a kind of rating of female names, which is given below along with an explanation of what each of them means.

Pelagiasea ​​- GreekEndowed with a strong will and desire for success.
Decent and responsive.

He studies his chosen one for a long time before marriage: he loves stability in marriage.

Sandraprotector of people - lat.An independent and purposeful person.
Ironic, smart and charming; loves guests.

She loves attention to herself, but in the family she is gentle, patient and caring.

Vindictiveness makes itself felt long after the offense has been inflicted.

Sylvia, Ilya, Likaforest - lat.An active, sociable and independent girl prone to adventurism.
She is in love and does not tolerate loneliness.

She chooses her work by inspiration, like everything else in life: she needs pleasure in order to live.

Anastasiareborn, immortal - Greek.A kind, gentle girl who loves people and animals.
Loves to please: to work, to carry out orders; lazy due to a tendency to daydream.

A classic wife: weak externally, but unbending internally, a needlewoman, a caring mother.

Evangelinagood news - GreekHe has an analytical mind: he listens to others, but makes his own judgment.
She seems shy, but inside she is a volcano.

Completely devoted to the family, to the point of self-sacrifice, loves to play with children.

Alena, Helenshining, bewitching – Greek.Interested in the world: its structure, relationships between people, philosophy.
Cheerful, cheerful, but unsure of herself and this makes her touchy.

Loves change, can't stand boring life.

Angela, Angela, Aneliaangel, messenger - lat.Beautiful, mysterious, loves to stand out from the crowd.
Values ​​true friendship, even in marriage.

Closes down if he feels disrespected.

Irmaall-encompassing - germ.A passionate nature, thirsting for adventure, without thinking about the consequences.
Likes to order, but not to manipulate.

Loves traveling, hates housekeeping.

Margarita, Megan, Marjoriepearl - GreekStraightforward character, absolutely undiplomatic.
Strives for financial success, but does not devote his soul to work.

Has unconventional thinking, loves children; bravely defends them.

Olesya, Lesyaprotector, forest - glory.An eccentric, unpredictable girl, capable of doing dangerous things.
Strives to prove his superiority: chooses dangerous work, reaches the top in sports.

Home is her fortress; jealous of her husband, does not forgive betrayal.

Some names that are fashionable today for girls should not be given to babies born in November, so as not to aggravate the manifestations of negative character traits.

Such names include Alsou, Renata, Ilona.

Try to give your baby, born in November, a name that will make her a happy, successful woman in life and will fully reveal her potential. And in order to protect the newborn from life’s adversities, select a suitable heavenly protector at baptism.

In addition, the zodiac sign under which the girl was born is of considerable importance. After all, a certain star illuminates a person’s entire path, which is confirmed by astrologers.

What names are suitable?

Saints of different religions, including the Orthodox, believe that each name affects a person in its own way. In order to make their character more gentle and pleasant, it is recommended to give the following names to boys in November:

  • Maksim;
  • Artyom;
  • Ivan;
  • Sergey;
  • Victor;
  • Michael;

Celebrating men's name days in November, you can send boys good luck in life:

  • Eugene
  • Anton
  • Alexander
  • Denis
  • Andrey and others.

By giving these names to your son, you will help him in life by adding luck or gentleness in character.

General overview of names for girls born in November

Astrologers recommend calling girls beautiful, gentle, feminine names that can give the baby not only elegance, but also greatness and royal status.
Each name can be associated with historical figures, literary characters and imagine who the little one will be like when it grows up.

The best names for girls born in November:

Helena (name of the Grand Duchess), Cleopatra (Queen of Egypt), Diana (Goddess of the Hunt), Margarita (Master's beloved), Elizabeth (Queen of England), Olga (Princess), Vera (great silent film actress), Catherine (Empress), Anna (queen).

Saints for November. Names for newborn girls

According to ancient legend, a newborn is given the name of one of the saints or righteous people who were born on the same day. The saint whose name the child was named will help him throughout his life, protect him and guide him on the right path in life.

For those who believe, this ancient tradition is of great importance.

Third number

He gives the girl the name Pelageya, which is translated from Greek as “sea.” Pelageya also has something in common with the name Marina.

Fourth number

Elizabeth is a Hebrew name, translated as “she who believes in God, who honors Him.”

Theodosius is of Greek origin. Means “given by God, majestic.”

Glyceria is of Greek origin. Translated as “sweet, fragrant, tender.”

Anna is a Hebrew name. It says that a person brings grace.

Fifth number

It is represented by a single name – Euphrosyne, which can be translated from Greek as “great joy, joy”.

November 7

Here again are three beautiful female names:

  • Matronushka is an old Russian name. Means “noble, majestic lady.”
  • Karina - the name came from Greece. Literally translated as “impeccable, exquisite.”
  • Nastenka – translated from Greek as “Sunday, good news”.

Ninth number

The name for the Saints is Capitolina. Literally translated from Latin as “Capitolian”.

11th of November

Four wonderful names, some of which we are already familiar with. This is Annushka and Anastasia. The number is also represented by names:

Agafya - from Greek the translation sounds like “chaste, naive.”

Mary is a biblical name. Its meaning is “stubborn, sad, obstinate, bitter.”


Represented by the name Anastasia, as well as:

Helen is a Greek name. Translated as “beautiful, radiant, enlightened, chosen.”

Alyonushka is an old Gallic name, translated as “beloved”.

November 14

Names for babies according to the Saints:

  • Ulyana – “belonging to Julius” translated from Latin.
  • Julia is a Greek name meaning “curly, playful, homely.”
  • Name Elizabeth. Its interpretation was mentioned above.


Represented by one single name, Evdokia. Translated from Greek it means “incense”.

November, 17th

The Latin name is Victoria, which means “victor”.


Rich in bright, beautiful names:

  • Alexandra - from Greek is interpreted as “hunter, protector.”
  • Ninotchka is a Spanish name. Means “brave, sincere, dexterous girl.”
  • Olesya - the name came to us from Ukraine and is translated as “intercessor”.

November, 20th

This day is represented by the name Elizabeth.


The already mentioned name Matrona, as well as the name Theoktista, corresponds to it. Translated from Greek - “given by God, grace-filled.”

November 23

And again Annushka, Feoktista and Olga. The last name, if translated from Greek, will mean “holy, main, ideal, majestic.”


It is advisable to call newborn babies Karina.

November 27

According to the Saints, girls born on this day can be called by the Italian name Fedora. Which means “impeccable” in translation.

Saints names for girls in March

March 1: Valentine

March 2: Marianna, Nina

March 7: Evgenia, Paraskeva, Elizaveta, Irina, Varvara

March 11: Anna

March 13: Marina, Kira

March 14: Evdokia, Olga, Anna, Daria, Alexandra, Nadezhda, Antonina, Domna

March 15: Euphalia

March 17: Yulia, Ulyana

March 18: Iraida, Eulogia, Evlampia

March 19: Elena

March 20: Matryona, Maria, Evdokia, Ekaterina, Antonina, Nadezhda

March 22: Natalia, Alexandra

March 23: Vasilisa, Nika, Galina, Fedora, Anastasia

March 26: Christina

March 30: Marina

The most unusual November names for girls

Finally, I would like to share statistical data on the unusual names given by the parents of the bewitched November babies:

Autumn, Zukhra, Revolution, Aurora, Yulduz, Dinara, November, Stalin, Tsarina.

These are the unusual female names found in November, and in any other month of the year.

Parents need to remember that a child with an unusual name will have to live, go to kindergarten, school, and move around in society.

Now you know what the best female names are for November. As you can see, there is plenty to choose from. The main thing is to remember that you need to take this seriously, as this is for life!

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